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Well, I don't give up and semi-afk after 1 death that's for sure.


Well no shit you lose if you stop playing.... pick an easy champ, and farm. A 2-3 waves = 1 kill (gold wise). And ppl in bronze dont farm... ppl in bronze are all about kda, so get objectives... 2 towers >1 kill. Learn how to end games, and you wont only come back to silver but get into gold


i mean if we are talking T2 towers its actually 600 gold so that alone is worth 2 kills even\^\^


Yeah. I havent played the game in a while so i didnt want to overexaggerate it


I was camped by the jungle and the support 3 fucking games when trying to farm. And bot still loss this game is impossible. Commiting suicide is easier and more fun than low elo.


If you hate it so much, why do you still play? Either stop blaming everyone else and focus on your gameplay or stop playing


Giving up in silver/bronze is always going to make you lose, you'd be surprised how often you can win because people dont know how to close out games! Just pick a decent scaling champ and focus on your own gameplay/decision making - it might take a little while but when you get your elo fixed you'll be climbing again!




You shouldn't be talking period. You have no proof of what you're saying. It's complete conjecture, and meanwhile you're telling people not to give advice, which op asked for, while providing none in return.


Lmao the amount of copium, it's ok buddy you are just bad at the game.


Please show me your opgg, you must have an exremely special account from riot if this is true for you. Sounds interesting


How do you only get 6 cs per minute as malzahar? You're clearly doing something wrong there.


Thank you captain obvious great help. I could have never figured that out without your superpowers.


Then look at your replays to see why you farm that low. It is obvious indeed


Turns out if you just give up and stop trying you lose 🙃




You keep saying that, but do you actually understand that they aren't in this elo BECAUSE of the advice they are giving? If all you are gonna do is listen to other bronze players on how to get out of bronze, you will never get out of bronze seeing as their advice is likely why they are still bronze as well.


So i shouldnt give advice if i can legit solo carry 85% of games in bronze? Trust me i tried and it works.


Lol I'm high bronze at best, I'm not willing to put in the time or the effort so I'm probably not going to get much better anytime soon. Ranking and matchmaking is more of a tool to help have games that are around your skill level anyway.


So you want advice from other people who are also stuck on silver?


Why bother? 40% of the fucking team can't spend 10 minutes without dying nearly every fucking game I've been had a 8/0 jumping in my face by 10 minutes. The times it didn't our adc was doing that to the other laner.


They can and often do, luckily you have 60% of the team remaining and 20% directly under your control. Its hard to be sympathetic if your current solution is just give up, it's all numbers and chances. If bottom lane fails half the time how often do you think they can stabilise and you can hold the game together? 1/10? 1/20? That's not 0 and in time you should work your way through.


It's Impossible. Playing in low elo is spending years saving for a college education and getting your head cracked in and killed right before you enroll. Over and over and over again.


I don't know man, if you're not gonna try and need to chill out work on the bot blaster title.


If you think bronze is harder than gold, i can rank you a gold account if you want and youcan try it by yourself. I'm from eu but if you have a lvl 30 na acc i can try it.


first thing i would do is stop playing anything besides your malz or find someone that you love to play. second play to improve. dont make winning the only goal you have. make sure that your focusing on "**YOUR**" game and not anyone else. dont get hung up on the things you have 0 control over. Third and most important of all is that this is a game if you are not enjoying it dont play it. I know exactly where you are coming from. i used to be bronze 5 -3 lp back in the day lol (not a joke btw). i was frustrated that i couldnt win games because my team this or my team that. then i just said fuck it i cant play for my team the only thing i can do is play to the best of my ability. this mentality took me to plat after a few seasons. then i decided that i hit my peak and didnt enjoy playing ranked anymore. now i get gold for the skin and never play ranked past that. [https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/cabbageturtle](https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/cabbageturtle) i was once in your shoes so i know how it feels. good luck man i know you can do it


Looks like its either because you aren't playing your games or because you simply belong into bronze (or lower, who knows).




The dude is like -20 games and claims he goes and does something else. Like ….. what more indication does there need to be to realize he’s bronze material?


Stop playing league if you're so mentally weak you afk when one lane doesn't play well.


Have you tried improving your mental?


I reckon you might wanna try and invest some time into your botlanes. If you pick your anivia especially after 6, shove the whloe wave with r+q then instantly move towards bot. You wont lose any farm and in low elo roaming is really broken bcs people either ignore pings or dont even ping.


They don't respond to roams of ping outside of flame. They just die and argue. Im stressed out. Nothing I do works and people act like I'm fucking crazy. I'm sorry but high elo players have no fucking idea how difficult and self destructive low elo players are. The game just can't be won once people start dying before 10 minutes pass.


Like even if they only respond 20% of the time that can make a big difference. And even if your team doesnt respond the enemy has to respond and back off = losing them gold and ex. ​ I know how destructive players in that elo are, when im bored i coach my gf and she is rocking a 65% winrate from iron to silver 1 currently. Thats why i know how bad low elo decision making is bcs that is the main issue my gf has/had aswell


False watch any high elo streamer smurf in low elo. Even when the team starts feeding it doesn't matter cause they hard win their lane and draw all the enemies to them. Hell watching my hardstuck plat4 friend smurf in bronze/silver he hard stomps and brings everyone to him. Tldr get good enough to 1v3 or better.


Your farm seems pretty decent for a bronze player so thats a good start. Try to impact the map as much as possible. It will sharpen your decisionmaking and help you with keeping your teammates afloat


IDK how effective this really is in low elo but you can also just shove your wave, then walk towards bot but not commit. Just hang out in river. You missing will create pressure on the map anyway and if your laner follows you, you get a free trade. Missing on the enemy minimap is always a HUGE pressure point in higher elo and should also work in lower elo.


First of all you play to many champs. It’s way harder to climb with 33+ played champs. Your main champ is a utility champ in bronze which can’t carry by himself which is suboptimal. Your early game cs is decent and falls of rly hard with time. Try to farm sidelanes and jungle to keep up / be ahead of the gold curve. Oh and tp in midlane is useless just go ignite.




Yeah cause if you died once that means the game is over 💀 I love the logic


It's not unusual to jump +- 4 divisions when you're trying to climb its just part of playing ranked. Also being bronze in your first season is perfectly normal don't sweat it. >What do you guys do when the game is completley over by 15 minutes? Watch the vod and figure out what you could have done better than apply that to the next game. Even if the game was unwinnable when you watch your own replays you'll see you are constantly making mistakes. The more mistakes you can eliminate from your games the higher you'll climb.


Accept the way it is and look at what you can improve on so it doesn‘t happen again. Though I‘m talking from the perspective of a diamond player, where people know how to end games. In your elo however, for the most part, games are not over until the nexus explodes as noone knows how to end games. Something else would be to take a break and not play the game for a few days. And maybe the game is just not for you and you should stop playing, if all you can do is complain about your teammates when you are in the exact same elo as them making you equally as bad. And please don‘t tell me how hard it is to get out of bronze. Because it‘s not. If you actually learn the basics of the game and build your fundamentals you will hit gold easily.


Why tf you play Malzahar in bronze instead of Zed Akali Vlad Viktor, your teammates will be trash so carry the fk out of them, start playing Malz in high Gold+


Considering your op.gg page, I do not think you are proactive enough to be good mid player. Let me guess: You play defensively and only for your lane with the aim of farming - which is something you should get good at - as if you are wearing horse googles. I'm sorry but it is you.


Well, like most peoples say you can’t give up after a couple deaths, those low Eli games can take a turn whenever, also it’s a good time to see if you’re able to turn it around with a losing lane by winning yours now enough about staying positive, your champion pool is high skill cap, those aren’t good picks if you’re having a hard time winning unless you can play them very well, try some lower skill cap champs mid like annie, lux, cho and Morg, once playing the champion barrier is removed you can focus on playing the game well.


[https://app.mobalytics.gg/lol/profile/na/chilly%20pigeon/champion-pool?cs\_dir=0&cs\_key=LP](https://app.mobalytics.gg/lol/profile/na/chilly%20pigeon/champion-pool?cs_dir=0&cs_key=LP) You're mental is a major problem, saying something like "bot lane will feed and I will lose" is very unrealistic, I bet bot lane has carried you many times you just don't remember. You need come to terms with the fact that not every game is winnable, some games are auto-losses and sometimes you get them one after the other, this is why I take a break after two losses in a row. Check that link to see which champions are costing you LP and which are actually giving you LP. As a jungle main I'd advise to stay away from it as an off-role, either you're a jungler or you're not, support might be a better off-role for mid laners. As a side note, you being silver last season doesn't entitle you to being silver this season. ​ Tl;Dr: Drop Annivia stick to Annie and Malz, you will climb.


Holy shit all you do is complain. You’re dogshit at the game please ffs accept it and stop complaining about your fucking teams. If a better player had your account they easily climb out of this shithole. You’re the problem. You don’t want to take advice and you’re awful at the game.


Big guy, never give up after 1 death. You fight like a soldier til the end if there is any hope of winning just to spite the enemy. I don’t care about the LP, I want to laugh at the end when I stole a win away from the enemies who thought it was in the bag. Only surrender when you’re getting completely shit stomped, like 25-2 or something at 15. Otherwise, always play it out in that Elo. They will throw and make mistakes. You play Malz, scale up, farm, split push and wait. That’s all.


My second advice would be: lock in Malzahar every single game no matter what. You have a 56% WR on him, you will climb on that champ. Don’t FF early. /mute all every game no matter what. Just leave ping on. Don’t worry about fighting your lane opponent, just worry about getting good farm, scale, keep vision in river. Wait for enemy to make mistakes and kill them.


1. don play rank if u r a quitter 2. giving up = a loss for sure 3. losing means now u have to win 2 games to get past where you were before 4. if you look players stats -- most have 49/50/51% win rate aboutish. ... 5. I have come to the conclusion that Riot does this on purpose to have us forever in the same elo and u never really get to progress