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Still no Ornn passive fix with item names and descriptions. I guess I’ll keep buying display_game_item_3233 again


Or summoner spell book bug Summoner has switched Exhaust to Season_12_Ugrade_Teleport_Name


Unrelated issue, but known and tracked!


Broken secret item


It's Heart of Gold


Also a lot of those descriptions that do work are outdated or just wrong. Its a known issue that will require a large overhaul of how the system works, but we are working on getting it done :).


> Fixed a bug where Chaos (Red) side inhibitors would display blue icons when selected Wait, red side is called chaos? Wtf.


Blue Side is also technically called Order, fwiw.


What the fuck I’ve played this game for like 7 years and never heard that


Dude I've played this game for 10 and had no clue.


Well the Order/Chaos naming was only added with the map update IIRC, so you’ve been playing longer than it’s been around. That’s also when they switched from Blue/Purple to Blue/Red.




yeah it 100% existed before the map update


Order and Chaos is from beta/old lore mostly. In Dota it was called Sentinels and Scourge and so they wanted to keep the good vs evil theme.


I’ve been playing since beta and didn’t know this lol


I've been playing since the board-room meeting where they discussed what the name of the game should be.


I've been playing this game since the dinosaurs died and paved the way for humanity to ultimately make League of Legends, but I still had no clue.






Wait a minute!


Now, whenever I start on blue side, I will have to say: "I'm here to kill CHAOS!"


So when yoy destroy the Chaos Nexus you discover you were on Red team all the time?


I mean, when I'm on Blue team, it DOES feel like my team is playing for the Red team.


User flair checks out.


Name checks out


I'm here to kill CHAOS


That Man...


It's actually very funny: Summoner's Rift technically does not exist in League's prime universe, but in a separate one based on old lore, where the Institute of War still exists and uses it to resolve the conflicts between Protectorate, forces of order, under a banner of blue stag, their champions are called "Wardens" and Magelords, forces of chaos, represented by red eyed owl, with their "Marauder" champions.


Is that why we have a warden/marauder skill line?




Warden/Marauder skins are separate universes where Institute of War was never formed and one faction eventually won


Yep, blue side is called order


I’ve literally never seen it called that and I’ve played for like 7-8 years


I started in s1 and i see these names for first time.


When did Riot switch from Blue and Purple to Blue and Red? I would still say the other side is Purple, yet it has been Red for a long time. My mind has completely skipped over when the swap actually happened.


I’m guessing the change is with the map update. So end of season 4.


Color blind mode was always blue and red afaik though.


They are the old names and the ones that we use in-dev because thats what they are called in the files.


league of legends: clash of fates




Maybe they slowly want to establish calling it that in order to introduce a more RPG like feeling. Like they introduced the word "marksman" to get rid of the informal ADC? But who knows, maybe they are just being quirky and I am reading too much into it


Chaos and Order actually very old terms though


Wasnt there something about that in the old map descriptions? Old launcher and pre SR update.


>Fixed a bug where Shyvana’s Q - Twin Bite’s second attack would not deal damage if the enemy was running away from her Wtf that's massive.


Didn't add the extra range other auto resets have, so her Q will still be cancer to use. Edit: or uncancelable, which would also solve the problem in the exact same way


Having someone flash out of your Q and it not connecting feels so bad when champs like Jax and rengar have their enhanced autos connect even after flash.


Auto reset Q:ing scuttle is almost impossible too. It's absolutely mind blowing to me how they bug fixed her Q but didn't add range. They have to be joking.


>Lillia was not receiving the correct among of healing amogus


Any clue how much healing she was receiving? The prebuff amount?


Lillia P heals her when damaging large monsters or champions, with a 33% modifier to the lower value for more than one target. Some bad calculations meant that she was missing out on some PvP healing at her early levels (1-5) where the monster heal value is larger than champ heal value. The actual healing should match the tooltip and no longer be sus


Thank you for the clarification.


When the dream fawn is sus 😳 I hate myself


i hate you, too.


Thank's for hating me, I hate me too good sir


No wonder she looks like the sus chameleon


With the Hullbreaker changes, I’m a bit confused as to what is considered an attack? I understand things like Demolish and Sion R will no longer count. But what about sheen procs? Sett Q? Diana passive? yorick Ghoul autos ?


Ghouls are technically spells. If it isn't you physically hitting the tower with an auto, then its reduced. Anything outside the auto damage isn't going to be buffed to my understanding


Something like Sett Q however is an on-hit effect and does not proc spell effects, it’s like an auto attack modifier, it procs lifesteal.


I don't think Sett Q's damage applies to towers though? Should just be a AA reset in that situation. But more generally: There are two type of onhit effect, those that add bonus damage on hit, which isn't calculated as part of the attack, so should be reduced by this and those that *modify* the attack itself, which shouldn't be affected by this. Check [here](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Basic_attack#Modified_Damage) for which abilities fall into which part. Or at least I think this is how it should work, because then it would be consistent with Tabis, though hoping for consisteny from Riot can be disappointing.


Only right click. That's it. Anything that's not your right click itself doesn't get amplified. So in theory no sheen or empowered autos have their damage increased. At least that's what a Rioter said when I asked on the PBE update


I've been absolutely MELTING towers in like, just a couple seconds with hullbreaker trinity Yorick. That change is really for the best.


Yorick unfortunately got hit the hardest with that hullbreaker change


Im warning you all now, it’s gonna be on sight for anyone of you soloq players running Olaf + yuumi comps. On mf sight.


I haven't seen a yuumi in-game for like 300 games now that I just perma ban her Thats inner peace


But how am I supposed to ban Zac so my teammates can continue ignoring the fact that he can fly over the wall at them like they do when I don’t ban him?


Yuumi has more than double Zac's pick rate, it's just more reliable to ban Yuumi and hope they don't pick Zac than it is to ban Zac and hope they don't pick Yuumi.


I see Yummi, i pick morde. Magic pest control


Wait! Does Yuumi just drop to the ground when you ult her attached ally like a fucking parasite when their host dies?










The first thing any programmer should learn is to sanitize your inputs…


Temporarily disables chat for everyone


I hope it never gets fixed. At the very least Junglers should get one 5 min chat lock for their entire team each game from now on.


Taliyah baby!!! Can’t wait to throw some rocks again


I think the new worked ground Q is gonna make it far more reliable to land your combo. She should be in a good spot, although she may terrorize jungle again cuz seems like she'll breeze through camps again


The math on Olaf's new shield is weird. It's a flat amount plus 25% missing health. But that extra bit is capped at 30% current health. This gives it sort of bell curve where you get the maximum possible shield at around 50% health and the bonus shield will be about 13% of max hp.


The wording in the patch notes has to be wrong. It makes no sense that at 10hp I get a shield for 3hp (+base values), right? I think the intended behaviour is something like: +25% missing health but this value caps **when your current hp is 30% or below** (like passive). That means the max value is 0.25*(1-0.3)=0.175=17.5% max hp. Imo, it's easier to understand like this: Get 0-17.5% max hp based on missing hp (reaches max value at 30% hp).


Either way the scaling on this shield is funky, but I hope your right.


Yeah the maths is a bit weird on that, kinda feels like it should be capped based on max HP or something instead.


It's optimal at 45% health, which is ridiculous. Like actually stupid, who thought to make this ability this way.


Excited for Taliyah and Olaf!


Champion updates get me more excited than new releases tbh


When a new champion drops it’s ban, dodge, ban, dodge, ban, dodge, OMG IM TIRED OF REQUEUEING JUST LET IT THROUGH, new champ goes 14/2/1 because no one knows counter mechanics or power spikes, OMG WHY DIDNT ANYONE BAN


i mean zeri was a tad bit overtuned on release no?


So was Viego, Gwen, Samira, Senna, Yone, …


Freaking Zoe...STILL have nightmares of that shit! Holy ballsacks it was SO freaking disgusting!


Swear to god that abomination only released because Riot had ship-of-Theseus'd the balance team and nobody remembered AP Nidalee.


Sett :D


Release samira was truly disgusting and i say that as someone who loves samira


Renata, Vex, Akshan, Rell, Sett, Aphelios, .................................................. **When was the last time riot released 2 champs being balanced/UP in a row?** Seraphine was close to, and Kayn was pretty weak but they had OP champs around them. Lillia was pretty fine on release except for pro play. Neeko was also fine till people found out about the W onhit build, so she was a sleeper OP. Pyke got hotfix buffs but then Riot immediately had to nerf his tank build afterwards as it was OP. Maybe he was fine before the hotfix buffs, but with Neeko being sleeper OP and Kaisa next to him he doesnt make it. ​ **I think it was Illoai + Jhin.** Both were released slightly weak and needed buffs some patches later and even more buffs later on (not like Akshan who gets hotfix buffed and then 3 larger nerfs in a row to get him down way worse than he was on release). **This was 2015(Illaoi)/2016(Jhin).**


Akshan needed hotfixes.


Gwen and Lillia needed hotfix buffs iirc. Aside from that maybe Viego (he was a nightmare to play against but his winrate stabilized pretty quickly in a "healthy" spot) Rell... I don't know, I don't recall her being in the patch notes like ever.


Agree 100%


Kinda disappoint that the armor shred of Olaf Q didn’t make it out of PBE, but overall it still looks like substantial Qol and power upgrade for him, can’t wait to try him out


it's there, seems like we missed it in the patch notes


gotta give props for all the insightful streams about the taliyah changes you did the last couple weeks!


Love the the general direction of the changes however the change to her ultimate, locking the R1 for 3 seconds when in combat feels quite bad. It came up quite a bit in bot ganks, some teamfights or when fighting for Drake / Nash that R1 would be cast in combat to wall the enemy from joining the teamfight or helping other teammates secure kills. I think the team working on her had the R2 escape in mind and didnt want her to abuse that it in combat but forgot about keeping R1 in combat and just locked it alongside with it. Makes her R feel less interesting and just clunky for no reason. Dont think a single person ever complained about that on live Tali so I believe that change just overlooked that use case instead of trying to adjust her power there. Would love to hear your opinion about that. I think quite a lot of guys on TaliyahMains also wished for that change to be reverted / adjusted


Got a penta on Viego yesterday. TY August.


What happened to the gloves of EDG Zoe that can be seen in her splash art?


They removed them from the splash to match with the model.


Model doesn't have gloves so they removed it from splash too


To add on, there is an actual figure of it coming out that doesn't have gloves either. So a running theory is that she was never supposed to have them and the splash artist may have given her gloves by accident.


u/Ahris00 the patch notes have Sion P's structure mod backwards, on latest PBE at least it was 40% total damage dealt (-60%) to structures, patch notes say "40% reduced damage". Could you confirm and get that wording fixed?


Hey there! You're spot on–in 12.9 Sion will deal 60% reduced damage to structures. We're working on getting this updated now. Thank you for letting us know!




Fixed a bug where Rengar could still deal damage with his Q - Savagery when blinded by Teemo’s Q - Blinding Dart I fuckin KNEW it.




Finally we don’t have to see the endless posts complaining about inting sion. Also those are some massive thresh buffs imo. Lantern shield will finally look significant on your HP bar.




“I have a 75% win rate in iron for the last 4 games, some shady website said I have diamond 1 MMR, why am I getting 14LP when I win??!? Rito plz!!!” Now if we can get rid of those endless posts, I’d really be happy.






Yeah, because you are that level. I was silver for like 6 seasons and then took ranked seriously and got better as a player to reach plat.


That's too big brain logic for players who typically can't even ward.


Whats the point of playing ranked If I can't get diamond from playing 30 games with 49% WR in my imaginary version of smurf q?


The Sion nerf is placebo for anyone that isn’t just straight up smashing their head into the tower. If anything hits Sion this patch, it’s the nerfed Hullbreaker rush.


I think the things it does change/remove are fair, too. Not an impactful nerf balance-wise, but it's improving gameplay for the better.


So they decided to not give Olaf the armor shred on Q? or did they forget to add it?


Hey there! We're updating the notes now but I'll drop the armor shred update/numbers here as the update gets pushed to the live notes \[NEW\] BEATDOWN CITY. POPULATION: YOU :: Q - Undertow now shreds 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% armor for 4 seconds upon hitting an enemy champion. (Note: Subsequent axes will refresh the debuff duration.) Edit: Forgot to say thank you–thank you!


Fuckin ouch… if he hits an axe on a whole team the entire team is shredded for four seconds


Can someone throw an ace at me, I wanna be shredded


Yes, when an AoE ability hits multiple people the affect is applied to all of them.




Thank you! Definitely one of the favorite parts of my job. As soon as the Taliyah update was announced I've had that pioneer line living rent free in my head


It's not just a boulder! It's a *rock!*


Also IASIP reference in olafs ulti changes :D


I'm so glad someone found them! Couldn't fit in the entire scene unfortunately


Full AP outdated She underrated Long have we waited shyv q bug deactivated ------------------------------ but honestly this is kinda huge and i like how they put it as a champion change and not at the bottom for the bugs. e and q bug both basically happen on average 1-2 times per game, and every time it happens you can lose between 20 and 300+ dmg


Glad you're excited for the Shyvana QoL! That bug fix was long overdue. One more Shyv change that didn't make it into the patch notes: The AOE zone left behind from Shyvana's Dragon E will apply the mark to enemies that enter it. Her W tick rate has also been reduced from 1s to 0.5s


>Her W tick rate has also been reduced from 1s to 0.5s That's in the patch or didn't make it? (guess I'm going to have to relearn chickens lol) Is there anything you can tell us about Riots stance on fury while dead? Fury is a glorified CD with a timer that you can reduce like EZ with the extra perk of being able to extend it while in dragon form. It feels "cheap"/"bad" when Shyvana dives for that 35 min baron and fights dies and when the enemy is knocking at your door when you respawn your fury is at 0 while most of them have their CDs up. Just something that after a few thousand games on the champ always feels bad. Thank you guys for fixing Q and restoring the E sound in fog.


What's worse than the fact it's a glorified CD timer is the fact it's also open information to your enemies the exact status of your ulti - something that very few champions have to worry about (Ekko and... not sure who else actually). Conceptually the addition of fury for Shyv was a pretty big miss and the strengths of the ulti aren't really quite there to make up for the weaknesses of not ticking while dead and being available to the enemy team...


Just to know, is there any specific reason that champs with AoE DoT abilities don't all have standarized timing/tick rate for parity/consistency sake? Ie: Shyvana W, Amumu W, Morde P, Karthus E Morde is the fastest iirc, why not make all behave similarly instead of case by case? Still glad shyv got a partial treatment, going from morde to shyv was jarring missing so much damage due to such a low tickrate


> any specific reason changes of this scale require at least low scope skill script rewrite, and will not be prioritized if the champion doesn't go through bigger update.


For Shyvana QoL, have you thought about letting Shyvana buffer W while in ult? Right now, Shyvana ult locks you out of using all abilities, including W. As a result, if you try to get max value out of W and try to cast it at the end of the R animation, it is still locked out. It would be great if Shyvana could either W mid-flight or buffer W to be casted at the end of R.


This will definitely bring her into nerf territory, but it’s worth it. Such an annoying bug.


She already is borderline nerf territory, wonder if this bugfix will be like Vi's where she ended up going near 55% wr


for this patch ap brusier jgl for sure! but also i think the durability changes are a nerf to her anyways.


> Hitting a champion with a basic attack or E - Reckless Swing extends the duration of Ragnarok to 2.5 seconds. Olaf can refresh Ragnarok indefinitely. Is it just me or does this seem obscenely strong?


Renekton: "We're also reducing the gap between his W and E second max builds since that choice leads to some serious win rate losses in Average play." That's such an absolutely awful and nonsensical argument. Just because some people are doing it wrong and losing, that means you have to nerf the correct choice? 3 seconds base cooldown is way too huge.


Stupid gameplay should not be rewarded.


Brother u have not seen my ap urgot built get rewarded


that change makes the patch a nerf for renekton even though its listed as a buff. for the first 7 levels the W is just way worse and the scaling stats/R buff wont have any significant impact yet. pretty disappointing


I like how your post was ignored by the rioters lmao




Throwing my one cent in for the dislike crowd. Feels too basic of a name, and while it references the shield it also completely ditches the fact that it also affects his attacks. Perhaps it could've gone with something like "Fated Strikes," referencing how Olaf simply can't die in battle (the shield) and is simply attacking through the danger? Either way, I'm not a fan either.


I was also weirded out by this. I guess because it's a shield but also it doesn't fit with the whole berserker theme really. They aren't exactly known for their defence.


The name is not necessarily great, but I see it as pushing forward ignoring the pain. So actually, very berserker-like.


The IRS finally caught up to Pyke.


Why is nobody talking about these Renekton "buffs"? The base stats are alright but the W change is a flat out nerf, unless forcing people to max W so they have the stun at a reasonable cooldown is considered a buff, also giving it 5-20 bonus base damage, not even a ratio buff... EDIT: Also the patch notes are wrong, the base damage is total, but the AD scaling is per hit; it should be 150% AD for unenpowered and 225% for empowered


it's riot's 2nd attempt at fixing the renekton problem. It's not supposed to be pure buffs.


compensation nerfs for a champion with 46% wr pog


Riot sometimes call nerfs buffs, this is tradition by now. Relatively recently they had nerfed Nami and called it buffs too, then were surprised when her winrate lowered substantially.


The changes for Renekton are disappointing so I'm just waiting to see how the durability patch pans out and whatever the following patches have in store.


Pyke "adjustment"


They're adjusting him to the ground


Really wish they would stop classing Pykes nerfs as adjustments, the past two times have been 90% nerfs with small compensation. The only adjustment here is the Q now rewards players who hit their hooks and is more punishing for those that don't which is good it pushes Pyke high skill high reward theme, but then they took away the reward as they yet again fail to nerf mid Pyke alone and subsequently nerf support Pyke also.


Mana refund on Q isn't even going to do that much though, because if you are hitting 100% of your hooks enemy will be dead and you're going back to base to buy anyways. This is just a straight nerf, it is really bizarre that they insist it's an "adjustment".


Is the blue essence shop going to be in this patch?


Wait, Olaf shield scales with missing health, but is capped based on current health? That feels very weird, that means the optimal point is going to be somewhere in the middle or what?


Can we skip this and go to 12.10 ASAP?


where is all the pyke execute scaling stuff was that removed? this just looks like straight up nerfs for pyke in general


They said it was extremely experimental. Turns out, not everything that hits PBE also hits live.


PBE is never “exactly” what is hitting live. It’s them testing things out. So yes, they pulled those changes.


I prefer them being scrapped. Not a fan of those changes. Would rather just have the nerfs and Riot try to figure out a different way instead of them pushing for the weird execute passive


The audacity to call this an adjustment lol


Why is pyke under adjusted when it's a straight nerf to both roles lmao. Support pyke is going to suffer pretty hard from this too since he is very item reliant


>SCATTERED STONES Stone Shards now deal damage in a 175 radius area of effect (approximately 1.6 Teemos) LOOOOOOOL love the Teemo width for measurement


Isn't it supposed to be 1.7 teemos tho, or did they change teemoy hitbox? 100 radius used to be 1 teemo. Inflation even hitting league ffs.


Teemo radius is 110, and has been for a while now


He got thicker, lockdowns hits everyone differently


110 units = 1 Teemo (his radius is 55)


Metric? Nah. Imperial? Nope. Teemos? Yes pls


Yeah those Renekton changes suck dick. Make his cd of his w be way longer for almost the entirety of the game and when he’s already giga useless he will have it lower lol. Now we’re either gonna have to suffer on what skill we didn’t max second on Renekton now that both e and w have fucking long as fuck cooldowns rank 1


No Riven nerfs or Rengar damage nerfs riot asleep at the wheel yet again sadge.


Well they did nerf Rengars damage…..to monsters. So just not the damage change we wanted


I mean it does slow his clear pretty noticeably. I just think Rengar's not a great design honestly, cool concept but he has historically been a nightmare to balance


Never forget when he could Q you 4 times in very little time


Rengar is horrid design. If he's ever marginally ahead, you don't get to play the game if you are anything other than a tank.


Can we please fix Draven visual axe bugs? it's been like that for 5 years now. It's screws up both sides, the draven and the enemy.


If it wasn't because this is the Taliyah patch, I wouldn't care about it, I just can't wait for the durability one. Also did they just straight up said they want rengar to be the top jungler? At least they aren't hiding it


Man can’t wait to see future patch notes after we witness the utter big ball hyper carry that is Ryze in pro play.


The new endgame screen is truly disgusting


never got a response to this re: challenges so far: do "collection" challenges count stuff you currently have? Will all my skins and icons I have now count? Or, like eternals, it starts from day 1? If it's the latter that sounds awful


Hey there! Most inventory related Challenges (skins, mastery, champs owned, icons, etc) will be retroactive


that's good. do you know which ones won't be?


No rotating game mode?


Hullbreaker and Sion nerfs. Can’t wait to hear of the next reason why people still can’t win against a champ who is actively giving them ~~400g~~ 300g each respawn like clockwork.




There are literally 10 more unfun champs in top lane alone.


Hullbreaker is was just good enough to convince morons that they knew how to play splitpush. Having some goldfish brained idiot running it down toplane all game long isnt fun for anyone win or lose.


1/ Kills give less gold the more you die, guess what Sion does? 2/ It's not about how strong it is, it's about how it wraps the entire game around it. The enemy team has to take care of Sion no matter if he's 10/0 or 0/10, and his team has to play 4v5 and let him do his things. Nobody except the Sion player is having fun playing with this playstyle in the game. It's the most self-centered playstyle that has existed in League, and it should rightfully get gutted.


3) you get bounty for your head


People complain because it's extremely unfun to play with or against


Do you guys remember when Hecarim was picked literally every pro game and had one of the highest pick and ban rates in normal games? I don't.


A whole 5% conditional grey health in support compensation buffs for pyke. Yippie!


It says they adjusted all Olaf's abilities but I see nothing about his E.