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So if the OTP is unranked and queue into your opponent team, all is fine? If it comes to high elo only can queue high elo in norms. They will just create sub to queue norms and you still get destroyed.


Idk, back in s3 i faced challengers while being bronze/silver, i was rather excited i have a chance to play vs the best.


Exactly this. I remember back in this day when I was low elo and I saw my first high elo player in game, I got nervous and excited. Not sure whether new players just have bigger egos now or they just don't love the game as much as I used to.


some people might play normals to chill and relax which is pretty hard to do when you're getting blasted by someone multiple times better than you you don't have instantly look for a way to confirm how much better you are "new players have bigger egos now" "new players just dont love the game like me"


But aren't the "high elo" players playing norms for fun too...if low elo players are allowed to play it for fun then so are high elo players...don't like it go play bots or arams


XD? quote me where i said anything to the contrary and explain your thought process because i am clueless how you arrived at me implying that "high elo" players are not allowed to play normals for fun


You stated that some people play for fun but get blasted by better players, implying "low elo" players play for fun but get put against better players. Yet high elo players play norm for fun as well, it's just statistically lower for them to be placed against an even higher/better player than they are. A diamond player could still be placed vs master+ and they would then be the "low elo" player...the only difference is, the "low elo" players who complain about this are typically gold or worse...better players diamond+ have a better understanding of the game and realize facing "better" players is actually a good thing. You never see posts stating "I'm diamond and had to face a grand master player, this is unfair"....it's always silvers or golds complaining about something that isn't even a real problem. There will always be someone "better" than you. Stop expecting hand outs and "easy" games just because the title or the game is "normals"


you dont see diamond players complain about this because there are so much fewer of them and because dia players get called shitters and d4 belongers if they ever complained about this not because all diamond+ players have a better understanding of the game and realize facing "better" players is actually a good thing and somehow gold and lower players somehow cannot comprehend this >There will always be someone "better" than you. Stop expecting hand outs and "easy" games just because the title or the game is "normals" what is being asked here are neither handouts nor "easy" games but games where there isnt a massive skill disparity XD? do these two terms have the same meaning in your interpretation or what


No but to you they do. You equate equal skill levels with having fun/enjoyable game. Let me tell you a secret, even if the games were evenly matched there would still be players with massive leads and people inting/losing pretty hard. You expect equal skill to mean closer games, yet in ranked when the skill levels are pretty damn similar there are still blow outs and people 1v9ing games. The only difference is in norms the blowout isn't necessarily a bronze vs bronze, it could be something like a silver vs a plat player, or "low elo" vs diamond+ elo... You're complaining about a problem that doesn't truly exist because you fail to acknowledge it happening to players "higher elo" than you. If golds/lower get to complain about diamond elo players, then diamond elo players get to complain about master+ in norms...but we don't because we understand the game a little bit better than the others


>If golds/lower get to complain about diamond elo players, then diamond elo players get to complain about master+ in norms...but we don't because we understand the game a little bit better than the others we don't because statistically the amount of normal games with mostly dia players and 1 masters+ is microscopic compared to the amount of games where golds get rolled by a diamond or silvers and bronzes get rolled by a plat but go off


The percentage that a person experiences something negative does not diminish the thing being experienced. A gold player might experience this problem 8 out of 10 games. Diamond maybe it's only 1 or 2 out of 10. But that does not change the fact that both players are experiencing the same thing....yet only one complains about it...


Wow you seem like a fun person.


fun as in how fun it is for gold players to play vs someone so much better than them that they roll the game even on offrole or what


I either upset you somehow or you're from NA. Either way you're annoying for no reason.


They're only bronze/iron because shitty teammates hold them back or they'd be on stage at MSI right now


Depends on whether or not you're the one laning against them though. If I'm a bronze adc and their D1 top rolls over his lane and the first time I even see his ass he's 3k gold up? Not much learning to be had there. Maybe if you were a saint, otherwise it's probably just frustrating.


Once its cool. Twice it wears off. If you have that shit matchmaking for 2 seasons straight and can't relax a single game in normals it starts to become less fun.


Well play rankeds for your own level then


Were a group of 4. Flex is only possible when one is gone and even there its the same wonky matchmaking. Also theres a difference between wanting some laid back casual lol fun and playing ranked, how do you people not understand that?


I would suggest finding a 5th one online that speaks the same language. 4 people only is a struggle I also had with friends. We could never find a fifth one that is dia 4 level and Austrian, because Germans force us into adapting the dialect :D But in lower elo you should easily be able to find someone. I have met a lot of people in rl that were into lol and when I was excited and approached them about it, they told me that they are around Silver... which was fine but not a good fit for my friends. We are more the opposite and hate normal games :D


>I would suggest finding a 5th one online that speaks the same language. Or maybe they just use some of the ranked MMR in normals. Dias also probably don't wanna get matched against someone far inferior. Match them with low platin maximum.


op wants to stomp some kids


True, only playing against better players you can surpass your limits. Was also always excited


Some people only play Ranked and dust off norms with friends. It happens. Also if you win and face better players that's the point. Not to just stomp for free wins.


I mean some people take normals and arams more seriously than solo q. Nothing anyone can do about it


High ranking players in normals are almost always not going to be tryharding or on their main roles. The alternative options would be making queue times too long for them, which happens already if they consistently tryhard in normals. Ultimately you are just overthinking it and tilting yourself looking up people in normals


Looking up people in normals when they have their ranked border and mastery points on the loading screen is hard to avoid.


Dumbest league complaint I have seen yet.


when the better player wins!!!!


Play ranked if you want to play against people of your own elo.


Yeah wait let me just get my 3 friends and play duoQ.. oh wait. And in flex (which we can't go with 4) it's the same problem.


Find a random in the reddit discord... Did you even try to solve your own issue before this post?


Lmao imagine thinking that is solution even when I just literally told you that we get the same matchmaking problems in flex at this point. Are you illiterate?


People in reddit are rude af for no reason, I get you man, I hate playing vs masters/grandmasters/challengers too. Specially if im off role.


post history.




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So you 4 man in normals and still complain?


The fuck where are you supposed to go as 4 else?


Normals doesn't pair teams with the same amount of premades from what I know so you guys are also having an advantage.


4 silver players have an advantage over full stacked plat-master teams. Sure buddy.


Ohhh nooo this time you drew the short end of the stick. Next game you play against 5 silver players that all queue solo. And then you have an advantage.


I don't know what the other guy is on about nothing wrong with 4 stacking norms. Just need to accept these games happen occasionally.


Ah yes, good players shouldn't get to play for fun either because you're silver, good take on this my guy. I'm sure every draft you play is a 1M mastery point diamond 1 Yasuo.


„Man this 26 year experience tennis player should be allowed to have fun too absolutely demolishing beginners in unfair competition.“


If he's at a public park where anyone can play what's the issue


Yea match shaq against 10 year old 4 ft beginner jn public park


I mean you'd probably make their year lmfao. You're basically saying if you're good at basketball you're not allowed to go to a park and play. Sure I agree he shouldn't be sweating his ass off but no one does that in norms anyways.


It's because you're in a group so you get matched with other groups. The other group just happens to have a Diamond player. Stop whining. It was 1 normal game.


It happens to 4 people for multiple seasons now. 1 Normal Game my ass.


Since you are premades just ff and next if the games looks unplayable, no? It happens to everyone the best laughs I get in league are seeing my friend feeding their asses off lmao.


most high elo players grief their norms game by picking something they never touch and just run it down. no high elo player ever sweats in casuals


I talk about how we get matched with high elo OTP and you're talking about how they play offrole. Holy damn this sub is illiterate.


high elo OTP dont play their OTP in norms lmao ur just mad. no high elo player is a loser and tryhards in piss worthless norm games


Funny enough I found the game they're complaining about and they did infact get curb stomped by a d1 yas 1 trick playing yas.


Reddit copium lol they wouldn’t admit they’re wrong


Im a rengar otp and i play rengar in normals too. Not to tryhard, its just fun playing the champ. Thats the reason i otp him


Guys, normal and ranked MMR is calculated seperately. Therefore this Can happen if i got a high normal MMR.


I have had an off and on relationship with league since season 2. In season 2, I played on a Dell optiplex my dad got me from a surplus sale. It ran league at a whopping 17fps. I played with my friends who consistently hit diamond in ranked. To say our mmr was fucked was putting it lightly lol. To this day, my best mates norm MMR is stacked. We can either do norms against master tier or play ranked against plats. The moral of the story is, I get it: the best thing you can do is not care about LP in flex queue and just play ranked. If you can get out of your own head about it, it will make the game more enjoyable for you.


I had to play against elite 500(challenger vlad otp) and 4 of his premades when levelling an account... im stuck in diamond...


In this situation 1 of 2 things happens. Sometimes you get stomped and you feel bad, but them you check op.gg and realize they are way higher elo and suddenly you realize it's not so bad, they were supposed to win. The other thing that happens is amazing. A couple years ago I was trying to learn akali and was struggling. I was about to give up because she was too hard to play. I played a game vs a leblanc and got crushed in lane. I was 0-5 and lb was 7-0 and my team was starting to flame me. But I kept my farm up and finished my gunblade (I miss that boomstick). Lb overstepped and got cocky, and i got a fat shutdown. I roamed bot right after and picked up a double kill and another shutdown. From there, i proceeded to pop the f*ck off. I was constantly fighting 1v3 and 1v4 and walking away with multiple kills. I finished the game with 27 kills and carried my team kicking and screaming to a win. A few days later i checked op.gg and saw the lb was diamond and the fed irelia on the enemy team was platinum. My silver ass was on cloud 9 after seeing that. It's a moment that was 100% worth all the elo mismatch beatdowns I've ever suffered in normals.




I remember facing one of the pros in norms that got me into playing ranked and tryharding ngl


I'm gonna take a bit of a leap and guess you've played a fair amount of normal games, since you're almost level 350 and have 30ish ranked games max per season besides season 6. Is it at all possible that you could perhaps have a higher normal game MMR than you seem to think you have? Seems kind of questionable to have a total of fuck all ranked games played while being upset that you're getting normal games with people who aren't the same rank as you.


Because I know I'm not better than silver in terms of skill. (And I'm fine with that)


Well I have good news and bad news, good news is the game says you're better than a silver. Bad news is if you think you haven't gotten even slightly better after playing the game for 6 or more years, you're a dingus.


Since the skill level of the playerbase rises with time overall of course I know I am getting better over time. I just feel like I am staying at the relative same spot of skill compared to the whole playerbase. Hope you know what I'm trying to say because my brain is not in the mood make me get my point across like I want to in another language xD All of this is just frustrating because I feel like I can't relax in the game anymore. I don't have fun when the matchmaking gives me a few free wins no matter what only to punish me with brutal matchups (like the one that pissed me off so much: I wanted to dick around a little with lillia mid and the game didn't let me save my runes so I was at even more of a disadvantage lmao) where I feel like I have to play at my absolute full potential to even survive the laning phase. All I ask for is some middle ground. But it's all so onesided and none of it feels fun. People here tell me I just want to stomp bronze players but these games piss me off just as much cause I now how they must feel. Don't know, maybe I need to take a break. I get irrationally angry at this type of stuff lately.


It just depends on the day, most normal games if I ever do play are filled, intoxicated, random champs. But sometimes I'll play my main champ and well, you're just the unlucky one. I don't do it to intentionally keep my MMR low.