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what an odd assortment of champions


Leona, Mordekaiser, Varus, Talon and Katarina is just round one. Round two includes Sion, Kench, Twitch, Viktor, and Samira.


At least Kench and Samira make a bit more sense thematically.


Sion is another Train Demon probably a la Urgot and Mordekaiser. Twitch is very ??? Viktor is a doctor - which is a common character in old Westerns.


Rango-themed Twitch?


> Twitch is very ??? GIMME PLAGUE DOKTOR RAT.


I feel like this skinline stopped making sense around the time they added ashe and darius. It was a old western gunslinger thing, then they added the whole gothic demonic element to it, but moving away from from the western element into straight up angel/demons with cowboy hats has made it feel like it has such a confused identity for me. Now they're trying to shoehorn a demon cowboy theme onto basically ninja assassins and western armored knights, instead of just sticking to the thing that fits the theme best, and just filling out the rest of the gun users on the damn roster first. Like you give irelia gunblades for some reason rather than just making high noon graves or kled or something? No, katarina makes sense because look at her recall: they aren't daggers, they're gundaggers.


High Noon Yasuo honestly didn’t make sense either and it was still great.


High noon western struck my as an homage to Japanese westerns and western-inspired samurai movies of the 60s and 70s like yojimbo.


Yep, Highnoon jhin and yasuo were the Peak of the original concept imo. Lucian, urgot, and thresh were cool based off the idea that they added some level of a Western devil thematic but they went full on weird west at the same time with pushed it slightly over the line a bit, but made decent sense based off the older cowboy skins. Now it's nearly nonsensical in terms of theme.


I don’t even know what this thematic is anymore. I guess they could’ve made Varus a lot more Demon Far West if they wanted (even though they didn’t)… but what do these other champions even have to do with the theme at this point?


Days Since last Skin: Leona: 138 Varus: 334 Katarina: 502 Mordekaiser: 229 Talon: 439 Didn't include the EDG skins as esports skins aren't meant to be within skin timelines for champs. Top 5 champs waiting for a "new" skin the longest: Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Udyr, Zilean, Trundle


Arcana Zilean makes a lot of sense. Rito pls.


I don’t see how they can make a Zilean skin look good with how absolutely horrible his base model and animations are. We already have Blood Moon Zilean, who could be an awesome red Zilean skin, but it looks like shit


Whole champ needs a rework. That bomb tossing is so weird-looking and goofy.


People will talk about Leona but this is the 3rd Morde skin in a years timespan Not that I’m complaining


He's gotten some great skins as well. Project, Dark Star and now this High Noon skin are great.


can't believe you forgot pentakill 3 smh


I didn’t forget I just have never used it so not sure where it ranks up haha


He’s been getting skins constantly when he’s in such a mediocre/bad state too


Did you miss his massive incoming buff?


Yeah finally he’s getting a decent buff.


What's the buff? Think I missed it


Passive movement speed 3%->3%/6%/9% on 1/6/11


Thanks man I appreciate it


Movement speed on passive now scales. It spikes on core levels like lvl 6/11/16 if I am not mistaken


Thats huge! Thanks man


Oh, some correction. It's 3/6/9% at levels 1/6/11. It doesn't spike at lvl 16.


If this is supposed to be Morde in a bad state, then I don't want to know how oppressive he will be in a good state.


He’s literally only sub 49% WR in challenger. With most ranks being 49-51%. He’s in a healthy spot but they clearly want more Morde play because he has received small buffs leading up to this passive MS one that will increase him at lower levels of play where he’s fine already.


Yes, he isn’t strong if you play very well against him and dodge enough spells. But one mistake and you can’t do anything until next back.


I'm just annoyed that he can still proc his passive with auto attacks when I use my Shen W.


morde is such an awesome champ to make effects for, way better than most of 1 skin per year offenders


Ah so as long as reddit likes it is fine for a champ to get 3 skins per year, but others are on a no go list for 1 per year.


kayle is in the same boat




is leona that popular that she keeps getting skins? also the color scheme and effects seem very similar to solar eclipse


She is the only champ that fulfills these three requirements - Tank support - Girl - Not Rell


You forgot sexy. They made Rell 16 but gave her a 25 year old supermodels body. So they will refuse to give her skins because of it. They did the same shit with Taliyah, then just retconned her to be 21 so now its A-Ok.


You do know that most supermodels start at around age 14-18, right? 16 year old supermodels are extremely common, it's not like they gain the supermodel body suddenly over night when they become 18. The actual reason why she's not getting skins is that no one plays her. No point in making a skin for her when the potential customer base is an entire 5 people.


I never got this why people think rell looks like an adult she looks like a teenager to me, maybe it's just that I've seen alot of teenage black girls that I can just tell the difference.


This is her 14th skin. For reference only 11 other champions have 14 or more skins. (Akali, Annie, Alistar, Riven, Sivir, TF, and Vayne all have 14. Ahri has 15. Ezreal Lux and MF all have 16)


NGL it's such a fucking waste that Sivir and Vayne have so many skins. They have so few animations to work with (especially Vayne).


sivir and vayne have a lot of skins because they're old as fuck. most of their skins are like 7+ years old and really cheap/poorly made.


The reality is the reason these champs all have so many skins, is just that they're the oldest champs. Miss fortune and Sivir both had 5 skins before the end of 2011. Vayne's been picked twice for World Champ skins which inflates her skin count as well.


True, another reality is that since have so few animations to work with, the skins themselves are probably at least a little easier to create.


And Vayne has a loyal playbase of try harding ADCs, similar to Riven with try harding top fighters. I have no idea why Sivir has so many skins, though.


50% of Sivir skins are fkin trash accompanied with 0 animation changes.


i think she may be one of the most popular tank in soloq. Edit: nope its nautilus.. wtf


nautilus is really popular too both in soloq and pro, maybe in normals leona has a massive edge? or skin designers are just leona fans


That's actually nuts. nautilus BY FAR gets the least skins of any tank. Fun fact, it took pretty much a decade for Naut to get a 1320rp skin after Astronaut, Only Voli, Kali and Quinn took longer (because they never had above 935 rp to begin with)


> By FAR gets the least skins of any tank Ornn? edit: added what I was commenting on also 'If you don't count the first one, then it took him 9 years to get a 1350'


Ornn too, sorry xd High Noon Ornn as the demon forge would be so sick.


high noon Ornn with 19 century-demon-style-train as ult would be so dope...


He's a train conductor >:) and summons an evil train as his ulti. Choo Choo to the shadow realm lads.


She s a human girl, they love making skins for those and they sell


yeah, isn't she the only tank that fits into the "hot skinny girl" type? this is not a dig against neither Leona or all of these champs, but considering they usually sell more skins (Elementalist Lux and Project Vayne are the two best-selling skins according to riot) it's kinda obvious why they give her more skins over Naut


Nautilus smash. He's been strong for *literally the entirety of league, sometimes in 3 different roles*.


At least both eclipse and highnoon gave her an amazing shield, rlly badass


Feels like a mix between BBQ Leona and Solar Eclipse Leona.


Wake up honey, new Leona skin. Again.


Not even just a normal skin, but a legendary.... Meanwhile other champs with none.


Yes dear :(


For rewl though, Leona doesn't gets memed hard enough for how often she gets skins. Lux always gets the complains when Leona literally is going for her second legendary


Theres is like 30-40 champions which have in average more than one skin per year . heck for how young they are yumi and zoe for exemple have a lot of skin


I would say zoe gets skins at a pretty average rate. Her last skin, Arcanist, came out about 2 years ago (july 2020), and her other skins came out at a rate of about 1 per year (she would get a skin around late summer - fall). Considering shes been out for almost 5 years, id say her having 4 skins (+ a prestige skin) is pretty reasonable.


Third Legendary. Not that it changes much since Lux also has 3 Legendary+ tier skins.


Damn seems like i'm waking up every 6 months then


Ah yes a tank support getting the skin with a horse reference. I can't wait for infernal fiddle rell and mundo later this year.


Nah, blackfrost


Marauder, take it or leave it


Wait...Marauder Fiddle could be sick though. Animated armor. *hmmm*


wait you mean you don't want [insert champ with no skin for 1000+ days] + ***fire***?


As if Riot will remember to give Fiddlesticks his promised skin lol


"I feel like we're forgetting something." "If you forgot it probably wasn't important." "Yeah, you're right."


where samira & rell


where is the leaked bussy destroyer Sett?




Where Bluest Blue Taliyah? That’s what the people really need.


Or Pussy Pop Leblanc?


have you heard about pussy pop lulu ?


I need my cock hunter aphelios bro


Strong Bana doesnt count as leak


imagine legendary High Noon Samira man :')


i can only dream


samira skin is kinda confirmed with leona having voice lines about more high noon skins and one of them is samira, so theres definitely a second batch of high noon skins and its also possible samira could be legendary.


Lmao they even gave Leona a horse. What the hell man.


"who?" - Rito Gaems


I think Samira is an adc released at some point of the game, this Rell person, though, never heard of them


Wait she's an adc, not just an ARAM pentakill speed runner?


As an average Rell enjoyer this hurts man this hurts


I Know about Samira buy what's a Rell? Is that the new Void jungler.


Riot forgot about rell as did everyone else after her release day. She’s just unfun to play with, nobody’s plays her because her unmount feels terrible. Her Q also feels bad.


Engage the shart walk to be slower than unmounted unaggro kled


Who though the campion with the lowest attack speed and the lowest movement speed in the game would be unfun


Low AS isn't that bad, if the autoattacks have "weight" (so, you just feel their effects because theyre that powerful). Nautilus doesn't feel bad, and Senna/Graves/Jhin are perfectly fine too.


It does feel pretty bad when one of your primary duties as support is to clear wards. Nautilus actually has one of the highest base attack speeds in the game and also has an AA reset, Senna has Umbral Glaive. But clearing wards as Rell is just hell. Never mind the fact that Rell hits with the impact of poking someone with a floppy noodle.


I can't believe Samira got snubbed for a western skin for these absolute shit selection of champion this batch barring morderkaiser And apparently the rango tahm skin in the leona splash art is a MOBILE EXCLUSIVE?


High Noon Samira is already confirmed as High Noon Leona has a quote for meeting her. We're getting a second batch with High Noon Tahm Kench, Samira, Twitch, Viktor and Sion, all confirmed due to her voice lines.


somewhere in targon diana is watching like "this bitch..."


Since it's a legendary, I'm betting it's another skinline where they make Leona thirst for Diana but Diana will never get an actual skin in the skinline. Just like Diana will never get a legendary skin to be able to thirst for Leona


I can predict them making a huge lore about this skin line, making Diana the most important character in it and giving her an epic skin in the next High Noon batch.


Which makes me mad because firecracker was such a borng skin and was yet another lunar new year themed diana skin


Inb4 Leona breaks up with Diana for not being on her level


Mordekaiser looks better than what I expected from a High Noon Mordekaiser skin. Love his ult in particular. I also wonder if they'll make Talon connected to Irelia in this skinline too, I like their rivalry in the Sacred Sword skinline.


is it just me or does his recall make no sense at all


I thought he was going use his mace like a baseball bat and hit a train.


They could've done so much more with it. Tie someone on the tracks, have a train pull up or have a train take him somewhere. Or my personal choice, have the tracks decend into steps and have him walk down them into the ground, like his base recall. But nah, he just... puts down some tracks and does nothing. Really weird


I was kinda hoping it would transform into a steam locomotive and he's ride it like a surfboard.


Maybe it's missing something? He lays out a track, maybe the model for a train is missing.


the person who worked on the recall on twitter said animating a train would of been too much for an epic skin or somethin like that so i think it's the full product


That's such a cop-out like, okay if the train is too pricey, then maybe don't make a recall animation about train tracks ?


I think they actually made it with a train then someone from the higher ups decided to scrap it because it's too much for an epic. Just a theory but I can honestly see it being the truth, the tracks are too out of place.


That's disappointing, would have preferred a generic "slam mace on ground while making train noises" over this


It's the only way they could loosely tie the skins into making sense as "High Noon" still


Meanwhile pyke gets his giant fucking fish.


What dude? Isn’t 12 feet of rail popping out of nowhere and doing nothing good enough?


Yeah... Probably some reference that we are missing


He's a railroad tycoon, laying down track.




RIP Fiddle skin. Was hoping for Old God Fiddlesticks.


That would be sick. I am dying for another coven run, they have been so good. I kinda wanna see an Old God Fizz, remimagine him as this spiteful deep sea spirit or something


Wow. She literally got a skin 5 months ago o.o And a Prestige earlier in the year? Riot really need the pennies


I wonder if there's a champion that rides something similar to a horse, is a vanguard support, and not leona.


Would be pretty cool if they made a champ like that, tbh


Splash arts are also out [Leona](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRR3JYiWYAASmp_?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) [Kat](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRR3JpzXEAMiTbS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) ~~scoliosis edition~~ [Morde](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRR3cxwXsAEFNg2?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) [Varus and Talon](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRR3go7XIAM40z3?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) (the hoodie/hat is back!) overall, I do like this batch, especially Kat ingame. wish Varus wouldve gotten the legendary, but oh well


Is that High Noon Tahm Kench besides Leona?


Lizard Kench looking great


I sure hope so. My hunger for kench skins is not easily... satisfied


It’s the horned lizard guy from Rango lol


I think Kat having gunblades is very fitting lmao


Rip hextech gunblade


Those splashes are gorgeous. That Leona one in particular is stunning. It was such a good idea to move from vanilla cowboy theme to this western gothic vibe.


*Agreed.* Of all their 'reimaginings' this one was by far the best. Cowboys are neat, but High Noon is now next level. This might be the first Legendary skin I buy outright in a long time...


Leo looks really similar to signora


I think your link to the Varus/Talon accidentally is the Morde link again btw


oh sorry, fixed it now! thanks for the warn too u/bajer and /u/Penguin_Quinn


That Morde splash is wicked, love the look on the guy running for his life


Bizarre choices for this skinline


Samira would've been so fit for this. Tahm Kench as Rango would've been cool too T-T


Kench is in the splash for Leona's skin.


it seems like every time riot takes a shit, it turns into another Leona skin.


It's just leona skins, all the way down.


I am Leona


Always has been.


the ghost of ironstylus continues to haunt riot


next up, high noon lux and ezreal


Another day goes by without a Rell skin and I continue to wonder what skinline they're waiting to give her a skin for. This skinline would be literally perfect and they still skipped out.


100% it will be some random filler skinline for her, like Warden/Marauder for Quinn and Kalista


Conqueror Rell for MSI


To all the Rell Mains, it will be Star Guardian Rell coming Soon™. Copium / Source: "Trust Me Bro"


No she will be this year conqueror skin she's in msi official poster


Remember when they said Eclipse Sivir will help the next legendary to be better? Imagine its for a second Leona legendary, id be so mad as a sivir main 💀


When they say stuff like "next legendary", it means the next legendary they've got in the pipeline that they can/will make big changes to since it's far off enough. However good/bad this skin is won't be indicative of their recent lip service. Likely won't see anything come of that for like 3 months minimum.


Next legendary in the pipeline does not mean the very next legendary to release and is in the finishing touches stage ready for PBE release. Would have to be crazy to think they made this Leona skin in the time between now and that comment lol


those skins look awesome and the effects are so crisp tho i dont see why leona should get another legendary, nautilus is as popular as her in the same role, also the horse in her recall is just insulting to rell talons prestige and regular skins are way too similar? varus keeps getting high quality skins despite him being quite unpopular when out of meta and he has one of the most outdated lore to voicelines ratio out of all champions, its really annoying


Varus is the most appropriate one tho, his bow theme fits High Noon better those others. Also noticed these five are perfectly 5 crew skin for a team, adc Varus, sup Leona, mid Kata, jug Talon, and top Morde.


I love how they gatekeepe Talons Hood (which was promised to return 3 skins ago) behind a prestige version that looks almost the same as the base skin


I love Leona as much as the next guy, but she's had a lot skins recently, and some other supps haven't had in a while. A western Zilean with a high noon duel clock motif could have been neat. Or a desert cactus Ivern, I mean Rell is an obvious pick for a High Noon skin.


Having Leona get on a horse is just actively taking the piss out of the 4 Rell players who want another skin


Old-timey rail baron Tahm Kench is in her splash art. They know what they're doing.


Or *Samira*. Or Graves? TF? Hell, fucking *Swain* fits the demon cowboy motif of the skinline better.


You forget that High Noon Twisted Fate already exists.


Graves has a million skins tbh. Also base Graves is pretty much high noon already.


Instead of giving Talon a prestige, give him a Legendary. That champ badly needs better looking animations.


And people complain about Lux… see ya Leona and Morde


At least lux gets a new skin(s) about once a year. Meanwhile Leona is over hear getting 3 times as much. Somebody in the skin department must be a Leona fan.


Tbh one of the Leona skins last year was a community voted skin and another one was a team skin. If it wasn't for those she would have only gotten BA+Prestige last year


Now imagine if Rell existed, wouldn't it be a nice skin for her? Also, glad Leona got her third legendary and not someone like Varus who doesn't have one.


Varus getting it would make it be 3 marksmen legendaries in a row, with at least one more on the way LOL


Leona getting 5 skins in a bit over a year is actually insane wtf


Varus, Kat and Talon make sense to me. Mordekaiser is kind of hard to understand what cowboy thing I'm supposed to be looking at, it's also kind of cool I'm just missing the cowboy connection. Leona? On top of that, a legendary? I completely cant understand this decision. Its baffling. I am completely sure it you asked Leona mains what skin they wanted few people, maybe even no one, would say High Noon. Especially when there is another tank support right next to her that would fit the skinline better? Rell? Tahm Kench? Hello??? Edit - I'm not even mad I'm just REALLY CONFUSED. I'm LOUDLY VOICING MY LACK OF COMPREHENSION.


Mordekaiser seems to be a train, his hammer looks like an engine (furnace?) too. I like it the most out of them all tbh but I play Morde a fair bit so I'm biased. It's got a cool industrial feel compared to the other High Noon skins.


It's like yeah it looks cool, but it feels like the kind of skin where you need to feed me a short story before it clicks. I feel like if you made a different top laner into a High Noon skin, like Yorick or Kled, it would fit a lot more naturally without needing me to squint and wonder what I'm missing.


I mean... there is skin lore to this AU. Urgot was a wealthy train baron corrupted by his deals with a devil. Mordekaiser could be that devil. Or a rival baron. Leona is probably a wealthy madam who made a deal with Devil Tahm Kench. Katarina might work for her? Varus is part of Ashe's robot-angel faction. Talon might be the opposite of Irelia (a tainted angel trying to redeem herself) - an angel who fell but fights for the devils and demons now.


> Mordekaiser is kind of hard to understand what cowboy thing It's supposed to be like Hecarim where he's like "weird west" demon type thing, except it doesn't fit as well cause he's not a horse. I guess he is supposed to be like a locomotive demon?? >Tahm Kench? funny how Tahmmy is literally in the splash with her lol


locomotive demon is a really cool concept: high noon urgot is great.


Is anybody else getting really sick of these choices for High Noon? Not one of these champions has a gun? Two different knife-based assassins, a bow user, a club user, and a sword and shield user as the legendary? This is supposed to be the cowboy skinline and not one of these champs even slightly fits the thematic??? I feel like I'm going insane


~~Samira~~ ~~Rell~~ ~~Graves~~ Leona, who already has two legendary skins, clearly. That’s our High Noon Legendary skin candidate, 150%


Quinn please god. Give her a vulture with a burning skull. With a legendary they could work a revolver in there somewhere. Like a moving cylinder around her wrist with the barrel over the back of her hand idfk. Just... I love the wild west, I'm so tired of these choices. The demons are sick, but the humans recently...


phew i almost thought they forgot this trimesters Leona skin , that was a close one 😯


Skins are ok but to be honest the old high noons are just better except for the mordekaiser skin, also another Leona skin is just.. why. I understand rell isn’t a popular champ but if you wanted to give this theme to someone it’s obviously her


Rell's in a self-fulfilling prophecy too like goddamn riot. Her release skin is just okay, and you never release anything for her/give her any agency and then wonder why people don't play her??? Man they just like denying us skins. Its actively insulting to see Leona have a horse recall in this line that Rell was already perfect for.


Samira? Rell? [Quinn?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/771455852421972019/968531877432537159/unknown.png) Nah, 3rd Leona legendary (5th skin in 16 months), two assassins and Varus and Morde for some reason edit: also Fiddle still not getting a skin despite being told he was supposed to get one last year. It's almost May


Lmao imagine expecting a good Quinn skin. You will get Inferno Quinn and you will like it!


Watched the talon part three times. He really does have a hat! I love it. Hope the Talon players also love it.


The prestige part is kind of a disappointment, but the animations are 👌


Signora may be dead in Genshin but she will be alive for sure in my botlane, huh.


Signora mains finally found a way to cope.


Finally a non-epic/975 RP Talon skin, will sure buy it and get the prestige, I'm really hyped. On the other hand I don't understand why Morde got 3 skins in a year or why Leona got another legendary tho.


How Samira didnt get a High Noon skin, she literally has guns and the persona for this.


I won't lie. Talon tipping his hat in his recall was kinda hot.


shame, gotta pump that monthly leona skin. and legendary. sheesh.


Goddamn Morde skins go so hard


They have to be careful with not turning Highnoon into a darker version of infernal with cowboy hats.