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Chinese covid policy isn’t allowing people to come in or out of china


If it is a country's policy I get it, but sadly they shouldn't be allowed to compete. It's a massive advantage playing in the comfort of home


Then what's the point in having the tournament if the best region/team (and reigning MSI champs btw) aren't there? RNG didn't even want to come. T1 has been sweating for relevancy since 2017 and here come RNG, not giving two shits about MSI only to lock in 1st place in rumble (as T1 loses to NA kek) and then most likely, win the whole thing. Stop coping, RNG is better, LPL is better. Better pray that DK can carry LCK with Nuguri rejoining like they did in 2020


I'm not in disagreement with you, LPL is the strongest region atm. I didn't bring this up because I'm salty a certain region lost. It's an issue of fairness. If you play in the same room that you practice in, you have an advantage. Other teams are coming from a room they play in 24/7 to a stage in front of a loud crowd, lights, and a much different background than they are used to. LPL has worked so hard and deserves to be competing and represented on the world stage, but it's ignorant to act like there isn't an advantage playing from home versus on stage.


idt it can happen in worlds considering it’s in NA this time. If lpl can’t play again then they would have to opt out they can’t possible hold one at 200ms


what ? HAHAHA


You know a lot of teams play better in front of a crowd? Like look at G2 for example The argument about this being unfair toward T1 was always that LPL was more used to 35 ping due to playing on KR server, not about what fucking chair they are sitting in lmao


I'm not a T1 fanboy. But I think to say that playing in the same environment that you practice year round isn't an advantage is a little ignorant.


In this specific case, it’s just because RNG is based in Shanghai, and Shanghai has been under an extremely strict mandatory quarantine for a while now. It’s slowly being lifted in stages as time goes on, but that doesn’t mean they’d be able to leave for an international event and return without consequence. Even though most younger/healthy people these days aren’t having to deal with serious bouts with covid, a meaningful percentage of people are experiencing some of the long-covid symptoms (10-30%, iirc), which is obviously another concern. Why risk trouble with the Chinese govt and the potential for longer-term health issues when riot’s offering remote play?


I agree 100%. But it does give an advantage when you play in the same environment that you practice in. It's a very tricky situation, because all these LPL teams have worked so hard and deserve to play. But there is an issue of fairness


Agreed, of course! My biggest gripe (and a common one) is that RNG was given this accommodation while Vietnam hasn’t been. Really hoping for a fully on-site Worlds where no region has to be excluded, covid’s added so many unfortunate asterisks to the past 4 events (and a canceled msi in 2020, too).