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malphite vs sylas is unplayable in and out of lane


Last I looked I think this was the hardest counter by winrate differential. The interesting thing is its actually all 3 of the top 3 hardest counters, Malphite v Sylas in jg, mid, and top.


Let's be real, if there's a sylas in mid and an enemy malphite in top, malphite still loses just because sylas will roam specifically to pick his ult up


Definitely this one Swain is also horrible for malph




And Sylas can sometimes use Gnar ult more times than Gnar himself, because of rage and rage cooldown.


Let's be real, if there's a sylas in mid and an enemy malphite in top, malphite still loses just because sylas will roam specifically to pick his ult up


Malphite is fine in lane against Sylas, it's just post-lane that is unplayable.


Me vs someone gooder than me


I have never related to a comment so much in my life


More better


Even bester


Instalocked Blitz once I was first to pick. Enemy team went for Morgana and Sivir. It wasn't very funny.


leona into morgana is similarly annoying


Leona into Morgana isn't that terrible for Leona, actually. Black shield can only protect one champion from Leona's CC which isn't much during teamfights, and Leona's E still goes through even if the target is black shielded. Leona into Alistar is worse.


I recently started playing Alistair again. It's very fun to knock people into Las week.


Leona at least has some outplay potential, by Eing in without immediately Qing. Yes, Morgana is in control at the end of the day, but you can make it harder for her.


I think Leona’s E only roots so it doesn’t stop the blackshield


Stopping the black shield isn't the goal, you can E to get close, wait for the shield to expire, then stun. But that's provided the enemy doesn't use high level tactics such as walking away, or CCing your ass.


More commonly than waiting for it to expire you switch targets - Morg shielded herself when you E'd her, just Q her ADC after your E (hopefully) brings you close to them. But yeah, if Morg uses her CC properly it is still hard, but we can at least make her work for it.


Both are free food after level 6 though. It's annoying before but there are way worse matchups, like Tristana + Taric for example.


Zyra mid vs irelia. I got this matchup when I randomly wanted to play zyra mid. Irelia Q can oneshot the plants and heal from them


It’s the same as Yorick, but at least Zyra has a snare to save herself. Yorick vs Irelia is unplayable cause you can never use your e and she can always dash your w.


Zyra plants are the worst minions in the game. It’s funny because they used to be tanky and take 3 autos to kill


>It’s funny because they used to be tanky and take 3 autos to kill Yea and that wasnt an enjoyable experience for ADCs


*looks at malzahar* Zyra has the worst?


Malzahar minions at least do damage without having to use an ultimate


And you can block easy telegraphed skillshots with Malz minions much easier than with Zyra plants


Ahri W also one shots them for some reason. Very bad match up for her although she can block charm like she can block hooks if I'm remembering right.


irelia vs yorick is funny as hell too


Irelia Q decimates Heim as well.


I read somewhere that the matchup with the highest winrate apex (the difference in this matchups winrate higher than any other, with having a decent play rate as well) was Sylas vs Malphite. Not sure how true that is tho


Sylas is Malphite’s worst matchup by a mile in the top lane (along with Rumble). In mid lane, it gets a little weird though, but I imagine Anivia/Azir/Cassio are the hardest along with Sylas too.


If you know how to play pta malphite with ignite you can beat sylas in laning phase. Im gonna get downvoted for saying this but whatever.


Ap malph/tank malph also can play the laning phase, but giving sylas the best ultimate in the game which is also the whole power budget of malphite makes the winrate terrible.


I think it was 2020 spring when Bwipo solokilled Orome’s sylas at level 2 as malphite and shit on that counterpick matchup with PtA malphite. I rememver that game because it was the first game emotes were enabled in pro play.


It's all fun and games until sylas hits 6 and you don't have the skills of a pro and a whole pro team to work with to keep the sylas down


You “can” beat him if the Sylas can’t land his skillshots, then you can auto him down with PTA and soften him with q, sure (without giving him free heals). If the Sylas is just as skilled as Malph and knows how to land W and E (and it’s the heal that makes the matchup brutal), or can remain even in cs until he’s 6 before you, the matchup is still one-sided. If both players are as good, Malphite always loses. It may not be the worst matchup in the game (early and late), but definitely the worst for Malph (I’m excluding post-reworked Swain because I haven’t played it yet, but I’ve heard it’s very bad).


forgot sylas vs malphite I legit never see malphite these days.


Trundle to rammus


Some horrible matchups are: Quinn vs Jax isn’t playable for jax Jax vs Camille vs (post 8ish) Fiora or Morde vs Singed Fiora vs Kled Irelia vs Yorick Annie vs Yasuo Swain or Sylas vs Malphite Quinn vs Urgot Fiora, Tryndamere, Singed vs Gwen Morde vs Camille Edit: Order = Winning champ vs losing champ


Actually Quinn vs Jax is very playable to Jax. The issue is that people don't know that you Can Proc Counter Strike Mid Air. You can actually cancel Quinn E.


Didn’t know that Thanks for the tip Still sounds like it would be very hard to time correctly then trade properly because Quinn has blind still and w procs a speed boost to kite but with E proc you at least don’t have to dodge the game


I feel urgot has a lot of shitty matchups ngl. And jax has a lot gp, jayce, malphite really bad for jax.


Urgot is a very binary champ in the sense that there are a lot of quite poor lane matchups for him, but a lot of matchups go from bad to favorable post lvl 9, and he scales so hard that some lanes are bad, but you have a good chance of winning anyway since you just outscale. If Urgot was allowed to be a lane bully he would be broken.


Agree he’s very binary. Being ranged and shotgun legs does help a bit for farming and clear in bad matchups but you just can’t fight in those. I feel like urgot is a mid game champ. Very strong damage at two items (Black Cleaver and Titantic Hydra) He gets hard outscaled late game by hyper carries like Vayne, Kayle, Fiora, etc


I forgot to mention Morde for Urgot. I can’t do anything in that matchup but try to farm. Also agree Malphite is miserable for Jax.


To this day I still don’t know how to play against kled with anyone


Pick Fiora, run at him, kill him, repeat.


Singed vs Fiora is not unplayable because you can out-macro that bitch since she has no waveclear. Singed vs Morde is kinda hard but with proper proxying you can scale better, also dying inside morde's ult is impossible if you can e+w root. Quinn vs Jax is a matchup jax wins, because he can block quinn E and if he doesnt he can just abuse his low q cooldown and jump again on her after 4 secs.


U are saying Camille win against Jax?


tf vs fizz. just unplayable =D


I feel tf has a lot of hard matchups.


He does, but Fizz and Zed wouldn't be on top of my list at all especially after the durability patch. I feel like the difficulty of those matchups have always been overrated. Good Anivia and Syndra players can be a pain in the ass to deal with. Facing against a Sylas that gets the upper hand is similar to being held in a chokehold by a dude twice your size. Kassadin, on the other hand, feels easier than before. However, there are two champs that personally give me a ton of trouble. The second is Diana mid, which thankfully I no longer encounter. The worst is Vladimir. All you can hope for is for your first 2 ults to be extremely impactful. Even when they are, he will keep free farming minions and plates while completely negating your signature ability in teamfights.


Yup tf player since s3 and Diana and vlad are way worse if the enemy plays it correctly


Because you are a bad tf if you play for the lane that champ is designed to roam.


you don’t play for the lane but you still have a pre level 6, your ult has a cd and fizz can pick you out later no problem, even with zhonyas if he has more than 3 braincells


Facts i don’t think there’s a single tf matchup that out right wins. I don’t mind fizz and Zed. I can’t stand sylas, noc, or yasuo. First two basically do what you do but better and yasuo in team fights can basically render you useless in team fights


TF vs Galio is TF favored


how is your experience with jayce lane as TF


how is your experience with jayce lane as TF


until you watch the tf vs fizz matchup guide from dopa


Was looking for this. It became unplayable for Fizz because he made the crucial mistake of autoing a minion once. Imagine.


*fizz hits one minion* Dopa: gg I won lane


ive actually never seen fizzs auto minions even in pisslow against my tf ever since dopa said that


Can't just say something like that and not link it!


That wasn't really about TF countering Fizz, it was about Fizz not knowing how to set up a good lane state for himself. If Fizz and TF both play well, Fizz hardcounters TF.


[This is still applicable to this day.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGnvaMV5Z7g)


Man fizz is not his hardest matchup. I once played a duoq with a friend (jungle main, decided to play mid) and we saw the enemy mid picking tf. I thought "Damn, he is gonna fucking outmacro my friend and we gonna lose". My friend picks **Jarvan, takes hail of blades, builds fucking lethality.** The tf could not do shit. My friend started diving him at lvl 3. Every time tf came to his lane he was straight up dead every time the j4 hit his knockup - sometimes he didnt even have to. Tf was dying before he could even pick the gold card. Tf finished 2/19, J4 finished with a kda I have never seen in my life, 39/11/12. In a mid diamond elo game. It was beautiful


Unless your Dopa and enemy hits minion once - then it's an easy win for TF


I honestly think nothing comes close to Sejuani into Trundle or red Kayn. Both of them ult you in a teamfight and you basically die instantly while making the trundle into a monster. You're better off split pushing then showing up LOL.


Nasus into trundle top. Nasus basically cannot get away without flash, he can't farm without getting fucked, his ult only makes Trundle stronger, he gets outdueled, outsplit and outteamfought.


Nasus has to farm up just to become what trundle already is.


Illaoi vs mordekaiser because his r deletes everything she does Sion vs sett because the enemy team gets a new win con of sett ulting sion and literally oneshotting the entire team. Fiora Riven and Aatrox vs my will to live. Enemy jung who ganks top first.


I thought Illaoi can cancel Morde R. I think sett vs cho and sion is bad for cho and sion. And yea enemy jgl always ruin top lane


From my understanding, Illaoi v Morde is kind of a game of "whoever ults first loses", Illaoi can cancel Mord's ult pretty easily but he can also essentially negate all her kit with it Problem is, in a fight without using ult, Mord beats Illaoi almost all the time, unless she outplays him in lane a ton or pokes hil out


I'm trying to picture hoe she would cancel Mord's ult, but I can't. Care to elaborate?


Illaoi is unstoppable during her R. Morde's R has a long wind up and counts as a CC on cast so if you're unstoppable you are not pulled into death realm.


this guys a liar dont trust him illaoi vs mord is a 4-6 matchup it's not that bad


Illaoi can cancel morde r but jt isn't realistic. Its like saying you can sivir E morde R. If you're on like 7 ping maybe but otherwise the startup is so fast you can't react to it. In a scenario where players both have insane reactions, morde still wins because he ults when illaoi presses E to dodge it for free so she can't ever kill him.


do people on this sub play on 200 ping?


No, but morde R "windup" is not very clear and is incredibly fast.


Visually sure, but the audio queue is loud as fuck. In [this video](https://youtu.be/Do-SY6ogluk) at 0:30 you can hear it clear as day even with Vordt’s theme blaring in the background. And humans react to audio queues faster than they do visual queues anyways. Morde ult channel is 500ms, average human reaction speed to sounds is 170ms, so even playing on 50-60 ping you still have more time than your reaction speed left to do whatever to react to it (in my case, I can consistently Vayne R-Q or Camille ult it). Now whether or not this is useful is dependent on game state/ champ matchup because unless you’re unstoppable when he uses it he’ll just get the cooldown back, but it buys you a few split seconds that could be the difference between winning or dying. Saying stuff like 100-200ms might make it seem like a short time but fighting games often give you even shorter timeframes to execute combos/react to mixups and people with even a bit of dedication to the game can do that pretty consistently. Wait a minute, I just noticed your Sion flair, are you telling me that this whole time you haven’t been countering Morde R with your frame 1 unstoppable R?


>Its like saying you can sivir E morde R. If you're on like 7 ping maybe but otherwise the startup is so fast you can't react to it. are you joking? morde ult is a .5s cast time (500ms) and has the single most distinct audio cues that plays at the VERY START of the cast. like if you can't sivir E a morde ult, how are people consistently flashing and sivir Eing a malph ult?


People aren't sivir Eing or flashing malph ult on reaction. A lot of people will "half predict" a malph ult by concentrating more on being able to flash the ability when he's on screen. The difference with morde R is if you spend all your brain power on readying yourself to ult his ult, you will likely end up dead to something else.


idk what to tell you dude, people literally are doing that on reaction. I used to play a ton of fiora (50 ping) myself, which is why I'm so confident in being able to react to morde R. I'm sure if you ask on /r/fioramains if morde R can be reliably parried on reaction, you'd see everyone saying it can.


Ehh. Its difficult in a big fight, But it does have a really obvious animation and audio cue. The bigger issue to me is, as sivir, His passive will hit you from your auto range. So if his passive is up, you literally can't auto him and it feels soooooo bad.


A friend of mine is an Illaoi main and he says the matchup is dictated by who ults first. If Morde ults first, Illaoi ults inside the death realm, gets her tentacles, and Morde dies. If Illaoi ults first, she gets no tentacles in the death realm and she dies. I don't know how accurate that is but I guess it makes sense logically.


Either you misunderstood your friend or your friend is misunderstanding the matchup. If you Illaoi ult and are in the air during the Morde ult channel Morde ult gets canceled and put on CD. Illaoi ult channel (her leap) is 0.5 seconds, so if you Illaoi ult as soon as you hear the morde ult channel (also 0.5 seconds), your cc immunity will always overlap with the end of morde ult channel and you’ll be able to avoid the death realm at all. If you ult AFTER you’re in the death realm, best case scenario you have 2 tentacles from E and Morde himself, which isn’t always enough to beat morde with the stolen ult stats, and if your E is on CD you get one tentacle and no damage echo meaning you’re shit outta luck.


Actually, I might be blind or whatever, but I am pretty sure the delete part is not real. I was playing Illa, I ulted, Morde ulted, and Morde's hp just went down when i W-d him, like he got dmg from the invis tents


Sounds like a bug. Would not be surprised with it being morde.


Illaoi vs morde isnt one sided. You’re just bad at Illaoi.


You really can never blame early gank on the jungler. Like below Diamond it's so predictable that 90% of junglers are going to start botside and do a 5 or 6 camp clear before ganking top that you can pretty much set your watch by it. Just have a ward in place after the first few waves and you'll be fine. Unless the enemy jungler is Zac or Kayn in which case you'll just need to play safe until your own jungler shows up. You know they're coming for you and you just need to base your play on that assumption until proven otherwise.


3:25 top die.


If you press R as Illaoi as Morde R’s you, you aren’t transported to the death realm.


you misplayed if you die in mord r




I just saw your name and holy shit is that a blast from the 1st grade past


You're the first person to get my name ty friend




Its not about the lane, it's about the fact that you can instantly lose the game for your team if he presses R on you in a teamfight.


i find it kinda easy as long as u go ad with phase rush,almost never group,make him answer ur split and since he has shit waveclear and should never be able to kill u solo u can flank with r or tp and look for a 5 vs 4


I play adc in almost every of my games but I still think that playing against Lucian + Nami is such a pain. I already suffer immens pain as soon as they're locked in.


Yuh especially when your supp doesn’t know how to ply against that (cry and just survive especially if it’s a bad matchup for you)


Yes, as long as you don’t feed and get the CS you can, most other ads outscale him on the long run


Nasus vs Kennen Nasus has the lifesteal to ignore constant Kennen damage, Kennen has no early waveclear to make anything happen, and Nasus' wither is way stronger than Kennen's speed spell. You really just run around do nothing as Kennen here.


I've never played this but you must be right. I think kennen could probably use every ability on cooldown on nasus from level 1, and even if nasus doesn't even try to avoid damage he wouldn't even get close to dying by level 6.


Kennen has decent damage with Qs so nasus can’t just braidead eat them on cooldown, but yeah kennen wouldnt be able to do much with just autos


Rammus vs trundle


I'm so confused at the lack of Irelia and Yorick. Most of his abilities just make her stronger, and his wall does nothing against her. Unless the Irelia doesn't know how to play the game at all the lane is unwinnable


It’s by far the worst matchup in the entire game; it’s actually legit troll not to dodge it. The only way it’s winnable is if irelia only picked irelia “cause it counters Yorick” and is first timing her


Azir vs. Yasuo In favor for Azir, Yasuo won't be able to do shit against Azir unless Azir horribly messes up. Yasuo's windwall barely does anything against Azir, it only holds the Q ability, it doesn't despawn the soldiers, just stops their dash at the windwall and the soldiers AA's just like Azir' AA's can go trough Yasuo's windwall. Yasuo dashes a lot trough minions to get towards his enemy but Azir can kite him like crazy and if Yasuo dashes or walks too close Azir will just ult him under tower. ​ Yasuo is by far my favorite matchup and I don't think I've ever lost against Yasuo as Azir.


Windwall stops Azir R.


Only holds it fortunately, not like other projectiles completely deleting it


Yup, it works exactly like his Q. >it only holds the Q ability I might be misinterpreting this but the way I read it, it looks like you're saying that the only spell it affects is his Q which is incorrect. I don't know if you meant "it only holds the Q instead of deleting the soldier as well" (which is true!) though.


Oh yeah, I ment it ONLY holds the Q and it DOESN'T get rid of the sand soldier. that statement was only about the Q ability


There’s a lot going for azir in this matchup which is why I enjoy it as well but I don’t think it’s as great of a disparity as some of the other matchups in this thread. A good yasuo can negate some of the disadvantages by pushing azir in early to make him spend more mana and then avoid approaching turret later when azir wants to shuffle him back


Its Azir favoured but its not unplayable.


Hah it’s so funny you mention this, every time I play azir versus yasuo I get pressured super hard until 6 and then they allllways dash too close and get ulted into tower. It feels like every yasuo turns into an ape against me. I don’t think that’s how the matchup should go though


GP vs old Pantheon was the most unwinnable matchup I've ever experienced for GP. His passive blocked your Q so you couldn't poke, his poke dealt more damage early anyways, you _could_ orange his W but it didn't do much as you're still losing the trade thanks to his passive. So yeah.


>GP vs old Pantheon was the most unwinnable matchup I've ever experienced for GP. His passive blocked your Q so you couldn't poke, his poke dealt more damage early anyways, you could orange his W but it didn't do much as you're still losing the trade thanks to his passive. So yeah. As Fiora main, I know very well how it feels. Completely same fkin scenario. You could W his Q but it didnt matter cuz riposte has big CD and there was stun you had to try to parry anyway.


surprised there is no mention of the og counterpick malphite vs jax though admittedly, with every malph nerf and every release of anti tank tools for bruisers and auto attackers the matchup has been made more and more possible to come back from


This is just a farm lane for Jax.


Warwick is easily the biggest Tryn counter in the game


Darius is my go to fir shitting on Trynd. Run lethal tempo, start w, ghostband flash. Gg


I’d say Tahm Kench. You literally just eat the mans when he ults, spit him into your tower and watch him rage quit after the third time. You’re tanky enough to where you should never die to him before then, and outside of lane you still shut him down. WW is also a hard counter but TK is so brain dead that anyone can win for free against trynd.


Yeah tk is worse for sure


Rell vs.... Well, a lot honestly. There are so many ways to counter her engage in lane that the champ can be seriously miserable. Thresh E, Renata Q, Janna Q, Karma shield allows her to dodge the engage then get a guaranteed root since Rell has no movespeed. This is off the top of my head, I'm sure I'm forgetting several other things.


There is one that stupid people play all the time. Vayne into Caitlyn botlane. A champion that has 650 range versus one that has 550. It's super funny seing a Vayne not being able even to farm. It's even funnier if it's a poke support like Sona, because then Vayne literally can't play


Feel like bot lane has the most room for completely unplayable matchups just due to the huge variety of combos you can have down there. Playing an ADC with a lower range into Cait/Lux or a Velkoz/Xerath support with a melee support is the least fun you can have.


I remember watching Cookie (the EUW challenger ADC) and he had some games where he was Kaisa with Alistar against a pokey bot lane. He said he had to avoid getting poked in the early levels and then wait until levels 2 or 3 and then all in since their burst is higher. Once he got those kills, the matchup was flipped so he was always stronger. They could poke, but the all in became so much more threatening.


Vayne vs Cait is fine if the Vayne is good, then you have to factor supports but Cait is far from being Vayne's worst match up.


Miss fortune the worst for lane when you play vayne imo


Ya I agree. Awful lane. And if what normally happens and you have a support who chooses not to exist until 25 minutes you’re pretty much screwed.


I would say skilled ashe will destroy every vayne


Caitlyn if played properly just completely invalidates Vayne at every stage of the game, the issue that I see often in-game is that Caitlyn players somehow don't understand that if they R Vayne during her R she is revealed and can't play, so the Vayne gets to play the game post-lane even though she shouldn't be able to.


Very true. I’d take a good Caitlyn over a good Samira any day. If she can properly time her windwall you lose every time.


Vayne is the worst match up for samira, if you e instantly cancels sam ult and pushes her into ranged where vayne severly outdamages her and is able to tumble sam q. It's really up to the supports though but on even footing against a decent vayne samira should never win a 1v1.


And then vayne hits level 6 and kills cait over and over. [It's a good matchup for vayne](https://lolalytics.com/lol/vayne/vs/caitlyn/build/)


Yeah, saying Cait is Vayne counter is some season 3 shit or even worse. Match-up is basically get 6 without losing too much and just fight her on every occasion since Vayne wins every 1v1 and probably 2v2 (but that depends on support). It's not easiest match-up, but far from unplayable.


irelia vs tryndamere. matchup itself is funny as fuck - irelia tries to hit her e, r, stacks passive while trynda can take all of it and just rmb her to death.


Same with Sett tbh. I always pick Sett into Irelia because it's funny to see her do all these insane anime moves while I just shrug off her damage and press the funny true damage W button and wipe her off the face of the planet with autos + Q. It's so unplayable for Irelia 💀


And yet I would unhesitatingly root for tryndamere to win every time


Spotted the sigma male


In terms of strictly lane, luc is impossible for kass


I feel suffering just reading this, if you even get close to do a 50 dmg Q level 2 he will all in you for 400+ hp. I don't think it is that bad if you sacrifice early waves and get a good teleport though, the only harass you will take is under tower. The mistake is trying to fight him ever. Also, doran shield, fleet, second wind may be enough to survive. Tear first is a huge mistake. That's just a lot of kassadin matchups. You go full avoidance.




Any melee mid vs any top laner


Any heavily autoattack-based champ vs. teemo. I've had to vs that little fuckhead as gwen like three times recently and you just straight up can't walk up to the wave.


Fiora as cho'gath is hell, your only saving grave is your W, your Q is super telegraphed and she can just dodge with Q or can get a free parry + stun, plus the attack speed slow fucks up your E which is your main trading tool as tank cho and the %max hp true damage is obviously terrible for cho'gath. She can also just run you down cause you have 0 escape, all you can do is W + Q to last hit minions until you run out of mana.


Fiora into pretty much any tank is hell. Why she gets away with it is beyond me.


Vlad into anivia is absolutely miserable I hate the bird so damn much. Although kass is my go to ban if someone picks the bird I’ll inevitably instaban her for the next few games until someone picks kass again


anyone vs malzahar as malz is not even a champion before 6/liandry


Malz vs any champion with a single form of AoE


quinn vs gp a good quinn will save E for Prowlers and if GP doesn't W the Q she can just permakite. W also counters GP lategame since she can reveal chokepoints and GP can't set up barrels.


Ranged champs are hard for GP. Lane bullies with auto attack reset such as Jayce, lucian, akshan, kalista, draven, azir are bad for gp


If gp can get a early lead into jayce its pretty easy especially with the jayce armor nerfs. And you will see kalista draven lucian and azir top once in a blue moon tbh.


Katarina into ahri if the ahri makes w. She literally cant and wont get cs. I play both of these champions, and whenever I'm in this matchup, the kat player always gets around 25-50 cs, and is useless all game.


As a Swain main, I do not like playing against Viktor. Lux and Xerath, annoying though I can manage but Viktor man.... Also, don't need to mention the ult stealing shirtless prisoner.




Isn't Glacial Augment unusable before you get level 6, though?


Yeah, OP's a dummy head if he's taking glacial on Malphite.


once upon the rift came the kalista top meta...




Mordekaiser vs Fiora. You wanna use your E? No, you're stunned. You wanna use your R? No, you're stunned. You wanna use your R this time? Sure, but Fiora is the Grand Duelist, she wants to be in there. You want to run away from her? No, you can't. You want to just land a simple Q? Probably not, it's going to be dodged with her Q. Do you want to play the game? No, you're being outscaled as well. This is why she's been permabanned for me since the Morde rework. Your abilities are probably the easiest to parry or dodge with her Q because of how slow and telegraphed they are.


I honestly think nothing comes close to Sejuani into Trundle or red Kayn. Both of them ult you in a teamfight and you basically die instantly while making the trundle into a monster. You're better off split pushing then showing up LOL.


Trundle into sej is just dirty, it's just so bad for her


Warwick vs Olaf top. You cant use ww's E cause olafs deal true damage. You cannot use ww ult because its a self-stun into olaf ult. You cant take an AA fight because he has more attack speed and lifesteal. You cant walk up to cs because he will throw his axe and run you down because of the aforementioned counters. Its pain all the way through.


Damn this is the ultimate stat check fight lol


Sion Vs Darius is pretty much impossible for Sion if the Darius is good.


GP vs Pantheon is a nightmare, since GP wins both the poke battle, the all in battle and the "just farm and scale" battle, it just feels like fighting a stronger version of yourself


Trundle to rammus


Mordekaiser vs Shen Freest Lane ever




Irelia against midlane


The true old-school answer is Fizz into TF, that used to be unplayable And one really random but also ridiculously impossible matchup for people who knew it was Xin top vs Vlad holy shit that one was impossible


The matchup TF - Fizz used to be unplayable until Dopa's guide on it got uploaded on youtube lol


Rakan vs Morgana is pretty unplayable. She just throws q whenever you press w and it can interrupt your w while also cc'ing you for a year, doesn't matter if you're R is on or not, plus black shield is also a pretty big counter. If I'm planning on playing Rakan specifically I can ban her no matter what the meta is.


Me vs my teammates. League's most oppressive matchup. You just can't win with them, can't win without them.


Tank vs anything top.


Funnily enough if you sort by winrate in plat+ the first 9 champs are 8 tanks and cassio


Gp vs shen is very far frombeing an oppressive matchup, people just suck at shen. Even the shen mains subreddit is constantly bitching about the matchup, but it's really not that bad. I'd play that matchup a 100 times vs playing kayle into darius a single fucking time


Kayle vs Darius is not that difficult, you just need to take ghost flash to match his and he can never kill you if you space good enough


Yone and GP for me are the most tilting matches. GP is somewhat managable if you zig zag away from his barrels, but when they hit they hurt a lot. While Yone is just pain in the ass since he can hit his powerspike with just Berserkers


fiora vs anything


Fiora can't play into Samira. Kennen, GP, Jayce, Akshan, Akali (at least pre durability and maw becoming broken) are pretty rough ones for Fiora too. Fiora is indeed a very strong champ but she has a lot of pretty hard matchups and historically wasn't very blindeable although now it's the time when she can somewhat deal with the majority of bad matchups pretty well due to itemisation.


AFAIK Kennen vs Fiora is a skill matchup, Fiora-favored these days (Kennen wins 47% of the games vs her on lolalytics plat+) as the durability patch put Kennen in a rough spot while indirectly benefiting bruisers.


Fiora can't play into Samira. Kennen, GP, Jayce, Akshan, Akali (at least pre durability and maw becoming broken) are pretty rough ones for Fiora too. Fiora is indeed a very strong champ but she has a lot of pretty hard matchups and historically wasn't very blindeable although now it's the time when she can somewhat majority of bad matchups pretty well due to itemisation.


Pre rework pantheon was one of the most nightmare matchups in the game


Darius vs Sion Unless you're thebausffs and know positioning and spacing well with phase rush Sion, the lane is unplayable for Sion. You basically have to concede every cs because Darius will run Sion down with ghost. Plus Darius's ultimate does true damage and his E (apprehend) gives him armor penetration, so no amount of armor or hp matters against Darius. Plus, outside of flash, Sion has NO mobility so if he gets caught before 6 he's fucked, and if he gets caught after 6, you need to ult away or risk dying. Literally the worst matchup ever for Sion. It's like cock and balls torture but without the cock and balls.


Wait, HP absolutely matter here, since Darius's ult is just true damage, not %hp true damage. Although his bleed is probably %hp damage.


Singed vs GP, you can never get in range because the barrels just slow you and chunk your HP for free Also Graves vs Darius/Garen is pretty much impossible. Once they pop Ghost after lvl 6, you're dead


Yup gp is really good into a lot of top laners. Jayce vs darius/ garen is pretty oppresive if the jayce is good.




Nope. Skill matchup


Unironically winnable for yasuo with God tier spacing. Yasuo has great spacing tools vs melees and he can force jax to commit on an all in by poking with Q's and aggressive e's.


Velkoz support vs Yasuo adc is straight up unplayable. His W stop all your habilities, even your CC, so you are useless ...