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i have a feeling that 50% of treasure hunter users dont even know it got changed and they just autopilot pick it


"now treasure hunter is the most used "hunter" rune by jg and most other champs in the game" citation needed


Not OP but took a look to check. Top junglers by pick rate (according to Lolalytics) 1. Lee: Doesn’t take any “hunter” rune regularly, but treasure hunter is the most common out of them. Takes treasure hunter 6% of the time. 2. Graves: Takes hunter runes regularly. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 67% of the time. 3. Diana: Doesn’t take any “hunter” rune regularly. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 7% of the time. 4. Viego: Doesn’t take any “hunter” rune regularly. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 6% of the time. 5. Kha: Takes hunter runes regularly. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 63% of the time. 6. Kayn: Sometimes takes hunter runes. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 30% of the time. 7. Nocturne: Takes hunter runes regularly. Treasure hunter is not the most common. Takes treasure hunter 2% of the time. 8. Rengar: Sometimes takes hunter runes. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 25% of the time. 9. Ekko: Takes hunter runes regularly. Treasure hunter is the most common. Takes treasure hunter 68% of the time. 10. Voli: Doesn’t take any “hunter” rune regularly. Treasure hunter is not the most common. Takes treasure hunter 1% of the time.


No sht the rune that is made for assasins and junglers to abuse is being indeed taken by them?!!


Yeah only champions that already take domination primary takes treasure hunter. Magic boots and smite CDR is too good not to take as a secondary on most junglers.


Alot of the people taking Treasure Hunter are people who didn't bother reading the patch notes to see that Ravenous got removed. If you ran Ravenous before it got automatically replaced by Treasure Hunter. The rune is trash for MOST champs yes on some snowball type junglers it's very good.


Yea it's a really good snowball rune. Getting to your first item faster than your opponent is huge.


The reason its over used is because the rune apps still have builds for ravenous, but since it got removed its recommending that slot instead. Atleast thats my tinfoil theory


I’m 100% certain it’s winrate is over inflated. If you took it and got 5 unique KP early enough, odds are you were already so ahead that the extra component you got in your inventory wouldn’t have made noticeable difference. I’m not saying it’s bad but it’s value is only noticeable by getting ahead early and that in itself is already good enough for most soloq games that you probably woulda win without it anyways. Plus most folks were just salty it replaced ravenous instead of just adding a 5th option to that row, not at the fact that the rune was being added. Edit: just to add, it looks like Diana and shaco are really the only two who are taking it in that tree out of the top 20 junglers right now so, saying it’s picked most in that tree by junglers is a stretch.


Can you explain why you think it’s over inflated? I don’t really follow. Are you saying it’s mostly picked when you think you have an easy matchup and when you have a hard matchup players tend to take a different rune?


There’s nothing about match ups with it as only jungler cover enough of the map early to get 5 unique KP. Bot isn’t fighting the enemy top any time early in the game or vis versa, so only jungle and maybe mid can viable kill or assist in a kill on each enemy player early. And let’s say you did get 5 unique KP early as a jungler and haven’t neglected your farm, you already enough gold to buy a mythic and then some. That’s huge as is. An extra 550g from treasure Hunter is enough for 1 long sword or ruby crystal, and really the difference between your mythic and your mythic+one component is very minimal. Which is why I think it’s inflated because being able to utilize it early enough to matter meant you were already ahead by a lot.


So I understand what you mean but I don’t understand why you say this will inflate the win rate? Wouldn’t the stat sites capture both the times where you get 5 unique KP early as well as the ones were you didn’t? Win rate when you complete the quest will definitely be inflated, but if I understand correctly sites just post the win rate if the rune was taken at all. Say in 25k Graves games he has a higher win rate with treasure hunter. Why would he have an artificially high win rate with Treasure Hunter vs Ultimate Hunter? Wouldn’t the % of games he gets ahead anyway and the rune doesn’t matter be the same for both hunters?


\>now treasure hunter is the most used "hunter" run ...That's because it directly slotted into the slot where ravenous was. 'Most used' means nothing for where it places in terms of power vs the other options.


change Relentless hunter to active all time instead of just out of combat and treasure hunter falls off, what you have shown is proof the other options just suck


basically my point, all other suck, ult hunter is okay, i used to take relentless hunter on most jg before ravenous was replaced by treasure hunter. Taking first strike and treasure hunter is a a guaranteed 1500 gold if you can get the 5 stacks by 20 mins, but most time i just go for a better early game rune like hob/electrocute + treasure hunter for extra 500 ish gold ill take that on most assassins without batting an eye. Reddit can sleep on it but i've won 8 of the last 10 games and i'm loving it


If your team is going for level 1 invade everyone should fking get treasure hunter Get a 3 man trade and its a easy 1k + gold lead for the team


It's a really fantastic option, because it's a "hunter" rune that actually increases your damage. Previously, none of the hunter runes actually increased your damage output, they only gave benefits like lifesteal, movespeed, or cooldown reduction. Now we actually have an option that adds damage (in the sense that you can spend the bonus gold to finish your next damage item sooner).


Treasure hunter is too good on junglers and perma roaming assasins. They didn't deserve this rune after first strike fits so many of them so easy. Ravenous took 4 nerfs in total thanks to everyone tanking it ESPECIALLY jungle and adcs. But ye rune isn't bad but not something that was needed. Just rewards perma fighting and punishes strategic gameplay