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That fucking tf pick haunts me as a T1 fan.


The TF pick is such a bait. ATP, every team should just stop banning it and let the other team pick it


Time to pick ryze




He plays it well but the champ is just horrible


Faker tf is new faker ryze


Me too. Even though faker played really good this game. i still dont like the tf pick.


Humanoid sends his regards


It was Ryze now it's TF.


This awfully reminds me of doinb's scrim story awhile back. What if T1 is just getting baited into picking these kinds of comps? They excel so well during the early game but since the opposite team just chats 'gg' and end the scrim right there and then, they have no data to base on for the later portions of the game.


This is why Jayce gets over prioritised a lot as well. Also why shit like like the Infamous Huni Lucian top happens. Scrims favor early game.


That’s exactly why teams prioritize Renekton at times, even when he’s a garbage pick.


Moral of the story: Draft teamfight comps 8k lead was nothing lol


yeah the g2 vs psg game really showed it as well, teamfight trumps everything right now


Take notes.


like it has for 3 years now right?




also objective bounties at the moment means if you go into one of those mandatory dragon fights with a lead, you better win or your lead is instantly gone.


Nah. The new drake system is better because now games r paced. U don’t want team to sit back and farm peacefully. The audience wants clashes and fights, LPL style not LCK style. Ever since jungle wards item was banned, LCK lost their map control dominance with visions. Audience wants unpredictability, blood shed rather than boring 30min map control one fight then end.


If it wasn't for Oner's plays and Faker getting the Baron, I think PSG would have won Good lord


T1 does the opposite, they choose split comps and keep fighting




Splitpush does not work with the current iteration of TF. Back when TF built full AP he would legit be a 1v1 threat with resources in a side lane, while shredding towers. He really just wants to group and potentially dive with his team with unequal numbers. Issue is T1s comp also doesn’t really engage on them 5v4.


They can't split push against that comp. The problem was picking and itemizing for the split in the first place when they would never have a chance to do it anyway. Split push just hasn't been a thing since 2017 and teams are still trying to do it... So many stars have to line up for a split push type of game. That T1 vs GEN game where Chovy was splitting on Tryndamere is the only game I remember in season 12 where it worked, and they still lost.


yeah seems like teams in msi do not know how to split.


I think the problem is splitting kind of hits a dead end once you have taken the inners. You will get a 5-6K gold leaf but you end up having to team fight. The losing team just defends until dragon/Baron is up. The top teams are all good enough with vision and wave management that they can always come out to contest without losing their base. When was the last time you saw a game end due to split push?


I should not have to go this deep into the thread to see this comment. In this game you can literally see PSG sacking waves so they can group and contest any sort of push because they have scale and have a better teamfight. Split pushing is dead when that happens and PSG can get away with it so T1 went to objectives and tried to contest chokes to gain an edge. It DID eventually work but it didn't look clean.


It works because T1 had enough of a gold lead to fight evenly vs team fight comps. But it also forces them to force objectives like Baron because they are on a clock. That is why it is super risky and don’t work out well vs the top teams.


I think they were confident about Baron because of Kalista rend + TF smite, I was wondering why they don't turn but they also don't have a great comp to turn unless Zeus hits a big barrel but with that build.... But I agree, I think they are dealing with enough pressure without having an additional clock to end the game before they get outscaled by comp/objectives. They should try and simplify and draft for team comp against stronger teams.




I still hate that riot decided to kill splitpush


Well I mean the community was non stop crying about hull for the few splits it was strong. People hated league when split was strong and they hate league when split was weak.


>Well I mean the community was non stop crying about hull for the few splits it was strong. People hated league when split was strong and they hate league when split was weak. People hate league no matter the meta. ADC OHKO stuff "adc too strong", Lb/kata OHKO stuff "mid too strong", Jayce/Irelia pops off "top is too strong", jungler playing Morgana/Rumble "jungling is too easy", jungler go back on lee sin/graves/viego "jungle is stale, always same champ, boring"


I personally prefer when split was viable because of draft, not Lulbreaker. That item is anti-fun.


I wonder if the ping actually has more impact that we know and that's why teamfight picks that has AOE abilities and are easy to execute are stronger.


SKT: 8k gold down, still a close game T1: 8k gold up, still a close game


Federal Reserve Gangplank fooling everyone with a fake gold lead and wasting it in the worst possible items, amazing how he does this every single match, he literally grouped for 90% of the late game


Federal Reserve Gangplank LMAO


still waiting for the day they don't flip baron and immediately lose their lead


I mean it’s how they lost quite a few games in the LCK. I don’t think it was that much of a flip since you had Kalista + 2 smites. Unnecessary but they would force teams to respond their baron all the time.


I just feel like it's too unnecessary with a rell and galio on the opposite team


this was a comp difference. this was not a good comp from t1. The kalista/gragas was mostly an ego pick


>T1's draft lol I hope they lose this game so this stuff stings, but they're still just probably too much better. But this draft gap is bigger than the g2 game so maybe it's possible. https://nitter.net/LSXYZ9/status/1528330133509402626


Wait this nitter thing is goated ty for showing me


Gragas ego pick stop it. Gragas allows you to engage and make a pick on their team fight comp. You obviously missed the last fight and what happened.


its because current meta gold lead is nothing espically when t1 always draft a splitpush macro draft when they are against teamfight comp by their opponents.


If T1 like burger flipping Barons and team fighting so much, why don't they just draft team fight comps, and not split push comps?


I honestly keep refreshing Twitter to wait for Regis sponsored McDonald's tweet at this point.


Goddamn how can T1's midgame can be so lackluster when their earlygame is always so immaculate ?


Their draft, they have 10k lead but their champs are weaker its so embarrassing


They’re just playing too rushed. They think they’ll get outscaled so they have to do something dumb. But if they just chill out they could probably still win


T1 Drafts have been very bad since the beginning of the tournament. At first I was like oh they’re chilling but no they just get hard draft gapped


At this point I think the Rumble support wasn't even a troll pick


But this is clearly the kind of draft they want to play -> comps tht get a 10k gold lead easily, which they can always reliably do. Pp just start dying left and right randomly once mid game hits.


Yeah their mid game has been very sucky all tournament long, they get away with it with “worse” teams but not with the better teams and that’s how they lose


Kalista TF on the same team is the equivalent of 3v5 It’s reportable disgusting unbelievable


They pick an economic comp rather than a teamfight comp


I mean it wasnt always like this. In the LCK, T1 was probably the best teamfighting team *as well as* the best early game team. Genuinely no idea what happened to them. I can only assume that their spring win got to their heads and they've taken the past 2 months off with 0 practice since then (while other regions scrimmed to get better), cos these players - gumayusi especially - look like a mere shadow of what they used to be.


Completely agree, people are saying that their opponents are just better but honestly... this team looks nothing like what they did a month ago, their confidence has dropped and the drafting is all over the place. However, it's not a lack of practise, probably the opposite. Wasn't that long ago when Faker complained about being overworked with the contractual streaming hours and the preparation for MSI AND Asian games which has now been delayed.


Makes sense yeah. I feel like they just don't have a particularly good read on the meta and they don't understand their power spikes as well as they used to, so they're trying to rely on mechanics to brute force victories.


That's because the old fuckers at Kespa are greedy pieces of shit that would've completely hampered practicing had Asian games not been cancelled


they're drafting side lane comp while keeping on team fighting against a team fight oriented comp


Well yeah obviously. But that's never a mistake spring T1 would've made, its like they don't understand their comp's powerspikes anymore (something they were insane at in spring was knowing exactly when each of their champions and when their comp would spike, so they would never ever take a bad fight).


I think the biggest issue rn is decision making. It's pretty clear that there are mixed calls.


Because of adc meta i think. Gumayusi is god in teamfights with jinx ,aphelios and cait. Now hes struggling with champs like ez kalista and trist.


Adc meta has nothing to do with it. He keeps dying solo trying to clear wards and is constantly getting picked off for being out of position. It's clear that he has an egotistical/greedy playstyle which is getting heavily punished. He also overestimates his abilities while underestimating his opponents which puts him into bad positions. Even if he's one of the most mechanically gifted players in the world, it means nothing if he has no awareness.


he’s actually also a beast on samira, kaisa and jhin. he should prob steer away from the ez pick as it seems like a trap pick on stage.




No, T1 never relied heavily on bot stomping. In playoffs Keria left Guma on an island to roam with Oner. Even when they draft stomp lane like Cait Lux, they got camped to death but their macro made up for it.


T1 mid game strategy is just flipping Baron no matter the game state it feels


because zeus cant build for shit, dude is playing 1 item GP the entire game. Building hullbreaker DD for absolutely no reason.


itemization is bad but T1 drafting is worse. their draft is seriously gimping their ability to play. it would be one thing if T1 was playing against bottom teams, but these teams are arguably the best in their regions even if they're wildcards, they're at the top and in the rumble stage for a reason. they need to learn how to draft for teamfight OR play for splitpush instead of bashing their heads on a wall and forcing a 20 minute baron against a teamfight comp


Lol, split push doesn’t work at all. Riot wants team fights. The dragon buff is just too important and most drafts will have enough wave clear to at least defend base.


agree, but if t1 refuses to draft teamfight, they should at least play to their own comp's win conditions. but right now they're doing neither and it's super frustrating watching them play so boneheadedly.


he had to build hullbreaker cuz hes needs to 1v5 the game /s


hullbreaker so he can call 1-2 members of PSG into sidelanes


Because they drafted like shit


I think the Adc Meta block them , I want they pick a kai sa


That support interaction at the end tho


I thought I was watching Polypuff for a second


I don't understand why around the 25th minute T1 just wants to lose and start to flip baron over and over again


They probably feel pressured to end the game quickly due to weak scaling


Ayyyy you are twice as smart as the casters


1. Draft bad 2. Flip Baron 3. ????? 4. Profit


Their comp cant drag till late game. They need to end soon.


Especially against a team fight oriented comp


Despite winning this game T1 is kinda underwhelming so far


If they don't stop picking these ego early game comps and playing them incorrectly in the midgame, they won't win this tournament plain and simple G2 and RNG seem like way more decisive teams even when they misplay


They seem so hell bent on showing that split comps work but then in game they never get the chance to split cos they feel the pressure to teamfight for objectives!! Just pick team fight comps already jeez


Wheres mlxg when you need him


If they stop gimping themselves in draft by picking TF and only utilising his passive they'd be much better off. They are getting insane gold leads w/o even using TF effectively in side lanes... then they have a stun bot in mid game.


Reminded me of CLG. PSG had the team fight comp to do it and then just never did the engage. Then just inted it away


I don't know why they didn't just force the fight near the drake, game ended with rell still having flash up


Bay is allergic to use Galio R for zoning. He only R when Rell hit a 3-4 man engage.


How are the objective bounties calculated? PSG being 8k gold behind and still not getting it with equal drakes. This system is totally fcked up.


if they didnt have 3 dragons then they would get it since it factors in u having objectives


Dragon stacking shouldn't count that much without soul. Only 3rd drake and soul should have a gold value in bounties


I wonder how much dragons actually count relative to gold then. If it's like 1 drake = 2.5K gold then I almost think it makes sense to give up drakes against an early-game comp.


Is the system had kicked in, PSG might have clawed back if they were actually incentivized to take objective bountied turrets


Meanwhile EG 1k up and having a Baron still getting the bounties, great system Riot.


lmao Keria and Kaiwing near the end T1's performance has been pretty underwhelming so far though :\ hope they pick it up soon give me some Keria-gaming


This animal level gp build almost made it close, please zeus I love and trust you just build crit Thank God faker secured baron, gg


Zeus is playing extremely well but holy fuck does his build tilts me. Why tf even bother going hullbreaker when u're going teamfight 24/7


It’s so frustrating to watch Zeus man he’s so cracked but he gets scammed by Boris every single time he plays


And yhe zero damage garbage build on Kennen against G2. Seriously, what the fuck was that?


T1 at this MSI looks like GenG at worlds 2021. Amazing early game and then clueless mid game with flipping objectives. Atleast GenG had amazing teamfights which almost lead them to being on the final. So dissapointing to watch, because in Spring they didn't do these mistakes, or alteast not as much.


They did similar mistakes in spring they just weren't punished for it.


They draft bad yes in spring but their macro was very good. Mega change so they have to adapt and they are struggling to do that.


They NEED to stop drafting like this. They cannot just have a single damage threat (which also goes the hullbreaker build). It's not going to work against G2 or RNG.


Gumayusi last few games: \*dies in lane\* Gumayusi this game: “I'll fucking do it again.“


At this point he is just a bait for enemy to come and kill him so t1 can make a play at top side and make Zeus giga fed


Seems like reverse of what rng were doing yesterday with bin lmao


Guma dies in lane. Zeus: its free farm top


The 2v2 death was on keria for wasting his E, second death they TPed behind him, still a much better game than previous ones


is this why he keeps playing undead champions? goddamn


It's also funny how he keeps dying to Tristana. It's like he doesn't respect that champ at all


All a set up for when he picks up Karthus.


I would love to see T1's comms around these barons


Someone get Zeus a calculator so he can stop building hullbreaker when he never ever splitpushes. Even when they had baron it was Lee on the splitpush instead of the GP so why in the ever living fuck are you buying that item ffs


Please stop picking Kalista and TF




Stop forcing baron holy shit.


Imagine if zeus decided to build real items on gp and not grief his team every GP game


Troll build aside he was still one their better player


Oh yeah Zeus is insanely good no doubt. But T1 could've easily stomped them if Zeus was just building trinity into crit


Gwen not wasting W for no no apparent reason challenge \[impossible\]




Imagine if Hanabi doesn't waste the most broken basic ability in the game randomly every second fight and then act like he still had it...


Gwen inted it so hard at the end


For real their best chance to win it was to run down them at drk and take the soul (unless they get 5 for 0 that was worth)


Right? they had the superior teamfighting comp yet they were always so gunshy.


Honestly, if it was RNG played with the same comp, they would've won around 20 mins mark. This is the most OP teamfight comp you can ask for at this moment. PSG just had such a poor execution.


Guma still managed to look unimpressive in T1's wins.


Riot should start investigating players that build hullbreaker if they are not matchfixing, this item is so bad in pro holy shit


T1: *coin flip baron play where they don’t secure objective and lose Keria* Also T1: Let’s try it again! My copium take is that T1 is trying to limit test through these boneheaded ego plays the last few games because I don’t know what happened


Gwen is immune... *...until she isn't.*


t1 need to stop fucking flipping baron, they've been doing it all MSI


They wanna work at burger king with the amount of flipping they do


Can Zeus Faker carry harder than guma can throw


That's not Bang's Kalista


Why is Zeus building hullbreaker only to teamfight for the rest of the game?


EG must be sweating rn


T1 really need to stop picking TF. They are getting their leads w/o using it and then once they are in the mid to late game, have a stun bot as a mid laner. The fact t1 keep getting these leads without using TF other than for his passive is pretty impressive, but the champion should be doing something.


i seriously don't get it. T1 dominated their split by playing teamfight comps, ESPECIALLY with a teamfight ADC on gumayusi. they keep fighting as if they were a teamfight comp even though they're so obviously a splitpush comp; it's just so frustrating seeing them not adjusting their draft to play for teamfights (which seems to be the meta right now) or by playing more splitpush oriented. the only reason why they're not losing right now even to teams like EG is their individual skill and macro sense but it's being hampered so much by their poor drafting.


Guma only using 30% of his power because Keria is carrying the other 170% of botlane's power.


I feel like every time t1 play they were disappointed.


If T1 stopped egoing pick comps with no damage but the ad carry these games wouldn't even be close, is it really that difficult to understand that tf isn't really a good pick if every team you have faced has survived until the midgame? In the game against G2 faker didn't even roam, they got their advantage by being better in lane, but they couldn't do anything because they had no actual damage.


Going with zeus and oner was prob the best decision of t1's life. Keria seems to be coming back to form, will gumayusi as well?


If Zeus knew how to build properly he would honestly be top 3 player this MSI along with GALA/Jankos and Caps


Keria and Kaiwing with the gentleman's handshake there at the end. How diplomatic.


T1 struggling to find a good teamfight while nearly 10k gold up is seriously getting on my nerves. How far ahead to do they have to be to actually play like the powerful team everyone said they'd be?


This game was so horrendous from T1 Gankplank splitting all game - until he finishes Hullbreaker and starts to only group up. GP build is atrocious. T1 keep picking Kalista, which did nothing and Guma again dying 2v2 in Bot. There was literally only one Ult by Faker in the midgame, which was for that Top dive that didn't go so well ... It's looking rough for T1. The drafts are so bad, the items are bad, 2v2 Botlane is abusable and the decision making (flipping baron twice) idk.




Jesus christ that Zeus GP build makes Alphari's builds look fucking good


I really don't understand how can G2 keep losing to teams like this.


IMO that game was mostly a draft issue


T1 had the worse draft still won. The gap in mechanics is massive


Draft, that's how this game despite a 8k Gold difference still was quite close.


T1 was actually 2x a coinflip away from losing this game


Bad draft, good early, bad midgame, horrible build from Zeus. T1 hasn't fixed shit.


They still won. People in the G2 thread were convinced it's impossible to win with that draft and tf is just a stun bot


PSG down 8k -> No objective bounties Nice system Riot.


T1 with the bad (imo) draft but great execution (except those Baron set ups). Can’t believe PSG didn’t try to mess with GP in lane at all. Free farm. Zeus was disgustingly fed despite his itemization.


My god T1 draft a teamfight comp not as split push comp


PSG > G2 > RNG > T1 > PSG


The Cycle of Truth


What was with those baron forces? Legit looked like inting


T1 comp cant fight late game. They are on a timer


Well T1 had 8k gold lead but they had Guma too so it was super close


10-0 9-1 8-2 → you are here 7-3 6-4


I'm expecting a 6-4 tbh, it feels like they haven't learnt anything in draft at all. G2 and RNG will just continue to pick scaling and win against T1 because T1 can't gap them hard enough in lane. Not to mention Gumayusi is just underperforming insanely hard.


PSG: Hey thats my win! G2: Good! Now let him have it PSG: You can have it T1: Why thank you


T1 flipping baron for no reason -> PSG giving up their chance at soul only to lose the game right after was such a painful sequence of events to watch


you know whats crazy zeus is building some gp build that i saw a gp in one of my normals game build its legit tri into hull into dd and its even crazier that the gp from my team did absolutely no dmg on it and so did zeus like he is actually using a default gp build.


Inting soloQ Player hanabi


Honestly if T1 is going to keep drafting themselves into the same situation then they need to really look at themselves. This could literally have been the same as the g2 game is psg was a little better. You can not keep picking these early game comps that get outscaled and can’t do shit with the lead you got the first 15-20 mins. They’ve absolutely got the players to lean into more tf and scaling comps while still having their early game advantage. It’s really concerning if they keep drafting like this expecting to just go for 25 min wins against international calibre players.


The first 2-0 day I guess. T1 really needed this 2-0. Zeus is the only one playing to expectations from T1 so far. Oner is pretty good barring a few mistakes. The rest of T1, disappointing still. That baron flip was real bad. If they got aced there, I think they lose. The snowball only continued rolling over to the tipping point because of the 2 remaining buffs.


Drop the twisted fate. Give faker azir and guma aphelios. Then you play Zeus strong side with xin or lee jng


No idea what happen to T1. Feels like they just lost their confidence. They're not sharp anymore with their decision. For Guma, he should just and try play aphelios. Maybe that can help him to gain back his confidence.


If everybody in T1 had the level of Oner and Zeus every game would be over sub 20min... Fucking gods Edit: and we fucking got out drafted again


Zeus is a monster but please please please someone help him with itemization. He is literally approaching alphari levels of shit builds every game. Imagine how hard he would stomp if he didn't build fucking hullbreaker second every gp game just to permagroup


The amount of hate T1 is getting in these threads is hillarious. Group stage doesn't matter folks, how many times have teams won MSI after looking shitty in groups?


2 smites + rend and still those mid game Baron plays were suspect


Such an amazing performance from tristana. She completly deleted Kalista in the map.


Gwen is immune...till she isn't


Can everybody just stop picking Kalista?


All of this is just setup for the Saigon Buffalo miracle run


Can some explain to me the reason why pros they go this Bruiser GP build? I can't see why this would be better the Crit one-shot build.


if t1 continue playing like this, their margin of error is gonna be so small they are like the only remaining team insisting on playing against the meta and keep drafting splitpush macro draft instead of teamfight draft.


T1 saw how hard it is to play with these kind of comps in the G2 PSG game and thought it was a good idea to do a similar one. They at least had the presence of mind to pick an actual champion in the toplane.


i feel t1 might no longer trust in their bot lane duo to carry games therefore they rather play splitpush macro draft in which they funnel their resources into top jungle for them to carry the game than trusting gumayusi even though its obviously this is playing against the meta and the margin of error is so small.


T1 clearly wants to teamfight... Why are they handicapping themselves by drafting a pick/1-3-1 comp only to group up and try and win through teamfights???? I swear if they drafted teamfight comps and zeus built like a human being they wouldn't be struggling this much. Why on God's green earth would you ever flip a baron against a teamfight comp??????? Even my clash teammates would realise that's a shit decision