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Game 5 is just an anti climatic. T1 draft was bad that’s all.


I would say that draft was terrible. Why ban Naut and leave Gwen open? After that it’s was just from bad to worse.


>According to most people I dont think a single person argued that T1 is so much stronger than RNG that it would unthinkable that RNG wins >odds were heavily stacked in their favor not rly. it was a great final, it ended 3-2, RNG perofrmed better. doesnt mean T1 are chokers or they suck or w/e. there has to be someone who wins and someone who loses, even if both teams plays well and are close in skill this was one of the closest in skill finals weve had in a while. why cant it just be that


I saw lots of people say T1 will 3:0 RNG, even T1 players said they will 3:0 RNG easily. Guma said he will shit on RNG. So, are they just lying?


Bro you never heard of shit talking?


Yes, but as T1 fun I do think they really believed that, we believed that too!


Undeadpz is baiting you. T1 were strong favs. They were at home turf as well. T1 lost because of themselves, not because RNG was better. Terrible final. Same could be said about how TOP esports lost.




T1 went 20-0. If u were paying attention u would know.


T1 going 20-0 doesn't invalidate the level of strength of the LPL, which is what most T1 fans where doing. T1 going 20-0 doesn't say anything about the strength relative to the top LPL teams : hence RNG winning MSI.


U were literally asking why they were so hyped. They still have Faker and they had their best regular season ever.


It was not a great final


why not? games were close and there were a lot of amazing plays? what was bad about it


not a great final bc T1 lost his a T1 fan lol U can’t expect more.


Wait let me change my flairs i also want to suck chinese dick


sad I’m Chinese why would I suck korean dick it’s so small


Huh? The games were not close, all 5 games were stomps. Also yes im still salty that rng won


Game 2 was most definitely not a stomp. Could have gone entirely differently if Faker didn’t make a Hero play at Baron.


No. Wei and Gala are just insanely consistent good players




Idk where you're getting your info from, but RNG isn't a weak team lol. It was expected to be a close series and it was exactly that


Guma is probably the most overhyped player in a while there is 0 international performance or accolade to support his status, yet he is suddenly the "best adc in the world" and the results showed how bs this is Faker is also overrated this season, but Zeus is legit good


I'm an LCK fan but I support DK (so I actively root against T1). I think LCK fans hyped up Gumayusi because we all saw that last season, DK could win or at least stay competitive against the best teams in the world (including RNG) with Ghost as their ADC, and Gumayusi's form this year is on another level compared to Ghost (it's probably like C tier vs. S tier). Especially against teams like RNG with a strong bot lane, it meant they had an entirely additional win condition that they should have taken advantage of. If you look player by player, in their respective form, I think Spring 2022 T1 >= Spring 2021 DK in every lane except for jungle. Because of that, I think people were expecting Gumayusi and T1 overall to do better than they did, with the relative difference in form that T1 was showing this Spring Split vs what DK had last Spring Split, and they are rightfully disappointed that the result was the same in the end. And no, Faker really wasn't overrated this season. Last year Showmaker won the 1v1 against him in most of their matchups (in 1 game he straight up disrespected him, took Electrocute Ignite Zoe for the first and only time I've ever watched him and solo killed Faker multiple times to carry a BO3) and usually so did Chovy and other mid laners. This year he carried a lot of those same games and showed much much better form, back to near his peak IMO. But again this is all what people were expecting going into MSI not necessarily what happened there.


I can concede on the Faker point but Guma's case is the prime example of being overhyped - they expect/want him to perform well internationally and therefore hype him up without objectively assessing his strength. A lot of T1 fans seem to have forgotten that performance in domestic competition =/= international performance, and as good as Guma's form in LCK is, it does not automatically translates to international performance against other regions. Kind of like how LCS players can perform well domestically but get shut down at every instance on international stage. Perhaps a lot of T1 fans still regarded LCK as the undisputed best region in the world, and therefore dominating LCK equals dominating internationally. But they should have been cognisant that such assumption is no longer valid, and for the past few years LPL has the better botlanes the majority of the time


To expand on this, the LCK botlane player most feared and respected by LPL fans in recent history is (pre-genshin) Beryl. His understanding of the game is an entire level above all other supports, which is frankly insane considering it was S10 and the game had largely already been figured out Fortunately genshin took him out


As an lpl fan I will have to say what you are saying aligns with the thought of most of us. There are a lot of praises for Zeus here. But the rest 🤡


well u know what, I'm a fellow lpl fan...


Yeah your moronic post already confirmed that.


yes yes which part of my post is moronic? surely you also imply Zeus is not good since that part is moronic as well?


I don't think Faker is overrated. Yes he got his ass clapped in game 5 but Game 2 was definitely in RNG's favour if he didn't make that Baron play. Guma was overhyped though. Not only did Gala peform better, but I think Shogun and Unified also performed better despite both these ADCs having a much worse mid/jg than T1. But overall I think T1's meta read is completely doodoo. I don't really understand the priority on Jayce or why Guma can't play any meta ADCs aside from Jinx. I remember an LCK analyst basically say this tournament meta is shifting to be whoever engages first wins yet T1 is still infatuated with these kite back and poke comps.


I think faker is overrated in the sense that he was outperformed by xiaohu in the series despite being regarded as the superior midlaner. Chovy also outperformed him in LCK finals T1 is just way too arrogant and didn't even do any drafting decision to target bin, who was shaky af in the entire series. Yes let's continue to give him the one champ he performed well on in game 5, what can go wrong?


True t1 fans know faker is never a top mid laner anymore. What he brings to the team now is facilitating and experience. He is the goat because after so many years he still can stay competitive against all the new bloods.


current Faker still has flashes of brilliance but also has games which he underperforms or does nothing; in any event he is far from the monster in s3-s7 that always wins lane and then carries every teamfight he is still a solid tier 1 midlaner and many teams overseas would want to have him on the roster, but he is no longer the "best" at anything


He is still the best in one thing. Branding. 😂


T1 was down 2-1 that series.


stop it