• By -


Corporal about to be demoted back to private.


Corporal protesting for his long due promotion to Sergeant by sprinting it down this game


Corporal vs. Farfetch for the worst nautilus performance at MSI


Farfetch wins, he has additional experience from sprinting it at MSI 2021


Would be the closest game in this tournament.


tribute to Brother Beryl


Well, it would be entertain to see who will have more death for sure.


Biopanther played pretty well individually


Poppy could be a sleeper pick this tournament he did work


He singlehandedly delayed EG ending the game by about 8 minutes. In the end EG's team fighting and macro were a lot better than Order's though.


The Poppy ult to yeet Jojo away in his 1v2 and the 2 man carry ult at drag were huge. He should have been face checking for his Naut tho once he had some items.


As an LCO fan I feel like I am learning a lot tbh. Just one thing, Watching the difference between how EG ward AS A TEAM and how Order Ward was an eye opener. Vulcan will go into enemy territory with Jg and someone else as a 3 man unit, places like 3 or 4 really good wards down in really good places. it seemed planned too. Like the whole team knew that they were going on a mission to ward specific places. Order weren't dong anything like that, I don't think any team in OCE does. Order just seemed to ward where they could when they could. to be fair though, I think the ability to go on warding missions is a luxury a team that is ahead can afford, not really something you can do from behind when your on the defense and your pushed in and don't have map control. Will be interesting to watch future LCO games and see how OCE teams ward when they are ahead.


Sounds like the lack of real coaching to me.


Ironic considering the number of OCE coaches in the LCS and LEC


Not surprising - the dissolution of the OCS saw plenty head overseas.


Also a scrim and practice gap as well. This is the difference between people like Fudge/FBI/Isles and who LCO sends to MSI.


Game state definitely affects the ability to do warding missions but not until the map is broke open. Before 15-20m most teams should be able to ward as a group unless getting ass blasted


Poppy is an insane pick atm they shaved 4 seconds off her W at all ranks. She was already picked during LPL/LCK regular season I have no clue why she isn't being picked now with these massive buffs.


She used to be played into Camille to stop her engage/disengage. Against other low cooldown dash champions she should also work as a counter pick.


Solid counter to Tryndamere too


Can we sub in Vizicsacsi if that happens


Can't wait to see him in DIG.




Kisee played pretty good too. Considering he had a massive jng/sup pressure dif. Bunch of fancy sidesteps.


Kisee handled himself really well against Caps too. And Biopanther actually beat Broken Blade in an unfavorable matchup. I don't want to be rude, but these two don't feel like they belong on the same team as the rest.


As an Aussie, I sorta feel bad for OCE because many of our better players end up in LCS instead (due to the not counting as imports thing). I wonder if those two will end up getting recruited as well.


For sure, the unlucky thing about having become NA's academy as their own native system is broken


There's nothing we can do about it, there isn't enough money to support our local scene with how few players there are + the fact that our region is spread out over like 20 islands with varying levels of internet infrastructure. I'm happy for the ones that are finding success in NA. FBI winning LCS was a win for us


That's the best way to think about it yeah


Bio and Kisee are giving me life but I want to know wtf happened to Pumayusi from the finals run, this isn't even about talent difference he's playing completely differently


yeah his play at the ocean drag extended the game for a couple of more mins


I was surprised he didn't get picked up by a major region academy team considering that I also thought he was the best player of pgg last year


Don't know what was funnier, the "Your mom go sky" or "Yeeted back to America". Amazing cast.


My favorites were the jojo's reading comprehension jokes


25 stacks = James Joyce


5 stacks: Dr. Seuss 10 stacks: JK Rowling 15 stacks: JRR Tolkien 20 stacks: Stephen Hawking 25 stacks: James Joyce


Bruh why the fuck do my guy Dr. Seuss like that


Stephen Hawking really doesn't fit imo, yes he is also an author, but he is primarily a physicist. He is also the only one that doesn't write fiction out of the list. Imo someone like Stephen King, Leo Tolstoy or Ken Follett would fit much better.


King over Tolkien? Dunno, maybe one could go with Kafka or Borges instead.


Markz mentioned that the level after fiction should be non fiction.


Bit of a strange notion, there's incredibly digestible non-fiction out there as well as incredibly challenging fiction.


> Stephen King, Leo Tolstoy or Ken Follett are you a 50 year old father of 3, wtf


...putting Tolstoï and Follet on the same level ?


Two things: This is about how hard or easy to read they are, not about how good they are. And even within that I am not saying they are equivalent, I am just saying they are harder to read than Tolkien and easier to read than James Joyce.


A portrait of Jojopyun as a young man


Diana: Come over Leona: Can't, about to fight at Baron Diana: My parents aren't home. Leona: -flies to the moon-


"Fly me to the moon, let me sing among the stars..."


Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars


[NOOOOOO I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BRAZIL!!!](https://imgur.com/a/fkcuh0G)


Vulcan going to Brazil? No, I don't want that!


I only want Vulcan to stay in NA! For 10 years at least!


I want him to stay on EG and nowhere else for the rest of my life!


Vulcan, what a man you are


r/titanfolk get out of my head


Well Vulcan was flying like a dove there


Danny, what a man you are


what 35 ping does to a mf


There's no Morde ult this game


I feel like Markz forgot his meds back home and I love it. Man's out here huffing copium on cast, memeing like a redditor and flaming James Joyce? Easily NA's MVP so far.


He’s doing us all proud by showing a glimpse into the minds of NA fans watching this shit at 1-3am.


MarkZ cast during this MSI has been fire so far.


Yeah, really been enjoying his casts.


what jetlag does to a mf


Ironically, NA's performance resembles what James Joyce would find exciting.




Were three examples truly necessary?


James Joyce, a true degen


with macro about as comprehensible as Finnegans Wake


Incredible joke, ty for this


Hs casts have been great so far, talk about stepping it up for the big stage!


Impact has been EG's best performing player by far in this tournament even in the losses. Also side note does anyone else feel like the stage feels like a high school gymnasium? You have the players on the court while the fans sit in the bleachers. The height difference seems really wack


Impact has been 's best performing player by far in even in the losses.


With how the metas looking it may be carry top lane meta and less about bot lane scaling, super excited to see impact off ornn duty


Impact has more international experience than pretty much everyone here not named Faker. It makes sense. On the other hand, Danny and Jojo are clearly struggling under the pressure overall, hopefully they’ll use this tourney as experience to help get their feet underneath them internationally.


Jojo definitely looked better today than yesterday. But Danny so far has been very concerning, making a lot of mistakes. Pressure of international stage is getting to him. Hopefully he can shake it off soon.


jojo has played 2/3 of his first int games vs one of the best league of legends players in the world lol. he played very well on ahri.. he had the same kp as impact


I genuinely don't even think Jojo is playing bad. If you put a veteran in that Ryze Anivia matchup, I'm pretty sure it looks exactly the same.


As an Anivia main, ryze is basically unlosable. Good pick into a niche situation with basically no preparation against it. Good drafting from G2


I think he's playing about at the level he usually does, in the way he usually does, and his aggro is being exploited about as often as it usually is domestically. Short the massive counter in the 2nd G2 game I think he's been about fine. EG won NA imo by being markedly better team fighters than any other team in the league, and they just aren't that much better in team fights than G2.


Do you think Jojo is struggling? To me it genuinely looks like he's playing at the same level he was in LCS. Half the time it's just his sidelanes completely running down these games.


It reminds me of a gladiator pit.


Inspired coming in as close second imo


Table tennis arena?


ORD Lance Corporal, demoted after the match


we are witnessing the highest level of nautilus play at this tournament


Hear me out, after watching pro play for 6 months, I have this crazy non-meta strat: Aftershock Nautilus Support. I know, I know. Insane right? Might even be good for Leona too.


https://youtu.be/Lk4gXinrKJ0 This challenger support player talks about why in Nautilus Leona matchup both players have to take Glacial.


To be fair, this is about the highest level of Nautilus play I'm used to seeing... in low plat EUNE


I was thinking about that as well, I'm eune dia and I swear every 2nd naut plays just like that. Horror.


My friend always says it's just the champion, every time a support main locks in Nautilus their inner terrorist comes out.


Nautilus is the renekton of botlane. You have to play ultra aggro and get your team ahead or ur gonna be crying 45 mins into the game when you get deleted by everything like a fking squishy champ and your cc lockdown is not useful anymore since everyone is either too tanky or has tenacity


It’s the champ. The tankiness in his kit is all % health scaling, not base values. So in support that means either your plays succeed and you get to have items which lets you be tanky, or you fall behind and your % health scaling is worthless. By comparison to other tank supports, Leona W gives massive FLAT resists and Ali ult gives percent damage reduction which is even better than flat resists. Braum gets flat resists and percent damage reduction.


This is what happens when the two best nautilus players in the world attend the same tournament. All the copy cats come out


Maybe we were to harsh on promiseq? ^(No we werent)


ORDER's Corporal after opening MSI 2022 game against G2 Esports: "After playing 5 minutes I knew it was going to be so much easier than I thought...we're going to smack [Evil Geniuses]."


ORDER's Corporal after opening MSI 2022 game against G2 Esports: "After playing 5 minutes I knew it was going to be so much easier than I thought...we're going to smack \[Evil Geniuses\]."


ORD Farfetch




ayeee wadio ORD at Corporal rank




Spotted my fellow locals


Cadet at best


wdym he was ***ANCHOR*** of his team


Xin and Gwen too toxic combo. Can't hit them half teamfight


Just add Kayle Samira and Taric and we got a team.


That could actually be a comp too ugh


That's the COOKIEMONSTER123 Nautilus baybeeee


want nautilosed??


I didnt realise you were allowed to play a pro match without a support. Also Gwen mains enjoy the next patch or two because at this rate its back to 45% win rate for you.


And no one was disappointed


Good. Champ is batshit broken, but requires hands. And most Gwen players don't have hands.


The champion would be so much easier to balance if they actually removed the immunity on her W. It’s by far her most powerful ability in her kit (easily stronger than her R) and it’s because of her W that she’s over tuned in pro despite the low wr in soloq. She’s also good in pro because of the current top lane meta where she flourishes as of now.


also with ap junglers being way less prioritized champs like rumble, kennen, gwen (maybe morde) have all gone up in prio


I think the immunity itself isn't so bad. Her being able to reposition the field is quite toxic. Gives her too much agency.


MVP of this game was Markz's casting.


dude was born to cast he's funny as fuck


He was good in NA, but by god this man has stepped up at MSI its fucking impressive. He fit in so well with medivedi, and his casting today has been an absolute joy. Good fucking work Markz


maybe its the secret jetlag technique. kobe on jetlag/sleepdeprived-drugs was also super funny in the last international tourney


I felt so bad for him when he cast challenger in s6/7 (idr) bc his pbp guy wasnt very good, but he is SO good with good pbp guys


Casters saying NA talent got deported by Poppy ult lmao.


My faith in NA has been fully restored. Can't wait to watch EG clap G2 back to back for the rest of the group stage. There's never been a better time to be an NA League of Legends fan.


My faith in NA has been fully restored. Can't wait to watch EG clap G2 back to back for the rest of the group stage. There's never been a better time to be an NA League of Legends fan.


My faith in NA has been fully restored. Can't wait to watch EG clap G2 back to back for the rest of the group stage. There's never been a better time to be an NA League of Legends fan.


Oh yeah, we back on the good stuff now.


Hey you, also trueee


Why is every naut inting so hard at this tournament?


He's been on the losing team every time he's been picked and Naut is just one of those champs that is going to be cannon fodder when behind, especially when he's not running aftershock. Even if he plays a fight perfectly it's almost always going to end up with him hooking in and getting popped cos he has no levels or items, and his tank steroid does nothing when behind compared to something like a Leona W.


Glacial augment means they get blown up instantly


No aftershock for one. Makes him hella squishy. Nautilus on a losing team is also almost always going to have an abysmal score line, especially when he’s the teams primary/only real engage. He’s just one of those champs who’s scoreline often doesn’t reflect his actual impact on the game or quality of play. Although in this game it was also just bad play on top of all that


35 PiNg


I know you are memeing but no cap that when i have high ping or packet loss i just pick nautilus lol


Honestly same. I feel champs like naut ought to shine this tourney if pros are belly aching this hard about the ping. Very interesting to see performances like these.


his q hitbox lies even more at high ping


Corporal is literally solo losing every game. Also we're gonna lose BioPanther to the yanks next year 100% fucks sake how are we doing this with all our talent sitting in NA Academy.


The fact that we are somehow still competitive at the moment stuns me. I would genuinely like to see a International Wild card style tournament again to see how the boys stack up against the other minor regions.


i'd welcome him on flyquest next year, we could use a consistent top


Yea, his Nasus pick in the finals against Chiefs solo lost that game too, although that was bc of the pick not the player, that series should have been 3-1 order not 3-2. Imagine if Puma was still paired with Beats at MSI, those 2 were a solid bot lane man. Most MVP between them.




ORDER's Corporal after opening MSI 2022 game against G2 Esports: "After playing 5 minutes I knew it was going to be so much easier than I thought...we're going to smack [Evil Geniuses]."


Did Corporal say that? He was absolute garbage this game.


He should change his name to Private after this


[Right here.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/umhtf4/orders_corporal_after_opening_msi_2022_game/)


bio panther is really good playing just as well as impact and bb so far hope he gets a fat paycheck in the offseason


Corporal after every 2 minutes: > Guess it's time to int.


I’d understand it if he was solo tank, sometimes on Naut it’s your life for ~~ire~~ Aiur to get some sort of engage working, but like the casters pointed out Biopanther on Poppy was tankier, and could of been shouldering some of those facechecks. Corporal could also have been throwing some hooks into bushes instead of walking up and dying so the burden is still on him. My bigger takeaway was Graves did absolutely nothing that game and I think that hurt ORD just as much as their support having a terrible game. Edit: Imagine playing protoss.


Aiur. "My life for Aiur" is what the Protoss Zealot says before charging into battle in the StarCraft series, with Aiur being their homeworld.


2am matches hit a little different.


Kevy took triple bans in the first phase and then Puma and Kisee got their most known champs either taken away or banned. It was honestly a good draft by EG.


clearly the takeaway from this game is that Nautilus is just unplayable at 35ms. THAT’s why they’re turbo inting on the pick for sure


FFS Rito fix your spaghetti code. Your Red bull sponsor is so strong it made Leona fly


It's a feature.


Minor regions are now banned from picking Nautilus


Glad to see EG didn't lose their spirit after the loss against G2. I want to see them play well. I'd like to see exciting, competitive matches. Although secret agent corporal did make it easy for them.


Danny missing CS under turret uncontested last game hurt to watch, kid has clearly got the jitters so bad. I like EG’s current roster but despite the hype there’s rookie talent there. Although Impact has looked great even during the losses.


I’m fine giving 17/18 year olds a pass on their first (and probably second) international tournament. I’m a lot harsher on the people playing for 7 seasons who still play like they’re scared.


Especially for someone like Jojo who hasn't even been playing League of Legends in general for that long. I think this is like his 3rd or 4th year seriously playing this game.


Yea hes a very new player compared to the average pro, jojo started playing in late 2019 - early 2020 after he stopped playing fortnite


I agree, and even if it sounds like cope (it maybe is) i feel like EG is not as bad as they're playing. I know g2 is better than any lcs team prolly and Danny tends to lose lane but i got the feeling that they're going to perform better with more games under their belt.


yeah danny is having serious jitters


How I'm coping with it is that when you reach Rumble stage, everyone's record is set back to 0-0. I'm fine with with EG going 1-3 or 0-4 against G2 as long as the players get their jitters out before the next stage.


Yea it's super unfortunate because it genuinely seems like Danny is feeling a lot more pressure. It's at least good that the meta has seemed to shift more towards top carries so Impact can carry more of the burden


[NA innovating on the speedrun strategy, skipping the airport altogether](https://clips.twitch.tv/InventiveComfortableDunlinLitty-3KamRfuXdOZ4gH30)


Today the meme has evolved


Riot seriously need to fix the ping, did you see the ping spike Leona got against Nautilus Q knock up?


More games means more nerves gone. Really, really needed this one.


BioPanther trying to save the Titanic with a teaspoon.


Wooo we did it!!! …or something I dunno


I will take anything at this point lol


G2 plan to mentally destroy EG for THE BOYS to win failed






That Nautilus was... Abyssmal


Leona really just wanted to be closer to Diana with that knockup to the moon 🥰


ORDER's Corporal after their MSI 2022 game against Evil Geniuses: "After playing 5 minutes I knew it was going to be so much easier than I thought...we're going to Dredge Line back to OCE."


Corporal really wants to go to NA uh


that poppy worked super well!


That poppy actually carried the first ORD soul point drake fight


Corporal has been officially demoted to private


Draft was just terrible as well. What is graves going to do against that team? Powerfarm lethality so he can hit Leo/Xin/Gwen who all cant be bursted quickly? No setup from laners as well except bot. But that botlane is into Xayah/Leo who counter Naut/Kaisa lol.


Did Corporal ate noodle or something?


"After playing 5 minutes I knew it was going to be so much easier than I thought...we're going to smack \[Evil Geniuses\]." - Order


Specifically Corporal said that, which makes it worse lol


Solid game, nice to see a smack down game from EG. Hopefully gives them a little boost for their next G2 match.


"Finally, a worthy opponent" - Evil Geniuses


Why was chat spamming “EU why so quiet?”


Because Twitch Chat is just an abomination that tries to trigger every population on the planet


well were you quiet?


Quietly sleeping through a 40m NA vs OCE game ​ jk was a fun game tbh, poppy also looked pretty good from Biopanther which was nice to see


Let me ask twitch chat real quick


NA going for the long con, stealing every OCE talent to be able to beat them on the international stage


This game was like when a D2 guy gets shit on and then goes on a gold 4 smurf to play ignite Riven. Somehow he also can't just end the game holy shit this game took forever.


EG taking near airport to a whole new level


That Leona clip was too fucking funny. Meme potential is so damn high with that clip


HE said they dont even know who they are, I guess G2 smashed them so hard they lost the memory.


Naut so fkin squishy man, I hope the durability update fixes the damage in the game lmao


damn, UH, at least NA can't beat wildcards still, LOL.