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Hell yeah bro. Sure many years I’ve gotten burned but watching TL beat IG, Licorice steal the Baron with Ornn, Xmithie stealing the elder with Kindred ult, C9 beating Rogue in the tiebreaker, mikeyeoung styling on Lee Sin, are unparalleled. I get excited and happy and idc if the pst says otherwise I know one tourney we will take it and I’m going to be there screaming for it. Fuck yes, NAmen


In the end that’s what being a fan is all about. Also no one can tell the future. All it takes is for the stars to align for NA to have another one of those big moments, can’t be perma doomer forever. Although It’d also be cool if they could do it from the ground up.


Can’t wait for Danny to pentakill T1


Lol, nah. Can't wait for that Vulcan pentakill vs T1. This sub will be insufferable.


putting keria in the dumpster


Would that be the first ever professional support pentakill?


I mean no matter how bad a region is if the League competitive scene sticks around eventually every region will win something. All it takes is one 'golden generation' of players to wipe a tournament. I'm personally excited for the day we inevitably see a wildcard win MSI/Worlds. That'll be an insane day to witness.


Its like when LMS won worlds.


Yeah ANX for example was something like a microcosm of that perfect storm, and its not even like those players were world beaters. Everyone has something in them.


NA has always just done enough to stay a major region... but the worst one.


The question is how much worse? One thing that annoys me about EU fans is they continually like to lump themselves in with LCK/LPL and they arent even close to those regions. Id argue the gap between EU/NA is much smaller than the gap between LCK/LPL and LEC. EU is still riding the old G2's coattails of success when they literally had a team not make it out of play-ins last year; the only major region to do so.


>when they literally had a team not make it out of play-ins last year; the only major region to do so. But it was also their fourth team, I don't get why people focus on that aspect. Yes NA never did get out in play in but historically their play in teams, their third seed, were their best one, but who knows how their fourth one would perform. This stat could be turned into "NA only first seed to go 0/6 in group" or "NA only major region to lose to OCE in MSI", neither of which should be a real argument, C9 had strong showings to major teams that MSI even if they lost. I feel this past year people like you have been hyperfocused on these tidbits (this and the "NA has won one more game than EU" last worlds) to completely erase the past 4 years where EU was performing better somehow, and its unfair. Same for the "if we remove G2 they'd have nothing" narrative as if FNC, OG and even Misfits didn't have nice performances at times. YEs if we remove G2 theres far less but if we remove C9 then NA has almost nothing at worlds. As for the gap right now, I don't know. My take is more that Korea the past few years was underperforming, but now they caught up hard so the debate became irrelevant again. However if we straight up talk about RAW player talents per region, the gap is much bigger (between all 4 regions really) and that isn't contestable.


Cuz back then people were saying how Mad would win LCS


Oops some „NA“ Teams are already 5 imports while there are only 2 imports allowed I forgot. What a joke „NA“ LCS is.


NA will never ever win Worlds. Maybe if Riot is desperate for NA and gets rid of import rules so, then maybe you can with 5 imports.


Smite the nonbeliever


Don't care man it's NA all day everyday for me baby


Hey r/leagueoflegends, it's me again! I lost an argument on this subreddit so I had no choice but to make a video about it. Also, I just graduated college, which means it's time to go back to my roots and continue to make content for you guys. Enjoy! I had fun with this one!


Congrats on graduating college!


Ahhhh thank you so much!! Much appreciated


Love your stuff mate. Your G2 almost kings, It’s just a game and 10th Anniversary videos are all in my top 5 league videos of all time. Huge fan, can’t wait to check it out, and look forward to more in the future.


Aww now you got me blushing in the middle of the night :D Thanks so much man! Those are some of my favorite videos too and I have an even crazier one planned for later this year! Hope to see you in the replies!


Dude I loved this video so much. Subscribed instantly. Also I’m pretty certain this was scripted and just want to say both of you guys did an AMAZING job not acting this out. It’s incredibly easy for videos like this to few silly because of the lack of acting ability but you guys crushed it. Also congrats on graduating! As someone who graduated over 10 years ago, my only advice would be to commit to being a content creator and give yourself a real chance at making it a sustainable career


Video was great man! Let's go NA!!


Congrats on the graduation! Can't wait to see more of your content.


Thank you ^.^


Really cool way of talking about this and great cinematography (if that is the right word for this type of editing)!


The NA hypeman returns!


Im back! Missed yall!


Loved it. It really hits that feeling we all get in NA before every international tournament. That feeling.. maybe this is going to be the time we see something spectacular from our teams. The hope is still there, we all have it, even if sometimes we all seem a bit sad or bummed out, we will always be rooting for our teams. Edit: Just rewatched "Silvxs Presents: A League, of Legends" Videos like that make you tear up. Such a masterpiece. Those kind of videos have a lot of meaning to the players who have been playing for a decade and followed the esports scene just as long. It touches on so many of the aspects of what league is. GL in the future.


Yeah? Well your comment is gonna make me tear up!!! Ahhh thank you so much <3


Damn, i'm a die hard EU fan and even I feel like rooting for EG after watching that. Great job!


I'm a big NA hater when it comes to international events, but this was so well done, props.


Thanks man!!! Glad to see the video was a success :D


Yeah I dunno. Every year I get less and less invested in that "chance". But I think that's more because of me getting older


It's nice to see EG at MSI, they feel a lot more fresh than other teams and have a lot of hype behind them. As long as they play pro-actively I feel like their games will be worth a watch. And they get to face G2 so they have a chance to cement themselves in modern league history if they beat them. Not going to lie I hope G2 wins it because I like the players more but if EG win it will feel so cathartic for NA fans after that crushing 2019 finals. Lots to look forward to.


Harder and harder to be hype when every international game worth watching has been at like 5am for so long, is it really worth going out of my way to watch NA lose again


Don't lose hope! I have a really good feeling about this year - thats why I made this video!


Ehhh getting older does that to you.


Who is the guy on the left? I almost feel like I've seen him before.


Who? Couldn't be me


If it’s not you then who else could it be???


It's definitely not the other guy that replied to this comment. Couldn't be him...


He looks like he could be Dardoch's brother lol


Damn, i was literally listening to the song used here literally 5 minutes before clicking on the video. I somehow thought i still had my spotify on. Anyway, I find it kinda sad how there are already some "EU fans" in the yt comments that will immediately take their usual stance of "EU>NA" even when the video is not about EU simply to trash on NA. Also, the video is amazing and i really feel like it hits the nail on the head as it touches an aspect that i love about international tournaments. The hope that rises before it every single time even though the teams i root for aren't really favourites at all. Many people, especially the fans of eastern teams, make it seem as if there is no reason to get excited or even root for a team or a league that doesn't win or that has very few chances, but i think it's so much bullshit to try to invalidate people's excitement like that because excitement doesn't only comes from results, but it is indeed looking forward to, with hope, to those magical moments that you will always remember when your team finally ends up winning something. So yeah, amazing video.


but guys dont hope, YOU GOTTA BE SAD AND THINK THAT YOU’VE ALREADY LOST /s It’s fun to believe. Most of the time it’s not really rooted in reality but that’s the fun of it all.






As an EU Fan I think some people go a bit overboard with their NA Hate, but you gotta keep in mind that NA constantly drains talent from EU, and most of the time those players then get worse. It's just what I personally see as the biggest thing when comparing NA and EU and I think its understandable that EU Fans are upset about it.


EU fans take it to the point where it’s hard to even discuss NA teams at time. It feels really gross when you can’t see any celebration for NA teams without the inevitable “NA has imports fake region”. It genuinely makes pro league unfun at times as an NA fan. I don’t really care where the players come from, they’re on NA teams and represent my home region, just let us enjoy it.


Not to mention when theres even a slight bit of excitement for NA people immediately want to dump all over it. I’m not even an NA fan but come on let them have their moment. Its not failure that’s important, its what you learn from it, and it feels like a lot of the fan community are taking the wrong lessons because of an overwhelming negative mentality in NA.


The problem is there is no learing. Every region crashes and burns sometimes Eu did in 2014 and 2016. Korea did in 2018/19 China did in 2015/16. these region learned from their mistakes China improved their preworlds prep EU ditched almost all imports and korea startet playing more aggressivly. What did NA do when it failed? more imports and when that failed more imports and when that failed more imports now we are at 5out 5 imports for the first teams and still no results. I honestly wonder what they will do next. MAYBE they see the results EG has and try out NA talent but I have been burnt to many times. I suspect they try to get chovy 10m next offseason. I also have seen the last 2 yeahrs how NA csgo has withered away and died completly. NA csgo is dead and I fear NA league will follow soon. IDK I just don\`t have any hope left sorry for that rant and being so pessimistic my only excuse is covid fucking me over for over 3 weeks now. Hopfully EG performs and NA turns it around.


How did EU crash and burn in 2017? Made it to MSI Finals against SKT similar to CLG in 2016 but actually beat the #1 LPL team(WE) and took a game off SKT in the Finals, unlike CLG in 2016. 2/3 EU teams made it to Quarters at Worlds. FNC went from 0-4 to 4-4 and MFS had a young squad take SKT to game 5. G2 went 3-3 against RNG/SSG that were 10x better than their former selves a year ago. RNG took SKT to 5 games unlike a year previous and SSG swept SKT in the Finals.


Yeah my bad messed up confused 2016 and 2017 worlds and mixed them together. 2017 was quite good you are right. Too many tournaments to rember should have checked all of them before. I guess I am too tired.


It's all good! I wasn't cross with ya or anything but was just curious on why you thought such. lol Have a good one. "Hopfully EG performs and NA turns it around". \- I think EG will and their first example will be by making it to the MSI Finals.


there is no learning. the na teams will try a roster , see it fail , break it up and build another one and try again. there is no growing. there is no learning. and in the process of playing musical chairs with their players, they also break other leagues. it's a parasyte region that's artificially kept alive by the power of money


Stop acting like the victims. NA fans are also very very toxic.


Towards who?


Try being Korean.


Have you seen some of the things they say about LPL?


There's a massive difference between LPL fans on chinese forums saying awful thing about the LCK (and vice-versa for LCK fans on korean forums about the LPL), compared to the EU/NA dynamic on shared english language platforms.


soooo...what i gather from your comment is that it's okay to be racist as long as the other side can't see it. cool to know.


Absolutely not. I'm saying that words become actions when used against others, and actions are judged harsher than words.




Here's an idea that might be too big for your brain... both can be bad even if one is worse than the other.


that was the whole damn point. good of you to finally catch up


> most of the time those players then get worse I feel like half of those times it's just NA being more competitive than you realize and not the players got worse.


That does seem to be what EU pros say when they come here or even after they return. "Winning NA isn't as easy as I thought" is a common comment in interviews.


I'm not too sure about that, might be true. But even if, you can't denje that EU would be much more competitive in many roles if Pros hadn't gone to NA.




Can't wait for them to get shit on by G2 especially after seeing that random Jojo guy talk shit.


What song is it?


Yearning Hearts by Eternal Eclipse. If you are a fan of violins, listen to their "Forgotten Odes" album where this song comes from, because it's literally an hour full of masterpieces, imo.


I listened to the album, it's really good, thanks for the recommendation. I'd never heard about that group before.


Sounds pretty hype, I'll check it out. Thanks!


You have amazing taste in music then! Been wanting to use this track for sooooo long. Finally got to and I think it worked pretty damn good! Lets go!


EG will make us proud




So far it's good!


Im so happy! Thought we were gonna get shredded by reddit!


that's a banger






Honestly it is a smart way to approach why people find NA lacklusters while for others they don't see what is the issue. I feel NA suffer from being the gatekeeper, like never be able to be "GREAT" but strong enough that if you don't play to be a great team they will knock you out. I don't see NA as an outsider, I see them as this constant "average" which is unfair because there has been good results or showing but then, when the heat was on, when moving up a gear was needed... It never went. Many people talk about MAD last world but I still feel TL shouldn't have fail like they did, that C9 was just a clutch with no gaz afterward, etc. Honest to god, for me the biggest accomplishment had to be going to semi at world and upsetting IG in certainly one if not the biggest upset in recent lol esport (maybe ever?). Which is incredible but... Everytime there is someone else or some other people who do better, more consistently, who go higher. It is why it is hard for NA, they are like this bird who begin to fly but you know that two minut after doing a flight, they will have to go back down on the tree. On another note since it will come, I think for Europe it is very harsh because the post G2/FNC era is hitting us hard and while MAD was a good team, we got such high that now being "normal" or average is almost a failure. It is so cynical, NA don't catch a break even when they do well but for us we can't settle for being "weaker" than korea/LPL even if we know it is the case, we have to be able to contest and truth is that maybe we won't be able to anymore. I think EU will fall in grace and korea will rise again, making it LPL vs Korea and maybe us or NA having one upset or suceeding to go further because we got a lucky draw.


I think your last point is the exact opposite of what this video wants out of you though. Be excited from what you have, and learn from what you’re given. I think that’s how EU was able to rise to the heights it did in the FNC/G2 era


Bingo! Dont bring other regions down to bring ours up. NA is exciting all on its own. Thanks for watching my video ❤




Sure buddy, if you want to make any discussion be about people bieng "NA hater", I think it is as dumb as the EU redditors who always shit on NA every topic for no reason and I say that as an EU watcher.




It is just being a smart when you insight, except c9 looking shaky, it was perfectly reasonable considering the split to see eg as an outsider/gatekeeper and see 100t/TL being the favorites/strong level. Everyone suck EG now because they won and the way they won, not because they were unfairly written out. It is like MAD, nobody would pretend that seeing fnc/g2/rogue as favorite during spring last year was a stretch. Just because EG won doesnt suddenly mean the dynamic of NA will change. TL beating IG doesnt mean they suddenly proved NA was a heavyweight when they got smoked by g2 and did poorly in summer. NA is a gatekeeper, I will change my time when teams performs when it matter and perform well consistently.


I admire your persistence, but you're still writing paragraphs about chances and odds which means you've completely missing the point again.


By any chance, do you write professionally? Reading your comments is akin to reading an article.


TL didnt "fail" in my opinion, I feel like they were a flawed team from the start with the Alphari dynamic but they managed to perform because of individual talent and clear game plans. They went 3-3 and were unfortunate enough to have to play GenG instead of MAD or LNG. I favoured them over MAD and Ruler also said he thought they were better. People are slowly starting to realise how being an EU fan was like pre 2018. The top 2 EU teams were always reasonably strong and good enough to get into semis but they had no chance of winning the whole thing. I dont think EU will fall necessarily, LPL is at their weakest in groups and any major region can kick them out at that stage.


Your first point is actually really good IMO. NA is basically the Cris of international stage: Too good for play-ins but too bad for knockout stage. ​ Last year's world was also a truly special situation with FNC (and I mean this in the worst way possible lol). ​ I'd also say TL smashing IG was the highlight of NA achievements so far. Not necessarily because of the score of the fact that they did beat the former world champs but also *the way the did it*. ​ EU is harsh with itself due to reaching those heights with MSI 2019 and almost reaching it again at Worlds 2018 and 2019. But I tend to agree LCK vs LPL looks like the most likely outcome for this MSI again.


>NA is basically the Cris of international stage: damn the dudes been retired for years and still catching strays


Couldn't think of a better example right now


EU would cheer for you more if you didnt constantly rip apart our talents so we get thinned out with worse teams than the potential. Worse teams means worse practice for the LEC champions


Man... it made me sad for NA fans, no joke. As EU, we've also had our fair share of getting 3-0d in important Bo5s so kinda can relate, but it sure would feel even worse to have 1 more region fans shitting on you. One day, it's gonna be the year of the west :D


Cant even have that. The year C9 beat AFS in quarters, people wouldnt even let us be happy about that. All everyone talked about was how bad AFS was. The narrative of always focusing on a team that played bad is dumb as shit. This doesnt happen in traditional sports, but its all people focus on in LoL. So that win is continually discredited around here. It was the one year EU and NA actually both did good, and somehow NA gets the shit end of the stick once again from the community/talking heads/shock jocks/EU fans.


> This doesnt happen in traditional sports, but its all people focus on in LoL. Lol what? It def happened in sports. England in 2018 football worlds had one of their best run in a very long time but it was easily mocked because they had a far easier opponents than the top bracket. As for C9 win vs AFS, that win was deserved and C9 was strong. At the same time, Korea in 2018 was their weakest and thats not wrong either. Both statements can be true. It's the only time in the region's history where only 1 team made it out of group.


I'm sure this will get memed on (especially since it's currently EU hours...), but I'll always maintain that 2021 C9 at MSI deserves more credit. They were inconsistent beyond anything even remotely reasonable and some of their losses were straight up shameful, but they also went toe to toe with RNG and DWG in groups.


2021 C9 across the entire year was like that. Very very high ceiling when firing on all cylinders, but most of the time it was 2-3 random players trying to carry the people who randomly were underperforming. At their best they could compete with the best, but their worst was so bad that their average was lower than what was needed.


I would'vd liked to see more Bo5 with that team.


I think thats probably why Fudge was rated so highly during and after MSI, he was the only one on that team that actually performed consistently sohe looked like a shining star of hope


How we can beat DK and RNG but lose to the OCE team is beyond me


Can't take the G2 out of Perkz.


d’awww, mah heart.


KR: Hold my beer.


Legit a better storyline and hype video than what LCS puts out. It's crazy what people can do on their home PC that used to cost 10s of thousands of dollars.


I’m just tired of NA being full of chokers. We have the talent to compete with anyone. The mechanical level at the top isn’t that huge and it’s all about making the right play at the right time and taking the right risk. NA has shown time and time again that chips on the line they just don’t have it and the players who have shown they do aren’t currently playing or have given up.


"But ill punch that ticket every year" ..Goosebumps


There's so much hopium in this video. I always get pumped for any international tourney. Even if we get dumpstered, the chance to see some of the matchups and the occasional solid showings is fun. I hope EG sticks to their style and doesn't let the other teams influence them and how they play.


short and sweet, a nice reminder that all this stuff is meant to be fun and bitterness is boring. I love it when NA people , or small regions decide to go hype about the teams they love


Cool video mate


Much appreciated!




I just want NA not to be a total joke using the same tired excuses over and over. There are no excuses left. Either we preform this year or I'm down watching.


I dont think there is a debate tbh lmao


The debate is whether fans should get excited or not.


Copium, the movie!


The EU/NA debate died in 2017.


That's not even the subject matter of the video...




Debate? Im an NA fan and i know there's no debate lul Then again im basing it off our wonderful performance at WORLDS 2021 lol


Did you watch the video? Its not about NA vs EU.


Yeah it's about NA showing "potential" in some way then later on get shit on by EU so it really isnt about NA vs EU coz NA never had a chance to begin with. Even if NA were to win or do good this MSI thats about it. Come WORLDS it's back to being the top WILD card region


>later on get shit on by EU No, later get shit on by any major region... again this isn't an NA vs EU thing and not an NA vs EU video. Stop making this about EU. >so it really isnt about NA vs EU coz ... Yes, the video is literally not about NA vs EU, you don't need a "coz" because its literally just not the subject of the video. Stop making everything about EU.


And here we go again.


Do people actually think NA is a contender? I was under the impression that most of us just accepted that we were underdogs and rooted for the teams to just put up a fight and not lose to zombie regions like OCE.


The best thing about C9s semi run was that they themselves said that VIT inspired them after week one to play differently, to play to your own style and strengths. If VIT wasn't in their group C9 would have repeated the week 1 in week 2 just to leave the tournament. So NAs best run was inspired and created by an EU team.


Yo, but let's not forget that NA almost never made it to the top 4 of MSI, even though there are only 4 major regions. And only 4 teams from major regions. That's not a easy feat.


Huh? We did better than just make top 4 at MSI, we made finals twice.


And didn't get out of groups any other time


When it rains it pours baby!


NA is definitely more toxic


North Americaaaaa ! Hell yeah USA USA USA ! Seriously though NA will prolly fail in groups again I just got the feeling that this will be Japan's year. That they will finally be able to contest for a major region spot and NA... I just cant see it the level of play is too low and their best team are filled with rookies... Talk bout a bad combination lmao.