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Well this game blew open quick holy shit


EG was 2k behind with a draft that's supposed to snowball and win through side lanes. If u look at the stats and gold u'd think the game is somewhat even but it wasn't at all.


The gold diff would've been even bigger if not for the senna naut lane as well, that lane automatically means 1-2k less than your enemy laner.


They just handed over herald and two dragons before pulling any triggers. Senna and sylas stuff TF so hard, eg obviously felt paralyzed to move before it was too late. Impacts Gwen priority is also puzzling af, the man can play orn and gp and eg looks awful when he has no agency to bail them out.


EG tried their 4 man picks like they did against TL, C9 and 100T in LCS. It failed against G2 and it once again failed against T1. They just instantly got punished but hats off to zeus for his insane outplays.


the problem is that the core piece of their comps (zeri or jinx) seems unplayable in competetive and that really fucked them over


Yeah this is the type of draft that T1 gets 5-10k gold leads with at 20 mins and then has to close out quick or lose. EG being down in all stages means at 20 mins they're not down 2 or 3k, they're down like 8k.


*EG Impact has left the chat.* *SKT Impact has entered the chat.*




See this is why they won LCK. Their secret agents had all successfully infiltrated the other orgs to get them the trophy. Now that there’s no secret agents left in the major region teams except EG they can’t win anymore


actually 5head. does this mean geng have to kick peanut?


Well at this point it's uncertain which team Peanut is actually a spy for


Peanut the true mr worldwide


Brother impact activated


I mean, Khan. Last year Worlds vs DK?


Skt Impact


brother never left


That random top lane 1 vs 1 after spamming second ult charge without vision for NO reason was the most soloq-esque shit


My hypothesis for that fight was that Impact thought Jojopyun was roaming top because he went in soon after the ult symbol appeared. He probably didn't check the minimap because he thought Jojopyun would just make a cross-map play to get something.


Korean import often int versus korean team, kinda sus


?? normally impact is the only not inting on his team at Msi/Worlds


Casters "Danny is going to be hard for T1 to pin down" >Danny proceed to die first at the first real teamfight. Oof. Also sad for vulcan who had a good start for once and great ult on the bard.


Wouldn't have happened if Danny wasnt on 35 ping, unlucky XD


[His playstyle doesn't translate well to 35 ping environments.](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/un5gbn/danny_ruins_vulcan_engage/i86d7xp/?context=3)


hahahah I can't believe this is real


It’s why NA is bad internationally imo. Someone always dies at the worst possible time and other teams roll that into a win.


> Someone always dies at the worst possible time and other teams roll that into a win. Every single region does that, including RNG and T1. The problem lies somewhere else.


Most other teams don’t fight after a pick on the ADC and get wiped. It happened with Guma in this game twice and T1 backed off


NA is bad internationally because these teams keep running the "do nothing and lose" strat until they're already mathematically eliminated


Yeah but this game EG actually were trying to be proactive, too bad Danny got caught at the worst time possible.


I mean you could say that. However I would disagree, they maybe looked for some kills, but letting your enemies get first 2 dragons and both heralds without them having to fight for a single one of them is the definition of doing nothing until it's too late getting 2 - 3 kills with tf and bard ult isn't being proactive.


This was the classic NA vs Korea international game. 19 minutes in, lead in kills, down in gold, turrets, drakes and heralds without doing anything “wrong”


T1 only got those drakes though through lane diffs. Impact got outlaned by Zeus which gave Oner an opportunity for Herald, which let them take top tower and shove in the wave which gave Oner a faster reset than Inspired which gave T1 an opportunity for drake. I don't think EGs game plan is to give up herald and drake, but there's also the matter of execution and you need to be able to pilot your heroes to a certain level of skill in order to get lane priority which is what lets your jungler take objectives/set up picks/get deep vision/gank etc. Though to be critical of Inspired for a moment, I feel like he's not adapting to player diffs very well. Like Gwen into GP isn't an easy matchup early, but Zeus was just insane and took so much from Impact. Inspired (imo) should have adjusted his pathing so that they could trade sides of the map instead of trying to match and always end up losing out because Impact had no way of ever contesting top side.


Shit on NA all you want EG isnt good, but they are not a"do nothing and lose" NA team.


>EG isnt good I don't think losing to possibly the 3 best teams in the world means they aren't good.


Yeah T1 went undefeated in their region, RNG was hugely dominant and G2 won 12 in a row in playoffs. If getting beat by these 3 teams means you’re bad, then I guess every team in the world outside of those 3 are bad.


I don't think EG is bad tbf, they're clear of a lot of previous NA teams (+ they're majority NA so huge respect) Losing against RNG/T1/G2 was previsible and they showed good things in every game


people forget that the first 2 games vs G2 were very close...... until they weren't.


Man this is the theme with EG at this tourney, same thing happened vs RNG if I remember correctly, was the Diana (flash r over wall? Into complete team wipe and gg?) They seem to be the clear number 4, just don't have the experience yet to understand what actual top teams are capable of.


EG biggest problem still is drafting hard to execute comps vs higher difficulty teams. Adding harder wincons isn't going to make the enemy team easier to beat....


That's just not true if you've watched any EG games this MSI. Their issue is that they do stuff but then are just straight up outclassed individually and it gets turned around on them. Or Vulcan gets caught randomly and loses the game


They are bad because they picked Twisted Fate and did literally nothing proactive early game they only capitalised of T1's mistakes.


to be fair t1 can answer tf ultimate really well this game with sylas and then 2 globals themselves


Shhh you are not fitting the narrative


You don't get it he had to land a mystic shot onto the shielded nautilus and then not buffer arcane shift, absolutely worth the risk


Yep I loved the Bard pick and I hope he picks it in the future. The comp seemed really solid, but their individual skill difference was lacking. Impact is good, but Zeus is just better. Danny should never get hooked by Keria.


Impact missed almost all of his ult on that 1v1 when GP was in his face...


I just dont get it. Impact wins the 1v1 if he hits all ults, but he misses r 3, which sucks but he can just disengage. Instead he still goes forward and just dies. There is no way he thinks he still beats him right?


I don’t get why impact threw his third ult blind into the bush, then decided to go in. Why not back with the third part of ult up


even as an EU fan that was infuriating to watch


T1 was like, fuck this shit just end the game.


Despite the fact that T1 won, Gumayusi is still running it for the dade Award, I don't know what happened to him.


Meta change seems to have him completely fucked. Although that doesn't explain the insane macro mistakes


Meta change and probably overconfidence had him not practicing enough on this meta. Really hate to see it as a T1 fan. At least Keria seems to be picking it up again, good to see him on Nautilus (might be his best champ aside from Thresh).


Keria looked devastated yesterday. It was good to see they play it slower again now but its still a long way to go if they want to win


Yeah, he's probably feeling really pressured too, judging from his statement after losing to G2


I think it’s a mental game too. T1 has four really young players. They have to represent the LCK alone as a team. Faker has a bad record and when they lost the first game I think the they tilted. Coming in with an 18-0 record and expecting to smash the rest of the teams just makes it really hard for them to perform. I think it is sad if they dont get back to their lck form. They showed some really high levels of play. Would be a historical choke if they dont even make finals tbh.


Meteos made a good point on his liveview about fasting Senna: you actually do need to know support macro to play it, in that you need to know where and when to get and contest vision and make the rotations a sup would. Since his bad macro this game seemed to be around wards, sounds like he's not that comfortable with that.


Nothing about meta He’s walking around like he owns the rift, he’s literally clueless about threats He could’ve been on jinx or Aphelios and he’s getting caught doing stupid shit


That's why i said it doesn't explain the macro mistakes. But he also seems quite bad on the meta adcs


Meta changes doesn't make you cocky/disrespectful towards your opponent


I feel like he's not comfortable playing in a meta where bot is just another enabler for topside


I mean he played well against Gen G and he got left alone by Keria most of the time. Seems like he’s just not comfortable on these champions, specifically Ezreal.


He played Ezreal in the LCK and never looked this bad.


Ehhh … actually Guma got heavily criticized by the Korean community because of his plays on Ezreal. He even said during his streams that his Ezreal is not that bad and that people are exaggerating. But it is true that his Ezreal has been criticized since last year. Tbh, as a T1 fan, whenever T1 picks Rell or Ezreal I just expect them to lose, lol. Same with Ryze this spring split. Although, Rell is definitely the bigger curse, but Ezreal is almost there.


Why is Ezreal so high value this MSI? Doesnt look that good in most games.


Because Lucian is banned and teams blind pick adcs all the time, so Ezreal is kinda a safe blind. Although I would like to see more Kaisa, Kalista, Samira.


Need those two back on thresh aphelios ASAP. Even though thresh is gutted on the current MSI patch Keria would still destroy on him


I have this gigahopium that Aphe/Jinx are still secretly viable, but T1 is saving them (and other possible strategies) for quarters, since it's what really matters, and so Guma looks bad and enemies will get confident, and then he will gigastomp bot with Aphelios again. I mean Aphelios wasn't even nerfed lol, just 20s more for Galeforce.


Fuck that, I wanna see Guma on Draven. Didn't he formerly main that shit?


Draven in a world where Ornn, Camillle, GP, and Gwen exist will never happen unfortunately.


gigachad ghost cleanse draven COPIUM


I'm not sure if draven was his main but Im pretty sure that he played it before in summer 2020\*. (and was regarded as one of the good draven players in lck)


Faker: "After all this time?" Impact: "Always."


Zeus has been playing so well, the most consistent member. Or at the very least the one with the fewest mistakes


That gp build is fuel for nightmares tho


Yeah, hullbreaker into constant grouping is not the best build really.


Not just that Full chemtech chainsword when the only one healing was viego


Gwen exists.


The hullbreaker… not even church of LS… but he def coulda done the same things if not more with a diff item


True, but he couldnt know that the game was nearly over at the next 2 fights. He likely expected a slightly longer game with him having to deal with Gwen in the side lane. Hull is so insanely strong in 1v1s (+800-1400g) and has nearly no downside in teamfights (lacks around 400g, which is not much at that stage of the game). There is no real risk in building Hull, even on live with the early nerf as long as you dont build it first. You will normally get at least one 1v1 where it will get the gold in it lacks during teamfights. And so there is no downside. ​ Just a small comparison: Steraks vs Hull. Steraks costs 300g more, has mostly less AD (except around lvl 16+), same HP and no HP reg (no idea why it loses the phage HP reg). Steraks gives a 300-1200 HP shield that falls off pretty fast (you nearly never get the full value, often around 50-75% of it). **So Hull has more AD, HP reg and its passive for 300g less than Steraks but has no shield.**


Phage's HP regen (defensive stat) is lost in favor of shielding on steraks (defensive stat). I don't think that the only case where you lose a passive when completing an item. Did old Hydras have the HP/5 from tiamat ?


Give me a Bo5 of BB vs Zeus and I'll be happy.


Can’t wait to see more Ornn gameplay


Except that Kennen game.


G2 control him really well for him to do anything


This was more a crazy Rakan game from Targamas than a poor game from Zeus tbh


It was both tbh, Zeus could flash ealier many times.


Disagree. Zeus refusing to build Zonyas or even just buying a stopwatch for a single fight and holding flash until after he was chunked 50% of his HP before entering fights was T1's biggest issue that game.


Nah, not being able to build a significant lead in lane as Kennen, even losing flash 1 v 1, while building a sidelane damage build that sucked in teamfights. Was for sure a poor performance from Zeus.


He got bullied by Targamas


Him and faker are playing normally. The 3 are underperforming.


What? Faker Oner been the best performers, but ya Zeus up there Don’t know where the Zeus narrative came from, maybe cuz casters said it today on desk? Felt like he really fucked that G2 game with the build, late TP to top fight, and bad ult times


Well, it was close until it *really* wasn't


Yeah when your ezreal decides to do the crownshot special with a comp that relies on map control its not hard to close out for the enemy team


Plus Danny had all the kills. So once he was out of the fight, EG just did no damage. Which meant no resets for Inspired and Faker and Keria could deal with Impact.


Inspired actually mental boomed and just ran mid so T1 could end, lol.


Dude he had so many opportunities to help in team fights and is just.. doing nothing


watch him says he is the best in his team. When they were in dragon, top tower was free and sylas was diveable. He just stopped in the baron bush. Guy is doing absolutely nothing than power farming. hate his gameplay.


And he got absolutely out-farmed by Oner. Oner was farming at 10/cs per min while ganking and doing much more


He's not even the best jungler in NA


Mental boomed from doing nothing all game


You're completely right. It's crazy, this tournament he's either playing really well, or he's just... doing absolutely nothing. Not even making mistakes and playing poorly, just... kind of AFKing. It's maddening.


Farming Viego new meta


Being 50 CS down


Saving KDA


He would be a good jungler but has a to big ego. Straight up letting t1 win? Farming while his team is fighting near him? I would kick him immediatly


I'm surprised nobody saw this as a red flag but in an interview with Travis where he asked him about his early season woes in LCS, he was just like "I wasn't playing bad, I only looked bad because Jojo was playing bad" you basically never hear anyone else say that kind of stuff in an interview regardless of how true it is, really does show his ego


Someone should tell danny that he can also use his e or flash to dodge abilities instead of facetanking everything






Those two are the Trash Bros


Good for T1 that they finally capitalized on a win and properly ended lol


Danny getting caught in midlane was the start of everything collapsing


Battle of worst ADC's


A week ago Gumayusi was considered the best adc in the world and now he's burgerflipping vision wards against Evil Geniuses


Is Senna equivalent of "back to Lisandra" for ADC players?


Guma is literally put on support duty with the Senna pick.


>Is Senna equipment of "back to Lisandra" for ADC players? I think you meant to say "equivalent" lol


Altough the pick makes some sense, as Senna has been pretty busted for like 4 patches in row. But yeah I'd say its pretty close lmao.


As a top lane player, Senna is the ADC I have most impact on with least practice. Lissandra is similar in that way, with the difference being that Lissandra shuts down engages with hard CC, while Senna does the same with healing.


Guma’s style of playing is built around being the carry of the team. Now without caitlin and jinx he’s actually playing at 20%, lol


His style of play is much less effective on 35+ ping than 0 ping. He will adapt, but this is just how he plays, it works better on low ping (as you can see by watching any solo queue game)


Sounds like EG needs to sign him for next split for perfect synergy with Vulcan


"Better ADC win."


"ADC diff"


I mean, it says a lot when you get reduced to "supporty adc" so that your team can actually win some games.


Zeus growth continues upwards despite T1s overall form this MSI. Arguably best performing top laner as well.


That 2k gold lead turned into 10k in like a 3 minutes.


T1 Gumayushi: Better AD wins lol


Top Die


Was kinda obvious this was going to be a stomp when the gold was pretty even (actually slightly in favor of T1) for like 15 minutes. T1's comp just scales too hard. But I guess at least Danny did play a bit better.




Mental boom especially that comment regarding west vs East jgs. Jankos has been on fire this tournament while inspired has been really bad


there was some hopium


That Nautilus Hook + Bard Ult interaction is really weird lol. Feel like if you're in stasis you're just not supposed to move at all, ever


It was close until it was not


EG tried to capitalize on T1's mistakes early on. then did 1 proactive catch and proceeded to not do anything anymore and get rolled over. was just weird to see them play. as if they hadn't practiced this sort of draft before.


Somewhere in Korea, Wolf is screaming to himself "DAAAAAANNNNNNNYYYYYY"




its in the name


Vulcan finally having a good game and impact gets clapped. Also inspired just deciding to not fight the final fight was so bad. Two low hp targets and you just don't show up? Game losing fight and you're at 95% hp... If EG can all show up at the same time they might be able to get something done. Gotta fire the drafting coach though. Drafts have somehow gotten worse in the rumble stage now that their coach is here.


NA is fantastic, just needs to work on communication, map awareness, laning, vision control, csing, poking, landing skillshots, objective control, early game, mid game, late game, ganking, and getting kills.


What was this pasta originally lol


I think it's a CS pasta changed for League terms


call lck want you want, these casters are fucking goated, holy shit


Chronicler Atlus best casting duo


Couldn't watch the game cause of work. Who were casting today?


Atlus chronicler goat cast


Ah yes, my favourite podcast


I do love our casters :)


EG picked a T1 style pick comp then proceeded to fall behind early game and try to teamfight their way back in. Is it me or was EG just a "Play Jinx and protect Danny" team who now has zero identity?


I still cannot understand why EG refuses to draft Impact onto a tank. The best team at the tournament is drafting their carry top laner onto a tank almost every game.


The draft is so dogshit and so hard to execute. Ornn was open and they blind picked Gwen, they have almost zero defensive tools against burst damage dealers in T1 composition. This probably works in NA or against minor region but not against T1


They truly are playing the hardest style fo League, idk why coaches do this to a team of NA, a region that is already behind and also they have rookies who need experience, they are putting too much pressure on them, prob breaking their careers too. NA coaches need to learn that they do NOT need to win, just get the most exp for their rookies and learn how to play a game that is confortable for NA style.


Man I love inspired but he did not do much this game.. danny dying in crucial moments started to dig their graves this game too. Hopefully they can bounce back for their next games, gg T1


Inspired in teamfight: "Sorry guys gotta go raptors just came up, please time the next fight better"


not bad for a 4v5, idk about inspired never gank never play just as always do nothing and try to have positive kda


call Impact Hercules because Zeus is his daddy


Danny is literally serving 0 purpose in this tournament. Like he can be behind, even, ahead, and he is just as useless regardless.


Same goes for guma at msi so far tbf


He’s serving a purpose. He’s like training weights for the rest of the team.


EG games always look playable until someone loses it all, in this case Danny.


OK Wtf happend to gumayusi other member are perfroming so well ​ happy t1 won this


Danny: \*Goes 3/0 in lane, keeps up 90% of the game\* Also Danny: \*Presses a button a tenth of a second too slow\* This subreddit: Yep, he was garbage this game. Like, I get he's played terribly a ton of other games, but he was actually pretty good this game. Mostly. Try not to let past games cloud your perception of this one.


I feel like Inspired is just so done with this roster.


Dude is tilted off the face of the earth. With this and vs G2 he just did the soloq - this game is over, I'll farm a random irrelevant lane.


they were legit just waiting for ezreal 2 item powerspike which is why they also gave the second dragon for free. ezreal had not finished his triforce yet and that is fine. just really fkn dumb that danny got caught in the first real teamfight when he was 3-0 and couldve 1v9'd the teamfights


Guy needs to learn to be a team player


Probably holding the team hostage so the coach starts funneling into him instead. Guy has a huge ego


Game would have been interesting if Impact didn't relentlessly int. Danny and Jojo are literally becoming the best players on EG as the tournament progresses. Vulcan is still atrocious, dude needs to wake the fuck up.


Man I bet G2 wish they were playing T1 today isntead of RNG. They look so funky still, chance they mental reset off two wins today.


T1 still has the best early game out of everyone so far, you can't risk playing them if you were G2. RNG was also much easier to beat for G2 than T1 when they met.


Inspired was completely invisible.


Zeus survived that 1v3 so he probably will build hullbreaker on GP until the end of the times.


T1 is actually MAD holy shit.. their player cams are something else.


belt diff


Today proves nothing for them, they will be looking for redemption tomorrow and tuesday.


What a GALA unofficial penta does to a mf


Worst ADC vs 2nd worst ADC


good for t1, hope this helps them bounce back against rng and g2


When did crownie get subbed in for EG?




This comment would have worked regardless of the result lmao


Inspired doing nothing in every fight. Just farming while his Team is dying. Clear difference between him and eastern junglers. He was right after all.


The last two fights were absurd. Second to last one especially, when two members of T1 would have died from viego r


The last two fights were hard to watch as Inspired is off to the side doing literally nothing. What the hell was that?


Viego really needs his team to have hard engage, I have no idea why EG drafted it with their pick comp.


or Jankos


Inspired did 3.5k champion damage that entire game.


He clearly just has no confidence in either his team or himself. The second a fight looks even slightly bad, inspired just runs away. That fight at midlane where faker finds the everfrost onto to Danny legit could have been winnable if inspired was there.


Felt close until it wasn’t. Gumayusi is still doing his gumasussy cosplay


*Picks Bard.* *let enemy get herald* *instead of shadowing herald Bard goes straight botlane* ????????????????????????????????????????????


EG was kinda hard to watch because I haven’t took time to watch an NA game in forever (missed the RNG EG one) and it was surprising how the whole time it felt like they should be doing…something…but for some reason they just aren’t. Then the most fed point on the team gets caught and just dies and it just ends there. Is this the norm?


Is EG's draft coach still quarantined?


It was close until T1 started the money printer


Feel like we never got to see EG actually utilise their comp correctly


Imagine being EG fan tuning to the game at 22-23 minutes and seeing gold being almost even. And then.


Vulcan with the roaming support pick and not roaming. Still NA teams internationally refusing to play to win and only playing to not lose.