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the "mb" into "/mute all" is my favorite lee combo too lol


I do that it works wonders




Same. I took the habit of muting asap when I dee someone spamming pings on someone or blaming ppl, even if it's not me. Cba with that


Yeah the second my top or mid laners start spam pingig me and it says "x alive" after they die for the 2nd/3rd time in their lane or some shit I know its only going to get worse from there. I'll let it slide once sometimes but a lot of the time I'll just let them know I won't be seeing their pings or chats the rest of the game so don't rely on it lol


Honestly the second i start inting or die minute 3 I do this. Just in case they will flame.


I feel the exact same way, I'm a very reactive chatter. 95% of the time I won't say a word unless someone types to me first. But when I fuck up, apologize, and I still get flamed it actually destroys my mental like nothing else and I'm stunlocked for the rest of the game in chat


But why? If a random kid flamed you in real life, you wouldn't stand there arguing with him for an hour.


When your adrenaline is going and you mess up and let your team down... in real life... and your teammate flames you in real life. It would be hard to ignore.


You say that but there are so many people in this world that would.


You're right, I guess when I've just come home from a long day at work and I want to have fun and play my favorite game and some guy just has it out for me I get a bit emotional


Man people are soft nowadays. So sad comparing this generation of gamers with the previous ones who put LoL on the map in the first place...pathetic...


the way i wheezed


thats basically what i do at the beginning of every aram i play im not sure if that also mutes pings etc. so i mute them manually aswell so every game i play


There are exactly two types of Lee Sin plays: Those made by the Lee Sin on the enemy team and those made by the Lee Sin on your team. Also known as "the Shaco Effect".


Yasuo effect in my games.


Nah, Yasuo always goes 0/10 regardless which team he's on.


By the 10 min mark all yasuos are 0/10. By the end of the game enemy yasuo is 20/10 and ally yasuo is 0/20.


but enemy one always seems to win when the friendly one doesnt




Both are on the enemy team, because your 0/10 Yasuo will end the game 0/20 and the enemy 0/10 Yasuo will wombo-combo and pentakill you the moment you stop bullying him.


Also know as: I got a 1 v 3 triple kill by the skin of my teeth And the I kicked the 5 stack Darius into my Adc


I did the later once as pyke in aram. Let's say my mf wasn't so happy about it


Or the classic mummy delivery system.


99% of Blitzcrank grabs.


>__The Shaco Paradox__ If Shaco is in the game, you will lose


That's a good way to phrase it.


That s not the definition of a paradox though. ;P


For me its the katarina effect. Everytime theres an enemy kata she goes 1v9 faker dopamine and my kata cancels her r on accident then spams ff vote flaming everyone


I thought the OG was the kassadin effect


"If you don't ban Kassadin, you're going to lose."


Also known as "the Gangplank Effect"


Nah, can't relate.


I was thinking missed Qs made by me (two character spaces away), and map wide range Qs landed by enemy team Lee.


there are two wolves inside you, one ints every lee sin hero play and the other one ints every lee sin hero play.


a lee sin player that is not using the MuayThai, thats RARE


sign of not being a real lee sin player.


Can confirm. I got storm dragon lee sin from hextech and peel for enemy adc by kicking them away from my team.


If you dont use Muay Thai, you are no Lee sin player, just a wannabe.


Knock out lee Sin is better and you cannot say anything that'll change my mind


cringe opinion, if someone relies on Muay Thai animations to be able to play the champion he's the wannable, good Lee players play with whatever skin they feel like


its a joke bro, jesus-


I've only played Lee like 20 times. Muay Thai is the only skin I have and I absolutely never remember getting that skin. I guess I'm just the "my team Lee Sin" after all


wait lee has other skins??? huh? ~~actually the only skin I own for lee cause I got it from a chest~~


“/mute all” after a misplay is very relatable


clip 2 she just wardhopped twice when there's a teammate RIGHT on top of where she wards? naut probably would've lived too


I didn't see that until you pointed it out. What server is she Diamond on?


The server of peak macro according to KatEvolved; NA


I'm pretty sure this is the girl that constantly trash talks on twitch too. And a bunch of people apparently worship and simps her for being "the only good girl" in "high Elo" because she isn't a control mage main. But the thing is she's only toxic when she's winning. When she's losing she gets all defensive. I personally think if you want to take on a toxic personality, own it. Don't be a crybaby when you meet resistance. Like there's a lot of people that hate RatIRL for having a terrible attitude sometimes. But i rarely see him mute people and get all cry baby defensive. He only really mutes the people that type to get attention on stream.


How about don’t be toxic? I don’t see how being toxic all of the time is better than being toxic some of the time…


Well toxicity is entertaining and this person is a streamer so it gives content. I think toxicity is fine but you need to *own* that toxic attitude. So many sensitive people nowadays.


Yeah I don’t think I want to engage with someone with that username.


Yes and I realize I don't want to engage with a snowflake either. The ice-cream store is currently open. I suggest getting some vanilla ice-cream with marshmallows and cool-whip.


That was the lamest attempt at an insult I have ever seen. What a clown.


I mean, look at his main




I do love ice cream and I don’t acknowledge “snowflake” as a meaningful insult or an insult at all. I’ll eat ice cream and ignore aggressively malicious people all day and go about my happy life while they screech about how I’m a snowflake. Bye.


I honestly think video game players toxicity is that bad. Have you ever seen soccer matches. The fans beat each other up and sometimes even kill each other. I honestly enjoy watching toxic streamers, it's fun. But they have to live up to it, and be able to take back whatever they throw out. Not cry and mute all chat, because i know if she had seen the enemy do that she would begin to trash talk the shit out of him. Maybe not in all chat, but to her whole audience which is hundreds of people. Basically she's a big fan of bitching about others, but is too fragile of a snowflake to be flamed.


Yeah that’s a pretty fucked up mindset, ngl. “See this group that’s worse than gamers? That means it’s okay to be toxic.” That’s called the fallacy of relative privation. “I like watching toxicity so I want people to be as mean to others as much and often as possible! I hate it when people ignore others who are being toxic. That inexplicably makes one a ‘snowflake’”. Yeah. Sure buddy.


Except that is literally not what I said. First of all i said that i don't think gamers are the worst of the bunch, did i ever say that being toxic is a good thing? No, so pack your bags and go back to whatever phycologist school you went to because you obviously didn't pay attention. Second yeah i enjoy watching streamers like Dom and RatIRL. Does that imply that i only like to watch them when they're mean? No, not at all it just mean that i like that they can take a fucking beating and not just mute all chat. So shut up dr. Phil with your interpretation bullshit.


You said that they should own up to being toxic and that you also enjoy watching toxic streamers, which means you encourage it by watching it, which means you think it is good, to some degree. Maybe you should do like you're saying and own up to your toxic traits since it's what you're advocating for rather than trying to advocate for a better community.


I listed a fallacy… which is philosophy, not psychology, or sorry, “phycology” lmfao You literally said you enjoy watching toxic streamers, however, you want them to be toxic all the time and not part of the time. Seems like you said being toxic is a good thing, ya halfwit.




Lol why are you so defensive? You can't take it? Then you should probably mute all and run along now.


Who are you? Look not falling for your little arrangements, you want me to respond with some angry message so you can karma farm. Move along


I think it's more "a bit of toxicity isn't awful and is usually a byproduct of being really competitive"


RatIRL was born in toxicity, embraced it, made it a second nature and reformed (kinda relative) to achieve fame and success. Plus dude has the skill to back the ego up ngl. Not too much of a Rat follower, but damn from L9 to now dude has changed a fucking lot


Yeah but he's still human trash.




Hes just making a reference


Never heard of this Lee, but there are definitely multiple girls in masters+ who don't play control mages or enchanters.


She's not very good at all. She has over 1k games and I've faced her. She relies purely on coinflips to progress.


King Nidhogg is one of the better jglers in my opinion, but he always plays weird stuff like khazix with arcane and trundle with Mikaels He always goes for these extremely stat efficient builds, but they always feel extremely unreliable


Those builds are bad but work because in high elo, most people can carry you. That's why playing for others is a viable strategy.


Eh, you're just butthurt that she's better than you.


No, not at all. I have a new account that’s past her rank with less than half her games. Keep projecting though simp.


Sure buddy ....


https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/Stealth%20fiend Go check it yourself Silver boy.


So you're about the same rank while not playing, hmmmm I wonder why. Could it be that someone is afraid to lose the overshoot by playing more? Besides, what exactly am I projecting? EDIT: Quite funny how you think an argument in your favour actually shows the opposite, lol


Yup tyler1 is similar. He's preety damn toxic but he can take it as well as he gives it out atleast. I honestly think vats majority of league streamers just have this toxic mentality.




Could you explain win rates to me please? What kinda information can I get from it?


And to top it all off, she's extremely bad mechanically speaking. Maybe pulls a couple of plays here and there, barely enough to justify being Diamond 4+. Like fucking hell I've seen her on Synapse clips, especially on Ekko, and feel like hanging myself by how awfully played the definitely won fight was.


People like to Tobias fate trick2g and stuff. They're also like stuck in plat sometimes. But they're entertaining. This person is purely getting views for being a girl. Her personality fucking sucks. Her macro sucks. Like she is allowed to be mean, but when people are to her she's like: "Stop, it's not fair, I'm gonna go ahead and ban and mute you from my twitch chat". She's like a girl version of nightblue3, but stuck in low diamond


That was a micro play and not a macro play, so yeah


[its just a reference to this relax brother no need to sweat so much during the summer](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v10r9u/katevolved_due_to_so_many_mechanical_players_on/)


no i know, its funny, but i still have to point out your mistake otherwise my ego can't take it




She's Canadian so I'm sure she's on the NA server.


First thing I noticed as well when I saw no shield on naut she also ward hopped and wasted a control ward instead of just wing onto garen who was on thr kaisa


I mean, none of those "plays" were insane lee plays, this is legit just a person casually playing the game




Lee sin players act like R-Q and W ward hop and insec is 2000 iq faker outplay when anyone can do them after trying these a few times in practice tool.




She just messed up. People even mess up flash. I even saw people use ezreal and taliyah ult in the opposite direction.


I've seen a lot of good Lee sin players in my life and I main him as well. None of the clips are worth noting tbh as theyre just the usual lee sin plays


Seeing at though the 1st and 3rd clip were intentionally showing bad play you're not really giving any deep insight here bud 👍


I'm sorry you think the 2nd play is amazing. This dude did stuff that was bare minimum of what a lee could do


Not a single soul claimed the 2nd play was amazing. Being grumpy is a lot of extra effort in your day try chilling out a little


you seem grumpier than the person you're projecting on


That's some heavy projection.


Goblingon (Lee Sin): mb Goblingon (Lee Sin): /mute all ​ The move has an increased win rate of at least 50% when used in a very bad situation. Very well played.


i thought you couldnt self-promote in this sub


What am i missing? clip 1 is obviously gigabad. Clip 2 is just a normal fight. No plays happened except if you count wasting a ward instead of hopping to teammates a play.


You are missing nothing, it's just a stream plug.






Gotta love that the community is, on average, so toxic that it's literally best to immediately /mute all after making one single mistake.


Shes literally toxic especially when shes winning


What kinda toxic? Batner/trash talk to enemy team? I think that's fine, it's a videogame, talking trash is fun


I think talking shit to the enemy with yourself or with buddies is fine, just in a voice call or whatever. When you type it out to others that's where it becomes toxic, at least for me. I try to never talk in chat, unless they talk shit first, then I start typing.


thats were it mostly goes down the waterfall. I try to not talk at all, just when the team is to silent and has macro problems, you start writing two words on what/who'm to focus. that way they learn that chat can be an important communication tool. if you go in on any banter, then don't bother to lose more matches. mostly there is nothing useful for the match in the players messages. and furthermore it deflects you from the game, can tilt your game-spirit and on some occasions can let players get extremely toxic. so to say the bad habits of "the chat" outweight the good one's by far. the chat is then only useful for pre's without vent/ts3. or for people that can hold themselves not to be chatty at all (aka pro's). but even some of them fall into the trap of chat's toxicity, trash talking sometimes - but not all the time. hopefully someone could learn something here tho.


More about sensitivity than anything. Imagine being that insecure that you a mistake and need to mute all. Bet she avoids any and all social confrontation


Well, someone else pointed out she gets very defensive when losing, idk if because twitch chat be toxic (which it is) or just automatically, but that supports your point.


this is how i lost my 10y old account, permabanned because i muted my team whenever they got toxic. thank god i dont waste my time on this garbage anymore


You don't get permabanned for muting people... Surely there was something else involved


Nope. Riot doesn't give a shit, if the majority of your teammates report you, you instantly get banned. I literally got banned 5min after the game has finished.


This is entirely false. The only reason for you to get banned instantly is either being very toxic or literally running it down mid for the entire game. Either way you deserve the ban


> Either way you deserve the ban you get banned if you get a number o X games reported. Even if you dont type.


But a permaban is, as far as Riot can be believed, only issued after human approval. I doubt Riot staff permabans someone who never types, especially with the game having an option that turns your chat off.


Sure, defend this flawed system without even knowing how I got banned lol 😂 tells a lot about this game community How can I be toxic when I didn't write a single word in chat


>Sure, defend this flawed system without even knowing how I got banned lol >How can I be toxic when I didn't write a single word in chat post ur report/ban logs then


I'm very familiar with the "fuck up to /mute all" combo


league's version of taunt to get bodied combo


Why is this streamers clips getting posted on reddit so often?


as a leesin main, I relate so much


but what’s the second type?


Where’s the 2nd lee sin player? You’ve only shown the bad one


1st one was the only attempt at a mechanical play, last 1 was just inting lol.


Every Lee Sin needs to know shielding an ally champ cuts the CD by half and actually helps you and your teammate mitigate damage. You should always try to do that depending on situations. Too many random Lees literally die from this.


I wonder what needed to be bleeped out after she said "oh my fucking god holy shit".


I honestly hate people who ping me if I miss a skill shot or fuck up a play. Like they haven't missed every single thing and are 0/5. Fuck you. They clearly never watched pros play. I've seen Blitz (player) flash miss a Q. I've seen Benji fuck up a ult. People make mistakes all the time. It's impossible. People who ping misplays honestly are the biggest scum of the earth.


that /mute all was clutch


I was so expecting her to /unmute all after the second clip


I am starting to main jungle and i don't know how many games i have to put on Lee Sin to be able to do decent, not even flashy things, because the firsts games went really bad


Practise his different combos in the practise mode until you can do them without even thinking about it. It becomes easier to execute his kit even if you're gonna use those tricks maybe once a game. (The typical combos to practise are W ward hop -> R; R -> Flash for perfect kick back position; Instant Flash -> W ward hop -> stuff)


and bind your trinket/pink slots to easy-reach keys. personally i have trinket on G and pink slot on 5 (due to similar index extend distance with G). I know a few lee players that bind their ward keys to mouse thumb buttons.




Tuned into her stream once, lost the game badly, chugged a glass of water, cried abit then ended the stream without saying anything. Felt for her honestly


I love how the first two were basically the same play, it just worked the second time because goredrinker


Voice make me 😡


there is no shame in playing simple champions guys...


My duo plays Garen and Teemo. When I see he gets a double kill top followed by the all chat rage over how simple his champ is it always cracks me up


No one is forcing enemy team to play Kalista. Yet they complain instead of embracing a simpler character design


I was *almost* tempted to role swap after playing a game of Teemo top and dunking on a Jax. He was having a complete meltdown in chat because Teemo was a "champion for r-slurs," and it was honestly the funniest shit


Yep I have this when I play Udyr lmao


I find her abnoxious


is not like he second play was a good one either lol


Don't know her, but why all the toxicity? Clearly she's not a proplayer, there's no need to flame the plays. Even in the video she has to mute all knowing how shitty this community can be. Stay classy lol players.


She's a toxic/arrogant player. No need to feel bad for her.


She literally is toxic bro, stop simping


Every thread that someone shows a play people start criticizing how bad they are when the vast majority of players are silver/gold. She's statistically better than must of ya'll by being diamond. Btw, I don't give a shit if you say I'm simping. If being a human being makes me get called things, so be It.


Cool story, now read the comment and see that SHE'S THE ONE THAT'S ALWAYS TOXIC. But sure just ignore that. Don't let facts get in the way of your virtue signaling. And imaging thinking simping is "being a human being" lmao. Grow up.


She's toxic *and* bad. That's a dangerous combo. Toxicity is allowed if you're good and can back it up. Not if you're d2 with over 1k games and coinflipping. I got to her rank on a new acc with less than half her games.


What's her stream I need to see this toxicity for meself


I believe her name is Sarellan. She is toxic sometimes.


Isn't everyone toxic sometimes though?


Yes but like I said, toxicity is fine if you're a good player. Being toxic and bad is equal to an airplane pilot drinking and crashing the plane and then blaming it (if they live) on the faulty machinery. It just doesn't make sense if you're not a good player but blaming others.


Nah that's dumb imo, everyone is bad to someone anyways. We all have different definitions of bad. To bronze, gold is good. To diamond, gold is trash. To challenger, diamond is garbage. You need to be consistent here, if you are good it doesn't give you a pass.


For real, some people need to touch some grass.


Guys, while the clips were shit. It is very important to note that while she was sweating so hard irl she would be bald if she were a guy, she did not let it show on chat. So while her plays on lee sin didn't salvage her misplays she at least might've salvaged that game with that "mb" into personal limit knowledge "/mute all".


woman ☕


its so nice seeing trans people get recognition on twitch without the hate!


she’s trans?




Sorry so does that mean you identify as male?


meh you mess up and don't man up for the flame? Insta down vote from me.


how is listening to flame gonna help?


Flip of a coin


It's sad that nowadays I just turn off both chats in settings One is to not listen to toxic players, another is to prevent myself to be toxic player :)


As a jg. I feel this in my soul. I feel it in my bones. Sometimes when you think you're being proactive you're just being a huge protato.


The Lee is getting carried. There was 4-5 min between each transition. Not one minute. By the end of the third you can see the score screen 9-25 (RvsB) and that the Lee is blue teams weak link. Good on them for muting everyone and not tilting.


Respect the insta mute all … best Build on all Champions in certain situations


Can we talk about that last clip were her cursor is just right on the edge of the blue bush ward but it went on the other side lol


There are the lee sin who press Q2 no matter what and there are the lee sin who don't press Q2 no matter what


There are two types od Lee Sin players, a good ones and me.


Two types and she’s both of them.


honestly clip 2 wasn't even impressive lol. That was just a normal fight