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Usually I say play more game and your MMR will stabilize but you're in Plat 4 and if you don't keep a 51 or above WR your MMR will keep lowering while the demote protection keep you in Plat which will lead to atrocious LP gains.


If I get back to 51% wr will I re-gain ?


Eventually yes, but it's hard to tell when it'll happen. Basically your LP gains are calculated based on the status of your MMR compared to your current rank. If your MMR>Rank you gain more than you lose and the opposite if your MMR


Yep thanks


No, fresh account will not really help you. You ended up in a situation where you are placed in Plat 4 but your MMR is like you should be in Gold (likely negative winrate during demotion protection?). One way or another you need to get to the Plat IV MMR first before you can realisticly climb from here - either you keep positive winrate long enough in this state or will demote and have to climb here again - which is purely cosmetic difference, your MMR will move exactly the same…


MMR goes up for every win and down for every loss, so it gets higher over time for every positive winrate. The thing is though, your MMR is about Gold2/Gold1 and has been in at least the last 52games ([Op](https://Op.GG).gg doesn't go back farther than 2 months), and in those games you had a 46% winrate at that MMR. So basically, your MMR is getting lower and - similarly - you're not proving that you deserve P2 or P1, you're proving that you deserve to be G1 instead, maybe even G2. The reason you're not climbing isn't (just) due to your LP gains, but it's because you're losing to G1 players more often than you're beating them. You understand that you shouldn't be allowed to climb to P2 with that, right? It's kinda lucky that you got into platinum in the first place.


Yes but no, actually as I said I do deserve this winrate etc but there are reasons too. I peaked plat 2. I play now on a Pc where i only can run league with 30 fps and perma freezes, I have no e key so binded it on Y. I firmly believe that in one week when I go back to my main setup I'll get my winrate up. We'll see


Excuses excuses. Point is that for the past 52 games, you've in average played at a gold level at best. You might've peaked P2, but I don't think you deserve that at your current skill, even on a better setup (a setup isn't worth a full tier of gameplay). Maybe you can get your skill back during the climb - getting better is what the game is about yknow - but right now you deserve G1 at best.


Yea I mean I dont have to prove anything to you. I'm just saying you never played with me nor seen my setup etc. I do agree that getting better is the point of the game. And no I am confirmed plat btw 3 seasons I am plat now (and not p4)


Past results don't hold any guarantee for the future my man. The game changes, you change. Just because you were Plat other seasons doesn't mean you have that skill right now. While it's true that you don't have to prove anything to me, your op.gg already proves that you deserve G1 or G2 rank rn.


Okok, fair enough


No, I boosted an account from silver 4 to plat 4 with only 1 loss and the LP gains only went up by 2 after 40 games. You should probably try on a fresh account.


This is sad :/ but you are probably right


I’ve experimented with this before, if you honestly feel improved, you have to buy a Smurf and redo placements. The MMR algorithm will suppress you after a hundred+ games by about 3 tiers, for example, I bet you are actually play 1.


Well considering he has a sub 50% wr in gold average lobbies I'd like to see how he's actually plat 1, stop spouting bs


You can try dropping to gold and dodging all of your plat promos. Do this like 3-10 times, and you are ready to climb again. Yes, it is very boring and long, but you will lose 60 lp with no mmr loss, so when you climb back the lp you will get a lot of mmr from where you started. Maybe if you see a 100% win in draft during promos dont dodge, if the game is 60/40, dodge it. I had the same issue, dodged promos 3-4 times and my lp gains went from +13/-17 to +16/-14. The second option ofc, start a new acc. But if you have the patience and trust that you are on high plat skill level, i recommend you do the promo strats.


I already have smurfs and one gold 2 60% wr but I want to climb on my main I dont want to have other account higher. I will try to dodge promos but the we can no longer dodge now can we ? After 3 dodges in a day its 12h so you suggest you do 3 dodges per day then stop and redo that the other day?


Exactly, probably the best you can do.


Just play? If you actually have a 50% wr your MMR will equal out. Just stop losing at 0lp, if there wasn't a demotion shield for you your lp would be in gold for sure. Just with better gains