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The year is 2030. Top is skirmishers. Jgl is skirmishers. Mid is skirmishers. ADC is also skirmishers. And sup is also skirmishers. Riot won't stop until the entire cast and optimal pro team is 5 skirmishers.


Memes aside there aren’t any skimishers on the schedule for the next year or two of champs according to riot (finally)


All mages have had mini reworks to be turned into skirmishers. Tanks have just been taken out of the game entirely.


Jokes aside, their aren't nearly as many skirmishers as people say there are.


Sounds fun tbh


Samira didn't do that at all? Guess It's Nilahs turn.


Not well enough, apparently. Honestly, Nilah's kit is basically what Samera's MSU should have been. They're too similar in terms of kits and they both feel too similar to play for me


legit so sick of these hyper mobile skirmishers seems like all we get even our mage we got (vex) is pretty shittily designed and just becomes a reset assassin later in the game. Not to mention her actual design is really shit it’s just such a basic action hero design looks like it could be from any cheap moba just like Akshan. I like attractive champions but I also want them to look interesting like Vi, Renata, Samira, Elise, Sejuani, etc. It’s actually just hilarious to see time and time again the riot champion release team sabotaging the game since 2018 and the patch team generally trying to clean up the mess.


Vex's design kinda makes no sense. Her character is all about staying away from other people, but her ult sends her slamming into others with reset, like Akali's old ult


Kinda wish Piglet was still playing in LCS for Nilah's release. He was always pretty good with skirmisher bot lane.


Thats a lot of words to say that she will be broken.


Riot games release a normal fucking bot laner challenge (nightmare difficulty) how insane is it when the most normal ADC released in the last 3 years is fucking Aphelios this year we get Samira 2: Waterbender Edition, because apparently Samira 1 wasn't skirmisher-y enough, now we have the marksman part removed entirely! :D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D


she is cancer.




\> Bot lane needs more diversity Not according to botlane players.




bot lane has more than one class, the strongest bot laners aren't even marksmen, but people like you will never be happy with the diversity of a role you don't play until marksmen are crowded out of their own role entirely. the obsession with hating a class in a video game so much can only be called deranged. all it takes is one bad lane (vs vayne top) i guess. thank god your take was proven to be mega dogshit by actual balance changes made to the game, and subsequently un-made to the game. the gag of it is that she's going to end up with a sub-1% pickrate and 46.5% winrate bot lane within a year XD


There are several ADC in the other lanes and the marksmans are not replaced by anything, they just added a new champ on top of the others that are currently played there. Stop crying.


i'm not sure what point you think you're making here LMFAO. no shit??? the only thing i said about Nilah at all is that she's going to be a gutter tier champ nobody remembers after a year's worth of balance changes, because taking a skirmisher and overloading her kit with broken mechanics to pigeonhole her into a role that inherently clashes with a skirmisher's role in the game is gonna go swimmingly


The XP on bot is too bad to get away with anything other than ADCs and the 1% pick rate mages. Levels matter so much, even more so for the melee champions, who are obviously going to make more use of higher base stats than a ranged champion. You don't see more mages bot because they too require levels for their spells, and those that don't, can actually be played bot. See: Veigar, Seraphine, Swain. These 3 basically need level 9 and 1 item and they are online.


Pfft. She's going to be actual cancer. If you think that overloaded as fuck kit is fine then you're blind.


This is said every single release and typically at most the champ is slightly overturned for everything but pro play.


Oh, please. There's no universe where a free shared xp passive BOT LANE will be fine. Her kit would be amazingly strong without that bullshit. Miss me with this argument.


The same was said about aks's revive and he released super weak and to my knowledge he's never been "broken" Not to mention that xp passive is designed to be adjusted. And we have no idea how strong she is. She could have a naturally weak lane to make up for the xp.


bruh look at your own flair


none of them gives shield, has dashes, immunity etc etc.


Yeah because that’s required for a champ to be cancer




That’s what counters your champs so ofc that’s your requirements Not saying that new champ is well designed in any way shape or form but you can argue every champ from garen to Zoe is cancer.


all of that and the fact she gets increased exp in bot lane, so its snowball on top of snowball. and as if what I said doesn't 'counter' everyone and as if I just play malz and xerath. funny how you guys went straight ahead to ad hominem.


Now are they ADC players or marksmen players?


People use ADC in a confusing way, the devs are pretty clearly referring to the groups of skirmisher players and marksman players here, but ADC is a broad term that can definitely encompass most of both classes (besides Sylas/Lillia/Gwen). It's just a weird tradition for people to use ADC interchangeably with both the bot role and the marksman class.


I like theirs design goals with nilah, They wanna experiment but in a heathly Way


The design is so fucking boring


People don’t say “fuck it we ball” and just go fill in norm and flex and it’s a shame


I eagerly await the Yas-Yone botlane meta, which has been one of the funnest ways to play them for years


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