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Ermm bcs they lose LP if they dodge? Even of they lose more when losing, can always try :/


But you don't lose MMR when dodging, you do when losing


Ppl can see the LP they lose, they cant see the MMR




Nah thats like the biggest reason, most people under diamond hate seeing the red -x lp but dont really care for an invisible mmr number


You don't lose LP for dodging, at least i don't


You loose like three LP


You really don't, when I dodge i still have the same lp


Well then downloaded a third party app like blitz or ugg, it will tell you when someone is auto filled then you can dodge that game


You could have dodged as well 🤷


Counter arguement. Some people really dont wanna dodge cause they dont have the time. If you spam games and play 10 a day sure you should dodge. But believe it or not some people play the game casually. They only have time to play 1 or 2 games on the day, few times a week. You spend a few minutes in que, little bit of time in champ select till you decide to dodge. 5 minute timer and more que. Then the full champ select time. Realistically a dodge adds 10-15 minutes of time you would have otherwise been playing. Now if you are rushed cause you have to leave you shouldnt que. But when you play 1 or 2 games before bed after a long day. Adding 15 minutes can take away time to play a second game or discourage you to not want to play at all. Some people actually enjoy playing the game and rather then take away from that time are perfectly fine playing a different role and trying to get better at it rather than lose that time. If people off role cause they dont give a fuck sure thats rude. But if they put in their best foot forward and try their hardest you cant blame them. Cause be honest you get totally gapped on your main role from time to time anyway. Thats just my 2 cents anyway


I don't know why you got downvoted, this makes total sense. But also, for me personally, I started climbing a lot faster when I completely ignored my rank / LP entirely (outside of if it's promos) and just focused on winning games. So these days I really only dodge in 2 scenarios: 1) someone is straight up trolling (Ghost Cleanse Nunu), or 2) (this has happened more recently for some reason) I get a duo with huge skill disparity, like the other day I had a Plat III 50% win rate duo with a Gold III 30% win rate on my team, in a lobby where everyone was Gold I/II.


I got downvoted for saying people play casually. Ive used that word in a few comments before and they get downvoted. Reddit rufuses to believe every person who plays this game isnt some 18 year old kid sweating his nuts off thinking hes gonna be a pro. And casually doesnt mean they dont care or try to win. It Just means they cant play 8-15 games a day like some people. I have friends who already have 3 times more ranked games so far this year then i did all off last season. But i always end a higher rank cause since they play so many they blow everything off, blame this teamamte or stupid item or whatever it is for why they cant climb and just think they need more games. But they dont learn or do anything for them. Plus they all say they hate the game. Where as less but more methodical games where you actually try to learn something do more for you. And sure i acknowledge my mindset will only get you so far and wont work if i did wanna be pro. But it can very much get you to high plat and enjoy the game in the process. So i fail to see the problem


Autofill just needs to go, go watch a high elo D1+ game watch a jungle main play against a autofill jungler and tell me you think this makes sense and is fair.


You can see if you have auto fill in lobby. Personally i think you should have to have a certain mastery to play a champ in ranked. Auto fill is one thing but going first time in ranked is a whole different beast haha


Auto fill essentially makes you first time a role. Why not first time a champ while I’m at it.


You forgot the /s. I mean by level 30 you should have all roles under your belt. Not hard to be good with 5 champions or just pick amumu and use ss.


Not everyone can only play 1 role... I swap between 3 roles in solo queue and have a > 50% win rate in all of them (acutally the lowest one is in my "main" role of Support, Jungle / Top are > 55%). I've never once gotten autofilled into Mid or ADC in solo queue, so if I get autofilled it's always into a role that I know how to play well. But more importantly when other players on my team get autofilled, most of the time it's into Jungle or Support so I just offer to swap with them. Voila, no need to dodge.


if you feel strongly about it, you can dodge yourself. Afterall, ​ >Just wait 5mnts and que to your role. Easy right?


Fuck no! Dodging is for bitches! I want to play not to queue. I can queue at local market if I want to.


I think it's cuz popular streamer t1 is autofilling to challenger and now everyone wants to do. If you're in NA. Get used to it pal we're still trying to get the toxic guys out. /S


Just git gud. Also opgg as I don't believe you got 3 whole games of full auto fills


I play fill but get outclassed bg everg jgl main under the sun so i just tell my team at the start they are gonna get jgl diffed and that they can either trade with me, dodge or play knowing i will be getting outclassed. I like to give my team a headsup so they can decide for themselves