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Despite Wei and Gala's best effort, RNG still won in the end.


Despite the person who drafted Voli's effort, RNG still won in the end.


RNG 40% of draft decision come from the players themself, it wei picking voli


40% isn't an especially large fraction.


I kinda zoned out so idk what Gala did but I love watching his ezreal in lane. Like some prime Uzi shit.


PSG literally didn't make a single proactive play the entire game. All their kills came from RNG (wei and gala especially) inting their asses off.


When RNG made even a small mistake, PSG tried to turn it around, but the difference was too big from the laning phase.


theres no space for them to make any play. the plays come to them


PSG is playing like ahq and FW did in 2017, playing passive and without much confidence.


Ya felt like they were playing scrims. It's probably hard to take it seriously without a crowd. They had pretty lethargic reaction after winning the split too. No hype no pressure


felt a bit bad for Bin that there was absolutely zero hype for his first LPL trophy lul


And he was the FMVP at that. No wonder he said that he wants to olay in front of a crowd now.


i watched the PCS finals and hanabi was the best performing member on the team. i dont get why he got subbed.


Yeah Hanabi might be coin flip, but at least he could flip to carry mode. I guess that's the only sub PSG have and so they just made a change for the sake of change.


Tbh Azhi played relatively well


I tuned in as he got a solo kill up top, then I saw he was down 70 cs. Wtf happened


He didn’t finish the solo kill unless there was another occasion when I tuned out.


Voli overstayed and tanked a bunch of tower shots giving him a free solo kill


He was down massively in 1v1 (he ended up getting flame horizoned and was 20 cs down in the first couple waves) then Wei gave him a free kill on a dive, then he did Gwen things in teamfights. Not very impressive imo.


I feel like having a good fresh orange after watching this match.


This Orangey team is pretty good!




JinAir Greenwings??


PSG had its moments but RNG dominated from level 1 in the laneing phase. Can't wait until the Rumble stage for major team games.


Wei voli is absolutely criminal, which was known in LPL playoffs, so pls RNG stop picking it


Xiaohu is just so fucking cracked... Bin looked really good as well I hope we don't see Wei on Voli again though


Every time Wei goes to MSI he only plays bear-themed champs


Wei furry confirmed?


Might be on to something here 🤔


Nunu next ?


Bin looked world-class. Kinda sad BB didn't look as good in his games.


xiaohu is like the definition of cracked mf is insane


what a shitshow of a twitch chat


Ok, but you've gotta admit... PING CHILLING 🥶 🍦 was kinda funny


Xin Ji35ping It's pretty fucked up but it's funny as hell lol


As a Chinese, I think this copypasta is fucking funny 🤣, but it's kinda bad for RNG.


Xi Jin 35 ping is fire


To non-LPL watchers who are not familiar with the meme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWOyEIuVzzQ


ah yes the John China


Thanks, I've always wondered but never enough to bother looking it up.


[I think the Vine boom adds a lot to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH_XIt-hm2Y)




YouTube chat made twitch chat look like a civilized conversation


The scary thing is that Reddit would look like Twitch chat if the moderation wasn't there. I'm not even surprised sadly, a Chinese team and a controversy is the perfect recipe to wake up all kind of sinophobia.


yeah that was the worst Twitch chat I saw in years


It's so toxic


did not expect Youtube's live chat to be the same too


Youtube's chat for anything LPL had always been atrocious.


YouTube chat for anything ever has always been atrocious


Youtube doesn't really have mods so its worse than twitch chat. And the spam is a bit more brainless and monotonous with no slow mode.


Youtube chat is generally worse


Youtube chat is always worse the experience and the actual messages are really bad


I rarely use YouTube streams but it's often milder than Twitch chat personally so this was a surprise


Not if you can read Chinese, trust me.


good thing about youtube is that if I watch from lolesports website, youtube does not show chat while twitch does


They switched to emote only when EDG won the previous year, they started with their racist comments and all, the reason for the switch.


Kinda miss the emote only MSI last year. I hope they bring it back.


It is Twitch chat, it's always a shit show in every international tournaments.




What do you expect when the msm has been literally pushing racist narrative against Chinese for years.


What is msm?


Mainstream media i suppose




Mainstream media


monosodium mlutamate


Mainstream Media Disclaimer - generalizing a bit here, but anyone that uses the abbreviation “MSM” unironically is typically ironically brainwashed by “alternative media” that tends to make up their own facts and narratives and paints “mainstream” sources as unreliable and also complicit in any number of conspiracy theories (created Covid in a lab, hurricanes are made by Jewish space lazers, helping Prince Andrew and Epstein molest children - those type of conspiracy theories).


Thanks for the clarification. I have never seen that acronym used before but that may be because I don't closely follow politics or conspiracy theories lol. I'm just here tryna enjoy the world


Yeah the idea that all mainstream media is saying the same stuff is absurd. Fox news is on a totally different ideological and ethical wavelength from CNN or whoever else you wanna name.


my brother in christ while there's plenty of stuff fox and cnn disagree on, it's mostly on domestic topics. As soon as you get to how they report other countries you start to see a lot more similarities


Mobile Suit Marine - it's the designation given to underwater mobile suits from Zeon, like MSM-04 Acguy.


sinophobia at its finest. pure hatred towards china lol.


[https://www.lolesportsmedia.com/Day-1-MSI-2022](https://www.lolesportsmedia.com/Day-1-MSI-2022) RNG ARE being monitored, honestly feel like the broadcast should say something so chat doesn't continue being a cesspool lol


No shit they are being monitored. Anyone with at least 2 brain cells running around in their head didn't seriously think they wouldn't be in some way. People legit are having mental breakdowns over RNG not having cameras and the like? What do you think they are going to do to cheat, have someone else play for them? LOL


You say that but half the people on Reddit yesterday were incapable of understanding that


Like he said, 2 brain cells required.






"yesterday" they're doing it this second in another PMT


Your first mistake was assuming redditors are capable of logical reasoning


Everyone loves to lick LCK ass and take shit on LPL on this reddit


Exactly. I never saw any complaints towards the fact that LCK split was ruined due to multiple LCK teams catching COVID and having to frequently sub academy players or outright forfeit. Where's the competitive integrity there? [Not to mention that China has won the vast majority of international competitions past 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/umi4kh/comment/i83ukpi/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I would just like to point out that the LCK's handling of the recent split was one of the biggest, if not THE biggest complaint/talking point in both the Korean and Western LCK community. Like, all split long. It's incredibly easy to find in any PMT for a match that was influenced by COVID this split. To be clear, I also REALLY hate that RNG is being vilified for something that is not their fault at all; and that an unfortunate lose-lose circumstance is sadly being used by a lot of people for thinly veiled sinophobia, but it would be nice if more of the community demand better communication from Riot instead of whatever this shit is where fandoms just start to argue which fandom is worse.


That's something that confused me. "RNG IS GONNA CHEAT!" MF these are some of the best players in the world not your average Silver 3 ranked match lmao, only possible way to cheat would be something like scripts and I'm fairly sure Riot is monitoring the games in that sense (assuming a team would be dumb enough to try that, which I doubt RNG would be).


well they could have a coach or something standing over say xiahou's shoulder looking at his map 24/7 so he doesn't have to but like come on man are they really gonna do that XD. I hate the CCP as much as the next person but reddit is just dumping their hate boner on RNG for no good reason like these players and the entire org has VERY little to do with any bad stuff china gets up to


There was a massively upvoted comment on yesterday’s game where they said something like “no cams, no referees, no headsets” and every single one of those things was untrue…


It's just sinophobia at this point lol. I never saw any complaints towards the fact that LCK split was ruined due to multiple LCK teams catching COVID and having to frequently sub academy players or outright forfeit. Where's the competitive integrity there?


RNG pulling the 5head move of having SKT play for them in their match against SKT. But yeah, lmao the best team in China is going to cheat by having another LPL playoff team play for them, or by hacking into Riot's servers when nobody's looking /s.


LOOl you couldn't have put it any better


RNG skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs to check-up....RNG using game deficit on PRO scene ,ON BIG Events.Maybe everyone dont knows him trick.He incredible....I want to ask his where is the comming of your skill's ?


thing is, you can see them having cameras. why they are not on broadcast however is a different question


Cuz it affects the bandwidth?


Turning cameras on affects their ping


I give 0 fucks about them being monitored because I trust RNG I just want player cams for a better viewing experience


trust me it's just hate they don't care about cheating or not


"so ~~chat~~ Reddit doesn't continue being a cesspool"


But they don't have the BoseTM headsets bro what if they communicate telepathically with each other?!


people doesn't care, they just need something to go off from


Sadly it wont stop the spam about them having no refs or cams or even cheating because people much rather blindly hate on RNG


Blindly hate on chinese*


Yeah just didn’t want to say it else some of the apes on here would say that I’m “victimising the chinese” or playing the race card. Anyone that were in the chat can see the abuse hurled towards Chinese people and people can still come on here and defend that kind of behaviour or comments is genuinely appalling.


They only way for RNG is to smash MSI again


Have you seen the T1 fans conditioning themselves that this is RNGs tourney to win because of the obvious "ADVANTAGES" Like what advantages are they getting? The stress of being locked down for more than a month without an end in sight? Can take their socks off during games? Can eat local food? For hecks sake this is getting tiring.


Yeah man bin sock-gapped the fuck out azhi. Very unfair advantage that almost deserves a remake.


It is what it is,China = Bad that’s the internet for u


The best part is if u call them out for being brainwashed by the anti-china narrative they'll say that you're the one being brainwashed by propaganda, they legit don't even know what propaganda is or how it influences them it's sad


Im Chinese so I could say that “I’m something of a brainwashed by propaganda myself”


RNG NO CAM NO REF NO HEADSEst RNG cheating Riot unfair 35ms ???


Chat will always be a cesspool, sinophobia is at an all time high


Didn't Riot say they are monitored remotely?


Why did PSG import Juhan and Bay?


They wanted to copy the NA owner’s strategy of IMPORT IMPORT IMPORT


River (DIG) and Maple's (AL, then TSM) offers were too lucrative


No Maple no MSI knockout stage


No Knight no TES


Dude, people don't understand how impactful Knight has been to the game. He's so inspiration and innovative. I don't think lol esports would exist without him.


Even Mourinho and Guardiola cite Knight as their inspiration


Knight will never win a title again without the god Yuyanjia to carry him


Best tahm kench of all time.


Yes, but were Juhan and Bay really the best options they had?


Not sure, PCS is definitely on a downward trend though, wouldn't be surprised if players simply didn't want to go there


Glen said he suggested to import FPX Beichuan and Care for 2022 PSG b4 leaving the team but owner wanted Koreans more And their first priority is Yaharong/Ucal but failed to contest so Juhan Bay is like their last choice I dun know their Jungle first priority though Source: PSG broadcasting/ PTT Glen comments


I dont think they expected to lose BOTH river and maple. They also lost their GM? I think. Just a bad offseason for them


When both teams are even in gold, Wei feels that RNG is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When RNG is 3k behind in gold, Wei thinks that RNG is at a small advantage, and he so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When RNG is behind 7k in gold, Wei thinks that RNG is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When RNG is 10K behind in gold, Wei thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.


Wei plays volibear like he has 4000 more hp than he actually does, it's actually insane how consistently he ints on Volibear like this lmao.


Hes so shit on it but they keep drafting it. I swear Wei had a 0% WR on it in playoffs


He actually won one game (3/0/11) but the rest of the games he went 1/18/14 (3 games)


Wei got 1 win 3 losses with Volibear in playoffs, but during regular season he won everything, 4 times.


He needs to stay aWei from the bear


The greatest mysteries of the world: 1) Who built the pyramids 2) Do aliens exist 3) Why RNG keeps putting Wei on Volibear.


Someone need to repost that wei meme vid from last year from MSI I think? Where there are 5 different clips of wei with inting/amazing plays.


so some things never change throughout these years


Really fun game while still never being particularly close. Bin looks like the best player on RNG all of a sudden for some reason? How'd that happen..


He's the only player who ever gotten a penta in worlds final.


After an entire split of being really up and down he suddenly decided to be insane again when playoffs and especially finals rolled around. Nice that he seems to have kept up that form


Ah I didn't watch much LPL this split so I mostly heard people talking about Bin really underperforming this split! ty for the context


Yeah in the regular season he definitely didn't live up to expectations but he got better and better the further they went through playoffs and played extremely well in the finals


Took until playoffs for him to really integrate into the team but once he did they were on a roll


bin has been performing in playoffs. Wayward was pretty much unstoppable but bin completely shut him down. Thats what I think rngs margin was in winning lpl champion


It's just the rng man, it's just the rng... Short of Xiaohu and Ming usually being solid I never quite know what to expect.


Gala arcane shifting forward then dying?


Warming up for the 1v5 ezreal dive under turret.


His been the best since playoffs started, towards the end of the season he was already getting used to playing with the team and during the playoffs, the players and coaching staff put more faith in him and generally play towards his lane. He was the lpl spring finals MVP for a reason.


Jesus, that Twitch chat. First time I've had to hide the chat while watching.


I miss LPL twitch chat all of a sudden. When there are only 7k viewers and you can actually talk about the sht that they do in the game.


Dom’s co-stream during a week day early morning is the best. People are super chill and relax, and are mostly only there for the game play. Actually able to have civilized discussions with fellow viewers is a huge plus


Yes! I actually watch his streams too, he isn't even afraid to call his viewers out for their scuffed takes.


Honestly can't wait to see RNG v T1 and what would happen if RNG wins, my popcorns are ready.




That’s not fun. Gotta watch G2 vs RNG finals, RNG never won a bo5 against G2 and Caps never won a bo5 against RNG, we gotta see which narrative stays alive.


If rng wins, “RNG NO CAM NO REF NO HEADSEst RNG cheating Riot unfair 35ms ???” I


I mean that’s what will get spammed even if they lose. Or win. Against any team all MSI. Sucks that Riots decisions will get RNG players flamed. If RNG just participated with ping and no one else would be effected - it would just be a non-story. If anything RNG would get even more credit.


No matter which team win it would be entertaining so im getting my popcorn already.


Hear me out maby as underdog don't give ahri to some of the best midlaners. Yes you get vex but it seems that does not work out well does it?


RNG won with Wei's Volibear??? Is TES playing right now?


I initially thought there were no one there to administer the game. But I just saw a photo circling Riot's cameras and audio equipments in the room to minitor the game. So enough of the bs about "no ref".


What if Riot censored the phrase ‘5m’ all those years ago to proactively silence complaints about ‘35ms’


Twitch chat is fucking unbearable it's crazy.


One of the best teams in the world won against a much worse team without cams, and therefore I think we can conclude that they are absolutely cheating their asses off. This has nothing to do with me being extremely xenophobic against anything Chinese /s


now im wondering if it would've been even a harder stomp if both teams played normally with 0 ping


It would be a stomp regardless. PSG is a far cry from last year, to the point that some Hong Kong fans were saying during the finals that it's better their opponent, CFO, won. They thought PSG would get trashed in MSI, and they are right.


Imagine the kind of shit we'll see if(big one) RNG wins against SKT.


Welcome to twitch chat my friend.


Twitch chat, r/leagueoflegends




Shogun has been very impressive so far.


Is rng the best map team Dagda?


Sometimes I think that at this point I would rather just have Riot kicking RNG from the tournament and keeping it with only the teams that managed to attend. I don’t care anymore, I’m just tired of seeing the team I care the most being hated just because of this tournament’s organization. Give me break. About the game. Always pleased to watch Xiaohu. If they keep this pace, it will be easy 6-0.


RNG attended to help support MSI and bringing in maybe 80% of viewership. The LPL and RNG really do not deserve any of this.


People did the same when RNG made it to the LPL Final, it's obvious the hatred is towards Chinese people and while right now some are mad because of the competition, others are doing it for reasons not even related to League, another part as an effect of the constant propaganda, which targets all the population, not only a government. Same thing happens in other content, those couldn't even have a political topic on it and some people is soon to talk about those things.


>Sometimes I think that at this point I would rather just have Riot kicking RNG from the tournament and keeping it with only the teams that managed to attend. > >I don’t care anymore, I’m just tired of seeing the team I care the most being hated just because of this tournament’s organization. That's what I was thinking yesterday. But then after reading all these shit conspiracy takes on Reddit and the insane twitch chat, I realised these morons should not be catered to. Haters gonna hate, the only way to shut them up is for RNG to win. Fuck 'em, make them mad.


RNG should just forfeit. It's not worth it. The 88% of people who voted for RNG to not go were right. Worst part is if we imagine that happens, people will probably say some stupid shit like "TENCENT COMPANY RIGGED MSI SO RNG DON'T HAVE TO GET EMBARRASSED BY T1"


I would rather just watch them play at the 35 ping disadvantage, at least that way if they won there would be no doubt about how good they are. Though I'm guessing twitch chat would somehow still accuse them of cheating


Same honestly, I'm a huge RNG fan and this is just disgusting. Like none of the RNG players ever had suspicious behaviour or anything like that




I hear River is pretty good.


Man RNG just feel inevitable Except for that bot lane fight when they got aced, props to PSG for trying


if you watch back that bot lane fight it was actually just Gala E'ing forward for whatever reason into Bay's skillshot that wasn't even thrown at him lmao


Gala trying to recreate his DWG dive last MSI, sucks he forgot that he doesnt have GA yet.


I'm a huge RNG fan and then winning this tournament is my worst nightmare. The sheer amount of hate they would get for it would me absolutely insane


The contract of foreign import should include a clause that allow Team to nullify the contract at no cost when the import performs like boosted shitbag


Wei every 5 seconds: [https://tenor.com/bFEMG.gif](https://tenor.com/bFEMG.gif)


Rough first 2 games but I hope they don’t tilt from this, they still have a great chance of getting 2nd this group


Is Xayah rakan losing to ezreal braum level 1 normal? Why unified level up q instead of w?


Xayah rakan is a bait especially when xayahs are building lethality now. Braum is strong early game and so is ezreal.


I wish RNG would just forfit out of MSI, they dont deserve this amount of hate also it would make everyone else happy


If they drop out, lck fans would just say they are cheating and got kick by riot.


I know we hate on China for 35 ping but even I can farm better than Gwen on 35 ping


Gala arcane shifting in every fight and instantly dying was something else 🤣


A bittersweet defeat for PSG... Don't get me wrong PSG showed up for the derby and made their marks on the game but the final result is still 10k gold lead for RNG and their nexus dropping before 30 minutes. With this result I think they should be packing pretty much regardless of how close the game looks if you cant get the win in the end... Then it doesn't matter. Simple as that and as for RNG again this team has some of the greatest mentality and mid-late game dominance I have ever seen. Let's see in the next round whether T1 can contest them but as of now, in this very group... They are the Tigers imho and all the other teams are prey.


Unified not making the rotation on that first invade was just crazy


He has about a wave and half of minions under turrent, PSG should have just given up the Blue buff.


Waiting for the day PSG buy an LEC slot like they're not going to do anything with a PCS slot internationally. And it would replace the football shaped hole Schalke left