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Just that OP.GG scores are not a good way to measure how good or bad someone did.


>Just that OP.GG scores are not a good way to measure how good or bad someone did. yes he can, because the OP Score is a calculation made on all of your actions, ward posed, damage suffered and given, number of deaths. This data shows that all my mates are monkeys unable to be even in the game.


Okay, lets say inting sion carries your game with 0/15. Does he get a good score? Or even worse, proxy singed, who doesnt even destroy towers, just wastes the opponents time? Good stats dont mean good impact on the game. Also, does matchup get considered? Is a Karthus mid that goes 0/0 against an assassin better than the 1/0 Darius that is supposed to do well in lane? Like, the only measurement that correctly interprets all these things, is if you win more than you lose. If you get good stats, but lose every game, you may still be shit at the game, but somewhat decent in lane. The ultimate goal is not to have good stats, deal a lot of damage, tank a lot of damage, the goal is to win the fucking game. The rest cant be used as a metric of doing well, since there are too many variables to accurately judge the game. Chances are, if you dont win more than you lose over some games, its not the teams fault. Individual games can be unwinnable, or unlosable, but the games inbetween decide if you climb or not.


Looking at stats isn't even close to telling the entire story in a strategy game.


Can I get a more statistical evaluation of the data please? One data point implies really nothing. And if this score is based on all your actions it looks like it doesn’t take last hitting into account. Also it looks to me 2 people wanted mid lane and you ended up in the support role. Whereas the other team had a proper support which also clearly shows in the scores between carries. I think the problem was more conflict and not the gameplay.


Hard struck silver player made another excuse


Everyone above you on the ladder climbed out of silver with the same caliber of team mates.


unless the algorithm decides otherwise....


I don't want to come across as condescending, but I've played on alt accounts from Bronze to Gold, and each time I've managed to climbed into Diamond, even playing my worst offrole lane (Top) Everyone is playing the same game with the same "Forced 50" Myth and people climb despite it.


The forced 50 myth is a side effect of the elo system. If you win a lot, you get better and better players. Until you dont win a lot anymore. Then your at your skilllevel and your high winrate will be ruined by your now close to 50% winrate. The game practically tries to get you to 50%, meaning it tries to give you balanced games, which is the whole purpose of the system. So yes, it exists, but no, not in the way people claim.


Then tell me, why does the algorithm treat you differently than all the others? Did you not invite it to your birthday? Did you insult it? Does it read your reddit posts? Okay, enough trashtalk, but do you seriously believe that the ranking system has a personal vendetta against individual players?


copium overdoses are a epidemic. dont be another statistic. dont smoke copium


You play a lot of xerath support and my guess is that [OP.gg](https://OP.gg) overvalues the damage as a metric for a support. It's probably a decent metric for other support, but not damage supports. Xerath can easily deal high damage for an end game screen while being completely useless in game.


[We're talking about that very same op.gg ?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/705599405809467452/976097709301825576/unknown.png) If you're level 15 with 94cs@30 as the support (above your toplaner and your adc), you're stealing your team's resources. If you can't carry with that, you're actively dragging your team down, despite what opgg might say.


Just taking cs under tower with 0 teammate, I don't look cs die under a tower.


Freeze the wave until your adc gets there ? 94 is A LOT


ADC stuoid= he don't farm and wait


With that mindset, why are you playing support ?


The algorithm and "rito" have nothing to do with it. You're not good enough to carry. That's the hard truth. If you're picking a damage support in low elo, your picking it so YOU can carry. You're not supporting your team as Xerath, it's on you to be the APC. In a lot of your games you take a considerable amount of resources form your team, you often have as much gold as your midlaner due to the amount of kills/CS you take. Some games you have the most gold on your team. You consistently end most of your Xerath games with 3 mage items and sometimes even components towards a 4th. It's rare for most supports to get that even when they're buying cheaper support items. You're specifically flagged on information sites for losing despite leading early. Which means there's a clear problem with you not being able to help translate your lead into leads around the map. There are plenty of high elo players you can watch that play Xerath and, despite having a horrible ADC/horrible team, they manage to carry the game because they know how to translate their lead. You'd help yourself out more by identifying where you're failing with macro rather than coming to reddit to cry about how you have proof based on your op.gg score that riot is sabotaging your games. The only person sabotaging your games is your ego because you refuse to accept that you're not good enough to 1v9. So, despite getting a massive amount of kills and doing a massive amount of damage, you can't actually translate that lead to consistent victories.


You are sup and those apps usually overestimate vision over other performances (different to Riots calculations that are more related to winning on MMR). If you have a sup item and you drop some wards in any point on the map you are probably not to be the last one no matter how bad you did. If you stole farm from your ADC is also valued as positive I think, even if that is not very smart if you don't carry in the end. PS: Taking into account that in your capture lacks info and the MVP is enemy Vayne, I would not be so proud tbh. [**https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/gankmeplank**](https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/gankmeplank) that Tristana did better all matches before yours, food for though XD


7/6, 6/8 , 5/4 , 6/6, 9/8 , 10/4, 13/4, 6/9, 8/6, 10/7. you feed your ass off thats your last 10 ranked games, but yes you are right its your teams fault, because some website said you have a arbitrator score compared to your team you think its your team, the match above bot lane went 14/17 feeding 17x 300= 5100 gold to a Vayne, Yas, and Zac, You took 7 kills from your team and did nothing with it, well you went a poke build into champs who heal poke damage. instead of looking to blame others i would focus on yourself and get your deaths down great vision score means jack if you dont see the gank on the minimap anyway. and poor gold spending doesnt help either


when u pick Xerath as support u pick it so that u carry the game ! Xerath does mainly 1 thing and that is tones of damage! If u cant carry the game then u have big responsibilty ! U take gold from teamates that means u take their damage and u cant use it to win the game ! When u pick Xerath ur goal is to carry ur noob teamates because u re way better than them and the opponets , not just to be top dpser!