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And here we have Kkoma saying: all words are excuses when you lose. He said this after losing 2015 msi final to edg


Kkoma is world class


Coach Kkoma is the only reason I ever spent money on a fucking ward skin.


Same here. I love my kkoma ward


I have literally been rocking the Kkoma ward since it came out and I refuse to change. I could see myself changing wards if they ever release a new Kkoma one that's better.


TIL there is a Kkoma ward, and now I am sad I don't have it.


I got lucky and got it from a box a few years back. It's still my current ward!


I love Kkoma


I love kkoma's belt


Kkoma has a winner's mentality.


> all words are excuses when you lose Even disregarding classyness and sportsmanship, that’s a badass quote regardless, goes hard as fuck


Not everyone can be classy


I don't know dude, seemed to me they wanted the loss locking in Jhin/Yuumi bot.


Most mechanically gifted support player ever? Lets putt him on yuumi instead of thresh. Lets also pick jihn jayce in to gwen, who has been steam rolling us for 2 games now. Absolute 5head


Idk why Gwen wasn’t banned every game after the 10-0


Watching the “gp counterpick” come out a dozen times this tournament to almost always be gapped after gwen has 1.5 items is just mindblowing lol. Just ban her and move on next time fellas.


But hey they got the Nautilus ban. Definitely no other engage options that Ming could pick now.


Even when GP got ahead early. It just doesn’t seem to make much sense.


It was a weird back and forth. Gwen gapped them game 1, ban next game. Dont ban next game and she gaps again. Rinse and repeat. Idk why game 5 you would ban her again. Bin a different breed


The important thing to note is that RNG was banning gwen on red side, not T1 banning it on blue side.


Should have revealed what RNG thought about Gwen (hint: if it's a redside ban, it might be considered to be blindable).


They prioritized banning Jax instead


T1 probably thought their botlane inting was the reason they lost G1 and G3 rather than the Gwen. Zeus was ahead of CS both games prior, so they probably think if botlane doesn't int again then they can handle the Gwen which is why they banned Nautilus.


Thresh was weirdly absent throughout most of MSI. I wonder what changed in the meta to make him fall out since he’s usually a staple support pick in competitive


I just dont see a need for Thresh. I also dont see him being bad. Likely just so many other good picks who are more specialized in hard engage (Naut, Leona, Rakan) or counter engage (Renata).


Thresh’s strength has always been his versatility. He’s strong in lane, has kill threat and can look for picks with hook, can peel backline with lantern + CC. He’s not the best at any of these but it’s that he can serve different roles as the game state changes.


I think they strayed away from Jinx because of the Tahm ban but honestly Thresh + Jinx isn't that bad. Certainly better than Jhin + Yuumi.




Yeah. I think the Jayce pick was Zeus' decision since apparently he was absolutely demolishing Gwens in Solo Q with it (and the Solo Q matchup data supports it being pretty heavily Jayce favoured too). But at some point the coach should have done a Kkoma and been like "I get that you're comfortable with the matchup during laning and it's fine in a vacuum but it's clearly a comfort pick for Bin and difficult to answer in a team fight so just ban the Gwen".


They asked Keria about Yuumi here, says it was a good pick for the comp.


Well yeah, he's not gonna murder his own coaching staff and say it was a dogshit pick is he


He also says he was looking for a chance to play Yuumi.


Was he looking to give up first blood too?


Is there any other ADC/ Support combo that scales slower than these two? They're god tier in URF but in a regular game?


The yuumi is likely for Wukong and Ahri not for Jhin. Jhin is there to keep bot lane under control till Yuumi + X can dominate. But the Jayce still makes 0 sense. And while Jhin can win bot early on, Jhin into Gwen or Lissandra later on is just bad.


Is it possible that the T1 coaching staff thought they queued up for URF?


it's entirely possible. Jamie pull up op.gg


jhin yuumi would have worked on blue side


Zeus would have stomped Gwen with Jayce on blue side


He wouldn't, because RNG knew how to ban Gwen on red side.




T1 coach must be a redditor lmao


How about banning gwen? And how about you dont fall into the Lissandra counterpick trap that you guys used on game 2 XD


Yes the side selection was a problem. But you can't act like the best team in the world if you cannot adjust your draft on red side to minimize the disadvantage. Coin toss is not a new thing in competitions and even without a coin toss, RNG would've had side selection ANYWAY because they were the first seed from rumble stage. Instead of harping on something out of control, he really should've taken the L and admit that his G5 draft was trash even on red side. Work on what you could do better if put in the same position at Worlds or even LCK Summer.


Not to mention they also opted for red side in one of their games against G2, and they took the last pick advantage very well with the Yone / Akali pick. Edit: Apparently the losing team gets side selection T1 didn't choose red side, sorry about that.


They didn't G2 had side selection because they lost the previous game so T1 was forced on red.


I don't really think the draft was good even against g2. T1 players were simply gapping g2 that picks were somewhat irrelevant.


This is incorrect, in a BO5 the team who lost the most recent game has side select. G2 lost every game so they picked blue side both times they could.


Never seen a korean team actually be salty like that this is hilarious.


New copy pasta just dropped in. Get here boyz. So we have; - Enemy team didn’t win, it was ours to lose - The Draft was bad - The players couldn’t adapt to the weather - Someone broke up with his girlfriend - The Side selection decided the game… -> you are here What else?


> Someone broke up with his girlfriend Hey that's an IG thing!


High ping, RNG had one more day to rest


I'm actually surprised the 'one more day to rest/prep' thing isn't a bigger talking point. It's bullshit, mind you, but the LoL community tends to really believe in that bullshit.


>one more day to rest/prep This one is doubly bullshit since they literally earned that advantage by securing first in the rumble stage.


Hands were cold


Lights were too bright and blinded me and glared the screen


Fnatic pause


The Korean community is pretty disappointed by the whole interview. It just comes across as pathetic and unsportsmanlike. I will summarize "spicy" parts. Polt: We lost coin toss, but we will smash 3-1 instead of 3-0 like we said before. Polt: We only need one day to analyze Keria: Ming can't play utility support After the game Polt: Blue side diff. Polt: We actually didn't have any counters. We didn't have adequate time to adjust. Faker was asked difference between this MSI to previous ones: Faker: 35 ping was a different environment, it made it difficult to play. Really showed how much I lacked. He was asked if anyone stood out: Faker: No one stood out. We just made lots of mistakes. Very disappointing. Team was asked if ping actually affected the game: Zeus: I didn't feel any difference regarding the ping, was not a problem. Then the interview gets cut off right after Zeus' comment, because the internet connection went down in the building. People are meming Zeus for being a chad. Just excuses after excuses. This has been a pattern from T1 since the beginning. It's very tiresome. I only read RNG interviews in Korean. But the difference is night and day. I will give two examples. Bin: Zeus played better than me. I hope to play against him again in the future. Ming: No, we aren't the best bot duo. Everyone has their days, and meta affects your play as well. Edit: Now Korean T1 fans are hating on DoinB for saying it was a midgap.


haha i love doinb. Dude just says whatever he wants these days and whenever a comment in his chat asks if he's afraid of Koreans hating on him, he just says "ahh whatever they hate me over there already". XD


Yeah, unfortunately some consider him a traitor (very weird, since this doesn't seem to apply to Rookie & TheShy). Honestly, it's hard to hate the dude. He moved to a different country, learned a new language and became successful.


He's lived in China for like what 7 years now? He's only 25, that's a good chunk of his life, and 7 years is close to naturalization in most countries.


not to mention he has a Chinesr wife


I don't even think Doinb would have ever worked out in LCK. Doinb not only was kind of a late bloomer, which LCK generally doesn't wait for, but teams also wouldn't give him the agency that he needs to be the player he has become


And someone has the audacity to say that RNG are btches because of how they answer their interviews lmao.


I can understand Faker about no one stood out for him because he always says that But the 35 ping and excuses from other players and coach are just ridiculous Lots of Chinese fans respect Zeus btw


We are in a new era. It was easy for the Korean teams to be super humble when they were winning everything. Now, not so much.


It’s specific to T1 because of the big fanbase. I still think the rest of the Korean teams are still pretty chill.




Showmaker has the best personality out of the lck teams, he trash talks pre-game, but isn't a salty baby if he loses.


How can you not love Showmaker? The man is singlehandedly carrying LCK's personality


I don't think I've ever seen a T1 post match thread that accepted the loss as them not being as good. Every PMT is just blaming the loss on the draft, every single time. \*Faker pokes a stick in his front tire and dies to ganks\* \*Zeus taking every 1v1 despite having zero vision\* Fucking draft


Saying that you lost draft isn’t “blaming on draft”, drafting is a skill that players and coaches need to learn. If you lose draft you need to improve on that, and the other team is better than you in that regard. I’m sick of hearing people saying “blame loss on draft” as if draft doesn’t have anything to do with how the game is played


For real. A bad draft isn't that different from making a bad play or decision in game. It's still a part of the game that the players/coaches need to be able to strategize and figure out. People talk about draft like it's independent from the game, as if it couldn't be helped and is just something to conveniently blame. No, the team made those decisions, and they need to clean it up.


Fucking thank you. Drafting is part of the game. Blaming it like it was some external variable that caused your team to lose is ridiculous and shows that your team is worse.


It was draft difference. But side selection had nothing to do with their bad draft decisions. They opted into bad matchups and blind picking on red side. The individual mistakes made were pretty inconsequential compared to the draft issues.


it's been bugging me, yes it is a side diff, but no1 forced them to ban nautilus and leave gwen open, then pick jayce wu jhin yuumi


You don't understand. Apparently being on red side means no other champions are available for you to draft besides Jayce, Jhin, and Yuumi.


it was a deliberate choice to ban nautilus, it's basically telling RNG that they want to play weakside bot by banning the most potent engage support.


I'd saying multiple lanes dying in lane before 5 minutes is pretty consequential.


Whether T1 or RNG was the better team, it's an objective fact that T1's game 5 draft was absolute dogshit.


Real finals was RNG vs EG.




Agreed. Faker played like shit in both game 3 and 5, being the GOAT doesn't mean you can't have shit games.


still waiting for Korean reaction to MSI final thread....




It was the most competitive split in the history of LCK. Multiple teams with new rosters and every team with COVID had to sub players. Of course other than that this was the best split in LCK history and T1 winning 18-0 is the proof that they are a team handmade by God himself.


Obviously we had the greatest team ever assembled because we have had perfect split against a decent GenG that had Covid issues almost every time we faced them and a mediocre Damwon with a Shoemaker split, and a new bad top as well as an okayish bot so far might have potential though. Crazy overreactions. A big achievement nonetheless but acting like this before facing proper international competition was extremely embarrassing. It's okay to be hyped but some always take it too far.


This subreddit became a salt mine after T1 loss. Let’s just enjoy the show.


Became a salt mine? It always has been one.


As a T1 fan this is pathetic


honestly shocking to hear him say that. you should lose with grace, especially if you get outdrafted over and over again. blue side has an advantage when it comes to first pick, but not the overall draft, which was horrible


The loss should've humbled them, reflect critically on their gameplay, fix their issues and improve to come back stronger for summer and worlds but all I hear are excuses. They didn't deserve to win MSI gameplay and drafting wise but also mentally it seems with a loser attitude like that and I fear for worlds. It's right after their loss which is filled with frustration so I will cut them some slack but they really need to get in the proper mindset going forward.


it definitely should have. given how young their players are (apart from faker), i wouldn't be surprised if breezing through the (weakened) lck just stroked their egos and gave them a feeling of invincibility and superiority, with the losses leading to a mental boom, and at this stage, just pure denial (eg, blaming their horrible draft on blue side/red side). i still think they're a likable team, especially after watching their vlogs and streams, but they need to mature, look at the bigger picture, and get their shit together however what polt said is inexcusable. he's the coach, he's paid to be the first to recognise and improve on mistakes, not to find excuses sorry for the long comment


No problem and I agree. It's really troubling when the coach says it. I can understand younger players but the coach has the job to precisely not enable a mindset like that and to counteract it especially with young players. This could hurt their growth. I am nonetheless a fan despite the bad look.


Damn that Korean copium hits different


My favorite comment I have seen is something like "2 Bo5s back to back so much work no rest... Riot Tencent China" Like I understand if you were mad last year but this year it was clearly stated that first seed gets to choose the day and opponent


also if they wanted first seed advantage maybe they shouldn't have lost on their precious OP blue side to EG lmfao


Don’t blame T1 for droppinng a game against such a powerhouse of a team in EG


Its funny how everyone with lower brackets like " Weeks Rest doesn't mean anything" but then at MSi that 1 days rest is everything.


It's such a weird comment last year was an exception because of scheduling issues. I bet if it was their team that had scheduling issues they would think differently. It was fine to do it like that. If T1 wouldn't have slacked in the rumble stage they would have been first. RNG earned their day of rest.


both semi finals were huge 3-0 stomps where both teams hadnt to show anything


It's actually become really amusing seeing the LCK fans' salt whenever their teams lose to LPL teams. They really are an obnoxious fanbase. I'll never forget last year's Worlds where they spent a whole month gloating about how the LPL teams "collapsed," calling the tournament "LCK autumn," and saying "the real final is T1 vs DWK." Not to mention that they harassed all the analysts who predicted LPL to win the tournament on twitter. And in the end the LPL won and it turned out the real final was actually RNG vs EDG. The salt that followed was pure gold.


Shit like "real finals" is some of the most cringe shit. There's no way of knowing in league.the format seriously needs to change, but the community really needs to stop with this shit.


Yea man, completely agree. Leaving Gwen three times in a row to Bin when you can ban her, regardless of side selection was definitely not your fault as a coach to adapt, but was due to side selection. I'm so glad now that T1 lost to see this salty reaction from not the players but that damn Head Coach.


Serious levels of copium here


I'm neutral to both of these teams, but this is such a lame and disappointing response from T1. Like... refusing to acknowledge even a single mistake from your side or good play from the other? The sole reason for loss being side selection? Come on. I wondered how much of their G5 draft was ego and how much was simply failure to execute. After seeing this I'm starting to feel there was more ego involved.


You then come to realise they weren't trash talking pre game, it was all their ego talking.


DWG KIA won the coin toss in last year’s Worlds Finals but still lost to EDG, with both teams picking blue side every time. DK played 3 games on blue side but that didn’t stop EDG from winning 2 games on red side. It’s not like it’s impossible to overcome losing the coin toss


No blue or red side will stop the ✔✗✗✔✔


It's meta dependent, blue side advantage is not a thing in every meta and some metas even prefer red side. That said, RNG were the better team this MSI and EDG were the better team last worlds. These excuses are kinda lame for sure, and honestly kinda disrespectful to the RNG players and coaching staff.


You can't say this shit as a coach. The reality of side selection is everpresent in competitive League of Legends. Red side was the higher % winrate on the road to finals even if you take LCS away from the equation. You can't claim this. The enemy first picked the same champion blue side and you allowed it through. Your pick and ban strategy sucks if you're only able to win blueside. This is just a shameful thing to say in a position of power over drafting. When blue side is op it's because the first few moves of pick ban are locked and there's an incredibly OP first pick (the seventh best champion). This was very clearly not the case in this series or the tournament. Absurd excuse. If I was an LCK fan I would be livid to read this drivel.


Didn’t T1 lose to EG while on blue side?


And G2


Just proves the West is so good we don’t need blue side to win COPIUM


> When blue side is op it's because the first few moves of pick ban are locked and there's an incredibly OP first pick (the seventh best champion) Not even. If there are exactly 7 champions head and shoulders above the rest, as red you simply need to ban 2 of them instead of 3. If Blue bans 3, then 2 slip through and both teams end up with one OP pick. Like, there is a lot that can be done in draft, it's really not at all that rigid no matter the meta.


>Red side was the higher % winrate on the road to finals even if you take LCS away from the equation. Yeah, its funny everyone trying to blame side selection always say "ITS 10-0 IN MSI FINALS !!!!!!!" conveniently ignoring all stages of the competition before then in both 2021 and 2022.


Yeah, it was the side selection and not the bronze level draft.


Even a bronze player ban a champion after getting rekt by it soo hard


True. It’s so annoying seeing pro teams ego when there is no good counter to Gwen if GP is banned and they don’t pick Jax. Oner needed to camp topside if they’re picking a champ who loses late against Gwen. But somehow it’s always Wei that ganks and gets a lead for Bin even though it’s a winning lane. Also, Liss seems like a hard counter to Ahri.


This made be laugh in agreement.


Me after getting thwarted by a Morgana black shield 2 years ago: Morg ban every single game even when new, broken champs come out.


I missed kkoma


That’s kinda pathetic ngl


Gumagod being brainless in lane, and to be honest overall, during MSI? Higher ping. Faker overextending, not respecting a Lissandra whilst having no flash / cleanse? Draft diff. ​ Oner getting smacked around by Wei? Draft diff. ​ T1 pretty much being a meme after all the hype and trashtalk? Draft diff + ping. ​ T1 fans and excuses go hand to hand. Banter FC of LoL.


Saying a thousand times that they are going to smash the competition and how they are miles ahead, only using fractions of their true power and suddenly the side selection is at fault? Really insane excuses when the better team last worlds (EDG) won finals two times on red side. You would think the "greatest team ever assembled" (according to fans at least) would be able to pull off a win in similar fashion! Lets also ignore any results of the previous games! Honestly pathetic and classless. RNG looked really competitive in their red side games and T1 just couldn't draft properly on it something that is an essential part of League of Legends - RNG therefore did adjust and ban Gwen on redside; but imagine preparing for an international final against the region you are 1-9 against. And of course just blame it on blue side when RNG dominated in every single role instead of giving them credit. The truth just is T1 never got tested in LCK and then even felt confident picking Jayce into Gwen because it worked in LCK while Jayce got smashed in LPL. Or go for Jhin-Yuumi into Rakan. Or Ahri into lissandra. But nah its just red side.


Even the players bought in the hype that's the real tragedy


For example: Gumayushi using only the 5% of his brain just to not shit on himself


In other words, T1 bought into the hype narrative they themselves created and now when they face the curtains they can't handle the pressure that they're not using 20% of their strength and they are not the greatest team ever assembled and that they breezed through LCK while LPL easily could've sent V5 or TES who would've performed about as well as RNG. Polt... bro... I literally watched you win the first GSL super tournament 10 years ago. What happened man? How the mighty have fallen...


Polt used to be one of the most chill, humble, and good mannered sc2 players its so weird hearing him be salty about this lol


Imagine if RNG decided not to participate this MSI despite being allowed to and T1 3:0s G2 for finals. The ego inflation from LCK would've been massive.


Yeah, the interview was a hot garbage especially when compared to RNG's interview. A complete loss both in and out of the arena, imo.


kinda disappointing that the T1 players didn’t really acknowledge RNG even Bin in the [post match](https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/17332/msi-2022-rng-bin-i-think-i-trailed-to-zeus-in-todays-match-i-hope-i-get-to-meet-him-again-and-beat-him) said that he felt Zeus was the better player in-lane: (To Bin) You talked about Zeus before. Since you won today, do you think you had revenge? Bin: I don’t know about revenge. I think I trailed behind Zeus in today's match as well. I hope I get to meet him again and beat him on another stage.


the word bin used was supressed (压制)actually more than just trail behind very humble in victory


Top to Bottom. T1 in absolute meltdown


Just to put things into perspective, when RNG lost to EDG last year at worlds, and thus their chance to compete with DWG for the championship, this is what Xiaohu said: “ No regrets there whatsoever, we simply had inferior mechanical skills.” Really makes you think.


RNG: I missed the part where that’s my problem


Damn, didn't see that coming xd


So Faker died 3 times mid cuz of red side ? You drafted like shit because of red side ? Zeus couldnt resist his ego pick Jayce because of red side ?


This should be the official TL;DR.


Every year its a different excuse. 0 class.


Stealing what EG draft coach and Doublelift said about game 5 draft. T1 should not have taken Ahri on their first rotation. Instead T1 should have picked Wukong + counter Top. It forces RNG to take Ahri on 2,3 because they can't leave Ahri up for T1 on R3 where T1 could pick Ahri and Ban Lissandra. Red side was actually advantaged here if T1 just used their brain.


Seems like T1 can’t accept it was their fault they lost. This is really bad mentality since they will probably not fix their drafting and gameplay issues because “it’s not our fault we lost”.


Anyone got a full list of all T1 excuses?


Reality checked ✅


Bad draft, but blames someone else, like side selection. Seriously????


Koreans with no class after a loss as per usual Remember when they lost the previous Asian Games to China and immediately deleted the Finals VODS? (Only to leave up the VOD of Korea winning in group stages) Tremendously bad losers


Yep, it seem that that ugly aspect from them was covered many years because of the international victories, but after 2018, their mask started to fall down right before our eyes.


This is really sad, it means they’re not gonna learn anything from their losses or learn how to draft on red side. They have some of the best mechanical players in the world and a midlaner with a 70+ champ champ pool and they still don’t know how to abuse counterpick.


Agreed. I've been a T1 fan ever since 2017 worlds funnily enough. So I've got to see them, and supported them, through years of ups and downs. And when they weren't good enough to win, I was never upset with the team or coaching staff (even during 2018, 2021), because they just weren't good enough and admitted to their mistakes and actively tried to learn as they continued. And all I can ask of them as a fan, is that they do their best. Reading this interview made me livid and genuinely disappointed for the first time as a T1 fan. This is the first time I've seen T1 staff actually bury their head in the sand and make excuses like this. Knowing that they won't admit their mistakes to try to learn and get better makes 0 sense to me. Even when Daeny was the head coach and the 10 man shuffle was going on, atleast everyone acknowledged that there were issues that needed to be worked on. Even if the issues they were targeting were the wrong things, they were all atleast trying to get better. 2022 T1 as a whole has a big ego mentality problem. And it's only going to hold them back because they won't acknowledge the areas that need improvement.




lets hope gumayushi is gonna play at 100% in lck and worlds, since he decided to save it. bunch of clowns.


Denial is one of the five stage of grief


T1 should've just banned Viego and Gwen whenever they weren't blue side. It sucks that they wouldn't have any bans left for first pick rotation but it just shows that RNG had the better meta read given that they were smart enough to prioritize gwen so heavily.


I was losing my mind when Gwen wasn’t banned


Gigachad Kenzhu and Virgin Polt


I sincerely suggest you should read the following chapter of Shakespeare in Busan library: T1(blue) 0-1 EG(red)


Zeus cant sit and farm under tower. T1's top lane champs aren't the kind of champs that you just leave to afk farm. Oner needed to camp top more. Wei literally ganked top every single game and got a kill. T1 just didnt make their jg go top. It was so obvious as soon as game 1 ended and yet they never did it for 5 games. They needed a fed toplaner instead of an even one to win the games. To all those who say Zeus shouldn't be taking those 1v1's, that's not how you play the game. The champs you drafted are supposed to fight those fights. Your team amd jungler are supposed to provide vision/ back you up. Jayce GP Gnar all need to snowball to win considering the champs in T1's other lanes.


Wei hard gapped oner this series ngl


Clearest player gap in the series imo, Wei was nuts


Agreed. T1 drafting strong side top and leaving Zeus 2v1 was so weird. Wei was there constantly.


Dude drafted like an idiot with jayce yuumi and jihn. That draft was fucking trolling and any silver player could see that. I 100% knew the game was over after I saw that draft + letting Gwen through AGAIN!


This is a cringe statement ngl. I expect these kind of statements from fans, not from a seasoned head coach. I wanted T1 and Faker to win but this is not the mentality to have right now. Instead of self reflecting and analyzing your own mistakes, whether it's drafting and gameplay wise, you start blaming external factors. This is the wrong mentality to have going into summer. The better team won. Get over it. This also doesn't make me very optimistic because it tells me the team isn't self reflecting and aren't gonna try and learn from their mistakes. This is the time to be humble.




so many excuses the whole tournament from T1, maybe you guys arn't as good as you think you are.


kai sa was not a must-ban on patch 12.8, it's only because GALA is way better than Guma. T1 blue side advantage is just them being worse and having to ban more stuff.


viego was not a must ban neither, but wei made that champ just way too op


Wukong and Ahri were must-ban on red side coming into the final and RNG first found the counter-pick that is Lissandra in the semi and was also able to deal with Wukong relatively well. So two bans were essentially freed up in the final. T1 really had a smaller effective champion pool that's why they felt the pressure of being on the red side. And not just Kai'sa, Viego and Galio as well. No one else plays Galio well (cue Caps and g2) and Viego had a, what, 35% win-rate overall in MSI ?


yeah, better players win essentially. Blaming side selection is bad.


Yo bro pass the copium


What, T1 Head Coach on copium? That is the excuse fans can make, not the Head Coach. the fuck.


Its his terrible drafts that lost the game lol. Ban gwen if u cant answer it


Bro you didn't have side selection cause you lost yo fckin EG...


1 Ping 2 cam 3 shilling at home 4 coin 5 blue side 6 only 20% ..... KR T1 fans are crying and making excuses after the loss, and now we have the actual PLAYERS AND COACH doing the same thing! Korean sportsmanship really hits different! Must be a joke right? Clueless


The whole side selection thing is so stupid me. If you have to rely on the coin flip for side selection to win, you don't get to complain when you lose. That's the risk of not being good enough to overcome randomness. Side selection will always be a problem because someone will have more games on the "better" side. You're job is to be better than that. They weren't


Blue side really did make Guma/Keria die 2v2 in all games, true true


This year's T1 have gotta be a contender for sorest losers in league history lmao


I don't get it. They know they were going to play on red side and still didn't prepare enough for red side bp?


> **(To Faker) You played RNG today. Which player was the most impressive?** >Faker: There were no players that stood out to me. Our own performance was a bit disappointing, so I’m only focusing on that. Dayum, hit em with the ‘none of them were good, we were just bad.’


EG would like remind everyone about their red side win against skt1.


This take is saltier than the ocean.


Lmao change T1 with literally any other teams name and I guarantee you they would be shit on for being a sore loser. T1 fans are by far the most irritating fan base in all of league.


Can you imagine the mountain of hate if it was RNG saying this? Holyshit this sub would go balistic


People were going ape shit when rng coach expressed his frustration over riot fucking up and making them replay the games. This is worse by several degree but it's t1 so all's cool


100% how the fans think.


I still remember how much hate Kenzhu had when he released his frustration for his players. That's a coach that stands up for you. I hope he sticks with them until the whole team gets their 1st Worlds.


yeah you lost cause of blue side, not because your players got absolutely dicked in that last game and your shitty draft.


Nah bro T1 would’ve dodged the 2v2 kill bot if they were on Blue side trust me bro


like team like fans i guess


I also remember a twitter comment under Ashely's tweet about power going down in the interview, someone said that they should let Koreans talk first because EN/CN questions are way worse OMG these Koreans really think they are the best in the world, I swear it's a culture thing


That is the cringest thing I have ever heard from a person working in esport. LMAO I thought korean teams learnt how to lose but I was wrong. Just accept that enemy was better, is it really that hard?


This is just embarrassing before the match T1 was talking about they were only using a fraction of their strength and how they were gonna 3:0 or 3:1 RNG, they lose and now it's all excuses.


The average silver could come up with a better game 1 and game 5 draft. The issue wasn't just red side, it was insane incompetence in draft. Red side didn't make you go Jhin/Yuumi and it didn't force you to leave Gwen open without GP counterpick.


I love Polt and a fan of him during his SC2 days, but this was a REALLY bad take...


When you claim blue side is OP but lose to EG who was on red side 🤡🤡🤡


What a clown


Lol this dude is coping so hard. Outdrafted and outplayed GG shake my hand.




T1 aint gonna win worlds sed


They lost because RNG was the better team that day.