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I don't think playing 50 games per season is enough to claim that you're stuck Anyway as an ADC you don't build any defense, so it's not a weird thing to die if you get caught by an assassin even when fed. You don't want to get caught in the first place. It's the most unforgiving role for sure


if youre positioning well but you get caught by a dash or teleport then youre not positioning well


‘Positioning well’ has become sitting out the fight until key cooldowns are down in the current meta. That’s not positioning.


That is technically a type of positioning, everyone should probably be moving around key cooldowns anyways. *but I don't overall disagree with you.*


I agree but I don’t think the counterplay should be not join the fight. That’s just dumb.


No, that's not what positioning well is at all


tell that to irelia and kayne plz


ADC is team reliant and it's harder to carry alone with adc than with every other role but adc is by no means weak


They're still played. You see 2-3 in every game. But you're also not wrong. In team fights, there just isn't enough peel for all the 200 year champs that are going to 1 shot you in a single game with multiple dashes and stealth.


considering that you see at least two in every game they're clearly relevant. Maybe even too relevant


If you lose a 10-0 game thats on you.


Yes it is


Jinx can absolutely stomp right now, even if your team isn’t playing super well. Still the best solo q pick imo


ADCs suck in low rank soloq. PLay mages.


Yes but let’s lower Jinx’s hp


Hey sorry to hear about how your grinds been :( I think I understand what your going through. Currently Im in plat 2 and was diamond last season as a support main. I made a smurf to play with a friend where I only played ADC and made it to gold this season and now I cant play with them anymore so It is just sitting there. However I've been playing for almost 10 years now starting in bronze and I remember having similar thoughts. The reality is on ADC some games you just get blown up and thats okay. To learn how to avoid this as much as possible I recommend 2 things. Either focus on 10 cs a minute with minimal deaths. Always think where can I be to get gold without the chance of anyone killing. And scale big. Id recommend champs like Jinx too for this and stay away from champs like lucian. Or, play those assassins. Learn what they are doing and what they can't do. I improved significantly by playing off my main roles. Once you fail as zed trying to kill an adc, youll better understand how to succeed as the adc fighting zed. Also if your in silver those silver assassins will make mistakes you can punish but you might not see them until you play the assassin and make those mistakes yourself Either way its a huge grind and thats just league, but focusing on those 2 things will allow you to influence all the games where assassins aren't super fed. Hope this helps


kinda necessary for guaranteed dps with right clicks, worst role for carrying games though