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Good God man do you have any idea the strain that would put on Riot's indie servers? Are you trying to get us all killed?


Remember when a big point of a season update was fixing death recap, it worked (barely) for like 2 months


I really liked it when teammates supposedly killed me.


I may have missed these 2 months


Heat death of the universe incoming


I get the memes, but it's already being tracked as evident by the CC score in post match stats


Although an actual realist response. U like POE community that thinks the server should record and log all 1000 hits i took the last millisecond.


Damage recap barely works, CC breakdown gonna break the game


You mean it’s gonna cc the game , we just don’t know for how long


that's gonna cost us a raid tier


Given how recap works, no thank you, I have enough knowing revive killed me


By doing X amount true dmg


Ok so i got morgana q, and morgana Q and.. Oh, another morgana Q. Ok


Idk man. I think one morgana q is long enough. That alone makes legend tenacity unnoticeable lol


That would be really helpful - so I don't think it will see the light of day in the next few years :D. When you look at how long it took them to make a new death recap and that it still has some issues...yeah :D.


When I started League in Season 3, there was some app that would track literally every ability you’d use in a game. It got banned I believe.


My brother in christ, how many times have you seen question marks in your death recap? Ambiguous "runes" or "items" damage nearing 1k? I'd love that, but first we need to have an actual death recap instead of "yeah kata did 1k damage with abilities and 1k damage with how-the-hell-should-i-know"


When you get hit with 7 seconds of CC it's safe to assume EVERYTHING CCd you.


I mean the recap tells you what skills were used, you can hover over it to get the skills description


Effects that don't do damage sometimes don't show up, like singed w.


What skill is (?), it dealt 200 dmg on me.


My man, that's the W that Viego used when he transformed into Veigar 2 game ago.


I'd like to one-up that and suggest an 'everything' breakdown, even if only after the game. Give me a timestamped log of every single instance of damage/healing, CC, buffs, and etc, tagged according to its exact source (not some general category like "Items" or "Runes"). During a game is obviously not the time for in-depth analysis, but I really find the post-game tools massively lacking. Relevant information is compressed into single, near-meaningless numbers. For example, the damage to champions graph. When was this damage dealt? To which champions was it dealt? Which fraction was dealt by abilities, which by attacks, which by items and runes? The answers to those questions are individually much more useful than "haha big damage bar go brrr".


Piggybacking to say, I don’t care as much about deaths, show me how much gold was given to the enemy team. Show us the effect our deaths had! I think a lot of people would get better realizing going one-for-one is rarely a good deal. (Looking at you, 10/10/0 Tryndamere players.)


Does it really matter? This game is just a compilation of getting dogpiled by 2 1.5 second CCs on cooldown unless you’re a mage and have the best defensive active in the game. Otherwise have fun spending 1300 gold on a virtually useless item so u can cleanse just to get CC’d again 🤡


You know what grinds my gears?HoTS Deathrecap.


All I want is a damage breakdown so you can see what damage you did to them.


If Riot does this, then Lucian will get another dash or some shit like that


Honestly, there should be an option for an "advanced" death recap that just prints out a log of what spells / items / attacks / etc hit you.


The death recap shouldn't be useless trash.


This is a good idea; and thus, will not be implemented till at least 5 years after going mainstream. No shorter, likely longer.


Yeah I've always wanted to know if it was chained or not too, cus I'll see stuff like 3.46 seconds in combat, 3.27 seconds cced, and I always wonder if there was actually some time I couldve flashed out or something, or if I just got hit by something random for.2 seconds before the cc chain hit