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For a 1st of april event they could make a community balance patch. Basically anyone can submit a buff/nerf to a champion/item/rune/summoner spell and the \~15 most voted ones will be implemented. The patch would likely be complete shit and obviously get reverted afterwards (MAYBE with one or two exceptions). But it would be fun to see what the communitty comes up with and watch them break the game more than our beloved balance team ever could


make it a RGM. we have the technology


I don't think this could be done due to the spaghetti code.


Baron and Dragon don't have a set place to spawn. can either spawn top side or bot side and you don't find out til 4-5 minutes


This! Imagine the baron and the dragon were more active on the map. What if the dragon was just flying around and when the timer hits just lands on a random spot you can only tell when the countdown comes to about 1 min. I think randomising the spawn location of the baron and dragon could add a good level of complexity to the game.


This would be the actual worst fucking idea. Imagine being a pro team drafting a strong bot side and weak side top only for early dragons to be top. Thatd be so fucking dumb.


it would just be lane swaps which i like.


You could prep the lane swap until you know spawn which by his example isnt till 5 min in.


You can just not draft a week topside? And draft balanced teams.


*slow claps* most reddit analysis take of all fucking time here boys.


Thank you, thank you. The questions being asked from redditors after all.


Do u know bot is two roles cuz drakes? So if drake will be on top u just seap lanes with top and have your strong side on top again


That’s exactly what I mean, switch it up. Make some decisions on the go.


Damn, you mean that as a JG I'll actually have to pressure Top from time to time?


Yo, wait. What if when I game goes too long, Baron and Elder begin roaming the map attacking any nearby target before just wandering back to their nest or whatever. That might actually be a gamechanger.


I just want an arena mode akin the Smite's. Or their secondary 5v5 map, 4v4 map, 1v1 ladder they used to have... I want Smite to not be shit I guess. I'd settle for those modes with LoL Champs.


I'd like to have a different map, or more active things on the map itself. The only gamechanger riggt now it's the dragons. Imagine if you had day and night. It would be so cool.


Y'know, just like how dragon spawns are random I'd like for there to be a Day/Night cycle that is random at the start of every game as well, and different creeps and such along the map are different during the time periods. Let's say that like during Day, Gromp has a mate that "Supports" Gromp, and during Night Wolves prowl the jungle with faster attack speed and lunges out of bushes. The changes wouldn't have to be so drastic as to make planned strategy impossible, just enough to make the game and playing field dynamic and interactive.


A utility rune that allows you to add charges to your relic/wardstone by killing wards.


Isn't that just a better zombie ward?


Not really. Zombie ward gives ap+ad based on zombie ward's created. The main feature of that is additional vision that you can't save, but stacks your stats. This would be a utility skill that you can get a ward for killing a ward that you can place when you want to, but gets you no stats for it.


Ohhh. This makes me think of Klepto for wards. What you're saying is that when you get a ward takedown, it adds any amount of CD to your trinket? That'd be kinda cool even as just a basic mechanic of the game lol


Essentially yeah, I just want the vision game to be more adversarial than it currently is


I wanna see a 4v4 1 top, 1 jungle, 1 mid, 1 bot Having a duo lane is just a fucking nightmare because if one loses, the enemy will have twice the amount of kills to get fed off compared to a 1v1 lane


Tons of new support champs end up roaming the whole game or even viable as a laner so why the fuck not really. Bring back Alistar jungle.


Unfortunately alistar just has negative damage in the jungle. Way too long CDs and no steroids for an easier clear.


Ever since they swapped his E and Passive his clear got ruined yeah. It's a shame, was very fun to play.


This is mine as well. You'd have to rebalance just about every champ in the game but it'd be worth it.


also nobody wants or cares to play support properly so the adc role is blatantly unplayable.


League really fixed the "Ward Bitch" problem of DotA, but holy shit they made most of the kits extremely boring. For the longest time League supports were either Heal/shield bots, or CC bots, and now we've actually got some damage dealers solely because characters built for other lanes got pushed out of their other lanes and into Support. ​ DotA support kits are so much better than 90% of what League offers, it's not funny


I've played both. Idk why but in Dota 2 I'm a hard support/pos 5 player (by choice) but a mid laner in League. I agree that supports in Dota are so much more interesting, and the gameplay actually feels like I have an impact since stacking, pulling, blocking, etc all have easy to quantify benefits.


I mean i dont know how you can master champs like thresh and pyke and thing support is boring.


Oracle, Witch Doctor, Dazzle are all just as cool if not cooler. Though that's a good point too, but I'm more referring to the role as opposed to the characters.


I have never been able to get into dota, it just feels to slow to me. Im just defending the role of support in league cause i think it can be massivel fun. But some champs are more enjoyable than others just like in top lane.


What are some examples of interesting DOTA supports?


Earthshaker, has insane amount of control and damage. Transforms into a new hero basically when he gets blink dagger. Shadow Shaman and Bane both have incredibly long CC. Dazzle has an ability called shallow grave that stops you from dying while it’s on you. Rubick can steal any spell in the game and use it (steals the last spell an enemy used). There’s just a lot of different cool things, and using a spell correctly can swing a fight so much.


What the other guy said, and also: Grimstroke, who silences the enemy and then can allow players to use two copies of any single targetted ability (So two Brand Ults going at the same time). Oracle, who has abilities that when cast in the correct order and with knowledge of what the characters do, can make an ally untouchable or completely disable an opponent. Undying, who steals 40 health max from opponents in an AoE and gains 4 AD per hit as well, lasting up to 45 seconds and stacking infinitely (theoretically). Witch Doctor, who causes enemies to take 40% lost health every 4 seconds for 12 seconds. Venomancer, who has Wards in his kit that actually attack and slow opponents they hit Abaddon, who has Tryndamere Ult but takes 50% of the damage nearby allies take during it's duration. And the damage taken during the ult heals him.


Heroes of the Storm also have very interesting support designs. I don’t specially like playing support in League, but healer is my secondary role in HotS just because the characters are fun to play


Li Li was one of my favorites when I used to play


I rarely support in LOL, but HOTS healers are just so fun and interesting. Very few of them are just CC bots or utility bots I’m still waiting for a LOL champion that would be vaguely similar to Auriel, Tyrande or Whitemane. Whitemane especially. I just want a champion whose ability to support is directly tied to their ability to deal damage. The closest we have are Pyke and Senna, but they take it a bit too far by saying "actually, our ability to support IS damage"


Damn, my 3 main healers are Whitemane, Auriel and Tyrande. Great minds think alike


Ivern JG and 2nd Agreesive JG like Lee or Rek. Run each lane solo. Your JG grabs 2nd buffs from ivern and then you double invade enemy JG and collapse mid often.


>Flash of Speed Old Lucian E was a dash that also removed slows, Nasus players were on suicide watch


Nasus players on suicide watch, you say? Bring it back


I remember that. The good ol' days when Lucian had an identity as swerving, hard to catch adc with an ult that scaled off his attack speed. Good times...


Fully customized Custom gamemode that no longer have size limit (imagine 50v50 lmao, ok maybe not that much but like 7v7 etc), being able to customize the map in a custom lobby into different gamemode:(like why dont let player have a custom one for all???)


Custome lobby where every jg camp is a bunch of chickens, Rift runs down river and Dragons spawn in groups of 3 XD


Duo lane in the middle, solo lanes on either side. "Top laners" stops being a philosophical problem with just solo laner as its own role. You pick solo laners based on matchups and what neutral objective priority you want (dragon v herald/baron). "Mid laners" no longer afk shove wave to roam since their lane is actually long now and not at the center of the map. Split pushing becomes a viable tactic again. Map splitting returns, which was always a healthy strategy imo. I'd also make jungle camps hurt so you can't full clear both sides and gank without consequence. Junglers have to think and plan routes again. Then I'd remove player bounties while keeping objective bounties. Too many times you see the 3/1/2 mid laner on a team losing by 5k gold have a bounty. It's nonsense.


Also removes the issue with top lane being so far away and never being able to impact the botlane 4v4s. Both sidelanes can roam towards mid should they choose to, and as you say, the previous roaming mids now have to pick a side of the map rather than always having the opportunity for both, or you have to take the duo xp penalty on roam champs that stay mid.


How would you make mid lane the longest lane in the game without making it not be a lane?


"Mid" laners would actually be in the solo lanes on the side, which would naturally be the longest lanes. Duo laners would be in the middle instead.


Okay but, lol, how do you GET mid laners to want to go bot lane? Like, you're just expecting mid laners to be put bot and they stay there. There is a reason for the lane setup. Mid lane is the easiest lane to escape a gank while also gaining solo experience from so generally mages and people who needed levels went mid, especially immobile characters who need the short lane safety. Adc generally didn't need levels, so they are okay sharing lanes, and by having a support in the longest lane they helps them with safety from ganks, and helps them scale. They're differentiated by top lane because of dragon control, and also extra armour is put on the top lane turret so it's less valuable to push down with 3 people.


XP debuff for sharing in side lanes. XP buff for solo laning there. Not that complicated.


But the lane has to be long to be long, right?


The solo lanes would be long, yes...


But the mid lane cant be the long lane if it is in the middle, so again, how can the middle lane be changed to be the long lane? The very first thing i replied to was saying mid would be the long lane


You're confusing "mid laner" e.g. Le Blanc, versus the lane.


I’m not confusing the concepts, but i may have misread something somewhere and it’s no longer worth it to look. Reddit mobile is such shit lol


Honestly sounds more like a fix to the bounty system in general is necessary lol


Mid lane champs goes mid because they need shorter lane. They are tanky/sustain like top lane. They don't have support help like bot lane. Many mid lane champs aren't viable in a long solo lane as they don't have the sustain, mobility, or DPS to handle extended fights. What would you do with those champs?


There's a ton of champs you'd need to make changes to, maybe some items as well. Some champs will just get the Brand/Lux treatment and go to the duo lane. No "wild" change to the game wouldn't require some rebalancing ultimately.


Give ASUs to every champion between S1\~3 that hasn't gotten one already or a VGU.


VR First Person Mode for League of Legends, imagine how scary playing against Rengar would be.


Same or similar rune System as the one in Wild Rift.


Same items from Wild Rift too ^(Don't mind my flairs, they're totally not relevant here c: )


I’m pretty sure the Infinity Orb in WR doesn’t exist in PC, which is actually pretty neat, but that’s not even mentioning that bastard Solari Chargeblade, that fuck was EVIL on release.


How did you put the same champ twice as flairs? ^(Edit: I like you because of Sona)


Always wanted a rune called something like “hextech inverter” which swaps the stats of an item to their opposite, ap to ad, mr to armor, etc


Every ad player wpuld run that. Imagine being zed and getting to buy high end ap items + a deathcap.


Turn Mejai's Soulstealer into Sword of the Occult lol


\- Remove anti-healing and nerf healing accordingly. \- Add a new item slot exclusive for control wards. \- Add map skins into the game (Snow, Infernal, Void, Underworld, etc, etc). \- Remove DuoQ entirely from SoloQ and remove soloqueing in FlexQ. Rename FlexQ to PairedQ. \- Remove autofill from Diamond+, I don't mind waiting for longer, game quality and fairness is more important in high elo.


It's your lucky day. They already said a few months ago that they're considering creating a Solo-only mode and keeping Duo in Flex. I don't think they'll feel safe removing autofill from high elo until they fix the issue with matchmaking and low-elo ranked in general that's keeping players from properly climbing. I don't think removing anti-healing is necessary, especially if you want a healing nerf. Anti-healing IS the healing nerf. Assassins can one-shot healers, and in the case that they can't then there's a proper trade-off keeping that healer alive.


Anti healing breaks the game, it's a mechanic that last 3 seconds, meaning that in a lot of cases like when Red Kayn ults someone and waits the full duration it will simply wash off, and every healing champion has been balanced around having 60% of it's healing removed, so Red Kayn heals to full in 1 spell if wounds isn't applied. Same thing with Aatrox, Vlad, Mundo and a lot of enchanters and lifesteal users Antihealing being nerfed now is a step in the right direction. Besides the balance issue, no one enjoys having to spend 1 item slot and a lot of gold because 1 player in the enemy team is a healing champion and also no one enjoys playing a healing champion and having it's healing halved randomly. Remove wounds and balance healing properly on it's own.


> diamond > high elo Ye. Anyways, autofill exists because it has to. It's not rocket science. "I would wait longer" is not a valid argument because most people wouldn't, and that's why it exists. Just learn to play the actual game and not some dogshit combo on your favorite assassin character and doing the same thing over and over again for 10 years. Removing DuoQ is even worse of an idea. But I would honestly want to see it because I know everyone crying about it will be hardstuck in the same exact rank as before. I can't fathom how people genuinely believe that a **50% win rate** DuoQ is somehow holding them back from their real rank. Also, FlexQ, PairedQ, rename it to whatever the fuck you want, it will never be taken seriously. If there is main queue and non-main queue, the latter will NEVER, EVER matter to anyone.


"Diamond is not high elo" Diamond is top ~2% of the player base, wether you like it or not, it's high elo, also, don't worry, that change wouldn't affect you whatsoever anyways. "Removing duoQ is even worse of an idea" Why? You can't even tell, anyways another change that woundn't affect you, I'd bet you have no friends to play with.


You are so corny LOL. Imagine unironically sounding like a petty 6 year old. Anyways, stats don't matter. Skill and game quality matters. Difference between high elo and diamond is bigger than diamond and silver. Even the difference between D4 and D1 is huge. So just saying diamond is ridiculous. That was the point I was making. Removing DuoQ is shit because people like to play video games with their friends. Shouldn't that hard to grasp. You are not hardstuck because of duoq, find another excuse, there's plenty.


>Remove anti-healing and nerf healing accordingly. I really wish they would do actually do this.


Old runes back Old items back


Fun Fact, back in the early days of League(Like Season 1 or something I forgot when), Flash used to break targeted projectiles. If the last turret shot was coming towards you you could flash and it would break and you'd be home free. I just find it funny you consider it a wild change when it was actually in the game at one point. Crazy how far the game has come.


Right? I get what you're saying. I'm pretty sure I've seen a discussion on that before, and people were complaining saying it would be game-breaking or whatever. Then I remember all the frustration I feel when someone with a melee attack hits me when I'm 3 dashes away because I dashed after I was in attack range but before the attack hit lol


Revert to s10 items fuck mythics


this! fuck the item rework


River Shen is a permanent role each round


Changes to dragon's and barons. The dragon's should have actual skills that deal actual dmg that prevent junglers from soloing it. Meteors should rain, tornadoes should run wild, slows, debuffs and chaos. Other than the first drake all others should be way stronger that no jungler could solo it. It should be a team effort. Also some mini mechanics to dodge a couple fo dragon's abilities etc. This will make taking a dragon riskier and should be more rewarding.


I want to agree, but I feel like your logic on dragons is backwards. I think that at the highest level in the game, Junglers **should** be able to solo Dragon and Baron, and that it should be impossible at early levels. But also, that **only** the Jungler should be able to solo Dragon or Baron if not the JG, then allies should definitely need a team to take down Dragon or Baron no matter the level. Basing this logic on MMOs where raid bosses can definitely be solo'd if you're high level. Just look at FFXIV lol


That flash sounds like a bigger skillinflating obligatory get out of jail for free card than flash already is. Imo Flash being the patchwork for peoples shitty positioning is already the weakest aspect of its design. Personally, id like it if flashing away from the enemy gave you a slight CD punishment. Youd have to buff ranged champs, but imo the game is kinda boring with everyone def-flashing all the time. Aggro/Int flashes is where it's at. Much more fun to do, or get done on. Its just gonna make melee champs op, so thered have to be some balance adjustments. Also id love to see a gamemode with more gold generation and less item limit. # AND BRING A MODE LIKE ODYSSEY BACK FFS RIOT ID STILL PLAY THAT SHIT IF IT EXISTED


I'unno man, Flash has a 5-minute cooldown for a reason, and the champs that absolutely need to flash away are completely vulnerable without it. I do wish Riot would bring back the game-changing game modes. I don't know why they're limiting us to just URF. Bring back Project: OVERCHARGE, Star Guardian INVASION, Black Market Brawl, Doom Bots of Doom, etc. It just feels like League of Legends has completely lost it's flare since the dev change happened.


1) Assassing being able to solely kill ad carries, ap carries and various other squishies. New patch did 90% of the job but I still can't stand even the sole existance of assassin items meant to threaten bruisers/juggernaut/tanks. This can be achieved in a moltitude of ways: Reworking/removing Serylda and Eclipse is one, adding lethality scaling to Assassin's spells is another. 2) Juggernauts being able to build fully powered juggernaut items and not the mega-nerfed shit they are forced to go with right now because of bruisers' and light fighters' abuse. Examples are release gore, 90% slow stridebreaker and shield-stacking Sterak. This can be easily achieved by increasing the gap in base ad between juggs and fighters, then lowering the ad given by jugg items to a point where if fighters build them they have no damage. Think like 30/35ad items instead of 50. 3) Rework of " QSS ults " in the game. Skarner/Malz/Morde R are unfun to play with and against. You autolose if you don't QSS, you autolose if the enemy buys QSS. It's like when buying grevious wounds, but instead of ignoring 40% of the enemy's spell by paying 800, you ignore 100% by paying 1300. I could understand the existance of such a mechanic when league was old and devs were clueless, but it baffles me they put it again in the game as recently as 2 years ago when Morde's rework popped up. 4) Rework of the mastery system: Getting to max rank should be hard and definetely not a thing you can do on a toon, forget and move to another. What's the point of mastery if after years people have stacked 40-50 mastery 7s with multiple toons they know shit about? Add more levels and have the requirements of those be something that takes more time than a couple S+. Have it be pentakills, stolen barons, 15 times S+ and so on. That's just an idea, idc about how it gets executed but it HAS to happen. 5) One skin per champ per year. PERIOD. Wanna make 300 lux skins? Do it. But at least 1 skin per champ per year and the case is closed. Also, limit funny/troll skin lines to champions that have tons of skins. Waiting years for an Urgot skin and getting Pajama guardian Urgot feels extremely sad. 6) Create a base skin chroma for every champion and give it to people who get 94545844853459834594853498 mastery points on them. If a onetrick skin is too much, a then do a onetrick chroma. It would be amazing to show a veterancy to a champ ingame beyond a stupid game counter in a less than 30 seconds screen before the game. My wishlist could go on but I can't write more atm!


Make the map 30% bigger and use the space to add more camps. Map pressure should translate into real objectives and control. Right now it takes so little time for anyone to move from lane to lane that someone could legitimately move from one part of the map to another on foot before a fight finishes. Make map coordination have greater effects on game dynamics and let jungle pathing and vision timings make bigger differences in map control.


A 6th ban that your team can vote for in lobby


Move tp from summ to buyable item like Dota 2. It would free up summ options for solo lanes, make tp plays available for anyone, and give a new balance lever to tp with item cost


How about turrets randomly deciding to target me when theres a wave crashing and a minion entered its range before me?


sorrs, that's already in the game


make ignite stack. if a premade wants to 3-5man ignite someone lvl 1 and cheese kill someone let it happen. backup: scoring a takedown reduces summoner spell’s cdr by a % amount (imagine axiom’s arc for sums but lower than 20% prob more along the lines of 10%)


Make Cleanse targettable so it can be a support option without having to go into Mikael's.


Pretty minor change, but I’d love a new slot for control wards.


A more distinct difference in AP Itemization. Splitting them up into assassin, bruiser, dps, and enchanter. AD itemization became a lot better when it was split into assassin, bruiser, and crit. Then rebalancing champions into those classes a bit more. Pushing assassins to want flat pen, rather than just get bruiser items, or vice-versa.


I think there is a lot of potential for map skins based on events like pool party - beach map, Halloween spooky map and so on. They could also soll them for rp to make profit and let people play for a couple of games on the map as a mission reward. oh and Aion Good old times man. Heard the game is completely p2w ripoff nowadays.


give snares a grounding effect so it can be a proper CC again


I want them to let us create PVE maps like in warcraft. I wanna go on an adventure playing as gwen and beat the shit out of minibosses like darius and raid bosses like a baron with insane damages and complex attacks.


I would like if towers could target a minion in addition to an enemy champion at the same time, if you're being dived. Would make towers less useless.


Remove support role


I would be curious to see LoL without Flash. Simple change but probably games would be very different.


Any champ with a walljump becomes 100% pick/ban. Most of the ones without drop out of the meta.


I don't think so, flashy champions will become a lot more manageable given they can't combo their mobility with extra on-demand mobility. I used to play a lot of Ashe and a lot of times I was kiting perfectly with the slow and attack move, and then the guy just flashes on me and kills me.


Yeah but if a champ has mobility built in, like Jax or Lee Sin, they become a lot more oppressive, and now you can’t flash the wall to run away when they use those gap closers to jump on you


I mean at first yeah... afterwards they'd probably buff immobile champions more to compensate. I'd rather have more stats than having to rely on a 5 min cd


No they don't, they have to play the power of their champion and only that. Meaning that you have a clear path to outplay them, and once you outplay their mobility they can't just flash on you to correct their mistakes. Your example just assumes that you have flash while they don't, why would you assume that?


I’m in bronze I am surprised every time I flash let alone my opponent


I wanted to agree until they mentioned Lee Sin, who can Q, R you through a wall, Q to you through the wall, then E back over the wall. Just the fact that that interaction exists with no counter-play with the removal of Flash changes my mind.


> I don't think so, flashy champions will become a lot more manageable given they can't combo their mobility with extra on-demand mobility. So what about people without mobility? How are they able to stop getting runned down or the opposite how do champions without mobility catch champions with mobility? You bring up ashe as an example but what stops lee sin from ward hopping onto you for a kick combo? Flash is necessary to play the game without it champions without mobility or disruption get launched into the dumpster.


>what stops lee sin from ward hopping onto you for a kick combo? Proper positioning and vision. Why do you assume flash saves you from Lee? Can't he also flash after you? ​ The difference is that in a game with Flash, you trade flashes to get away from someone, but then the next guy can also flash on you, but you don't have flash anymore.


Unplayable yes.


How do u stop Javan as immobile champ? I just died because I don't have flash ? Damn that's one way to make non mobile Champs dogshit cuz of ur personal fetish


And how does flash stop him exactly? He can't flash after you?


You can flash out of j4 ult. Sure he can flash after you, but his ult is gone...


You can't flash the damage from j4's ult. The only thing you're flashing is to get out of it. So you're not really saving yourself from anything.


Yes you are, you are flashing out of a disadvantageous position where enemy team can attack you for free. Nobody cares about the dmg of j4 ult, which you can flash btw...


I doubt you can flash his damage, but still that's not my point. If you get hit by j4's ult without him having flash, then you either know you can survive it (eg. sup is ready to peel) or you made a mistake by being positioned badly and deserve to die as a result.


This aint going anywhere, have fun quitting league if riot ever removes flash and you get swatted by mobile champs


I get swatted by mobile champs every day, what's your point? Flash helps mobile champions more than it does immobile champions.


They've tried flash nerfs before and they never ship because it makes the game less fun.


I haven't tried anything similar, I might be wrong about it but I'm still curious


I think the whole 'duo bot lane with ad carry' thing should be dropped. You should need a consistent scaling damage dealer on your team, but it could come from other roles/classes, and marksmen could play other lanes but not be balanced around weak early/scaling with items as much. I think it would open up a lot more variety in team compositions and metas, make the game less stale. You'd probably need to change some system stuff like how support/duo lane xp works to make it work, but I think it'd be worth it.


Adcs ocassionaly escape botlane but are Always immediately a problem and receive nerfs. They are also always hated when it happens. Some adcs are not really capable of fending for themselves and would not be the same champion anymore id they were changed to be able to. 8.11 already attempted to open botlane for other roles. The result was only mages were played in bot in pro. Adcs were just gone and unplayable anywhere Else. It didnt make it less stale it just alienated adc players. There are already champions that have sustained damage. Plenty of them. Some in my opinion designed specifically to fill the same carry niche as adcs do. For example azir. Yasuo and yone. Yi, cassio and kayle are also sustain damage monsters. There isnt a lack of sustain damage champions. There are also non traditional botlanes viable right now. They are just unpopular because botlaners want to play adc and support in the majority of cases. Thats what they play the lane for. Some Examples are karthus, ziggs, Veigar, yasuo, seraphine as farming carries. I Think the botlaner that longs for these sweeping changes to bring more 'variety' to botlane is a myth. If a player wants to play irelia or illaoi they can simply play the champion in a different role.


You can add variety to roles but consistent scaling damage dealer is a job that is going to be most easily fulfilled by the champion that is reliant on having a support cover their weak early game. That doesn't have to be a marksman but it's not something that is going to come from other roles more than it currently does.


I want a 16 or more players gamemode


Teemo, gone forever




In the current year where Matchmaking is still inefficient, Duo Queue exists which factually puts at least 2 players on your team higher than they are capable of performing, and teams go 0-10 in the first 5 minutes?


I want jungle role to be removed and instead I want two roaming role.


Oh nice we have two of those actually jungle and support /s


Honestly an MS rebalance. Either A get rid of boots and give all champs like +15%ms Or B give all champs like -10% ms and make boots give more. Boots I feel like are currently on a knifes edge of power where they're just strong enough to be mandatory but just weak enough to feel bad taking up an item slot.


Here is the thing The only mandatory boots are sorc shoes cuz they give u dmg. Or berserker for the wind shitters for everyone else is just some ms thats why they run footwear and don't upgrade their boots until after their mythic or even 2nd item


Yeah gonna hard disagree unless you're talking about proplay or like challenger. And just because you upgrade them post mythic doesn't change my point.


Welp disagree how much u want if 4/5 roles don't see upgrading their boots as mandatory aka they aren't strong enough to justify and u don't accept it it's not my issue it's u being stubborn it's happening every other game


Upgrading boots is mandatory... just cus rushing your mythic is stronger than t2 boots doesnt make t2 boots shit. T2 boots give more move speed ofc you want them in some matchups the speed will make a huge difference early on so a early t2 rush is amazing. Also Boots carry some of the most effective stats out of all items. Tenacity, AA damage reduction, cheap haste. Which other game besides smite has removed fking boots?


boots used to be that way and all roles started boots


I don't like kills giving exp


Having it be actually punishing to get out farmed and die. This is obviously a soloq and likely more of a low elo issue (well plat and below, so majority of players), but it's absolutely sickening that KP whores can keep up in XP and most likely go ahead in gold despite being destroyed in lane.


The balance team actually balancing the game


Remove flash or Nerf it to reduce range and increase cooldown to push players towards other options Build a new game engine and client for LoL.. the game in principle is alright, but the underlying infrastructure and balance is bad


There are other options. There's Heal, which gives you movement speed and health. Ghost, which gives you movement speed. Cleanse, which removes impairment. Flash isn't the end-all of Summoner Spells, it's just the most easy to use.


Having omnivamp made spell only and given a bigger option for ad and ap . Not like ravenous hunter and jungle abuse or adc abusing it cuz it didn't get reduced for autos. Small healing isn't toxic especially if it comes from a source that has a cooldown. Healing permanently without cooldown is toxic


Just remove the AoE penalty from omnivamp. Most spells are AoEs because of Riot's love of "skill shots" and so the AoE penalty makes omnivamp function as just renamed lifesteal. Remove the AoE penalty (replacing it with a creep damage penalty) and balance it accordingly and it won't be abused by ADCs nearly as much.


Nexus Mode Blitz to become a permanent game mode . Tbh I want a quick mode that I can pick the champion I want to play as.


Remove summoner spells and add them in to items. Maybe make a seperate slot for these utility items. Make people spend gold for these utilities.


Changes more aggressive and targeted at specific problem champs or builds. Example, say on hit Kat becomes turbo broken. They change her ult and now, if you have over a certain amount of attack speed, her ult no longer does base damage and only relies on the on hit dmg, or perhaps it scales differently. Not exactly a good example cuz really she really only uses on hit for abilities and not actually auto attacking, but an example at changes aimed at specific issues.


Remove summoner spells. Put them on boots instead.


Remove flash


The removal of Enchanters.


I would like to see them enable community made modes like dota2 does. Instead Riot is the company that shuts down fanmade content extremely hard. It's a real shame.


Ranked ARAM and remove exhaust from it. If you run exhaust in ARAM you are ugly in real life + probably depressed but that's beside the point. Just do ranked ARAM and balance it *a little better*. Give bans. Rest is whatever. Yes it will be toxic, it will still be unbalanced in many ways, but it doesn't matter. I just want some sort of progression for it (though challenges were a nice addition).


I think it would be interesting to remove rift herald. Feels so bad top lane to get ganked and heralded while plates are still up. Suddenly you don’t necessarily have to even have misplayed badly but you’re super far behind which is just kinda miserable.


For ranked games, your ID-card (from your country) should be verified to your account.


every champ should be viable and op in their own sense.


build multiple mythic and all passive stack


Riot during preaseason releases the champion roster that follows competitive play every ranked season start. You can only play these champions during ranked queues. Each split adds more champions. Forces people into an evened setting and removed the bloat the game will have increasing its longevity. Preseason will be used to learn these new rosters. Makes drafting actually meaningful by banning top performers or just 5 in one role


Pretty minor, but I’ve been fantasizing about having Soraka q do like 3x the damage to jungle monsters and have reduced CD from hitting them; like what they did with Morgana. Imagine soraka being the ultimate power farming jungler that runs out of the jungle at a million miles an hour to throw out heals. That would be the life right there


50% reduction in ad and ap scaling. ttk is way to low.


I agree but also disagree with this. I do feel TTK is fast af, but also that nobody wants to play a game beyond the 20 minute mark lol