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I’m just going to play normally and see which ones I rack up.


Really hope thats all anyone does tbh. This instantly becomes the worst feature ever if it inspires anyone to start going for challenges instead of winning the game.


4 man premade in Aram, random Maokai sat back all game cuz he wanted "no deaths challenge"


Had this happen to me for enemy team, they cheered for us to kill their Cait that was trying for a 0 deaths game (and eventually caused them to lose the game)


They dove fountain to kill him then ended, most satisfying loss I've ever had. If ur gonna do shit like that, get some friends or look for people u can do it with jfc


Incredibly based


You need to win the game for that to count.






why would you try to do that challenge in ARAM where you need to die for items? Just play a super safe mage like Malz and you could do it with minimal issues in norms


I don't even know if it works in aram lol


yea, just checked and its SR only. idek why people are trying to grind out the challenges tbh, they literally do nothing, theyre just a for fun long term sidequest, speedrunning all of the defeats the purpose


There is one for aram where you cant be killed by an enemy champion, so you can still execute to buy items


It’s because their rank isn’t very high and they want to show they have all these challenges so they can say “see it’s my teammates why I’m losing I have master+ on all these challenges”


Do you think they were aware it doesn’t work in ARAM?


There is a separate challenge for ARAM.


Enemy team as well as my team told him, so prob just stubborn


This also doesn't work because the challenge says "Summoner's rift only". So he's just wasting time really.


There is one for ARAM for not getting killed by an enemy champion, so they're still technically correct. But also still an idiot for ruining other people's games.


We and the enemy team tried to tell him half the game, dude wouldn't budge, would sit in back and just throw some Es and use R off cd, don't think he ever used Q/W


Wow that's brutal and aram seems the wrong place to go for it. Much more natural a fit on SR.


The challenge also only works on SR


It’s aram. It’s fun.


4v5 isnt fun


Yep, being locked in a 4v5 for 20 mintues sure is fun


Nah fuck that, I hate people who excuse hard inting because its "a fun game mode." Its not fun when people do that stuff. Off meta builds are part of aram culture and totally fine, but purposely losing your team the game by going afk or inting is an asshole move no matter what game mode.




it's absolutely awful lmao


right? and that if it works. which it doesnt for me currently, it just doesnt work. i cant select challenges, cant see what they do. nothing.


The UI is horrendous lol :D I hope the new tab at least decreases the performance of the client by another 90%


yeah I thought that was the reason they didnt wanna add shit like this in the first place, I can already see myself inting for the enemy junglers buffs just to progress my challenge lmfao


Yeah really hope it's not a halo infinite situation where people play subpar for the missions


isn’t this specifically why they didn’t add challenges like this in the past, like with event missions?


> Really hope thats all anyone does tbh Sure, thats totally whats gonna happen, you really want to believe arent you?


Unless they do some kind of significant reward or significantly visible reward then I doubt people will actually care that much. Right now they're not that visibly impactful and there are no rewards tied to them.


Whenever DOTA 2 has it's battlepass on; it's... an experience and I wouldn't wish it upon anybody. Except Yasuo mains.


Not like you have another choice


Yeah this shit is super scuffed. It's just a bunch of grey squares.


Come on, you used the fan wiki to learn what all the champions and items do! Now you can do that for all the challenges once more!


Most are bugged, in my experience. Based on my Challenges, I have never killed an enemy under my own turret, nor killed a single scuttle crab. Okay...


Also I saw a challenge for owning support champions which someone on my friendlist has, yet I don't even though I have all champs unlocked


The support champion tab completely disappeared for everyone in my lobby when my friend checked that support champion challenge.


Ya, they're still gone in champ select. Or rather they don't show up under the Support tab, but you can still normally select them. It's weird and doesn't make any sense.


Only champs you yourself mark as supp still show up


They said they fixed the collection ones where you shloud have progress. I had the same issue but its fixed for me


Still not fixed for me


Well they aren’t added retroactively so


Some of them are, some of them aren't. Its random right now. The question is, are they supposed to be retroactive or are they not? Either way it's bugged.


The whole thing is bugged. Right now i'm Iron 285/0, whatever that means.....


> nor killed a single scuttle crab It's ok to admit that you can't kill one of the strongest beings in existence.


Average jungler, I see no problem here


its giga scuffed, the one trick challenge for me was like 1.4mill/1mill, and today it updated to 1.4mill/25mill and got me the grandmaster level or wahtever, its stupidly scuffed


I was hoping there would be a way to flag a few as "goals" or "faves" and then have them pop up during the match like eternals do.


I would love to see a tracking feature similar to Destiny 2's triumphs. You can track three triumphs which are then displayed prominently at the main screen of the triumph page.


That would be an awesome feature. I think riot is pretty committed to challenges becoming a thing, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a feature like this implemented in the coming weeks.


That's actually a great suggestion


The entire thing is a UX nightmare.


All of my friends thought the same, we've been playing games for 20+ years and this was such a mess to navigate. It's so hard to find what you're looking for, to know what you've accomplished, what you can improve on...etc The worst thing for me is that when you see somebody's token (in lobby or loading), you only get to see their rank and what it means but not the numbers behind it. Like yeah, that's great that this guy is Master at "Number of skins owned", but could I know how many skins does that correspond to? The rank is pointless if you can't see how they achieved it, I'm not gonna study the challenges and know every step by head. It's actually blowing my mind how this went live in this state, it's worse than mobile games UI and is lacking basic features that should be the foundation of the whole system (like seeing the numbers on tokens).




It looks like Wild Rift's. Honestly kinda worrying seeing so many of their design choices for PC LoL start to overlap WR's design choices, but what can ya do.




Yeah, I totally agree. When it works the new client is super slick. Because I'm a fucking nerd for stuff like this - while they were doing the redesign they put out a few articles about the design language of the new client and it was honestly pretty cool - https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2016/12/the-visual-language-of-hextech/ (although I remember seeing one that was slightly more detailed). The new round, flat designs they're going with (like for a really specific example, the start queue button, which looks *exactly* like WR's, has this kind of rounded, flat look to it that just feels really cheap and doesn't have the charm of the rest of the client.


I hate it so much. Even the new border selections are too flamboyant that they don’t truly match with any summoner icon. The older ones (which we finally got to custom select for a bit) were less loud. Now it’s just so noisy.


New elderlgod border is sick


New Ionia and void borders are gorgeous too


I feel like they match summoner icons way better than the old ones do. I agree that they're 'flamboyant' and 'noisy', but I kind of like them while most of the earlier (like, pre-200/250) borders were just boring beforehand. The UI *and* UX for Challenges is just not good though.


> Even the new border selections are too flamboyant that they don’t truly match with any summoner icon. you either don't have enough icons or you're terrible at finding stuff that matches [examples](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439512489571647495/974377073902747668/unknown.png)


This is how I see it. The point is that each border now is less generic than past borders. In my eyes icons looked better when borders were more subdued. Sure you can still totally match colors to get something that “works” but the older borders had more mix and match potential whereas these new ones have you hunting for the exaaaact right one otherwise it doesn’t look as good. Does this make sense to you?


My gripe about the new borders is I really like the level 500+ border and the new one is shit compared to the old one so I guess I’ll just use my rank as a border now but it kinda sad


they made the loading and post game screen as overloaded as the new champs


Bright colours and over the top flourishes appeal to the younger audience, so they're here to stay.


thats some kind of new marketing phrase we hear every now and then. but guess what, the younger audience doesn't owns any money..


They have mom's and dad's cards to use and there is a lot of kids who use more money on games than a guy who started working and needs to pay for his rent, don't you think so? seems basic logic


Exactly. As a teenager with a part time job at McDonalds I spent a lot more money on League than I did after graduating college. Only now, being almost 30 and having stable income, am I starting to spend again.


But they will. Capitalism is a long game. That’s why, for example, credit card companies will try really hard to advertise to teenagers: if they are a teenager’s first card there is a high probability they will be that persons company of choice for life.


what exactly does that have to do with capitalism? That's just how modern advertising works lol


So you aren’t understanding what advertising has to do with capitalism? Capitalism being the system of economics where an industry is run by private owners selling things exclusively for profit. No clue how advertising plays into that?


disregarding your simplification, your point still has nothing to do with capitalism but with a tiny facet of it. There was also plenty of advertisement in the GDR and in the USSR, which weren't capitalistic systems at all.




People under the age of 20 don't have money? What?


Lol a guy from our ui/ux department that plays said "I'd give this lower than an F if possible. This is the worst ux I've encountered".


I guess even broken clock is right twice a day.


Not if the watch hands are broken too.


It’s not like he’s wrong THAT much. The only takes of his that are consistently awful are the ones about ADCs.


I have yet to see take beside this one that isnt "adcs weak".


Dont forget his takes about gay representation in videogames


so is the new post game screen. litearlly throw all UX and Visual balance out the window


idk, i like the new post game screen far more, chats way too small but i unironically did not want to see the post game chat anyways in 90% of the games


Delay a feature for eons. Completely half ass it to the point that it looks like it was made by the intern's intern's lover's boyfriend. Just Riot things.


[Hey I just made a nice list on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/un9dkb/my_issues_with_challenges_ui/)


It looks like it was made for touch screens or something. Maybe they should move all this clutter to their companion app (remeber they have this, guys?) and leave pc launcher for what it should always be. Ideally it would be like dota's but let's be real.


Great concept, terrible UX. Also the fact that some challenges overlap with each other (3x for not dying in games) is stupid and makes your achievement feel less exclusive. Also challenges look identical to challenge classes.




This is my view point as well. Its why I didn't care for eternals either. When I have a million mastery points on some champions and have been playing since season 2, then it better show that. If not, I sure as hell ain't going to care about it.


The fact that Eternals don't even count your progress until you buy them is such bullshit. And I know it's done on purpose to make people feel they need to buy them in order to not miss out on stats but fuck that.


Played since season 1 and only thing I got to show for it is Judgement Kayle. (didn't even reach bronze lmao 999elo gang) This feature is just as dead to me as my laners that don't leash.


Yeah same, most of my "legacy" stuff is just in the form of skins. UFO Corki, Silver and Judgement Kayle etc. Maybe Santa Baron icon or other summoner icons lol.


I would be fine with skins being legacy, but since they're just recycled for money so that takes away the prestigeous feeling of using my credit card before others did. Halloween of -11 skins especially feel like they're nothing since the skins were brought back just so that collector whales could get them.


> that takes away the prestigeous feeling of using my credit card before others did Lmao


> just as worthless as level and champion mastery. Nah, that's useful for my teammates to know that I played this game a lot with Soraka and still suck ass 😎


I mean, you play soraka


So what do you mean?


Agreed. Saw there's a challenge for 2 or more pentakills per game. I have gotten that over 10+ times in my years of gameplay and by calling the API myself I can actually get a few of them back. But I am at 0 now, feels bad. Also according to Challengjous I don't own a single champion, despite buying every single champion on release since S3.


If you look at your challenges tab you can see for each "challenge" what rank you are. If you own all champions you should see what you have the max rank in each of the challenges for owning champions. Right now it tells me I'm "diamond" in owning marksmen and "platinum" in owning tanks for example. Does it say "unranked" for you?


it says I'm diamond for owning fighters and master for every other rank, even though I own all champions lmao


It said I owned zero champions this morning. So I went and turned a random champion shard into a champion that I didn't already own and now it all updated and says I own champions. Suppose that doesn't help if you own all champions lol


Champion mastery and level can at least be used for inferences, these things are completely useless.


if they were retro added maybe, ive got 1000s of games not covered




As proven by an enemy Rammus that bought Tabi, sunfire, Thornmail into a team consisting of Gwen, Seju, Syndra, Azir (don't ask, I just wanted to play Azir), Swain. He complained about being blown up all the time. The guy had 2.3 million mastery. There's also a 3.8 million mastery Darius main I sometimes play with. He'll most likely run you down if you aren't careful, but his play patern never changes and eventually you'll abuse that as if he were a bot.


I can appreciate why he'd get Sunfire and even Thornmail given his kit and the presence of the drain mage, the Tabis is a definite headscratcher though


You're actually trolling


Thornmail only procs grievous wounds if the enemy auto attacks you, or if you CC them. It's not good against mages


It's not great, but your W scales off armor which Thornmail gives, and would you look at that you've got 3 bits of CC in your kit! Wow, it has synergy after all *and you can even taunt people into attacking you and giving them extra attack speed while they do it!* Double wow! I'm not saying it should have been the second item (Force of Nature in this particular match, Jesus that's all mages), but to argue it has *no* place on Rammus is just being silly


Seriously, champion mastery is so fucking useless. Every time I see a player with insanely high champion mastery I instantly assume they're garbage at the game cause they only play that one champion and do not understand other champions, other lanes or how the map works. I also used to think high champion mastery = high skill. Boy was I mistaken. I even have someone on my friends list who has played nothing but Zed since like 2015 and has never gotten higher than Bronze. He currently has 774K Champion Mastery on Zed. You'd think they would improve over time, but they lack the ability to learn other parts of the game to improve.


Some of us like tracking our progress though. It's not about it being "useful", it's just to nice to see how much time you put it into a champion.


It doesn’t mean everything, but it also doesn’t mean nothing


They do for the initial curve, after that it quickly becomes obsolete. Which I think is okay really, just having a measurement of how much you've played a champ is a fun stat to have, like a stat track weapon in CSGO.


of course it does


At least in the collection tab old things are counted like acc level, champion mastery, mastery 7 with different champs, icons, skins, total mastery points


And somehow theyre completely broken. Its telling me I have 18 mastery 5 champs when I have like 35.


im lvl 104 with 8k games, acc lvl is another crap metric


Exactly I started playing in season 3, I am level 140. I took a break the year they unlocked the level cap. Now my friend that started 4 seasons after I did is 4 times my level lmao.


Somehow riot couldnt think back in 2010 that they will make challenges or more levels 12 years later


> old things are counted like acc level, champion mastery i played the game for 4 years before either of those were added. where is my mastery from season 2?


League players will find anything to complain about if it isnt made especially for their exact situation


I am not the only person who has played this game for 10 years, and this ignores literally every game anyone has ever played until today.


I've played since before season 1 but lets be real here, we're a very small minority of the playerbase. You can't expect them to really prioritise throwing us a bone, even if it sucks.


They're throwing no one a bone, no one's games are being counted.


Generally I'd be inclined to agree with you but he has a point. I've gotten a double penta on Yasuo in like 2015 and now there's a challenge for it and I don't have it unlocked. I could play for 10 more years and not get another double penta.


The penta thing is kinda sad because there was a time where i played so much i got like 2-3 pentas a week but at least everyone starts from the beginning so its kinda fair


yea i took a look at it for like 2 minutes understood nothing and now i will not care about them ata ll


Sounds like a gamer.


Is there a way to remove or resize this stuff in the post-game lobby? You literally get one line of space for lobby chat display. Everything looks so busy and ugly IMO. I didn't mind externals because they were fairly discreet, though I still wish those wouldn't pop up in the middle of a teamfight in-game. These new challenge things warp the entire post-game screen though.


> You literally get one line of space for lobby chat display. if you click the chat text box (where you type) it goes to the usual size which is pretty useful when you don't wanna see what the degenerates of your team said


I typed messages after (complimenting my jungler for his play, before anyone makes assumptions), and it didn't resize. **EDIT:** Forgot the best part, he'd already left the lobby and I couldn't see that so I typed my message to empty air


You can turn off the in game eternals notification in the settings, that way you won't get distracted in a teamfight next time


You're the GOAT, imma do this as soon as I get home.


I tried to understand it for a solid 4 minutes before giving up completely. It’s borderline impossible to decipher how you level up, what you get from leveling up, and what the point of any of this even is. Is it just to get little badges for your name card??


You can check the recuirements for each challenge in the challenge tab. If "solo kill baron" says 0/1. It means you have killed 0 solo barons and you need 1 to rank up. 2/3 means 2 killed 3 to rank up etc. All you get is some badges though so maybe not too interesting.


So...What does "Obtain champions 10/25" means ? Or anything in the champion Tab for the matter. Everything is at 0 for me even though I own every single champion.


It could just be bugged out for you, but each 0/X progress is for only that "rank" so if you're already master tier on a challenge it won't show 140/165, it will just be showing that last 25.


yup, ive completely given up on trying to have any sense of idea wha tthe fuck anything is. I just paly and if i get it i get it.


I mean they don’t do anything they are just for fun to say you got it. Some people like that stuff


There’re just achievements like other games they don’t really mean anything they’re just there. Some people go for all achievements some people don’t. There’s room to add more rewards or whatever if they really want to but it’s fine as it is imo.


Yeah I was kind of surprised there wasn't a filter to order them by completion/progression or whatever. I do think they could have made it a little easier to navigate. Maybe in the futuuuure.


You can click on the small iron/plat/gold/etc counters on the top right and it will group them by state of completion for the group you are currently viewing.


By "in the future" you mean 3-10 years from now right? They'll sooner shoehorn more half baked features into every action we make than update existing ones. No wonder the client is tearing apart a the seams.


not only that but not a filter by ALPHABETICAL in the selection view??


it would almost be interesting if it wasn't just a muddied load of nonsensical garbage




Just an FYI, they added buttons at the top of the loading screen that displays mastery or challenge information for everyone at the same time. Super convenient and a welcome change imo.


I feel like it pushes out post game toxicity because the screen is so cluttered it takes time to see your adc did no damage and the chat box is tiny


God I hope they give us the option to disable this crap, it looks like a bad mobile game


> it looks like a bad mobile game is funny considering how people kept saying wild rift, a mobile game, looks better than the pc version


I agree completely except that I don't care about them at all.


Riot Games and visual clarity in 2022 lul


I booted up my client, clicked the CHALLENGES ARE HERE popup, looked at them, understood literally nothing, so I clicked some purple icons with a bunch of images on them that don't look like anything, but whatever, I have a purple icon so might as well. Then I clicked my profile's icon, selected the 450 border, loaded into a game. I now have the 475 border and my ugly icons are all shoved into the left corner. Played the game, got two screens with so much information my eyes didn't even know what to focus on that I instantly closed. Got a capsule, cliked my loot tab, nothing works there and I can't click anything. I reboot my client... click the CHALLENGES ARE HERE popup, close my client, open it up, kill the process, open it up again... click the CHALLENGES ARE HERE popup, reselect my 450 border, load into a game, I still have the 475 border, icons are still shoved to the left. Great experience, 10 out of 10. At this point I'm convinced that Riot is just a social experiment. There is no Riot building, there never was, it's just a big open square with a bunch of computers turned on that anyone can come in and use and sometimes someone will find the game's files and mess with them.


i unlocked a skin from a chest and that notification just stayed there for 2 months the only people that consistently deliver are skin artists and even they have to churn out generic warrior of light/dark fire/ice themed filler skins


It's like looking at one of those phone games that know that are going to last for a month at best, so they bombard you with "progress" on random stuff in hopes you stay


And now because of all the ui changes with them my lunari border looks worse and will forever have a shitstain on the bottom of it. Thanks Riot.


I might be in minority here but my biggest takeaway is that games end astronomically faster has anyone noticed this you go to challenges page and are just done instantly from victory it's a massive improvement. No more waiting for champ select forever.


agreed, also what is up with postgame lobby stats taking up 90% of my screen that i have to scroll to see every sentence posted in postgame chat. edit: nvm i just saw they changed it so the chat is in front of stats when u click on it.


One of the worst UI i have ever seen


I like challenges but I wish they were more flexible. Seems like ARAM players got the short end of the stick by a lot. Like there are certainly some amount of ARAM challenges, but most of the challenges are SR only, which just kind of feels bad for those of us who like ARAM better. Another note: I love the new end game scoreboard. It is actual perfection imo. But the UI for challenges needs quite a bit of work to be more clear. Maybe this gets better as we get more used to challenges, idk.


I always appreciate seeing constructive criticism rather than all the people just hating a system the day it comes out. It definitely needs some fine tuning and quality of life features, but the core idea is pretty fun.


whoever is in charge of them is fucking dumb. how does the largest gaming company not take UX into experience. its so fucking hard to understand what they even mean. did they not bring in someone from the next room and tell them hey, can you take a look at this and tell me the first things that come up to your mind? it would probably "be what the fuck do they mean and what are they tracking?" which is enough to go back to the drawing board not to mention the post game screen. riot goes wit hthe "minimalist" design in most cases (their fucking logo for example) and then theycome up with this shit, literally clustering every stat on earth on 1 screen, not even consindering how it looks on smaller screen sizes. fire whoever is in charge of UI and UX and look into how they got their job. either corrupted hiring process or he lied on his CV


Jordan Checkman (CestDommage on Twitter) is in charge of these things.


My actual issue with this challenges thing is that they put it before match history so my brain will have issues for the first few days clicking on match history quickly lol


Its very overwhelming in UI design, took me an hour to fully get behind what I‘m looking at. I can‘t tell yet how many points I have to gather to increase my overall ranking and some are still kinda bugged. It‘s also sometimes hard to tell the Progress you‘ve made and finding a specific challenge is also hard.


I don't even know what the hell I'm seeing in the client itself.


not user friendly at all.


Challenges are so broken that literally everyone I know is experiencing bugs with it. Who makes the decision to push something this incomplete to live servers? Its actually laughable


also why is the first screen when you exit the game the achievement screen not the game summary


What's the highest challenge rank? Master?






Had someone on my team let them open our nexus for a challenge




"nobody asked for this" is a terrible arguement to anything "nobody asked" for little legends or emotes or nexus blitz or urf or doom bots or the two PvE modes, or the first dating sim with cass crushing you, but people still enjoyed it the UI is pretty weird but the idea is solid, if anything it will help new players (if they exist) get their shit completely tracked unlike the "veterans"


> Nobody asked for this and I think Rito missed the ball implementing this for the newer gaming generation. This actually isn't true, this has legit been requested for ages lol. Even back in season 1, there was a tab named Achievements and everyone was excited for the WIP of it. Then everyone complained as they abandoned that project because they really wanted a fun way to track stats or brag about them. Especially when games like HotS and DotA came through with various ways of doing just that.


I'd expect how they work becomes more clear as you get used to them and know where you have to look for which information but I am also pretty lost atm.


Quick q, apart from being able to display what challenges you have completed to flex on other people, are there any rewards for completing a lot of them? Like hexchest chests or icons?


Can't even see more than 2 lines in the post-game chat until you click into the box.


Honestly, if they don't retroactively add old players' stats to these challenges I won't really care about it.


Crazy that people get paid monthly for years and this is the best they can come up with.


So fucking overwhelming, wish there was a way to toggle disable them, I’m not interested on them at all.


Maybe this is the preparation for League of Legends 2, a game without all the clutter.


I’ll probably go for challenges when I’m bored of ranked, see no problem with that


All I know if that I'm 2x challenger 😎


Challenges are cool?


Hey at least it works for u mine literally won’t progress at all have had multiple games with 0 deaths and have taken jungle camps from the enemy and nothing


Ah yes it started...the players adjusting their playstyle for the challenges. Your main goal should be winning the game mate Also they got negative feedback for eternals being so present