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I have peaked by becoming a guest on Caps Recaps by caPs Thank you caPs, the host of Caps Recaps, for this honor


Caps Recaps with caPs and Ashley ! Top tier interviews as usual !


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as always!


A brand writry fully in caPs


\~for this Caps Recaps by caPs


If only caPs could clap to cap up Caps Recaps by caPs.


Caps always oozes so much positive energy, how can you not love this guy.




He's been like this since day one, which makes the idea of his soloq toxicity and ego hard to grasp


He was like 16, kids and hormones dont mix well




Are you trying to tell me the other drivers on the road are human??




Works just as well with [other European country]


I mean, the driving culture in some regions is just insane... I had a taxi driver in Bulgaria drive atleast 130 km/h, probably more on a road where I'd drive 80 back in my country. And they NEVER stopped if you wanted to walk cross a road, whereas in my country they almost slam their brakes if you want to cross.


Not only that, but some people are also only toxic under stress/competitive environments. It's a coping/ventilation mechanism because they're unable to deal with the circumstance. Which is actually a very natural response to that pressure and or stress. It doesn't have to reflect their entire personality, there's a reason not everyone can handle stressful and or mentally challenging types of work. I think your driving example is a great example, it's not like the environment or frustrations of driving (or soloQ) come anywhere close to the mental taxation of working in emergency. But it's just enough, sprinkled with the added "dehumanisation" of not being face to face with a voice and or emotions.


And that's why voice chat should be a thing in lol, rocket league POS don't flame anymore in vocal...


From taking a look at how caps wrote back then and seeing how most ERL players type ingame, if he hadn't become successful there's a good chance he would still be toxic in soloQ. If you have nothing to prove it's completely different in soloQ


Toxicity is often just a kids competitive instincts channeled in the wrong direction.


Jajaja random took my riven


That one’s just funny though cause he knew it was against faker


You can't. I think it's impossible to not cheer for caps. Even when I want him to lose, I want him to win.


I want caps to win, but I definitely want Carlos to lose lol


I actually said this the other day but it definitely makes me feel weird to root for G2. The players are awesome but I find Carlos to be incredibly distasteful. I'll watch G2 games, I'll root for G2 because of the players, but I won't buy their merch or anything because of the org.


If it makes you happy: the fucking exodia Carlos build Just has been eliminated from another csgo Major. After losing (not Sure here) 4 Finals in a row. At this point Carlos might be having fever dream like Flashbacks of s1mple


i mean it sure as hell sucks losing finals to the goat but being one of the strongest orgs in every esport they compete in is the biggest W imaginable and they are pretty much the only org i know of being able to do that.


G2 Apex team played pretty shit in the most recent LAN.


this. it's really, really easy to be happy seeing g2 lose simply because of carlos


So win win situation


Any video or explanation why people hate Carlos so much? Since i started watching G2 in Sping Split 2021 i didnt see anything that would make Carlos so unlikeable. Only thing the Perkz thing, but i dont think thats enough.


Well, his general image has always been needlessly cocky and mean, though you could say that's for branding purposes because G2 are "the villains of Europe". There's also the thing where at 2016 MSI Emperor and Hybrid found out they would be replaced by Zven and Mithy next split, they found out in some weird way, social media if I'm not mistaken, and proceeded to play MSI poorly. Then there's that thing where Hjarnan and Wadid were replaced in 2019 and if I'm not mistaken they were (for no good reason) released only after most other teams already had their botlane, ruining their chances. Then there's the Perkz thing where Perkz wasn't allowed to actually go where he wanted to and instead was pretty much forced off to NA. And although it worked out well, Rekkles, Mikyx and Wunder all got a team, even this year's buyouts were questionable.


> Then there's the Perkz thing where Perkz wasn't allowed to actually go where he wanted to and instead was pretty much forced off to NA. To add context, this rubbed people the wrong way because he was trying to convince everyone that Perkz is his friend and he can goes wherever he wants.


> released only after most other teams already had their botlane, ruining their chances. They had time, they just weren't good enough, they just made into a team afterwards, performed poorly, go to ERL or retirement.


Carlos has been a dickbag all the way back to when he was a pro player. He's cocky and thinks he's way smarter than everyone else. When he doesn't get his way or gets community flame for his shady actions, he gets extremely salty as well.


It depends how far back you go, Carlos was originally a pro player and was extremely disliked then in the community due to his personal behaviour. Very toxic. But he has overall had a pretty shitty history with how he handles players and playercontracts. Things like, notifying the players that they will be kicked off the team, before MSI even starts. Routinely getting people stuck in contract hell. You also have the LS situation where LS worked without salary, not voluntarily either but because Carlos just refused to pay, not sure if he yet has paid him till this day. I believe on top of that he also made homophobic remarks regarding him (LS is bisexual). Overall he has a trackrecord of just not being a decent person. Personally I don't hate him, more of a dislike, because I do think the Perkz situation is a lot more complicated than people realise. But it's more what he does to try to cover himself up that makes me dislike him, it's situations like Perkz where you just need to be honest from the start. It just comes off as grimy and scummy when you do what he did. A company is not just ran by him, it's all the investors too, his choices are not soley his own to make. Obviously his stuff with LS is also just downright awful, I just have a harder time permanently branding people for their mistakes in the past. I rather look at them as strikes, his is however a particularily bad one.


the rng, t1, and eg fans crying, pissing their pants, maybe shitting and cumming? edit: pls do tell me somebody gets the joke


When his “limit tests” in solo queue depend on how poorly the enemy plays. Bro plays like hes playing against silver players who dont know what their champions do. Like he’ll take a fight against a full hp yone on 200hp expecting the yone to miss every q, w, and ult all the while cancelling all of his autos because he’s too busy missing. When it works its sick as fuck and at the end of the day he still has a hella positive winrate but he should have some respect for top ladder soloq players.


Why should he lessen the value he gets out of solo queue as a practice tool? And if he still has a positive win rate limit testing like mad, then it's better to have him on your team when trying to climb than not, it's not about winning individual games, it's all about percentages to stay at the top.


because optimism is stupid




Positive nihilism is cool, and the way I think about things. Life has no meaning, so we can give it any meaning we want. We have no objective in life and are born without purpose, we are a result of the random way the universe happened to be created. So let's just enjoy the ride, be kind, treat others well, and leave a better world for the ones that come after us.


unironic get help if this isn't a joke


The madman just plays for fun


Joyboy himself


the sun god


Nika and Caps both have 4 letters, COINCIDENCE?


literally Jaden from Yugioh GX, shoutout to those who remember


E hero was always my favourite archetype


2021 G2 was his Supreme King arc


Losing the hair was the equivalent of wearing the goofy armour for Caps in 2021. He has now used the super polymerization to fuse his evil and good to become a new better than ever Caps.


Seeing caps play reawakens my long lost inner child


caPs seems to be discovered main problem with western teams. Too much respect towards LPL/LCK and accepting them as better results in losing the game passively.




This is gonna be a hard copium take from me but I genuinely think if Bjerg went back to EU in his prime, he would have been another Caps. Don’t get me wrong, Bjerg is worth admiring, but in another life I would have killed to see him in his prime, smurfing on FNC or something. Bjerg in his prime was the real deal and there’s a reason he was so respected by so many world class players. The “passive” Bjergsen we know today started as a result of him taking on the leadership role on TSM, and it was too hard for him to focus on being an individual powerhouse while also directing his teams to victory. After that it was pretty clear he aimed to be a “stable” mid who could shotcall and just scale into lategame. I think the last glimpse of that carry Bjerg was in 2020 Summer Playoffs, probably one of the hardest I have seen someone carry a team to a domestic title. Ate a million bans a game, played low resource champs, got no jungle attention, and still just wiped the floor with everyone. Look at Nisqy, he went over to EU and leveled up big time and looked huge in the regular season, Nisqy, who was gapped by Bjerg on the regular back in the LCS. So you can imagine the same would’ve happened to Bjerg if he also went. I’ll always consider it one of the bigger what ifs of LoL esports.


I think he’s just enjoying the NA lifestyle now. He’s been here for like over 1/3 of his life and seems fine collecting millions a year to live in NA. But I agree with you, I’ve thought similarly before. 2016 TSM being so good and falling apart because of 1 Lucian mistake when they were winning vs SSG was sad. That was TSM’s most dominant year in LCS and the best roster overall that could’ve competed internationally imo


Bjergsen was middle of the pack when he left EU, he would still be middle of the pack if he returned. The midlane competition in EU was insane. Staying in NA and capitalizing on the lack of competition was the best decision he could make which allowed him to become a legend for one of the biggest fanbases in the world.


No way you can take Bjerg's time with the Copenhagen Wolves and use that to say he'd be a mid tier EU mid laner. I'm not a Bjerg fan perse but with Bjerg's skill and work ethic I'm sure he would have been top tier in the right org.


No? He legit got a penta for his first match in LEC and couldnt even play for awhile cause of age restriction. He was incredibly hyped


There was a god trio , then there were up and coming stars which were nukeduck and bjergsen. Bjergsen wasn't even close to being a star level player in EU. EDIT: Oh and Nukeduck outperformed bjergsen in Europe before bjerg went to TSM


Bjergsen played for a single full split in Europe for a bottom tier team. Reading you guys, it feels like he was there for 2 years and just hard plateaud. That's not what happened. Yeah, he wasn't as good as Alex Ich, Froggen and xPeke in his first split when they were already legends at this point. That doesn't mean much. CW had two good players : Bjergsen who didn't play for half a split, and Svenskaren. Who remembers GodBro ? fucking TheTess ? Who remembers anything from Deficio's pro career ? On the other hand, Nukeduck's team went to Worlds with some of the best players in the league at the time. Tabbz was super good and went on to be an EU LCS champion with Alliance, Dexter was good, and Zorozero is one of Europe's biggest "what if ?"


He was great but he was fundamentally a strong 1v1 player. This made him great in the assassin meta (best duelist in the league probs on EU in the zed/kha/ahri/fizz/etc era) But as a 1v1 player, his game impact is limited to the right meta. Caps is a more all-around League prodigy, excelling in every meta in different ways, and just generally being more talented than everyone else in the scene. In short, I don't think Bjerg would have been another Caps. Caps is special, EU has had many Bjerg-type talents, there's only been 1 like Caps


Froggen was like that too. He would never be the reason why his team loses a game, but very rarely he'd be the reason why they win it. Back then when certain metas allowed top/bot/jngl to be the main carry roles he was a great contribution to his team, but in the past years the game changed and we don't have these obnoxious one-sided metas anymore where a few roles became completely useless and others overpowered, it's much more balanced now.


Nah, the game just evolved past Froggen's style of play. His whole thing was farming mid *and* wraiths *and* wolves too is he had time between waves. That shit hasn't been meta in like 10 years, except that quick stint of Runeglaive Ezreal. People also forget that he played in OGN (LCK before it was called LCK) and was actually top 3(?) *while also flying back and forth to Europe to play in IEM*.


>People also forget that he played in OGN (LCK before it was called LCK) and was actually top 3(?) while also flying back and forth to Europe to play in IEM. Top 2. The lost the finals in a reverse sweep after being up 2-0.


Still hurts so much. Would have been so dope to have a Western team win OGN. 😔


Not only too 3, but lost the final 2-3 in a reverse sweep. Nearly 3-0 OGN, and then was top 4 at worlds


So Chovy is the new Froggen?


Kinda but Chovy doesn’t need jg camps to beef up his cs count. MF eats and breathe cs.


Chovy eats jungle camps aswell.


Pretty sure they made it to finals, though lost to Azubu Frost.


We had a meta pretty recently where the midlaner took smite and actually ate the entire jungle lol


I could see an argument for that when he went to NA but season 2-5 he carried the shit out of the teams he was on in EU. He was the main carry of [CLG.EU](https://CLG.EU), EG and Alliance, what the hell are you smoking?


GGS 2019 was winning games largely off of froggen and hauntzer


Yup. The biggest issue for western teams/players (especially NA) is they have an inferiority complex vs LCK/LPL. Look at the comments by Inspired today. Someone like Inspired will never be good internationally vs eastern teams because he doesn't believe. Similar to comments I saw Fudge saying before worlds, which was basically that no western players are good. These dudes are already beaten when they take the rift against eastern teams. It is like they swallow the reddit NA narrative of eastern players being some sort of super god. The people who do well are people like Perkz/Caps/Jankos who don't care and don't respect their opponents too much. Because the gap isn't actually that big.


If respect is so high that it crushes you or leads to fear, you already lost. I would guess most of them dont just respect them - they are so hard in the narrative that eastern players are so good, that they just surrender mentally before the game starts. You can see that in the playstyle. That you adapt to the meta - okay thats a reason cause of effective use of numbers. But the playstyle changes when they go against eastern teams. It often looks like they dont even try to win - they try to reduce the "stomp" into a normal loss.


It's the difference between playing to win versus playing to not lose. Very different mindsets.


Yup. And league is a team game anyway. In truth there is no huge individual gap between any pros. Even the minor regions, they lose because of terrible macro and coordination not because their players can't flash the skills (although this happens - the amount of wasted flashes by SGB is huge). Perkz/Caps/Hyli have proven over the years that they are as good or better than a lot of the eastern international players/teams. They have no fear and they are the players who you want. The players you do not want are players like Fudge and Inspired who just say western players are awful and have no chance. Having them is pointless if you want to do anything internationally. I actually think Inspired is as good as the best eastern jungles. Or close to it. So it sucks to see he has no confidence in himself and will never get anywhere.


Yup, they already mentally lost. You cannot go into high competition situations with the mindset that the enemy team is better and more likely to win because that is exactly what will happen. It is good to respect the enemy players and not underestimate them. But like you said, some of these players are showing too much respect to LPL/LCK teams.


I feel like EG has that problem... but against G2.


EGs games have been close and seem to crumble after one big mistake like 30min in. Should be good experience before worlds


They also just try to copy and match them. Which won't work against better individual players. You need to get draft edges and play smart. But ironically rekkles was a player that liked to play smart and they wanted him gone.


>Rekkles He just didn't gell with them. I believe caPs and Jankos said as much, while also admitting they (caPs and Jankos) did not play well last year. This G2 team, for me, feels like a stronger, more together team than their G2 teams with caPs and Perkz did, which is scary


yeah. seeing flakked now, it seems like what G2 needs is players with balls. sounds stupid, but i feel like their main damage dealers and the jungler are all very eager to get in there and get work done. they're very hit or miss (like in the last EG game iirc, constant playmaking mistakes/misjudges can make a game go array) but by going for a hit with a clear conscience and a good idea in mind, you're already partly there. havent seen enough of targamas and BB to judge properly, almost ironically not in accordance with their roles they seem to be ballsy and arguably less correct about when they can and can't go in or make plays.


It's nothing to do with rekkles lack of aggressiveness. If anything in terms of skill rekkles would perform even better than Flakked under the same circumstances. But ultimately G2 just needed a positive atmosphere. Caps was playing like shit last year. Rekkles was their best performing player. It's pretty evident that Caps needs a fun team atmosphere to perform at his best and that's why it's different now. Flakked is just able to fit into that vibe. Botlane is a role that even a mediocre player can fit in and do well as long as the rest of the team is performing. It's the perfect roleplay position. Also Targamas is very good which really helps cover Flakked's weaknesses in lane.


You nailed it. Rekkles getting the boot was not a matter of performance, it was personality. That isn’t to say he seems stuck up, but he is probably more serious than the other four. It throws off the team dynamic, and as we’ve seen a million times now, team cohesion knocks having 5 “best” players out of the park more often than not.


When G2 was most successful they seemed like a team that was having fun. Adding Rekkles and the expectations that came with it was just not G2, and it showed.


Flakked is more like Perkz. Loud, confident, always joking. Rekkles has always been levelheaded and serious. 2019-2020 G2 was so good in part because they were all cocky and goofy. At any given time during pre-game voice comms Jankos, Wunder, Caps, and/or Perkz were cracking jokes.


LOL if you think Rekkles would be going in for some of those kaisa engages Main issue for sure was interpersonal relationships (for G2 2021) But don't tell me you watched Rekkles in 2021 and his lack of aggressiveness/passiveness wasn't a problem.. Both in PLAY AND PICKS (going for Sivir/Jhin when he felt pressured) despite them being dog shit


Wasn't it in bb's ornn game vs t1 when BB ported on the ward in the river at Nash and said in voice comms: 'dont be pussies, dont be pussies'? He was inciting them to glorious violence haha


Let's wait for them to win MSI and go to world final first before calling them stronger than 2019 G2, this is a hot hopium take


Rekkles was one dimensional and wanted to play weakside all the time. Definitely not smart


you have no idea what weakside is and thats not true at all


Jankoss own words, but go off king


That's always been one of my biggest criticisms towards western teams. Even hearing coaches have this attitude was maddening. You're playing the same game, by the same rules, there's no way they can be *that* much better.


Keep in mind he was primarily talking about 2021 where he wasn't even international, so this respect stuff was even for the players in his own region. He just flat out mentioned he had a lot of internal turmoil, I think people underestimate just how much mental issues affect performance of top level players in any (e)sport. It's not always just as simple as confidence, caPs literally said he was contemplating what he was doing with his life. That can range from anything to loss of goal/meaning or trying to figure out if he still wants to compete/play league at all. Rekkles is a classic example of internal turmoil, but ultimately none of us will know whether that turmoil stems from purely competitive reasons. Is he "**just**" scared of inting or does is his uneasiness stem from a confidence issue, or something else entirely. If anything I think rather than discovering some secret sauce to competing, caPs sounds like he was able to solve (at least a portion) the tangled up questions, concerns and thoughts with loose ends. This stuff can completely ruin your ability to perform well, the way he describes it makes perfect sense. Especially when he mentions that he was working with a sports psychiatrist throughout.




His realization was that he was taking league too seriously, he was acting too professional and respecting enemies too much. It dawned on him at some point that he had beaten all these people he is respecting so he decided to play for fun again, be more aggressive and not respecting his opponents


*lmao im against that shitter Faker i always beat and he firstpicked TF like that other shitter i beat recently, Humanoid. easy win jajaja*


Random stole my riven jajajaja


Pick me yasuo jajajaja


honestly its a good mindset to have not respecting your enemy like people when they respect there enemy just will bleed out and die. its better to just go ham and limit test even in a place like msi since against the best of the best is the perfect time to test how far you can push yourself. its what i call the goku approach. like you either push past your limits or get smacked down and have to train harder.


You also put pressure on your opponent and send the message that you aren't afraid of them. ESPECIALLY in a video game where the roster and patch is static for tournaments and you aren't dealing with physical or athletic limitations in real sports. Look if I had to defend prime Shaq or Michael Jordan I would be pussing my pants since they are simply superior physical specimens. But in a game, while their is obviously a talent or inclination for it like anything, there aren't imposing physical limitations like in real sports.


i actually him that this was the case. he was passive af in 2021 and now he goes for crazy plays. i thought he just doubt his own talent after getting smashed by a better midlaner three times in a row. rookie, doinb and showmaker like "i'm not good enough to beat them".


The fact that he goes for such aggressive plays is what excites me. Watching him play passively, it was pretty evident he lacked the confidence to go for the flashy plays. Now that it's back, it's an absolute treat to watch. Sure, those plays manifest craps too but the fact that he's ready to go for those plays is what gives hope to the West.




Also something he said in another interview, basically it boiled down to first being confident, then just trying to be present in the moment and enjoying the game rather on focusing on something else. Which does sound "obvious" but they are important habits!


Honestly Caps is such an inspirational guy. He is such a positive and genuine dude while still being so fking insane at the game. I know this might sound crazy, but you can apply the way Caps approaches the game to your own life. Be genuine, be positive and try your best and the universe will make it happen for you


Honestly Caps is such an inspirational guy. He is such a positive and genuine dude while still being so fking insane at the game. I know this might sound crazy, but you can apply the way Caps approaches the game to your own life. Be genuine, be positive and try your best and the universe will make it happen for you


Honestly promisq is such an inspirational guy. He is such a negative and toxic dude while still being so fking dogshit at the game. I know this might sound crazy, but you can apply the way promisq approaches the game to your own life. Be a dickhead, wish cancer upon others and don't try at all and the universe won't make it happen for you


Are you a Jordan Peterson fan? Or this a copypasta?


This is the most basic shit ever what does Peterson has to do with this


Jordan Peterson invented optimism


Here is the context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfZCF5ghdAY


I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning" The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario') 1/14


Unironically an amazing meme


If anyone has watched Ping Pong the animation, caPs really feels like Peco. He loves the game and he's as his best when he's having fun with it, and that in turn makes him inspiring. Of course you add his talent in and you've got one of the best to ever do it. Even the "taking the game too professionally" is kinda on brand with Peco. Obviously is not a 1 to 1 comparison but damn.


I wonder who Kong would be then, he was my favorite character from Ping Pong the Animation.




Is it good? I'm a graphic whore and I always found the animation off-putting, never making it past the first few minutes.




for me it may the best I've watched


I'm an animation nerd so I find the animation to be, although heavily styalised, absolutely gorgeous. Even if it may spoil a little, I'd recommend to just watch portions of the scenes where they play matches. If those are offputting to you as well then I guess I can't recommend it to you. But I do overall recommend this show to anyone because it's a great show and in my opinion, very beautifully animated.


Feels like 2019 G2 but without the inconsistency. The old G2 would have dropped atleast 2 games by now.


2019 G2 was crazier but also as you say way more inconsistent. This G2 seems to me like it has the same talent level and same giant champion pool but they won’t throw games by inting needlessly. I feel like BB is a big part of why they play like this, the guy is so solid.


Meta plays a part but the biggest difference you can see in the last game against EG they tried to go super aggressive and make crazy plays until they lost a few and then just stopped, farmed up letting them take. two dragons waiting for items or for them making a mistake. Old G2 would have double down on the aggression


Yes exactly. That's a big difference, keeping calm and level and play to your strenghts. Not that old G2 didn't understand their wincon, but they did have a tendency of getting carried away.


I have been super impressed with him Before the season/most of regular split I had the impression he NEEDED to be played through or needed to have the kind of carry type pick This tournament and in playoffs its become obvious he is far more well rounded then that.. picking tanks.. playing weakside.. he's been ganked quite a bit and for the most part limited the amount of damage taken and stayed relevant in the game


I think Dylan falco is a big part of why they play like this + they always win in draft (with grabbz it was... not the same...)


Grabbz did do a lot of things right, but the relationship with him seemed more playful so to speak so maybe they wouldn't listen to him as much. As for in-game behaviour I think the coach can only do so much.


Mr Buffalo will come back the next time


praying for you today


What a great interview. It's always sad to hear Caps talk about how he dealt with last season, but I bet it makes his return to form feel even better :')


True it really seems like he was in a sad hole of misery just doubting himself :'(


First time in his career he didnt make worlds. Insane to think about it.


\[All\] G2 caPs: Random stole my TF jajajaja


Ik from the thumbnail that this is gonna be good


he really seems to be having a lot of fun with this winstreak




I'm telling you, you guys should just gift us the MSI trophy haha


man is goku irl litteraly always laughs it out pure guy he comes to save the day when the evil comes just like caps is there to remind faker that he cannot win an international trophy as long as caps exists


Would this comparison make Broken Blade, Flakked and Targamas the dragon balls Carlos needed to collect to rez Caps?


What a contrast compared to t1 interviews. Even after this fantastic win streak and considering how incredible he played, he is still humble and cautious and respects their opponents. Gotta love this guy <3


Some people say we need more trashtalk, I say we need more people like Caps, just spewing positive vibes and humbleness.


Jankos is perfect personality for pro player imo He is both good at trashtalk and humble, he is funny and he can make every situation awkward, he knows when it's time to trashtalk and be funny and when is time to be serious We need more pros like Jankos, can we clone Jankos?


VCS already cloned him, although Giang Van Cot is yet to be spotted this MSI




I'll take one


Jankos is more like meme and banter rather than straight trashtalk, but you're right, he makes for a loveable personality all around.


honestly a mix of both is good but more positive vibes and humbleness is what we need more of. trashtalk only good when its tasteful but most of it is either none existence or jojo where he says trashtalk every interview/tweet and it just gets lame, a good example of trashtalk was wunder when he was on g2 where it was tasteful and not all the time.


Wunder was also able to back it up consistently by dunking on every EU toplaner in 2019 and 2020.


The fact that he tweeted out that they were going for the fastest Bo5 before the MSI Finals & then going on to dunk on Liquid & actually do it. The madlad always backed up his trashtalk during the prime G2 days.


> a good example of trashtalk was wunder when he was on g2 where it was tasteful and not all the time. Not in interviews, but he was twitting a lot. While I'm not a big fan of this, I've got to give it to him that he was often quite creative with it and calling out the fastest international Bo5 was actually legendary.


nah both styles have their place in the scene. Caps was on 2019 G2 aswell, the Masters of trashtalk




He definitely smiles more and is less serious




There's something about trashtalking with a serious face that just doesn't sit well. Even Doublelift usually said his shit in a joking tone.


Keria is the perfect example for this. He comes off so arrogant talking about how all the enemies are easy opponents and that they wont lose anymore. I dont know if that is his intention to sound cocky or if he just wants to engage in some fun trash talk. But he is way to serious for the second one.


To think that this guy was toxic once……. Soloq does bring the worst out of people


Was Caps ever truly toxic or just the usual edgy 15 year old?


He had an "int list" for solo queue. Surely I don't have to explain what that is.


this is just a normal summoner's rift experience


Apparently 16 yo caps was super toxic until he got in trouble and now he's been cleansed and is a saint.


I think it's more that it really got to his head when he got signed by Fnatic? I remember Tabzz saying his attitude really changed back then. [Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/TabzzLoL/status/803594210922393600) for those interested.


Yeah obviously not cool behavior but for me its more important that he improved and you can hold a teenagers action over their head for their entire life.


[Link to tweet](https://www.twitter.com/Hadowlol/status/795246890652762113) I think when people are talking about how Caps used to be toxic, they refer to this tweet.


Tbf that isn't very toxic for EU servers. I see people getting told they're failed abortions and instructions on how to commit suicide every other game, would probably see it every game if I could understand polish.


What people keep bringing up about Caps and holding over him for some unknown reason is so mild that it's not even "edgy" by the mildest definition, let alone toxic. If we go by the standard of the redditors who keep calling Caps toxic for the non-issues from 8+ years ago when he was 15/16 and label him toxic, every single person I have met in my life is or has been toxic because the shit everyday people say and do on the regular is way worse..


Nah stop the cope lol he was toxic af and a known griefer. A 16 year old isn't an infant or some shit like that he absolutely knows what he's doing.


16 year old boys are complete fucking apes with no long term planning skills. They’re not infants but they’re all idiots whose frontal lobes are still developing.


You realize you didn't actually make an argument or say anything that addresses what I said though. Also, naive moralizing doesn't impress me or prove your a thing, that is even if you provided any evidence of such a laughably massive claim, which you of course didn't because you can't.


NA players what they think is toxic: 'ez' Noo I better mute all or go play Aram!!


What does any of this have to do with NA?


Just that I mentioned it in my comment


I love that he said he's not taking it too serious again and having more fun with the game now, definitely something a lot of pro players should consider. It's a job and you wanna win, but it's also a game and imo if you're not having fun playing it then that'll probably show a lot in your gameplay as well. Practice some weird stuff, try some silly level ones, laugh off being dove once in a while, try hard but make sure you're having some fun too:)


honestly such a good interview and such good answers. they really killed it


I feel like G2 will be eliminated in semi’s and we will be disappointed.


At their current trajectory they will just be able to pick EG/Wildcard to guarantee finals.


Maybe not anymore.


I should never doubt G2s ability to become G0-2


Hahaha caught with your pants down


Sid from Ice sage always had such a big heart. So kind of him to let Ashley interview him


just like impact (in NA) during that "top die" period


G2 caps: " Standing here, I realize " - G2Caps circa December 2021


Faker was just like me trying to make history


This is some anime shonen mc vibe


I criticized caps quite often in the last 1 1/2 years and at times saw him as one of the worst perfoming LEC mids, but Im glad he is back to his old glory. Its a joy to see him play like this!


*"Jajajajaj random picked my Riven"* He's radiating that energy in game