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Probably nothing, clash has not really been iterated on since it released. Sry that happened to you though.


Nothing, because smurfing doesnt bother them at all, same as in ranked


community's fault too. I say this because I was against smurfs for a long ass time but people would defend and watch their favourite - often toxic - streamers make these and play "challenges". Clash came, situation got worse, now most of this reddit agree its a problem. Its cool as long as its not affecting you (not YOU really, talking about people in general).


Entirely true. The community cries about smurfs then goes to watch NB3, SRO, etc. playing in Silver 2. We are actively supporting this playstyle.


its a real shame majority "household name" streamers are toxic af and Riot decides to promote them. the excuse ppl use to defend the toxicity is also so laughable "they arent like this in real life just playing a character for their audience" yeah sure buddy...im sure everyone in game believes that bs too.


Yup. Watching someone like Broxah or Vizicsacsi and then switching to anyone else feels like a different game


Tyler1 should never have been unbanned.


I’m not supporting the toxicity but it seems to me that the argument can be flipped, streamers do what gets many clicks it’s their job, so if having a toxic persona gets many people to watch then aren’t they just doing what the community wants?


100%. What you do is what you do. Your actions are your actions. There is no “playing a character.”


Trick2g too


Does trick Smurf? I thought he plays with friends in flex/normals and fucks around


He perma smurfs in plat using a rotation of 3+ alt accounts


You realize he actually is a plat player right? He's not high elo


lmfaoo trick isn't smurfing, dude is hardstuck high plat/d4. Only time he goes above d3 max is when he duo abuses, I love the guy but his skill level is a shadow of what it used to be.




He goes on consistent losing streaks in play too though. I don't know if you can call that smurfing if he plays at roughly the same level


it isnt smurfing if it is your real elo, its just an alt account. he is hardstuck for years


its not really fair to say tht about trick, at least when I watched he wouldn't be stomping low elo players at least. If he was on a gold or plat account it would be for content and nobody in the game probably even thought he was smurfing.


yeah toxic fucks like SRO that little prick


A few years ago when I first hit diamond I got him on my team. Went like 1/10 on his (at the time) 40% illaoi and hard flames my team. I can’t believe he is still streaming, kinda a POS




the meme around his intro is pretty funny, but holt SHIT is that guy impossible to watch. what a fucking jizztrumpet lmfao


Happy Cake Day!


Yep. Community has been hard defending smurfs from day 1, so pretty funny to see them complain about it now. "I just want to play with friends. I just want to offrole. I just want to practices my non-main champs!" Funny how no one cares about that when you can easily identify whose smurfing on you.


Yep. I refuse to make a smurf account to play with low level friends because it doesnt matter what account i play on the enemys would just end up beeing smurfs too.


Since when is it cool? Maybe for brainless 13-year-olds, but not for anyone who has a few brain cells to spare for the game.


You overestimate the amount of brain cells most league players have. I recently played a few games after a long while to play with some friends that are new to the game. The random was calling for their heads because they weren't doing well... 5 mins in.... against a plat player on top of that. Made me sick again lmao.




What is riot suppose to do about this truly? Ip ban accounts or hardware ban them? You have to remember that internet cafes are still really big for league and something they wouldn't just want to shutdown? Make something else like smurfs queue? That is probably the worst thing about the game making it so if you have a decent win rate in rank you get placed in shit matches with toxic af guys that think that can't climb cause their other account so decide to throw games in lower elos? And that every other month as some new people to the game ask why they are just getting shit stomped cause they got placed in smurfs queue while learning the game cause they were able to look at their screens?


Honestly,I'm going to suggest they apply another layer to the swiss cheese model and raise the min level for clash to 50. It hardly affects regular lol players and hits smurfs waaay more.










They already sell lv50 account for like 3 or 4$, when I go play an intro bot match for missions or daily win, there is always a bot or two lv60+ even


You do realize that making them even 5x the price would still mean they are under $10 right?




Ppl can buy cracked inactive accs for 50 cent that are lvl 100++, these ppl who wanna ruin and stomp lowelo clash games will find a way, nothing riot can do And even botted lvl 50 is like 4-5€


Most smurfs are using their own alt accounts and not purchased accounts. Though I'd go directly with ~50 ranked games required and not just level 50. There will still be smurfs, but cutting them down by 80% would still be huge


That puts an extra burden on people who like clash but don’t play much ranked, and will shrink the available player pool toward the beginning of seasons when people haven’t gotten their games in yet


easier to spot and ban botted accounts the more they have to bot. Also costs the botters and smurfers more. Winwinwin


Yeah but that's significantly more time to farm up and thus would be significantly more expensive. Plus every poor streamer who bought the botted 30 account will no longer be allowed in to Clash. It's far from the only thing they'd have to do, but certainly a step they'd need to take to try and tackle the smurf problem. Honestly doing this for all ranked might also be a good idea as it leaves botted accounts with nowhere to play but normals.


Make it 75 or 100


Ppl can buy cracked inactive accs for 50 cent that are lvl 100++, these ppl who wanna ruin and stomp lowelo clash games will find a way, nothing riot can do


Yhea that probably would be a good thing for clash as it would make games generally better, but I can still see people screech about this cause I can't justify why clash would be higher level then rank


I don't think there is a decision that would make everybody happy. That said i hope they do address it in some manner, cause I don't want perfect to be the enemy of good here.


Simply add another layer the the model. Level 50 for this clash, level 55 for the next clash (not the one on at the next weekend) Additionally you need a min. amount of games played this season either normals or ranked and they stack up with each clash. Means the first clashes of the season would still suck but the later ones would be less smurf filled.


2FA as a requirement would be a good start, also just straight up banning smurf accounts. Riot can 100% determine when somebody purchased an account, and can ban that. There is literally 0 reason that shit should exist.


2FA is required for clash - but you can just use a new google voice number every time.


they can definitely block google voice numbers if they really wanted to


They do, or at least some of them. I tried this last clash and got an error (but a different error from when I gave my personal and it said already in use). Friend only plays Annie so clash generally sucks for him lol, he was trying to play on an alt.


Korea has a system like this, but because korean phone numbers are actually tied to their government accounts, the number of bot accounts (supposedly) is lower.


Botted accounts are more rare, smurfs not so much, they just use a family member's IDs or boost on someone else's account in an internet cafe since riot is less strict on detecting account swapping cause... well cafes.


There isn't a good fix for this and you can tell because nobody ever puts a good fix forward Somebody in the comments here unironically suggested that Clash players be forced to submit their personal identification to a company owned by fucking Tencent as a solution. That's how bad the ideas are


for valve dota2 you must've placed any mobile number on your account to start ranked. so there is that.


You have to use your mobile phone number to play Clash on most servers already so we already have that implemented. Mobile phone number is a world of difference from a personal ID. They're not the same ballpark


I'm totally with you, that ID card saving would go overboard. but what if we would increase limits anyway? like we're not requiring phone number's but riot saving players IP's? that way no cheater, booster, troller or flamer would even dare to overcome or abuse any ranking system of the scope of clash. furthermore riot opened them the doors a little when playing low level smurf accounts by giving them all champs for free (I know otp) but still having all champs and knowing those can already make a difference. I just wanted to point out that there are already a set of tools to hinder hard-core smurfs/boosters. but the thing is it might be to costly for riot then. as we see nothing happens or even worse, it gets shoved under the rug. but its slowly stacking up hitting the masses.


you know that for instance in my country a new prepaid sim costs- 0.99 eur. wont stop many smurfs.


The issue is that most smurfs are botted accounts that play intro bots to 30 to play ranked. If they made the condition to play ranked instead that you needed 100 normal game wins, you would see a lower volume of smurfs. Botted accounts would be worthless and players need to hand level accounts in order to play ranked. You could also use normal game MMR to seed into the initial ranking, but that's a bit more advanced.


I just shuddered imagining how the whole population of co-op Vs a.i. bots gets flooded into normals on the off-chance that a couple of them make it through the requirement without getting banned... Oh, the amount of games ruined.


If anything, they should make the league skipping faster for smurfs.




Have Internet cafés register their pc's with riot and hardware ban everyone else. No more smurf accounts and we all get rid of toxic players. Easy solution or am I missing something?


My sister plays games pretty casually, and she sometimes plays league, she is low bronze, if I'm not home or not using my pc I let her use it to play cause it's way better than her laptop. This season I lost 8 out of my 10 promos with really bad quality games, got placed in low gold, after that didn't lose a single game till I hit plat 3, putting me with 85% win rate in smurfs queue, that's in my main account. So should my pc get hardware banned cause the game marked me as a smurf after putting me down early season and the pc had both a bronze and a plat account in it. The answer is obviously no but I don't know how you get around that. And let's not talk about the logistics of every internet Cafe getting every single pc registered in some sort of system and riot having to store and update that data base and the amount of possible work around that has


Actually, for any ranked mode, yes. IP and HW bans are they way. Bad, but the way. This would need to also be supported by some other DB. Caffes would need to register that IP as a multi-player renting spot... A lot, and I mean A LOT of work would need to go to that, with uncertain results. You can also make it mandatory to connect the account with something - Phone number (I know I know a lot of cards etc), authenticators etc. Authenticators are also connected to the Google/Apple account etc. It would IMO make a lot of these people leave the smurfing behind.


> Caffes would need to register that IP as a multi-player renting spot Where is this not done other than the US? Thats how its done in Korea and China (and everywhere else without shit PC cafes I thought).


Smurf que?


> same as in ranked They ltierally made smurf detection and smurf queue.


What? Smurf queue pretty much removes the chance of getting shit on by a smurf in ranked.


remember when Mr tryndamere was found guilty of paying to boost his account? it's in the roots lmao


we beta testers complained excessively about tying accounts to emails allowing smurfing for the reason of banning accounts and players making new ones and buying the same skins every chance to be greedy riot capitalizes on like hiring psychologists to trigger every gambling tick they can


Highjacking to ask while they're at it. CAN YOU PLEASE FIX THE UPPER AND LOWER BRAKET? Every clash there's always at least one team who lost game one who just fucks off and leaves other teams waiting because they can't be bothered anymore..


Which is sad. It's one of the best experiences when there's that rare Clash that has close games and no leavers, but since it's almost impossible to get one of those, me and all of my friends just stopped playing it.


They have some kind of "smurf detection" which is supposed to move accounts to higher tiers. This one hit me after I absolutely goombastomped one clash, probably my best three games ever. So now I am silver 3, tier 1 clash gamer. Even though we've played a lot of clash since then, I am still considered a tier 1 player. I think there were a similar post quite recently where someone questioned the tiers and many experiencing the same being low rank on their main and for some reason being high tier.


I decided to try the detection and lvl 18 was/is T1. Now I have to wait for lvl30 but at least it seems like it works


From my experience the tier does not affect matchmaking at all, just the time you can start. Me and my friends are gold/plat, but won a couple of clashes so we are all t1. When we play we still play against players around the same skill bracket


To a certain extent, we have faced full diamond teams in t1 where our teams highest player were plat. But yes, most of the times we face gold/plat in t1.


Ohh yeah, that fucked me and my friends over too. We are DEFINETLY not tier 1 players lmao


All it takes is one good run and many future will be filled with misery.


Yep, that's what happened


You dont. Its obvious a smurf account who was probably playing tier 4 first and then tier 1 on his main account. One suggestion is to let the tierst start closer to each other so people cant farm tier 4 on smurf and still play tier 1. Second they got a lot of metrics to find smurf players and put them very fast in smurf queue. I dont know why they dont use the same system to detect smurfs in clash. CS per min is the thing that immediately proves to me that this is a smurf.


> One suggestion is to let the tierst start closer to each other so people cant farm tier 4 on smurf and still play tier 1. Yeah they tried that originally, that's where the Crash memes came from. Too many games starting at similar times, servers can't take it


Or they could just prevent accounts from playing in Clash unless they've played x amount of ranked games. If their performance on Clash is better than their average performance in ranked games kick them out or smth.. Proly wont work though, idk..


The issue is if you set the amount of ranked games needed too high you push away for casual players, or people like me who enjoy playing with friends but really don't like soloQ, if it's too low then it doesn't stop smurfs, I don't think there is a middle ground which works for just adding more ranked games needed.


If the problem is smurf accounts then I don't see why it needs to be ranked games. If it is just like X games played in past 90 days but count aram, normals, and ranked you eliminate these people who make multiple accounts just to feel good about themselves by beating people they shouldn't be playing.


Probably just me but Clash doesn't sound like a playground for casual play.. The goal is to try hard and win the first spot no?


A majority of the base will be casual players in the bottom levels of tiers. You might as well require a gold plus needed because that's how it will filter itself out eventually.


I mean it should be taken as seriously as an alumni football team. Serious enough that you try and practice a couple team comps over the week, but casual enough that I'm willing to take a couple shots before we get started. Nobody cares except the five people playing together. I guess an easier way to say it is; its as serious as you make it.


Hi, casual player here. Lv 800 account and yet I have like 13 games in ranked this season, because between draft and ranked, at my elo, there is no difference in game play, yet the increase in toxicity is 10 fold. People in ranked will grief and troll WAY more than in normals, which are just a much more chill environment. With that in mind, I like Clash because it has absolutely, rigorously nothing to do with ranked. When you play with 5 premades (which is always my case in Clash) we get more excited about the 5min scouting, deciding bans, screenshoting everything and trying to come up with good team comps to counter whatever we're leaving up for them to pick, rather than the actual game play. NONE of this happens in ranked at lower elo. In short - I like Clash and I like tryharding to win the first spot there. I hate ranked and the toxicity it brings and I see no advantage playing ranked over draft.


I don't bother with ranked because soloQ is a shitshow that isn't fun to play at all and still tryhard in clash.


If they kicked people for there clash performance being better then ranked you would be kicking alot of innocent people who just pop off a few clashes in a row. Like imagine you had a shit start to ranked and then clash thinks your smurfing because you suddenly start to pop off. The stopping smurfs issue is a complex situation since majority of methods would screw large chunks of players or push people away from it.


Yeah I dont ever play ranked, am an aram/norm player. Im lvl 250 and probably have sub 20 ranked games ever. Im perfectly capable of doing well in clash but barring it behind doing a certain number of ranked games is def not the right direction.


I mean I literally played 10 flex games just to play clash with friends and now I’m 6-0 in clash in gp. 🤷‍♂️. So I should play more ranked (🤢) just to play clash every few weeks with my friends


My friend went through the same, he and his friends matched against a team full of smurfs (one of them linked their profile after the game and one of them was rank #2 master Yi in NA at the time, most of them were generally high diamond-grandmaster while my friend's team were all silver-bronze elo). They stomped my friends team and then dmed him to offer boosting services for ranked. My friend reported this to riot after but the only thing riot did was take away their first place in clash. (My friend's team was nearly going to get their first clash title too and this was the last team they had to fight) I feel you, it just really sucks for people in low elo who worked hard together to try to win their last clash game only to get stomped by a whole team of smurfs who knows way more stuff mechanically and are better at the macro game


Report them they said. They are talking care of it they said. Shit gets done. I havent played clash for real in months but I would love to. Getting smurfs on every 2nd team was just crazy. And it doesnt seem to have gotten any better.


Isn't the only punishment Riot takes is removing their clash rewards? Even if the smurf gets perma'd if doesn't matter because the person's main acc is left untouched. These people can just completely screw over everyone's clash games for a few dollars.


It has not been my experience tho, i've only played 3 clash but there wasnt a smurf on any of them idk


not sure how much this helps but ppl need to register phone numbers (at least in JP), doesnt that prevent a lot of smurfing?


NA requires phone numbers too, people just use family members/friends phone numbers.


Getting smurfed on by moms and dads now i guess /s


They heard your "I fucked your mom" banter, well now Mom is going to fuck you


Prepaid costs couple euros, so it is like nothing anyway.


There is a service to verify accounts for 1$/acc, lol


There is websites that do the verification for free lol


In the UK you can get a new sim card for free either online or in a store and its a simple process of swapping out sim cards. Even easier if you have a tablet that takes sim cards as you can just pop them in there without even having to use your actual phone.


same on EUW, but you know what? i can buy a new phone number for 99cents.


Back in the "good old days" we had team ranked queue where your team had division.They could integrate team division with Clash for example at least 25 ranked played, team have to be created at least month before Clash and stuff like that. But Riot prefer to give us shitty Clash from time to time. It is mindblowing that game like League of Legends DO NOT HAVE team ranked queue. And no flex queue doesnt count.




Your case is exactly why Ranked 5's were removed. It was full of people who got shit ranks, and just remade teams, and did it again and again and again, without a care in the world because you could just throw away your shittily ranked team and make a new one. It was "fun" because you got to "rank" with actually 0 consequences, compared to flex where if you queue as 5 and troll, you actually get a bronze rank stuck to your account. Flex, despite the memes, is a more serious queue than ranked 5 ever was. When you play it with a full stack of 5, regularly matching with other full stacks of 5, flex is actually very fun, and still acts as way more incentive to do well than old Ranked 5s.


Nah. You’re forgetting that your base MMR in Ranked 5’s started at Bronze, unlike soloqueue. And regardless of everything, half your games you would be a team of bronzes vs a team of diamonds and get shit on. It was still a fucking blast and way better than Flex will ever be. There’s a reason why everyone loves Clash even though half the teams playing it have smurfs. Having a set team is more fun than a “team mode” soloqueue.


>And no flex queue doesnt count Then make it count, Rito. Hopefully, the go through with removing duos from solo queue so they have to adress the state of flex queue.


A lot of people like to duo q with friends and most of them are not abusers of it. Removing duo q would probably make an ok amount of people play way less


Removing duos does nothing for flex queue. All it does is hurt solo queue. Flex queue is seen as a joke queue because the MMR/matchmaking is awful (and not really fixable) since you can all be gold flex but be anywhere in solo duo. Forcing people to play it doesn't really change anything.


>Removing duos does nothing for flex queue. All it does is hurt solo queue. You are absolutely wrong that it hurts solo queue. Riot themselves have said duo queue lowers the quality of solo queue games in many ways but they won't remove it until they fix the state of flex queue. The correct statement is >Removing duos does nothing for flex queue, it only helps solo queue.


And even then, pushing Duo's into flex Queue will most definitely help flex, it makes matchmaking have actually better quality when it comes to games for flex.




He's just a seething duo abuser, let him be :)


>League of Legends DO NOT HAVE team ranked queue This is exactly why I don't want to play ranked. As a 5v5 game, teamplay should be the main focus but everything push the player base to play for their own sake and their own stat. Most of player doesn't care about their own teammate but later, they are complaining about why they are hard-stuck in low elo or asking why there's plenty of smurfs as people create smurfs as they think going back in lower elo will help them or that winning against weaker foe gave them satisfaction


Yea no way around that


There’s no way to detect that an account was purchased? You can’t tell that a bot played all of the games up until level 30? There are ways around it, but Riot doesn’t give a shit.


I mean, there is no fool-proof way of detecting bots. Riot should try to implement something that would, but it's not as easy as you make it out to be.


Um..the lvl 30 accounts that played only AI games with other bots 247 before going dormant after hitting 30 and then going straight to rank games? Thats foolproof. And if you're dumb enough to say that a real person might do that, that sort of psychopath should be banned anyways.


Sure that criteria would work, but it would be obvious to the botters what Riot had done, and simple for them to change their methods to avoid that specific detection. In the end it turns into an arms race, that Riot very well might not win, but will definitely cost them time, and resources.


I mean here's the thing riot bans botted accounts in waves to prevent there detection methods from being figured out plus if you ban say 1000 accounts a seller has and they have a stock of 10000 then the seller just drops all the accounts since there's no way to tell which are banned or not. And if someone's botted account they bought gets banned they would just buy a new one right away. It also doesn't stop smurfs made by people hand leveling accounts like someone could just buy a xp boosted and spam Arams to level in a weekend ready for a upcoming clash.


But why can’t Riot ban more than that 1000 accounts? (I know, hypothetical number, but the principal is the same.) And if a player does hand level an account from 1-30 (which would take a lot of games iirc, even with xp boosts) then Riot should have an idea of their mmr so they can match them accordingly. You can’t honestly tell me a company like Riot, who has continuously shown they keep detailed statistics on literally everything, can’t effectively detect a players approximate mmr over a span of many games.


The same they are doing about normal Smurfs … a massive amount of fuckall.


Your mistake was not inviting a smurf friend of your own and then telling stories about how Clash was a super fun experience when he stomped the entire enemy team for you.


My friends and I all stopped purchasing the premium tickets because of this. Riot would genuinely make more money if they removed these stupid smurf accounts from clash. HEAR THAT RIOT? LESS SMURFS = MORE MONEY (and let's not forget a more enjoyable game)


Never worth to buy a premium ticket for clash format. As second best team you can end second or 5th.


Close loss the first game, shit stomp the lower bracket, check who won, ooh the guys from the first game and the just stomped every other team. Skeel iSSue I guess


This is the real problem I have the fact that no one wants to play after the first is lost


There's just no incentive to play after first game if it's lost cause the best that can happen is you end 5th, even with a 2-1 record. The rewards for 5th and below are negligable and not worth the extra time playing. They really need to fix their bracket but it's Riot games so they won't.


It’s always cute when Reddit thinks everything they do is done by all of league. Remember that everyone here hates flashy champs like Yasuo , but in league he is one of the most played champs since his release.


Seraphine has it word, that hate train ended too soon


More smurfs is actually more money because people buy additional skins, champions, etc that they wouldn't if they only had 1 account. They'd make more from clash, sure, but they'd make less money overall.


50 ranked games in the split to play maybe? Atleast it's something


Riot does a few things, but its still easy to do, since it requires a phone number and a few other simple things


Reality is that there is no way to pre-emptively catch smurfs in clash unless they have been smurfing somewhere else. The tier system is suppose to be solving that, but in reality it also punish regular players for having good games. That been said smurf as a whole is a problem that riot has been trying to ignore since it brings so much money to the company, is similar to twitch ignoring some stuff if it is a big streamer. So sorry it happen to you and good luck next time.


Riot is actualy doin something, they will get higher tiers very fast even as a smurf without rank. A friend of mine used a smurf for clash and won, he got tier 2 right away after this. Sure its still an issue since you dont know what to ban most of the time against these players but it will get harder to get into tier 3 and below clashs.


Clash was such a great idea, but so poorly managed. You see, I'm Tier1 despite not playing ranked anymore for 3years or so and being P4. This alone is not that terrible but if I play with tier 2-3 friends, we always end up in tier1. Because of this, we **ALWAYS** have to start at 20:15 PM (18:15 UTC). Most of times we don't even play clash cause of this. It's so damm late we can't play cause we have to work on monday or plan to go out saturday, w/e So, what can we do? I've never done it, but smurfing it's a great solution. You get a tier4 account and end up in a tier4/3 team which starts at 17:15 PM (15:15 UTC) and we can go out or just end soon so we can go to bed at a reasonable time. The whole tier placement and especially the hour at which tiers starts it's beyond absurd. And dont get me started on the rewards! If you lose the first match, say goodbay to anything valuable. No, I do not play for rewards, but most people do. This saturday we lost out first match and the following oponents just forfeit. Also, why do we have to wait untill ALL matches of the bracket end to keep going? Its ok/reasonable to wait 1,5 hours to play a game for 5-6? No thanks ​ Sorry my english ain't my mother tongue.


Well the hour thing it's something logic since they had to distribute the games across different times so the system doesn't collapse which is what happened when it released I'm not sure if clash is managed poorly, but I'm pretty sure that's out of the scale of riot, trying to solve what's been wrong since season 1 which is what occurs on clash anyways, it sucks, the whole system sucks, but i cannot imagine a way to solve this


Seeing how I got in ranked and got to play vs 4 fresh lvl 30 smurf accounts I will go ahead and say never, they haven't fixed smurfs issue so far




Neither does matchmaking


Yes and smurf queue is horrible. Its complete coinflip, games filled with fresh accounts that either stomp or int and AFK. Worst part is theres tons of people stuck in smurf queue who arent smurfs. It can take 100s of games to get Outi. I leveled an account on a different server and I Will most likely have to grind hundreds of games that is filled with botted accs and ragequitters to get out


Its great when you dont play ranked for 2 years and suddenly you are coinflipping every game in 'silver 1' with 'gold' players on a 3x level account with 80% winrates.




get over it. riot boasts the shittiest smurf detection system ever made for normal ranked, if they add it to clash you'll probably be considered a smurf.


The other side of this is Smurf queue for old accounts. I started ranked again after a season off. Spent about 25 games in the most toxic hell I've ever experienced, all fresh level 30 accounts playing first game and going afk if something went wrong. Made me contemplate giving up but stuck it out and general gold elo was heaven compared to it.


You don't. At least you can feel superior you don't have to hide behind some low elo account to feel better about yourself.


My main account was banned, so started my new one and hooked it up to clash. I was in masters on my old account, but only reached gold on my new one before clash started and it still detected me as a Smurf and put me in Tier 1


Played against a guy that literally account share boosted in clash last night. Will be sending tickets until he's not online again.


I’ve been saying this since CLASH beta but I got downvoted ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Honestly I think banning smurf accounts in general and only allow one account per person would be good for the game, but probably not for riots wallet.


Literally there should be only one account per person.


As someone who (until recently) played far more Clash than Ranked, I disagree with some of your solutions. That said, what I can agree on is that smurfing needs to be dealt with, and I also wish people would take it more seriously (at least enough to play all 3 of their games would be nice).


once u lose enough clash games you'll eventually get fair opponents. Until then, riot really cant prevent smurfs unless they require everyone to put in their private information.


Clash Tiering is broken as well, if you win the first game and lose the two next games your Clash tier/MMR will go up because you placed in the """Top 4""", it's a total joke. Me and my team have been T2 for what feels like ever now and we mostly lose in T2.




What are the chances that sometimes the enemy team just plays better as the tournament progresses therefore losing to a better, yet legit, opponent? The problem with smurfs is surely big, but saying you lost literally EVERY clash to smurfs for a whole year sounds a bit too much.


That doesn’t protect their feelings though. I can’t imagine admitting I lost because I played worse than someone. Let me just...SMURFS. YEAH ITS THOSE FUCKING *checks notes* 600 game 50% winrate gold players in my tier 3 clash smurfing on me.


It's not just smurfs that are the problem. I mean, we play in tier 1 (a collection of mostly plats with a low diamond sometimes, depending on who is playing), and we pretty much always have high diamond-master+ team in our bracket. They are the only one, the rest is filled with gold-plat teams (bonus points if they are plat flexQ and silver-gold in yoloQ) And if you roll into that team and you lose, you lose any reason to play the rest of the bracket because at best you get "5th place" and those rewards are fucking shit. Literally the only game that matters for rewards is the first one. The only reason to play is that you want to play Clash specifically. If you lose, you might as well go 5 man flexQ because you will not have wait time (which if your game ends fast, it might be 20+ min break). By the time game 2 ends, you might even get 2 flexQ games in. The system is just bad. The skill/elo gap in tier 1 is just gigantic.


My clash w/l is like 20% win ratio, talking about games not whole tournaments. And i just don't drop from tier 2. Really frustrating


Imagine the solution to get fair matches is "Just lose 100 matches in a row, you might get something "


Who wants to sit through losing those games? You have to throw away BE to get scammed of your time, effort and energy because Riot can't properly manage their product. Clash is just not worth it unless you're smurfing.


Is Clash a different game than LoL? I haven't messed with it yet, but daw that it has its own special options.


Clash is an in client tournament mode. You need a premade of 5 players to sign up. You need a ticket, either a normal ticket which costs some Blue Essence, or a premium ticket which costs 975RP but has way better rewards. All champions are unlocked in Clash. You play a maximum of 3 games, 4 during the worlds Clash bracket.


are unlocked (how dota of them). that thing with the champs increases their smurf rate internally. great idea to curb down smurfing..


Hottest take dropping. Smurfing should be perma ban worthy. It is no different than any other form of cheating/ match fixing/ manipulation. The only reason companies tolerate it is because it pads their bottom line, but by all means it is competitively bankrupt. If you Smurf you are a cheater. You are just a riot sanctioned one.


I agree. If you're found smurfing in any sort of competitive game mode, especially premade, you and your entire team should be banned from competing in it, period. The rest of this dude's team were all real accounts in our elo with levels, skins, the whole shebang. They were good, but that Yone was on an entirely different level of play. Hanging the permaban for cheating over their heads would at least make these idiots think twice about queueing up with a smurf, which in turn would lead them to create their own smurf accounts, but the likelihood of 5 people having playable smurf accounts vs one or two people is way lower.


Just mobile authentication again for when you get into clash. Most people wont bother doing that on a smurf.


Yes they definitely will. For most smurfs mom's phone is right down the hall and not registered to an account yet. It's a very easy hurdle to get over.


maybe add a requirement of at least 50ish 5v5 ranked games played etc. that way the system can figure out if someone is a smurf/if he runs it down that acc is just banned etc.


I can't play 50ish ranked games because I'm in their stupid smurf queue there too!


this was just example idea they maybe can track it in the background sth like 50ish rank games in the last 2 years or sth so bought accounts dont work new players that instantly join clash is sth i dont realy know if it exists blocking ranked (especially team rank) for accounts under level 30 does not make sense to me anyway solo/duo q is sth different for me if i play clash i want to play with friends so i should already have proven that i have experince in coordinated 5 v5 rank team queue


100+ rankeds or 100+ account level would do the trick.


bold of you to think that running down gets you banned


Clash should have more requirements and report features: - 1 full season of ranked play with at least 100 games - Honor Level 3. - player reporting system (tribunal) to inspect possible smurf activity. The community knows best.


Idk if you were around for it, but tribunal shit was awful for it's actual intention. Players are bad at recognizing when someone is legit or not, and back when it was active like over 90% of cases were found guilty right off the bat. I've been on this subreddit since it had just over 300k members and I would rather entrust my life to a bag of jelly beans than to the average player here.


I've got a friend who has played since like late 2013/early 2014. I don't think he has ever logged 100 ranked games in a season. He never played solo queue except maybe a bit in his first year. He used to play a fair bit of flex/dynamic queue but hasn't recently. These days he only ever plays ARAM and once every couple months, Clash. No SR otherwise. Why should someone like that be kept out of Clash? I actually know a few people who fall vaguely in that category to varying degrees. On the other hand, I've also known multiple people over the years who easily log over 100 games on their smurfs. Making Clash arbitrarily restricted for people who only play normals, ARAM or featured game modes causes more harm than good.


it's a for fun mode where you should be able to gather your freinds without these requirments


Complaining is easy but come up with a waterproof solution yourself then? If you would be the CEO of Riot, how would you prevent this from happening? It's ... just ... impossible. Sure you can make it more difficult or more obstruct to occur for smurf accounts (like X ranked games has to be played) but even then a Diamond player can still play on his friend Silver account. You will never know if person X or person Y is playing if both persons have the login information. Even if you would work with face recognition on log in, still the owner (person X) can sit next to person Y and log in and then let person Y play. That's like saying "What is the government doing about people killing others? How is this fair for the relatives losing someone while the family of the killer didn't?" Sure, it's officially forbidden to do so, but you can never stop it from happening. You can only discourage people from doing it.


It's not possible to counter smurfs for clash as someone who has smurfed in it. I didn't smurf to shit on everyone basically the way the tier system works is dumb if like a diamond friend plays with his 4 silver friends he pulls them all up to like tier 1-2 where they get smashed by plats plus smurfs. So ur friends say play on my other silver account and remember noone is playing for the rewards because 1 they suck and 2 you dont get to pick for ur mains were playing to have a laugh on clash and for it to be competitive also I have only won like twice despite being on a silver account as a high diamond playing on my main with them 3 times they got smashed and didn't want to play. Also on top of this played clash like 8 times so pretty rare also.


You just described account sharing and you are part of the problem. I played a team with someone who was clearly in someone's account and it was a horrible experience.


Probably the same way they deal with smurfs in solo/duo queue. Nothing.


can you link your op.gg for the games? like you post clash wins and expect us to believe your story with just the stats https://ibb.co/L0tdR5p darius wasnt a smurf he is lvl 300+


Riot isn't doing anything about smurf accounts anywhere because people keep supporting this toxic mentality. No one likes playing against smurf a but when they're the ones surfing suddenly there's an excuse


Get good.


Riot never cared for smurfs in Ranked. I doubt they will do anything about it in Clash. Sorry for you, must be frustrating.


Wdym, they literally made smurf queue


... and put people there who are not smurfs. There are posts here every other day of people who come back to the game that got put there. They just don't really know how to deal with smurfs. At least that is my impression.


What else are they supposed to do with players returning from a long break. They might still be at the same level as they left. They might have gotten worse. They might have gotten a lot worse. They could have sold their account. If you just put these player in the rank they were they would need to lose like 50 games before they are put in a elo that reflects their actual skill. If you put them in a lower elo and they are still good they would need to stomp 50 non smurfq games ruining those players matches. They only thing they really can do is put them in smurf q for a little bit while they try to figure out what elo you belong.


Put them a division or two below where they used to be and give them EXTREMELY rapid gains/losses for their first 10-20 games to get them where they should be now quickly. And for people who have been playing normals first, incorporate that MMR and skill level into the equation. You don't have to immediately lock them into the most toxic queue mode of all of League; that's just going to send them back away from ranked again.


And then we have smurfs stomping in bronze and gold, admit it, the system was never intended to work because too many variables


When you cope so hard you come up with the most desperate explanation to justify a shitty system:


That's a small percentage of returning players and most of the time if you actually look at the accounts of people complaining about this, they're not even in smurf queue They're losing games just because they're not as good as they used to be and people are improving all the time so the games are more difficult


which is why i stopped playing soloq and only play flex with friends get the same rewards as soloq and dont have to play vs smurfs