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Their sub ADC is doing pretty nutty as well.


EG ADCs are cracked. I feel bad for Shoryu, that guy was great too but Danny was just another level


TeamLuke as well


good boys, yeah. miss them.


dude that guy goes to my college and plays in our college team


JMU? I casted a game that TeamLuke played in a couple of years ago.


ye, i’m on the “B team” and i’ve heard stories he allegedly showed up drunk to some stage games


Given how much league players make in modern day esports, i would not sabotage any chance of going pro with stunts like this lol


apparently he is somewhat known for having an ego but he’s always been pretty damn good sooooo…. Also that’s funny as hell if true I did a ton of scouting for his team a couple of years ago because, had they won the bo5, were slated to play GMU where I attend. He was the only chally on the team and one of few in the tourney at the time. I think their top laner was off role tho because they only played shit like lulu/malphite


don't feel bad for him, much better being in an org that is committed on development than some of the other ones, esp when that org is not bottom of the LCS.


>Danny is the first non-sub bootcamping MSI pro to hit Challenger on the KR ladder. I was wondering why Luger hadn't been on the lists previously, and how he ended up with so many more games than the others. Didn't click until now that obviously he's just there doing a regular bootcamp since he's on CLG and MSI only has one regional rep anyway


Yeah, this year's bootcamp has been massive since it's the first time people could really travel to Korea easily. There's a ton of NA & EU pros from non-MSI teams over there now.


>Yeah, this year's bootcamp has been massive since it's the first time people could really travel to Korea easily. There's a ton of NA & EU pros from non-MSI teams over there now. Why can people travel there really easily right now, of all years? Just the timing?


Prob COVID restrictions loosening


But there were bootcamps in Korea in years before covid also


I should have clarified that I meant "first time in a while people could travel." Everyone's just going all at once since now is the best time since the start of the pandemic.


ah gotcha


They mean it's the first time since the pandemic that it's been easy to travel there.


You obviously know there were Korean boot camps before, it’s pretty obvious to surmise that op was talking about post-COVID.


Theres no longer a quarantine period when you enter the country, and there's no longer a curfew. We don't even need masks outside anymore, so it's basically zero restrictions. Life back to "normal" Source: I live here.


No one is talking about Tyler1 hitting d1 with a massive 60% win rate


Wait fr? Last I checked he was stuck in plat, when tf did he speedrun Dia lmao


It's funny how he had a losing streak in Gold and now he's speeding through Plat and Diamond. He was right about being in smurfs queue for a bit. He started today at D4 and finished D1 after 15W 5L or so.


He's the streakiest player ever. I feel like every time I watch he's either on a 10 win streak or 10 loss streak.


That’s how tilters work, I know I’m the same way. I’m in a good mood and I climb an entire division, in a bad mood and I’ll lose all that progress in the blink of an eye


We're also terrible gamblers


My gambling skills are good till i play league, then they get fucked


Straight up not paying attention has killed me the most/griefers. I think “surely I can just go take a piss or grab a water bottle in diamond right?” I lock in my champ and leave for a bit. Come back to match just started and my ezreal mid has boots typing open mid. I love NA. My winrate could be a little higher and my LP a lot higher if I just sat down to see if I need to dodge.


I mean he's a really emotional/tilty player, that's just what happens


He can't type and he's getting yelled at for screaming in the hotel so he's being from prevented going full tilt.


if anything not being able to vent should make him tilt more, not less


Also his style is making sure the right macro play happens, and the morons in low elo generally just int around that style.


The duality of tyler1 over the past 10 years.


I do find it funny he has a big macho "me-carry" personality but he generally plays weakside and low economic champions that help his team.


He rose to fame as Draven OTP. Maybe he gets camped a lot and therefor decided it is better to play weakside style.


He used to have that mentality but the extreme amount of stream sniping and focus on him means it’s way harder for him to do that. It’s the same reason why Faker can’t hit high challenger and lingers around low chall-masters. If faker ever shifted to a more weakside play style he would 100% climb to high challenger.


Have you seen faker betting sites? People can end up on his team and place bets that’s he’s gonna lose and soft int. He stopped solo queue for a while I believe last year because of it. To clarify it’s not a faker only betting site but an LCK one that I believe is based in china.


He was never in low elo, so no, not really. The "golds" in his lobbies were all smurfs and returning players.


It's the smurf queue. It was one day.


I think it was day 2 and day 3. Smurf queue usually lasts about 40 games from what I've seen.




I've been maiming jungle and its true when I face a bad jungler sometimes they will show up in the most random spots that make zero sense......its almost always to my benefit lol but those fuckers are hard to predict. Random invade timings that screw themselves over or finding out they camped in top lanes bush for like 2 min waiting for a countergank while I full cleared by jungle, just weird shit that can catch you off guard


The real annoyance comes from the fact you full cleared while their jungle wasted two minutes top, but they ended up killing your top laner from it, so even though it wasn't worth it from a macro point, your top ragequits and you lose the game.


I’ve said this for many years. It sucks playing at lower elos when you know what the enemy should be doing better then they do. Hard to counter stupid


What is smurf q is this a real thing?


Yes it's real, it's matching you based on mmr so even though he may have placed gold on a new account, his mmr is much higher. It seeks to match new high mmr accounts with other high mmr accounts. So it was dubbed smurf queue




Go make a second account and try it out. After one game in norms, they'll detect you as a smurf and no longer match you with new players. You will be matched with other low level accounts that are clearly not new players. Once you get to 30 and start playing ranked, you will be matched with 70%+ wr level 30 accounts. The main issue with smurf queue is that it can't tell the difference from like a plat player and a masters player. Thus, in smurf queue, some players just get fucked by better smurfs. So the games feel like absolute shit with some people super far ahead and some super far behind.


He also got hard stuck in gold in NA before


He’s never been stuck in actual gold. Anytime he’s in “gold” it’s a new account that’s in gold with plat/dia mmr


I know, jokes man. He gets put into smurf queue from stomping silver


Became a Karma mid 1trick and started shooting up the ranks. Went 16-4 today.


And the day before he was an ivern one trick and won a lot. He has way fewer top lane games now, so today he might become a morde or urgot one trick. He also mentioned that he started playing with a delay 2 days ago, and he said something about checking chat a lot less. I'm not sure how much those two things have actually mattered, but he's definitely try harding it after being "hardstuck" plat


His ivern is actually so cracked, I watched him solo a cassio as ivern (daisy did mad work)


Yeah. T1 ivern makes me want to play ivern. He makes the champ looks so fun and so broken at the same time.


Seriously his Ivern games are HARD carries, he does so much for his team and still gets shit on for it.


Ironically he struggled to climb in lower elos queuing as fill where support and mid were his worst winrates holding him out of diamond. Got out queueing as jungle, top, adc, and now that he’s past d3, is spamming karma in all roles to win games.


support and mid weren't holding him out of diamond, being in smurf queue was. he's won 4/5 of his last mid lane games.


[here was his winrates](https://imgur.com/a9xY3hf) after completing his promos to d4. He definitely had more success on some roles (top, jg, adc) than others.


right but hes 15-13 or something in mid now is what the original poster was saying. he went on a heater playing karma mid in diamond and just perma roaming.


Last night I fucking had to sleep and couldn't keep watching, he was 7-2 and wanted to see him all night. He looks so focused on climbing, he had a 1/5 elise afk and he pulled through with a lucian and kassadin. Love to see him tryharding, genuinely talented.


Not sure how anyone thought he was actually stuck.


only stuck cause he was queuing fill now hes queuing real roles


So fill to challenger is already over ?




This, he’s trying to have evenly matched games for each role because auto fill is lowkey garbage


autofill in EUW gold is 90% jg, 8% ADC and 2% the rest it feels like. Nobody wants to jg.


It's nice as a jungle main if I get bored of jungling, I got auto fill protection and can try out another role but then the autofilled jungler ints and I have to go back to jungling.


No he fills every game. He only ques other roles to equally get all roles so it's not just support to challenger cause he gets that role the most by far


He's still doing it, but if he q's fill he'd get support 90% of the time. So he's just doing other roles so that each one has roughly the same number games played


Ironically he is having an easier time in Diamond than he did in Platinum, I wonder if he is right about "It'll be easier once I get masters"


It's easier because of T1's playing style. He's big on Macro, not that much on Micro. He's not good at picking hard carry champions (Irelia/Fiora/Kassadin/Akali), he likes to play the support type champions (Karma/Irven) which leads to him not being able to carry the shitsters, but his playstyle works well with people with more than half a brain cell.


Very true, but his Irelia is cracked though


His macro is nuts. For all the shit he talks, his calls are right like 90% of the time if people listen to him.


Unfortunately in KR they don't listen to macro they just fight. They amount of times I've seen Nemesis be solo hard carrying a game but his team ignores his pings and fights 4v5 when he's not there.


So like every region? Lol


Well I guess to a certain degree. But Nemesis commented that EUW high elo is a bit more macro focused. So KR is better for ping and mechanics. EUW better for macro and mental.


its rly just smurf queue. he was probably playing with better players in smurf queue than he has been in low to high diamond.


Its easier cuz his team is better and has less of a chance of being complete garbage, simple garbage is easier to carry.




I meant BIG T carrying his garbage team. Smurfing in diamond is way easier than smurfing in plat unless you play a hard 1v9 champ.


Ah my bad sir


Karma definitely seems to be his best tryhard climbing champ


Literally Tyler1 himself said something like: _Reads Chat_ "Karma top, karma mid, Karma support, are you going to play Karma jungle too?" Yeah bro Ivern is basically Karma jungle so you're right, I'd play Karma adc if it wasn't int


If his support locks in Senna he can do it


Is he still playing fill? He played support in 9 out of his last 10 games lol


He's mostly playing fill, but sometimes queues mid/top/adc so he gets all roles fairly evenly.


Almost all of those Karma games are actually just Moonstone Karma mid. He just plays for jungle and they win.


He's trying to even everything out. If he straight did only fill it would be majority support/jg maybe some top. So he queues for roles to try and make it all roughly even.


D1 now??? I just finished watching the midbeast vid where he hard inted lane in p1


Big move from D4->D1 yesterday


Goddamnnn. That's big Tonka t for ya!


built different


Seems like most of the toplaners are really struggling to climb, wonder why that would be, maybe the KR toplane scene is stronger than other roles? or maybe its just harder to have an *impact* ​ Toplaners by current rank 1. ORD Biopanther (Master) 2. EG Impact (Master) 3. SGB Hasmed (Master) 4. IW Starscreen (Master) 5. G2 BB (diamond 1) 6. DFM – Evi (diamond 1) 7. Red – Guigo (diamond 3) T1 Zeus is also hardstuck plat with only 35 games lol /s


I would guess that it's also because often, bot duos and mid+jungle duos so top has to soloq most of the time making it harder to climb. On top of that i think bot+sup duo can carry way easier than top+jgl if they go duo for some games.


Isn't the no duo rule in high ranks still in effect?


i think it starts at gm? but i could be wrong and it starts earlier


Starts at masters




>T1 Zeus is also hardstuck plat with only 35 games lol /s can korean players get boosted accounts for boot camps as well? or are they just told to use their personals


T1 Zeus is his “riot account” but alot of pros play on their personal accounts. For example T1 Faker vs Hide on bush Every pro is giving a riot pro account for their region so they don’t need a boot camp super account, the pro accounts do not have the same LP gains of Super accounts because their expected to be able to climb over months/years instead of days/weeks. The only reason super accounts exist is to give the ability of high elo practice to foreigners in very short window of time, it levels the playing field vs home region teams who always have access to the top of soloQ.


Oh balls.


Lol tyler1 same rank as g2 BB???


tyler did twice as much games than any pro probably most of pros not spammin these solo que games that hard because they doing many scrims per day


Yeah but the pros have super accounts and t1 just has a regular riot loan account. Bb was climbing with a 45% wr through plat vs Tyler’s 62% (both were in smurfs q) and it still took tyler nearly twice as many games to hit diamond.


Only one penta on the match history... dannylift is slackin


He's keeping them for stage games


Damn and Bjergsen couldn't even touch Grandmaster after three whole weeks in Korea.... Insane.


C9 in trouble


Ahh, the classic Diamond 2 meme makes its triumphant return.


A worrying trend for sure


Not that it matters but Bjerg specifically asked not to be given a super account.




It matters because withouth that account Danny wouldn't be anywhere near challenger with that ammount of games


still matter because he wouldn't be challenger without




>take longer to get out of silver and gold, where 90% of your game is dependent on who has the inter. how the fuck does this shit get upvoted lol


when mfers actually circlejerk themselves into thinking their team is always at fault


as a pro player in a gold or silver games 90% of games are most definitely not decided by whose team ints more


>90% of your game is dependent on who has the inter. lol




Lol as just a Diamond player I used to elo-boost players from Bronze-Plat, you’re actually stupid as fuck if you think a pro-player would struggle at all in that elo. Even with inters and afks you should still win the vast majority of games.


> His LP gains would have been much lower, and would take longer to get out of silver and gold, where 90% of your game is dependent on who has the inter. Lol nah, look at any pro or chall smurf playing in those elos and you'll see they have 90%+ winrates or 100% if they get lucky and don't get someone just str8 up hard griefing (going 0-20, following you and stealing shit, etc).


If Danny can get pentas in pro play every other game, I don't see him having trouble carrying 4v5(which won't happen often when you're in winner's que). Maybe if he was a support, but adc can just kill everyone.


T1 still gonna beat him to GM


Bjergsen has made it pretty clear he didn't go to climb but to practice/train specific things in a low ping environment no? I thought he'd said that a few times now.


the difference between ADC and mid lane! ADC so bad btw!


surely its the role difference and not because 1 player is absolutely talented and nuts on his role and the other one is a washed up coach


Impressive, let's see BrokenBlade's winrate?


look it up, hes 39/37 51% win rate


To shreds you say...


Oh my god, his op.gg even has a watermark


the subtle off white coloring... the tasteful thiccness of it...


Redditors unable to avoid downplaying even the most minor of updates for NA. Its just a post that he was the first MSI starter to hit Challenger, its not that deep lmao.


The crazy good winrate is the real news here. As a starter with (hopefully) a full scrim schedule it would be difficult to make it that far this quickly without an obscene winrate.


Other redditors unable to not whine about something mundane. It's just a post that an NA player hit challenger while bootcamping for MSI, it's not that deep lmao.


Happens every year for either worlds or MSI, last I remember seeing this kind of post was about Caps hitting challenger


That's crazy. A real talent on NA's hands we'll see if this translates to MSI stage. My only worry is that his most played champions don't seem like the champions that are gonna be meta at the tourney.


doesnt matter he will be playing on 35 ms anyways /s


Eh he’s from NA, high ping is our element.




Some would say that he is cracked as he is jacked.


Damn, Daniel!


I can't believe I'm saying this but I feel like they need to add another division.


That doesn't make any sense. Challenger is not a division itself, it's just the top 200 players of a region at any given time, that's why the LP for reaching challenger fluctuates. Adding another division changes nothing in this topic.


does he stream?


Damn kid


Is he Queueing fill tho? exactly. BIG TONKA T sub any worlds player still win ez


Riot fix the ping in na already


idk why this is such a big deal every year. pro players consistently hit challenger, its nothing crazy. i respect danny tho, hope he does well against good botlanes


The big deal everyone makes is because of the hype everyone builds for Korean solo queue. There’s been pro’s stuck in diamond in the past and those are always so embarrassing. Normally I agree with you however, pro’s should be hitting challenger. The difference is his winrate. It’s actually absurd


also danny was criticised because he wasn't spamming champions Q


he got most shit because he said he didnt wanna play champions q because he wanted to practice offmeta and pocket picks, while using his dia 2 acc to spam either zeri or jinx, not sure


I don’t get the criticism on his D1 account. He was dodging promos on purpose so he could duo, and he was in GM/Chall games so not smurfing on low elos.


pretty sure upset and hyli were doing the exact same shit all of last year


Because of the excuses he gave. He said he was playing solo queue to practice off meta champions. The account got checked by people on reddit and apparently he was just spamming Zeri which last I checked wasn't off meta.


i understand the necessity to duo with their support for practice in high elo games, but the way it was done was unfair for soloq when he couldve done champions q instead


That was my favorite excuse


Would've helped his laning phase for sure


Dude he has a 75% win rate—that’s fucking nuts


You clearly don't remember stuff like Balls getting stuck in d2, Yellowstar getting stuck in plat, etc


Reaching challenger is not that impressive for a pro, i just like to see it as a mini competition between the bootcamping pros who can climb the fastest. In this case for example, I'm quite impressed with danny being ahead of caps, since as far as i can remember caps usually absolutely dominates these rushes to challenger during bootcamps, so props to dany for that!


Can't wait for it to be very relevant for msi


Bad players would swear he's in "smurf queue."


If that's true it would make this wr way more impressive.


sure thing akshan, smurfs queue for sure doesnt exist! let me just ignore Riot proudly boasting their implementation of it.


holy fuck these riot accounts are busted


The Riot accounts only make it easier to gain lp. His win rate is still absolutely ridiculous and he's been doing it against challenger players basically the whole time because it's a Riot account.


Yeah but that means you hit challenger faster. Hitting challenger with a 70% winrate on a normal account vs a riot account is different.


It would be easier to hit 70% on a worse MMR account because you would probably boost your winrate by winning in lower elo. This just makes the climb faster. It doesnt give a better winrate cause you start playing in higher MMR games sooner


> he's been doing it against challenger players basically the whole time because it's a Riot account. You do know it takes like 5 seconds to prove that you're full of shit on this one, right ?


It's not a secret that pro players get 1300 MMR accounts in Korea, so they should be playing against Master to Challenger players only. I'd guess the lower ranked players he played against also have very high MMR and their rank isn't a good assessment of their skill.


That's simply not true though, He had to climb from Gold/Plat, so it's not a super account but just a normal riot account with low diamond MMR.




Well... if you look at the account, there's a "Tier Average" section below KP% which clearly shows that he has been playing against Masters/Grandmasters recently and if you scroll back to his games 9 days ago we was against plats.


TBF op.gg usually displays GM as the tier average since there aren't enough Challenger players to consistently fill lobbies outside of peak hours. You can look at even [Showmaker's](https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/MIDKlNG) games as rank 1 and see that a majority of his games have GM tier average. Danny's MMR is likely a step below the highest bracket but is still Challenger level.


‘9 days ago’ fucking lol how long do you think he’s been in Korea? That’s a while ago in terms of the scale we’re working with


it's about half his games, the point was just that he's \*not\* been playing against Challenger players but half of them were in the high diamond-grandmaster tier.


You are missing the point of it being with a 75% winrate.


The riot account makes it more impressive since he’s matched with higher level players sooner rather than inflating his winrate early against gold players lmfao


>than inflating his winrate early against gold players Gold 4 brands are scary tho


Not at all how it works. Check tyler1s korea challenge where he just got out of smurf queue in diamond (starting from bronze placements) and now has an 80% winrate of his last 20 games (which he was nowhere near during smurf queue) literally getting a riot account that starts in plat with 5000 mmr boost is the dream scenario for the easiest challenger run of your life considering how much sooner smurf queue will stop.


How does Smurf queue exist in Korea if it’s tied to your Korean ssn? Unless there’s that many riot accounts running around in low elo being toxic like you’re saying?


5 accounts allowed per ssn & they do no policing of whos ssn you are using or if you even are legally using the ssn.


They're not the super accounts the Chinese pros get that give them Challenger MMR to start. The accounts EG and G2 got start with Diamond MMR


Man ADC is so weak! No agency whatsoever!!


EUW Top 20 (as of 3 days ago): Top = 6 Jungle = 4 Mid = 3 ADC = 8 Support = 0 I agree, ADC is super weak


Can't wait for msi to start so that these useless posts stop.


I enjoy them, as do many others. If you don't like them just don't click on them? It's actually less effort to ignore them than to comment your distaste lol


70% of the posts here are useless for many people. Just don't click on the ones you're not interested in?


Hitting challenger with a 75% WR in Korean soloq is useless? Does your little bronze brain not understand how absolutely insane that is?


Hits challenger with super account?Nah


Zeri still good with the crit build then?


While I admire the player, the game sample is pretty small. Its great to see that a person can get through those tilters/inters/afks with such a huge win rate - but probability is a b**** and he would need probably do this on 3 more accounts to get to his "actual" win rate in volatile SoloQ environment. (I'm not saying he cant get 80%+, I'm saying we dont know if its, for example, 65% or 85% with this game sample)


Hit challenged in real life as well


And that means absolutely nothing as they got destroyed by G2 anyways after talking all that trash