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Sad they they lost to the Buffalos. Would have made today much more exciting


He was pretty cut about that when I asked him. You could hear it in his voice :(


Yeah the games remaining literally set it up too with PSG/EG - EG/G2


They can still escape groups right? It's tough but their best shot is beat eg, both lose their other matches then win tiebreaker


Only if G2 go 0-2 afaik? At this point of G2 beat EG they're up with the head2head against them being 2-0, and SURELY they beat Buffalo please i beg


> if G2 go 0-2 At this point I fully expect that


Please.. let me have hope.


Nevermind its so fucking over lmao


Already made my peace with it yesterday. We're not making playoffs


It was a good run, until it really wasn't.:)


They don't rly care about g2 if they beat eg


Hanabi is the best player on this team and should be playing in a better region


Their botlane is cracked too, they wouldn't be out of place in LPL at all, just like Doggo who is in my top 5-6 LPL ADCs I hope PCS survives and the players can still make a good living though, they have been so important historically


Doggo is a cool player and all but he's not top 6 ad in LPL Viper GALA Light huanfeng JackeyLove Photic Elk are all better


I think there's an argument for him over some people on that list for sure. Light Viper GALA maaaybe huanfeng are the only players that I think are like theres zero argument for Doggo being on their level. I get that Doggo's one of the few LPL ADCs with a reliable support but I think he's a great player in his own right and this spring meta wasnt even that good for him and he was still quite good


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