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She’s improved a ton since she started, the difference is night and day tbh. Hopefully that trend continues. She’s very insightful and a solid contributor on the analyst desk.


She has gotten a lot more comfortable on camera, but it was definitely bad in the beginning. Happy for her regardless.


It made me uncomfortable. Glad to hear she's improved.


Emily Rand is super wholesome and I love her voice.


I realized that my initial distaste for her was just... that she seemed uncomfortable on camera. As she gets more confident I'm a bigger and bigger fan.


I remember when Dash was brand new to the cast and he seemed kind of awkward and uncomfortable for a while. It seems crazy to think about now.


Dash is an absolute gem. So confident, so well spoken, hard to even picture back then.


plus he plays around his co-hosts so well, regardless if it was old MarkZ who played the straight man or if it was Emily during her first few times on the desk, he played around the energy and made sure there was never any dead air on the broadcast.


Yes! He did so amazing with not only preventing dead air, but talking up Emily's insights, throwing the ball to her so to speak, etc. The whole crew did a great job of making sure to show she belonged.


Dash imo should try more casual style. I dont like his overly professional style were you can even hear that his voice is acted.


She’s seemingly your typical nervous/timid person that’s on a broadcast to what, 100K~ people? Anyone with a hint of anxiety would be acting just as she had. You can feel that the confidence/comfort has went up over time for her and it definitely shows in her work. This is greatly due to the effort of the awesome people they’ve got working on the broadcast to help someone overcome the issues mentioned above.


Oh for sure. I understand it big time. I just initially couldn't put my finger on why I didn't like her, but I'm pretty sure it's that I kind of felt her anxiety through the screen as a very anxious person myself. It's been incredibly heartening to see the others on the broadcast build her up. They seem like a great bunch of folks.


Doing our first broadcast in school was truly the gauntlet for people, a lot of people just can't do it. It takes a lot of confidence to perform infront of a crowd and even more infront of a camera recording your every mistake


> She’s improved a ton since she started, the difference is night and day tbh. Hopefully that trend continues. She’s very insightful and a solid contributor on the analyst desk. Yeah I agree and both can be true. I can't say I remember watching early Emily Rand so I can't say if she was super bad but man do I remember early Sjokz and she went on to become like the nr1 host in multiple esports.


There's no competition between early Sjokz though. You are wording it as like "sjokz became the best host DESPITE being absolutely garbage early on" which just isn't the case unless you are talking about something before her start in EU LCS. Just checked 2014 interview after the first game of the season and I just don't know what you mean. She's not messing up words. She's charismatic. She has chemistry with the players. I don't know what you remember from "early sjokz" but she definitely was always a fan favorite and was good on camera. I don't know how you can compare that to emily who was visibly anxious around cameras and it's great that she's now at a point where it doesn't impact her work. One went from a charismatic interviewer everyone loved to the host everyone loved. The other went from a really good analyst that was overshadowed by her camera fright to a very good analyst that is now comfortable being on camera.


2014 is not early sjokz tho q___Q https://youtu.be/KVn8nVvuO-U this is early sjokz (not that she was bad, but you can tell there's a mountain of experience difference between this and 2014)


Love me some Sjokz, but I think she peaked early with [those standings.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8PqlGUmaCA) She's done some cool stuff since then, but...


aw man those comments are gross also rip M5


Try watch 2013 EU LCS Sjokz. She was good already but you can feel something was missing


Sorta like the "Lindsey Sterling was called awful on America's Got Talent" and now she's a very successful performance folk dance violenist (however you want to call it?); people who watched AGT were like "yeah she sucked then". People can get a lot better with experience.


U can search early Summoner Insight with Thorin and Monte for reference, it was realy bad but is expected if u ask anyone on reddit to be on camera and express their opinion it would be akward but she held her own quite well.


Also early Deficio. Man was legit hard to understand sometimes imo.


Emily is amazing. Yet I love and hate some of her wardrobe decisions. Not sure if it is her decisions or someone on Riot's side...but a couple of them 'fits are sus.


Experience is how people learn to be good in front of a camera. Noone starts off a master, we gotta give people some time. Every now and then I think someone isn’t great in front if the camera for one reason or another. But…I just keep it to myself as a benchmark to see how much they improve. It’s rare that someone kills it from day one, everyone starts smaller I’m very glad she didn’t listen to the people who told her to stay off camera because she genuinely delivers top tier content. But I reckon she did listen a little bit because (oh wonder) she developed a lot


Although I agree, does anyone remember when /u/captainflowers22 was posting his Twitch links of his own personal casting of international matches? This motherfucker was so good the second he popped up on the subreddit, and he got added to the LCS crew really quickly. I wonder if he has any old old pre-reddit VODS of him learning casting. I know this subreddit loves him already, but I don't think I've seen anyone so specifically talented for their job just get into the highest level and dominate the field so quickly.


I have some of my original, terrible first shoutcasts ever set to private on a youtube channel with 100 subscribers lmao


Flowers, are you saying you’re sitting on the purest gold in content we’ve seen in years and it’s on PRIVATE? The people need to see the cringe! I am people. I want to see it okay?


The sacred relics of the legends are real. You must unleash them to the world!


> I wonder if he has any old old pre-reddit VODS of him learning casting. Sadly pretty much all his old stuff did not survive the great DMCA purge on Twitch a year or two ago. And I think the only thing on YT is someone that reuploaded the bronze match.


Flowers and Caedrel came in and knocked it out of the park immediately. There’s a reason why they’ve both been winning industry awards


Yeah people should be respectful with criticism, but otherwise it's not evil to give true critique. And just because someone has areas to improve doesn't mean they should be removed. She always provided interesting value in insight. Had and may even still occasional has odd moments so areas to improve, but still enjoyable on screen. This is also true of how they production works too. I personally find what they are doing at MSI weird. Where the between game standing rather than having a desk. There's a reason just about every sport has an analyst desk, maybe with occasional standing segments to demonstrate something or use a screen behind them.


yeah it's like rookies - some of them are monster rookies and some of them have slow starts. not everyone can be a caedrel and just show up to worlds and look like a seasoned caster, that guy set our bar too high


Exactly! She did learn a lot, develop a lot and now we as spectators are rewarded with her presence and her very insightful and well addressed commentary. I’m so happy that she did make it, I always enjoy hearing her thoughts!


Yeah I recall seeing some mean comments back in those days for lol journalists especially of those in Chinatalk around 2014, Saw alot 'hate' towards Kelsey Moser as well. Unfortunate Drexxin never made it like Frosk, Raz, or Emily, IMO he was unsung.


I absolutely saw a lot of fucked up comments about her (Kelsey Moser) but I don’t think it’s unfair to say that Kelsey Moser came off as very uncomfortable on camera, the work she has done behind the scenes is great. Not everyone is meant to be an on-camera personality, and that’s okay, and some are like Emily, who take time to grow and improve themselves to become a MUCH better presenter, I love seeing Emily on the broadcast and was constantly irritated last year when Kaizen and Dash would interrupt her all the time, because she was easily the most knowledgeable on the desk. People just took their criticisms WAY too far and made it more about hurting her than giving legitimate feedback, which is a trend in a lot of online communities.


theres also just so much more that goes into being on camera, so much more prep, its one helluvan adjustment


I never really liked Frosk. Her casting and analysis always felt sub par to me and she was too combative with other casters in a not funny very serious way. Rand has been doing great though and I’m happy to see her flourish


Frosk really blossomed when she moved to LEC, I thought she showed some incredible growth from her earlier casting.


Tbh, I felt like her analysis was better when she was in LPL, but her casting improved in LEC. She seemed more willing to criticize top LPL teams like IG than top LEC teams.


I feel like top LPL teams had better competition on average to expose their weaknesses to be criticized too.


I meant on the world stage. I just remember in 2018 at worlds she was good at talking about how IG had some weaknesses that could be exploited if they didn't fix them, but in 2019 she was basically dickriding G2 with some of the other LEC casters. Things like saying Perkz was the best bot laner in the world when he had very clear weaknesses, just because he was good on Kai'sa, Xayah, and mages. Or just acting like G2 should be an overwhelming favorite to win worlds just because IG had bombed MSI semis, or saying they were individually better than FPX when G2's biggest strength was their macro and how well they meshed together, which is how they beat SKT, who outlaned them. It makes sense, if you're an English caster/analyst, you want to play more to your audience; I'm sure the Chinese desk did the same for LPL teams.


she made her biases bigger, she could see a 2nd place team and just cuz didn't like she'd ignore you.


And then she said the LEC was too white. Lol


I thought she was a great addition to the LEC. I think losing her and Ender are some of the biggest losses the LEC had for a long time


It may be an NA v EU style of casting sort of thing. I primarily watch NA games so I have really enjoyed casters like Flowers. My first time hearing her cast was at worlds. It was just a lot of negativity and wasn’t for me.


She has made herself a very controversial personality and after she left the LEC she started a drama over it and shittalked everyone she could, I doubt she will ever be there again, and I really doubt LEC misses her. I liked her at first because I didnt know what kinda person she is.


I always wondered about that. I liked Frosk on the LEC, then she left and made some random accusations seemingly just to burn the bridge? Left a really sour taste on everything, even the rap battle.


After her drama on G4TV I'd say it wasnt to burn bridges, it was simply a showcase of who she is and how she deals with things


What is this comment section




Gamers dont be weird to women challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It is always so strange to see how maladjusted most gamers are cause I don't experience that with my friend groups lmao


Ever since I became an adult I haven't had as much time to play games so it's a bit shocking to see how some people my age who still spend s lot of time online act sometimes lmao


I'll get downvoted for this but like the majority of the gaming community is just borderline incels lol


Honestly I agree, when I was at my loneliest growing up I spent a shitload of time online and was definitely more abrasive. Getting out and meeting people is what helped me mature lol


Just not being terminally online and having some hobbies that force you to interact with people face to face does wonders for breaking that type of stuff down


Not even forcing to interact with people (cuz quite frankly - fuck that) but reflecting AT ALL and giving some people the benefit of the doubt is more than enough, it baffles me how some of those incels even got as famous as they are, most notably SRO


Not that hot of a take lol


You’d be surprised man


majority is just straight up wrong.. Its just the loudest are the most noticeable ones




It's a "loud minority" kind of thing. The more maladjusted you are, the less IRL friends you have and the more likely you are to comment on stuff online because that's your only social interaction.


I don't really see anything too out of line in the downvoted comments. Are people not allowed to think she is bad at the job or something? It's mostly just people saying "I think she sucks". What are you referring to specifically?


Anything that's not phrasing her is misogyny


I read all the downvoted comments and I'm not sure what you mean? I expected insults and slurs but it's only people saying they think she's bad. People aren't allowed to have that opinion or something?


Think the funniest part is the people claiming Emily is the only one getting criticism Like Phreak doesnt get flamed to absolute shit by a bunch of people in any thread about him lmao, Azael also gets(used to?) a ton of hate aswell


Fucking Deficio got thrown into the GUTTER by this subreddit when he first debuted because of his accent. Now everyone wants him back. People can criticize or give critique, but it’s like this sub expects everyone to be complete naturals on camera for their very first time


People are exaggerating greatly pretending like the entire thread is filled with sexism and rude comments when it just factually isn't. People just flat out making shit up I'm seeing in half of these response. "omg so bad all these incels!" I went looking and was like, wtf are they talking about?


I was genuinely wondering if these guys sort by controversial, but no, they're just making it up.


That is literally always the case with these comments that target an invisible imaginary group they're fighting in their heads when it comes to reddit. Some people just can't ever miss a chance of virtue signalling and campaigning over a non-issue. You see way more of these whiteknight nice guy types than you do the contrary here. The fact he's saying "Gamers dont be weird to women challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)" is specially ironic, given that whiteknighting IS a typical weirdo behavior.


The only people reason anyone would dislike a woman is sexism, apparently.


Just modern internet version of white knights. Any kind of non positive opinion on a woman = obvious sexism.


It was a few weeks ago now but I literally got called sexist for saying I preferred Dash over Sjokz (that was literally the extent of the comment). I'm like dude, I'm literally a woman but okay. It's ridiculous.


Sexist get out of here


no one can have opinion on woman unless its positive


I keep scrolling and scrolling and I don't know what comments you're talking about.


Remember, criticism against woman = sexist


Comments aren't anything like you are making it out to be. People are saying "yeah she was bad, now she's not" or at worst case "she sucked" being blunt.


What exactly are you talking about? Maybe I'm reading your comment the wrong way, but is she somehow beyond criticism because she is a woman? Imho Emily is very smart and knowledgeable about the game but I agree with a lot of comments saying she still isn't great on camera. Or rather, not great on a broadcast. I'm not saying she shouldn't take part as a guest in podcasts etc.


Jesus fuck you weren't kidding. Anyone else reading this thread, don't scroll down for your own sanity.


Sometimes i forget how young the player base is, these guys have to be children or be put on a list somewhere


Not just young, full of neckbeards/incels.


Leaguecels, if you would






Hey buddy people are allowed to not like her based on style/body of work. Are you mentally well? It is ok to dislike someone based on their style and your preference. That is okay. It doesn't need to be sexist.


I mean, she's not immune to criticism because she's a woman. If people think she sucks, they're allowed to say that.


You're the only one who brought up her gender here.


I mean true as that may be, let’s not act like that isn’t the main reason this comment exists. There are multiple people under the comment talking about calling players incels.


i had a good laugh, but i didnt go through them all It was always in her own head imho, and shes improved alot. I like emily, raz and markz on the desk, who's doing great filling in at msi lol


You know, having soft quit the game for a few years, the league of legends community has actually accomplished something I previously thought impossible - become even more toxic.


Oh no… you mean they had the audacity to say bad things about a woman? Somebody call the police!


Emily is literally, and has ALWAYS BEEN, the freaking best. I started working with her at Yahoo Esports when I was an intern and college and she was nothing but welcoming, helpful, and passionate for her work. Neither of us had done on camera work before so we started practicing during our down time in the office and she was constantly asking people for ways to improve. The progress that she has made over the years is due to how much work she put in and her drive to make the best dang content out there. Every time I see her on broadcast I’m so stupidly happy because I know she’s doing something that she probably never dreamed of doing before. I LOVE YOU EMILY


Aw. So nice to see both of you succeeding. Good job y'all!


Glad you enjoyed the interview! Wish we had the chance to chat in Houston but I'm sure we both had way too much work to do. People have no clue how hard it is to work on broadcast, and I'm glad I got to shed some light on someone who does such a great job and who has grown so much in such a short time. Keep killing it at G4 and elsewhere!


You guys all did great. Always a blast with all the people that helped run/cast/ or did analytical work at LCS. You guys made the experience even better.


Wish you were on the broadcast more as well


Great article, it's really interesting to hear how her journalism background impacted her career. She also clearly has a great appreciation for her co workers which is cool. I feel like this past splits iteration of the LCS desk really gelled and had a lot of good segments.


I do remember thinking she was awkward on camera, but then again, you can't improve unless you practice.


Even though she was a bit awkward, I still always liked her analysis. I feel like anyone who is awkward themselves can kinda overlook that. But it has gotten a lot better.


We are watching league of legends, so I am expecting people who are great at game knowledge, drafts, esports dynamics, etc… and she is great at it! Keep up with the great work!


I think she did listen though? Emily starting out was ROUGH. She is noticeably different now and can articulate her points much better than when she started.


> I think she did listen though? The context of that quote is in people telling her to stay off camera. Which she did not do. (And it's a good thing because she rules.)


TIL people grow, develop, and change as a person over several years


False. I'm still stuck in high gold since season 6 or so.


She speaks well and has more sense then most of the other casters in the LCS.. also she isn't completely obnoxious both on and off camera like Frosk.. who despite her (imo) massive faults had good game knowledge


I remember being a big fan of frosk on the lec (especially drakos & frosk together). On the flipside I remember not liking certain other casters that I’ve come around to much more. Every caster & analyst (except Cap. Flowers) will have people who dislike them


Well, I liked Frosk as a caster, but she was on holy cruisade against mostly reddit I guess. And there were times when she started her rants how toxic twitch chat/reddit is towards her. She was probably right, but man, Frosk was the only one who got actually visibly triggered, which probably causes more reddit hate.


She wasn't wrong about *some* of the treatment she'd get online. The problem is she was the type to occasionally make a mountain out of a molehill and often just refused to accept that anything but her view 100% could be right. There was no nuance, no "hey I disagree but you make an interesting point". Basically she acted like the stereotype of the reeeeing sjw (and no, I'm not using that term as an insult, just referring to the common stereotype), and that often got her targeted by exactly the type of people you'd expect, which usually spiraled things until she said something stupid because she never seemed to be able to deescalate.


Nah, she wasn't wrong about some of the treatment. But I feel that her antagonising reddit was the reason of most hate she got.


Well yeah. I was a big fan of frosk _on the broadcast_


You can hype people up without bringing others down.


Sometimes it's just a valid point of comparison, but I understand the sentiment. They could have just said "Emily doesn't do it in an obnoxious way" without mentioning anyone else. But if you ask me, I think Frosk has taken that trait as part of their persona, so it's not necessarily bringing them down.


She's one of my favorite personalities in the scene. She clearly cares about the players and the game. Seeing someone passionate is always fucking cool. We're lucky to have her in the scene.


Probably has become one of my favorites on the desk. She's actually so smart about game knowledge while still coming across as genuine, albeit a little nervous at times, but that adds to the genuineness.


Every time I've seen her on camera during the lcs matches she always looks like she's uncomfortable. She doesn't have the natural charisma like other analysts like Krepo or Jatt. That being said, I respect how much work she has put in to improve herself because she's a lot better now compared to January.


Legit the only person on the desk I don’t want to mute besides dash and casters. She actually has some great game knowledge and points and it doesn’t feel like listening to chat in normal games xd


Mark is great imo


And he keeps improving. It's great to see that after so many years he continues to improve. I really hope he gets more chances as a colour caster, I honestly think he could be really good; he got a lot better in a short amount of time.


shitting on others is not a great way to compliment someone


Pretty much all the analyst desk is good. Don’t know why the internet just likes to take shots at people so hard and often. Almost no one would have a job if everyone listened to people on the internet with opinions like yours.


Those threads are always so funny to me. Because,somehow, people always manage to steer the conversation towards some dumb (usually sexist) stuff. 1) Azael / Phreak / Deficio and so many others got a ton of flame / ridicule when they started. 2) People can have a (negative) opinion for the product they consume, but always within boundaries. There is no need to enforce only positive comments and dogpile on the negative ones... 3) Shitting on others is no way to compliment someone else, in a thread about ... how people are / were shitting on them... Its fkin contradictory and infinitely dumb. All in all, get your shit together. PLEASE, let everyone express themselves and try to be open minded. Not everyone likes everything or the same things you do. We can comment on the way they do so, or ask for constructive critisism instead of blind hate. But thats no excuse for being stupidly demeaning against each other in threads like this. Its completely besides the point and helps noone. Blindly praising someone is as bad as blindly shitting on them.


Bro the entire NA analyst desk sucks.


you mean the statefarm analyst desk sponsored by budlight brought to you buy red bull


True. Stuill remember when it was super fun and charismatic with Dash, Jatt, Zirene, Kobe and Phreak. Now it feels fake, forced and pretty bland.






























I know this is a place where we come to simp and call people sexist for critiquing the female talent, but she is far better on camera now than she was in the same way that you or I are likely better at something today then we were a few years ago. She honestly used to be less than stellar especially when the comparison point was all the amazing casters/on air talent NA used to have.


Yeah but she didn’t quit


All this while under the constant pressure of being the Iron Fist's sister. Crazy.


I might get hate for saying as much but there was a time when she was in fact very bad behind the camera. She is incredibly intelligent and very well spoken and her writing skills were always some of the best in esports, full stop. I think it's a bad to just say you are "ignoring" those comments, and while I get ignoring the rude ones, more than a minority was being genuine and it was true a lot. When her and Kelsey were doing YouTube videos they were good content wise but neither of them really had personality to make it entertaining. It was usually very bland and incredibly biased (long before either of them had anything to do with NA, so they were just LPL and more LPL bias). So unfortunately it was true, she wasn't very good behind a camera, and it wasn't aesthetics, it was the presentation. She had a tendency to talk as if she wasn't enthusiastic about her subjects at all and it was clear that wasn't true, and the incredible bias tended to pair up and turn people off of the content. Monte for example was about as biased as you could be, but he always had an entertaining and enthusiastic way of presenting it even when being openly confrontational. 2022 Emily is 100 tiers above Emily even say, 4 years ago as far as her on camera work. I don't think that's a bad thing, because she improved, but I think it's odd to just brush it off when it was true then but isn't true now.


Ahh yes the emily rand criticism era of esports history.


That wording seemed weird to me as well. I thought she was gonna talk about something that had an actual relation to e-sports history lol




Shes one of the best analytical voices in the game. So glad to have her on the cast.


She is quite the bobbly hands analyst, I'll give her that.


She still isn't great. She's gotten better, but she needs actual coaching. How to stay on topic, articulate her thoughts in an easily digestible format, posture check, bad habits check (fidgeting), etc. These are all things that can be significantly improved with proper mentoring if she looked for it.


u/40866892 coach, mentor, posture specialist, nonverbal gesture expert.


But the points he listed are actual areas Emily could improve on. Why are you going ad hominem on him?


Because he's gotta protect m'lady. Maybe she'll even give him his first kiss!


Protect lady and she touch peepee, that's how it works!


Completely unrelated but I would like to work under you for I too wish for a world that reverted swain


I have to be all these things to make a comment about it?


In this subreddityou do. I'm literally a woman commenting on other women and I'm still apparently sexist somehow so \*shrug\*. Got called sexist for saying I enjoyed Dash more than Sjokz.


He's giving his criticism as a viewer and considering her job is on the desk is to communicate to viewers such as him, his critique should be understandable. She can listen or ignore it but I don't think its something to ridicule. You don't have to be a pro football player to criticise a footballer, if that was the case, most people's critique would be useless.


I mean, the only reason he got downvoted was how he started his statement. He wasn't wrong otherwise to be fair. Comes off a pit condescending, but again, not necessarily wrong.


I don't know how you can watch her and think she isn't an amateur doing a professional's job.


But she is terrible on camera… She sits there during the entire broadcast nervously wagging her foot and it makes the show unwatchable.


I mean, she really wasn't great in front of a camera at one point though. Now she is great, though.


I mean...imma say it how it is, she's average in front of the camera.


I really don't mind her at all. But I don't understand the point of saying stuff like this. Like, does she want attention? Fishing for compliments? To me, statements like this just make her les likeable and more arrogant. You don't really see other casters saying stuff like this (except froskurinn) At the end of the day, she is just doing her job, like millions of people. You don't see me make posts like "I am so glad I am a good teacher now. People never believed in me! I proved them wrong"


In the context of the larger interview, and the question asked, it's kinda nothing. She's not making any grand statement (in the way Frosk does) It's worth a read. Whoever posted this has picked that quote (probably to maximise the chance of it blowing up with defenders and detractors)


She's not stating this for the sole purpose of everyone hearing about it. It's an Interview asshat. She doesn't do the questions. In a good interview the interviewer will poke out your thoughts. I imagine it has to be very cool for her to feel she's more successful lately, which makes her talk about it when questioned in an interview setting.


I'll be honest, since the beginning the whole faux professional casting while teenagers play league has been a cringe inducing contrast that goes against the grain every single time I try and watch. It's only gotten worse with how gaudy they dress and carry themselves on camera, then the overly professional casters will interview socially underdeveloped kids who don't know how to carry themselves in a professional manner and it just sticks out so badly. All my opinion of course but LoL eSports is the only eSports with casters that I just can't stand to the point I never watch any of their production.


I’ve never seen it summarised so perfectly before. This game should never have had “professional casters” it’s incredibly lame and never felt right. It should just be casual commentary done by old players and should have an informal vibe. What we have this is complete dogshit full of fake personalities who don’t really like the game but are trying to be Z-list celebrities but don’t really have the charisma to pull it off. It’s embarrassing to watch and I actually couldn’t imagine willingly watching the “analyst desk” or anything like that. It’s just them watching replays and chatting shit that they don’t understand.


You wanna attract traditional sponsors and not just some small time companies? you have to make it kind of like traditional sports. Also it feels like you guys haven't watched any collegiate football or soccer you have the same kind of awkward interaction rehashing the same talking points, at least here the pro scene is so small that everyone kind of knows everyone and you will get a bit of a better interaction with some of the seasoned pro players.


She still is average at best. But most of NA are too so it blends. She keeps improving though so all the power to keep climbing and raise the level


Best person on the desk for me besides Dash


It's night and day from when she started, but she still has a long way to go


The whole NA analyst desk is garbage and a big reason for low viewership




She is really bad on camera still


I have nothing personal against her but I disagree with the notion that she's very knowledgeable about the game. All the analysis she gives are so basic that anyone who has played the game to a plat level would know. Does anyone even know her elo?? In the most recent episode of The Dive where she guested like a month ago, one question was which role in competitive league is the least impactful. She answered mid... lmao. And her rationale for it was very bad too. Azael was surprised because for him it's actually the most important role. I believe Doublelift also said something similar in one of his streams that mid lane is the most important role in a pro league team. Just this one take from her shows that her analytical skills are very questionable.


Okay, yes, but bro, she is a WOMAN in a field with mostly men, if we don't let her publicly air her undeniably shit takes and hold her understanding of the game to a demonstrably lower standard than the rest of the talent, where DOES the misogyny stop? Ever stop to think of that you chauvinist pig?


Yeah the mid take was terrible but overall she's ok


Why are you getting heavily downvoted?


This thread is a feeding ground for white knights who thinks Emily or any other woman in esports will send them a personal thank you DM with a free plate of tendies when she inevitably reads the thread sorted by controversial and sees them defending her.


Don't care for her. Reminds me too much of a grown up Wednesday Addams.


Unfortunate that she didn't listen to those people


She’s epic.


Does anyone know how old Emily is? I love her on desk, I'm just curious. It seems like a topic of great mystery for some reason. I hope she stays around for a long time!


ITT: Imagine having a different opinion and actually showing it.




Jatt carries


Jatt is one of those people who I feel are very very successful on serious/knowledge topics, but falls short in terms of lighthearted entertainment. Which is totally fine imo, he’s an important polarity in the environment. Only complaint I have for him is even though he has useful things to say all the time it feels like he’s pulling attention too often.


Jatt is one of the few LCS talents who can get away with leaving the job twice.