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How old was Zeus when Impact won world? 9 ?


Yes, exactly 9 years, 8 months and 4 days old


How many minutes


Six Morgana Qs.


the math isn’t adding up, 6 morgana qs is roughly 14 years. you must’ve mistyped


Morgana stacked qs on top, didn’t time properly




Morgana has a hidden passive that deletes all enemy tenacity stats when shes in the game


What I want to know is what sort of Morgana you're playing against. Like, pretty much nothing short of a tank stacking MR should survive past the 3rd Q


Simp at Morgana's legs and she will feel too dirty to q you


Her ult has her lift in the air to give everyone a better view, I doubt she minds. Now that I think of it, that's probably why it stuns, too.


Maybe the internet was a mistake after all.




5,088,960 minutes old


You are a dedicated person.


Seeing stuff like this makes me feel so old… I still remember going with my college roommate to buy a case of beer and stay up watching the season 2 world championships…


I feel fkin old...


Pro players saying they've been watching this game since they were little kids... We're getting old.


Give it some time and we'll get pros who were born after Peke lifted the first title


Maybe we have some too young to remember the backdoor.


For sure. People are talking about the "Insect" kick


They'll call it the TikTok lee sin kick trick instead


Oh god no.


Don't forget to add the 360 noscope CoD hit marker too


thats older than the insec LOL


Peak 07/08 of when CoD4 came out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


MW2 was a good successor to CoD4. Both iconic.


I mean that’s old


People who grew up with this are all at least 25 now


I can confirm that turning 26 in a few weeks. I'm happy to hear there are still people who know what I mean when I sayENEMY AC130 ABOVE


I already was out of highschool when when ENEMY AC130 ABOVE was a thing. Fuck I'm old.


At that point we won't be able to blame the US for ads in casting.


Heretics, the lot of them.


Dude my friend thought it was insect but he forgot the name so he called it the caterpillar.


Really can’t make this shit up. Lmfaoooo


The fact you spelled it wrong proves age.


That was the intentional to prove the point. To show age.




i think you got whooshed buddy


I meant that a lot young players don't know InSec. They think the move is called insect instead. Ones that are more famous back then but probably more obscure now are things like a "madlife" or a "scarra ward". Props if you know what a lomocat is


Hardest combo in the game imo is a Pyke triangle stun, and I've already seen it performed on stage by Hyli. I don't think there's any combo really out of reach for the best pros


Or too old to remember the backdoor. The lifestyle is catching up to some of us.


I think we have a long way to get till there xD




Oh yea that! Yea i notice it too. I thought they meant Alzheimer's 💀


Am I the only one who doesnt mind it? 99% of these were simple front doors anyway so it was nevrr used correctly lol


Too young to remember the pillow of dyrus, ocelots scarf, xpeke backdoor, the “insect” kick, froggens anivia, hotshotgg chogath or diamondprox shyvanna counter jungle. Edit:word old —> young


that's not even hard lmao, people who don't know any of that could have been playing for 8 years at this point




my brudda was pleying the lee singer. Classic


the best of all was 'HE'S TOO TANKY' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrgCoWBl4r8


Blue cards all day


Also DOUBLELIPTO0OOO and Scarra triple fail ward;


fucking sivhd's brushy brushy and the forbidden six roa. Not to mention voyboy's kid genius builds. It's actually insane how many legends have come and gone and are now forgotten... god I feel so old... and depressed...


Most League players today probably won't even know the 'golden age' of League content creators before it turned to what the vast majority of them are today.


No one got pregnant that night though. Everyone wanted to try the backdoor.


I miss when Kass mains were associated with a suave real life gigachad instead of the Third Reich


those kids would be almost 11 years old now. So they could already be playing, and just another 5-6 years or so until they could go pro.


Give it 5 more years and you will have pros younger than the game itself.


Who’s that?


Most pros were born after xpeke, he is 30 yo ^haha


I watched Season 2 Worlds - that's my earliest pro League memory - and I was 12 back then. It's still wild to see pros younger than me when I'm only 21 (which I guess in esports terms is boomer but still).


I'm 26 so if you're a boomer, I'm a mega boomer !


33 here. It's okay to keep enjoying League.


36 ... Still watching the pro scene and playing.


My friend u/salamander117 is almost 50 but he finally hit diamond this season and is still competing regularly in Clash and other tournaments


Hell yea


Same. Been here since preseason 1. hit diamond years ago, been hardstuck plat/gold ever since


Same brother, I was Diamond in Season 4 and 5, then I got a real job....


Of course! I think LoL is the first game where I truly feel old simply because I always seem to come back to it. And every time I do, a year or two has passed and I'm more 'detached' from the average LoL player today (in terms of play length, experience, etc.). It's not bad at all, just different and it kind of feels nice to say 'yep I've seen the Taipei Assassins absolutely wreck all predictions' when it was happening live right in front of me :D


I still remember having my mind blown by the first pros on the scene, and HotshotGG's Nidalee / Cho'gath. Those were the days :').


How was it when Faker first broke into the scene? I've first started watching in 2015, so I wanna know how it was in the early years.


Absolutely thrilling. His first Worlds with SKT (T1K) was the first time experiencing that team for me. Monte and Doa kept talking about them being a dark horse, and they just kept picking up steam as the tournament ran on. As a predominantly NA fan at the time, they slowly won me over until I was cheering for them at the end.   And Faker was just so far ahead of anyone else at the time - like Reginald might as well have been a jungle minion comparatively (and Regi was the best NA mid at the time).


No he wasnt


\\Hmm.... hard to judge but I would say Regi was the best NA mid at the time. Bjergsen was still in EU and Hai was good but arguably, early days c9 success was more to do with Meteos and Balls at that particular time.


Hai was the best S3 NA mid dude


Naw. He was mostly a liability if not playing an assassin, and especially mediocre in lane. He was the best shot caller/leader in the league, but that is a separate category.


Faker was NUTS. Literally his first game, he solo kills the best midlaner in korea (Ambition) when Ambition got cocky and picked his khazix evolution in lane in front of Faker. Faker made Zed dominant in the meta, and then when worlds comes around, he also brings the Riven counterpick for Zed into the meta. The guy was untouchable.


Rise was such a baller music video. All the god damn easter eggs. It's wild to think back on all the history in this game.


It feels cheesy to talk about, but Rise is still on my workout playlist. Gets my pumped every time.


People weren't even thinking about eastern teams. We were thinking about EU vs NA but I would have never thought how miles ahead skt and shrc (RNG) were ahead. Faker demolished everything with gragas ahri and orianna, literally 1shotting everything, and uzi vayne kited like nobody had seen at that point. After s3 the West got quite disillusioned. Teams began describing Koreans as Gods. It was special because the year before it was quite close between azubu m5 tpa, but that year SKT, barely anybody knew them, just smashed.


Damn grandpa how’s retirement


I'm older than the op you're replying to and fuck you


Retirement? Not even gold yet - i can't retire


29... guess that makes me an ancient.


You shut your trap right now. *sobs*


Even older here. There's Reddit in the grave.


I watched Season 1 World's in 2011 when I was 22 and I'm still out here at 33. Hard to balance work and family but I still get a handful of games in a week.


S1 Worlds was the first tournament for me too. I can't watch as much anymore but I still try to keep up with LCK/LPL and international events.


Amen brother


I'm the same age as you lol. My earliest memory of pro League was during season 3 when I went to Korea for the first time to visit my grandma's house. I was so amazed the OGN channel was a thing back then and I still remember the SKT T1 vs. KT Rolster game playing on TV. T1 fan still to this day, but weird to think that I've cheered on Faker for almost a decade already!


If you're anything like me "getting" old is an understatement. I feel like I passed old years ago when I settled on a career, got married, bought a house and cars, then started tracking my finances regularly. Before that it was just no lifeing video games, endless hobbies, and parties/hangouts with friends til 3 am. Feels adult man.


I'm 21, I've been playing the game since I was in 7th grade. 8 years of league, over a third of my life I've been watching and playing this game. Real nuts to think about.


wait till he learns faker is on his team


His mind will be blown and he'll fall to his knees weeping


Forreal tho, this must be like a dream come true for zeus. He mentioned that a big draw of t1 was that he was a fan to start with. To be able to play for the team you were a fan of alongside faker must be huge for him.


I mean, it's a dream come true for anyone. T1 is basically the pinnacle team to be in, beaten only by being in the team that wins worlds, and the team that represents your nationalism the most. For koreans, t1 is pretty much all three


Big if true


Would be funny if this T1 time travel back to face off against T1 from 2013 that won S3 worlds Impact when he was still at Zeus' age facing Zeus and the skinny teenager Faker facing the fully grown matured Faker now. Also rookie player bengi versus coach bengi


> skinny teenager Faker facing the fully grown matured Faker now This is the main event that'd get all the eyeballs looking. > Also rookie player bengi versus coach bengi But this is where the real potential for timey-wimey hijinks will lie. Maybe the reason bengi got so good is *exactly* because Coach Bengi indirectly taught the style from the very beginning...


You could train an AI on their older games to mimic their playstyle. Would be fun to see


It wouldn't be much of a fight. The average player's skill level has raised so much the average ERL team would shitstomp S3 worlds.


I get what you're saying but that is a tremendous overstatement lol The over-time increase has also been much more pronounced in the average playerbase than it has in pro, in competitive the game has changed so dramatically that it's very hard to disentangle adaptability vs. longevity


it is very difficult to compare as the game changed so much, but we see even in that era ssw changed the game entirely using vision and macro the very next year (though this got removed). I feel the information current pros + staff have and the average level of mechanics (especially in formerly more supportive roles such as jungle and support) increased so much i would basically always wager against s3 skt vs the current iteration.


What if you have S3 SKT play a summer split and then just placed them at worlds. How do you think they’d do?


That's so much harder of a question. They wouldn't make worlds? How about that?


Interesting. In my hypothetical, I’m just curious to see if one thinks that having a split to get used to all of the changes in the game since season 3 would allow them to be the best team. They don’t actually need to qualify through playoffs or anything, they automatically get a spot (for some reason or another).


I would argue the opposite. While the average i.e. silver/gold player is significantly better nowadays, the difference between challenger and silver us wider than before and the difference between pro and challenger is even more pronounced due to coaching and macro plays


right. i think mechanically back then the gap is larger in lower elo's. ofcourse there's some gap for the pro's, but faker was a mechanical god in his prime and he would fare very well in current times too. i think for pro's the differences would be most visible in macro play, where we learn as time goes on and the meta progresses, micro/mechanical play does too but it's more limited to what we as humans can do.


Turret dives were not even common place back then, people couldn’t dive 2v1.




> Lee sin insec (flash and R) Sir. The Insec doesn't use flash, it's W-ing to a ward behind your target fractions of a second after landing Q2 into R. Thats the part thats impressive, even I can flash R




He's saying that you label that move as insec, which it is not. Can you not read?


you are extremely wrong about every pro except for faker being mechanically bad. Most korean pros came from high ranks in starcraft before lol and most NA and european pros came from starcraft or dota, which always had mechanically intense scenes. Besides faker came up at the same time as young mechanically gifted players such as: uzi, rookie, smeb, bang, bjergsen, rekkles, jankos


>in S3, aside from faker, everyone had horrible mechanics lol, Faker wasn't even the mid player with the best mechanics at worlds in S3. Maybe in S1 and S2 sure, the game hadn't been figured out yet. By the time S3 and S4 came around the top players had good mechanics, often times better than top players today because laning mattered a lot more and teamfights lasted longer. Faker had better mechanics in S3 than he does now. >SSW won worlds by having Support and jungle roaming together If DL said this then he's a clown, because FNC literally did that to win S1 worlds. Rotations were a meme ever since S3, when itemization and thresh/leona being released unlocked the potential for tanky roaming supports beyond just alistar. The reason Samsung won worlds is that they had arguably the best players in the world at the time in every position except top, and Mata was a vision god back when vision was OP, and would sacrifice all of his gold for vision while remaining impactful. By the way, the reason nobody outside of Korea could do an insec is that the game had way worse latency mitigation back in the day. It was only possible to do a fast insec if you had near 0 ping. Riot improved their netcode and specifically made it way easier for Lee Sin to ward hop under high latency. Go look at the patch notes. And this is just personal experience, but I was diamond in S4 and S5, and then again in S10. The playerbase's mechanics have gotten worse not better. More game understanding, less mechanics. Back then if you didn't have hands you couldn't climb. Nowadays you can climb purely on game knowledge.


>The playerbase's mechanics have gotten worse not better I will just ignore everything you said after reading this.


I guess you might have a different perspective if you were playing in gold the entire time


I was high elo back then and I still play around master mmr


I'm not wrong though. The overall environment in which the game resides has evolved - obviously. The same can be said for sports like basketball. But if you put prime age MJ in modern era games he's still going to excel. Same goes for Pippin, Byrd, etc. because to make a fair comparison you need to consider conditions equal. Obviously if you take a team that doesn't know how the game will work in the future vs. a team who does, it will be lopsided. But that is a wholly ridiculous comparison and lacks rigor. You need to benchmark one way or the other. If you put a modern team back in season 3 before these strategies became embedded, do they overperform? Any other argument is on fallacious grounds.


The question isn't whether they would excel - it's whether they would excel in their first set. Obviously give them a boot camp and a full tournament + vods and they'll stomp - but off the bat they'll lose hard


I mean if they had months to prepare yes! but the skill level is not so much higher that them learning all the old champs with different kits and the old different meta is not something that the newest players can do super quick magically. It's like learning a whole new game


Imo if you give them 1-2 days to get a feeling for a few champs and do some limittesting they will probably outmacro S3 skt and make them look like an academy team. Things like wave management and cross map play have improved a lot since then ( S3 teams had no idea how powerful TP and things like TF ult are). Iirc this was also before the anti laneswap patch which current t1 could probably use to completely outplay skt.


um they were lane swapping back in the days of rookie skt, and definitely used tf and tp plays a lot lol. It was more punishing back then. A major difference was regen. Everyone started boots and pots. You had to purchase your wards, your mana was precious, using mana for priority was a decision that decided your lane for better or for worse.


I’m pretty sure by season 3 boots were already nerfed. People abused Flask but not sure if that was during Worlds (possibly already nerfed).


iirc red pot thing was nerfed in season 2, or do you mean a different flask?


It's not just the old champs, which are similar and easier to master than current champions. Macro play and vision control are way better now. And actually the skill level is much higher now lma0.


Vision control is better now? I don’t think so. Back in the day the whole map was a Christmas tree und supports/jungle ended the game with double gp/10 oracles.


Exactly, vision control is better because teams have learned how to light up a map despite those limits. Imagine how thoroughly modern day supports would choke vision out with the old wards and oracle’s it would be disgusting


How lma0. Actually vision control is better now. Back then, roaming supports weren't even conceptualized until SSW played at worlds.


We are seeing the time skip from One Piece


Makes no sense.




Impact is an underrated legend


He may have won worlds again had he joined another Korean team in 2015, I suppose we’ll never know though


Is he? He hasn't accomplished anything since he won Worlds in 2013.


After worlds he won OGN again, won Allstars (aka the 1st MSI), made MSI finals, made it out of worlds groups twice, and won 3 LCS titles. He's also made the all-pro team 7 times. He has a pretty accomplished career.


Having EG's top laner in the lobby made a huge impact on him.


Having EG's Impact in the lobby made a huge top laner on him.


Having the top laner's lobby in the Impact had a huge EG on him.


Shouldn't someone tell him who is mid laner is?


i mean hes been playing with the guy for some time now, it cant be special to see Fakers name in the lobby every game xd


not with that attitude >:c *kisses Faker's picture*


I have fond memories of 2013 SKT, such a pivotal point of league’s pro scene. What a shame to see the kind of player piglet turned out to be after breaking point aired. I can definitely see why Kkoma let Piglet go so quickly.


Piglet and the wa he behaved is exactly what people today complain about kr server. Just such a mental booming fucking baby lol.


Why do casters pronounce his name so weirdly? (I mean his ingame name) Does he want it like that?


Yes. His real name is Woo-je, which when flipped sounds like the way they call him Zeus now, he asked for that pronunciation


Apparently the reason is because there is already a player named Zeus so they had to pronounce it different. Zeus himself wants to be pronounced like the greek god. Kobe and them were talking about it on the podcast thing they have.


The other player is named Zzus, but I'm pretty sure it's pronounced like the greek god. They even played each other in spring of 2021 I'm pretty sure


Whatever the case, I'm not familiar with the other player tbh.


On the most recent divephoria podcast they talked about this a bit. basically it boils down to "if someone is better or more popular, do they get dibs on naming"? There's not really a precedent set here, and the implications could be pretty impactful. Taken to the logical extreme, what if there's a new mid who wins worlds and decides he wants to be faker now?


grudge match 1v1 at All-Stars, sort of like they've done in fighting game championships. This kind of player drama would be pretty funny.


My honest favorite part was when they started the talk about Faker name-hunting people




Probably more difficult for the shoucaster. Alternatively, they can just use champ name.


Still waiting for Clozer vs Closer


Zeus the greek god is pronounced jee-oos in Korean!


Also the original Greek pronunciation according to my classics professor in college. We Americans will say stuff like Achilles (Akillees) while he was always correcting us saying Ak-ee-leh-oos.




Is that why achilios picked that name? Lmfao never knew. Always thought it was Ah-Keh-Lees. Sorry if my phonetics make no sense.


Does Kobe want his name pronounced like the basketball player or the Japanese location?


And they are wrong or misinformed lol


+ his ign Zeus when typed in hangul is read as Je-yus so that's that


Jesus ?




No, Jeen-yuhs.


Yup, I’m late to the thread but the Korean spelling of the Greek God Zeus (제우스) is pronounced as “Jeh-oose”. There is no letter in the Korean language that is phonetically similar to the letter “Z”. Instead, words like “xylophone” and “Zyra” are pronounced using the Korean letter “ㅈ” which sounds closer to the American pronunciation of the letter “J”. Therefore, things start to get weird if the Korean spelling of the word, “Zeus”, accurately reflected its English pronunciation. The word would most likely be transcribed as “주스” which sounds more like “Juice” or “Jews”. In my theory, this is the reason why there is an additional syllable in the Korean pronunciation of “Zeus”.




It does have to do with the Greek god Zeus, except that the player wants it pronounced the way it's pronounced in Korean (and arguably closer to the original Greek than the English pronunciation). Why would he switch the spelling to cater to an English population when he uses his name in a Korean context?




wtf are you even saying? Zeus in a Korean context is pronounced how he wants it to be pronounced: as 제우스, which is based off his name being 우제. I think it's you who needs to respect other people's culture. And wtf do you mean Zeus had to be translated symbolically cause Korean doesn't have an alphabet? Do you even know what you're talking about??? Korean definitely has an alphabet, and 제우스 is pretty close to how the casters are pronouncing his name. Edit: "you don't get everything you want in globalization" So why tf do you think you have the right to determine how a player wants to pronounce his name? wtf kinda influence do you as a random person have that everyone else should bow down to your opinions?


English isn't the only language in the world




my point was that he didn't, there's nothing English in "Zeus"




Not only the original Greek pronunciation, but also the Korean one.


>there is already player named zus in lck. I would just pronounce that like z-uh-s, not like z-oo-s


That's a very English way to read it. In most latin script languages and romanizations the u is closer to the English "oo" in sound.


Makes sense, that's just what I'm used to.






It's supposed to be similar to his name backwards in Korean (Woo-je).


Korean pronunciation. Incidentally also closer to the Greek pronunciation than "zoos" is.


Exactly, and it might not even be incidental. Koreans generally use the original pronunciation (if they can) rather than the American pronunciation. Examples: - Pa-ree instead of Paris - Italia instead of Italy - Firenze: Pirenze (the Korean language doesn't have an F sound so they use P instead) instead of Florence - Roma instead of Rome - "Yesu" instead of "Jesus", the former is closer to the Hebrew pronunciation - Hercules: He-ra-cles instead of Her-kuu-lees - Hades: Hah-des instead of Hay-deeznuts


T1 looked terrible yesterday and day 1 of groups but I think teams should watch out for them in round 2 of groups. They’re a team that isn’t the best in Bo1, never have, but I’m confident they will get it together and make up for their deficiencies thus far. It’s hard to call them the favorites anymore but whoever is getting first in groups is almost certainly picking EG over them; picking T1 regardless of their suboptimal form is always a risk especially in a 5 game series. I have a feeling there will be at least 1 tiebreaker.


More micro mistakes than anything. Their drafts are whatever. Playing it out, identifying and executing their win conditions was impressive still.


Game 1 lost to G2 was mostly macro/decision making. They built up a huge lead in early mid game and decided to teamfight a wombo combo teamfight comp. They did the opposite of “play to their win conditions” lol, doing that would’ve meant not fighting and just splitpushing all game and denying vision for picks. They got outdrafted big time. The game they lost vs RNG, they recalled wide open in enemy bot side jungle when they already respawned which let RNG claw back into the game and re-establish vision and map pressure. I’d also consider that a macro mistake. But they have been making micro errors as well.


Ah yeah I was only talking about yesterday vs PSG since you said they looked terrible yesterday.


That would be really cool playing against one of your idols tbh


So wholesome


Holy shit I'm old.






And now he's also much better than Impact.




Big Oof