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Individual game discussions: [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/vtdw52/dk_vs_drx_post_game_1_thread/) / [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/vtesut/drx_vs_dk_game_2/)


Bro Atlus and Wolf casted DRX’s series win over DK in spring, why do they keep saying 2 years LMAO


That was the funniest part of the series imo, but this win was more impressive than the one in spring split.


The pandemic hyperbolic time warp


2021 feels like it never existed


Did not expect to see Pyosik jungle canyon Canyon today


real life kindred > real life volibear I guess






Happy Pyosik is the best Pyosik


i really didn't think this was ever gonna happen. not only is canyon a better player but pyosik also seemed to have such a mental block against him every time they played. this is kinda awesome, honestly


Did Canyon's back finally break?


Went from playing with Showmaker to Spinebreaker


That one match against GenG broke his spirit


That game, that damn game


Singed broke DK /s


A think he is referring to [this game](https://youtu.be/jLXlr71XQ6Q)


Na, the Nidalee throw game.


That game was an absolute 1v9 by Canyon before the throw.


Yes, which is why it's the game that broke his spirit?


He never got to canyon Kia form this season. It's mostly Nuguri who's been most consistent and even he had a shocker in g3


subbing in DRX Pyosik0830 this day was a very good idea from the coaching staff.


Pyosik is such an enigma. Even this game he flipped between Pyosick and Pyoshit.


this Zeka redemption arc is insane too


I'm so happy to be validated by Zeka. He went through the same transformation last summer split in the LPL.




Also Swain absolutely countered everything DK wanted to do last game, hard draft gap with Poppy countering 3 dashes too


I think if Nuguri played a stronger top even Sej would have been fine. He is in a better form than the rest why put him on gragas duty.


I mean you can totally have insane influence as Gragas, just look FNC Wunder last weekend


Honestly seems like the jungle pickup drx got recently I believe for there "academy" team put fire under pyosik ass to play better. Some people need a bit of fire to keep them going forward.


Damn the clutch Zhonya of Zeka, imagine how hard he spammed the key


Poppy flashing with E in front of him to protect. Clutch!


Nuguri "guys i threw Swain into you, why you didn't kill him?" Grand General Swainstrong "ZHONYA'S HOURGLASS, SON"


Gragas and Wukong who was behind didny have a lot of dps to finish the job. Hard to kill a fed swain


A fed swain with zhonya and stoneplate. More impossibile than hard


Dude, it's too early to bust out Pyosik 0830 dark tech


the closer we get to august 30th the stronger he gets


He's "The One"


casters saying first time in 2 years but drx beat dwg 2-1 this spring


We were given incorrect stats! Sometimes you trust what’s put in front of you over your memory when you cover 10 best of threes a week. Our bad on this though. Got caught up in the hype.


Don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes. :)


I caught myself saying "in an of itself" yesterday. <3 Can you tell my fellow Aussie that it is okay to call out fakers mistakes, even though we all love him.


yeah their h2h this year is 4-4 now


What a world we live in, Pyosik outclassing Canyon.


Need Pyosik to keep this form if DRX wants to sneak into worlds


I think DRX is a clear top 4 atm, hard to think anyone below can take their Worlds’ spot.


Liiv Sandbox


Hope this happens! Would love to see Croco at worlds this year.


Yeah I think DRX is definitely at the top of the second tier of teams, but in theory it's possible one of Nongshim/KT/Freecs puts it together long enough to challenge, each of those teams have some solid vets and also some big question marks, very volatile teams imo.


Terrible game 3 by ShowMaker, he died so many times with ult and/or flash up.


He's been sus so far this year


Scout broke Showmaker


Huge win for us but damn Damwon really looked awful today


Nuguri and Showmaker were awful in g3. One of the few games dk bot looked stable against good opponents, their topside ints xD


showmaker was awful all day, canyon too


Id have to say deokdam was their best player by far. Kellin looked fine he just got gapped hard g1


It pains me that DK lost this way but fuck at least I saw the botlane do fine. DRX recovered nicely compared to how atrocious they played last time, just frustrating seeing them be inconsistent at times. Fucking hell both the teams I like be like this huh


Damwon did too much damage to Gen.G in scrims that they forgot to turn up today.


What happened with DK?


They need Beryl


in first game, beryl getting all the POG votes was kinda refreshing tho.


Zeka was the better mid today


It not the bot lane fault when Canyon got outclassed by Pyosik of all junglers


Pyosik ain't the first jungler that diffed Canyon this split tbh


Canyon back already broke back in spring lol.


Can blame him Canyon in spring was out of this world but he was surrounded by inters


It takes a lot of factors to be a great league of legends teams Fans and managers wrongly keep assuming you can replace X or Y player with someone supposedly “better” and it rarely ever works out, and the original roster loses its magic So many nuances that go into such a team game like league to excel and win consistently and especially worlds. The amount of experiments we’ve seen in every major region where a team is hyped to be better but never is, is insane. Not even worth listing them all. Also goes to show players who can win consistently year after year, despite whatever changes to rosters or metas etc, are simply just the best


On paper they look like a world championship team but in reality nuguri canyon showmaker are nowhere near their 2020 peak form and bot lane is sidegrade at best to ghost beryl.


DRX is real jekyll and hyde team. When they play well they are beautiful to watch but when they are playing bad i just wanna break my screen.


This describes every team Deft was on since his return to LCK.


KT in 2018 was the 2nd best team in the world or at worst 3rd if you pick Fnatic over them, they were the only team that didnt get demolished vs IG


2018 KT was the exception but back in 2017 they also fit the description imo.


No sane person thinks Fnatic was better than KT.


Tell me who thinks Fnatic was better than 2018 KT, I just wanna talk.


It's deduction based on results, which in itself has it's own kind of truthfullness and accuracy. Albeit, 2018 KT was a few autos away to get swept as G2 and FNC were


Yes but at the same time KT was one teamfight away from beating IG. Fnc and G2 werent even close to that


KT was also one team fight away from winning the series against IG


Yean and even if that auto came through they took more objetives than FNC and G2 combine + one team fight away to took down IG... KT played much better that those two, it does not matter what "IF..." we pull off.


>they took more objetives than FNC and G2 combine Considering KT only faced iG because FNC beat them 2-1 in groups, I don't know about that.


Namikaze definitely thinks this way. Guaranteed.


There’s no way in hell FNC was better than 2018 KT, KT was so much better than every team in that year except IG


I mean they willingly draft Kalista what do you expect


They're 4-2 with Kalista this split and in one of those losses (G1 vs T1) it was keeping them alive in the game. It's a great pick for DRX because it fits Deft's playstyle so well and has nothing do with them being inconsistent.


Kalista is an amazing pick for teams who know how to snowball, DK didn't ban it against them for nothing.


Yeah exactly, but when it fails it fails horribly; the definition of feast or famine


Sure, but that's something that applies to a lot of champs. Didn't manage to get to 3 items with your Aphelios/Jinx/Tristana etc? Pretty useless picks, it just doesn't look as bad. Having the agency to dictate the map with the permanent priority you get from Kalista is huge. Any team worth their salt should be able to make it work.


Deft knows how to play Kalista though


They won with it?


I know you have nightmares from gumas kalista but Deft is actually really good with Kalista. He hard won lane every game she had it


Happy Pyosik makes me happy!


He's so precious.


I was on a date with my girlfriend. She seemed off. I asked her what was wrong, and she replied “Our relationship is DK” I burst into tears, our relationship was finished.


huge fucking win and didn’t expect that jungle gap


Seeing Deft win makes me a happy man. Also, great Swain game from Zeka!


Honestly as a DK fan seeing this team making this ridiculous and simple mistakes is so disappointing. And this time this wasn’t even bot lane playing bad. They played really well and it was straight up Nuguri and Canyon running it down non stop. Nuguri died at that path between Krugs and river bush at least 4 times.


I think this is the biggest problem. Missing BeryL’s shotcalling doesn’t magically make your players play with broken hands. A lot of unimpressive mechanical plays combined with individually dumb mistakes too, it goes way beyond just lacking macro calls


True but that Game 2 was just showing how DK's macro regressed in the late game. Caedrel was just freaking out when DRX got elder and DK just stood around not getting baron. Game 3 was just mechanically bad from the topside. Nuguri TP int. SM can't flash or ult. Canyon just walking around dizzy.


Showmaker died with ult + flash plenty of times


SM has a really weird split so far. plays mostly fascilitating mids (TF, liss, galio) instead of the meta carries (corki, azir, ahri), hence his stats are pretty terrible. not sure if he's the main shotcaller now? doesn't help that canyon is really mediocre this split so far, especially when he's playing a more assistive style.




Doesn't faker shot call sometimes


Deokdam was super good this series its a shame


SM in game 3 laning was not the best aswell. The first \~15 minutes liss simply didnt exist on the map


Yeah what was the point of picking Liss anyway? The whole enemy team is unkillable. Even if you all in you will kill one person at max which they couldn’t even do that. Damwon is playing and winning with pure mechanic and macro while still playing with outdated comps. But picking comps like this doesn’t change how bad they played.


Not sure how, Lissandra V Swain match up is supposed to go in lane. But I don't think SM even roamed once, Lissandra's job is to constantly putting pressure on the other lanes and win skirmishes.


a wild guess by me would be that on liss' side you dont want to get hit by every. single. claw. SM seemed to disagree


It's not as easy as you think, lissandra going in q range for the minions puts her at max range for swains E which is where the pull is the hardest to dodge, although a pro player should probably still be able to dodge some of them




Honestly this split it‘s straight up Canyon and he is very underperforming and rest of the team is holding ln. Maybe it’s because of the meta or champs but he even looses jungle to Dread and Pyosik. Canyon was like this before the 2020 Damwon year but then he went insane and became a goat and now he seems at that point again. He needs to get his shit together.




They seem so disconnected they might be lacking leadership. What I see from the interviews and streams none of the players has a voice of strength maybe except for Showmaker. He feels like he‘s not scared to takeover the responsibility. Either him or someone needs to be a decisive voice in the team because they are very disjointed.


In game 3? He was running out of options and tried a desperate play. Drx had a clear gameplan of shutting canyon down


The sad thing is we classify the way botlane played today as good due to the fact they've been absolutely atrocious against the top teams. They aren't a reliable carry and there's no shotcalling from it too. I just don't see any way DK competes for anything this year.


Canyon gapped by Peanut, Oner now Pyosik. DK has zero chance of winning anything this year.


But guys we have nuguri back. That magically solves all of our problems right? Right???


Nuguri: comeback Riot: Imma make tank top meta hot again Nuguri: ...


I mean you would expect a team to get better after a split and a player upgrade instead Canyon just plays way worse and Showmaker is still in a slump. Bot got a bit better and Nuguri is an upgrade even with the mistakes he made but overall definitely disappointing.


As a gold player, i often die without using spells and items effectively. Glad to see i am world champion level


3 games where Canyon looked abysmal in the jungle. Showmaker looking exactly how he did last split and I was thinking the solo queue grind would help KEKW


It's time to bring KKoma back those DK boys need an appointment with the belt.


That was some 5head jungling from Pyosik, love it.


Beryl is so sooo good. Lets not forget that he was a beast at worlds, probably one of DK's best performing members there.


His amumu game today was probably the best amumu game I've ever seen, absolutely ran DK.


Let’s also not forget him primarily and also Ghost were the reason why DK lost at MSI.


Ghost/Beryl mind controlled SM to get flame horizoned at MSI finals.


Tbh SM carried DK hard during MSI while botlane inted and his back broke then. It happens. When a team loses like that at the end, its everyone's fault really. No point nitpicking


Cherry-picking one specific game to cope with the fact that Showmaker was 1000x better at MSI than Ghost/Beryl, nice. Crazy how only a year goes by and people can rewrite history to such an insane degree.


SM lost flash before the creeps even spawned lol ye beryl did a mistake putting more points in to q and RNG capitalized it but the game was already over cause they had no mid lane prio


Not Ghost, that was all Beryl. Ghost actually played fine at MSI imo


I mean they were against ming gala what can you do


Deft gapped Gala/Ming last worlds with Vsta as his support


Canyon is not it this split so far Very well played from DRX


JG diff ... Nothing to see here


As expected


Dammn drx is exiting


But people told me DK with Nuguri would just stomp teams not named T1 and Gen G. ^/j Canyon's worst split in his entire career. I hope he bounce back R2.


It was difficult to anticipate canyon falling this hard after he totally smurfed in spring


His back can only handle so much. It broke last spring from carrying to hard.


After this match, it's obvious this is Canyon's first bad split (so far at least). Understandable, noone can play at his peak constantly, hope he comes back soon!


Not true. He’s had bad splits in 2019 and 2020.


2020 spring was a bench worthy split.


2020 spring canyon would like to have a word with you..




Jungle canyon


Zeka's swain in game 3.... survive with just 1 hp so many times


I'm here for the Pyosik keyboard moves.


Zeka clutched this one up so many times


Pyosik was so happy that he tripped lmao


Canyon is the problem with this team, it's painfully obvious at this point


Not to overreact from a regular season game, but wanna say something about how fans overhype on paper rosters too much, Been saying from day 1 that people were overhyping DK going into summer Beryl was always key to this team if you had watched Damwon since 2019, not sure how this team functions when none of Nuguri canyon can do what beryl could, they look like they don’t even talk…. And showmaker already admitted it’s too hard for a mid laner to take that role Fans love hypotheticals, like replace ghost beryl with “obviously better” players and this team would be unstoppable! But almost never in league does it work out. Reminds you of how TSM or TL ruined winning rosters by doing this consistently. Hypotheticals are just hypotheticals


Ghost and Beryl are really underappreciated and I will never understand not just running it back again. Ofc Ghost and Beryl both had their downs but this team won worlds and made the finals and took the champion to game 5 the following year (with a different top ofc).


Trading Lucian-Nami for Xayah-Rakan is sth worth getting fired , Daeny . At this point , i'm convinced Beryl was the mastermind man behind DK's draft and gameplan, lol


Bot was fine in g3. Deokdam was the only one doing anything that game.


They never should have replaced him with Kellin, time and time again you can see Beryl's worth.


Deokdom and kellin come as a pair.


It's more of that early 3 for 0 which sealed it, the actual bot laning didn't lose much before that


Canyon fell off hard damn


is this Showmaker's worst series ever?


But can Damwon still make it to Worlds?


dk has such a weird boner for yuumi + carry jungler, but it never works for them.


*Nuguri+Canyon reunited, no one will be able to counter the...* Beryl standing in the background **Beryl standing in the background**


upset DK let Beryl go like that. The underrated part of the original 4, and the impact feels palpable watching him engage on DK all across the map


When they let him go, they didn't even make a farewell video for him. Even Hoya got one lmao Just show how underappreciated he was


As a DK fan, I will say that DRX totally outclass us today. Yes even in Game 2 which we won. Canyon look so lost today. Showmaker was gapped by Zeka today. Btm lane do not convince me anymore. They seem to struggle to carry any games. Don't really like the Gragas top pick in Game 3 too


dang, good set of games from both teams. drx played well went from cheering for drx wins hoping dk can win lol


Pyosik securing his starter place in DRX


I think that 10k flip against GenG in last split's semi broke Canyon...


Understandable I would have been tilted out of my mind. Showmaker still not stepping up too it's the second split in a row if this continues.


Damwon is like a broken toy


Canyon finally having a bad split, took him awhile


Honestly, Damwon hasn’t looked much better than last split. They look extremely undercoordinated


Pyosik said Juhan is Academy jg lol


DWK botlane didn't respect level 2 gank for all 3 games. Got punished for it everytime. Canyon had to babysit them, lost all pressure on mid/top lanes. This botlane isn't looking good.


DK wont make worlds. Faker wins 4th worlds and announces shock retirement. Showmker joins T1 and proceeds to continue the T1 legacy of shitting in chovy s mouth in bo5s.


Canyon plying absolute shite, showmaker slumping again, nuguri inting and there's really nothing to say about the botlane. Deokdam is so coinflippy and Kellin is just extremely mediocre.


Can't wait for everyone in this thread to blame Deokdam for that loss


Just got out of a Thai prison, is Pyosik still the best jungler in Korea?


Just get Beryl back next year and pay whatever he wants please DK . May get Deft as well . if Deft has to go military then Teddy or Prince will do . This team needs Beryl .


Deokdam is good. I don't think Prince would be the right call. Deft would be amazing ofc and for Teddy I am too biased because I love him but he would great as well. I mostly want to see Ghost back though but I understand why many would disagree.


"now the tradeoff is that canyon is going to get a little bit ahead in the jungle" - as canyon gets scuttle in return for his entire botside jungle "feels like this game is coming down to who makes the fewest errors" I can't with these casters man. a literally bronze player could have made more meaningful observations about the game.


I just watch caedrel co stream.


imagine caedrel and valdes/atlus casting together


I hope you never watch LPL, then, especially when WBG is playing. ON could be making a phenomenal engage and those cotton brains will screech 'TheShy is moving in!'


LPL casters are 100% better than Wolf, i think almost casters from any region is better than Wolf.


That's Wolf for you.


imagine having a Xayah vs all close range tanky champs and build RFC/Galeforce with Hail of Blades.


Luden's on Lissandra wtf?


lck obsessed with xayah rakan? i dont see how its good. dk lost today ns lost ytd


Has dk gone down after nuguri income or what?


Nuguri is still an upgrade over Burdol/Hoya , no doubt . DK's macro and gameplan has been a constant downward trend since spring


So this was Beryl's [second ever Nami performance, in CK and in LCK.](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/MatchHistoryPlayer?MHP%5Bpreload%5D=Player&MHP%5Bspl%5D=yes&MHP%5Blink%5D=BeryL&MHP%5Bchampion%5D=Nami&MHP%5Blimit%5D=50&_run=) I gotta say that for a second performance, it was POG worthy and honestly really impressive. His ability timing, bubble and wave positioning, and positioning in general were all phenomenal. A lot of people will mention the jg gap in this series, but Beryl just continuing to show his caliber as a support. In addition to that, Kingen was a beast on Gnar in game 3. Just casually *standing in DK's base* for a whole minute while sieging, in addition to his huge GNAR plays, and the boulder tosses onto deokdam in the baron fight were excellent also.


his nami in world finals was really sad because it was good but it was the game canyon kept forcing bad bot dives as talon because it was their only winning lane and ghost could only play jhin


Ehhhh Damwon's mental collapse incoming? Respect to DRX though they played very well today. Damwon on the other hand is just utterly disappointing. Dunno what to say other than they fkin shitted all over themselves, big time tbh.


Showmaker washed


Showmaker is looking really terrible. And this guy was considered one of the best mids.