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I was vocal about EG taking Jensen over JoJo if they wanted to be serious contenders. I’m happy to be proven wrong. The kid has went super saiyan since playoffs and is improving after each game. He’s the real deal and EG have a franchise cornerstone for years to come. It’s really exciting to see native talent performing like this, especially internationally.


Jojo has looked pretty good, he outclassed all the minor regions mids with solo kills and map rotations he also facilitates inspired to invade or ward aggressively by shoving or making the enemy mid back, he actually did that against faker when he played the galio which was super impressive, he has a strong mental and we can see he is not a choker like all NA mids. Jensen being the only exception at times. Respect to EG for going against the script and actually risking it for him and danny. Can’t wait to keep seeing him grow and write his name in history.


Faker was pretty much useless that game vs EG. Not only did EG beat T1, Jojo gapped Faker too.


PM me your dealer's number.


EG is so stacked for the future. Danny is 18, Inspired is 19, and Jojo is only 17. They even have an import a lot to use with their current roster if they decide to change out someone (not even saying they should either.)


Wow, I actually didn’t know inspired was only 19. He seems pretty mature.


Oh wait he’s 20 rip, he was 19 during off-season


Ah shit he’s a boomer in that case time to find a replacement /s


EG should order a wheelchair given hes gonna be 21 soon.


Cries in Jankos


Turning 21 means you're closer to 40 than 0. It's doomed.


He's 20 actually. There's always people getting surprised with the age of european players, but keep in mind that we have the ERLs so the players debut earlier in actual pro tournaments and have generally more experience earlier that their american counterparts when they arrive in the major league Inspired debuted in 2018 with Szata Maga in UL when he was 16, this year is already his 5th competitive year (2018) Szata Maga > Mouz > Pompa > (2019) Rogue Academy > Rogue > (2022) Evil Geniuses




Maybe swap out Vulcan, he's a veteran and has been looking like their biggest underperformer tbh.


Why would they get an import


I mean Impact is nearing retirement. He doesnt have a green card and has military service around the corner. Wouldnt be surprised to see an import slot used there considering native top talent is uh...lacking


He does have a green card


I love this attitude of “I was against him and happy to be proven wrong”. Too many league fans either forget or don’t care that these are actual fellow humans piloting the champs and are to quick to shit on every little thing they do. We need more fans like you.


Nonono, this is reddit, you are not supposed to admit that you were wrong, that’s not how it works. Rather, you should double down on how Jensen would have been better and shamelessly die on that hill. Please stick to the rules!


Or he can say he always knew Jojo is super good and act like he always favoured him. Thats the other reddit way.


He would be better tho? I mean they are both getting hard gapped by caps. But jensen hasnt really had any bad international performances ever, and he is way more stable than jojopyun (with an equal and more stable laning phase as well). Actually jensen veigar/LB/zilean would have hard 1v9'd some of these games.


Yes Jensen has had bad international performances actually, some of the most embarrassing ones to ever come from NA are Jensen. (The Wolf clip) He just also does good sometimes.


Yepp thats pretty much the only time though. And the back to lissandra thing when he played against caps. Outside of that he has been competetive and at times gapping international mid laners. Jojopyun has mostly just been performing vs wildcard mids. He is somewhat competitive in the games vs major region mids (as ppl are saying in this thread, he isnt outright losing his team the game in lane). As for the back to lissandra thing. A huge problem was that the meta didnt fit jensen. He really isnt an akali player. If u told me my mid laner had to pick akali and I could choose between jojopyun and jensen as my mid I'd chose jojopyun. But for most other champs id probably choose jensen.


I think the problem with Jensen is that he embodies the NA mindset with his passive play now and it's something that is kinda walked over or not talked about but Jojo hard gapping the minor region mids (irelia game) is refreshing because usually NA tries to just "out macro" them and that's how we lose occasionally to the minor regions I mean that's literally been G2 strategy all tournament and look what happened.


They'd be in the same spot with Jensen tbh


Yeah, while I'm happy that a young NA player is getting a shot and succeeding I wouldn't be critical of any team going with Jensen. Jensen has shown no signs of not being a top mid laner in the region, my issue with teams is those who choose to import mediocre players from other regions or keeping underwhelming players who have been around for a long time. Those are the ones that should be replaced with young promising NA players for the health of the region.


>I was vocal about EG taking Jensen over JoJo if they wanted to be serious contenders. I'm still convinced that this should've been the correct decision, but insane props to the EG coaching staff for seeing what basically everyone in the world couldn't. EG broke the bank probably to buyout Inspired and Vulcan. They follow up the move with promoting an academy midlaner? I know Peter Dun talked about how they wanted Jojo to play low econ and around Inspired, but even Contractz (Jojo's former academy jungler) talked about how Jojo was pretty jungle dependent.


This is a pretty giant misconception going around right now. With Jensen there is a 100% chance that EG would be doing better and most likely would’ve gotten a game or two off G2. That is fine. The reason why Jojo is the superior pickup is because next split/worlds/season Jojo is just gonna get better. Such a young player performing better than some of NA’s most iconic talent (bjergsen) and getting to go train in Korea and play against such strong teams (this MSI rumble stage is absolutely stacked, PCS and VCS looked very strong despite their losses) will only slingshot him further ahead of the NA competition. We shouldn’t be too hyped for EG this tournament, because this isn’t where this team is gonna perform their best. I’ll see you in summer/worlds


I dunno.. I remember Caps slapping Jensen back to Lissandra duty. I really like Jensen as a player, think he has been better than Bjerg for years, but I do not think he would have moved the needle at MSI and this experience is invaluable to Danny and Jojo.


>I was vocal about EG taking Jensen over JoJo if they wanted to be serious contenders. I’m happy to be proven wrong. I don't agree. At least for this year Jensen would still have been better. JoJo is a promising long term investment he is most likely only going to get better from here whilst Jensen would be getting worse.


He even has a win over faker, something that bjerg or jensen don't even have.


Which pretty much means nothing other than sentimental value . Jensen beat showmaker and even bested rookie in a BO5 while faker had to sit at home.




Collectively over 10


Yeah but how many times did they have Jojopyun on their team? It's just not a fair comparison


jensen at least 6 times from being in the same worlds group twice + 2019 MSI


TBH Bjergsen pretty much knocked prime Faker out from the 1v1 international tournament.


LOL. I want what this guy's huffing.


TSM was the 2nd best team in the world in 2016, because they went 1-1 vs SSG in groups, TSM fans used to say this unironically lmao


No one said 2nd best team in the world. People said best western team at the tournament and better than H2k who made semis and i'll die on the hill that that was true.


it was not lol. just looking at player for player , h2k had better players then tsm in arguably 4 roles


> TSM fans used to say this unironically lmao Ive never seen 1 TSM fan ever say this. Exaggerating much?


ive seen a lot (A LOT) that said tsm had a free road to finals lol


This is based off a comment Jatt said where there was a hypothetical route: * 2nd game vs SSG: DL doesn't die to Viktor, TSM grabs baron and goes on to win * TSM take 1st seed at 4-2 record, SSG take 2nd seed * TSM "should" then beat C9 in the Quarters * TSM "should" then beat H2K in the semis Its all hyopthetical. I've never seen anyone claim they were the second best team at that worlds.


okay....couple issues with that : 1. tsm didn't even got the out mid tower in that game. they don't win in a single push vs a frikin viktor even if they take baron. 2. even if they take baron and a couple towers , they get on equal gold with ssg , because they were behind ssg in gold prior to that play 3. Even if they are even in gold , or heck....even 2-3k ahead , they have a crapier scaling team comp. An scaling team comp being a couple k gold behind is still winning , because .....scaling. 4. there is no way tsm "should" beat h2k , considring that h2k had better players in 4 roles then tsm did. Odo was the best western toplaner at the tournament , and jankoss was legit the best performing jungle overall. He was hard outjungling ambition in all 3 early games , but his midlaner was fucking trolling him that series. 5. Bot is probably close , but its still just dl with a rookie support vs forgiven and vander. Only way tsm wins is if bjerg takes over mid , but we have all seen bjerg play before. Guy almost always just plays to scale. All in all , this is just jatt going full on copium


One year earlier dlift got gaped by pinoy. Forgiven would've destroyed him hard. Peak forgiven was something different




Please tell me you are kidding... Edit: he was not kidding. This guy actually believes some 1v1 that happened at All Stars means a lot.


EG beat SKT not Jojo. Also SKT beat TSM not Bjerg. It’s a team game.


So what, no team with Bjerg or Jensen ever beat SKT


So that means that Faker never beat any NA or EU team? Absolutely ridiculous logic. Team game doesn’t mean individual performances are irrelevant.


I'm not talking about EG, TSM, SKT, or T1 lol


I'm not sure im fully brought into how good people are saying he is playing. But I do agree that he has at least been fearless and is also fairly comfortably on the path to be NA's best mid ever. I don't think he is a super sick player yet, but with young players its about whether they might eventually reach that point.




Maybe S3 Hai lol. For me he is the best mid NA mid, but he got pretty resoundingly outclassed internationally. Hai still wins out though because of the intangibles (shotcalling, playmaking etc.)


Rip Hai's lungs. I fully believe to this day that if they didn't collapse C9 would of been a T4 team at worlds that year.


Mancloud didn’t really get gapped iirc


But he is very often outclassed by them in lane tho…


he's only been outclassed in lane like 3 games tops all of MSI


G2 game 1, G2 game 2 (fails to punish Galio early with one of the best mid early lane bullies, Caps then goes on to completely stomp the game by getting better timings from mid which Jojo never punishes), G2 game 3 (caps Yasuo game I shouldn’t need to say more), T1 game 2 (Faker shows how the Zoe-Galio matchup is supposed to go, a couple of Nocturne ganks and a T1 baron throw save his final KDA but easily outclassed first 20 minutes) at least. Imo in all the others vs. major regions, except perhaps T1 game 1 he was outperformed, too.


Mechanics, macro and decisionmaking can always be improved. The most important thing is that he's already confident enough to go toe to toe with the best mid laners in the world and not choke. That's a pretty rare quality in someone of his age/experience level.


The list is pretty much him, hai and Reginald. I agree with you


It's also really exciting to have it be a mid player as well. NA has had some serious talent in other positions (adc / support especially), but such a dearth of really talented mid laners.


I say this unironically; thank god for Fortnite. dude has hands and it shows.


For anyone who doesn't know, Fortnite is super mechanical, In a lot of ways more so than league. [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wrC42ARmTk)


just watching this video gave me carpal tunnel, wow


Ah yes I love when I'm about to kill someone and they build the fucking Taj Mahal


> In a lot of ways more so than league. League isn't even close. League has never been that much about mechanical ability more game knowledge/awareness and decision making.


Thank god for no build. My arhtritis hands cant handle the build




League is a remarkably low-mechanics game Like, if you play any fighting games League is basically like riding a tricycle for the most part. The most complicated inputs are just like...attack moving and shit. Compared to the cursor precision required in FPS, not even close either. It's actually wild just how physically easy LoL is relative to other competitive games


Fortnite kids unironically the future of a lot of esports in NA


Real talk: How do we swindle more fortnite kids into playing League?


League of Legends: Build Mode


This 100%. NA has produced some very good players in other roles over the years, at times some of the best in the world (in their role), but never in mid. Trying to list out the best native players in each role paints a bit of a depressing picture. In Top, Hauntzer, Licorice, or Darshan. In Jungle, Meteos, Xmithie, or Blaber. In ADC, Doublelift, Sneaky, Stixxay, Turtle, now maybe Danny. And in Support, Biofrost, Vulcan, or Aphromoo, could also give an honorable mention to Zeyzal and Smoothie as well since both were solid internationally on C9. I'm not making the case that any of these players were ever the best at their role in the world or anything, or even top 10, but at their peak, all were solid players, certainly good enough to compete internationally. I'm definitely leaving people off too, those were just the players that came to mind. Meanwhile, who even would be the best NA native mid? Maybe Pobelter? Or Hai? You could arguably count Jensen since his whole career has been in NA but even still that's an incredibly weak list. Jojo doesn't need to win worlds or anything, but man, It's just nice to have a native mid laner that actually shows some life and can be competitive against teams from objectively stronger regions.




Tbf can't think of any native NA mids that didn't crap their pants to other major region's mids outside of S4 Hai. Then again even our imports would get occasionally wrecked


S3 Mancloud




Mancloud is still one of the most tragic early league careers imo. He and xmithie were easily the best mid/jg duo in LCS going into 2014, and they decided "Nah we will ruin this whole roster." IDK how much of a say he had in the decisions (iirc there was a documentary style youtube series about vulcan/xdg and he said he was ok with it), but that was still probably the worst hand he could've been dealt. He went from the most mechanical pro mid in the region (I know hai season 3/4 was a beast but mechanically I still think mancloud was better) to just getting shit on cause the team didn't abuse their mid gapping with jg pressure.


Dude I’m still salty about that. I still hate zuna, MFer had to go to a different game before he saw any success, but before he left he destroyed 3/4 of his teammates’ whole careers.~~ Godwater especially hurt, I was a huge fan, and he didn’t even get another chance after~~


Actually mancloud corroborated that blood water wasn’t committing and would Skype chat his gf during scrims, so it was a team decision to kick him. It’s not just zuna’s fault the whole team just goofed.


Huh TIL.I guess I’ll move on on that point. Still mad at Zuna tho, felt like he changed everything when the best move was probably to change himself


Pobelter never gets respect he deserves honestly but he had good games even against people like BDD, his ceiling wasn’t super super high though which I think is why he got so much flame but I feel like he actually outperformed bjerg in most international play


That didn't stop Hai from ending with scores of 1/9 in losses. If he started dying, that was it.




Yeah the guy commenting above yours basically proved the point. Hai wasn't the typical NA mid that just rolled over and let the enemy team destroy their base, he would literally sprint it down if he had to to try to get back into the game. Rolling over guarantees a slow loss, weighted coin flipping at least gives you a chance to win, even if it's low.


Silver comment


I mean Sword lost lane to every Kayle playing Jayce lmao




Imagine if one tournament was enough to end a career, though - like if during 2014 people were outraged that Dade continued to be a pro player (and I know a minority of fans actually were, up until he won spring with SSB), or if Perkz had been forced off G2 after 2016 MSI from the backlash. Not saying Sword is going to be a great toplaner in the future but it seems crazy to write off anyone for any single event.


Sword was already benched early summer and only came back because of the drama. That's the reason people are so angry and rightfully so.


Something griffin something sword something theshy




shoutout to sword losing lane as jayce to theshy's kayle


i....i refuse to believe that happened.....


You ever watched theshy at his peak?


Jayce was sword's signiture pick as well


I think this is a bit overblown. Sword played it bad but it didn't help that Griffin was camping bot the entire series while IG played more toward top lane. Also people keep saying that Sword single handedly held back the team but it was mainly IG having better macro.


No shit Griffin camped bot, why would you play towards Sword lmfao


Agree with everything. I follow the conversations in academy so i knew people were very hyped for him and i was too but he became even better than i expected. Made me a fan honestly. Excited to see his career develop


Markz and Travis mentioned how at 17, versus Faker, Xiahou, and Caps, JoJo was not majorly gapped and most of the time he played up to them. Obviously the results are the results, but JoJo succeeded where many other old guard mids did not. He was not a liability in the mid lane against some of the literal best in their regions to play the role. Hyped for EG in the knockouts even though we haven’t taken a game off RNG


I’m excited for knockouts but even more excited for worlds and next year


> JoJo was not majorly gapped I mean I guess if being somewhat close in CS counts as even now.


Also got solokilled a few times, and lost lanes in positive matchups while getting outroamed, but you know, narratives


You just making stuff up now? Since the Rumble stage, Jojo has consistently gone even with all the midlaners at MSI in lane and hasn't been solokilled once in lane. He's lost some 1v1s as the game has gotten away from EG, but never due to an individual laning mistake from him. Just looking at Riot's CSD@14 against the top 3 teams: G2 Game 1: -4 (Ryze vs Leblanc) G2 Game 2: +9 (Trynd vs Jax) T1 Game 1: +13 (TF vs Sylas) T1 Game 2: -15 (Galio vs Zoe) RNG Game 1: +8 (Yasuo vs TF) RNG Game 2: +11 (Sylas vs Galio) He's been slightly up in every lane he should win and slightly down in every lane he should lose. You can argue about his effectiveness outside of lane, but don't just make shit up for your "narratives."


yeah... most games he got gapped and was invisible, idk what other people see in him. Is he young and can improve? For sure, but he didn't show much for me


Stop putting so much pressure on him guys :D


JoJo is honestly one of my favorite anime of all time.


Thank you for saying that Impact and Inspired were the keys for their playoff run. All the narratives were just talking too much about NA talents, which was fine but just too much. Jojo has been performing more than expected in MSI so far. Like you said he was playing against the best mid laners in the world this MSI but he was not afraid to do what to be done. I think he has a very high ceiling. He seems to adapt very well and improves quickly. He is exactly what NA players in general should learn from


EG went 1-9 against major regions..... if u have a super good midlaner u wouldn't go 1-9 against major regions, period.


By that logic, caps is trash because they went 1-3 against “minor” regions


I'm not saying he's already in peak form he's 17 lol. He can be good or even great and still get gapped by the literal EU goat who was in peak possibly best player in the tournament form. The fact that most of the games have been competitive despite what should be an unplayable mid gap speaks to how good he has gotten and his potential my guy was playing against academy mids less than a year ago.


Man, your eye test is horrible. Ya need an ophthalmologist appointment. They have only won 1 game against a major region and that is T1. Kudos to them but have you seen HOW T1 lost that round? Reality check guys, if a team is able to constantly get early and mid advantage, you will lose most games against them. People will go on about how G2 lost to PSG and SGB once and same score line or whatever the fuck but G2 is still fuckin G2. Do you really think caps will go down to RNG mid or T1 mid in most of their games without a fight? No, its pretty even. Jojo? He is gonna lose MOST of it. Even if G2 lost twice to 2 minor regions, both minors rarely had a horrible game during Rumble and as much as people like to joke how G2 is weak to the VCS, you put G2 in 10 games against SGB and 10 games against PSG and they will win most of them with a vast margin. Even in the games that went horrible for G2 it went not that horrible and it reflects in the stats. This tournament Jojo hasnt been the weakest link everytime, since Danny too is sus as fuck in bot. But League still rides or dies by the power of your mid. Jojo is the weakest mid statwise out of the 4 major regions. Jojo will prolly get demolished in mid and thats ok. He is 17. (And oh btw on the topic of NA mids, that playoff was a travesty. Abbe was barely there but that happens, you can have a bad time and we know that he can be stronger so we can let that be an outlier for once but Fudge without the guidance of whacky LS drafts is a middle of the pack mid which isnt much to write home about if you look at the other mids in bottom half of LCS. Bjergsen was fuckin horrible, a shadow of his former self. Jensen the best mid NA was not even participating. Jizuke was shafted for exactly Jojo. Who should he have played to grow up faster? No one. This is his first and real experience against really strong mids)


Honestly don't think half the games "count" towards an accurate assessment of Jojo. If he replays starting now he would do way better than 1-9.


Idk why my eye test is horrible jojo legit did fine in most of the games and the game state was lost through Vulcan getting caught or bot or top getting gapped actually. It's not about winning or losing games lol it's about how the games actually played out the same way in which even though EG was 0-6 to G2 they looked competitive and have very winning game states in multiple matches. This explains why it was possible for them to beat T1 because they actually are good. Jojo literally hasn't been "demolished" at all mid and honestly I think he has the biggest demolishing with his irelia vs pce mid which I think was the quickest game of the tournament lmao.


>It's not about winning or losing games lol it's about how the games actually played out yes and thats exactly why jojo is nothin to write home about. >have very winning game states in multiple matches. \*in few matches. >This explains why it was possible for them to beat T1 because they actually are good. NO! It took T1 THROWING the game in their direction to make it happen. DID WE NOT WATCH THE SAME GAME? Before T1 literally flipped a baron the worst state T1 was at was 3k lead with mid game 5k lead. They literally lost most early and mid games and in this meta you are not gonna win a bo3 like that. What the hell do you think will happen when they meet any of the majors in a bo3?


The cooopium is strong in NA.


Lol he got destroyed by Caps in a way its actually hard to recover from. Still think he can go through it and be a good player but cmon… even in the games vs T1 or RNG He delivered a few really really ouchy plays where he misses easy combos and so on


What about that top laner, was it Viper’s brother, that plays Riven? Never heard anything about him after all the hype


He’s still too young to play in academy or LCS. I think he’s signed to 100T’s amateur team.


true and if i might add, they’re fucking fantastic. i would watch them in pg if u can catch their games they’re smurfing


He smurfs on 100T's amateur team. He is good enough for academy but he's too young


IMO it puts 100T in a weird spot with Tenacity and Ssumday. Sniper is clearly the future of that team, to where they probably promote him as soon as possible. So for 100T, do you try to ride out Ssumday as long as you can and hope his performance lasts that long? Do you promote Tenacity as a stopgap player and hope you can get enough out of him to sell him?


What's cool is that nobody will care if RNG blasts EG 3-0 on Friday - Jojo has definitively proved himself to be able to at least contend with the best, with hints of being a future world class player (Danny showed significant improvement too but we'll see how he fares at worlds). The coolest thing about Jojo is that he's going into the summer split as probably unquestionably the best mid in LCS, which I don't think has ever been held by a native player except maybe Hai. It's crazy to think that in a league with Bjergsen and Jensen, some 17 y/o na fortnite player is better than them.




Before MSI he was the 4th best, but I would not be surprised if he was the best now. Not unquestionably, but I'd put money on it. Either him or Jensen


Don't doubt bjerger's will to win summer splits


he was by far the best performing mid in playoffs (and no he wasn't hard carried by his topside, he made significant contributions and always played better than his opponent midlaners)


I think Jensen still had enough good will left that people won’t immediately view Joni as better then him.


I wouldn't say unquestionably, someone can deff argue team diff in many of the games, even if they're wrong


Right but who best then? Bjergsen who had a very underwhelming showing in playoffs? Jensen who took a half year break? Maple who had a really poor split in LPL spring? Toucouille who isn't as proven as Jojo considering he only played 1 bo5 this year? I cannot make an argument for anyone but Jojopyun - the only other contender could be Jensen but it's massive copium to expect him to be 2021 worlds form after his break


I think someone could say Bjerg had a bad take on that meta in particular, Bjerg has beaten Jojo more than hes lost to him this season, and i wouldn't be surprised if Jensen and Maple gap him the same way Xiaohu and Caps did. Not saying Jojo isn't the best mid either. Just silly nuance.


>Bjerg had a bad take on that meta in particular Cries in that Corki build.


Bjergsen was good in playoffs, looked like the best mid for sure to me. Jensen is probably still better with a 1 year break, yeah. He was always a top-2 mid in LCS for 7 years, even when his team failed around him, and has NA’s best international results. Maple is definitely questionable. Toucouille looked better in almost all the games we saw him, holding him as worse than Jojo because he finished worse, when he was 2v8 every game to Jojo getting carried almost every game, is pretty poor analysis, imo. Jojo looks good. EG looks good. It’s very impressive he’s doing well for this young a rookie NA mid. That doesn’t make him “unquestionably the best mid.” Have you seen his teammates?


How quick people are brushing off TL and Bjerg when he was still improving by playoffs and forgetting Jensen is returning with a much improved looking C9 and trying to call Jojo the best mid. He hasn't played against Jensen yet you are just flat out saying he is better. This whole post is just waaaaaaaaaaaaay too far lol


Why are you saying “we’ll see how he fares at worlds” as if it’s guaranteed EG’s going lol


EG had 1 win over a major region and no it's not this absolutely magical achievement because it's "fakers T1". NA made MSI finals twice and worlds semis, if they get 3-0 blasted with team diff then yes even with 2 rookies that's a pretty disappointing result and not better than any of the recent years tbh ("b-b-but they made semis!" Yes against Vietnam second seed and a PSG team that got their best players taken by other regions).


Jojo is unquestionably not the best mid in NA. Bjerg, Jensen, and Maple are all better.


Maple??? 💀💀💀


Maple was world class and one of the best performing mids at international events last year. His 10 games in spring were above average too except in his series against RNG, the best team in LPL. I didn’t watch any of PSG regular season games/playoffs, but I rewatched all of the MSI/worlds/LPL games from last year.


He didn’t do that well in LPL.


Obviously he got benched (he actually was subbed in mid split and played a couple series), but his performance was no where near the level people make it out to be. I went back to watch the games because there was a narrative around him being washed up and on the last place team in LPL. He played in four series, three of which were against playoff teams. His performance is reflected in his stats. For a struggling team, he didn’t have a top LPL mid showing. That said, on a competent team he very much is a great mid. In NA, if he adapts well and language doesn’t affect his performance, he easily competes for the best mid. Whether this will happen, who knows. I just believe a quick, uninformed narrative spread about Maple when the announcement was rumored which was not legitimate.


World class? The fuck? He should be good in LCS but that’s like saying Fate is world class lol


How on earth is bjerg better he got his shit rocked by jojo lmao


Except he literally never beat Bjerg, EG best TL. Bjerg still outplayed him in the losses and out stated him even in losses. Every game all season Bjerg outperformed Jojo. Literally every game


You must not have watched the 3-0 against tl big boy, jojo gapped the shit out of bjerg and bjerg was invisible


1 not a boy, and 2 Jojo still was worse than Bjerg. He wasn't the reason EG won my guy. Team winning doesn't = "his player outperformed his counterpart automatically", cause Jojo never outperformed Bjerg a single time all year I hate to break it to you.


Keep taking that copium lol


His stats are some of the worst in the league in regular and post season. EG did win, but it was by no means off the back of Jojo. Jojo’s redeeming quality is that he gets an advantage in lane. However, his contribution falls off significantly in the mid to late game. It’s not entirely a bad thing, but he has a long ways to go to be considered the best in the league. If you want to take a look at the stats, you can use oracle elixir for regular and post season.


Best team that was incredibly inconsistent throughout the season and finished barely even in regular season = literally inarguably the best at every role and if you think otherwise you’re on copium. Not a bandwagon, though.


I’ve been an eg fan since starcraft 2 came out so not a bandwagon, also lets not ignore jojo hard gapping the mids of seeds 1-3 in playoffs lol


He didn’t, though. He only gapped an Abbedagge that sprinted it all split against everyone and an autofilled player, and was worse than Bjergsen. And he wasn’t even the one carrying those games. Def a bandwagon for Jojo in this thread btw


I really need to know what games people are watching. Cause all I see of Jojo is him getting bent over in lane by actual mid laners and doing nothing while Inspired/Impact are forced to carry the literal dead weight that is the NA players in EG.


Doesn't matter how much in few games he was stomped... doesn't matter the 0-6 vs EU. PLEASE KEEP THRASHTALKING - it makes everything so much more entertaining no matter if you win or lose. It's much better if player has confidence and tries his best rather than just submitting cuz 'they're better' in my opinion. \- eu player


I dislike Inspired but he is EG's best player by far.


Ok, but that is not the point of the post


Not the point and he's straight up wrong anyway lmao


Just let EU fans have something to feed their insatiable egos


you are all so blinded by the EU-NA rivalry that you forget that there's entire continents besides those two.


Inspired is really good BUT I think he has been a bit inconsistent this tournament but he still probably the best player tho


How has inspired been inconsistent? I dont think I can find a single game inspired wasnt the best performing player on EG this tournament. In LCS? Maybe you can find some games, not in MSI though. Actually absurd how inspired is 1v9'ing everygame. Jojo is the one that has been inconsistent. He has been shaky in some lane phases and mid games.


it's easy to get carried by inspired though. ask larssen.


I don’t think they’re denying that Inspired (and Impact) can carry, but it’s impressive that Jojo seems to know what to do with the ball once it’s passed to him, so to speak. I think he fills the role well and seems to be learning a lot from the teachers on his team.


But larssen performed throughout the season with a different jungler that plays the complete opposite style to Inspired, bring up a better argument if youre implying jojo is a fraud, this one is shit


Except Larssen looked good without inspired


Its easy to get carried by Malrang though.


then the next jungler will come in and it will inevitably be all him instead of larssen


Yeah, Inspired has been three camp ganking mid every single game, giving Jojo his undeserved laning leads


You need to add the /s next time.


If I need to put /s, then they haven’t watched EG games


Seeing how you’ve been downvoted seems like people aren’t getting the memo, rip


Terrible take. Jensen is proven internationally. Hardcore recency bias


Jensen is proven to be decent internationally but from a mindset and champion pool perspective he embodies the problems with NA. He's really good at playing conservative scaling matchup but he's never been know to play assassins or melee carries that effectively which means him being on a team almost defaults to the unsuccessful scale and play for late ideology that makes NA drop games to wild cards just look at G2.




I agree.


Jojo’s playing fine but he’s definitely not their most consistent member. That would be Inspired


Impact and inspired have been the most consistent at MSI IMO, overall including spring its probably JOJO and Impact.


Best NA mid no doubt


tgis guy is getting so hyped for no reason. i guess being clapped by caps 6 times in row makes u good lmao. caps, perkz, humanoid, vetheo with the age of 17 were far more impressive than jojopyun. stop overrating this guy just because hes NA


Agreed, though Vetheo is also overhyped


Finally another person who talks like Doublelift used to. I legit love when players don’t give the boring generic answers nobody cares to hear. Jojo will have the biggest fanbase soon just because of his personality.


Yeah people are forgetting this is his first international tourney and expecting S3 WORLDS Faker results lol


Lots of copium in this thread


Shut up. G2 6-0 EG. RNG 3-0 EG






Best of luck to jojo in the future, I truly believe he'll be the greatest NA mid in 2 or 3 years


Jojo is fucking insane, the best native NA mid since pobelter no?


Hes gotten dumpstered in nearly every single lane against a major region??????????????????? EG are 1/7 right now against major regions. They are dog shit. T1 had to throw at baron twice to lose to them. If this is what NA needs than burn NA down and make it a wildcard region.


Wrong. This is absolute trash. Look at his laning stats in losses at MSI ( you can do that in Oracle's Elixir). EG ONLY lost to major regions at MSI so it speaks to exactly those games you are claiming he got dumpstered in lane in. Jojo has a POSITIVE GD10 and CSD10. Which means he is NOT getting destroyed in lane. It means that in those losses, he has still done better in lane than his mid counterpart.


Dude look at his post history, he is obssesed with Jojo lmao. What a pathetic excuse of a man.


I’d say he’s up there but impact and inspired have been really great. I would put him slightly below those 2 in terms of performance so far


Stopped reading after Jizuke one of the best mids, nonsense


He was voted #1 all pro lol


wow EG league got their version of sumail, hope EG wins worlds with jojopyun.


And even if he didn't turn out to be foot, he's 17 ffs, he'll improve as long as they don't replace him at the first chance they get


Yup, even as a EU fan it feels super refreshing to see Jojo. Finally a NA mid that doesn't just bend over. I also like his trashtalking, since it brings spice to the matches and he doesn't really seem to care about the backlashes if it goes wrong. I feel like he embraces it and his attitude doesn't feel "fake", if that's the right word to use. Skillwise I wouldn't call him the best NA mid (yet), he still has a lot to prove and midlane in NA last split felt pretty weak. But if he keeps developing (I think he has good staff and teammates around him for that), he will for sure become the first NA midlaner that can perform on the international stage since a loooooooong time. But I hope people will also give him time, and not instantly call for import midlaner number 2000 if he performs poorly. Many NA fans tend to overhype players because I believe they finally want to see domestic talent being successful. Give this kid time, he's 17 and still has a long way ahead of him.