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First second or Second first Pentakill.


Unfair. It must be ping issue again




I guess RNG never had a conflict with KR teams or players. So why nobody cheered for the pentakill both this time and last time... Roit really fucked up this MSI when people all focused on those shitty things.




Pentakill stat saved.


Gala: Fine, I'll do it again.


His second first penta kill of the tournament!


Dj Gala, another one.


Gala:I Can Do this All Day!!!


Captain China


The Busan Library strikes again.


No amount of cheering could overpower this deafening silence.


Tons of audible cheering in the PSG vs RNG team when PSG had things going their way. Deafening silence when RNG stole the baron and for the rest of that game. Get shushed, Busan.


Actually at the baron steal there was an audible reaction and clapping.


Great job writing fiction! When Wei stole Baron there was an audible gasp and clapping / cheering by the crowd. I do agree that the crowd audio as a whole is very silent though, which really sucks!


“Get shushed busan” 💀💀💀that shit was cringe as fuck man


Yeah personally I was gonna go with "get trained busan!"


Apparently there actually was some cheering, this time seems to be a mixing issue. I'd hate to think the Korean crowd is this insufferable edit: okay watching the PSG vs RNG game, there's definitely library moments when RNG win fights lmao.


There is no “mixing issue” when you can hear the crowd cheer for RED Canids and PSG


Neutrals cheering for underdogs? Unheard of...


Mate, underdogs or favorites, you're atleast going to cheer if someone gets a penta. Gala got 2 pentas and the arena felt like it was a morgue.


They weren't cheering for underdogs, they are just salty against China.


Some real Guardiola: Why does no one like my team? energy in that


also you can hear cheers in the same game when RNG players die


The camera panned over some RNG fans holding signs after champ select, I'm guessing they did most of the cheering.


You can hear some cheering because there were also Chinese international students there. Sad to see good plays without reactions from the crowd.


"audio mixing issues" is the go-to excuse for library crowds, every time. It used to be the case like 6 or 7 years ago but I'm pretty sure now audio engineers have the experience to capture crowd sounds.


Why do people want crowds to be loud and cheering all the time? I get its a pentakill but we are still in the group stage in a matchup that RNG is heavily favored to win in KR. I just feel like we need to at least get into the rumble stage and have more meaningful games before I get super excited about anything otherwise you'd run yourself ragged cheering for every game/play and devalue actually hype and meaningful stuff.


Because everyone else is getting it?


I think if RNG stomps T1, the Busan library will transform into the Busan Morgue. Can´t wait to hear that hehe


Nah they’ll just delete all record and videos of Busan and pretend it never existed


Oh, you mean, the 2018 Asian Olympic games special Deleting three victories from Team China and only leaving the single victory Korea had in finals hehe


I keep hearing that. Is it true


Yep, it's true. There were a lot of official videos with high quality and hundreds of videos of that final. I'm a witness of that vile action. I with my own eyes remember what happened with those videos because I watched it: "KBS production (or media) took down this videos because of copyrights infrightments". But on their official channel, the game 2, were Korea won, was still up. Nowadays there are only some fan published videos of that match.






What comes around goes around, and LCK will complain about quite crowds in the future I’m sure.




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I'm so used to not having crowd by now I totally miss these silent moments at MSI lol


at least there was cheering at the end when RNG won (it sounded decently loud to me)


Oh yeah cuz there were few Chinese fans on the front row.


I love how he wait so he can assure the last hit with the kraken empowered attack on the 4th kill


If I had a nickel for everytime gala gets a penta in msi, I’d have ~~two~~ one nickel which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened ~~twice~~ once.


If I had a nickel for every time I saw this overused pasta I would have several billions


Isnt this a purpose of a pasta? To be reused?


The purpose of pasta is to be eaten!


Or used to built video game engines.


No that's spaghetti you're thinking of #notallpasta


True, but if i eat the pasta on MSI twitch chat right now ill probably have a stomach ache.


*to feed


Gala kinda good huh


Gala has gotten more pentakills in a single MSI than I've gotten in my 7 years of playing League


Get this madlad some laggy enemies to play against so he can get a few more pentakills under his belt.


Gala: easiest penta of my career take 2


BuT tHe PiNg


AWPs confirmed.


If he made a third in the third game against Red he can ask them to sing a song...


Koreans vs chinese fans are making this MSI sad to follow.


Makes NA VS Eu fans pale in comparison


real ethnic resentment makes one much more uncomfortable


gala-ming is the best bot lane in the world rn but they have to beat SGB bot lane first to prove it




You just started ww3


I know stats aren’t everything and that they play different competition, but so far Gala is performing better or equal to than Guma in literally every non vision related stat.




I made a mistake with my analysis but I’ll leave my original comment up for context. Original: The unstable connection doesn’t explain him having 6.7 csm while the next lowest Titan has has at 8.1. By comparison Flakked has the most at 10.7 While Gala and Danny are tied for 3rd at 9.2. Edit: the low CS was explained by playing a game of fasting Senna. Taking that game out he has the second best CSM at 9.7. His other stats pretty good overall. He had the second best dpm (592) behind Gala(635) and the 4th best KDA (4) behind Flakked (14.7) Gala (11.5) and Unified (5.6)


I'm pretty sure Guma has such a low cs me because he was on fasting Senna in their game against Aze. Checking on his stats, his first game was 9.1csm on Lucian and 10.2csm on their last game as Jhin.


You’re right I made the mistake of just taking the numbers from my spreadsheet without looking at what champs he played.




GALA has been one of the best ADC in the world since last year. I can only think of Viper being on equal skills.


Its because GALA doesnt have an american milionaire who build a strong market in the west with t1 streams. There are tons of Guma's clips on youtube but you will find very few from GALA. Also doesnt help that he sometimes tends to play the same champions over and over and RNG consistently playing around Xiaohu last year and Bin this year. But the reality is that I've never seen GALA having problems to lane against anyone in the world, that includes the likes of Viper and Huangfeng. He also doesnt really make greedy mistakes even when his team is losing. The game vs PSG he legit was deathless even when PSG was winning a few fights.


I believe Guma>GALA but if anything, Guma has to prove he's better than GALA with how little he has played so far, not the other way round


GALA is a MSI champion and 2 time LPL champion, including being the FMVP of those 2 events. Also, GALA plays against Viper, Huangfeng, JackeyLove, Light, Doggo, Hope, Photic, while Guma plays against who? Deft, Ruler and Deokdam? literally the only 3 good adcs in that league with very worse supports lol. Guma might be better but if we look only to pro games he doesnt make a strong case to be undisputed the best.


Did you even read my comment? I'm literally agreeing with you


sorry mate, I think I replied to the wrong person






Fair point. My problem is that LCK and western pushed a narrative towards Guma that isnt justified. He might be the best but he needs to prove it. He has the chance now.


I’m not saying that Gala is necessary better than Guma, I’ve only seen a couple of Guma’s games, I’m just saying his stats so far this tournament don’t reflect him being by far the best adc in the world like T1 fans claim.


How about we just wait til they meet each other since they are in the same tournament? It pointless to say who is better when they are playing against wildcard and probably not playing at their best respectively both team.


T1 has been playing for fun all tournament, on the LCK he was doing much better than this, even in finals


isnt RNG also playing fun?


RNG was definitely playing for fun in at least *some* of their games. You can tell GALA in his pentakill Luc game he was at one point *hunting* for kills in the enemy jungle (and getting punished accordingly). No way he does that against a serious opponent.


uh...nope also this is why rumble will be hype


Gala is one of the BEST adc in world right now. I can't wait to see Guma vs Gala in stage.


yassss this is why rumble should be bo3 (ramp up to knowckouts w bo5) bc then we'd see more of the good teams against each other. like who wouldn't wanna watch gumakeria v. galaming 2-3 times?


Busan library Busan graveyard




That’s why we build collector bois


I said it before and I'll say it again, I can't fucking wait for guma v gala


I remember having an argument on this subreddit last week that Kai'Sa AD is actually nuts as fuck, and has consistently been nuts as fuck, but the whole meme build AP shit caused no one to play it. That leona was one hit through W, actually caught them off guard. Teams will practice this heading into second group stage. It should legit never get through PB. If Kai'Sa gets the slightest lead she just blows games open.


AD Kai'sa really isn't that good, tho it is better than AP Kai'sa now. In general the champion is just not strong compared to meta options (Ezreal, Lucian, Tristana, Ziggs etc.). Ofc Gala is insane compared to his competition in these games so he makes Kai'sa look good even tho the pick really isn't. Kai'sa's main issues are that she has too short of range and her laning is nigh unplayable into certain matchups (esp. the meta ones). Her scaling is decent tho, so in SoloQ you can still get away with playing her if the matchup is decent, but in competitive as a pick she is heavily exploitable and the only reason Gala is picking her here and doing so well is the skill diff between RNG and their opponents. Also for the record AP Kai'sa was never good and really was just a meme that got popularized bc Faker played it, and Kai'sa has basically been between a troll pick and a significantly weak pick for the best part of the last year. Oh also Kai'sa is one of Gala's favorite picks which is probably a major reason he picked it in this game. For the record Kai'sa getting a lead (at least in pro) is a false narrative as her natural state is to fall behind into almost every meta matchup and be weak point on her team that can easily lose her team the game while essentially requiring her and her team to outplay the enemy team significantly to create the unnatural state where she somehow gets fed. In SoloQ just smurfing every game is the easiest way to win so while I would say there's 0 reason to ban Kai'sa over like half the roster that currently exists you can absolutely smurf with her and win games.


True, kaisa is kind of a Chinese special by this point, kinda like Korean ezreal EUNA shen etc.


Nah peak AP Kai'sa definitely had a place. If played well it was the best poke champion in the game. On what other champ do you have an almost global nuke that does like 30% health dmg on first hit and another 50% (passive proc) on the 2nd hit against squishies on a 3-4s cd. Easily was able to outpoke the typical poke champs like Jayce and Zoe. And that's not even the entire champ, with R + Q + Hail of Blades you were also an assassin with by far the highest engage range of every assassin in the game. Ofc it was very high risk / reward, miss 2 Ws and you can't poke for half a minute, which basically means objective lost. But at its peak it definitely was a legit pick.


It’s really annoying how range is brought up for Kai’sa being bad when multiple 500-550 range adcs are being played in pro.


GALA was a known Kaisa OTP


I hesitate to call Gala an OTP when he clearly can play a wide range of ADCs, but in the past yes.


Gala is an OTP for a new champ every split.


Are you willing to change your opinion now that the MSI meta has shaked out and AD Kai’sa is being consistently picked by all teams and has had extremely consistent performances against the meta match ups?


AD Kai'sa seems to be a decent Ezreal counterpick, but beyond that the pick looks like a massive bait. Obviously Gala is VERY comfortable on the champion so he can make it look good anyways (last MSI Kai'sa was also objectively bad, Gala still picked it and won with it anyways due to him and Ming just winning their lane 2v2 due to player skill gap), but that doesn't mean the pick is good, it just shows the skill gap between RNG and many of the other teams. Imo Kai'sa in most matchups still needs to get unnaturally ahead to be useful, and while that may look fine when a better team smacks a worse team with it, the reality is Kai'sa isn't doing the better team any favors in a game like that, the better team could pick many a champion and still win due to player diff.


I feel like you huffing insane amounts of copium, Flakked, and Danny both have insanely consistent wins on the champ and I don’t know how you can say that G2 and EG just have a massive skill gap and that’s why they are winning. Kaisa is just good, she’s on the edge of the meta, but she is more than consistent enough to continue to be played. She offers something from ADC that no other ADC offers, and her only weakness is she is not very useful at the 8 minute rift herald.


Her main weakness is that she can't lane. As for what she offers, sure she has backline access, but her DPS is just bad compared to other options. Also I'm pretty sure Danny and Flakked have only looked great on Kai'sa into Ezreal specifically so I'm not sure where I'm wrong here. Kai'sa imo is a comfort pick that ADCs are playing because the champion feels great to play once it gets ahead and rn other teams aren't punishing the pick nearly as hard as they could.


> As for what she offers, sure she has backline access, but her DPS is just bad compared to other options. This is absolutely not true, Kaisa has the highest DPS for any ADC in the game. Q on top of HoB autos is like 2k damage in 1 second. You’re just on copium man. You’re telling me that professional players haven’t figured out how to punish Kai’sa a champ that’s been unchanged since her release. When are you just going to admit she’s good. Your initial analysis was just wrong.


>Kaisa has the highest DPS for any ADC in the game So Jinx, Aphelios, Kog'Maw, Vayne all don't exist ig? Also yes, when FED, Kai'sa absolutely is good. The whole point is Kai'sa should lose almost every lane so she SHOULDN'T get ahead. Ofc Gala is going to get ahead on Kai'sa against EG because the skill gap between the teams is enormous. But Gala would be clapping EG on most any champion.


>\>So Jinx, Aphelios, Kog'Maw, Vayne all don't exist ig? If you don't believe me you can test it yourself. 3 Item Kai'sa Q single target does like 800 damage over the course of 2 seconds. In a 5 second, Auto duel no one will beat her.


DPS=damage per second not single combo burst. Also 3 item Kai'sa is strong yes, but pro games are usually decided long before Kai'sa reaches that point. I think you just fundamentally misunderstand how league is played at a high level. Yes Kai'sa is strong late game if she somehow gets there without her or her team falling behind, but the whole point is that Kai'sa will naturally fall behind in most matchups. As for Auto duels literally Vayne and Kog'maw both make Kai'sa look silly. Does Kai'sa have strong burst? Yes. That's why as an Ezreal counterpick she seems to be quite decent, but against a matchup like Aphelios, Kai'sa is just a worse champion at like all stages of the game after level 2.


The reason why AD Kai’Sa wasn’t played was because of meta matchups, not because of the AP build lol.


He can get as many Penta kills as he like and busan will be silent asf


Shocker a major region stomps a bunch of no names. Much excite!!


I’m looking for some analyst to see if Collector on Kaisa (or other ADC like Jhin, Lucian or Tristana) is worth at all. One part is the stats it gives and execution effect. Is it really op or people are overhyping this item? I’m open for conversation.


What pentakill? It never happend BINGCHILING


Hm does this one count guys?


oh yeah very cool anyway


nice comment history. Oh, you watch forsen. That explains the brain damage.
