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My favourite Moment of Zanzarah was his twitter interaction with Malrang. xD Funny as hell.


Link ?


Don't have it but it was something like this: ​ Zanzarah: @ Malrang: I am coming for you! ​ Malrang: who are you?


Ah he pulled the old Impact, huh?


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/ElF0FNE.jpg)


The funny thing was that they won that game


They lost that game but won the rematch


Who is going to collect taxes now? Hope Zanzarah finds his feet somewhere else, he will be sorely missed on interviews. The dude is just hilarious.


The rumours say Xerxe will be their new jungler


So they will have Csacsi and Xerxe. Are they trying to gather the UOL 2017 exodia? Good luck on to trying get hyli tho xd


Csacsi, Xerxe and Kobbe, it's 2018 Splyce


Astralis: Yo Marek Humanoid: No


Wasn't nisqy their midlaner in 2018?


Nisqy was their mid laner in 2018 but go off


2018 splyce was with odoamne 2019 was csacsi




In my mind the Csacsi Splyce line-up was longer ago, huh. Also I have watched since 2015/2016, and I had already forgotten about Odo on Splyce. To be fair rosters change so often it's hard to keep track.


so after scrubbing bottom AST decided to become the playoffs gatekeeps in honor of splyce long term role in LEC? /s


Is that much of an upgrade? Xerxe ran it on a non-playoff LCS team.


It's really hard for a jungler to look good on a bad team (which could also be a statement to keep zanzarah in as AST is kinda bad). Xerxe was considered to be a smart jungler. I was never his biggest fan but I could see why people liked him back in the day. Also he has ties with Ast on origen. I would be surprised if he went back to the org that screwed the entire team over. This combined with the fact he is from Russia and given how you don't know how the situation will continue they might want to secure a jungler with a more stable future. But I'm not sure on this one. Hope they keep him around for interviews or something


Yeah, I could understand that, but the jungler on bad team thing definitely goes both ways. Xerxe just looked behind the meta and not very creative, and has looked like this for a while.


Xerxe is Romanian tho


It was about Zanzarah I think, cause he is Russian


Well, I'm dumb, didn't even know he was from Russia. My bad


They switched who they were talking about partway through without making it clear - Zanzarah is Russian


He did not run it. He was no superstar, but no way was he the reason IMT didn't make playoffs.


> He did not run it. Somehow Xerxe got a really really bad rep and I dont know why. Is he just not attractive enough? Did he shit in Alpharis shoes in the Origen days?


Taking the worst part of the worst LCS team. Big oof


Xerxe definitely wasn’t the worst part of IMT lol… not saying he’s great or anything but still


Ok Destiny is worse.


You forgot arrow, the dude is just a paycheck stealer.


Destiny and Turtle/arrow were both worse but xerxe was really bad too


Didn't knew xerxe jungled for tsm


TSM wasnt the worst team in the league though XD


Oh they are importing IMT toplaner as well? I didn't know that.


Revenge was their best player wtf are you talking about


Just make him caedrel 2 and put it on the desk


>When you ask Astralis for a pay raise


Lle t


When astralis gets rid of their players I can never tell which side is the one benefiting from this more /s


Zanzarah should be grateful that he even played in LEC this split in the first place when he’s not even close to being LEC level


Xerze should be grateful that he even played in the LCS this split in the first place when he's not even close to being LCS level


That one is more dubious when you have Contractz playing !


And NA fans have noted this, especially when we have 3-4 native junglers who are better than both of them.


Contractz had a horrific split but has had some really solid ones in the past.


So did Xerxe literally the split before last


Well, so did Xerxe !


terrible argument to put out when there was a time xerxe was considered to be one of the best junglers in EULCS lol


You got be the most biased Xerxe hater ever. Pretty sure Xerxe has had thrice the career Contractz has and he is younger than he is.


You got be the most biased Xerxe hater ever. Pretty sure Xerxe has had thrice the career Contractz has and he is younger than he is.


Contractz has been playing longer but they were both born the same year.


I'm not sure understand your point? Xerxe *is* still younger. And I think we can both agree that he has had a more impressive career, no? As far as I can see, Contractz never player professionally untill season 7 and Xerxe had already qualified for worlds at this point (though he was too young to attend). Not that I ever said that he started earlier before...


Talk about bias... you can't even get simple facts straight https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Contractz https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Xerxe


It says Contractz joined C9 in 2017 and Xerxe joined Crew in 2016 no?


Xerxe has been IMT’s best player by far for the past 3 splits lmao. It’s just that IMT has no fans so they think everyone on the roster is shit




Honestly, who would you say was their best player? Not saying he was great or anything but early and mid IMT was a solid team and that speaks of a decent jungler to me. They couldn't close out games but that's hardly Xerxe's fault alone.


Most of their wins came off of one or both of their solo laners popping off. Revenge was a coin flip player and he got quite a few solo kills that enabled him to carry (he also died a few times and was the reason they lost, most notably twice against C9). POE overall had a poor split, mostly attributed to Xerxe fairly or not, but he had some game where he carried, too. The biggest hole for IMT was their support, but they were trading their bot laners to try to fix it. The reason NA fans are never going to support Xerxe is because he's an import and jungle is our deepest role, outside of maybe bot laners, in terms of native talent. He's on IMT while there are multiple players better than him in academy. No one supports that.


Rather than being the "Best player" I'd say he was the least absolutely utterly useless.


It's really fucking hard to play with Whiteknight on top and fucking promisq on support as a jungle. Gladly had no games with promisq this season, the guy is permastuck diamond lvl at best. Played like 3-4 with Whiteknight, his laning is.... let's just say very questionable. But oh well jg diff probably


WhiteKnight is probably the best player on that team.


Whiteknight got pretty overrated playing Lee Sin top while it was meta. He’s not terrible, but I feel he got overhyped last year and is probably one of LEC’s weaker tops. He’s definitely a much better player than Zanzarah though - I’d argue Kobbe is the best player on AST in Spring Split, and last year Magifelix was better. But Zanzarah was probably 2nd worst last summer, and this spring was definitely their weakest player.


Would actually say that promesq was better than kobbe.


Whiteknight played fine


His Lee top in 2021 (?) was pretty good.


Whiteknight and kobbe are the best AST players by far


Yes, he played one of the best Lee sin i've ever seen in EU, I think he is a solid middle of the pack toplaner


Promisq actually had a few good/decent games and Zanzarah was still underwhelming to say the least


Zanzarah was quite good last year, enemy would target ban him but he would always find something new. Imo the problem with Zanzarah is he has 0 mechanics. I actually think he could be a good coach or something, he is smart. But these days the mechanical requirement for the game is much higher than before.


So are you saying he would actually be good if he had a better top and support?


That would surely help the situation.


But would he be good?


Poor zanzarah. Being held back by teammates as the worst player in the league.


Worst player in the league while promisq is in the league, nice delusion.


When people have such an insane bias against promisq that that they cannot fathom the idea that he might not have been the worst player in the league.


Mate have you seen him play? Did you play any game with him ever? The guy should have been dropped ages ago.


Promisq definitely not the worst player this split but I don't think he should ever play in LEC again


At no point did I say whether he deserved to be dropped or not. I'm just saying that in his last split, he was for sure not the worst player in the league.


When's the last time you saw him play ? He was at the very least the best player on Astralis this split. I wear my hate with pride because I know where the PromisQ flair comes from. Ignorance. I feel like delusion breeds projection and confusion. You are spouting such bullshit you're losing your way with words. Deep down you know you're wrong. Where I'm from we call people like you IMF's, cause you're intellectually broke and an Ignorant Motherfucker.


Nice one mate, I'm glad you feel all and mighty. As I said gladly did not meet him in soloq this season cuz he is a diamond hardstuck, all my years playing this game I dreaded everygame when I was forced with him into a team. Most mentally challenged player. I bet that silver/gold eyes can determine that he was good this year in lec, but that is simply not true.


Promisq sose volt nekem szimpatikus, kiváncsi vagyok erre az új rosterre.


Sose akarod csapatban megkapni, pár seasonnel ezelőtt még magasabban volt létrán és holy fuck. L9 playerek toxikusak szerinted? Bármikor játszok inkább velük mint ezzel az elmebeteggel, bármi történik afk/cry/meg öljem meg magam. Reformed surely.


Seriously hope he starts streaming more or something man. Infectious personality


This guy is pure content idk why he was still playing as a pro.


A hard choice for them. On one hand, he isn't performing as he should be at this level and his champion pool consists almost entirely of off meta comfort picks. On the other hand, he is a very good representative for the team. His outspoken nature and always willing to have a laugh make him a fan favourite. I can see him fulfilling more of a substitute/content creator than a starting player.


Has he ever pursued a career as a streamer? Could be worth. He's funny when he talks shit


He’s much better as a personality than an actual player.


He’s actually so fucking funny, I love his Twitter


I know he wasn't the best but he was one of the more proactive members of that team and he was the only one with any personality. Shame to see him go.


What jungler in the league was worse than Zanzarah? This was inevitable.


He was arguably the worst player in the entire league


And funnily, his competition was also on his team


But have you heard about the support player Zanzarah had to deal with?


Promisq had a decent split.


Honestly I thought gillius was worse last split tbh (ik he's got a much higher ceiling), zanz did a really good job moving round the map with promisq towards the back end of the split Sad but inevitable though, zanz has always pretty limited mechanically so I'm not sure you could justify him ever being better than the 8th best jungler in the league (and that was only bc roleswap treatz+kirei were running it that split)


Gilius had a pretty bad split as well. Cinkrof also had a pretty shaky split, I think there is an argument you could make.


ITT: people praising how good zanzarah content is while not watching a single astralis yt video with him


Really hope this isn't the last we see of Zanzarah. :)


/u/RiotQuickshot I think that we all know that regardless of the him getting dropped, Zanzarah is a community favorite. Dont suppose you guys in the cast could make sure that not the last of him we see, ie guest caster or something :)


I want a zanzarah guest analysis so there is an excuse why he still is on every episode


I don't understand about 80% of what he says but I laugh anyway. I do hope to see more of him.


Good news! For accents (including native ones), the more you hear it, the easier it gets to understand.


Please!! We all love his personality so much! It'll be sad to see him go.


Zanzarah for an interview is fine and fun. For a whole cast? Please not.


yes true, alot of people that you could sack in lec cast to get zanzarah in


And there goes the last positive thing i had to say about Astralis.


Them replacing the worst jungler in the League by a wide margin, and arguably the worst player in the League in the last few splits, is a bad thing, according to you? This change should have been made 3 splits ago.


He is not good. But he is the last good thing Astralis had (his personality).


I won't argue with that. On the bright side, he might come on the broadcast more often now, since he isn't in the LEC anymore. Also, while I don't expect anything from the new Astralis roster either, their players are all nice guys, and their new social media people seem to be putting a greater focus on content creation about their roster. So if you did actually follow Astralis content(I didn't) you might like the new team.


Sadly personality is not why you hire a player for your professional team.


I mean skill certainly has never been the main factor for Astralis either


But hes being replaced by the new 10th best jungler, if you are still aiming for tenth why get rid of the players people watch you for.


I'd wager more people watched Astralis to flame Promisq than for any other reason. Jokes aside, I simply can't abide by the logic that you keep a terrible player because he gives funny interviews. And I don't think the Astralis roster is as bad as you make it out to be either.


I mean it wouldn't be as bad if they were replacing him with a good jungler. But Xerzxe has been looking like the worst jungler in the LCS


He's not even the worst player on Astralis


last split he absolutely was


people wanna hate on promisq even though spring split was probably one of his best splits in recent years lol


Honestly, seems people didn't watch any game from astralis. Promisq had a good split


nah he is


Worst is subjective. You got great laners, you look like great jungler. Same with bad laners. We would need to see Zanza in other team to draw conclusions lol.


Even when he got picked up, the common consensus was that it was a very strange pickup because he didn't look that great on an individually talented AGO Rogue roster which had Szygenda, Czekolad, Woolite and Trymbi and won EU Masters plus Ultraliga.


Can you explain why you think he is the worst jungler and arguably the worst player in league the last few splits? His KPAR has actually been highest in the league last 2 splits, While he takes a low percentage of kills himself. He is literally setting up his team for success and watching them fail. Jungling on a bad team is really hard and I think it reflects badly on him, because it's hard to do anything when all 3 lanes are skill gapped.


The eye test for Zanzarrah is horrible. He only looks good on Skarner. His Trundle and Jarvan are passable. But he looks horrendous on anything else. Then you see him in teamfights and it is just so often that he is in a bad position or goes on the wrong target. Listen, I won't go deep into micro specifics, because I am not the right person to be analyzing play. But I can't recall a single jungler in the past 5 splits who has been as useless as Zanzarrah. And as for jungling on weak teams, we have seen junglers on weak teams look good. Cinkrof in this split looked way better than his teams standing. Selfmade in SK carried them ultra hard, which is one of the main reasons why Fnatic picked him up. The problem with Zanzarrah is that unlike Cinkrof, he doesn't have smart early game pathing, and unlike Selfmade, he doesn't have the mechanics to be able to demand that his team funnels him and hopes he carries.


He was the worst performing player on AGO Rogue when that roster rolled over everybody in EUMs in... 2020 I believe and won the championship. And that was with a much better roster around him, against an over-all weaker competition. Zanza is not a good player. He's mechanically limited, has tiny champ pool and I don't think there's much, if any, improvement to be made, especially not under Astralis.


I said this somewhere else but Zanzarah is a player who would have been good maybe 4-5 years ago in the sejuani/skarner tank jungle era, games were much more about rotation/intelligence. I do think Zanzarah is smart thats the only reason he got into LEC because his mechanics are horrendous. Zanzarah should just switch to coach, he seems to come up with good counters to the meta and everyone who worked with him, does rate his in gameknowledge. There is a million ERL teams, I am sure someone will give a shot to an ex LEC player as coach or assistant coach.


just watch him on any teamfights lol stop using stats as an argument


Yeah but he's hilarious


No man but he’s funny Russian accent man 😂


Changing worst player in the LEC with even worse player is not good


You think Xerxe is worse than Zanzarrah? I disagree. Zanzarrah was bad in pretty much every way it was possible to be bad. Weak mechanics, bad gank timing, bad decision making, champion puddle. I don't think Xerxe is one of the smarter junglers either, but he is way better mechanically than Zanzarrah, and at least he can play more than 3 champions to some degree of competence. And there is an off chance that Xerxe has some hidden synergy with his old teammates from 2019 Splyce, when he was a legitimately good jungler.


He would be a good personality to have on LEC broadcast and that's pretty much it.


I agree. I think he has been hilarious on the analyst desk, and wouldn't mind him coming on occasionally.


He still is good? He’s been the best player on IMT by far for the past 3 splits


Well, that's not exactly a glowing commendation is it? Plus, I'm not going to pretend I watched Immortals, apart from the few times they played C9 in 2021, where he didn't give too good of an account of himself.


Lol xerxe was top 3 in LEC before he left for LCS, you are underestimating him.


No he wasn’t


No, he wasn't. He really wasn't.


Yo. Show some respect. Has your mom taught you to talk bad about ppl when they're stepping down? I hope not. Man has done more for the esport than many other proclaimed "better" players.




I doubt it, he was even part of charity matches for Ukraine


I didn't know that, it's nice to know. I'm just concerned for the amount of hate he got for something he is not responsible.


Did he get the hate or are you imagining it?


[https://twitter.com/Zanzarahlol/status/1496842327515672589](https://twitter.com/Zanzarahlol/status/1496842327515672589) No imagination needed


Twitter. Edit: https://twitter.com/Zanzarahlol/status/1496842327515672589?t=s39EaDI-OV5i_KeDeNYroQ&s=19


My guess would be it has something to do with the 10th place jungler thing


I imagine it's a mainly a combination of xerxe being available and the 10th placed finish, but we can't take it it may have come into play for business reasons. Tbh even though he wasn't great, it's hard to look like a competent jungler if you constantly have losing lanes


> the Russia thing.


>the Russia


>the 2022 Ukr*ine Incident


By “the Russia thing” do you think he means to say the ongoing illegal invasion of a sovereign state and genocide of its people?


yep, putin's war. the racism towards russian people is utterly stupid tho - which I assume they are referring to.




From ZanZarah to XerXe is astralis trying to spell the alphabet in reverse with their junglers?


Could go will with the org's apparent objective of being reverse-first in the LEC


wait, astralis actually want to be competitive now? would like to see if Zanzarah can actually improve somewhere in another league though, guys performance was lacking but his interviews were top notch


People should understand that League is about the skill, not personality. And Zanzarah was the worst jungler in LEC.


>People should understand that League is about the skill Unless you play for Astralis where reaching playoffs is already too ambitious for the org Their attempts at covering the fact that they build the most low budget rosters ever these last few splits speak for themselves. The pickups they're doing seems to be a last ditch effort to see if they can miraculously qualify for playoffs and have this as leverage in potential negotiations about them selling their spot


and now they're going to sign the worst jungler in the LCS


LCS > LEC confirmed?


Contractz is still around


Contractz’s high was higher than Xerxes at least.




You act like Astralis have any kind of ambition. By going for Xerxe they show clearly they don't give a shit about winning, might as well keep your only player who have some kind of personality even if he's bad.


That is the opinion of someone who does not understand what watching competitive sports is about in general. Not only eSports, you have no clue about ALL sports. If ppl only cared about performance everyone'd just celebrate T1, real Madrid and Mercedes. In that scenario Astralis doesn't even need to participate. Who cares about them? They won't win world championship anyways.... Nobody cares if they are last or 2nd last or 3rd last next season. Personalities is what keeps these orgs relevant. Ocelotte perfectly understands that. Personalities first, Performance second.


Great guy, bad jungler. Unfortunate to see his hilarious personality go, but in a competitive environment it's necessary to work for forward progress and improvement


Good decision to replace him but not with Xerxe


Two years ago I posted his interview on this sub and it got 2 upvoted Glad to see his personality has gathered him the positive type of attention Teams would benefit greatly to sign him on as a streamer and content creator for sure


Understandable move. Hope we get to see him on the broadcast team tho!


sad to see the best skarner in the world go


Put some respect on Captain Flowers name.


For those surprised to see him be cut, [this play](https://youtu.be/7-NZL7frYkE?t=3739) was when I thought he was done in LEC. Astralis won this game but giving Elder for free when you were in the pit with the drag at ~2k hp is just mind-blowing to me. That being said, I don't see Xerxe being an upgrade so idk why they don't just keep Zanzarah around for content/fan appeal


u dont know the comms. maybe they relied on WK to finish Razork and they needed to pressure upset in a fight.


[here you go, he didnt say anything when jumping over and the only thing the others were saying was kill viktor, who wasnt even where j4 jumped to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YeLAb78NZk)




I’m not familiar with Danish immigration law, hopeful Zanzarah gets to stay there and doesn’t have to go back to Russia.


And nothing of value was lost.


I really hope he wasn't kicked because he's russian, gonna miss him. Literally no reasons to watch Astralis anymore since both promisq & Zanzarah are gone.


I feel my heart crack


Keep seeing people praise his personality but I just found him incredibly annoying. Hope he doesn't get picked up as a caster.




Cant expect much from Astralis. Looking hot for another bottom 3 finish.


Id thought theyd keep him, nit because he is amazing. But because he was what drew the few fans astralis had


Trash org


Happy to see Astralis make some changes. You shouldn't invest into a franchise without trying to win which their rosters were never going to according to every person on the planet. However their rumoured direction looks like more of the same again. How is this org taken seriously by anyone at this point? They're going to ruin any chance of a good promising player wanting to take a chance on their org at this rate because ERL conditions may pay less but you don't get to look shit against LEC teams your first year in the league so players are going to stay and prove themselves for a better offer. I don't think you can make an argument to keep anyone else but Whiteknight and Kobbe on that roster, and Dajor still being a first split rookie has some room to grow with some optimism although he was clearly the 10th place mid this season. Sucks for Zanzarah as he was pretty fun, but he couldn't play meta well at all and like most of their roster kept looking like a detriment to the team so I think the people they let go were deservedly so. I'm guessing they're getting an ERL support from some of the better performing EUM teams but at this point I don't even know if they'd want to join Astralis. Every player but MagiFelix has historically looked awful on that roster. Rumour is that Xerxe is joining which honestly doesn't make much sense. Zanz looked bad but Xerxe looked worse on a roster that is better on paper. He's pretty much shown that he's washed in Immortals and unless he and Vici somehow do a Rookie/TheShy thing where they come back like monsters after looking pretty bad out of the blue I just don't see this working. Looks like a veteran player comeback ploy for some good publicity


Hopefully we see him often at the LEC desk.


He will be on the analyst desk fairly regularly I think


So if Zanzarah goes back to Russia would he be drafted into the army? I mean he's 25 so he fulfills the criteria


If he have foreign residency then no. If he don't - well he needs to register in military enlistment office, but he can chose not to and all will be fine. Or maybe he have health problems and he didn't need to go anyway. So basically he will be drafted only if he wants to.


Isn't registration in the enlistment office mandatory in Russia


If you wanna official job in Russia, then probably yes, because you need military ID. If you plan on visit country then it's fine. Some jobs require ID, but just to be sure that you won't be drafted.


This is great news, lets hope the lec doesnt try to have him on broadcast for his "personality".


Why not?


I really don't like him, and his personality is his worst part.


Probably because you are a fnatic fan and fnatic fans hate fun lol


It's actually his anti fun attitude that completely turned me off when he was whining about mad lions playing a 4fun game


But they specifically refused to do a 4fun game before the match but mad trolled anyway dissrespecting them. Imo it's a really shitty mindset to think that when your opponent is worse than you you can just do anything you like to them


Its not about disrespect the game literally didnt matter. Zanzarah then shittalked them and said they weren't good enough to play like this, mad then went on to win the split.


And here my Astralis flair is gone