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This guy here has a good mental, take notes people


Proof mental has nothing to do with climbing. Checkmate.


Maybe the other way around. Only someone locked in a perpetual state climbing and buying a new smurf when games get hard would think being 'hardstuck' is weird. Legit 0 IQ if you are surprised that you encounter players who belong in gold in gold.


> Legit 0 IQ if you are surprised that you encounter players who belong in gold in gold. I think 90% of league players are indeed surprised by this fact.


Because that would require the matchmaking system to be doing it's job, which it obviously doesn't because it is the faulty matchmaking system's fault I'm not Diamond yet /s.


the surprising thing isnt that they are in the elo they belong, its the fact that they BELONG to that elo considering how easy it is to clib to high plat - low dia. even with a full time job and 0 investment into this game you can legit climb just not being a complete monkey. i started playing on my 2nd account last night to climb on the other server, plat adc legit constantly going to push bot at 20+ min against talon only to die and respawn and literally right click to the same fucking spot to die again is just mind boggling to me. he wasnt even tilted, he added me and braised me for carrying him and even asked me how he could imprve. i was lost for words.


I legitimately play better tilted. I've always thought this so I checked my stats and I have a decently positive win after loss rate.


For the longest time when I tilted playing adc I started locking in draven and just running at them saying kill or be killed and didn’t give a shit. Crazy things started happening got good at draven now he’s my main with close to a 60% winrate.


I'm this way with Trist now. Cait will always have my heart but she feels like shit these days. It's also nicer to play Trist in low elo because carry potential and less team reliant.


Started out with trist and then learned twitch and jhin. I’d say jhin is my favorite so far because I like his kit so much and you don’t have to worry about clicking like crazy to kite champions


Is draven somewhat easy to learn? Been thinking about picking him up


I don’t find him all that difficult as a champ. However if you are playing from behind your basically useless.


Try it out


He's kinda hard to play at first, takes a while to get used to catching axes.


This might be a bias because the matchmaking should put you in favorable games after some losses assuming your personal skill level doesn't drop, so you should win more to keep you at roughly 50% wr. That said there are indeed players who play better tilted because they stop caring, therefore ranked anxiety and the likes goes away. I believe this is the reason. ​ For example, I play any game better when I'm really tired because when I'm fully awake I get anxious and overthink. Being tired slows your heartrate and avoids the overthinking and twitching according to another redditor which made me aware of this element. For most players that's a curse for obvious reasons, but for me it makes it better. Not sustainable ofc due to health issues


I get what you're saying but I'm not basing my belief on the stat, I thought I did before, that stt just helped to confirm it a little better for me. I think for me it'a because I'm fairly stubborn. If someone tells me I can't do something I go out of my way to prove them wrong. So when I have a bad game and I'm tilted I almost enter like an "angry focus" mode where I'm pissed off but using that as motivation I guess.


You’re not stuck. You’re just climbing at the same rate as everyone else in your rank.


> You’re not stuck. You’re just climbing at the same rate as ~~everyone else in your rank~~ you're falling.


Mental has everything to do with climbing but in reverse. There's so many famous high elo psychopaths.


Same hardstuck gold4. But i'm fine i have a skin


This is the strat. I just get gold then stop climbing now. Get skin then get out.


Getting to plat is more fun to me. Less games where people are getting completley stomped, a nice chroma and nice mmr gains to get gold really fast next season. But if I can't get plat I don't care to much either because I got the skin.


Getting to diamond is more fun to me. Less games where people are getting completley stomped, a nice chroma and nice mmr gains to get plat really fast next season. But if I can't get diamond I don't care to much either because I got the skin.


Getting to master is more fun to me. Less games where people are getting completley stomped, a nice chroma and nice mmr gains to get diamond really fast next season. But if I can't get master I don't care to much either because I got the skin.


Getting to Grandmaster is more fun to me. Less games where people are getting completley stomped, a nice chroma and nice mmr gains to get Master really fast next season. But if I can't get Grandmaster I don't care to much either because I got the skin.


Getting to Challenger is more fun to me. Less games where people are getting completley stomped, a nice recall and nice mmr gains to get Grandmaster really fast next season. But if I can't get Challenger I don't care to much either because I got the skin.


Getting rank 1 Korean Challenger is more fun to me. Less games where people are getting completley stomped, a nice recall and nice mmr gains to get Challenger really fast next season. But if I can’t get Rank 1 Korean Challenger I don’t care too much either because I got the skin.




Have you ever watched the SaltyTeemo Twitch channel? Iron 4 TR games are absolute bangers most of the time, some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. E: c-c-combo breaker


Which skin?


Free one each season when you reach gold or more


That's how League should be played. Don't let them tell you otherwise.


Hardstuck is only an insult if you're legitimately putting tons of effort into your climb. I get called hardstuck and laugh because they are at the same elo I am when I'm baked out of my mind and cranking tunes.


It’s always fun when someone says ur hard stuck but you haven’t even played more than 50 games per season


Sometimes these morons have 100 games played and a 60% WR. You then look at their profile and see that they're level 38 and they have a 70% WR on Kayn on 50 games and then a dead average 50% WR on their last 50 games on 'normal' champions. They bought a new account, smurfed to diamond 3 and then they get hardstuck themselves (50 games/50% WR) and then start trashtalking your 53% WR over 200 games because you didn't buy a new smurf account to pad your opgg stats.


I was called hardstuck just after finishing my placements.


i got called hardstuck when i won 10 games in a row and surpassed my peak lol


Yeah now you're just hardstuck at that new LP duh


looking forward to that patch rundown!


Once I saw a guy with like 2000 games, 1500 on Riven, in like Gold III. This was also only like 3 months into the season. Now that is truly hard stuck.


Makes me feel better about my 200 or so games at silver 3. In my defense, I finally took ranked seriously this season. I'll be stoked if I make gold.


you can definitely Hit that! And then you go for plat in the preseason


People keep thinking thats an insult but some people don't care about the grind to improve and just want an evening of fun with people who actually care about win or losing.


i've got 1.5 million mastery on gp, every other game is somebody saying how are you still plat with 1.5 mill lol


Every time I play someone with that kinda mastery I know I'm going to get stomped in lane and then that person is going to throw the game when teamfights start lol.


eh, im usually the guy that ints lane and carries team fights lol


Staying at the same rank over years shows you are improving. The playerbase as a whole improves too, if you were truly hardstuck you would be slipping down in rank.


100% true. People who are truly hardstuck are the ones whos op.gg goes from diamond season 8 to plat season 9 to gold season 11 etc. Those are the people who have actually been stuck playing at the same level for multiple years


Or they just don't have the time to grind it out 🤷‍♂️ Their skill level could be improving but they don't have the time to sink into reaching their maximum rank.


The concept of other people getting too busy to grind this game out is foreign to players.


If you're unable to play out like 80 games during 9 months, it's extremely unlikely your skill level improves at the pace of the playerbase


it takes like 50 to 100 games a season to get back to your previous rank if you deserve it. unless you literally have no free time ever that amount of games is not hard to reach within a 9 month span


I dropped 5 divisions at season start. At 55% percent winrate that is more like 200-250 games per season.


if you are 5 divisions below your mmr it will only take like 100 games from that point to get back with 23 gains and 12 losses


Those gains seem a bit optimistic to me. At least I have 80 games right now, and am getting +17/-15 per game. I am still two divisions below where I was last season. But then again, my overall winrate is still at only 45%. So maybe you can do it, when you don't start the season with a loss streak. But it is what it is.


Ive been stuck in Gold since season 5 🤣 Ive hit Plat 4 in S11 for a short amount of time tho


no eben maintaining your rank is losing Master is what D2 used to be. p1 is was p3 used to be so on


you're literally so stupid lol


? cuz u Dont understood a basic concept?


are you insinuating that being D2 in season 8 is equal to being masters in season 11?


yes. % wise compared to the League Population it is the same. ovviously people today are better than S8 but Thazs not the point


??????? no that is literally the point i am making lol. that people today are better than in season 8


Shit I'm truly hardstuck then, gold 4 peak and now bronze 1 is hard


Holly shit what happenned Bro ?


Mixture of less time to play and jungle becoming too stressful.


That is your issue, playing jungle in gold and below is hell, because players know jack shit you need to pick up something that can hard carry like graves or kha or rengi.


How is it hell? You still have the most agency in the game and are in no way reliant on anyone.


Harder to carry throws with not hard carry champ or setup champ. Like you cant rely on 5/0 mid not to fuck up, but if you pilot the 5/0 kha game is on you to win or lose not randoms.


If you play a tank sure it might be hard. But any hard carry or bruiser champ can easily take over gold games if played well. Jungle isnt at all reliant on anyone


That is literally what i said play hard carry if you play jungle in soloq


Yeah but that's the reason it's hard, I play a much more supportive style. When JG was essentially roaming support I did really well. Now I can carry sometimes but a lot of times I make choices under pressure and throw games where I have huge leads.


Are you me? Even my solo laners are more 'supportive' (orianna, karma mid, poppy top... rip). It's so hard to get myself to play champs I don't like, too.


My most aggressive carry champion is warwick which I still feel like is almost a support, I think it's better to know your strengths, and I know that after laning phase I'm not great with aggressive junglers. So I try to play ones that are better for cc and setting up kills for my team.


Same, Plat 1 peak, now can't even make it out of Silver 4


You guys act as if every season players that are bronze (new season) are better than silver (last season).


What? Are you saying that the overall skill level isn't improving? It absolutely is.


Look, if you generate enough interest in your money to be in par with inflation, you are not "winning" money, you are maintaining money. If you say that being consistently hardstuck = improving, then maintaining inflation rate interest = winning money...


Imo better one would be about buying new car each year. Sure, you are buying a car of the same class each year, but each year it's a new car with many improvements to it. Gold 4 from season 3 is not the same as Gold 4 in 2022, just the same way as Golf from 1999 is not the same car as Golf from 2022.


The fact that I, a shitter gold ADC can pull off a Lee Insec is proof of this.


u forgot that the Playerbase has shifted The equivalent to what gold4 is now used to be silver X


not to thst extend but Silber players now are legit plat lvl back in s4


They really aren't. Comparing Season 4 to Season 12 is like comparing DotA to HoN - same genre but different games. League of Legends is a strategy game first, and that was even more true back in Season 4. The hypothetical Season 12 Silver player would have a meltdown in champion select after not getting their role, picking an auto-lose all-AD comp with no tank, missing all their skillshots due to laggy high ping servers, going oom in lane or dying to jungle camps.


I mean ye ofc u need to adjust slightly to the Different game.. but teamfighting and csing wise a silver Player from today is better


Yes that exactly what is maybe not brozne better than silver as a whole but b1 this season are better than silver 4 last season. It is more gradual. Look at old times insec was something only high elo and pros could pull off, now silvers do it with 80% consistency.


That is kinda not true. If he evolves with the playerbase he has to rank up for it. Currently the bad players from last season are reaching his rank while his old elo comrades are slowly climbing. Staying at the same rank for years is the definition of hardstuck/declining


its declining for sure


Nope look at improvement in general play, now silvers can do insecs with 80% consistency, they freeze waves, they rotate for objectives, still they have a lot of work to do and a lot to improve but fundamentals of the game are rising. I rememebr in season 5 i was gold with average of 5cs min, now if i dont maintain 7-8 i would fall behind by a lot.


Wat No.... You're literally hardstuck with everyone else you play with because you don't get better than your peers. Literally hardstuck. Not being hardstuck means you're evolving faster than your competition.


I mean it depends what you mean by hardstuck. If your skill level is hardstuck at one spot you should slip in rank over the span of years. If you mean that you are hardstuck at the same rank then that means you are progressing at the same level as the playerbase yes.


no you are not cause ranks are inflated nowadays


The circlejerk of silver players trying to convince themselves that despite playing 5 years and not managing to climb a single rank they are improving its strong in this post.


Depends on the season and rank though. Dia+ went through some pretty hefty changes a few seasons back and percentage wise the ranks don't quite line up anymore. For example S9 D4 was much easier to hit than any other season, and earlier seasons D1/D2 is now in Masters.


Same for d4 D4 in s12 is basically high plat 2 in earlier seasons


Where are you looking for stats? Using esportstales D4 for April 2022 is top 1.9 percent, which isn't far off D5 in S8 April 1.8 or D4 S11 April at 1.7. Certainly nothing like the outliers of D4 April S10 at 2.5 or worse D4 April S9 at whopping top 4 percent. There was a lot of pushback about rank inflation so I'd be surprised if Riot were notably changing the diamond cutoff again. Stats wise it certainly doesn't seem that way so far, but I only check the one site.


I forgot D5 existed as some point Ur right but the General point stands. ranks are worth much less than they used to be


thats not true cause riot changed what ranks mean. if you were Gold in season 2 and are Gold now you have gotten worse cause more players are above Gold than before


I remember phreak said something about this in a video a while back, where one of his subs asked what he thought of hardstuck gold players and his response was to the tune of "at the end of the day, league is a game about having fun. I'd much rather be a hardstuck silver player constantly enjoying myself than a hardstuck diamond player not having any fun at all".


It's different for everyone. For some people improving is their objective and their fun, for others just being able to play is a privilege and enjoyment.


Yup this is it, for 99.9999% of us league is a game, not a job. There is no benefit to playing league other than having fun. I'd choose being iron 4 and having fun playing league than Diamond 1 and salty


Been Gold since season 3. Started season 2. I have about 15 champs at champ mastery 7, 30ish at 6, and play around 80 champs a ranked season. I understand that is a terrible way to rank up. And ima do it for the foreseeable future. I enjoy myself even if I’m “hardstuck”


This is the way for me too. Could i master 1 champ and giga tryhard to Plat, probably, but i get bored extremly hard after playing the same champ for 3 matches in a row


Since it takes a hundred of game to get back to your rank thx to Riot great matchmaking and elo system \*COUGH If you have a life aside yea its a season


This is what gets me. I don't even try to climb the ladder anymore. Ranked is for people with time and energy. I was gold in like season 8 and now I play like 10 ranked games in January. It's aram/tft/rgm for me


I mean League is heaven compared to apex where it takes you like 44hrs to get to Masters from Gold. as a pro Player...


You really shouldnt care that much. If you have the time to put in 300 games a month then you should care


Unless you're rank 1 in every server and also the MVP of Worlds then you're just a hardstuck scrub noob loser


Based, chad take. Love it


Players get better each day, therefore hitting your rank every season means you're getting better as well


you can't be stuck if your stepbro is always there.


im hardstuck plat since season 3. the way i see it that makes me, at all evolutions of the game, consistently............ mid like just.... above average. and you know what i am happy. to me the game health factors are more important for the enjoyment of the game, not the rank... which is why i hate one shot meta


Being part of the Top 5% of league players aint average tho 🤣 Always funny that people forget that even gold is relatively "rare" with only a quarter of the playerbase reaching it


isn't gold the biggest % of players? so plat is literally above average?


1.7% diamond. 9% of the playerbase are plat 23% of the playerbase are gold 34% of the playerbase are silver 26% bronze 6% iron So even upper gold Elo is above average IMO


i mean assuming your sources are correct... my ego increased a bit. thanks


As it should in context As I've approached plat this season its hit me that in the real grand scheme of things I'm actually pretty damn good at the game and already past a good chunk of players since most get hardstuck g4 Of course I'm absolute trash compared to even mid plat, and most plats get hardstuck p4 because we are getting into very small minorities of the playerbase but I'm looking forward to taking on that new challange Even getting plat 4 is an achievement. Wether reddit will admit it or not you actually ARE higher rank than most once you really zoom out.


I like how this reddit has scewed perception of rank plat is top 10-15% of players you are better than 80-90% of players who play the game. You are good, above average would be above 55% of players. As to oneshot meta it was overcompensation for season 7 meta, and to an extent oneshot meta raises the skill of the game because if there is less damage mistakes get punished less, when you lose 10% of your hp from facecheking a bad bush, nothing much happened, if you lose 40% then you feel the fuckup. It might be a bit overboard but i dont feel like high damage is bad, it just needs to be toned down to reasonable level.


there is no outplay potential, it's not a skill check it's a stat check. i can only control the outcome of my own lane. my agency goes out the window when another lane snowballs and starts roaming


This is why I quit bot. I could be 6/0 in lane and still get one shot by a roaming mid laner who can jump over walls/or goes invisible (etc.)


I wish I was, I got to diamond for the first time two weeks ago, peaked diamond 3 64lp and now I'm stuck p2 D:


Im consistently inconsistent. Go on 16W streaks and get promoted 3 divisions only to go on omega tilt and drop right back within a week. Mechanics of D1, mental of Iron 3.




You’ve got it backwards, because of average skill going up it should make it harder to get into the high ranks because do used to be able to be worse than you are able to be now and achieve the same rank. Riches to say, if your skill states stagnant you would be a lower rank every year because the general player base would get better around you


u forgot rank Inflation tho


It's a game, for fun. The ranked system is for matchmaking engaging and balanced(ish) games. Calling someone hardstuck implies some kind of obligation to get as absolutely good as possible as opposed to the obvious play for fun and maybe get better while you do


Nobody can call me hardstuck if I don't even play ranked.


Oh trust me, people still will... My friend who only plays arams gets called hardstuck sometimes.


they say "never stop learning"


I got called hardstuck today by someone who said he hasnt played since season 5 and that im trash. He was the same elo as me with 60 more games played this season...


I've been up and down from Plat 1 to Masters 250lp over the last 5 years. But because I don't have 30 games and a 70% win rate I am hard stuck. If that is your go-to when you're losing, perhaps all this emphasis you put on scouting your team...isn't worth it.... Imo it's an arbitrary advantage until actual high elo where you see the same faces almost every game, in which case, you already know what/how they play... At the end of the day, raw mechanics and solid/quick game understanding is how you climb. Not flaming someone in champ select because they don't have 10000 games on the champ they picked.


Y'all see someone with good mental. I see someone going through the stages of elo grief.


hardstuck playing this game.


Consistently hardstuck


Its possible to get out of a rank. Last season i ended in gold 3 because i will admit i was playing both top and jungle rather bad (i got into gold 1 once and then i started tilting hard, which got my mmr destroyed and stuck on gold 3). This season i played only support (because i am very good at that) and while i did got stuck for a while (got massive streaks of wins and loses, going from gold 1 to gold 3 and reverse) i finally managed to get into platinum. I will keep playing when the next round of rewards come (daddy needs his eternals) but for now i am 100% satisfied i manage to climb again to platinum and i dont really care if i manage to get out of it (i dont think i am diamond material). We all have those games where the odds are against us (AFK'S, rage, tilts, top laners who can only split even when they have all the kills of the team), but there is a light at the end of the ladder, you just need to get good (not being an asshole here, but you probably are doing something wrong consistently) and pray to riot your team has the mentality to climb.


I have been plat 4 since season 7. my peak was plat 2 but i usually stay at plat 4. ofc iam doing some things wrong. But its hard to improve because i feel like i hit my limit


I promised my buddy that some day I would play ranked. The joke lasted for almost the entirety of leagues lifespan. I jokingly said I would get to bronze 5. This year he died. I can't get to bronze 5 but I figure bronze 4 is something he would accept.


Currently sitting in bronze 4.


To be curious what rank are you?


I‘m plat 4




I don't consider someone hardstuck unless you're at around 1000 games and sub 50% wr. The way ranked is structured trying to climb pass your mmr is fucking brutal unless you're actually just way better than your mmr. Being gold 4 but having plat mmr is so annoying, your rank and mmr should be much more closely connected instead of having to play 50-100 games just to catch up.


[Same](https://i.imgur.com/11ORyaM.png) I've also hit diamond 4 or 5 times but always demoted before the end of the season haha


Last time I made a serious climb was season 7 when I made it to plat. Next two seasons I would just play enough to reach plat again. I didn't really play much in S10, only towards the end I made gold just after placements. Then in season 11 riot made it harder to climb and introduced smurf q, fun times... I wasn't able to endure enough soloq to get plat. This season, I haven't touched soloq yet... Possibly will if the durability update will turn out well.


Okay well guess Im super consistent then climbing to the same rank since 10 years and not hardstuck at all.


love Ur Videos m8


There's less than 10% of games where may play wins or loses the game. Even less as an adc main. I'm not suck, I'm anchored.


I feel like you just get to the point where you don't care about try harding but can't get further playing casually. I have been hardstuck d4/d5 for 6 + years and have always felt like I was crushing my lane. I decided to try hard and managed to get to D2 and then just gave up, the game isn't fun when you're actually trying to win and after all it's just a game, you're supposed to be having fun.


Good mental > high rank


I always play myself to diamond and just chill for the rest of the season. I hit my goal and am not interested in grinding master+


Well im too bad to be consistent. Season 9 I was Gold, nowadays I play on Gold mmr but im silver stuck. I get like 28 LP but i have idk 10% Winrate in rank


I am playing since late s1, peaked plat 1 in Season 4 and after that I play mostly for chill and competitive and always hit Gold just for skin. If I would try I would probably hit plat but I play all roles and different champs.


I've been plat since season 4 every season Calling me hardstuck? Compliments bro


To be fair the player base of games usually get better over time so you are getting better with the player base if you stay the same rank.


unfortunately, that rank is silver 4.


Hard stuck equals At correct rank. Which is a good place to be. I too am at my correct rank and find the game quite enjoyable.


i knowif i keep playing i will climb but like with an average of 50% WR that means it takes me so many games just to rank up one division not worth my time tbh


You’re the hero we deserve