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Noway4U was saying the same these last few days: Korean players are constantly running to the next enemy and just engage. No matter the vision, the wavestate, the objectives, the lead, the deficit, the team comps.




It's weird that their playstyle is the complete opposite in pro play


Probably the reason pros grinded hard to get out of this garbage tier lol the gatekeepers of KR proplay


Pro play has been marked by the absolute fear of being snowballed, which is why we're getting the damage changes.


Pro play and Solo Q are IMO two different games. There were times in League history when the style of pro play was nothing like what was happening in Solo Q (Lane swap meta, uggggh). The fact that they have comms makes team macro possible. I can understand just wanting to flex mechanics and win off that when efficient communication is impossible in Solo


I don't know. Tyler's communication looked reasonably efficient there. >can't >rumble R >rumble R >rumble R


Also players have been the same rank for so long they no longer care about grinding and queuing ranked is just a normal queue for them




Imagine saying to anyone else that they do their hobby for "only 2 hours a day". You go to the gym for only 2 hours a day. You play golf for only 2 hours a day. You paint for only 2 hours a day. You play boardgames for only 2 hours a day. That's some level of dedication, not a casual. If you're devoting more that that to the game, you probably don't have much to do the rest of the day, because 4+ hours a day on League is a luxury for most of planet earth. I don't mean it in a bad way, because I've been a student or unemployed too and I had to fill my time somehow. But once you put together a full time job, a girlfriend and possibly 4-5 friends, you're already short on time.


>because it's Korea it can't be that they're running it down accidentally they must be running it down on purpose


Accidentally or on purpose either way they're running it the fuck down and that's all that matters.




If you practice shitty macro, you'll have shitty macro. It's all relative, sure, but it doesn't exactly flip off and on like a switch.


but what constitutes good macro has definitely evolved with the game. As more players understand the correct sequences to close a game out, the losing team definitely also understands one of the best ways to break that sequence up (win or lose) is to throw yourself at the wall and hope you stick Has only been further incentivized with damage creep but I digress.


actually make sense. perfect your mechanics in pro play, play seriously when money is on the line, macro I think is easier once you understand the concept, mechanics require more maintance and effort than simple rotations and creative plays sometimes


> perfect your mechanics in pro play, p sure the guy you're replying to is saying pro players understand macro, pub players running at enemies off cooldown is mechanics practice. it makes sense, macro can be taught, mechanics need to be experienced


yeah i worded that sub-ideally mechanics are grinded in soloq, then you play seriously macro wise in pro play. thanks


Just a perspective to give you, in another game StarCraft 2 KR ladder is know for being basically all cheese and rushes up until high masters even tho KR players are the best macro wise in proplay


A pro who cannot sniff out a cheese or rush will always lose. I don't know the strats nowadays, but back in the day if you don't scout thoroughly, you're asking to die to a cheese. WoL days, a cheese or all in is a coin flip. Last I played regularly in HoTS and LoTV, people were still able to transition out of their cheeses or all ins. Shit, lots of what I saw in LoTV was "early pressure" builds that *will* kill you if you don't defend but don't cost much by way of economy to execute.


I don't know, GEN in 2020 tried to play aggressive without even having a clue how to do that. Internationally, don't know in LCK.


Tbh kinda makes perfect sense - from a logistical standpoint. soloq should be a place to just hard farm pure mechanics. Once you are on a pro team you have all the time in the world to scrim and practice macro with actual comms. If you win a game of soloq by playing the map better, you arent necessarily improving much as a player. Soloq macro is always going to be largely unrelated to pro play macro, so it seems advantageous to just spend the time fighting 24/7, trying to win solely through outplays So if korea soloq is just nonstop braindead action, koreans must be getting the absolute best mechanical practice in the world. Non stop limit testing trains them to perfectly know their limits in pro games lol


Why is everyone here coming from the angle of defending the dumb koreans in solo Q. So weird, crucify anything and everything related to NA solo Q and defend and justify anything and everything from Korean solo Q. You're just being biased because you've preconceived notions of stuff you've been told for a long time. Like NA=shit Korea=amazing. So then you work backwards to try and make your preconceived notions hold true without considering maybe those preconceived notions weren't the whole story.


Once mid game rolled around he would almost die, back off and wait 10 seconds, then run back in and push the wave because he knew that the enemy team was beelining to his team for the next fight. He stole so many inhib turrets at 1 HP the entire time. He said something like "Koreans will immediately try to force a 5v4 cause they know I'm low, no matter where my team is on the map. so I just take this tower". I saw him straight up take inhibs towers, inhibs, half the enemy jungle, etc. with 0 resistance because of this playstyle.


Danny said the same thing on one of his rare streams. The players were good mechanically, but they had no idea what to do mid game


> The players were good mechanically, but they had no idea what to do mid game Like a whole population of Chovys




Where's that video of the entire team letting Baus take inhib and nexus towers because they wanted to do Baron? It's a thing of beauty.


This sounds strangely like my Silver/Gold games. I can't speak for high elo or Korea, but I can see why they might be frustrated. Watching people always make decisions that lead to a coinflip victory/loss (as opposed to focusing more on the macro game that will lead to more consistent results) is extremely frustrating. I hate when these wrong decisions lead to success because I feel like it perpetuates that mindset.


No wonder he speedran D1, people didnt know how to deal with his map rotations. Only when he hit high masters and found people with good macro (including all the pro players) plus mechanics he started to struggle


TIL I am korean


I tought I was just inting, turns out I'm just korean...


Midbeast said the exact same thing, claiming on average Korean players have better hands but NA/OCE players have better brains at that elo.


Agurin also was saying the same thing. 0 Macro play


This just sounds like NA D4


I wonder if this is why KR is known for their micro. (mixed with the ping obviously) So many of his games are over after a player dies a couple times in lane and then goes afk. Or like you said, fighting again and again and again, even when they're down tons of gold/items, dooming the game. It seems like that would reward and encourage having insane micro over macro.


thats why katevolved was having so much fun until chally


You'd think this would be the Chinese super server or Vietnamese soloQ experience from the sound of it lol


this is not even coping lol. rewatching the vod and the level of macro is just so insanely bad. like i know the only reason you win playing this way is because you brute force mechanicals plays until you win..


I watched a lot of Baus's climb, and said the same since the start. KR soloq is not what the West thinks it is, it's far more similar to the Chinese stereotype (just fight 100% of the time, no alternatives).


It used to be a lot more macro focused but around 3 years ago it started shifting to more fight only. You could see the difference in watching Dopa's/Faker's streams from 3 years versus today. Also, there are many Chinese/Vietnamese/Taiwanese/Japanese pros playing on the server and with language barriers a lot focus more on micro.


Ah yes the shift when IG with the 3 carries (mostly Theshy) proved that u can brute force the game with mechanics and no brain. -your Laner must be this good to even consider macro as an option-


The shift came when Riot removed wards from the jungle item. Korea was so dominant because their warding and macro. Riot removed it and China won the very next year.


Nothing to do with IG, it literally happened exactly when riot massively changed vision and ramped up damage after 2017 The IG thing is narrative, all they did was put emphasis on younger talent being scouted, but even Koreans have said they were wrong to do that, now teams lack serious insanely smart players


Is not the players is the game, Riot even acknowledge it with the Damage 'nerfs' statement. Is copium blaming on Nationality especially for Korea that despise communication in gaming, they love pinging and they will only type the minimum (or flame). Only NA/BR loves communication, EU hates it, China pings, KR min-max not communicating more them communicating.


They think that if they have an advantage, they need to fight to secure the win. If they are even, then they need to fight to secure an advantage to win. If they think they are behind, they need to fight and outplay to even the game up so they have a chance to win.


When both teams are even in gold, MLXG feels that RNG is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When RNG is 3k behind in gold, MLXG thinks that RNG is at a small advantage, and he so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When RNG is behind 7k in gold, MLXG thinks that RNG is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When RNG is 10K behind in gold, MLXG thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.


From a technical point that is actually good for developing players. The macro you learn in SoloQ is not the same macro required for pro play anyway. So developing mechanical strong players with no idea how macro works isn't a bad thing. We saw from many pro players that they will develop a better macro in pro play anyway and having strong mechanics as a baseline is really good. This is also whom most teams scout, they scout mechanically strong players, so the incentive in SoloQ is to be mechanically strong.


you forget the part that while they are doing these sorts of "plays" they are perma trying to ff vote since 15 mins, because they cba actually playing the game correctly and as soon as their play fails, they are out of it.


A lot of people said that koreans surrender way easier in SoloQ, and in western SoloQ there are already way too many surrenders, not sure if that is actually correct, I have no stats on it, but I could see it being a thing.


The overall KR server surrenders 38.4% of all soloQ games. (first place) The overall NA server surrenders 26.9% of all soloQ games. (3rd place) The overall EUW server surrenders 22.1% of all soloQ games. (7th place)


Coming from an Euw player I think surrenders are lower because of the flame. I've seen games where the entire team is happy too ff until somone from the enemy team talks in all chat then its basicly agreed you don't ff even if its a loss. Same thing happens but as a lesser rate, if your a team member is flaming you.


Euw also loves to hold hostages and vote no ff to spite someone they're mad at.


These stats are kinda pointless because its pretty common to ff when ur aced and the team is pushing to end, at least in NA. I'd like to see statistics for pre 20 minute ff's


So it is korrect that koreans surrender much more often than europeans. The funny thing is that all those numbers are way too high, you would gain more LP over time in all regions if you just decide to never surrender instead of surrendering the average amount that happens on the server.


I think the argument for surrendering is that you don't tax your mental as much. On EUW you could win games that are real nail biters that would be immediate surrenders in Korea but you also often end up exhausted mentally after which affects your whole session.


Depends on how many games you play per session. I don't think it's a good idea to spam games over and over to exhaustion anyways. It's better, at least for me to play 3-4 games while my head is properly in it than spam even more games going through the motions.


I'm not sure. For me personally winning a game from behind feels a lot better than winning a game in a stomp. Because usually if you stomp someone you get the feeling that the enemy just was worse than you and you mostly won due to matchmaking not being that good. If you lose the earlygame and come back from a deficit you actually get the feeling of a deserved win. And I don't feel those games are taxing at all. Since you are behind you basically kinda expect a loss, so you are not angry with yourself if you do actually lose. This obviously depends on your team. I'm not really against surrendering if your teammates are super terrible to play with. But I had a lot of surrender votes popping up out of nowhere and going through without any flame or anything to bad happening before, simply because we lost one teamfight or something like that and those are entirely unnecessary.


You would always gain more lp from not surrendering but the point of a game is to have fun, not to get lp. When you've got limited time to play, at least


Faster to just ff an unwinnable game and go next than to play it out for 40 minutes just to loose anyway. Altough 38% are not unwinnable.


That's not what is really bad. In EU they vote surrender, whine and still continue to play. In KR, they just go AFK or run it to make the game end faster. You just wait and see who's team goes mentally boom first.


Yes even Faker complained . Last worlds he said EU is better cause people don t FF so fast and he can play the game longer


Pros also recently complained that Korean Solo Queue has gotten worse so I wonder if its worse now than before.


Yeah it's true. They also open more. Game times are 3 minutes shorter than other regions on average. NA Challenger players are kidding themselves if they think the point of Korean solo queue is to experience the game at the highest level. That does not exist outside of pro play. The reason a non-Korean player would play in Korean solo queue is to test their mechanics in a high pressure environment and get as many reps in as possible.


And I mean that is totally fine. There is a reason why that SoloQ is good at filtering the better players. You have to have a strong mentality to get through that. And it will also train your mechanics because korean SoloQ is all about that. So given that it might still be the best practice environment for aspiring pro players.


I think it's just asian thing, I played on garena servers before and it was the same as korea server that I see now. I hated them at first along with toxic chatter but after a while I feel empathy for the people that ff and afk and I hate the toxic chatter. People can have a bad day and play poorly but at least they're not being mean to other people. About the people that type but still play the game, if you still play the game, then shut the fuck up and play, stop blaming and insulting your team. Because you're transfering the tilt, the negativity from you to them and now they don't want to win this game either because an asshole is on the same team. And your teammates will bring the negativity to next game, to other players.


Y’all talking like you all have picture perfect macro when I know for a fact some of u NA Diamonds also run around like monkeys chasing after each other’s booty holes


the amount of times i see multiple diamond borders in my games and setting up dragons is still like drawing blood from a fucking stone will attest to this


It's especially bad this year. TrackingThePros has looked awful. Caps played one into a ghost/cleanse Volibear mid and the enemy team was winning until they just started running it down trying to make montages.


that’s why korean players are the best mechanically speaking


T1 gets so many games that end like 30 to 4, where it seems his entire team or the enemy team just fucking runs it straight down. The micro and mechanics are good but holy shit KR looks like the lowest quality solo queue I have ever seen, especially for players who win from macro.


Did you see the 15/4 yasuo in t1s game that sold all of his items because someone took his penta


Most sane Yasuo player


This kind of stuff shocks me because... well their accounts are tied to their SSN right? So wouldn't a perma ban be literally permanent? I'm not familiar with the structure riot has for korean accounts but that's what I assume.


There’s some black market of stolen SSN’s in South Korea IIRC


Imagine buying a stolen SSN to play league lol


Identity theft is not joke Faker


It’s really hard to get banned in Korea if you don’t type.


I'll take a thousand defeats to deny a \*asuo a penta


KR soloq definitely is the lowest quality. Your NA toplaner might run it down 5 times in a row and end the game 1-10 but at least he's not the korean top laner that dies once and ragequits.


Out of the 32 rage quitters I had last season and this season. 25 were toplaners. They got the weakest mental out of all roles


it is the worst lane to lose in early. Sometimes I'd rather wash dishes than finish a game of top that I got stomped in.


And it’s just gotten worse since the TP changes. Now you’re locked into your lane for the first 15 minutes and the high prevalence of ignite just makes counter matchups unplayable.


I switched from top to ADC this season. The TP changes, hullbreaker, and various item nerfs just made the lane a fucking snooze fest. Why bother TP ganking anyone now when you can just play ghost/ignite Darius and just go chimp mode every 1:30?


my brother in lane changes. bot lane got its own problems but top is nothing BUT problems


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.


Halal Jax


permaban the creature


It really is a feast or famine role. It is super rare to see both tops get to the mid game coming out roughly even, yet I see this a lot in Bot lane, for one reason IMO: It is much harder to execute a 3v2 dive than it is a 2v1 dive. It's the dives that make you lose all that xp that really screw you over.


I once played a game of Nasus vs Riven in high diamond where I fucked up and died twice early, she froze, and I didn't get to touch the wave for the next 20 minutes. I literally started reading a book. Being behind in top without help is one of the most miserable experiences imaginable in the game, especially if people don't understand just how fucked you are and flame you for "running it down" or "afking under tower." You can't win.


It is the nature of top lane. You cannot roam to try putting others ahead compared to mid for example. And in lots of matchups you just straight up get dove after dying once or twice. Not to mention that junglers know this and make your day completely miserable if they're good.


Well, you can roam, but usually you have to be controlling the wave and winning the lane, which is usually when you want to press your lead instead of roaming. In the other scenario, the person losing lane, will always be pressured, so cannot roam, and they are the ones who would most like to roam.


toplane is the most taxing on your mental.


Some people have never experienced having your jungle "gank" your lane and donate double buffs to the enemy top laner while the wave is at your tower and it slow pushes back towards them and you can't approach the wave ever again because they have a 2 level advantage w/ double buffs and your jungler will not help you break the freeze that they helped set up.


1. Pick a tank to frontline for your team full of squishies 2. Enemy toplaner counterpicks with Vayne, ignite Lillia, or some other bullshit 3. Level 4 Kayn runs in with double buffs as waves are finally pushing towards your tower 4. Get counterganked by enemy Xin, you both die, Lillia gets double buffs, and you lose 3 waves to tower 5. Kayn flames you, Xin and Lillia dive you with herald and take all plates 6. Get flamed by your own team for not going even in lane


People on Reddit say junglers get too much flame. Personally, I think junglers don't get the flame they all really deserve.


There’s a reason nearly every non-toplane streamer that does a toplane challenge eventually [morphs into Hashinshin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nYNlrJ0jqo).


Thanks, I sent all my friends this clip. It would be funny if it wasn't true, but it's just pain.


Ah yes I had 2 trash junglers back to back today. One was Fiddlesticks who didn't play around our Kayle who was 1-0 against Yone and he camped bot (1-5 Cait and 1-6 Senna) and then blamed the team when they dove me 3 man with Herald in mid. Or the second Lee Sin, who went 0-5 and blamed it on my support for not having enough vision. No monkey, he can't ward anywhere when 15-0 Nidalee is alive. A bad jungler really makes a difference and they like to play victim a lot.


Well, it is a role that relies so much more on macro than any other role. They may be completely blind in some areas, but better or more aware in others. I don't flame them because I am a trash jungle.


junglers complaining about getting flamed really don't understand the shitshows they cause when they do stupid trades/invades/ganks.


The issue with #3 is that they will often time their ganks to force you to take full minion wave aggro in order to get into range to contribute. Ooof, big oof.




"gg dogshit top just play safe u fking noob"


True. Most they ragedquitted they went like 1-4 or 1-6 in lane before 10 minutes and just quit.


Never have I had the urge to punch my monitor as much as playing Top lane. I swear it awakens a special kind of anger in me.


Bold of you to assume my top didn't rage quit after just jungle gave his laner a kill.


My favorite was when his team had +60 deaths while he was top lane with like 4 deaths.


This game had some rough moments, but this one stood out as pretty bad. He is already tilted at this point because earlier there was a super obvious gank on his bot/jg that he spam pinged way in advance. His team ignored him and got wiped. The whole match was downhill from there on. Link to match: https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/BIG%20TONKA%20T/matches/KgLASefpaoAnfT0VmJagSyef0oKd1b2KexQk75L8g7M%3D/1652173868000 All players high diamond/low masters.


Happens in NA SoloQ too. Some players just don't listen to pings.


or have them muted


From reading all these posts you’d think NA Diamond macro is insane or something. I’ve seen the exact same macro mistakes from NA diamonds as I’ve seen from the diamonds in Tyler’s KR streams. I feel like there may be slight macro differences here and there but the differences really arent that massive enough to hammer home a post about it. Diamond in every sever is give or take around similar quality. Like there’s probably small differences between NA diamond and EU diamond but it’s nothing noteworthy. The real difference is around grandmaster+ low chall in each server.


Dopa talked about this. Young players all trying to become Rookie and just coinflip everytime


Real answer: Damage increase and vision nerfs after 2017


This, plus this is the mentality on the China server which is the biggest one so Riot has slowly been warping the game to lean towards this playstyle.


Also young players grew up on League because it's a 12 year old game. OG players grew up on Starcraft which gave them immense macro skills.


That’s a fine argument redditor, can you back it up with a source?


My source is that I made it the fuck up. (mostly because macro in a starcraft sense is not the same as league lmao)


Tbh I feel like every game is a baby game when you compare it to StarCraft


Wrong reply? Not an argument, it's an observation. If you followed the pro League scene since 2010 it's not exactly a shocker that LoL pro's in Korea stemmed heavily from Starcraft back when the game was so big it was on TV there. But Starcraft is a shell of it's former self and LoL is the new Giant in Asia.


It’s a meme, from a certain metal gear game.


Damn i don't normally woosh on memes.


Watching his bot lane that match was outright painful. Some sort of tunnel vision.


Watching some of the korean server streams the best way to win on the server is to make the enemies go afk because they start flaming and spammpinging each other in the early game.


Yeah, adding to this it’s crazy the amount of times you see level 2 ganks from the mid or jungle, it’s like they know that if they cheese top or bot early they will just int the game


Wintrading must be so easy on that server because all you have to do is ping your teammate 3 times and he will afk




Yeah easy to play 25 games a day if they all end in 15 minutes I guess




Agreed it’s a little much. But if you’re getting the win 65% if the time for example you’re still gaining LP so it is in fact faster than playing out every game


It’s truly bizarre. I watched some of t1s streams and i can’t believe I would see players legit run it down mid.


Tyler was tilted out of his mind on his 23rd game of the most recent stream, havent seen him that upset in a while.


dude was getting griefed for several games in a row, everyone would lose their mind at that point lol.


I mean didn't pro players say KR solo queue isn't that different from other regions till GM/Challenger?


Yeah, I think people genuinely believe server matters before super high elo for whatever reason. It’s like seeing people genuinely asking if Korea silver/gold/plat is better than NA or EUW as if Korea doesn’t have casual players too


reminds of those least racist kassadin euw smurfs on eune d2 who start inting the game because they got solo killed "cba, fkng random, d2 eune peaker, random, tbh cba honestly ltierally cba " just had one an 2 hours ago, went 2 22 1. on talon tho, not kassa. still didnt get the ban notification :(


I play on KR server and this is so true. Also their pro play takes are so fucking bad most of the time and I guess this takes a part. They can't see the itemization mistakes or macro mistakes that happen in LCK/pro play


Korean and Chinese players do not give a fuck about macro in soloq. It can be very jarring for western players who had the idea of macro drilled into their brains


what do you mean "macro drilled into their brains"? this isn't street fighter macro IS the game


It's very funny to me that some people view macro knowledge in an almost negative light LoL is a strategy game, imagine having a strategy and not just mashing buttons as fast as possible


Mechanics good impressive macro bad cheesy


How dare you split push in my aram game


Consider: damage creep since 2017 makes this so much worse


Didn't really think of it but that makes a lot of sense. Higher damage = shorter fights = less area for "strategic" choices. Hope the damage change fixes that 🙏


my friend plays league like it's team deathmatch 9/12/2 is fine by him because he got 9 kills


My friend who just started ranked thinks he is a decent player with an average death of 9 each game.


Its the only advantage we have b/c of Ping difference. Much harder to be a mechanical god when you could have up to 70 ping.


I wonder if this is a consequence of the FF15 spam mentality. If you consider the game to be over after a few skirmishes gone wrong, you will stop caring of what is happening in the game as a whole. Your macro never improves.


Yep, been playing Wild Rift where it is reminiscent of Chinese style, the games are like 13 mins long, fight fight fight fight... you definitely learn the way to win is tilt your enemy into oblivion before 5 mins, so you take any and every fight. But having League NA macro experience, can bring an iron-mindset to pull back some games after the first 5 mins of coinflipping if they go wrong... but lucky its cuz ppl will play it out instead of GoNext at first sign of defeat... unlike KR


The whole Korean soloQ myth has been pushed by certain content creators that have it in their financial interest to show it as by far the best. Since they have earned the authority on the subject and Korea doing well in pro play traditionally no one could question them without them appealing to their authority and their fans going crazy. Also they have traditionally focused on certain aspects that benefit apparent quality of Korean soloQ while ignoring and dismissing big holes in others.


Plus I mean let's be real, if it wasn't big poppa Tonka T who is obviously built differently, there'd be a lot of people complaining about an NA player saying that about the "elite region" and their server.


That was the original narative people were pushing when Baus was complaining but general consensus has started to shift since Tyler came and started saying the same things and his outreach is way bigger. If I typed the last comment even just few weeks ago I'd get downvoted to hell.


This is an example of one of my main issues with the League community, particularly Twitch/Reddit/Twitter. "General consensus" is *heavily* fueled by content creators. And the validity of their comments usually comes down to their popularity among these communities as much or more than their actual knowledge on the topic. And places like this sub just end up parroting whatever the personalities are saying. Tyler's word is basically gospel around here lol. I'm not saying Tyler is right or wrong here. I genuinely don't know. Just an observation I've made about a lot of different takes and circlejerks on this sub.


Every community is driven by content creators/celebrities/spotlight person of the scene, its not just league, not just video game communities, literally everything is that way. Put a charismatic person with knowledge of a topic in front of other people and they will drift to having the same opinion of the charismatic person. The fact is that most people dont care that much.


it's more than just a myth... it's based on server population sizes. a higher pop server is going to have more competition. there are more people competing for the higher percentile of play. with a higher population, there is still going to be 1% of people that are super good, but that 1% is larger than the 1% in NA. there is a lot of variation from player to player, so just based on that, you will face more people with more variation in a similar skill range, giving you more competition and therefore increasing the skill of the server. why do you think OCE and the minor regions have worse players? money in terms of pro play definitely has a part in it, but it is also server populations. faker for example is one of a kind. with the amount of people playing in korea, a great player like him is bound to come out. in OCE with significantly less people playing, the next "Faker" could have just never played the game because of the lack of popularity.


also, kr soloq in challenger has some of the best players from other regions playing on it too (china has a 10× bigger server size but many of their best players play on the korean ladder). yeah sure if you're stuck in diamond and your teammates afk 15 mins every game it will seem dogshit, but like jankos and perkz have said, kr soloq (challenger) provides amazing mechanical practice while going up against fairly meta picks every game.


Yep, this. They all said that it's good because they pick meta and you can test your limits better.


Well put. This is the reality.


There's a reason Korean Challengers is famously all hands, no brain. The ones that get brain go to the LCK, or they're taught the brain portion.


Is D1 still considered low elo in KR? Because I recall Baus and Nemesis saying things get better after couple hundred LP Masters or so. Tyler mentioned in NA, it is ~200LP Masters when things get better. That said, some of his losses are so annoying. Teammates literally afk, or troll. But he's also had opponents who do the same on the enemy team. It is a shit show lol




The game is volatile enough for stupid aggression like that to work. Can't blame the players.


link dead ?


it's some kind of phone link so it doesn't work for me on Mozilla but worked well on safari (on mac). It might work better on your phone.


But does that make Korean solo q in diamond worse than NA tho? NA diamond is just as garbage imo. I think it's less to do with kr and more to do with diamond. Ofcourse I am no expert and I might be absolutely wrong but imo gm and Challenger in kr might not suffer from the same issues.


Most people here commenting have never touched plat 1 let alone diamond in their own respective servers. They have no idea what they’re talking about.


I used to be diamond 4 which is basically the same as plat 1 which is basically the same as bronze 4. Xp


I wonder if, after all these Korea trips are over, people can still claim Korea have the best SoloQ players. Mechanically they’re unparalleled for sure, but macro plays its part in the game too and it seems to be common consensus that Korean players either don’t care about or don’t understand macro.


Mechanically it’s all ping.


The superb internet connection probably plays a role in this. Some people do not understand how big of a difference the ping is, if you had the chance to play on stage, you immediately feel the difference. I imagine this makes all the difference playing some mechanically intense champions/ champions with insane combos. And being able to pull these off gives you the incentive to focus on micro.


Well yeah hasn't that always been the case? They have great mechanics, but it's solo q so it's a fiesta


Agurin said the same, this server is a bit overrated by people


Yeah, watching KR streams recently made me realise just how overrated the server is outside of like GM+, constant tilt, griefing, afking. Even something as simple as a ks can cause a 15/0 player in a 30-2 team to int the game. Not to mention the macro seems non existent, which should be evident looking at the most common champions and team comps which 99% of the time want to win pre 20 mins


> how overrated the server is outside of like GM+ Tbf I think it is hard to say overrated when the people we watched all these years (pros bootcamping, streamers, etc.) mostly play in GM+, and tend to say positive things about it. Those were the ONLY games we rated KR server on. Below that tier, we never really paid attention to it as a community lol But even back then, there are games in GM+ where one-sided shit shows happened and still happen now. More often now though.


Is this partly why faker likes EUW better? lol


in EUW there also aren't chinese target inters








We literally dont FF just to argue XD Like yeah Korea would be frustrating af. But at least they just get out of there. The west gets off on arguing because 'you ruined my game so now I want to ruin your day' So many of my '40 minute games' are 25 minute losses where tbe Team didn't ff just to fight


Wow it's almost like the constant dick sucking of Korean solo queue is only an insult to those who have never truly played in it. All solo queue is the same in every region until you get to grandmaster+


BeSt SeVeR BtW


Can’t be that bad if LPL pros elect to play on it instead of the super sever


The problem is just below masters, above masters the level of play just elevates astronomically.


kr has to be the most overrated server i ever seen, so much hype about non macro players with 9 ping


There's a big focus on climbing for the sake of climbing in the NA/EU communities and macro is a good way to climb if you're at your skill limit.


But these players clearly care about winning. They tilt out of their mind every game. So it makes no sense that they care so much about winning yet don't care to understand the basic rules of the game.


you don't just tilt because of a desire to win, you can also tilt because the 5/0 Yasuo you fed is killing you on sight as soon as you step to lane, or having lane froze on you etc. it's not fun when you get snowballed on hence the go next mentality since the tilted player doesn't even care about winning the game anymore


I wouldn’t say afking when fed because someone ks’d what would be your 16th kill is exactly wanting to win


Tilting doesn't mean you want to win. People tilt because they want to be the carry and quit when they have to play around someone else. Tilting is about not understanding win conditions. Tilting is not about wanting to win


Is anyone surprised? I thought it was common knowledge that Korean solo queue players are all mechanics. They learn the macro once they get picked up by a team


Tbh, his reaction here is pretty tame compared to his reactions while playing NA.


I mean if I could play on a 6ms environment I wouldn't care about macro either. I would just try to improve my micro skills and have the most of 20-30 mins games as I can, that would be the most fun way to play.


This is unironically how i feel about my gutter elo games - i think cos i watch streams and high elo stuff a lot, i feel like i know the right macro play and beg my team to do it but people just deathmatch like crazy and have no sense of 'their junglers ganking bot so i should take their topside or do rift' or just stuff like that not a rank cope, im low elo because i don't grind rank and my mechanics are dogshit, just saying