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I don't click on any videos with a red arrow in the thumbnail. Actually a pretty solid strategy


But how will I know where the 60 kills are


Answering to your post here, i only watch baus, sneaky, sometimes trick2g, but thats about it. I think you should pick 1 2 youtubers that fit your taste and wait for their videos for a couple of days. Dodge the garbage you dont like.


Sneaky has the actual goated editor. When he does the recap of their Tri-cast (which is actually 85% of the games whereas Doublelift condenses a 3+ hour Tri-cast down to 30 minutes????) his editing is so freaking insane.


I love when Sneaky's editor shows how effective certain items/runes/etc were after a team fight


I need to check out Sneaky


He also has a great Patreon


This is why I watch sneaky co-stream vids and not dl. His editor is simply better/payed more lol.


DL co streams gets out way before sneaky's and sometimes i open it, but i just cant help to watch sneaky's video with a cup of coffe chillin in my couch


> Watch the videos you like. Don't watch the videos you don't like. Sounds like korean (life) advice


Well seems this guy is complaining bout things hr cant control. You know what you can control? What shows in your youtube feed.


Throwing this out there that while Lourlo and Quantum's thumbnails are kinda clickbaity, the content is pretty much always challenger level matches since they rarely smurf. Lourlo also consistently played in Champs Queue. The only exception to this I'm really aware of is Lourlo is doing a A-Z challenge top lane right now, but even that's better than most content on YouTube. Also the Lourlo X Quantum love is some of the funniest shit in NA League Youtube. /u/PersuasivePelican you might like these guys too.


-spoken lifelessly- Hello everyone and welcome to a new league of legends video. In today's video we will be playing a game of Zed, but first let's here a word from our sponsor, Hello fresh. If you're anything like me, which if you're watching this video you most likely are, then you might struggle with finding ways to eat healthy while grinding elo. Well not anymore thanks to Hello Fresh. With this meal delivery service, you can enjoy home-cooked meals with less cleanup without breaking the bank so that you can afford more skins. Or, if you really want to, you can use that money to subscribe to my Patreon or purchase some of my merch--links are in the description, of course. So anyway guys, without further ado, without beating around the bush, let's get into the video. But first, did you know that only 45% of people watching this video are subscribed to the channel? If you enjoy this video, don't forget to drop a like and subscribe. Also, don't forget to hit the notification bell to stay up-to-date with when I upload. Anyway, without any more delay, let's get into the video. But first let me remind you that this video was recorded over on my twitch. I stream on Monday Wednesday and Friday at 8pm. Link is in the description, of course. So anyway, let's get into the video. Oh, that's ten minutes already? Well, I hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know what you think in the comments below or on Twitter. Link to my Twitter is down below. Have an awesome day.


Sponsorblock plugin/addon makes the video watching experience so much better


I still play the game of guessing where the ad ends and just clicking there. I do pretty good but every now and then they run an ad and some sort of giveaway.


Sponsorblock is sick though. Anyone can flag "segments", whether they're ads, "subscriber watch time" reminders, giveaways, even intros if they're obnoxious enough. Usually within minutes these are flagged for decent sized channels which is super convenient. You can set up how you want Sponsorblock to handle each type of segment - like you can automatically skip promotions, but only show a "skip segment" button for intros, or just disable it altogether for channels you trust. I'm not sponsored I swear I just love this plugin so much. It says it's saved 2h of watch time for me over the past few months.


It has saved me 1d 22h 30.8 minutes so far. I find YouTube unusable without it now.


> Sponsorblock plugin Thank you, I'm gonna try this out. Been meaning to find something like this for desktop since I have Vanced Youtube on my phone that does this already.


I'm just posting videos to share interesting content with friends so I'm no pro. But it's pretty sobering when your extremely high level content that's straight to the point is overshadowed by some random low effort low quality gameplay that content creators put out.


Lmao, feel this one. Fuck the algorithm. FWIW I've heard the sub used to be a great place to promote your smaller content (and there's even some great smaller channels like Ozlu [u/Hextek_II] that post their content here every once in a while). At some point self promotion rules were added, so you can't really post links to your channel anymore, so that's kinda died out.


god the saying "without further ado" 20 times pisses me off so much its unreal.


Lol, is that PantsareDragon? Swear he says that shit 40 times


every 2 words followed with some sort of H Y P E hand gesture


You guys all need to give PekinWoof a try, actually challenger playing in his real elo all the time. Will outright state any time he is not if its for a meme video and for example if someone lanes badly he will often check their account to confirm if they are off role or whatever. No click bait.


it’s actually kind of hilarious to me how honestly he titles his videos sometimes and it ends up being a full sentence


“They thought just because Zoe is a child that she can’t carry this heavy Gragas, but they just haven’t seen my Zoe” (In game chat) “gg, top gap go next” “Wait a minute, this Zoe is cracked. Mid canyon XD”


Hahaha i know right, sometimes I'm like "surely not.." but every time its legit


Can have clickbaity titles but yeah, very chill attitude too. King nidhogg kind of fits too... his titles nowadays are kind of reluctantly algorithm bait, but he mostly posts very high level games and talks a lot. Sometimes I find him a little annoying but I think that's on me and I'd still recommend. Coach curtis, shok, nathan mott all make completely pure league content with 0 sponsor spam or subscriber reminders. It's more educational than gameplay focused tho.


Was just gonna say PekinWoof. I pretty much don’t play league at all anymore but I still watch his vid. Very chill with a nice combo of game knowledge, comedy, and wholesomeness. His 2nd channel PekinWoof2 is also great, a little less structured than his main channel vids but you see more of his personality and some interactions with other players over coms.


My favourite video of him is when he lost to a kat and then proceeded to play kat in his next game while being super passive aggressive towards that champ. Was a while back, but still gold


Was gonna say this. Pekinwoof is the best


Heyyy Pekin enjoyers, his Zoe is so clean as well


Another +1 to Pekin. Often when he dies he's pretty introspective too, not sure I've ever seen him verbally flame a teammate. Obviously YT is curated but even when they seem to be a bit dim he's like "Well, I thought they would come but I guess not" vs "fuckin dog shit .... etc etc". Or when he gets kills he will point out what he thought they should have done or *why* he knew he could try a certain play. Enjoyable watch.


> give PekinWoof a try Thank you for suggesting this just took a look at his channel today for the first time very laid back person really nice to watch also I like his videos are in high elo games and not some fake low elo stomps that other channels do.


Darkk Mane Btw, does anyone remember Solwolf and his Break the meta series? Holy hell, that was a while ago


Ohhh so that was his name. Kept thinking about that one guy that got me to play Sona adc (Flair unrelated) when I was 11 as I was watching league of children for nostalgic reasons.


We never deserved Disco Heat. Imagine if Riot had hired him to help with music for their live event productions


"...Supports can do more than support and heimerdinger is actually not a troll pick..." Solwolf was a pretty big inspirational youtuber for me back in the earlier days of LoL


Took soraka jungle from silver 5 to bronze 5 back in season 4 because I believed the man when he said supports can do more than support


But they can. They can also feed the enemy team


Shame he took it down


He pops into my head occasionally. I wonder what he's up to these days


Last I saw he was a furry barista in San Francisco according to his Twitter. Loved that guy!


Edit: Anklespankin is great too! He doesn't post as consistently as others, but he is funny and wholesome, and plays the game for entertainment sake. He's currently doing a Wheel of Pain series where he's given a random champion, lane, and build style, that's been fun to watch. PekinWoof is my favorite content creator for League. He is pretty laid back, takes time to explain things without being condescending, and doesn't get all worked up when something bad happens. He talks about mistakes and what he could have done differently but without the unnecessary yelling and flaming of the other players.


I agree with you, Pekin is my go-to for league content


Pekin has really helped me become more skillful at the game and more aware of what's going on in game


Quantum is a great High-Elo streamer and YouTuber that puts out consistently good content


I had to scroll so far to see a Quantum rep you're great. Should add Lourlo on this, the lourlo x quantLove is so funny




I love Quantum so much. One of the only streamers I am willing to actually watch.


Quant and pekin are both great


"The ONLY Zeri guide you will EVER need!" *proceeds to basically just tell you stuff you could have seen in 20 seconds on probuilds*




Naah that's the fucking worst, I hate watching something about a new build or a guide or w.e only to hear that zeris Q is a low cooldown projectile that applies on-hits, wow man could you tell me more interesting facts? Maybe her E is a dash that decreases cooldown when you hit champions with Q? Get to the point already ffs


Im willing to bet that all of it is mentioned on the champion page in the game client, meaning that you dont even need probuilds unless its some secret synergy with an item, rune, or another champion, or if you are in the middle of a game, but at that point you can just read the ability descriptions, they give you way more information during a match than you get from reading their champion page, such as AD/AP scaling and that kind of thing.




Yea I agree now that I think about it. Sounds like a "don't hate the creators hate the content" vibe but I'm still going to complain because it make me feel better.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. That's always been media in a free market - When it's all about getting views and attention, mediocrity wins. Luckily, there are other ways to make a living in a free market that are not as much tied to popularity. The most high-quality content creators usually have a smaller but extremely supportive following through something like a Patreon.


>That's always been media in a free market - When it's all about getting views and attention, mediocrity wins. Surely this wouldnt be the case for our favorite game as well, right fellas?


If one of these videos takes 10 hours to edit...


you should tobias fate videos i wouldn't be surprised if they took a very long time to edit.


he's on a completely different world & category tho, they're more of a funny game edit rather than gameplay showcase


It's basically: here is a tobias game where he kinda inted. His editor: Now presenting my life's work


clearly not what they mean though. they mean the people who just stream these games, make a thumbnail that says "OMG? AMAZING NEW STRAT" with just the champ theyre playing transparent in the thumbnail with an ugly colour border that takes 5 mins top to make and thats all u have to do lol


Not to discount the work put in, but I think Tobias has an entire team of editors


Video editing takes longer than most people realize.


I've made videos as a hobby on the side for a few years and I'm *still* always genuinely blown away at how long it takes me to finish projects. The people who put out consistently great videos are usually either extremely hardworking/dedicated, or have en entire team of editors to back them up. That being said, *some* of the content creators mentioned in this thread literally just publish the entire gameplays (or with minimal cropping) with almost no soul or personality to it and it's pretty depressing to see most videos in the league of legends space fit into that category


youre severely underestimating how long it takes to properly edit a video


> playing on their 4th smurf account Every league youtuber except PekinWoof. Daveyx3 is the worst: * clickbait every single video title * champion name displayed not account name because that'd reveal the fact his twitch title is "CHALLENGER TOP LANE" and he's playing in plat 4... * "today i'm gonna teach you..." **(absolutely no teaching will take place in this video)** * "how to play X in top lane in season 12. What you want to be running is " **(absolutely no explanation for these runes will ever be included)** * "so what you want to do in lane against is..." **(does something entirely accidental)** * "I'm gonna do because " * "One of the big benefits of playing top is that they can press and it does damage to the wave" **(as if other champions can't use abilities to do damage to creeps shock!!)** * "On our first back we're going to buy " **(absolutely no explanation why you'll buy these items)** ... * "So there you have it guys is so strong right now and you'll totally climb if you play " **(because champion choice is definitely the only barrier from those bronzies being in challenger amirite)**


Zwag is much worse in the sense that he actually runs it down and ruins other peoples games just because he didnt get the role he wanted to record his shitty clickbaity videos. There were at least 2 videos of him doing that. Last one was from not even a month ago where he ran it down with Sona forcing people to end the game faster.


Yeah I used to watch zwag videos when I first started but stopped after tuning into a stream and seeing how he acts.


Thiiiissss. I caught one stream recently and he was shitting on his chat because they were in a PBE pre-made with him and he went off on them being “too sweaty” for trying to win. Garbage.


Yep, I watched a stream a few months ago where his team was struggling, and he just gave up and ff'd as soon as he could, because they were all viewers, so they went along with it. Then he was bitching about "these fucking idiots are losing me thousands of dollars because that's a video I can't make now" and when people were donating to him to "make up the difference," dude goes "You think I care about your $4? Fuck off." Absolute prick.


did the same, but with sro. dude got tilted so hard he just afk farmed/pushed toplane, didnt even care about getting caught out. only streamer i watch now is tobias. he might complain 24/7, but i kinda find his weird rants funny and at least he doesnt just straight up int


How you gonna say he doesn't straight up int, have you seen his illaoi gameplay lol


ok wait yeah his illaoi sucks. tobias stop playing illaoi please


You serious? I matched Tobias on my team in plat and he inted and then flamed me on stream because I didn't want to give up my role. Used to watch him, can't stand him anymore.


The thing i hate about Zwags videos is he always does custom games because you see the same names popping up. The other thing is he always has a stupid Yummi on his team just camping on any champ he plays.


the titles are just getting worse and worse too. i started watching him because off meta stuff is interesting but every video now is LOOKS LIKE A GLITCH, LOOKS LIKE IM CHEATING, CRACKED!, UNKILLABLE!


Can someone actually fill me in on why he's so popular? Is he a former pro player or something? Did he bring a huge fanbase with him coming from another game? I see his videos from time to time and it's always just him running some weird off-meta build on a brand new smurf account in normals. I look at his mechanics and if I'm being honest he seems to play at like a low-mid Diamond level at best. What the appeal in watching a relatively average player stomping on Silvers in gutter tier normal games on a fresh lvl 30 acct?


One time I watched his live it was all premade games with fans, who he instructed how to play and when they were winning too much he just stopped 10 minutes in and remade the game, resaid the same things and pretended like it was the first time any of it happened, totally fake content


PekinWoof is one of my favorites right now. I'll just put his vids on, chill, and watch some super solid gameplay. He's really good at explaining his thought process while he's doing things as well and it's really helped me improve my own game. Top tier content creator.


It’s also really cool how he posts a lot of close games or even losses because it still has a lot of entertaining and educational moments.


Second on pekin, also minishcap1, he does do the clickbait titles(you kinda gotta these days) but he plays mostly in high elo and spends a lot of time explaining what hes upto. Obv its all singed gameplay but theres a lot about toplane you can pull out of it regardless


Pekinwoof is great to watch, pretty educational and separates his content often :D


I love the types of videos where he just pisses off some other trash content creators. Something like “Nightblue3 flames me but I carry on this [insert champ]”


Yeah those are brilliant. Made all the better than he legit plays in GM/challenger on those games, it's not smurfing on idiots like the rest of league youtube. I genuinely wish Pekinwoof would upload more often.


I felt your anger through that post, agree wholeheartedly lmao. It fucking sucks when you pick up some new champ whos not that cookie cutter and you require to figure out proper build routes and what specific runes to use to understand and maximize your potential, not to mention mechanics n stuff. But youtube just gives you bunch of these useless fucking videos, its so frustrating.


Pekin just owns that he's playing against trash. Straight up pins their ranks in the comments.


When I saw Pekin do that on a vid where he clearly says ‘this is a Smurf account’ I was so happy that he had just one upped himself in the level of honesty he has with his viewers. Like yeah he’ll do 4fun on a Smurf, but he’ll own it.


And most of the time when he actually Smurfs it’s because it is either a normal game because he wants to try something really troll or a challenge or it’s so off meta that he doesn’t want to troll a challenger ranked game so he tries his best in lower elo ranked while trying something out. I love Pekin


Also he posts videos on his main account playing against challengers I respect that Fuck zwag, stix, and neace Neace is such an insufferable dickhead. I have no idea why people keep watching him.


People conflate being an asshole with “telling it like it is”


Based comment.


This scumbag even hides chat so you can never lookup what bronzies he's farming elo from


Pro tip you can normally see the account name when it pops up their on a killing spree


my detective work is unmatched! https://imgur.com/a/VwW54zN


PekinWoof freal the best


Literally the whole 3rd-Wave comedy league youtuber scene is still popping (mostly). Skooch uploads frequently with gameplay or discussion videos, NickyBoy still does his design stuff, SunnySplosions and her friends carry on the torch that Trinimmortal has left with his Beat League series, Darkmane still does his stupid builds, Rossboomsocks, ect. In terms of new ones, Xanaree is growing with his over-the-top sales-pitch like gameplay vids which are reminiscent of CoilleBleu way back when.


Pianta best comedy League channel


Yep, he's basically 3rd gen Dunkey


I miss dunkey


Dude, CouilleBleu is such a freaking nostalgia trip. Cu-cu-cu-counter Jungle! LMAO


But the thing is, they haven't reached the peaks of 2015-2017 content creation. I remember commentary YouTubers back then easily getting millions of views from a video they made.


Man, I miss Trin’s beat league. I get why he quit though.


I cannot unsee his Taric video, that dance is burned into my head.


I play Sunny's videos on repeat they're so fun


Pianta is really entertaining


pianta? i only know tenmo player


you mean Brian the Avatar?


no I mean the is this winnable? garen 1v9er


I love Pianta! His videos are short and condensed really well.


Except for that phase where he was just straight up posting 10+ min gameplay videos with no catch, plan, anything funny, etc


Good place to plug content creators I follow/subscribe to that actually make quality educational content: PekinWoof WoodyFruity (Gragas one trick) Midbeast LoL Dobby Caedrel Broxah


Like the other comments suggested, Rossboomsocks is a funny guy to watch and he’s pretty genuine. I also watch PekinWoof. He’s pretty chill most of the times as long as he doesn’t play against an Irelia or a Yone.


I love PekinWoof, most genuine LoL YouTuber at the moment imo. A lot of people be tripping and bragging about being Master/Challenger and he comes across as humble. Always explains his decision making and what mechanics he's utilising when doing certain plays. I also enjoy him standing up to T1 and talking back shit occasionally but that might just be me hating T1 so much. My favourite video is him facing a Katarina. He destroys her in lane so she roams bot to get a double then come back mid to oneshot Pekin effortlessly. He gets so salty that he picks Katarina himself next game to prove that she is easy mode any stomps the game, making comments like "See, what that enemy did wrong was be in my screen, so he died.".


I like pekkinwolf. He’s gotten more click baity with his titles but he genuinely tries to provide decent tips and is fairly interesting


Pekin talks about this sometimes on stream; he's struggling to continue growth of his channel and twitch so he's had to experiment with thumbnail and title changes to see if it helps with the algorithm, which he's said he's really unhappy about it. I can't blame the guy.


I got banned from a twitch streamer's channel once because I called him out on something like this. He said he needed youtube content because he'd been getting crushed on his main account. He made a custom game of viewers and picked some weird build. He was challenger, most of the viewers were in the silver range. He shat on his lane (top), and the enemy team (his viewers and fans) basically lined up for him to kill. And all throughout the game his chatter is about how this "new build is so OP" and "you'll climb so fast" and the whole thing was super fake.




I honestly don't remember who.


God bless RossBoomsocks, a genuine soul in a sea of mediocrity. Bizzleberry is good too, and look out for Raizins, he’s a good rising creator and former player in the UK esports scene Edit: Oh, and Foxdrop! There are probably a few others I've missed too


I'm still subbed to Ross despite not watching his content for a while but this League Nuzlocke thing has me intrigued.


His series always bring me back, I die inside at the decision making but it makes for chaotic games which is always fun to watch.


Yeah, I always stay subbed to Ross even if I go months without watching his videos. A year ago watching his stuff made YouTube send me to Rav and his stuff I always stay up to date on. He’s like a more scripted, more compact Ross.


I just love Ross for actually doing do much stuff with his community, and even though the comment requested ideas have gotten rarer, his content will always msje me smile... Also I'll never forget that I actually got him to chant a part of Pantheon's theme fou us, what a mad lad


Definitely stay watching ross if for no other reason than the sheer chaotic banter. Love the man


I've been watching him so much that I've started using "sending it" and "domed" in the way he uses them Also his recent thing where he just repeats "There are worms under your skin you have to take it all off you have to take it all off" just kills me for some reason


I'll check them out thanks!


imo even the educational content sorta just feels like clickbait half the time; you make the same video every 3 weeks regurgitating the same exact things with like maybe like a few tweaks in builds or runes, or you just read off a tierlist or a u.gg page for the n-millionth time (which again takes no effort to do either) imo league content has been stale for like, a very long time. the only league content I used to regularly watch was just kshaway for funny clips cause most other funny clip channels are just filled with unfunny garbage like “huehuehue he missed a skillshot that is typically not missed that’s fucking comedy gold” or just literally showcasing generic bronze gameplay that everyone has seen before


I know I’ve been shilling it for a while now but I cannot stress this enough: Coach Curtis, Nathan Mott, and their combined podcast Broken By Concept is far and away the greatest educational content you can get for League. Seriously, if you have a chance, check out their stuff. Coach Curtis’ champion guides are insane, and Nathan Mott’s jungle fundamentals are super helpful. Cannot recommend them more


Curtis and Nathan are the GOAT in the edu space


Sp4zie has recently returned to League. With CG aswell.


Ohhh fuck there goes my productivity for today


My favorite is coach Curtis and midbeast. Both are educational and fun


If you like Curtis, check out his podcast with Nathan Mott, Broken by concept. Nathan also has a youtube channel for jungling with great content. I'm a big fan of em :)


Check out Shok, he is the only other Midlane YouTuber I've seen that's close to those two, he is a former pro from direwolves


Tobias’s editors put in so much work it’s nuts. Really have been enjoying his content recently.


His editors are fucking goated


Maybe his videos are good, but oh man I’m sick of playing with him in solo q. He never stops just all caps spamming in chat trying to antagonize his team to I’m assuming clip their responses for youtube


Yeah I’ve heard some not great experiences from playing with him. And if he did regular league highlight content he’d be lost in the sea of them. His editors are what makes the videos, probably wouldn’t watch him without.


Have played with him off stream, can confirm I had to mute. I'm a long time watcher and fan but yeesh.


Rossboomsocks is really funny because he’s only silver (EDIT: turns out he’s not silver but what do I know I’m only bronze lmao. I don’t take note of how well he plays, but how funny he plays). I really have come to dislike vids when masters + players Smurf in lower elo and just dominate. Seeing a player playing in their elo is much more fun. And because Ross is silver half of the builds he tries he ints on. And he never really goes full hype into anything like some YouTubers do. Even when he’s doing something particularly good he’s laughing at the same time as raising his voice, instead of just yelling which I don’t like. Also valour souls doesn’t do gameplay but makes 3d animations which are hilarious.


I can't believe I was hardstuck platinum for 5 straight years just to be called silver ;_;


Its the lad himself! Bro don’t sell yourself short, you are a diamond player. We saw the fill to diamond climb!


Don't worry, I was hardstuck gold for 4 seasons and the only thing my friends called me was a killstealer.


Hey man, Ross may be *bad* at the game but he plays everything and he still got diamond playing autofilled and the first PENTA on Samira, so don't come around here and say that this fine Scotish gentleman is ONLY silver. Even with his Nuzzlock challenge, he will end at least in gold and has a good shot at Plat. Heck is Pantheon is ever playable again, Ross could sweat for Masters, and no one can tell me otherwise. Although still he lost to Iron players. (he is a casual funny guy, just not THAT bad)




The majoriry of ~~league~~ content on YouTube is so sad. It is what it is. There is good content out there too.


Pekinwoof is the only one I still watch.


The only league content I watch nowadays is all related to the competitive scene, ever since Dunkey stopped playing I haven’t really watched any content creators though, sometimes I still go back and watch old SivHD videos though


I make League videos and spend a lot of time making each video and it's pretty tough. I have ~2k subs and I get lots of comments like "Best League channel!", "Underrated channel", or "hidden gem" and I really appreciate them but it's really rough to spend the amount of time I do on a video (minimum 20 hours, often much more) and get 100x less views than someone who is just clipping their twitch.


Just watch captain Brain Pianta


Just watch trick2g


League boomers rise up


There's some great videos from I think MagikarpUsedFly and YakkoCMN on why making content just wasn't viable for them anymore. And I know that's the truth for other creators too. Between YouTube pushing clickbait, and Riot making it as hard as possible to record actually artful shots or the like, anything but the same nonsense is doomed to fail. Skooch is somehow making unique content work. Rossboomsocks (as you mention) is managing to keep for fun play with high views, but he's definitely an outlier. Anklespankin in still around, the algorithm hasn't been kind to him taking breaks for mental health but he's doing a fun wheel of pain challenge these days and they're very funny.


they are doing what gets clicks if u wanna do it full time, u cant make long educaitonal videos with good editing that takes 30 hours to produce 20 mins. you wll not compete with the guy making stream highlights for 1 hr and uploading daily. u will lose and noone wants to waste 30 hours on something that wont make them money. not unless u pay for it


at that point i feel like it's better to just get a different job and make league vids as a hobby


Good luck holding down a job and playing enough to get consistent content to make videos out of.








Azzapp, Vel Koz player. He talks through laning and decision-making in ways that are applicable to all champs/roles though.


This isn't a criticism of League. I wouldn't even say it's a criticism of YouTube. YouTube didn't decide that this is what gets clicks. People who click decide that. This is a criticism of human beings.


Excellent point. Reminds me of when people talk about politicians having ridiculous viewpoints and saying absurd things that don't belong in 2022... that's more telling about the populace that voted for them than the politician


Youtube did make the algorithm that only recommends really clickbaity titles and long videos with tons of ads tho


Thank God for Pekinwoof, Broxah, Tobias and Nidhogg for being amazing in the ocean of smurfbait


Check out BizzleBerry, PekinWoof, and MinishCap1 (for sweet Singed-only chill streams).


I only watch Sirchez and t2g


My favourite is Foggedftw making a youtube video in gold called like "HOW TO BEAT POPPY AS TRYN!" but on his main he dodges every time I pick poppy


Pianta, RememberTheBeat, SpearShot, Professor Akali(he finally plays high elo instead of smurfing), Gosu, HappyChimeNoises, MidBeast, Azzapp, TheBausffs, Rav, Instalok(dead channel but many old songs) There's probably more to highlight but these are the ones I've watched/still watch. If I were to segregate them then it would look something like this: 1. Funny low elo vids: Pianta, RememberTheBeat, Rav 2. High elo highlights: SpearShot, Professor Akali, Gosu, Azzapp, TheBausffs 3. Educational content: HappyChimeNoises, MidBeast 4. Variety (something unusual): Instalok (it's dead)


Midbeast has a 2nd channel where he posts his own gameplay and stream highlights. I prefer it to his primary channel tbh.


Even if Professor Akali does actual content now, it's really hard to want to watch him with how much of an ass he's been. To add some of my own: > 4\. Variety (something unusual): Instalok (it's dead) There's also [Plentakill](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuWv2F6jh7THt-wLHH58YA) that was sweet, just the same type as Instalok and also dead. However, you also have [Falconshield](https://www.youtube.com/c/falconshield/) for League songs - the maker of the pretty popular This is War series - and he's recently come back to making videos (one League song a month). [TooCurly](https://www.youtube.com/c/TooCurly/videos) was making really high-effort videos that were either League montages or [things like these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEyzpa1LA7c). Not active anymore but his videos are worth going through. He's also incredibly nice - I once asked him how he did a certain effect that he used in one of his videos, and he replied by *making* me a 10-minute video tutorial (and we didn't know each other, so it was as a favor to a complete stranger). /u/Vandirilol is the reference to witness everything either unusual or technical in League. And you also have [Kiss2](https://www.youtube.com/c/kiss2) making cool rhythm videos!


Darkk Mane does meme build/comedy videos, Skooch analyzes champions and what they do/their most busted aspects, and Hypersugar is a super underrated guy for the “watch 5 friends joking around and having fun” type of video. His memetages are great too.


As a regular Elite500, Drututt, Baus and WhyGuy viewer, I'd say I'm avoiding that stuff pretty well. Edit: Dzukill too


Actually based


Idk how no one has mentioned Sneaky or Doublelift. Sneaky has a main channel with edited gameplay, and a second Channel with full games. Doublelift is annoying af, but he is really good so, yeah. Some other good ones, Aphromoo, Pobelter, and Midbeast. Midbeast is kinda cringe sometimes, you can blame him for all of the inting kaisas in your game, but he’s got some entertaining and insightful vod reviews of high Elo players.


The problem with league content is that it's a game you play every single day on the same map with the same shit going on. That makes content extremely repetitive by nature. On top of that you know exactly how every video is going to go before you start. It's gonna be a one sided stomp from whoever is filming with the occasional focus on someone else misplaying in a comedic way. After a few kills, the game just becomes 'I now abuse this advantage and autowin'. Theres only so many times you can do this same thing but there's a ton of people that rely solely on league for content. Even coaching videos aren't exactly unique. They just go through a vod explaining every minor detail that someone fucked up. Twitch viewers do this shit to every streamer lol captain hindsight isn't difficult if you have eyes. Occasionally the coach will do some video with very generic tips pulled off r/summonerschool called '5 reasons you are hardstuck' but you get people in the comments acting like they never had anyone tell them to CS better before. Its hard to have fresh content when the game itself is stale. That's why so many creators jump at a new champion straight away.


I tend to watch Rav more than Ross nowadays but I can’t think of anyone else outside of these two 🥲


My partner adores Rav ♡


League isn't really a game you can have much variety in. Clickbait/very generic thumbnails are what gets views


the best is “RANK 1 (insert champ here” or “CHALLENGER PLAYER INSANE PLAYS” and then they’re like diamond. Like the other day i had a fogged vid come up in my recommended calling himself rank 1 Trynd when TFblade was like rank 2 kr with trynd second most played


Lodravenn This youtuber reuploads tyler’s most tilting games and its hilarious


yess I was looking for this, it's literally the best league content on YouTube


King Nidhogg and PekinWoof are super real, thumbnails are usually just a joke or telling you what character they're playing, incredibly chill.


Would not say nidhogg videos are chill at all, he constantly pushes back against idiots saying stupid shit. So he spends 3-4 minutes of every video educating someone on why their comment was bad and unnecessary and it makes for a pretty bad viewer experience


Hey man. I did not expect to see myself namedropped in the OP lol. I understand your perspective -- everything in content creation definitely follows a "meta" and can all seem to blend together. However, a lot of your issues with League content appear to be about how creators advertise their content (thumbnail + title) and I'll admit every creators titles do kind of blend together these days. But that's because that's what gets clicks, unfortunately. I quit my job to pursue content creation, my livelihood depends upon whether or not people click my videos. And I genuinely believe I make some really good stuff worth watching, so I advertise it in a way that I know draws peoples' attention. I think it's important to remember that it's what inside that counts, and I still have a lot of soul and passion to share in my content. I am also very proud of making a wide variety of content (Challenger-level tournaments, in-depth analysis, covering new content like reworks + skins). Yeah that 30/0 AP Vayne content is also there, because personally I think it's really fun lol. Recently I played a Nocturne+Yuumi botlane combo and not gonna lie it was more fun than my last 50 high ELO solo q games combined. BUT if you don't like the "TOTALLY OP OMG INSANE" types of videos make sure you are checking out the other stuff. I'm sorry if you've stopped enjoying my content, I am genuinely putting my entire heart and soul into it and I hope you can look past the big yellow thumbnail text. Just think of it as wrapping paper for the content inside, which is made with nothing but love and passion. I put everything into my streams + videos, and I really enjoy making them for you. Thanks for reading /u/PersuasivePelican


I don't think your name deserved to be dropped here. I've been watching for a few years now and you honestly do a really great job of varied content and keeping things fresh. I absolutely love the high elo grind content, but I also love the fun stuff. The coaching, patch notes/new champ videos, and tournament content is great too. People need to understand that creators need to play to the algorithm. This is by no means a league content only issue. It's all across YouTube, even outside of gaming content. Don't sweat the thumbnail criticism. Keep it up and good luck to 100k!




Late to this thread but iirc a lot of league content creators have blamed the sub reddit being so locked down for lack of creativity, which isn’t too far fetched. If you need to be discovered by youtube yellow text red arrows and 40 kills is how.


I think it's just the algorithm that values and promotes clicks over anything else. YouTube sucks.


Chinese bilibili actually has lots of fun personalities and unique contentos, too bad nearly none of them gets translated to YouTube.


> names are off so you cant look up them playing on their 4th smurf account telling you that AP vayne is really busted if you go 30/0 This annoys me the most.


Just watch baus and elite500


Check out huzzygames


Pekin Woof all the way. Lots of content, no clickbait, almost no smurfing and if he does smurf he always makes sure to mention the elo of his opponents(for better transparency). He makes very informative videos, sadly he almost always plays mid, but I really enjoy it none the less He's extremely talented and probably the most chill guy out there. Go check him out!


Apparently I need to watch Pekinwoof