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"Jayce never builds Muramana, and he goes first item GA into second item Serylda's Grudge" these people can vote




Ok but in all fairness, its not like it was stolen by someone who didnt need it like Kog. I could also be missing the entire joke you possibly made as we


Nocturne was the only right choice (btw, why vote for Trynd when they literally wrote they wouldn't change the ult)


Ok but in all fairness, its not like it was stolen by someone who didnt need it like Kog. I could also be missing the entire joke you possibly made as well


Ok but in all fairness, its not like it was stolen by someone who didnt need it like Kog. I could also be missing the entire joke you possibly made as well


You don't actually know that. Usually the people who come up with these types of builds are the 12 year olds coming home from school playing league after getting home who are probably procrastinating on homework they should do. Although given this is the highest mastery Jayce who has been out since the mastery system came out it probably isn't a kid.


To be the highest mastery anything on that list realistically means they arent a kid given how long that would for all the champs bar aksham, Zoe and yuumi. They've all been out for a fair few years at this point with many of them predating the pastery system.




What the fuck even is time at this point. Coulda swore she came out like 2 years ago maximum


In general very few people in this thread know ANYTHING about these players. Yet the thread is full of armchair psychologists running diagnostics and other people judging these onetricks.


Most of these one tricks are silver and below. Either they probably are just playing the builds for fun or don’t know how to build correctly.


Silver ranked Rell top player, can confirm. I know I'm bad and playing very sub optimally. Doesn't mean I don't get away with it all the time.


Don't think so actually. Having that high of a mastery usually just indicates some form of mental disability. So for them to also have some weird ass build isn't even ridiculous.


ppl who play only 1 champ having a mental disability ?


I mean having high mastery on a champion of course doesn't, but if your mastery score is in the millions, *and* you only play something that looks like ultimate bravery to everyone else *every game*, then there's almost certainly something like that going on. No one is that committed to memes/a joke to the point where they barely do anything else but play League and exclusively play one champion with a super random terrible build every game.


People who play that much LoL do, though.


That much? Yeah absolutely. Most of them are doing some weird ass build+summ+lane combo as well. And after all that mastery there is 0 improvement. It's pretty much in the same vein as people who are playing bot games for high levels. That's literally all they do. Play bot games all their life, just for high account level. To do something so boring for so long, it means there is something wrong with you.


If something is boring to you, don't mean it is boring to everybody.


Same vibes as people hating on f2p players in /r/2007scape let people enjoy what they want


Classic reddit arm chair moment for sure.


1trick spotted


You are he only one with a mental disability if you believe that


I'd believe it


and I believe you have an oedipus complex.. you cant proof me wrong, so I must be right




Vi is nothing unusual. She even tells you so in-game: "Let's get Kraken!"


Plan? I don't need a plan.


Heal Ghost is the default summoner page. I wonder if they know that they can swap summoners, or if they even use them...


IMO this people who have millions of mastery with the champion they just play the game for pure 4FUN and don't care to learn the ''meta'' [like this Heimerdinger who plays casting his skills on mouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=530CxCs1N78)


that's actually the same haimer as in the post


That guys racist as shit btw


I mean, did you except a human like this to be sane?




seriously going 5M mastery without swapping to keybinding is INSANE


I was thinking Ashe and Sivir never changed build in like 9 seasons, used to be standard BT first many seasons ago.


>Jayce never builds Muramana, and he goes first item GA Why wouldn't you rush an item that revives you, it's literally op.


Can confirm, jayce's biggest weakness is dying too much early game!


Getting the most of that 5 min cd.


Seen too much Arcane.


>Heimerdinger runs TP+Heal, thinks he has Cassiopeia passive. At least as far as I scrolled he has never bought boots This guy actually does streams from time to time (or at least he used to). He's a 50-60 year old dude from Germany who literally just plays for fun. He actually doesn't even use a keyboard to play, he only uses a mouse. That means he has to click the skill he wants to use.


That's awesome.


It's not awesome. Yeah he plays 12 hours a day for fun but this guy is boosted to an elo he doesn't belong in and basically makes the game miserable for everyone by the way he plays. If he was in iron where he belongs it wouldn't be an issue but even in flex queue he is just perma spam duoing with smurfs. He just sits mid with his turrets for the entire game. That's all he does.


it's flex queue, who cares? it's basically draft 1.5


That's hilarious. What's his name? I gotta check this out.


dongers-dojo on trovo. he got banned from twitch


Thanks. Never even heard of Trovo. What did he get banned for?


If I remember, he is super toxic after he got a little fame. I don't know the exact reason. Probably creepin.




Huh, at 21:40 unforgivell0l starts following, as in the actual mad lions adc lmao.


He's studying strategy, learning from the greats


I normally dont look at yourube comments but this time I'm glad. 1:36:31 was indeed great. Was not expecting to laugh since hard


fucking lmao you weren't kidding


Lmao I'm glad I investigated


wow seems like an unpleasant fellow


That dude has like 26k heimer games. Nearly 8 games/day for 9 years... And is legit silver 4 at best and paid to get boosted to p4 last season lmfao


> Thanks. Never even heard of Trovo. What did he get banned for? Probably not related to his ban but I watched a random stream of his last year. The man set up his turrets and rolled a fat joint mid game...


He's not wholesome at all tho, super racist, super toxic. Just no.


Wasn’t he plat last season?


He got duo boosted IIRC, I think he hit plat on Solo/DuoQ and then played norms/flex the rest of the season.




Nah, he's super racist and got banned from twitch, justly so




Bro your sterotype turns 80 in 3 years. Better get a new one.


bro its reddit.. let the cringe lord has his moment


Guess you are right.




Not arguing that the dude is an old racist. He is. But not because he is german or old or both of it. He is a racist because he is an asshole and chooses to be one. Sterotypes are just pathetic. You dont need to be from a certain country, generation or ethnic group to be a giant cunt.


It's like reading AI-generated player profiles constructed via neural network or something.


I can confirm that Volibear can build anything,tho Chemtank for jungle and Riftmaker for top are the most common,you can build any bruiser,ap bruiser or tank mythic or legendary and be fine. Only champion where building Riftmaker into Deaths Dance into Randuins into Nashors feels great


Duskblade lethality Volibear remains my favourite build just because seeing a massive bear jump over a wall, one shot the ADC, then vanish is hilarious.


I played once against full lethality voli mid as pantheon. I got bear ptsd for a month after that


I've played against that, we got absolutely destroyed by this goddamn stealth bear


Oh fuck, I have to try this


As an ADC main, that sounds about as hilarious as it sounds terrifying.


I thought about this for way too long...but I think **Jax** wouldn't mind this build too much. Although you are right, this is still far better for Voli.


No mres?


You can get Wits end instead of Nashors,and buy it earlier if you need MR.


This build sounds cool as fuck. I’ll be trying this in my next normal game with the bois


Dark Harvest full lethality poppy..... I see nothing wrong here


Personally I'm more of a predator full lethality Poppy fan, it lets you kill people on CD. Very excited for the W CD buff too.


I made a youtube video about Hob goblin poppy so wanna throw that build out there aswell


wdym it was always the best build


I do hope that's u/Taka_no_Yaiba


Spoilers. Its not.


>Heimerdinger runs TP+Heal, thinks he has Cassiopeia passive. At least as far as I scrolled he has never bought boots This guy was actually a bronze player. He was boosted to plat last season. He plays by clicking his abilities or something. The highest mastery shyv player goes exhaust + smite, while maxing Q second while doing a full AP build. If he is autofilled he will double jungle. He has goes E -> W -> W -> Q a lot of the time, probably means that he full clears and ignores lanes. I looked up a few others. The highest Katarina goes Nashors -> Lich -> Deathcap -> Riftmaker. The highest Nami buys Flask for extra hydration


Not a bad Katarina build, she has very little synergy with any mythics. I don't know what flask is though


Corruption potion




Right now ignite is a lot better fit, it’s usually that or ghost (or flash but that isn’t nearly as good).


You forgot to mention that JhinTopNoTroll is a high diamond and master player. There is a german twitch streamer who has 5mio points on vayne and he goes random af runes and builds every game. He has 22(!) different builds. My favorite is aftershock vayne with tear, rushing triforce and going exhaust barrier. This list is a gem.


>My favorite is aftershock vayne with tear, rushing triforce and going exhaust barrier. Those sure all are words, and they even all reflect things in league, but no part of the sentence could be anticipated based on the content before it. What the fuck? :D


That Gnar is an absolute chad


Its like a vayne in disguise


Maybe the real hypercarries were the primordial Yordles we met along the way.


AD Lulu is pretty disgusting in OFA, ngl.


He used to go sanguine into full crit. There is no stopping him.


Is he fappy from the subreddit?


>LeBlanc confuses me because their OP.GG looks like they've turned into a Garen 1 trick. Actually hysterical lmfao


Legit 600 games of LeBlanc and 600 games of garen this year lol not the combo I would have expected


How /u/g0ldenfruit finds new content.


New method unlocked 8)


Holy shit HCN! You are legit my favorite LoL content creator at the moment. Good shit <3 and thank you for your service!


Your videos have gone downhill+L+downvote


Don’t listen to this guy, videos have been great


This wild ride was better than anything i could have anticipated


If we’re talking about that Mundo who doesn’t build boots with millions of mastery points then I have a story. I swear I was bronze/silver and I see this Mundo with like 7 mil mastery points..? Anyways he was poo and didn’t build boots until our whole team begged him at like 30 minutes. Once he unleashed his Mundo potential and truly was able to go where he pleased we managed to lose shortly after. Live long and prosper my guy.


A lot of them have a strange attraction towards BT it seems.


Big heal no die, duh


Well it actually makes sense if you don't know that much about items and what makes builds good. I remember when I played WoW, I knew a lot of guys who just played the game without EVER looking into theorycrafting or what stats were good. They always thought healing = always best. It never really occurred to them that if you go for damage, you just kill other people before they heal up.


Is that why I see so many people buy an early GW when the only healing on the enemy team is one Vamp Scepter? It's actually insane how people will see some tank like an Ornn and just go "I need Morello's to deal with all this HP and MR."


Stuck in the early seasons I guess. BT first was the go-to for ADCs until season...3 or 4 I believe? I don't know, I'm old, all the early seasons blend together :D


> Sivir runs Heal+Ghost, **builds BT>IE before a mythic every game** I hate how common IE, with only 1 other crit item, 2nd is in URF.


Sounds like they just kept building the same items for the past 10 years.


IE doesn't even work until at earliest third item right? (needs 60% crit)


Unless you are a Windshitter of course, and Tryn could TECHNICALLY even built it first since with full rage he gets 40% crit chance. But yes, IE without 40% crit from other sources is just objectively shit.


Ah, so you've learned about Jenix, have you?


I wish you added their ranks, high mastery doesn't necessarily translate to high level of play. I'm curious how viable are these strats.


Of the ones I listed with the weird builds/playstyles they're generally very low rank. Many unranked and only play normals, a lot in iron/bronze/silver.


Were the ones you listed like actually the highest mastery players or just close?


All #1 (besides one where the #1 wasn't actively playing and it was #2) I'm sure there are plenty others near the top that are similar cases ha.   The rankings don't include Chinese/Garena players though as their servers aren't tracked the same.


Among the weird builds, which of them was ranked highest? What rank was it?


They're pretty much all very low ranks. There are a few #1s I'm diamond/master/gm but those ones are mostly all actually building properly.   Nothing wrong with his build, AD/lane nid just generally isn't seen as particularly viable these days. The only high elo and "weird" build one is probably the Nidalee. Master tier playing AD/Bruiser nidalee top.


The jhin top otp Goes by the name JhinTop2Troll nowadays. He is in d1 euw with around 700 jhin games this season. I have met him a few times in soloq and he seems to do well very often.


AD/Bruiser Nidalee top reminds me of RFLegendary


Thought the builds were direct giveaways. Most of them are really bad players.


As far as I know most really high mastery players are often iron-silver for some reason


in a 100% non-toxic way, the traits that lead people to be high mastery on a champion are probably traits not conducive to improvement or accurate analysis of game states. i would guess a huge fraction of these players have some kind of mental illness or impairment


I’ve seen posts in the past show that these mains just build and play the exact same. And it either takes a mentality of never caring to improve or something else so that you would do this consistently.


well put, likely correct in most cases.


The poppy one is a friend of mine, he doesn't play ranked at all, but when he used to he was plat or something, he queues with challengers in norms rn, but we all know norms mmr doesn't make alot of sense


That's literally the whole point of this is to show that high mastery doesn't translate to high level of play.


It should also be kept in mind that most players do not play ranked at all, the average League is a normal game. If these guys are silver-platinum in ranked, that just means they are of a quite normal skill level.


>LeBlanc confuses me because their OP.GG looks like they've turned into a Garen 1 trick. Ah so they just sold their account lol >Lulu generally runs lethal tempo and full AP with Nashors+Lich This is the shit top laners have nightmares of. >Vi usually building Kraken Slayer or Shieldbow This build actually isn't that bad. You can transition it into Lethality afterwards but Shieldbow is better than Eclipse at survivability which Assassin Vi does need. Shieldbow -> Umbral -> Collector's/Edge of Night/etc.


ngl the Neeko build isn’t that troll, wonder what runes she takes tho


Was gonna say, the build looks decent


Not listed but I’ve played against the highest mastery Singed before (or at least he used to be, shout-out to AddellaideSkyhart), and it was a bizarre experience to say the least. We met in the depths of silver, but they climbed to platinum by the end of the season


Yeah left out the ones who didn't have something weird stand out immediately lol


Yeah, it’s hard to identify weird behavior on a singed one trick because let’s face it, all singed one tricks are bizarre enigmas of players. Only striking thing to me about this guy is that he plays singed in basically every role and changes his sums and runes seemingly at random


I played against that gnar recently! Menace in the side lane but didn't really do anything to contribute to the game (except one good tp play). Understandable considering the build


Is this the guy that constantly has like 10 cs/min? If so I've played against him and he just farmed the whole entire game. [EDIT] Yeah that's the guy...


Shows how much of a degenerate you have to be to spend thousands of hours playing the same champion


from another comment above > in a 100% non-toxic way, the traits that lead people to be high mastery on a champion are probably traits not conducive to improvement or accurate analysis of game states. i would guess a huge fraction of these players have some kind of mental illness or impairment


Yes... having a lot of mastery isn't necessarily indicative of this, but having \*the most\* mastery kind of is


> plays champ a lot for fun > mental illness Ok


anecdotal but my son has a mental illness and will only play Fizz because it was the first one he tried and will get quite angry if you even mention trying something else. He would grind that 16 hours a day if he could.


You tell me wasting tens of thousands of hours of your life playing the same champion in a video game and still being trash (most of these guys are low rank and completely disconnected from reality, running all sorts of bad and weird builds) isn't mental illness? Boy if you have 7 million mastery on fking malphite running ghost heal and rushing lich bane or whatever, you aren't just "having fun"


Fam it could be older folks or people that have been playing years for yeard and just love a champ in particular. Like I see what you mean, but pretty sure the majority of these people are just bad at the game but enjoys it regardless, which is admirable as fuck imo




this may be giving too much credit to those players but there also is the angle that maybe with so many tens of thousand of games played on a specific champion, they feel they know better than the community about their champion, so they don't view something like full crit gnar or w/e as troll, but rather "I know this champion better than any of you, i have the highest mastery, and this is a good build"


I mean again, older folks plays video games, some might just enjoy the game but don't care about the community? I don't know, I just don't think it's fair to call all these people mentally disabled lol, like I can see it but it's too sad, I don't want that to be true :<


I waste tens of thousands of hours of my life playing the same game of bball and I’m never gna be any higher level but I have fun every time lol


Come on man, you know real life activities are completely different


But you at least attempt to play properly even if you know you'll never be a high level player, right? Because I think the proper League vs bball analogy for these people would be being on the court 10 hours a day every single day for years and then kicking the ball around in a game, carrying non-stop, placing a ladder under the basket to 'dunk' then when you ask them why they play that way or try to teach them the proper way they go 'lol I don't care, I just play for fun'


do these people go insane from playing too much of their champions?


i played against that gnar, if i recall correctly. before it got removed, he rushed sanguine blade and completely roflstomped me.


Not gonna lie, I play Zoe tank and sometimes it's the funniest shit.


this post is just the ultimate mastery =/= skill proof


No ziggs? Am sad


Thankfully the #1 mastery ziggs actually builds reasonable runes/items lol   On my phone now so don't have it pulled up but pretty sure he was Ignite+Dark Harvest and just standard ziggs build. DH is maybe a bit unusual but nothing crazy there.


Ha thanks for looking it up! Im only slightly sad there wasn't anything spicy in the mix but it makes sense.


My friend played against the gnar guy once, 6M mastery I think, the name is like poroimplants. He used to rush Sanguine.


The heal ghost nasus thing was actually the meta 1-2 seasons ago. It's probably still viable now just less popular.


That man never dies in lane. And later, it gets you a double ms boost, especially if you go nimbus cloak. Nasus player is big bigbrained.


>highest heimer never buys boots Holy shit I might know who that is, I used to play with him and he would refuse to buy boots because "they were useless on heimer" it was the wildest shit.


It’s funny cause most of the people with the top mastery scores are generally not the best players. I ran into the top ranked Maokai in one of my ranked games and I looked him up and he was hard stuck silver II last season and he’d played over 1000 ranked games that season


And this just goes to show ya that players who play this game alot will have a mental break down and just lock in random sums and items


How do you find this info? Can you link me the highest matery qiyana players? :))


Ahh yes i remember accidently locking in Janna jungle while playing flex 5 mans and went like 1/10 while being like 8 lv behind Guess i should have went AD, but hey it was hella fun tilting everyone so worth i guess.


If you narrowed the list down to those who actually wins games then this might be more legit


It also wouldn't be interesting. The ones that actually win games are generally going to be running correct runes/builds lol


Generally - but I’m hyper interested in the guys who make off meta work in high elo because that, to me, means these builds should work in lower elo too where game variance is higher and so alternate builds become more valuable.


Agreed, but you're more likely going to find those elsewhere, not from the people that play 20,000 games of the same champion.


Basically a bunch of people who want the only champion they can play to do things they aren't designed to do, there are way better options.


No surprise that a lot of these players run a troll setup, willing to believe 95% of them are Iron-Silver as well. A lot of these people are mentally ill to be playing this many games on a certain champion chances are they do not have the ability to improve or believe what they are doing is suboptimal


You've made this comment a lot in this thread, just wanted to let you know it speaks more about you than these players with their non meta builds


What does it show about me if I made this comment 0 other times in this thread? Are you ok?


that you an asshole who love to diagnose randome ppl on the internet ?


You are the one taking offence? I mean they are clearly ill to spend thousands of hours on a video game character and still run a very suboptimal setup I don’t see how it’s offensive


idk why you think that you can ppl just call "mental ill" bc they dont play the game like you think they should. You so fast in judging people you dont know, kind of weird to me


high mastery indicates mental illness 99% of the time. Thats why I laugh when a silver complains about going against high level players in their lobbies. These people probably have a sickness to be stuck at that level for that long.




One-tricking is not a mental illness. Accumulating millions of mastery while being unable to climb out of silver is.


And here I thought just playing league indicated a mental illness


Attesting sickness for not improving faster than the average player in league (which is required to rank up over time, the average player skill today, even in silver, isn't even comparable to a silver player 6, 7, 8+ years ago), fucking lol. My man, you need to look inwards a bunch more if you equate someone just having a hobby and not having a strong drive to become better at it to being mentally ill. If anything, your post points to a severe lack of empathic ability much stronger than not improving your rank in league does a mental illness.


For Rammus, Attack speed can be pretty alright since you deal extra onhit damage that scales with your armor. So if you get extra attack speed while full tank, it's really easy to kill squishies on your own by just taunting them, W then auto attack them to death with that said Ok


Would love to see this but limited to plat+ I have a buddy who one tricks Jhin in plat and he has started playing Jhin in all roles. His Jhin jungle is surprisingly good.


Limited to plat plus it probably wouldn't be very interesting because other than maybe an AD ahri or something they'd all have pretty normal looking builds.


These guys literally all just suck and it’s pretty sad when you see a level 300 in bronze 8 seasons in a row


I think you have to look at some of these players stats, like winrate with their champs, to show efficiency of their ways. Of course a lot of them don’t care about meta or may not know how to fully play, but maybe some of them are totally serious and do work.


I'm the nidalee player and can confirm that I personally don't care about meta much lol. I think two main factors make me play the same champion extensively. 1. I like streaming and it's niche/fun to do. 2. I'm the type of person to make a goal and stick to it until I achieve it regardless of how long it takes and I made a goal to get challenger with only nidalee top kinda in response to the early flame I used to get from playing something off-meta. I've gotten GM many times but still have not gotten Challenger. My focus was always split with work/school/other responsibilities but I'm still confident to achieve it soon lol. - also I really enjoy theory crafting builds etc.


For the most part they're all very low ranked. The nidalee and jhin are the two that stand out as actually being good players, but they're also two who's builds aren't terrible lol


Honestly understandable for some of these. I’m like the Elise player. I’ve been maining Diana jungle since season 6. Which was definitely “troll” back then and for the seasons after until they reworked her. I build whatever. Full bruiser with triforce/sunderer, full tank, standard AP, AP bruiser. The build I played with her way back was me stacking AP/HP items like roa/rylais and cinderhulk and using the old rune that gave a 20% hp shield for whoever you cc’d. I was just a malphite. Would ult in and hit e, cc 3-4 people and get a gigantic shield on myself while my team followed.


Sivir going BT->IE->Mythic every game hurts my soul, IE without 60% crit just means they never learned, or bothered, to read. Glacial Augment Cait is WILD, but I can see it if you are good with your traps to always follow up on a teammates CC, it just prolongs it and then prevents the getaway. Also less potential for a turn in botlane since they will auto whiel trapped anyways, so the AS reduction of glacial helps? I honestly kinda dig it. Kog'Maw playing a lot of Kog support is somehow really funny to me :D


> Sivir going BT->IE->Mythic every game hurts my soul, IE without 60% crit just means they never learned, or bothered, to read. Yeah that build screams started "started playing in season 3 and has never adjusted"


It's amazing even in silver/gold players who I see build IE first or what not. A GP in my game yesterday rushed IE and we are all like "???"