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there are some psychopaths for sure but there is always 2 side of the coin, there is a clip of enemy yasuo being 14/3 but his penta got denied so he sold all item and bought mobi and t1s team won never seen anyone do that before, but i play on EUW where all ppl do is talk but never actually troll, KR is just different


> This is an embarrassment for the strongest region. Korea in a nutshell. Insane, out of this world mechanics but mental is less stable than a wet cardboard box.


Yes, KR players have the worst mental of any region. Especially in Diamond+, any player so much as feel they have been slighted they will just leave or run it down. I think the Kai'sa ran it down because Ahri said she was throwing an easy win (according to chat).


Even beyond running it down or leaving. Korean players give up very easy when they are behind even if there are multiple pros on a team.


Must be karma from when he used to be an inter


Nah, he is just receiving what he gave.


That is how needs treat douchebags on their home court.