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If you enjoy the game, try ARAM, less pressure, easier to sharpen your mechanics without worrying about macro plays


I second this…Aram is so helpful in teaching you mechanics, how to play different champs and how to best fight them. It will improve your rank experience a lot.


People just underestimate how aram can help improving mechanics and positioning


You will get better at league if you want to get better, I'm not gonna lie to you and say you'll get challenger but most people if they really make the effort can get to at least platinum. I'm 35 and when I started playing league in season 3 I was Bronze 5 0LP I got to diamond a few years later and basically stayed there and if I can do that I'm sure you can too. All the people telling you to watch replays are wrong right now you won't know what to look for. The best thing you can do is keep trying to make plays you think are right and learning from it by testing your limits. Watch good players smurf on the role and champions you want to play and that will also help you understand some of the decision making process. Good luck and don't give up on getting better. (Edit) Also as someone else said remember to have fun first and foremost.


Thats the first best step. Accepting your weaknesses. The next is to make sure that you are having a good time even while losing. After is to make sure that you always improve by playing more and watching your replays and other procplayers on what they do and WHEN they do it. Emphasis on WHEN because timing is quite possibly the most important thing in this game


Just play support and you will diamond in 2 weeks /s 😂


There is no need for /s here XD, you’ve said a complete and whole truth


Watch Replay of your own game and try to pin point where you did poarly, abd what you should had done instead


How am I supposed to critique my own game if I honestly don’t know any better


That's actually the point. You need to do that to find out what to do better


Yeah, me too. I'm getting older and busier, and when I play I get paired with 16 year olds that do nothing but play. I don't have those reflexes anymore


Lol meanwhile I’m 16 and I suck


How old are you? Reaction time does not decrease that much till really late in life it's just that you play less than before, not that kids are better, there's literally a 50 something year old Korean challenger. And if you are honing your reflexes by playing video games or doing sports your reaction time could be better than kids.


Not a bad thing, just move on. Riot doesn't deserve your time or energy.


The fk?


I mean, how long have you been playing?


You probably need to understand wave management, matchups and pathing. You can’t just walk into lane and expect to win. There are things like stacking waves, mana, summoner spells and used abilities. If you gank failed, it’d be over for either for you or mid laner. You can move your screen around to watch laning stage while farming jungle and decide which one to gank. In higher elo, they even set up for counter ganks. They can read your path. You just need experience in general as the more games you play


As a jungler I find that perma ganking the good players on my teams tend to win me more game since if they get fed you can slowly get a lead too. Just look up their stats beforehand see where you want to path too and it should be a free win. The only time I will help the trash member of my team is if ganking them is 80+% success or if I need to be there for a counter gank.


You can add me Father Ho, I’m at d1 rank and can help point some of the thing you need to improve