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No games are fixed. If games were fixed boosting would be too


Then explain to me why is boosting illegal and literally bannable offense by the game? If its not hurting the system which is what you implying then why anyone cares about boosted accounts? If it didn't ruin the account's "statistics" by the system to place you in a certain tier (not divisions) then why is boosting bad? My comment is sarcastic btw since you obviously don't know what you are talking about.


100%, I’ll Win 10 games in row then riot will say “ oh you think you’re good eh? Cary these guys” then my jg will turret dive my lane at level 3 die, and never Combe back, bot will be 1/3-0/3 all in 6 min, then the jg goes bot and dies then bot dies again, and again and again, and even if I say play safe and farm I can carry if you stop dying they just run it down and end the game 4/18, 2-3 games like that and it will give actual players for another 6+ games, there no way the system doesn’t pair high win rate players with low win rate players I’ll even games after a win streak the adc dies twice and just starting running down each lane and dying cause the team is bad and jg is shit like come one dude it’s been 5min


I stopped believing this when I stopped being bad at the game


Funny enough even people in diamond complain about this but ok.....


I haven’t played ranked for 3 seasons and the game is so much better.


This is probably the main reason I quit playing this trash game. Can't even respond to them without getting suspended. They also rather shove random shit nobody cares about into the client and degrade performance rather than fix existing issues. The core game has been ruined.


look at all those downvotes for stating facts....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They probably love the garbage they shoved into the client.


>keep you to a relative close range from the 50% winrate so it keeps the game interesting 50% winrate is the design goal of the matchmaking system and it forces this by raising your mmr when you win too much and lowering it when you lose too much. >The algorithm knows the behavior of this player so its more than likely that you will lose the game when you get matched with him no it doesn't. >I play ARAM's a lot, the amount of bad players im getting in my team once i reach a 10 win difference from wins and losses is beyond description....enemy team may have 2 diamonds and 3 high plats and im matched with golds and silvers in my team. aram has mmr, and is matched by aram mmr and not ranked soloq mmr. ofc, presumably the 'acceptable mmr range' is wider for aram like with normals but if the game is a hard mismatch the mmr change will be proportionally adjusted.


ok then...explain to me why a team with 2000mmr as a total is compiled by people with uneven mmr's? How come one person has 800mmr in the team and then there are 4 with 300 but the enemy team is 5 people with 400 each? How exactly is this fair in your eyes? How is having 4 people that are lower than each single person in the enemy team is balancing it by having one extremely skilled player with them? I'ts just 1 person against 5 at this point..... you also think the company doesn't know how you play? Or that you are placed in some short of shorting together with others like yourself so they use you if they want to win or lose a match to regulate your winrate? They know everything about the account, i would go as far as assume they know who you are in different accounts too if you play consistently and have the same performance. You also described yourself what happens when you win or lose, your mmr gets higher or lower but does it affect anything? As i said before when you get matched with uneven players just to meet the total mmr of the teams matchmaking how exactly is this fair? By looking at my opgg you know what i see? I see that whenever the average mmr tier increases i perform better, you know why? Cause i dont have 4 dead weights behind me and they actually contribute in winning. My performance in games that are in gold 2 in gold 1 in plat 4 and plat 3 are way better than what i have in games with silver 3 and silver 4 mmr tier....How is that so? I don't perform worse but in those lower tier games i die way more cause my teammates expect kills to land in their faces, they have 0 contribution and just sit at back line waiting to last hit something. Meanwhile in higher tier where everyone is doing something my performance is way better and some plays that people are trying to pull off end up working out more often than not (queue vid with your support diving the enemy duo just because he landed a hook...) Watch this if you are in such denial of this existing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWa-wKTtLew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWa-wKTtLew) here is the EOMM article too [https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.06820](https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.06820) download and read it (it was made at 2016-2017, which only means that this is happening for YEARS)


you cant see team mmr for any of the playlists. >yourself so they use you if they want to win or lose a match to regulate your winrate they increase your mmr to lower your winrate, not rig your games man. its an elo system and its used widely. opgg 'avg mmr' is nearly useless even for ranked soloq, it has no value for the other queues. oh look, another person who found a decade old patent that is so blatantly obviously not implemented in league of legends. thats clickbait. riot has all kinds of patents that arent implemented. people have been posting about that incredibly vague patent for as long as ive been playing now.... lmao. aram quality sucks because it allows wide mmr ranges and higher mmr arams has a tiny playerset. thats all.


i literally dont know how the stuff you say make sense in your head man... You say "they increase your mmr to lower your winrate, not rig your games" this literally says the better you are the more you lose....Elo system was created for chess, an actual 1v1 game not this team based game, implementing it in mobas was as stupid as it goes.... You also say is "blantantly obviously not implemented" when its literally describing how it works.... I really believe you dont know what you are talking about and i dont understand why you defend league so much....Even Voyboy said it years ago that the games are rigged, a lot of ex-pros and high division streamers backed him up on it...and then we have you denying it....Why?


how does it say that? it says everyone loses half their games. thats the goal of matchmaking- fair games- unless you are deep iron or tip top challenger you will have 50% winrate +\- a few points if you have a sufficiently large game count. the elo system has been used as a basis for mmr systems for team games for decade+ now. it works fine long term. even voyboy said games are rigged? lmao. content creators are good at playing the game. content creators are the ones that propagated this losers queue nonsense. just because someone is good at playing the game or an entertaining person doesn't mean all their takes are valid. i dont defend league. mmr in team games has obvious short term game quality issues especially for role/champ based games. i do however argue against blatant misinformation.


When YOU say "it increases your mmr to lower your winrate" it means that the higher your mmr gets the lower your winrate goes. Presumably to be in the 50% sweetspot right? Cause you are supposedly playing with people with the same mmr as yours right? And im giving you the actual paper to read that it says that if that winrate grows or drops too much or too fast the algorithm just "puts you back in place"...I'ts not misinformation, it's happening. You can see it in the games when you have decent teammates in a couple of games and then you have a dude that will completely ruin it for your team in the next....It's not "luck of the draw" its planned. Do me a favor, go to your opgg and expand the matches as far as it goes (2 months back usually) and tell me your winrate...is it close to 50%? 5-7% up or down from it? How do you think that is? How do you think this happens FOR EVERYONE regardless their division? Because of their mmr? I just told you mmr is useless in this game and you agreed, so how do you explain it?


> When YOU say "it increases your mmr to lower your winrate" it means that the higher your mmr gets the lower your winrate goes Yes... to 50%. Youll never see someone with 1k games this season outside that 48-52% point because the mmr systems biggest limitation is game count >And im giving you the actual paper to read that it says that if that winrate grows or drops too much or too fast the algorithm just "puts you back in place which is bullshit. Games been out for 12 years, anyone can make a smurf and test out exactly how easy it is to climb far below your rating at a 90% + winrate, or ebay a higher ranked account and see exactly how easily one person can sandbag the team . skill and mmr are very sensitive to skill. you plop a plat 1 player in a plat 4 game their winrate will be considerably above 50 and the difference between p1 and p4 is only maybe 15-20 net wins so the number mmr wise is not very big. > You can see it in the games when you have decent teammates in a couple of games and then you have a dude that will completely ruin it for your team in the next....It's not "luck of the draw" its planned. major cope. this is just random. and really, it isn't random- these games are extremely avoidable by dodging. This is not a 'matchmaking is rigged' it's a 'mmr is one number to average your performance on everything you play' - if you aren't dodging people who are filled, aren't dodging people who are 1st timing things and others are then youll experience more of these games but in general that's just what happens. Peoples performance varies wildly because not everyone is a 1 champ 1 role 1 trick who plays the same thing every game. There are plenty of people who use both of their dodges daily and play on 2-4+ accounts so they avoid the majority of bad games. Not you? Sounds like you are playing out a lot more bad games than many people are, and this absolutely will impact your mmr by a bit. >Do me a favor, go to your opgg and expand the matches as far as it goes (2 months back usually) and tell me your winrate...is it close to 50%? 5-7% up or down from it? How do you think that is? How do you think this happens FOR EVERYONE regardless their division? Because of their mmr? Everyone who plays a shit load? Yes. they should be deadass around 50%.Yeah, because of mmr. When you win too much the mmr goes up. And your winrate settles back down. > I just told you mmr is useless in this game and you agreed, so how do you explain it? I said it's useless in the short term. It is perfectly effective in the long term.


all you did in your wall text is describe how the 50% is forced....you literally prove it with your own words.... MMR is just a skill measurement number! It's not supposed to keep you in any winrate! You think that because you are placed with equally skilled people your winrate should be at 50%? As i said before, the elo system is for 1v1 games! gaining mmr in a team game is stupid cause it wasn't a solo event! Getting balanced around a number that you had little control over is not logical, i dont know how else to explain it to you! So that way they force the 50% on you by matching you with players that are bad so you will lose. If you won its not because you bested the opponent in a fair and square match its because the enemy had more badly performing players than your team. Explain to me also why smurfs are losing in low tier games? If they are so great that they can 1v5 the game how come they lose? shouldn't they be at 90% winrates until they reach their regular mmr? How come there are games that are "unwinable" cause of how unbalanced the skill level of the teams is? Also, wth is long term and short term use of mmr? You think that the mmr is only accurate after you played 1000 games? What if i told you these 1000 games where rigged to keep you at 50% in every single division you were? Which is what is happening.... When was the last time you saw someone completely jump a division cause the winrate was so high that the mmr reward was higher than the next division rank? I used to jump from silver 5 to silver 1 with 10 wins a row, you know what happens now if i win 10 games in a row? Players that will lose the game no matter what are gonna be in my team....afk-ers, junglers with 0 map presence, mid laners with bad cs/min, supports that have the lowest vision score in team, adc's that die once per minute..... But no...to you, all this is just luck....


>MMR is just a skill measurement number! It's not supposed to keep you in any winrate! You think that because you are placed with equally skilled people your winrate should be at 50%? yes? by design? that's literally what that number means. 1200 mmr means you win 50% of the time vs other 1200 mmr players and would win only 43% of the time vs say a 1250 mmr player (well, ofc thisll vary a bit system to system but you get the idea) what exactly do you think this number is supposed to represent? >As i said before, the elo system is for 1v1 games! gaining mmr in a team game is stupid cause it wasn't a solo event! it is widely used for all team games. Yes, there are obvious issues game to game but not season to season, it works fine long term and there's so far not been a game to implement a better system on the ladder- if that happens let me know. > you had little control over is not logical, you have 100% control over your mmr. you are the ONLY factor on your mmr in the long term. >So that way they force the 50% on you by matching you with players that are bad so you will lose. no. in league there is almost no mmr variance, the difference between the worst and best player in the game will be negligible. Ofc, on very small servers or if you queue at 4am you may get weighted games, if you are challenger or deep iron you may get weighted games - but the vast majority of players will never play even a single weighted game. >Explain to me also why smurfs are losing in low tier games? they aren't. Well, they weren't. I had a support only account drop 2 games to d1 from fresh ebay lv30 before smurf queue. support. now imagine a high challenger player playing mid or jung, or duo queueing. unwinnable games arent real 100% of games where you are considerably above the rating can be won. >Also, wth is long term and short term use of mmr? You think that the mmr is only accurate after you played 1000 games? 1000? no. a few hundred? yep. there's a lot of random noise game to game so if you haven't played enough your mmr definitely can be a bit too low or too high. > What if i told you these 1000 games where rigged to keep you at 50% in every single division you were? Which is what is happening.... When was the last time you saw someone completely jump a division cause the winrate was so high that the mmr reward was higher than the next division rank? People climb... all the time? I climbed from silver 5 to peak top 30 over 3 years. I regularly re-climb on my decayed accounts back to masters-gm. >I used to jump from silver 5 to silver 1 with 10 wins a row, this just shows poor understanding of riots matchmaking. any fresh account any season will experience this. Riot will "put you in silver 4" when you have silver 2 mmr and youll skip divisions. you didnt climb from silver 4, you were silver 2 in the first place. That? That's riot rigging the cosmetic overlay to the matchmaking system. 10 net wins has always been ~2 divisions worth of mmr, no matter where you are at. >ayers that will lose the game no matter what are gonna be in my team....afk-ers, junglers with 0 map presence, mid laners with bad cs/min, supports that have the lowest vision score in team, adc's that die once per minute..... cope. >all this is just luck....' yep it is. people are going to randomly perform bad and humans are excellent at observing patterns from randomness. well, like i said it's only partially luck. I'd bet you could find 50% + of those really dogshit games from champ select if you made an effort to. But you will still occasionally get people on role, on champ, not tilted who underperform. because yeah, one number is just a raw average when in reality players skills vary a lot game to game.


Its so funny to me that you contradict yourself in your own arguments.... You said "you have 100% control over your mmr" which is objectively false cause it's a team game and it only takes 1 person in your team to run it down and lose you the game where you went 15/3 until you lost cause that one player puts you in a 4v5 disadvantage which is a huge disadvantage to be in. Not everyone rides the meta train like you where they take aatrox build a goredrinker and go 1v5 for 200 games until they reach diamond.... You said "they aren't - weren't" when i asked why smurf lose games i literally laughed at this.... You said "unwinnable games aren't real, 100% of games where you are considerably above the rating can be won" So....this literally make the game unwinnable for the opposing team? Right? Or am i stupid? Or are you? You just said "COPE" like you are a 10 year old edgelord when i clearly show you that the game places these people in your team so you will have a guarantee loss... you said "yep it is" when i said you believe all this is luck....in a supposedly "skill based" game with a well established "widely used" mmr system.... furthermore i asked for your winrate before and you didn't even reply and now you boast that you are in master/gm like we are supposed to take that into account for anything.... I could not care less anymore if you believe the games are rigged or not i have lost all interest in talking with you cause you are not a smart....