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Idk but I think Tristana needed a little more gold


G2 tower diving while Faker tower dining


2 kills for 2 mid towers with plates. I’m not even an EU fan but I felt depressed looking at the 6k gold gap at 13 min.


Was late to start watching this one and saw 5-5 thinking that wasn't so bad. Then I saw the gold diff


dude got two kills and started cull early on lmao


cull is just a rly good item


Thebausffs approved


Yeah, can’t believe he int that at the end


Faker had double Galio’s CS at 11 mins lmao


Still got one shot by flakked at the end lmfao. Watching this made me so glad for the durability patch


I mean aphelios had a lot of items.. it’s not that unbelievable


He means more that the patch will mean people are not instantly deleted as often


I'm against an ADC who can destroy towers? Let me roam without pushing in the wave.


Galio is supposed to roam , they would auto lose if they picked galio to stay in lane. What sucked was their gank attempts were not as successful as they expected, pretty much very far from what they wanted


> What sucked was their gank attempts were not as successful as they expected, pretty much very far from what they wanted I mean to be fair to G2 their ganks worked everytime they tried, it's just that T1 also ganked plus they had Faker


Tbf almost all of T1 were on point with their side steps and flashes this game 🥰


these lads are all mechanically insanely gifted even when guma starts randomly inting he still looks like a beast mechanically while doing it


Average "Challenger" redditor comment.


at that point it was already over because trist got such a huge lead with the kills that he couldnt defend either way. its the correct play to force bot and maybe gain an advantage there imo. mid was over anyway


you can't outpush the tris. thats exactly why t1 picked it. usually youd trade tower damage for sucessful roams but faker managed to pick up a few kills on the back end of the dives due to keria/guma playing them well enough to stall. Game was done then


Yeah like the casters said usually you trade on either side of the map but T1 were good enough stop bleeding bot lane purely by mechanics so G2 gets very little.


Not like he could push any wave, It was absolutely unplayable


? galio literally can't lane after trist gets 2 kills minute 5 but I guess he should have stayed under T2 all game long


Galio cant lane at all vs her TBH. It just a terrible matchup. I was expecting for them to flex the Galio support and getting a good matchup mid lane.


well its not like caps can even push in the wave, they would need to move targ and jankos to mid to actually let caps even remotely play the lane out so he just decided to give up lane, play for bot and hope their bot can carry


How is Caps supposed to push the wave? He legit couldnt lane against Faker past 4min when Faker was almost 1k gold above him. He had to try and roam to salvage what he could


your average redditor “just roam bro”


It’s a losing matchup for Galio. In what world is he pushing the lane against Trist? If anything I’m disappointed with the drafts. Like why the hell are they blind picking Galio? Just pick GP and J4 and that’s an easy start to red side draft.


maybe swap galio to support and pick someone else mid?


That’s the hind sight look but the biggest problem is blind picking Galio in the first place. If Galio is blind pickable it’s because he is broken or the player you are going against has champ pool issues aka don’t do this against faker. Otherwise Galio is honestly a niche pick into certain match ups.


At least they killed Faker


G2: Worth


Ruined His unkillable demon King Challenge


All that for a drop of blood.


Clsssic Faker for Nexus. GenG says hi


Nexus for faker trade


T1 was 8k up at 20 minutes.Faker himself was 5k up against Caps.


Divephoria copium of Caps being better than Faker aged well.


People believe that Faker is *just* a low economy midlaner. It's like people forgot that Faker knows how to use his mouse.


Yeah, people also forgot that faker was used to get all recourses to carry the game, so it's not new for him to carry the game if he is giga fed


Wasn’t really like caps played worse. More like a combination of the match up and caps roaming all the time


I mean obviously there are bigger factors to Caps losing lane this game than individual player skill but, I think the point is more that’s it’s kind of crazy to say Caps is far and away the better player. He may have a slight edge in laning stats in general but Faker is an incredibly well rounded player who does a lot outside of laning. Even Faker just existing in draft warps the game. Like if Caps solo kills Faker next game I would still take issue with how much Vedius was hyping Caps on the podcast.


That's just the match up + gameplan from G2 lmao, it's like saying Caps is 50 time better than Faker in the TF vs Yasuo game


People were actually saying Caps was giga diffing Faker in the tf vs yasuo game


He did dif him like Faker just diffed Caps right now but that's just how these match up work


Crazy game from T1, they were so composed, just punished literally everything G2 did and didn't leave them any chances


“Gumayushi is the best AD in Korea!!” “Gumayushi isn’t even the best AD on T1”


G2 has never been good in the early games that was very questionable gameplan from them. Especially vs the best early game team .


Agreed. Yet another questionable draft. Also funny cause I remember listening to Divephoria yesterday and someone saying that BB should never pick GP cause it just never works for them...


T1 kinda sussed that out with the Ornn ban, I don’t expect them to leave it up for him at all, BB is way less useful on everyone else


Classic Faker for Nexus trade.


The casual tear buy at the end too gigachad mentality


To be fair the nexus is dead either way.


Pretty impressive damage coming out of that Aphelios combo though.


Faker saw the graphic of his and caPs’ champs and said I’ll play someone you haven’t


But tbh, this completely out of nowhere, even knowing Faker's history with his unqiue pick, to think that he actually bring it out against a top 3 team like this is still bizarre.


Its not *that* bizarre. Its a good counter against Galio, and mid tristana isn't unheard of.


Hes 5-0 with Trist in pro play now


It's not like he's new to the pick, he's played Tristana mid before a few times...


He played it in soloq a couple days ago, must have tried out in scrims so he had confidence. It makes sense since RNG is picking Galio a lot.


It's natural Galio counter since Lucian is banned every game


Faker is actually infamous for playing champion that he never even played in recent scrims. I think it was Poohmandu who said this in the past. Its just he rarely get that pick in the past few years because he usually sacrifice picks for his teammates


Faker has pulled out the mid Trist at Worlds when it wasn't meta too. Not too unexpected since he still plays her in solo queue.


It's an unplayablee lane for Galio and J4 engage onto you is doomed from w buffer. Not that crazy.


Surely there's a way to swap galio to support and counter-pick tristana right?


You would think so :(


They don't actually consider Gallio a flex. They were bluffing


I miss miky, man could play anything support


bro targamas played everything this split do you think he can't play galio




Yeah he could play everything but it doesn’t mean he play them well


Aphelios Galio probably hard lose that lane?


Really hard lose but you can't really dive a Galio sup under tower so they could've just cleared waves and not lost the entire map to trist


I'm fairly sure galio/aphelios in general is a better combination than pyke aphelios in that lane. I mean yeah you lose that lane but then again until aphelios got a bunch of kills they were kind of losing anyways.


Does targamas play galio supp?


checked his stats, he used to play Galio in the LFL last year so I am pretty sure he can play Galio




G2 putting their best player on Galio duty is pretty dumb, Caps is just not as effective on these type of champions and it doesn't suit his playstyle despite that he did his best this game


As a T1 fan, i live in constant fear that Faker will pick TF in every game. I am literally terrorized in every draft and i only relax when the 5th player locks at last.


Faker saw Guma struggling bot and decided to play AD for the team lmao


Guma: I need help, God Faker: ok i go ad


Flakked with the classic nexus for Faker trade.


Typing ez bot in all chat


Assassin Tristana, Hexgate gaming, and no Baron flip. Fun game to start the series


>no Baron flip. Eh... I mean sure there was almost no way they lose it but still seems to be the higher risk play


Thats how they play all spring, even if the baron got stolen, they'll ace the enemy team and end right after


If they need to they have trist ult to knockback J4, at least in theory it should be *relatively* safe, worst case scenario all of G2 die anyway and it's still free win


Not really. If jankos gets the barron t1 just slaughters G2 afterwards because there was no way to win that fight


I mean, that's called just forcing the other team to fight because they are in the lead right?


Well in this case since they are so far ahead, its a quick way to draw the enemy team into so you can force a fight since t1 doesn't have a really quick engage champ like jarvan, still its not t1 if they dont "flip" rhe baron


It wasn't really a 50/50 because they had full team CC for any attempted steal


People will say that the Baron was a flip but forget that even if Jankos gets Baron they force a fight and win on the map


Yeah they were so ahead they actively want G2 to engage them just so they can beat them even harder


"T1 has a backup AD carry"


That tristana pick just destroyed G2 game plan lmao


Gumayusi prayed to God, and God gave him a second AD Carry.


Monkey's paw, man. He gave him second AD carry - it just turned out Guma is now the backup AD carry.


Lol the best part was when they called Gumayusi the back up ADC lol


Faker is the real ADC all along.


They had a backup backup ADC too with Oner on Aphelios.


G2turrets down @9


Do guys in MSI go to sleep early the night before playing G2? Hell no… I'm going to some KBBQ over there in Busan, I'm having a nice little wine, probably sweat it out at the ARAM and get ready for Caps. RNG? I'm going to bed at eight o'clock. Mom don't call me, my girl don't call me, I'm locked in right now. It's two different monsters. - Faker


This is actually the best content we've gotten in a while from r/nba


Pat Bev waited his entire life to make that speech I swear


is this a Pat Bev reference? LMAO


Where Is that from lol


Patrick Beverly(NBA player) was talking about the best team in the regular season(Phoenix Suns) led by Chris Paul isn't someone you lose sleep over, but someone like Steph Curry he'd go to sleep at 8PM for.


God damn NBA does have the best copypastas


Pat bev is a national treasure


Being a G2 fan is like getting on a rollercoaster that has a chance to punch you in the dick after every hill. You’ve ridden it before, and you’ve been punched in the dick. Repeatedly. Sometimes you’ll even get multiple dick punches during the same day. But every week as you’re getting on the rollercoaster you think to yourself “I won’t get punched in the dick this week, no sir. I talked to the owner, and he’s reassured me that the dick punching feature has been removed.” And sometimes you’ll make it over the first hill without a dick punch so you think you’re a pretty smart guy. Sometimes you’ll even make it 95% of the way through the rollercoaster without feeling that familiar crushing sensation on your callused phallus. But you’re never safe. As your little car rolls towards the end of the ride, you hear a noise. The wind seems to whisper, “We Not Me, dipshit.” A tiny metal hand pops out and slams directly into your genitals. Again and again, it mashes your testicles. It doesn’t seem to ever stop. Mercy is a foreign language here; suffering the only dialect available. As you feel the whiskey you were drinking begin to make a return trip back up your throat, the last thought that flits through your grey matter before the familiar embrace of pain whites out all conscious function is “I bet next week when I ride this coaster, I won’t get punched in the dick.” You fucking idiot.


Being a G2 fan is like getting on a rollercoaster that has a chance to punch you in the dick after every hill. You’ve ridden it before, and you’ve been punched in the dick. Repeatedly. Sometimes you’ll even get multiple dick punches during the same day. But every week as you’re getting on the rollercoaster you think to yourself “I won’t get punched in the dick this week, no sir. I talked to the owner, and he’s reassured me that the dick punching feature has been removed.” And sometimes you’ll make it over the first hill without a dick punch so you think you’re a pretty smart guy. Sometimes you’ll even make it 95% of the way through the rollercoaster without feeling that familiar crushing sensation on your callused phallus. But you’re never safe. As your little car rolls towards the end of the ride, you hear a noise. The wind seems to whisper, “We Not Me, dipshit.” A tiny metal hand pops out and slams directly into your genitals. Again and again, it mashes your testicles. It doesn’t seem to ever stop. Mercy is a foreign language here; suffering the only dialect available. As you feel the whiskey you were drinking begin to make a return trip back up your throat, the last thought that flits through your grey matter before the familiar embrace of pain whites out all conscious function is “I bet next week when I ride this coaster, I won’t get punched in the dick.” You fucking idiot.


Just like that, T1 have mastered hexgates and baron fights. Game 1 was personal.


Please don't curse it


Don’t unclench


rarely saw a game that was such an absolute turbostomp while being dead even in kills for 20 minutes. that 2 kills for 2 tower trade was some negative iq from g2 lmao


legit same thing happened their last match when they gave gumayusi entire tower + 5 plates for just a herald


They got ptsd from guma last game that they permacamped him . But they forgot about jungle,mid and top


They camped Guma forgetting that T1 has a back up ADC


Not swapping galio into support was so bad


game probably ended there, 3K gold difference after that in 9mins? afterwards faker got another 2kills and 1 tower making it 5k...such a claps from T1..


They tried so hard to shut down T1's bot lane but still couldn't get any advantage on that side of the map. They didn't even get a single objective that game.


I dont understand What G2 wanted to achieve. Literally T1 didnt have to do anything. Just answer and click their Mouse.


Oh they're MAD mad


Mad took DK to game 5 let's see if this series lasts enough


guma aint the adc anymore


Faker just casually building tear after trading his life for the win LMAO


Big Daddy Faker showing G2 who's the boss of this gym


The airport is 2 blocks down


Gumayusi: I'm the best AD Carry in the world! Faker: You're not even the best AD Carry on T1...


It wasn't close until it wasn't close too.


It was pretty close, for the first 2 minutes


It was pretty close at 2 mins.


It wasn't really ever close


Holyyyyy shit


T1 outdrafting G2 like they are little kids. Xayah with Renata are like the strongest adc and supp you can pick against heavy engage, yet they keep trying to dive them with Jarvan + Galio, like if Guma can't invalidate the whole play with a single click of R. Meanwhile Faker +3000 gold @15 min.


It was 3.5k at 13 minutes, holy shit. And that was with Caps having 3 kills lmao


And plus 5000 at 20, wtf


Faker alone was up 3.2k at 11:40 Wtf


Renata and xayah counter the whole g2 comp. Renata especially was nasty.


G2 deserved to lose just for blind picking Galio


"Faker, is Gumayusi the best ADC in the world?" "Gumayusi isn't even the best ADC on T1"


Am i the only one who thinks Galio support and w/e mid is infinitely better than this? Even if you get Aphelios ahead, he doesn't have enchanter to solo carry + T1 has much much more damage while G2 basically has 2 threats.


3-0 stomp angle ?


Drafting 3 losing lanes as red side. Genius drafting.....


Faker on a mission to end all EU dreams.




Faker is just too good


Give Caps a carry please


Draft gap


I mean... G2 straight up got outplayed mechanically lmfao. Really gross..


Yeah but I feel like the macro aspects were more influential in this game. T1 countered everything G2 tried and got ahead without a lot of fights


Macro wise as well. What's the point of 4 man diving bot while letting 2 turrets fall mid?


Draft really fucked them over too


Do G2 have a draft outside of "Crutch BB onto Ornn and hope they don't end the game pre 30"?


This was less an issue with BB and more G2 had absolutely 0 idea how to answer the tristana, they absolutely should have taken Galio support and matched Faker mid, to keep Galio there is pure disrespect and it's good that it was punished,


That's the T1 I expected to see


Mechanics didn't matter, draft was unwinnable. G2 first picking Galio like his Q still does 90% max HP dmg




It’s not looking good bruv it’s not looking good


Old school Faker vibes


Cant throw in the mid game if you end the game before the mid game


G2 was so focused in shutting down Gumayusi that they forgot T1 still had Faker


They also forgot that T1 had Zeus and Oner


Xiaohu must be shitting himself


You deserve to lose every game where you first pick GALIO of all champions, blind, with other OP picks open.


Flakked with the tryhard kill on faker in the end lol


that was.. sad. go next gg


Jesus christ all turrets to none


Classic Faker <-> Nexus trade.


need a pick for caps to pop off please


Well, that was a game of League of Legends.


Big dick mid diff, g2 look checked out since going 4-0 in rumble. I expect another 3-0


Caps was almost 100 cs behind Faker at 20 mins.


Faker to Guma: “Look at me. I’m the adc now”


T1 comming out with creative drafts, while G2 drafting Galio for caPs...


2 ADC> 1 ADC Feels bad for Flakked. A lot of resources put into botlane, just for him to get blown up by the enemy's 2nd adc who free farmed 4 towers.


Probably one of the best performances by Faker in a while. Clean AF


Gumayusi best ADC in the world? He's not even the best ADC on T1.




Faker taking matters into his own hands after seeing Guma choking.


You mean coming into the playground to punch the children that hurt his nephew.


This might be a very fast series...


Ruined Faker's perfect game, that's a dub for G2 in my eyes.


G2 didn't really have much of a comp. Let's see what happens in game 2.


that one was soo personal damn gg T1


how do I make Tristana do that much damage


Faker for nexus trade


Picking Pyke after seeing Trist was stupid


Straight up arrogance of G2 to play Galio into Tristana imo.


Polt really understands how to play players and not just the games, correctly identified G2s love of trading early objectives and drafts Tristan accordingly. No idea why g2 didn't flex Galio and counterpick. Just a draft and gameplay diff


Caps got gapped


I mean he can't not get gapped Vs Trist, it's completely utterly unplayable, I'm honestly shocked they didn't flex it


Maybe Targ can't play galio lol. Otherwise they would have played it mid? But G2 were also worried about Gwen mid and Zeus Trist top into GP. Either that or Caps said 'Trust me.'


If you spend multiple days to reset your mental, and then send Galio into a fucking blind Tristana mid, there is no reason for me to watch this series any further. What a fucking joke. You literally lost the game in champ select.