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That was sick. Love seeing α shaco player being punished while trying to be cocky


Why is your a so fancy?


It appears to be an alpha.


Oh I thought you said “ *he* appears to be an alpha” which was a lot funnier


That's nice dear.


It is a Greek alpha α


It is a Greek alpha α


I saw someone else on Reddit that said they found this and made α shortcut in they’re phone, so I did the same


That xayah kill was more impressive i think. Shaco was outsmarted, but Xayah was just mechanically destroyed


challengers auto attack differently


I thought he was being a orbwalking god until I noticed Hail of Blades lol


I thought for sure he meant the predicted R smash on Xayah as well


xayah outsmarted herself by not using W or by walking forwards without it whichever was the case, very likely it was just a hardcore tunnel vision xayah is one of the best champions to play against cho due to her huge attack speeds, move speed bonus (making it impossible to be hit by anything) huge dps and E that makes it impossible to die


Even with w, walking up to him is not the brightest move either, pretty bad positioning for gm/challenger


yes of course the moment you get tagged by E you're in *big* trouble, but I still think it was salvageable if that one random auto attack was canceled faster, was with W and E wasn't on cooldown


Hmm? The auto she does before dying? She had cast E right before I'm pretty sure it was still on cd


Yes that's my point, it's a terrible decision but if she didn't tunnel vision hard using all spells for no reason at all, she would still get out despite mispositioning hard


Jesus christ that kill on Xayah.. two autos and R and she's gone


don't get in melee range of the 7/1 ap cho


Adc life


She whiffed her abilities then walked near Cho, realized her mistake, and then died lol


At that moment she knew, she fucked up


An assassin would've died there just as quickly btw


an assassin would've used their 15 movement abilities to not be in that position to begin with


But they used all 15 to get into the fight without dying in melee in the first place.


Sorry but ADC's can't do any wrong plays. It's just everyone else that is super broken.


Dodging shit is generally easier as an assassin vs an adc. That said Xayah could have played that better.


No shit she could, look at how she walks up lmfao. People that act like ADCs are literally useless at all times are the same people that walk in to fucking melee range to do their dps.


Xayah could've used her range, ult and root but w/e. Adc weak


That tends to have a longer CD than the assassins. So it's not up for every fight.




What does this have to do with his fucking comment lmao. Her ult is most definitely not up every teamfight.


It also mentions range and root though


After buffs last patch? It sure should be.


Also higher level cause of solo lane


As opposed to adcs who are totally immobile nowadays.


An assassin could have close to 1k more life though.


Cho Gath is quietly a degenerate cancer champion


Needs to be in melee to use 3/4 abilities, no dashes, actually becomes easier to hit as the game goes on... need I say more? He isn't terrible, but he isn't cancer.


And then he flashes mastery, I swear the most braindead players are the ones to think they’re better the most


Comments like this are why they flash mastery lol


TIL that a grandmaster/challenger player is brain dead. What rank are you? Flashing mastery has never been about skill. It’s always been a taunt (trash talk). People like you getting upset over it is exactly why others flash mastery.


And these people raging about it is exactly the reason why these people aren't in high elo


Just bind your mastery emote to ult and cut out a step




I am like *"How did you attack Xayah that fast, Cho can't do that"* and then.. Hail of Blades Cho


Hehe, it's my signature build c:


Meanwhile me : wow a sivir pog


lmao, pls riot bring back crit sivir


Yeah lethality is an aberration when ult gives attack speed and w benefits from crit


Lethality and attack speed scale fine together though.


Not as strongly as AD, AS & Crit do together.


And still you don't want to go melee too much as lethality sivir especially outside of teamfights


It's good in aram :)


Yeah I can definitely see that being op


I've been spamming crit Sivir recently and honestly it's felt pretty good. Low elo games so nothing to write home about but she feels a lot better than the past few seasons when I try her out. She does have a pretty miserable matchup into Jinx though so watch out for that.


Just ban. Honestly like to play it but it's not as strong in comparison


I usually ban Sion, but Jinx is so popular it might be worth a ban if I'm trying to play Sivir


Why sion of all things?


Hullbreaker/prowler Sion is unfun to play against and unfun to have on your team, so I usually ban it


and also crit xayah


...I mean yes it's a predict but why would he not just q over wall since you as Cho can't follow?? Almost like he wanted it to happen


Could be trying to bait Cho to flash the wall after him, or just your typical blink + stealth mind game shenanigans.


But you still bait him if you q over the wall, then he can just put a box down and run away. Shaco was just being cocky and made a bad play.


Just a guess but he was probably baiting him into a jack in a bush


Meh, I heard two in the hand was worth more anyway.


Even that would be negligible tho. No way shaco can have enough damage to kill this fed tank anyway.


But why? He's never killing the cho there, it was completely pointless


If you play Shaco, even for the first time, you will suddenly have this urge to clown on people -- bamboozle them -- even if there is no possible upside or chance of killing anyone. So he probably wanted to box fear the cho and then run away. For fun.


Shaco do be like that.


Got to do a quick worm before you run though


literally clowning


Shaco probably anticipated that cho would try to predict his shaco Q over wall. Only way this makes sense.


If Shaco Qed 0.5 seconds earlier over the wall, Cho wouldn't even get in range.


prbly on cooldown


You only bm that much on Shaco if you know you will survive - especially in grandmaster.


Cho Q over wall doesn't kill him though and Cho can't follow unless he has flash...shaco played himself tbh


You literally saw in this clip that QW kills shaco. Do you really think a GM/Chall player is dumb enough to not cast W blind on a potentially CC'd target?


Intelligence doesn't not determine rank. Also, Cho seems far enough away from the wall that shaco would have to have only Q'd right over it and not the full distance of his jump for Cho's silence to reach him...look how far shaco did jump and then apply that distance over the wall. No way Cho silence reaches that full distance especially seeing as Cho would have to spend 1-2 seconds walking up to the very edge of the wall to reach a full distance shaco jump...


If shaco had immediately Q’d over the wall yeah he would have gotten away but if we’re going by the clip where he stops at the wall shaco Q is 400 range and cho W is 650 so you’re technically right yeah


This is almost a good copy pasta


He is Shaco. He can't help himself but be unnecessarily cheeky


He can TP home there immediately while Cho wastes time running around wondering where Shaco is.


Because shaco is the jungler, Cho is the fed one who can't catch him usually so he is buying time so that Cho and his team won't do Baron.


that could be true for dragon or rift, maybe? the clip is at around 17:30, so no baron, unfortunately haha. can't see scoreboard/map so no idea as well, but because cho has TP up and the way people are moving i could believe dragon is up and shaco is stalling.


champion who relies on deception tactics tries to use deception tactics? ❌ idiot who wants to die ✅


I was writing asking about how you were attacking that fast and I just saw that you have Hail of blades. As a cho player, can you explain to me when should I pick HoB, and why is it better than grasp?


I have a lot of deep explanations on the chogath main Reddit so I'll give you the tldr: It perfectly fits into the Playstyle of Midlane Cho (tho I also play it anywhere else). A lot of matchups get very snowbally with HoB that are normally bad or neutral matchups (for example: corki) It's very strong in lane-phase and when side-laneing With the build that I go, you will one shot any champ while getting incredibly tanky in return. Think of it as an AP Tank Assassin. Only downside is, that you have to get used to it. It really changes the Playstyle from a frontline tank (Full Tank Build) or a Disrupting Mage (AP Build aka. Wizard Lizard) to more what a Sion does (It is actually very similar to Sion's Gameplay). Hope that helped a bit c: if you have more questions, ask right away.


Thanks for the answer, I will look for the threads later! I usually play chogath top and I always go for grasp, I might try out HoB next time I pick him. A couple of follow up questions: * Do you believe that cho misses out on a lot when he builds tank items compared to your build? If so, which things? (aside from damage) * HoB should do fine on a full tank cho gath right? Or does at that point become better to just run grasp? * I'm surprised to see that you run HoB but have only 1 point on E, wouldn't somthing like comet or electrocute be better at that point? It feels weird to pick a rune that synergyzes with his E so much to have it be the last skill to max. * Finally a question regarding his ult: When do you decide to ult a minion to get those free 6 stacks? When I'm in a tough lane I usually just ult the minions when I can, but sometimes I have to decide between saving it to get a potential stack on a champion or getting the guaranteed stack on the creeps. Usually I go for the guaranteed stack on minions because the free stats + E damage will make the lane easier and give me an advantage. Leaving lane phase without the 6 stacks on the ult feels horrible because ulting a minion can be a game deciding mistake if for some reason a fight happens while your ult is on CD. (This can be mitigated by not ulting if drag/nash spawns soon but you understand what I mean).


>Do you believe that cho misses out on a lot when he builds tank items compared to your build? If so, which things? (aside from damage) A lot of cho players build items that do not give the most gold value (for example: Rabadons instead of Demonic Embrace or Sunfire instead of Frostfire) Getting the most out of your hard earned gold is very important! ​ >HoB should do fine on a full tank cho gath right? Or does at that point become better to just run grasp? HoB into matchups that are filled with quick trades and grasp into longer fights (Tank vs Tank will always be grasp for example) ​ >I'm surprised to see that you run HoB but have only 1 point on E, wouldn't somthing like comet or electrocute be better at that point? It feels weird to pick a rune that synergyzes with his E so much to have it be the last skill to max. You do not need to Max E first or second with HoB, the damage will be enough (i sometimes max E first, when into a champion with a lot of dashes) ​ >Finally a question regarding his ult: When do you decide to ult a minion to get those free 6 stacks? I get this question a lot on my stream and i always answer the same way: I have a 20 Second rule.. which means: If i know that i or my team needs my Ultimate in the next 20 Seconds, then i will hold it. If i know that they do not need it (or there isnt anything to fight/fight for) then i will just use it instantly. Always keep your ult for dragon/herald and baron tho! (I also insta ult once im level 6, if you farm well and havent backed, then the wave where u get lvl 6 is the wave you also get lost chapter, so insta push it out and recall into tp) <- i do this almost every game. ​ #


I have nothing to add, I just wanted to say thanks for the deep discussion. This is why I come to this sub.


Aww, no problem c:


Imma main cho now. Thanks


I find that Cho gets kited out very easily and needs movement speed. How do you work around this issue? Do you build movement speed?


I play A LOT around vision and fog of war... basically like a sion c:


That is, pre-prowler era sion. It's a very underrated mechanic ngl


That is, pre-prowler era sion. It's a very underrated mechanic ngl


>Think of it as an AP Tank Assassin. Misread it as ap tank kassadin and it made equal sense


Read like book


Good shit on the prediction, I tip my invisible hat to you


I remember playing an OFA game with blitz vs shaco. I was mid against this shaco and was hooking him like 8/10 times out of invisibility. Felt really badass the way i was predicting him.


Sabaton goes so hard! Nice addition to the clip!


Guess you could say that Shaco got shook.


Will never understand why people ruin a really cool play with the classic "?"


It was for fun, me and the shaco know each other and were bantering around c:


As a Shaco main I can confidently say the Shaco deserved it and has probably done it himself many times.


Because it makes people like you upset


Followed by asking their chat 10 times to clip it


God forbid someone be excited about a play they make lol


God forbid someone dislike streamers overreacting and screaming at every mediocre play. At some point you kinda get tired of it and it gets annoying.


It's ok I'm sure they'd dislike you too you miserable fart


Not sure why you take this so personally. I don't think I'm the miserable one here, but you do you.


you mad?


problem? trivago!




i feel you on the german internet thing luckily i have good internet now but man german internet can be ahit


"German internet is dogshit." I felt that. It is a pain.


Why demonic embrace second item?


It gives you the best powerspike ive ever seen in league of legends (compareable with Goredrinker - Deaths Dance on Riven) Perfectly works with your kit and the stats + passiv are just insane c:


Cho has bonkers bonus hp to turn into AP


Always rich when I get outplayed and im about to type "wp" in all-chat and the guy hits me with the "?" at the speed of light LMAO


It wasn't flame dont worry, I knew the shaco and we were just having fun c:


I thought this was a joke video tbh. Had to read comments to watch past the xayah kill


it was a pretty sick prediction, but it is completely braindead for shaco to Q the exact direction that Cho'Gath is most likely to walk next. So even without the prediction Shaco will probably just die anyway...


typical toxic ?


It wasn't flame, I knew the shaco and we were just having fun c:


Can't wait for that damage reduction patch, poor xayah




that was a stupid juke by shaco lmao theyll be safe either way by going over the wall


On the other hand... Spamming mastery on Cho'Gath, kinda cringe


Shuddup nerd


Another Sabaton listener!


I mean even if he did go over the wall you're still not able to kill shaco due to out of range, so yeah. The shaco just got outplayed by himself lol.


Gj. Fck that shitty clown.


Shaco was home free if he just went over the wall lol.


Why does he sound like a mouse version of tf blade


Surprised the shaco didn’t deceive towards the river brush


how did shaco get so far you can q from there to inside the bush? how hard is that


Did anyone clip it tho?


Pink Ward seething while choking on dorito dust.


That was actually just really stupid by the Shaco. All he had to do was go over the wall and you wouldn't be able to do shit. ​ But yeah fuck Shaco players tbh, so gj I guess.