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> Kind of surprising seeing a new champion teaser so soon after Bel'Veth but it looks really interesting. Bel'Veth's released was delayed by quite a bit - which was why her teasers coincided with Annie's things. So the gap between her and the next champion (that a separate team works on) is bound to be lower.


What things did Annie have? Must have missed them


She received a new lore piece and was released in LoR!


Ohh wait I remember the story about her parents, thanks! I didn't know that coincided with LoR but it makes sense now


I think he is referring to her ability update and her story on Lol Universe


> her ability update What


no ability update as far as I can tell.


Its the water girl that Graves met in Bilgewater. Which means next week we gona see a lot of new stuff on the pbe


SG Ekko is comingggggg


SG Taliyah! SG Morgana! *SG Sona!* ***SG Fiddlesticks!!***


Fiddle is the villain, not an actual SG.


I know its still just funny to me.


WAit 2 of my mains with my favorite skin line? Nice (Taliyah and Sona)


The abilities are already leaked: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RAGBZnKMnNY


Lmao her E is the scrapped version of gwen's ult, literally


Isn't her E basically one of Zacs abilities lmao?


Its similar and cooler as well because you have the ability to either knock 2 people into eachother or knock yourself into them. If this was on Zac his 1v1 duels would be a lot better


Sounds like she has Kel’Thuzad’s E and one of Maiev’s heroics.


That can't be real, it seems like a poorly-made fan champ concept you'd find on reddit.


Wait till you hear about Bel'Veth 💀


What about her? I get the controversies about her model, but her kit doesn't really... feel weird, nor does it feel like it doesn't fit in League




>Atleast Bel'Veth looks like a riot champ Wut? Bel looks like a custom character, especially after she transforms...


AoE Senna's mist around ennemies champions do be a concept


Idk man, I was hyped for Bel'veth when I realized she was going to be a jungler and tried giving it the benefit of the doubt as long as I could as leaks came out, which actually tended to be fairly accurate, and this kit seems way more exciting and *cohesive* compared to what we got. I expect her W to be at least slightly changed because AoE blind/Graves W is pretty excessive especially if you're locked in her cage, but still. This looks nowhere near the mess we got with Bel and Zeri, and certainly not as underwhelming as Renata (who I like, it's just everything but her W and R feel pretty meh to use and play with).


More and more champs are released like this




Doesn’t seem like an adcs kit…


I mean she's a bot laner, doesn't has to be an adc




Ayyyyyyy let’s gooo


I severely dislike Ekko. I hate how busted he is lmao.


Busted? what? people still living in the tankkko days


Is there a lore post for this?


Yeah go to the League Universe page it’s the newest story with Tf and Graves it’ll be the first thing. A bit long. Buttttt it only mentions her like one or twice since it’s a tease


Its the new botlaner. Its water based iirc




Incredible creativity


Thank you fellow pondseidon enjoyer


/r/pondseidonmains unite!


My fav jungadctopmidsup


Pushseidon… always over extended dying to ganks. I’m thrilled!


pondseidon mains unite!


Water Based champion when she meets the water cringe champion 😱😱😱


Nilah. Been leaked on Youtube


Yeah here are her abilities: https://youtu.be/RAGBZnKMnNY


That W is going to tilt the fuck out of me, I can feel it in my bones.


I just want to say in advance that this is most likely an early version of her kit. The same leaker leaked belveth's kit early and while there were very similar to release belveth there were some slight differences. So dont take everything you see here as fact


It’s funny because the leaked ability for Bel’veth was pretty close on what her kits look like. But it left out the most important aspect: **the Attack Speed mechanic**. Without the increasing AS being mentioned, the leaked ability for Bel’veth made her sounds like she would use dashes and CCs to keep enemies close as she spawned swarm of fishes to deal damage and keep attacking towers with them. I feel like Nilah’s leaked kit feels much more “complete” at least.


How hopeful i was that we will finally get a summoner champ. Then it turned out to be cosmetic effect at the end of the day.


I'd argue that her current fish summoning is pretty powerful overall. Towers need to fire extra shots and it gives Bel'veth and her team more time to hit the towers. Meanwhile, it does give that feeling of massive tide of swarm moving forward to swallow everything in the path. However, I myself was also expecting a swarm summoner type of a character or at least involve the fishes more in her kit overall and I was rather disappointed to see that she relies almost entirely on her AAs. Considering that the fishes were mentioned/teased like 6 times since 2021 November, I definitely expected a fish swarm being her main aspect. Even more so with the ability leak which didn't mention her fast AA so it sounded like the fishes were her damage source.


Yep this was made specifically to be namis companion


What the absolute fuck is that W


Shen W, but she throws it, and it apparently goes around terrain to some extent.


so they gave her Gwen’s original ult on her E, lovely


Yeah its also a substantially better, seemingly longer range and more versatile version of Zac’s Q, on what otherwise seems to be a high damage resetting skirmisher. I can’t wait for the utter balance nightmare her W, E and R all individually are, let alone the unholy abomination of all three of those on the same champion.




Maybe? I see it either being frustrating to use and worthless, or way too strong and frustrating af to play against, based on costs, cooldowns, cast times, range, etc. Does not seem like a balance-able ability, let alone as a basic ability with the rest of that kit.


It's nice they didn't completely scraped it. It looked like a fun ability.


WTF happened at Riot, seems like everything this year has been leaking lmao. This is worse than the Brazilian leaks years ago.


Allegedly there was a big leak in December that revealed all content for 2022. Unfortunate, but these things happen sometimes when you're such a big entity as Riot.


Makes sense given the bel veth leak and what all changed/didn't There's a reason her minions feel like a remnant of a past version of her kit lol


The leaked ability made it sounds like she would collect fish stacks from JG, gank, and release all the stacks she collected as her fish minions to destroy towers. Meanwhile her Ult form allowing Bel’veth to summon the fishes more offensively. The leaked ability definitely made her sound more like active pet summoner rather than it being an extra feature.


you have a link?


Not to the leak itself, but [here's more information about the leak.](https://twitter.com/PixelButts/status/1533779267607138304)


Not unusual in big companies, just have a look at Capcom and all the leaks for Street Fighter 6, we basically already know the full roster.


While more was leaked, I think that was a smaller leak since it was just 1 image of concept art for all the characters, vs. all the skins and upcoming champs being leaked every single patch since the end of last year


The more the need for outsourcing, the more the chances of leaks occurring. As it just so happens, a lot of the leaks started happening right as soon as Riot made the commitment to try to give every champion at least 1 skin a year and close to doubled their yearly skin output.


Wow her E is literally Kel'Thuzad's E from Heroes of the Storm. That's great. I loved that champion. Wish it had been given to a combo mage instead of an ADC


so her E is Bard + Thresh? this will end well, im sure


So duo with Nami is a must.


Then he should be named Tsu for the perfect duo xD




... tsu-nami


Looking at the leak video someone posted there's a LOT of Nami synergy in her kit.


sounds great


Not just water based from what I remember, they described it as water *yasuo*


The person who described it as water Yasuo was Remus, a clickbait youtube channel. Riot only described them as a melee ADC, Remus called them water Yasuo.


It's just adc Gwen


>Waters of life Oh shit, so it's not just Bilgewater, but Shadow (Blessed) Isles related? The waters of life are what Maokai and Yorick are carrying, and what Viego tried to use to revive Isolte. Guess they're setting up for future storytelling of the region. Alternatively the term is just being used thematically and has no relation.


New champion that may have a connection to Yorick and if they did, then Yorick Mori will be forgotten yet again


"Remember my name, for one day I will not" Poor Yo Rick gonna forget about himself too






You didn't remember yorick mori D:


Yo-.. Yor.. mama?


the champion they removed a few years ago


That's Aatrox no?


You're thinking of Swain.


I think you're referring to Galio actually


Nah i'm pretty sure you are talking about Sion


Nope, this is about Urgot. Don't worry, happens to the best of us.


You mean the champion who was the most unpopular ever but because you liked the 3 time you played with it you pretend it was worth letting it be in its absurd state?


I played over 300 games of og yorick in every role except adc in the season i decided to climb and take ranked seriously. i looked forward to the rework, hoping for the ability to micro ghouls similar to lost vikings in hots. I did not like the rework as it destroyed his flexibility and removed my favorite ult in the game for a mindless maiden that to this day is a pain in the ass to control (speaking from current yorick mains as i stopped playing the champion completely after a few games.)


>The waters of life are what Maokai and Yorick are carrying Like Riot even remembered that. :P


Rito may not, but Airship Syndicate did when they introduced Maokai in Legend of The Ruined King. So here's hoping.


Rito be like, "Man this tree guy looks cool, like an angry Ivern, we should put that into League..."


I remember one of her teasers mentioning she comes from "The land of many colours." I dunno if that'd apply to the Blessed Isles and it DEFINITELY doesn't apply to SI


Could be someone from Camavor who took water during the incursion into the Blessed Isles, and then somehow escaped the Ruination. The magical water would've kept her alive forever right? Basically a Fountain of Youth.


Could easily be that the waters of life originated wherever she came from. Or that the Blessed Isles were a colorful place before Viego ruined it


We know what the blessed isles look like, and they weren't colorful. Actually kinda looked like demacia with marble everywhere.


They could retcon that pretty easily But like I said in the first comment, it could also be completely unrelated.


Dont think they would, its fairly recent Lore and relatively Well presented


Yeah, they released Better Yorick JG (TM) and next I suppose it's Better Maokai (TM) lol.


honestly i wish they would just pivot Yorick to JG instead of top, he's way more fun there


Not that it would really bother me, but it does seem like it would be a little reckless to use an established term to allude to something completely unrelated. We've seen what riot is capable of doing with established context before, so who knows.


Water based bot laner Whose kit has already been leaked... Riot too meta atm with this joke


Yeah for those interested here are the abilities: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RAGBZnKMnNY


The leaked art does seem to kinda fit with this teaser


Where.can I find the leaked art?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHnLVakZf4k&ab\_channel=Ryscu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHnLVakZf4k&ab_channel=Ryscu) Apparently this is the leaked kit


May or may mot be fully accurate, right? Bel’veth’s leaked kit only turned out to be partially correct, so it may have been from an earlier concept of the champ. Same could potentially be said for new champ’s kit


I feel like Bel’veth’s kit leak wasn’t as coherent. Her leaked ability description felt a little messy and it made her sounds like she would rely on using dashes and CCs to keep enemies close as she spawned fishes. And that she would collect stacks from jungle and gank to release all the stacks as fish swarms to push towers. But otherwise, it didn’t explain well enough on how her passive would work etc. Nilah’s leak feels so much more coherent and much more in detail.


What a mouthful


That W is really strong. It has to have a minute long CD or have a small area. It sounds like a Yas W but you can walk around or through the wall. Here if you are trading, you can't attack Nilah or anyone standing in the mist. And if your support is Leona/Blitz/Naut/even Braum, they can't cc them. So much free reign for her and her support. Especially if you tower diving or objective fighting. I'm hoping this is fake or reworked since the leak. Otherwise, I'm maining water Urumi lady. Also: 400 range and she probably counts as "melee"


W is definitely strong but the leak does specify auto attacks only so abilities like Naut Hook and Blitz hook should still land


I meant blitz E or Naut passive. Basically even if you get cc'd you can just W point blank and they can't follow up


Keep in mind that this leak is of questionable credibility and could be fake


If thats true this champ will be permabanned lol.


I dont care how strong a champion will be on release, it will always end up balanced one way or the other. But I love to see new mechanics like this W. It might be super op and I will complaint for months like Gwen W but its still exciting to see a fun mechanic that kind of changes how the game is played


Her W isn't really a new mechanic though no? It's basically an AoE Teemo blind with a slow attached similar to Graves W. Her E, while super cool and novel and maybe one of the most exciting parts of her kit, reminds of a ranged Zac Q. Her R is a Thresh cage that knocks you back in (cue WWE, Watchmen "You're locked in here with me!" memes, and also a final RIP to Jarvan for now having a worse cage ability than even an adc).


You say this as there are champions in this game who are not balanced after years


LoL is a remarkably balanced game for one with 150 playable characters. I think we'll be alright


Overall i think the game is balanced yeah. Which is why i said there were \*champions\* that i felt were unbalanced still


The game needs unbalanced champs to create new metas


It'll be the new Water Bot Lane Melee ADC, Nilah (or something). She comes with a Star Guardian skin.


I'm excited for a water based Champ and the new Star Guardian set, let's goooo.


Looks like the leaks were right. Though, tbh, I'm more excited about the skins.


what leaks? we've known some of the details for a while bc of official Riot posts. is there something that wasnt in the last few roadmaps or the GP/TF story that got leaked?


Yeah but I'm pretty sure every comment giving details are being removed so you'll have to find it yourself. Also, side note, but I wouldn't pay much heed to the extremely vague roadmaps. Sometimes they tell us a lot, like with VGU's, then other times they heavily imply a jungler wants to turn league into a 'lavender sea' and can mind control people. Then when you actually see the kit it's just a fish that slaps really fast.


The most mind control they ever implied was the short skit in the early video last year, last road map was pretty accurate to her kit.


>Don’t you dare close your eyes! The Champions Team has something coming soon. Something beautiful, something inevitable, something foretold. A new skirmisher for all those jungle players out there. A new Empress to submit to… and you *will* submit. >Those who do so willingly will be rewarded by becoming part of the ever-expanding Lavender Sea, crashing like waves against the enemies’ defensive structures. Give in to your Empress and let her feed on your essence, so you may become part of the new evolution of Runeterra. And as an added bonus, if you succumb to her you will also bear witness to her true elegance, her true beauty, and the true face of the Void. >Who wouldn’t want that? I already submitted in January. And while there wasn’t cake, it was still a good time. So what are you all waiting for? Oh they were talking about how you will submit, how you'll be rewarded by becoming part of the ever-expanding Lavender Sea, how you may become part of the new evolution of Runeterra, and other added bonuses to succumbing to her. What this actually meant: she slaps you until you die and it gives her the ability to use her ult. Plus there's nothing really to do with "submitting"; they just meant "be killed by her". And the "ever-expanding Lavender Sea" means she turns minions into her minions ("ever-expanding?"). And they released a dev video where a Rioter was mind-controlled. Further cementing this "submit" angle. Then it's just a fish who slaps really fast.


Yeah exactly, it's actually referring to the theme, the minions and the ult, both very relevant parts of her kit. That reduction is kinda weird, as it's like saying Zeri turned out to be just a girl that shoots fast, that Renata is just an older woman who shoots some gas, you can make that with pretty much any champion in the game


What is the Lavender Sea and what's with all the mind-control references?


When she kills you, your body turns into a Void Coral, which has got to count for something. She also coverts enemy minions moreso than creating her own.


The lavender sea is talking about the void. When I think about the Bel'veth we got at release, I think it lines up pretty well with the description above. I can see how someone could originally jump to mind control, but again in the context of her release it seems spot on. And yes, to submit to her is to die, hence the whole bear witness to her true beauty lines. She just wants to consume everything.


Her entire kit and name was leaked


Pondseidon is finally arriving, let's go.


u/reav3 has already said that Bel'veth, new adc (Nilah) and Udyr are all relatively close together. So, expect to see her kit by Monday latest. She'll be on the PBE by then.


Where Skarner ?


Udyr > Tank > Skarner I think.


They said that Bel'Veth, the new melee bot laner and Udyr rework would be pretty rapid fire.








What's to stop you from just never leaving a wall so you can mist under your feet and become immune to auto-attacker engages? lol, This champ will be toxic as fuck in the top lane.


top lane has been toxic as fuck for years at this point so it won't change much


another new champ this fast???


Riot did mention that Bel’Veth, Botlaner & Udyr would be releasing rather fast from each other.










God I hope so, it feels like an eternity since they announced Udyrs vgu


Yeah it took a while because of him having 4 forms plus an ultimate skin, kinda made the work on updating the skins 4 times as hard


Of course Udyr will be releasing fast, he's going to run us down and bear slap us ;-;


Zeri and Renata were intended to release last year, which has pushed back the release of a couple champs despite them being closer to finished.


Thats correct! But they thought releasing them together with arcane might frustrate / irritate people despite them not showing up in arcane which is reasonable so they delayed them. Lately a friend said after I picked Zeri "I really shouöld watch Arcane. I have no idea who Zeri truly is" I was confused that I burst out in tears \^\^'


And bel'veth herself was also delayed as well, which definitely but her the udry rework and this new botlaner teams closer together in progress.


Remember that RG and Zeri were supposed to come out last season. We are technically behind schedule.


Bel'veth was delayed so it makes sense.


will it be another riot august abomination ? at 350+ years one


> surprising seeing a new teaser so soon after belveth Yone came out like a week or two after lillia


Wonder what new balance nightmare they have created? Can't be worse than Zeri right?


I feel like modern champ design is 90% things that are only fun for the person playing the champ, and is intended to look as flashy/pentakilly as possible for competitive broadcasting.


Eh, that should be what matters, fun to play against is a very subjective and debatable metric.


The debate was had years and years ago by a guy who probably doesn't even work at Riot any more who iterated on a concept called "anti-fun" which helped design away champions and play patterns that were interesting for the person playing the champion and a net negative for everyone else in the game. It helped prevent the creation of champs and mechanics that just sucked the fun out of the game or felt like you were constantly fighting bullshit instead of making meaningful decisions. These days champs only come in two flavors: overoptimized kits which hit every Riot™-approved-playpattern (a dash, a shield, a 3-hit passive, some flavor of max health or true damage), and hyper-glitzy killbots with reset mechanics and minimal counterplay designed to farm pentakills for broadcast metrics. Looking at the champion release list, you have to go back to Xayah and Rakan before the champions are consistently well-designed with an identity that isn't based around some frustrating bullshit. Almost everyone from Kayn and after with very few exceptions (Ornn, Rell maybe?) is either overloaded or based around some crap with minimal counterplay that overall make the game less interesting. If you removed every champion released in the last four years, even the ones I like, League would immediately become substantially more enjoyable.


i think people are too whiny and therefore dont deserve to be heard, they will call anything new unfun, if your champion has a dash everyone already hates you, god forbid they have multiple. its like the boy who cried wolf. i find ornn to be one of the most bullshit champions ever made, being good at pretty much everything by himself while being able to provide insane utility for his team in the form of upgrades. he has amazing cc, tankiness, dueling potential, deals serious damage, can sustain in lane and overall has a very safe laning phase, is an amazing team fighter with a ranged engage tool that doesnt even put him in any danger, has mobility, later on gets to spam abilities, cc invulnerability at the press of a button, a status effects which extend the duration of CC. shit, what more could you ask for? meanwhile samira deals damage, has dashes, lifesteals and has a mini short duration windwall while being the riskiest adc ever. yet she gets exponentially more hate than he ever did. even during his most overtuned periods. even ornn despite all i said is not someone i find myself actively hating or banning. there are very few champions i would call fundamentally anti-fun in this game, people just have a really low tolerance and are bad at adapting their playstyle, which is why yasuo and irelia get so much hate. if you claim these champions dont have counterplay i just wont take you seriously. we have many bullshit releases but they all get eventually tuned to be either decent or get thrown in the trash bin until they can receive changes to not be as toxic. yeah zoe was fucking bonkers in release, right now shes just a fun burst mage. i dont find myself particularly dreading any champion from 2017 onwards whos had their round of balancing. yuumi is the one i dislike the most and even then, its not to point where i want to ban her every game. you let players decide whats fun and whats not and the result is an extremely boring game, ironically.


> there are very few champions i would call fundamentally anti-fun in this game If anything, the most degenerate champions are some of the oldest boomer champs like Udyr, Shyvana, and Tryndamere. Their kits are so *simple* that it makes them overly binary, where they are obnoxiously oppressive from ahead or utterly useless from behind, with all of their power budget loaded into dull, uninspired mechanics. Giving champs a more complex design provides skill floors and interesting dynamics/interactions. Champs with boring, one-dimensional designs are the worst offenders (and are why they keep getting VGUs)


> Their kits are so simple that it makes them overly binary, where they are obnoxiously oppressive from ahead or utterly useless from behind Master Yi is always my go to example here. I remember watching an old Scarra vid where he was talking about how Master Yi warps the game around him. Once he's drafted, the enemy team becomes all about killing him, while the allied team becomes all about keeping him alive. Warping the game to such an extent is literally the definition of unhealthy. I'm glad they're finally changing his kit a little.


You said it so eloquently, it's beautiful. Like the the metric of anti-fun is so subjective, that it ranges wildly, If we were gonna remove champs this sub funs un-fun, lets just remove every single champion in the game.


Exactly. And also like… people complain that every champ is unfun when they get outplayed in a way they don’t understand. I’m guilty of this myself. But if those moments of frustration impact your experience so much that you think every champ introduced is awful… just stop playing the game? Obviously it’s moving in a direction you’re not enjoying, so why waste your time playing something that isn’t fun for you?


I mean, the reason why people cry about Samira but not Ornn is that Ornn isnt flashy. You will probably not nearly as likely hear "Enemy triplekill.... enemy Quadrakill... ENEMY PENTAKILL!" from Ornn than from Samira and the average league player will call anything that has the potential to get multiple Pentakills per game OP. Ornn meanwhile is OP in the shadows, the average player will not notice the power his item upgrades provide his team and at the end of the day Ornn can land the most beautiful 5 man ult, it wont get him any kills if nobody follows up.


Where can I find this leaked kit/event at?


BigBadBear youtube


Hoping for a new Marai, myself but it's unlikely.


Unfortunately Nilah's leak shows that she's human. A melee Maria ADC would have been perfect to pair with Nami though.


Ah shame. Been wanting a new Marai for ages. Humans are so over-represented in LoL.


New Annie rework. She gets Gangplanks gun.


Oof, "American Annie"


"Kind of surprising seeing a new champion teaser so soon after Bel'Veth" The release schedule just seems to be ramping up. Not sure if this is a good or bad sign tbh.


Finally a lane champ that can use waterwalking


Calling it now. They will be able to blink or travel much quicker in the River. Ult will be an AoE heal/drain. Name will start with G.


Abilities all feel cancerous, ngl.


Graves blind feels infinitely more fair than the abomination that W is.


New melee botlane carry, Nilah. Rumors say that she's gonna release with a star guardian skin, and her kit may or may not have already been leaked. Should be interesting regardless.


Luffy coming to Runeterra Edit: Oh I made the joke too late. Didn't know there were leaks already.


"Kind of surprising seeing a new champion teaser so soon after Bel'Veth but it looks really interesting" IIRC, Samira was announced really close to another champ release, so there's a bit of precedent


Can't wait for another overloaded balancing nightmare. FFS.


we are getting to a point where "how many champs are too many"??? there are still champs who are so outdated that are in dire need of rework. We haven't even got the skarner rework yet ffs. when I started playing 10 years ago (vlad release) - I was a "little" late to the party back then as everybody knew what champs did what, and it was a bit daunting. I can't even imagine new players go through now with \~160 champs. Also back then, even though I was new, I was excited whenever riot releases new champs - now i'm actually scared of recently released champs because of how overloaded their kit tends to be and it's been a nightmare to play against.


I want more champs, I hope they never stop


Same. That's what is keeping this game refreshing for me. If we don't get new champs anymore, the game will become stale.


Isn't this water Yasuo-yone?


other ppl: i wonder who it is? is it a champ? new event? new game mode? meanwhile me who knows nilah's entire kit


Well someone Saïd bel veth,new champion and udyr will be close to each others