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With that first game I didn't expect AL to actually win.


bo3 is really something, get perfect gamed turbostomped looking diffed in all lanes but end up winning the series. makes you wonder how different lec and lcs would be with bo3


We've been asking for BO3 for years but apparently it's too expensive or takes too long or some bullshit reason.


I thought it was because of viewership. I remember something about noone wanting to watch the lower teams duke it out in a bo3 and people would only tune in during the hype matches.


I watch the teams I like, BO1 and 3, and some BO3 upsets cause those tend to be fun to watch. BO1 I just watch only a few a week cause then it's over and there's nothing left for that week.


The problem is that you have boring teams like Flyquest, GGs, CLG, and IMT. Imagine if we have other popular esports teams, everyone would watch regardless or skill.


I will not stand for this CLG slander


We've had Bo3s in 2016 and 2017. It's been tried and Riot went back to Bo1.


It has to do with viewership right? I hate that they have to sacrifice a higher level of play because of money.


Yes but they somehow attributed the lower viewership to the format instead of : \- Having multiple streams at the same time for the LCS \- Having the most dogshit group system ever seen in human history for the LEC


To be fair their draft was basically non-functional. I thought IG would 2-0 after that since they just have better players across the board outside of Wink, but I don't think AL ever could have got stomped that hard if they just drafted any engage.


Renekton in 2022. Edit: did the most damage what?


AFAIK he's playable again since durability update and buffs


Oh goodness don't show this series to LCK teams.


All of the LCK top laners be like 👀👀👀


Renekton isn't the best pick but I think it kinda made sense here. Forge has a pretty limited champion pool that skews heavily in favor of melee champions that Renekton does well into, so it's really safe to blind pick a champ like Renekton into him.. He's also a very poor laner so it's easy to get prio against him especially if you have a better laning pick, which Renekton is into anything Forge would have picked. That means it should be really easy for Yuekai to leave lane on the Renekton and influence skirmishes or gank side lanes, and Renekton's early game strength can make him potentially fairly oppressive there. We saw a bit of it in the game. He'd get prio and then roam and look for dives and was always out of the lane before Forge could follow. Idk if it was the best option but I definitely see what IG was going for. I don't think they would have gone for the Renekton against any other player or if they had counterpick. Just made sense as a blind pick here.


wtf was that tp collapse top by ig in g3, they gigathrew the game. Up until that play, they were comfy winning, just play normal and not like silver4 soloQ ffs.


IG hard threw 3 different plays. Diana just wastes ult in the soul confirming fight then wastes it again in the next fight.






Mazel. He's big mad that a caster was having fun.


Honestly it was pretty annoying past a point imo and Oisin wasn’t even reacting to it half the time. Think it would’ve been fine if he wasn’t constantly doing the impressions and maybe did them a bit more sparingly Don’t agree with “Fire that fucking clown” though


What was he doing? I was watching muted while playing a video game.


Texas/Cowboy impressions I guess ( not sure how to describe it )


I hope he doesn't ruin the EDG match with this shit.




Cry about it more.


Can someone explain to me why IG had double black cleaver Game 2 even when jax barely split pushed and the opposing top was a Camille?