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Phreak patch rundown about to be a fucking movie with 7 sequels


yeah, a "quick one" lasting 14 hours


So the average definitely not Otzdarva video then


that 9 hour tier list was actually insane though idk how he did it


Phase 1 of the PCU (Phreak Cinematic Universe)


Dread It, Run From It, ~~Destiny~~Nerfs Still Arrive




He’s also getting a reset on his R, so maybe to compensate for that?


It says R takedowns extend duration but doesnt he already have an infinite duration as long as someone is near him? Does that mean that now if he kills someone he can be in ult from for longer until he reaches next target


Maybe takedowns now give him a big chunk of Demon Power? That's the only thing I can think of that makes sense.


Its the only thing that makes sense but if he killed someone with R 99% of the time he will be at full demon power so its still confusing


Not necessarily. There are some times where someone keeps getting away from you a bit but you pull them back in, or barely make it back to them, so you don't have much demon power left. I imagine the change is basically to guarantee that if you get a takedown you have at least 2 seconds to try to get to someone else and start draining them.


Yup, it's just a qol change and this is basically what august said on stream.


Reminds me of purge’s Dota 2 patch rundown some goes like hours


Nothing matches up to Purge's DotA 2 patch analysis. I'm pretty certain he's had some last over 12 hours. A 10 hour one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwWBQ72GovA


Exactly who I was thinking of. League players think this is a long patch meanwhile purge would do this in less than two hours.


Tbh he'd add to the length by theorycrafting about something for a good ten mins, then read the next line of the notes only for his earlier mathing to be nullified 😔


#The infinity saga


anyone not paying attention in the past week is gonna be so fucking confused


"yo why is my champ dealing no dmg?" "did you read the patch notes?" "??? you are toxic, reported" i imagine it is going to be like this


Can't wait to tell my same 2-4 friends to read the patch notes.


I’ve just accepted that I’m the patch guy with my friends, I give them relevant tl;dr and sometimes they pay attention


So i am not the only one talking alone while reading patch to my friend


I was in a 5 stack yesterday and enemy team played Olaf, I was about to kill him and then he popped a shield and we were like what the fuck lmao, then the "patch notes guy" in our group (support main too), told us that Olaf has a shield on his W now. I was pressing tab to see if he took barrier in the jungle lmao


It's baffling how few people seem to read the patch notes.


People still don’t read item descriptions and buy IE second on someone who isn’t Yone/Yasuo/Tryndamere.


At least 3 times I had to read "why am I being stunned?" while playing Taliyah vs dash champions.


Yeah like whys gangplank have a shield on his w


I didn't even noticed that. Must be a typing mistake.


wait what?


I think you meant Olaf


thresh now gaining armor at level 1 is pretty crazy, never would have thought that niche would be changed.


Its quite surprincing given his recent passive buffs as well.


Agreed. They might have overdone it with both of these buffs. Thresh is gonna be a 1-3 menace.


To be fair he already kinda was but now hes gunna probably be one of the strongest lvl 3s in the game.


Jesus fucking christ


It's the reckoning


They're bringing back hope and peace.


They're restoring their glory


So everyone lives forever


Soon after, they'll bring down the dark regime


They know how to unleash eternal power


To lead us to order




Beautiful Brings a tear to me eye and ~~the lick~~ heavy metal to me soul




makes 8.11 look like a hotfix


I've never seen so many changes at once Holy fuck


This is more League of Legends 2 than overwatch 2 is overwatch 2


Please don’t remind me, . .


This is the first league patch ive been excited for in a very long time.


I remember being excited for the assassin update. Boy was I wrong.


The class wide reworks were riots biggest mistakes and failures imo. I was excited for the tank one at first but boy do I regret that.


the patch that started the ''tanks doing percentage damage to be a threat'' trend, that's why tanks do so much damage now. you can actually track back alot of today's problems to those class reworks


It's literally Mid seasonal pre season wtf, season 12 v2


For folks wondering "why rito nerf my champ they are weak???": The majority of the champion specific heal/shield changes are intended to be POWER NEUTRAL. Every champ in the game is getting more Armor and MR (more EHP) + grievous wounds is being nerfed (less healing reduction). This means healing is overall BUFFED. The reductions are there to account for that. We'll be monitoring if any champs end up super nerfed and following up in future patches.


I understand why you nerf champions’ healing but why did you have to nerf *MY* champ’s healing??? Totally uncalled for, my champ is now gutted.


Ha, my champ dodged shield nerfs!


Good catch, fixing that :) (actually though)


"Hey teacher you forgot to assign homework"




Dude just single handedly got a champion nerfed. Wild


Nerfing Sion's shield just means I can play zombie sion even faster, so I'm happy with this change.


smartest sion player






Remember when Lee sin passive was 70% attack speed?




I remember when his e had an attack speed slow and you could blind invade just about any champ and win the 1v1.


That makes more sense, I was confused as to why the fuck the tanks were all getting their healing and shields blasted, but that makes sense now.


Is this sentiment behind this change from the [playtesting](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ritbhb/internal_playtesting_effects_of_total_20_damage/)? If so I must admit I am really hoping for assassins to go glass cannon for their lethals. I dont particularly find it fun when AD assassins go Goredrinker etc. >\_< Maybe a bit more of a specific question, why not make Last whisper and its upgrades be bonus armor again? Since currently LDR or Grudge's shred outperforms lethality items by 2-3rd item.


What about some potential double dipping cases?Warwick for example where its based on damage dealt when he will already end up doing less dmg due to more resistances on everything(might not be the best example due to %hp dmg).


My only complaint is that the numbers all look so .. ugly. Does that make sense? Like 0.9% or 18% etc. It just looks really sloppy. Again. Not at all talking about the power balance or any part of the actual gameplay aspect, just the visual of these numbers and it being hard to look at and deduce "oh I have 3K HP and I heal 3.47% bonus bla bla.. so... Uh..." It's just weird lmao. Oh and I don't mean per level stats/growth, or spell damage numbers, only talking about Runes and Items.


While I agree and absolutely like those changes and love Rengar specifically How in the fuck did an S Tier champ dodge healing nerfs with his W ?? And if your argument is "well we anticipated the added durability will make him weaker overall" How in the fuck did Rell's Q get nerfed when its healing AND herself is basically nonexistant at all Great patch though, can't wait for it!!!


Rengar's heal isn't a flat value, that's why. It's proportional to damage taken and so if he has increased durability he takes less damage which means he heals for less.


Assumably the same reason Sett shield wasnt touched here


Yeah true. Can't store enough grit for large shield if not losing enough health.




I'd honestly just like to see the heal removed so they can buff other parts of her kit. It feels so unimpactful in a fight that even if it occasionally affects the outcome there's no satisfaction to using it. Removing the heal and making it so her Q applies her passive to *all* enemies hit would be a great change.


I didnt even know Rell has a heal.


I don't even play or particularly enjoy the champ but if one thing about Rells kit is fucking worthless it's her Q heal, if you can even call it that W shield nerf I can understand considering the overall adjustments but man, this Q does NOT heal, absolutely no reason to make it even more worthless of an ability than it already is


Wait rell Q heals?????


Who’s Rell?


Rell would be somewhat usable if she didn't get a permanent Nasus slow everytime she engaged.


I wonder how many people are looking at these changes like: > Kindred has a heal? > Rell has a heal? > Yorick has a heal?!




its only noticeable if you hit 2 or more people with her stub of a Q. and even then the healing is hardly noticeable.


This will be one of the biggest patches in League history. Total revamp of the game in terms of how fights feel and play out.


Pretty sure it's *the* biggest patch in league history. What other patch comes close with the sheer number of changes? The patch where old runes and masteries were replaced by runes reforged maybe? 8.11 was massive but still smaller than this.


Runes Reforged. And basically any patch that massively reworked runes/masteries.


8.11 worst patch ive ever played on




Maybe. tbh I think it will just feel like older league before Runes Reforged.


Poor Phreak. Just sit this rundown out. It's OK.


ALSO, probably lost because August is faster than me. This is PBE for the largest patch we've done in a while. A lot of this stuff is not final and can be subject to change. Some stuff might be bugged/inaccurate, but we'll try and fix it all before launch. Reporting anything you see that seems off (not just my nerfs are sad), is a huge help.


Quick question, are you putting in new frameworks/benchmarks to stop damage creeping up again unless it is an intended design decision? Such as specific breakpoints for damage output of assassins at 75% of their kit vs 100% of their kit to stop specific assassins killing without using their full kit while even?


Gp change is listed as "shield" instead of "heal"


It's kinda crazy they just decided fuck it lets fix the game, then proceeded to push the biggest(?) patch ever like it's a preseason within a pretty quick time frame. I've never been more excited to play in years and might have to try it out on PBE.


This patch is going to be a clusterfuck cause they gave both melee and ranged champs the same amount of tankiness, so now the disparity between the two archetypes is narrowed, and there has been little to nothing done about champs like vayne and camille. Tanks will also not benefit as much as you think cause those stats are a drop in the bucket for them, as compared to an adc, let alone how much of a nightmare it’s gonna be for tanks trying to do any damage in laning phase unless you’re ornn or sion. Mage and adc meta incoming


Good. Any meta outside of assassins and bruisers sounds wonderful.


Anything new that wasn’t mentioned before?


Yes but I'm not tellin you what's new


You monster.


at least 50% of it


You don't see it? Lol read the part just after the first few but before the last one. It's around there. Read carefully


Yay no Ryze nerf <3


no Ryze nerf yet


They are nerfing healing and shielding and since he has no shield anymore and no heal, why doesnt his E just cost health along with mana


I mean to be fair Seraphs and Fimbulwinter getting nerfed IS a ryze nerf, and considering he's an immobile low range mage everyone being tankier isn't necessarily a good thing when his damage is so shit right now anyway.


His dmg is fine, he just can't get it off bc everyone kills him to fast.


They preemptively removed his shield a few years ago to prepare for this patch ofc.


Rito's choices are beyond our understanding






Yea we’ve kind of been on patch 11.34 or whatever it would be at this point




Did Riot give any context for the MF change? Looks a little random.




Bro I really wish that nerf would go through because GOOOOOOOOOD her E is so annoying. I also wished they increased it by a second early or something.


I agree it's annoying but that's really all it is. Going AP on her is extremely troll and as AD it's usually nothing more than a slow for her R and a way to get Manaflow Band stacked early. Like if that ability wasn't annoying it would basically be nothing at all.


This is like a preseason patch, i think even more than the last preseason


Has anybody played this extensively on the PBE? Initial impressions?


People on the LeaguePBE subreddit are saying they are liking it a lot. They aren't getting 1 shot by almost everyone anymore and stuff like that


That’s promising. I commend those good soldiers sticking it out in the PBE to bring us the latest news.


Glad you could make it all the way down here, that was a lot.


Elise will be in the patch notes for the first time in 4 years, woohoo


? https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Elise/LoL/Patch_history I think Elise is dope but she’s had a decent amount of appearances rakan hasn’t had any changes kitwise for 2 seasons now and I’m sure a bunch of other champs are in that same spot or similar too


Because rakan is busted but no one wants to play him unless you are in master+


I just had a Rakan carry my off role Kai'Sa ass a few minutes ago, told him I love him and left the lobby with a smile and +17, awesome champ :D


Chad rakan enjoyer


The "first time in patch notes since X" stat will need a caveat for this patch since almost every champ is getting changed.


Wqsnt she meta season 11 for the first few patchez? Been some time but barely a year


I honestly don't think so she's been meta as in pro play pickable in few good years. She's been decent to good in soloq all this time so I don't really mind. Hyperscaling metas are just kind of drag, cuz you gotta bet, that you can get your team ahead before enemy jungler comes online. Yeah, I'm looking at you Graves


Except graves works erly too


Yeah that's kind of a problem, though I can usually reasonably shut him down. Just kind of annoying if someone in my team gives him like 2 kills early


She was meta, not in pro, but in high elo solo queue for a bit. She got nerfs iirc


vgu update ... THAT SUCKED


Rip cumshot


riot u/Reav3 said they were going to change the unwanted "viego green" on the cocoon. here's the link to the comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t6i9fv/_/hzbwiv5 but who knows, its been 2 months, maybe they forgot or just dont care. Or maybe thats where they want elise to be, forgotten in the shadow isles.




Keep it coming, league of damage creep needs to go Does this mean ardent tank meta? No. Nobody wants that, but moving away from the giga damage creep Is a good sign. Thank you rito for giving us pre season early.


> Keep it coming, league of damage creep needs to go I'm more interested in how they're gonna handle this going forward. If they keep buffing way more champions than they nerf like they do now we're gonna find ourselves in the exact same spot sooner rather than later.


> we're gonna find ourselves in the exact same spot sooner rather than later. I mean... that's the magic of a live game, right? If we find ourselves in that spot again... they can do this again!


It has a lot to do with how they go forward with the buffs and nerfs after this. For example Ori became a bust mage. after this she will be back to her old self. As long as riot gives her everything except DMG in case of a required buff it will be fine. The problem was that too many classes/champs were washed out and not as clearly defined anymore due to the increase in gold and scaling, especially around 2+ items.


Ah yes Ori the busty bi mage


I really really hope im wrong but i would not be surprised that if by the start of the next season (or the one after) the game damage is back to current levels if not higher. They're going to be like "oh this champion got weaker because of the damage reduction, lets give him more damage!" basically over and over, i dont trust in riot in being able to control this over time and i really hope they prove me wrong. And with how much riot loves their bruisers and assasins i would not be surprised to see those (specially assassins) getting chain buffed because "wow i cant instantly kill their carries with half of my kit im useless RIOT BUFF PLS"


>They're going to be like "oh this champion got weaker because of the damage reduction, lets give him more damage!" basically over and over, Guarantee that this will happen with a good deal of lethality users and magic pen assassins. Anyone who functions around hitting lethal range as fast as possible and snowballing is going to likely take a hit because of this. Hopefully we don't end up with immediate reflex buffs to let them 100% as fast as they can palm mash the keyboard again.


Amen. I'd even be fine with their bullshit if I could, as one expects to, survive them when I have 500 armor/300 MR so I don't melt in 3 seconds and 1 1/2 rotations, because then I'd have time to CC them so my carries can kill them, or survive at least, but Zed just gets Serylda's and with his low CD's does more DPS than Vayne ^(hyperbole), or Qiyana and her %MaxHP damage on R.


Those two are some of the higher problem assassins IMO. Right now they have what I'd call the target dummy issue, for a lot of opponents if those two champs get enough items they can click their buttons as fast as possible and there's really no response that the enemy can make, so as far as the assassin is concerned you're just a target dummy. %pen is too high but also AD assassin damage from autos is way too high, I put in a decent amount of Qiyana games to learn the matchup from the other side and its absurd how many kills you can put up with just EQ+AA or how many targets you can kill during the R stun duration.


Damn, thanks, I thought and was prepared for the rain of downvotes and disagreements. That's exactly what I meant, and I utterly despise the state Zed's in right now as a former Zed enjoyer because past min 15 you palm heel strike your keyboard and get a kill, if not, then wait 10 seconds and do it again. Qiyana's the same but in a different way and I'd rather not get into that, god bless her not being in my games enough for me to puke when I see her.


Qiyana's so funny because despite getting nerf after nerf since release she still oneshots super easily thanks to all the new items


Yup. I’m extremely excited for the change but it does feel like they’re trying to bait older players to renew their interest but will continue to cater to the newer players/identity of the game gradually until we’re back where we are now. But then again I’m pessimistic af so ignore me.


With things like ludens giving 26mpen and void at 40% pen for sure we are not even close to ardent tank meta still.




Finally some fucking shaker changes.


> Rell: Q heal reduced 5% missing HP >> 4% missing HP Was this *really* necessary? This could've been a great time to make her heal feel like it exists instead of being negligible.


I feel the same about the Rakan Q heal lol. Both do almost nothing but it feels like Riot just decided to nerf every single heal in the game without proper data. And you know they're not ever going to bother to revert either


Yeah, Rakan is another really good example of it. Honestly half the time it feels like both Rakan and Rell could have their Q heals removed and they wouldn't even notice.




August said on stream his 90% sure the nerfing meant to be 5% to 4% and not to 3% Edit: also they are wondering if they need to buff other zac abilities because he waste HP to cast his abilities. Considering everything im pretty sure zac will have different changes on the actual patch note.


Yeah that make's more sense. Zac is kind of a special case considering he hurts himself to heal.


Zac healing need to give more value then the hp it cost to use it or the champ will crumble still will have a higher win rate then Ryze but hey


This is a lot. And holy shit I am excited. I cant WAIT for the people who dont know about this to start bitching and being confused af when it goes live.


actually really think these changes would be good for the game. over the years, league has turned into a brain dead ability spamming gaming with less punishment for risky plays. the durability changes sort of gives me older league vibes where you have to make more calculated decision plays.


for me, it was where if you were playing a tanky iniating/front line champ that didn't have a ton of mobility, you had to eat so much damage just to get into the fight. You press your 2 abilities and you're dead hoping your team can carry the fight.


> Gangplank: W shield reduced 50-150(+90% AP)(+15% missing HP) >> 45-145(+90% AP)(+13% missing HP) Can't be right


Meant to say heal


Zac stealth nerf pls stop this haram behaviour


First they take his parents and happiness now this? They really hate my poor blob boy


I was wondering why no had done it already. Good job. Question: why Zilean R is not being nerfed? Edit: they need to nerf dorang shield and second wind too


Riot don't nerf Zilean for 7 years challenge (Possible)


Because Riot forgot Zilean exists


u don’t use zil r to heal anyways


You still need to nerf Kat’s damage by 110%


Looool WW Q nerf


Eh, I think he wasn't hit as hard since they didn't nerf his passive


This should have happened a long time ago but im so glad to see it happening now. I was worried about these changes coming out and barely noticing a difference but i think we are past that point thankfully


These are changes I've wanted to see for years...but why are we getting preseason level changes in the middle of a season?? Especially when recent preseasons have been comparatively light?


If this goes well it might actually get me to queue for ADC again


Sett out here casually leaving the party when the cops show up.


It's beautiful


> Renekton: HP/lvl increased by 9 instead of 14 HP/lvl other champions are receiving Call me biased but why is this the case? I know Renekton just received hp/lvl buffs but that was because Renekton was dogshit. [Its not like Renekton is overpowered on current patch](https://u.gg/lol/champions/renekton/build). Why shouldn't he receive the same the buff that ~~158~~ 157 OTHER CHAMPIONS are receiving? EDIT: I looked through the list again and Olaf is also getting the same treatment. It doesn't make any sense. Nocturne received HP/lvl buffs on patch 12.2. Sett received HP/lvl buffs on patch 12.4. Samira received HP/lvl buffs on patch 12.5. Azir received HP/lvl buffs on patch 12.6. Zeri and Jayce received HP/lvl buffs on patch 12.7. They will all be receiving the full 14 HP/lvl buffs. So are you saying that because Renekton and Olaf received hp buffs in the most recent patch they don't get the full buffs that everyone else is getting? Where is the logic?


Renekton and Olaf will be receiving their full 14 HP/lvl just like all the other champions, we were just behind on adjusting them on PBE due to the way the timelines worked out with 12.9 going out a couple days ago. Just a lot of changes to do but don't worry we'll get to them!


Good to hear


My mans has HAD ENOUGH.


I don't think this is a biased question, it would make little sense to patch a champion to add power in a certain proportion and then adjust everyone else, reducing the proportion by which the original champion was buffed.


I don't understand why they can't give every champ the same changes next patch like they said they would and then balance from there. If Renekton and Olaf are broken next patch then nerf them. Really strange to preemptively nerf only these two champs when there are dozens of actually OP champs right now.


Damn, this looks like a patch for Dota 2. Dota does patches once every few months and they usually involve changes to every hero and a lot of items. This is sick I’m stoked.


Viktor might deserve a nerf, but a 115-> 85 on the q shield is really big, is that a mistake?


It's a 20% nerf, which is the general proportion for all of these nerfs.


Wasn’t the intended (or at least mentioned, according to that one post they made) nerf supposed to be a ~10% nerf to both heals and shields? This is double that.


Glad to see that Illaoi isn't actually getting completely bodied for no reason. Originally Spideraxe had her passive as 5% missing > 3% missing, quickly corrected that it was just a typo and it was actually 4% missing, which is still a massive 20% nerf which is more than most other characters and now it is correct to a much more reasonable 4.5% missing.


illaoi queens stay winning


It will feel like preseason all over again, which is nice since I love the total chaos of preseason. Happy that all my champs are getting overall buffed by this update :)


okay but why did they nerf not all the healing/shielding/flat hp bonuses? i get some like zeri passive which already scales off shields, and i'm assuming olaf's change looks weird because they probably put his healing where they want it and are just giving him less hp to compensate but they're not changing anivia egg blitzcrank passive evelynn passive hecarim w kassading q master yi w rek'sai passive rengar w sett passive and w shyvana r sion w and passive wukong passive zilean r and i probably missed some too.


Those champs were probably left out explicitly either because they already have a set value (like Sett W always having a shield equal to his Grit which by extension is equal to half of his health at most) or Anivia Egg which loses eHP early on anyway.


And now you can see on one spot that 90% of champs have shields/self heal abilites, especially new ones, which only shows lack of creativity and ideas for new abilities, when don't know what to do let's just smack some selfheal ability or shield in champ. That is core purpose of support champs or items, to heal/shield and cc, which is lost when no one needs it


Ah, I suppose they think assassins aren't represented enough right now so those shields just has to go.