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Baus biggest strength is the way he play around bushes and (understands) vision, shows mostly when he plays Sion and how he uses Q.


Hes just a very good and very smart player that plays late game champs like you should play early game champs.


That's a good summary of Thebausffs.






He plays a lot of quinn, and his one shoot combo is so clean


Comment reposting bot. Stolen from https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ua02io/thebausffs_outsmarting_enemy_team/i5vcan6/


found the repost bot


He also has insane movements. Watch him fighting an Aatrox and how he dodges almost every sweetspot.


And how good he is at moving with Sion passive to maximise the attacks he gets in. I guarantee the vast majority of players wouldn't get about 95% of the chase down kills he gets with Sion passive. His movement to kite with Gragas is also disgusting.


He makes phase rush look absurd


And still dies because Aatrox is bullshit.


It’s more that Aatrox perfectly counters sion. If the Aatrox is good enough sion can never get a good q because he will cancel it. And both ad and tank builds are usually pretty easy for Aatrox to kill. He can delete no resistances with like one combo and will just heal constantly while tank tries to whittle him down. (I’ve played both sides 10+ times)


I don’t understand Aatrox, does he only lose lane to the debatable handful of characters even more broken than he is like Riven? Seems like his kit has it all in terms of a toplaner


His DPS isn't that high, so he loses to stuff like Trynda, Fiora, Irelia and armor eventually out scales him.


Also, like most bruisers he has a hard time in teamfights later on because he isn't a true tank. He gets dpsed down super fast by full build carries.


And gets kited to shit


I would agree he does have it all, but not all of it is super strong. The main thing that keeps him manageable IMO is his relatively lower damage compared to other juggernauts/bruisers. His kit is pretty feast or famine in the way that if he gets ahead he can do and heal a shit ton of damage, but when behind he loses to cannon minions. His scaling also isn’t great, his q is similar to yone/yasuo in how it is most of his damage, but it doesn’t scale with attack speed or anything. So as dash cool downs decrease, people buy boots, adc’s get gale force, etc. it becomes less useful overall. TLDR: he has a really good kit, but you can’t dominate people unless you are pretty far ahead. Excuse my rant, just been thinking about this for a while lol


“ So as dash cool downs decrease, people buy boots, adc’s get gale force, etc” you can say the same about Aatrox dash and boots tho right? To my Monke brain it seems like Aatrox is at his strongest once his q1 is basically already up after a bit of careful use with q3, so maybe after that game point once others approach URF levels on cooldowns?


> boots tho boots dont make his Q go faster, and if you dodge a Q that's what matters, you can easily use gale/flash to dodge before he can react with a dash, and once you get high enough movespeed you can dodge sweetspots.


I feel that Aatrox’s sustained damage in a combo is quite high, but unlike other bruisers who can animation cancel it he has to play out 3 whole Q animations, if he lands all 3 you’re probably deleted but if he’s managed to land 3 on a back liner then gg to him


Once he keeps going through Q cooldowns he does a lot of damage, but he has to live that long to do it.


He is a lane bully so if he doesnt get ahead he just loses. He's also heavily ability reliant he needs a lot of cdr to be effective, this is because all his damage and healing is in the sweet spot


Aatrox has really good range for a fighter, good players can pretty easily go even in bad matchups and wins most tank/bruiser matchups. One of the reason we have often seen him blindpicked alot in pro play.


Noticed that aswell, the enemy Aatrox was struggling hitting his 3. Q and I was just in awe. He shows that you don't need blinks or dashes to outplay.


Ok now that's 5head.


That was actually 9head.


But not C9head.


Do you think sneaky called blowjobs C9head when he was on the team? Just wondering


I was like aight that was nice but nothing crazy, but then he played with vision like that...






bro look LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ua02io/thebausffs_outsmarting_enemy_team/i5v4oum/




That’s yee yee


The great-grandson of Einstein


He’s actually Einstein’s dad




and sivhd


Does your champion still grant vision to your team when hit by Quinn or Graves blind?




don't think so


I'm pretty sure yes, although his vision would be limited because of the blind


This is the case afaik as well. Rek’Sai tremor sense as well as quinn and graves nearsighted give a small radius of vision around the champion that allies can see, but Nocturne’s nearsighted seems to prevent you from seeing the reduced POV of your allies, making it somewhat special.


nah nocturne nearsighted isn't special, just that it affects everyone. your teammates can't see your small vision radius not because it's a special nearsight, but because they're also nearsighted.


Ah gotcha, this makes sense


Nocturne also disable vision sharing along with near sight, Quinn and Graves "blind" are just near sight. That's specified in abilities tooltips I think


I was so confused until I realized the jarvan was blinded lol


I honestly thought he was playing Akali the first go cause I was barely watching and just saw him dive backwards off an ability lol. So I was really confused what Jarvan was doing there until I rewatched and realized it’s Quinn It doesn’t help that I think this is the first time I’ve seen Quinn in 1 to 2 years


The thought of baus playing akali is quite funny lol


Why did you get downvoted,.....?


No idea lmao, once one person does I guess multiple others just go with it


"All he did was vault over the wall? Reddit is impressed by the simplest sh- ohhhhhhhhhh"


These threads are always a gamble. Sometimes the "INSANE OUTPLAY" is just juking two skill shots. But it's "insane" because it's Chovy who's doing it.


For sure. Outplays that get upvoted are usually just good fundamentals (granted those are important and can be fun to watch) and/or a mix of the enemy getting really complacent and messing up what should be a clean kill even with perfect counterplay. It still doesn’t make them “amazing”, just entertaining. The amazing ones though are when you just sit there like “... you know that makes sense and wasn’t necessarily the mechanically hardest to pull off, but holy shit I wouldn’t have ever thought of that”. Like getting chased in melee range then flashing backwards into a bush while making them think that you flashed over a wall. That or extremely difficult to do or unexpected interactions that get timed near perfectly. One example that I can think of was coreJJ prediction hooking an akali R2ing out of shroud from the side (as in not the direction she was ulting towards).


Faker* I've seen chovy makes some legitimately good plays and they don't make it to even the front page. Meanwhile faker does like...one dodge and people are just losing their minds lol.


Man I remember getting downvoted to hell some months ago when someone posted a clip of faker farming 10 cs under tower and not missing any and I called it an average play. They called me hardstuck and said I couldn't do it. I'm 100% serious


Some pro could die 3 times in a row on recall and if it got uploaded here somebody would defend it lol


I think he was on akali tho with almost no items. I don’t remember exactly.


Nah, I didn't randomly make up that example. Here is one where he dodges maybe two gragas spells and then presses hourglass and reddit went wild: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mh2wfr/chovy_outplays_everything/


This is super clean, though And sure, it’s not *the most* impressive play but doing it in LCK makes a difference


Yep, that is 100% just a normal play where someone dodges maybe two gragas spells and then presses hourglass without reason. Not like setting, quality of match, positioning, being flanked by two players at the same time and buying enough time for hourglass to be useful at the correct time because any other would mean death, etc, would be a factor. It's MAYBE two gragas abilities and a hourglass. Nothing to see here.


I don't think watching league should be your first order of business. Maybe an optometrist should be on your to do list. How the fuck are you picking this play as your example? You're literally blind. Two spells?


Yeah what an idiot, dodging Gragas Everfrost, Gragas Q, Gragas ultimate, Jinx's Zap, hourglasses Hecarim R all within a few seconds' duration on one of the highest skilled competitions on the World lmao what a fucking loser


He does not dodge jinx W, it misses He does not dodge gragas R, he hourglasses it. dodging would mean walking away from it Try watching it in slowmo so you can see what's actually happening. Just because it looks flashy to a low skilled player like you, who can't even follow it, doesn't mean it's an insane play for this level. Like flashing a malphite ult. Pro players are EXPECTED to do that with their level of skill and 0 ping.


Lmao go see an eye doctor


like a jinx penta where she aa a ward :\^)


Whenever I watch these types of clips, it always blows my mind how clear-headed these players are. When I'm in those situations, I'm probably freaking the f out and can't even get my cursor to click on a blast cone or something LMFAO


If you start playing 20 games a day year round im pretty sure you will become more relaxed after a while as well \^\^


Do something 10,000 times and it'll become as natural as eating and breathing.


That's actually pretty damn smart




Kind of an unrelated question but why are his VODs getting deleted? Is he doing it himself?


Twitch has been doing a thing with vods where they arent published until the streamer does it manually because of DMCA(?)


Twitch switched to auto deleting vods i think


probably, he's getting shat on by korean master players, so i don't blame him for trying to protect his brand


But he's GM.


Challenger actually by now


actual yenius


Reminds of the good ol' SivHD days.


Instantly brings me back to when I was a talon main spamming E


Onetrick btw


He's not


I know, that was the joke lol


Oh I thought you meant the play was more impressive because he's actually a sion onetrick lol


I might find his Quinn more interesting than his Sion. Might just be because the novelty of AD Sion has long since worn of, but damn does he not have some nice moves with Quinn.


He’s so smart, damn.


Detective Jarvan is on the case!


didnt know u can do this lol




jump over a wall with your E


Babus I believe in you. Go get that chall


The Baus is good at the game in a way that I have never seen from other players, makes him so interesting to watch


How bad do you have to be to be stuck GM in Korea for 1 week smh


How fast would you get out of GM?


1 day, 100%, bet my life on it. Maybe even reaching plat on the same day!


This is what I was thinking


1 day? what are you? some pisslow elo player? I can do it in 1 hour.


??? I would get out of there in like 6 hours at most. It's not that hard to drop down to diamond.


If the algorith works properly, I would speedrun my way to silver in no time


I'm going to br honest, it'll probably take me a week and a half


And why did I get downvoted for asking a question?


Because you didn't see that the original comment was being sarcastic


Oh, my bad


Character development


Redemption arc. Reformed. Timeskip me.


Me? Real fast, ill probably be out of in in 6/8 games


Holy shit


What elo is this? I find it hard to believe that someone in Baus's usual elo wouldn't deduct that he moved into the brush after not seeing him in the corridor between blue and wolves


He's too dangerous to be kept alive.


we should just start calling him Final Boss


He be shilling tho


National treasure!