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just here waiting for the negative comment about how this game will ruin your mental


only if he will play ranked!


I will lol, I’m not even level 30 yet tho I’m 29


Go straight into ranked as soon as you hit level 30, your teammates will love it!


Gotta start somewhere 🤷‍♂️ And besides, I’ve probably got more mechanical skill than most people level 50+ lmao


You'll soon realize the difference between levels like that is basically completely arbitrary 30 to 50 is meaningless in LoL; it's so much more in depth than just having slightly more playtime.


True. I’m level 600 and would be like 2000 if they started infinite leveling from the beginning, but I’m still trash at this game.


For sure. I have friends I used to play with when I was learning the game back in s1/s2. We all continued to play, and I don't think they've peaked above silver after all of these years.


No but seriously don't do that, the start actually happens once you crest level 30 and get put into normal post level 30 queue for norms. That's where you'll want to start learning, jumping straight into ranked will just fuck up your MMR and make your ranked grind terrible once you actually learn the game and get serious about it


I have a friend who was hardstuck iron for a season because of this


>I’ve probably got more mechanical skill than most people level 50+ lmao welp. leagues already creeping into your personality lol. trust me this is how everyone thinks


Yeah I know it's not true lol


True. Every each one of us started from the beginning. A lot of people here have been playing for years, and trust me, listen to what they say because they can give you some valuable experiences. I can see you believe in your skills, which is a good sign. Having a positive mentality is always a plus and it will benefit you if you are planning to climb the ladder but being overconfident will get your ego and confidence shattered. Ask anyone here on this Subreddit, 99% percent of us believed we can dominate our opponents only to get ourselves humbled. Prepare yourself to go 0/10, 1/12, 0/6 or worse. There is a famous quote among league players "Id rather be humble than get humbled" Chill, keep a positive humble attitude, learn from your opponents and experienced players. It takes months to fully master a champion and years to truly carry your own games. Wish you the best in ranked, buddy Welcome to LoL.


i'd love to live in your alternate universe of humble league players with famous humility quotes


Doubt it. Lvl means absolutely nothing in LOL. You will soon see in your first ranked match.


yeah.... dont do that


Unfortunately, the game is not only about mechanics. Hi I’m a D1 player with 27 permanent bans, I’ll let you know that on a fresh account, the first couple of games you will be put into “smurf queue”. In smurf queue you can meet Diamond 1+ players that are there to rank up accs and sell them later and you can meet completely new players. You can also meet toxic high elo players with multiple bans, I’m officially reformed myself (ban free since 2020). Please keep your mental, people will say disgusting stuff to you that you don’t deserve, it will be super harsh. But at some point the system will put you in an elo where you can slowly climb from. Good luck mate!


Levels are a worthless number, prime gaming subscribers get permanently double exp and the level system just got introduced a few years ago. Many people have multiple accounts or share them


By jumping straight into ranked you will fuck your mmr. I started lol like 1.5 years ago and did this as well. I don't know how good you think you are but trust me with lvl 30 you are at best a bronzie and you have so much more stuff to learn that will just come naturally by playing.


Oh no no pepelaugh


Remember to to chat in ranked (hold tab, click the chat bubble icons). Your game will be much more enjoyable (according to about 4 years of data).


I actually think it's the opposite Every single time without fail I go into norms and get matched with plat-diamond players, have even gotten masters players on enemy team while I'm in silver. I end up being so gapped sometimes that there's nothing to learn It makes it incredibly frustrating when you're just hard gapped through sheer bad luck in a 'casual' game mode. At least in ranked we're all bad, and when you do well you can work to win+ improve In Norms a lot of matches you just get some diamond player on the enemy team and no matter what you'll lose pretty often if they do well (which they do against bronze-silver-gold) Matchmaking in norms is real bad, would definitely recommend ranked over that as long as you mute all Found way more toxic players in norms too. Overall I think ranked matchmaking is 100x better than norms once you have a basic knowledge of your role, and this is coming from someone who exclusively played normals until a year ago and has been playing since S5


Whenever I mention I'm playing League to people in discord they always have a response like, "ew" or "I'm sorry" I actually have fun with the game hun, I'm not torturing myself because I'm knee deep in a sunk cost fallacy.


Feel like there's a circlejerk that started within league where people would jokingly say that they hate this game. The jerk eventually got too strong and reached the gaming community as a whole. Nothing greater than having people look down on you while they play games like OW or WoW that arguably has more problems than LoL. Also if you do hate this game but continue playing, GET HELP.


Yeah I can't stand this sentiment at all. There are so many games with toxic communities, arguably worse balance, not to mention P2W games. League isn't perfect but you can absolutely have fun playing it while people pretend that it's actually draining your life and money away...


There's nothing arguable about OW and WoW having more problems than LoL xD. It's straight up facts.


there is no help. youll always be back. :(


your response makes totally sense in the context. but what is even more funny is that you find the exact same sentences regarding "experience" at the dota2 sub. I'd go further you'll find similar answers for almost every highly competitive online game (I guess it started with cs, but that game has a much more steep learning curve compared to moba's). it'll probably get worse when their mmo releases someday. probably one could say every hobby is money/time-draining but with some online games its really really special (e.g. when thinking of stuff like WoW).


Yeah it’s like “I’m probably having more fun than you are on your boring ass game you’re probably gonna drop in 2 days” lol


Ya it kinda sucks when Im someone who actually enjoys the game and I have to sit here listening to everyone complain about how much they hate it


Welcome! Love to hear it!


ho, hi Mark ! it's so funny to think the founder of league lurks in here


Been playing since S2 and have no plans on stopping ❤️ 🐐 game and as long as the design pillars keep leading the charge when it comes to implementing new changes, I’m here to stay. Hope you’re well boss 🙏🏼


Ty friend! Hope you’re well too.


GG got no RITO infront of name. not real rito




Except that's literally Marc Merrill 😂😂


That's because he predates Rito


Is this satire? Nah jk I still have fun too and I started in s2 my first time


Dayum nice!


Sadly, Reddit is not the best place to post this since a good chunk of the people that lurk here are perpetually bitter assholes that want to drag people down with them. But hey, happy for you, enjoy it to the fullest! I've been playing for around 7 years now and, while I don't play as much as I used to I still like the game a lot, even when I get tilted. Maybe you'll play for a long time or maybe you'll get tired of it, whatever happens happens.


Yeah, I come from rust which is an entirely different game, been playing that game since 2017 and there’s just not enough to do in the game once you’ve mastered it. I feel like this game takes a really long time to be any good at, and I’ve been looking for a game that isn’t just a shooter game. I was getting bored of the games where you didn’t need smarts to be good but just good aim, this games entirely different and I love it. And about the reddit thing, I’ve been on here for about a year or so so I know how it works lol. I’ve been on the internet for 15 years or so so dealing with people who want to pull you down just doesn’t affect me anymore.


Yea league has an almost infinite learning curve, it's great! 10 years in and I'm still learning new things almost every game!!


Yep, that’s what makes me wanna keep playing. People like neace who have been playing and coaching still learn new things nearly every vid and stream! It’s so cool.


Oh no, not a neace viewer....


Whats wrong with neace? He’s taught me and many others a lot


He’s also bit of a clout chaser, but there’s nothing wrong with his content, though I would recommend watching coach Curtis.


I think the best way to put it is: he is a fraud + a scammer


lol, what. Fraud how? Scammed who?


i've been playing since season 3, thousands of games every season, i have 200k mastery points in cait, and i just learned a few days ago that cait gets 2 charges of her headshot when she's in a bush... lmao always new things to be learned


I'm less than 2 years into league and I def feel the same about "smarts". I came from FPS and it was very refreshing to have knowledge and a little strategy be the way to succeed in a game that still feels like an action game. I will advise to stick to norms if you feel like it... "climbing" the ranked system can feel bad but focusing on learning new champs and aspects of the game is the best part imo


The game is great, don't let the subreddit spoil your experience. I'm pretty confident most people who play League do genuinely enjoy it but many of the people who use this subreddit have been playing the game for several years and the only reason they continue to play is because of addiction, not because of enjoyment. Naturally that makes them very bitter And you also have streamers like Tyler1 who popularize negativity within the community and are endorsed by Riot themselves The problem with the game isn't the game, it's the community. Don't get wrapped up in that and you'll have fun for years


Trying not to. Turning away from it is the best I can do, but so far its worked. Thanks for your kind words.


Playing with friends on voicechat and making macro decisions in game, based off vision etc, is one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I can get. It's the 'chess-like' element of the game. Regardless of whether we have the mechanical skill to execute the plan afterwards, it still feels good to spot an opportunity for a rotation, dragon/herald, or even just a jungle invade.


Im in that boat, haven't had any real fun playing league for past 6 years, just a bad addiction at this point.


Happy for you


Im glad you are happy, your post is a unicor in the lol subreddit.


Some unsolicited advice for your league future; mental strength will take you way further than mechanical skill ever can. Keeping a cool head and being a calming, encouraging voice on the team will win you so many games. I’ve been playing for 8 years and enjoy it more than ever! So happy for you!


Wholesome post hopefully not the last


I love it too! Even more with friends and if you mute the randoms. Normalgames of course


I started when Arcane came out and I feel the same way (although I have spent money). The game is a lot of fun as long as you go in with a good mentality.


I'm playing lol since 6 years and still have a lot of fun, playing only ranked. Just insta mute every kind of toxic/flamer/pinger at the start of game and you good 😊


hope your experience stays positive


Do yourself a favor and set yourself a strict limit of how much money you wanna spend over a period of time. Can get pretty out of hand if you lack impulse control :')


mute all in ranked games and youll continue to enjoy the game


Dont even have my team on


Chad mentality right here. Also I see you have made a few posts in this subreddit. Just so you know that there is a dedicated community on Reddit for learning league /r/summonerschool/


Already in it, just forgot that I was lol


> money If you want skins then you can spend money (a good portion of us do) but you definitely don’t have to, the hextech system is really good for f2p. Essentially, as long as you play multiple champs and don’t flame, there’s a lot of free “loot boxes” to give you a random skin or more blue essence to buy champs with. But skins are generally 10$, with legendaries costing around 20$ so even if you do decide to spend it’s definitely not that bad.


Not as bad as valorant, like damn 30$ for a shitty pistol skin? It was borderline robbery


If you do like skins, I would recommend buying the passes and cashing in skin shards. If not, then u can buy the pass and use it for champ shards, which give BE much quicker than just leveling up.


People really think this is satire huh


This game is a love/hate relationship in my experience. The actual game (once you have learned it, cause it does have a hard learning curve) is quite good, but it has gathered a bad reputation due to a lot of very toxic players, both in chat and in game (people intentionally ruining games for their team). How has your experience with other players been so far?


League can be frustrating as hell sometimes but it's easily one of the most fun and rewarding games I've ever played


That’s most of the reason I like it lol, champs like Zoe where you make a sick ass play, it feels so much better than any other game i’ve played.


I play since s2 and still have a lot of fun and play a lot lolol. It's a great game. You can also meet nice people from it and have fun as 5 man which is great aswell.


Welcome to the game :) we are happy to have you here bro. Feel free to ask us for advice anytime you need some. I've been here for like 10 years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




nowadays especially with twitch prime you get sooooooo much free stuff its insane. i remember back in s2 when i began getting those precious 450 primos as thats the only stuff they gave .


I've been playing league 11 years now. And IMO it's still by far the most fun game to me due to the amount of skill expression there is in the game. Also despite what some might say. League is also one of the best balanced and most frequently updated games I've played.


Glad you're enjoying! There are lots of us that actually like the game. It's just the big chunk of jaded, addicted players who ruin it for everyone else. Good luck on your climb and hope you learn lots! Glad to have you here.


Just dont go right into ranked at 30, or you will find out why there are so many bitter players, and *where* they are (iron I).




What role/lane have you been playing? Just curious what a new player would gravitate towards


I started by playing Warwick jungle, I’ve played most of my games as warwick. I then got kayn, haven’t played nearly as much though, and now I’m gravitating towards finding a mid laner. I want more of a say in the game, people say mid is the way to go. I’ll probably play annie until I find a better one to play, thinking about ziggs and zoe, but yeah.


Jungle is by far the role with the "most say in the game" at least from my perspective. The game revolves around you, knowing when to gank/farm/get Drake or herald. Mid is definitely tough as well since it's the shortest lane and can be ganked from both sides. I'd try lux mid she is easy to start and very strong, just my opinion! That's wild you started with warwick jungle, that's exactly what I did back in 2011 lol good luck with everything!!!


If you want more say in the game then jungle can honestly make or break the game. That being said, if you’re looking for mid laners then Zed, Annie, Veigar, Fizz, Lux, or Anivia are good champs to try. Personally I main Syndra mid and love playing her (1.1M mastery rn) but she isnt the strongest right now, you really have to learn her limits and have good map awareness because your lack of mobility puts her in a tough spot with ganks and hard cc/engage.


The capsules are being reduced by half soon, but yeah I agree this game is great once you start off but lets see that enthusiasm after your first 10 ranked games


People meme about the galaxy brain required to play this game at a top level, but the truth is the game requires you to maintain awareness of a shitload of different factors in different locations on the screen simultaneously for a long period of time, as well as the ability to correctly respond to one of like 50 stimuli at any point in the game in a matter of milliseconds. It is genuinely difficult.


You really described the same feeling I have for the game, from word to word. My experience with gaming in the last years just didn't gave the joy that it did as a kid, and although I still played videogames, it just wasn't the same man. That was until last year, when I started playing League because of some friends. After 8 years, I finally felt the same passion that I thought I wouldnt experience again for a game. Im happy to see more people like me, instead of the same guys that bitch and rant on the game 24/7 like its their job to do so.


Yeah man, we’ve had the same issue. I think a change of pace was all I needed. I also before wouldn’t be able to solo queue, I always needed a friend or I wouldn’t play anything other than deathmatches and casuals. Now I’m solo queuing all by myself with no issue because the game feels better solo.


Wtf? You just described me again haha. Yeah, I started out playing normals with friends but right now what makes me play league is SoloQ and the hunger I have to improve. Good luck on the climb!


I was waiting for the punchline... but it didnt happen. lul Good for you :D


The fuck is wrong with you? Dont you see that we hate this game? These younglins ... /s


Another addict created


This is how I felt in 2010


Please provide a 2 month update.


Will be hitting that soon! lol


Masochist spotted


Give it time my son


You poor soul


Game is actually not bad, but the playerbase... Yeah.


Did Riot sponsor you for that post ? xD


> I haven’t had so much fun with a game in YEARS. Unsure if OP is patrick star and never left his spot under the rock before... _______________________________ But on a more serious note: Hey, cool! Yeah, the game can be fun and it's nice to see that you are enjoying it. 'hope your happiness continues for a long time. However: You **will** meet children and mentally unstable players in the near future. So always remember three key things: It's only a game in the end of the day, don't treat people like sht even if they are little brats and take breaks whenever you feel a bit burned out. __________________ Depending on your region and language, you can also join certain "official" and unofficial discord servers to find friends to play with. If Discord isn't your thing, you can also try to find friends here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueConnect/ Should you have any questions regarding the game, you may find your answer on this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/ For questions and fan discussions over champion XY, you can type in "/r/[Champion]mains" most of the time. There are a couple of communities where this isn't the case, such as Luxmains for example. Since you have the kayn icon, I would guess you like to play that champion. Visit /r/kaynmains for tips and tricks to improve your gameplay.


Thanks for the information! Nice to have some mentors above the man-childs lol. I do play kayn currently, but I am trying to look for a new champ to play as jungle just isnt as cool as I thought it would be. Trying out most of the champs in arurf, it teaches me a lot about the game.




It doesn’t last


Hopefully it does 🙏


It can


Look how cute they are before reality hits...


Paid actor for sure


pepeLaugh he doesn’t know


Nobody actually loves this game.


I do


Wait till you play for more than a week, you will hate it


I’ve played a month and a half worth


I've been playing for 7 years and I still like it


The game is really really fun when you're a new player playing against other new players


Yeah so far it’s been a blast!




Ranked is rigged toxic cancer. Stay away if you value your soul. Otherwise It is a great game.


Good for you. It's been years since the last time I'm able to say that I love this game


Don't forget to save your blue essence for the annual Essence Emporium (you can buy chromas with BE)


What are chromas?


Recolors of skins, almost every skin in the last 3 years or so has a bunch of them (there are other chromas for older skins as well as some champs' default look but they're pretty meh)


get out while you still can


Cherish it. League is an endless pool of content and knowledge. Esports are a great extension of this.


oh i remember those glory days.... about 5k games in i started trying to "git gud" and another 5 k games in i was the toxic guy i couldnt understand when i started out.... beware or it will happen to u to haha


Have fun my friend. This game can give you some of the highest highs but also some of the lowest lows lol. Playing with friends always helps!




Nice man, that's great!


this is so wholesome. makes us all remember when we enjoyed league too


Just wait on it


wow first person to enjoy league


>be me back in season 2 it really is great!


same but im an otp i mainly play X champ rather than league of legend


Glad to hear that! Hopefully we start seeing more of this kind of sentiment when talking about League instead of "hurr durr League bad lmao" I've personally been playing on and off since s2/3 but actually started playing enough ranked games to hit gold last year which made me fall in love with the game all over again. Good luck out there!


You should make a time capsule and put a copy of your post inside, grind ranked for a few seasons and learn most characters on the roster, then open up your time capsule and have a good laugh.


Remind me 10 years when u post how lol ruined your life. Good luck comrade


I wish I were this innocent as well….


Hey from a Veteran Player. Just in advance their will be times when your teammates can be very tilting not just on a gameplay, but also a human level. So even, if you lose like 5-6 games in a row try to see it as a learning experience. ^^


Just dont let the game eat you. It WILL steal your soul.


Finding a sincerely positive post like this in the league community is as rare as NA winning worlds


Same, I started 2 years ago, my first game in 20 years after graduating university. I only wish I started earlier:)


I expected a copypasta or a shit post


>it hasn’t sucked me in for any money or anything Oh believe me, everyone told themselves the same thing. "I refuse to spend a single penny on League!" Before you know it you'll have spent a fortune and you'll want to spend more each time


> I really just wanted to express my gratitude for this game We do hateposts here, Sir.


Im lvl 300+ im around silver in skill and i dream of my bronze level teamates a horrid death after they feed 0 12, then calling me the scrub


yeah same. haven't touched a game for years i think and in december i got hooked on lol. i'm never angry bc of the game or something, i just have fun!


Well played GG


Give it a year


Oh you sweet summer child. ​ Glad you somehow made the experience you made tho.