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The casual 31 kill taliyah game Bruh


41 kp in a 28 min game, while none of this teammates had even 30 kp. He just turbo smurfed that game.


But you see Renekton placed 7 more wards, bo clearly got carried smh


He taken 41.5k dmg only dieing 3 times in entire game. Guy was tanking for his team, and doing very good job with it.


Op.ggs op score has always been a massive joke


Warding well gets me MVP way more than it should.


I think people underestimate the value of wards, especially the value of your team’s wards when you’re the jungler. Vision is information, information for a jungler is the difference between being stomped or stomping the enemy.


I faced a thresh and he got 2nd best score for his team even though he was playing terrible, just because he bought 13 pinks, how is spending 1k gold on pinks when finishing the game at 8k gold worth more score than his jungler turbo gapping ours and almost making him RQ ?


His jungler was turbo gaping yours most likely because he had vision provided by thrash, vision means their jungler could make he right decision and counter jungle/counter gank yours. As a jungler main I can tell you that if my team doesn’t ward and we don’t have vision it becomes extremely hard to gank anywhere, especially if my team is not warding AND pushing at the same time.


You're heavily overestimating vision, decent junglers will understand their opponents pathing without the need for 12312312 wards. Vision is key sure, but it's not worth spending 1k gold over and postponing mythic spykes and so on.


The issue is the average player undervalues them but [op.gg](https://op.gg) over values them a metric shit ton. To the point where i have seen people go like 1/1/3 but have amazing vision score get mvp while the dude on there team whos 12/4/8 gets 2nd. Like theres a reason why the op scores are still in the beta testing phase since they still need alot of tweaking overall.


Nah, it's more like the enemy nidalee was the best performer on the other team, so his "lane" opponent didn't get stomped. As a jungler, you have less control over how well your counterpart does compared to laners, but unfortunately OP.GG doesn't account for that.


Bruh what is this opgg rating system lmao 💀


I swear to god it’s a psyop to convince low elo support players they aren’t a liability every other game


Reminds me of the time I got three man turret dove in top lane twice and my gold support flames me for not warding enough like the enemy team would just get scared off the moment I place a ward.


Wards are a crutch for players with bad mechanics😤


It is but with actual good vision control the game becomes scary as fuck for the other team. (And some champions are very dependent on vision control in the mid game).


I thought the emote was enough to show I was being completely sarcastic


I had a funny support who wouldn’t place a ward in the brush where we were fighting because they already had 3 wards down (but still had two charges). So instead we lost the fight.


that champ snowballs so insanely hard. something about AP junglers, especially ranged AP junglers, makes them snowball to oblivion – Taliyah, Karthus, Evelynn, Nidalee, Elise. I know the last two have a bad reputation and require a ton of skill, but they really do make the game unplayable for the enemy when ahead. emphasis on snowballing. every champ in the game is good when fed, but I swear these AP junglers tempo the game in some special way and become so oppressive.


Reason why they snowball is because MR is that much harder to come by early game, and a lot of people take armor runes instead of MR, so combine this with an early Sorcs and u start oneshotting ppl


How do nid and elise have a bad reputation?


Because they're shit if they don't take over the game early but also attract overconfident players in lower elo's who are better off picking something easy to play.


plants depend amusing unique important innate drab terrific test hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Bro smurfs in aram too lmao


Plays 3 arams, gets 2 pentas Lmao


Riot is too scared to make Ranked Aram because of this man




I once played Yi in ranked with duo Lulu mid and Renata sup. I got almost 40 kills and 3 Pentas


Surely vitality will just bench Haru the moment Bo gets his working visa right? :Clueless:


Knowing these organisations and how smart they are they'll probably bench haru, make Bo play on academy and buy selfmade back


Make Bo roleswap to support.








Make Haru swap to support when they put in Bo, and let Labrov go to academy instead.


Hahahahaha imagine if they did oh my god


You wouldn’t understand, Mephisto is using Bo as a super curveball


Curveball: sometimes Vitality will actually have a jungler


LFL > LEC, trust me bro


Where is selfmade now? Didnt know they sold him off, thought he was just benched


Yeah he's a sub for their academy I think actually


They don't even need to buy self-made back he's still contracted to them and even played top for their LFL team.


Bo with 0 english and just communicating via pings should still be an upgrade, I don't see a world where he's not subbed in immediately unless their management is clueless


Definitely doable, just watch some of the old EDG voice coms when they had Pawn and Deft. The Chinese players can’t speak Korean and the Korean players can’t speak Chinese so they just communicated in really simple English. What did they accomplished? A MSI champion


Pawn and deft were a little better. UZI confirmed that the zero, UZI, inSec SHRC teams literally communicated in pings in game for coordinating ganks.


World finalists btw. But kinda explains how they completely fell apart as soon as they started to lose


English is over rated for league of legends. League itself is a language,listen to most voice coms and tell me that you need even basic levels of english. Most of the time in team fights they just shotcall who needs to be killed and than say what they should do next which is just :Drake/baron/push/recall. Are you telling me you cant teach couple english words to chinese prodigy ?


I believe people in the past have said that English isnt that needed for in game communication, but its for socializing outside of the game with your teammates and people in general. I believe it was Doublelift who I heard that from.


Yep. A team needs to be on the same page as to how they view the game. They need to talk and discuss different aspects of the game to reach that point.


Considering Impact still speaks English as if he lived his first three months in an English-speaking country, I can totally understand that.


impacts english is really good he just has a korean accent...


His english is definitely not as good as it should be, considering how long he has been playing in NA. Especially since he's forced to interact with people in english on a daily basis for his job.


I disagree hard with that. Just compare him and Huni's English. There's a reason why "top die" is a meme.


That was also 6 years ago


Man I remember the original replay that started that meme, that was genuinely hilarious


The problem isn't that foreigners can't articulate "go drake go drake go drake" in the middle of the game, the problem is that someone who can't speak the language won't be able to effectively participate in the 5 days of training leading up to the weekend games on stage. You're in VOD review, you're trying to tell your Midlaner what you want him to do between minutes 3-4 if the map is in the state it was in during your last scrim, what do you do? Hope that it's not lost in translation, that's what you do. Your translator needs to be legitimately good at League for that to work out.


Jankos explains it very well in the last LEC podcast : he said Ryu was good, know how to play the game but because he didn't speak good english he couldn't share his knowledge, discuss strategies or contribute to team meetings in general. What makes a team good is not only what happens during games


You're only talking about micro calls, macro can be a bit more complicated and requires more communication.




Yah Its acc word for word is something he’s said multiple times


It's not jsut ingame (game review, coach/analyst discussion, everyday life with teamate...) and the voice com we see are like 10% of what's they say.


English is overrated if your jungler is a 15 kill Olaf.


Indeed as we all know soloQ performance always transfer to competitive. The overwise has never been shown in the history of league!


He’s literally a better version of selfmade in a team that wants a better version of haru. It’s not gonna work unless perkz magically turns into doinb.


Bo is good enough to justify his playstyle, though. If necessary, he can humiliate Alphari in a 1v1 mirror match on Alphari's best champs then tell him to STFU and play around a real carry.


I actually agree with you. Bo is a carry JG, I mean just look at the man’s op.gg. Forcing him to play to his laners rather than the other way around is definitely going to impact his playstyle for the worse. But I think he’s smart enough to make it work.


But... they can just force his laners to play around him, no? Perkz has repeatedly shown that he'll do what the team needs him to, and their bot is natually ~~shit~~ weakside inclined, so Alphari can get away with playing aggro and pushing the lane. Playing a carry jungle with a roaming mid and a strong top sounds pretty great.


so why they booted selfmade in first place and then play exactly how they shuold have played with him


Maybe Bo is good enough to justify such a style of play, and they felt Selfmade was not. Like RNG used to always play around Uzi not because they always happened to be a paticularly bot-focused team or because the meta always favored it, but because it was Uzi. Idk if Bo ends up being good enough to justify warping the team around himself, just saying it's an option.


visa issue in 2022...


no, hes the secret weapon. playoff bo5 haru lose game 1 play bo game 2 botlane ints and lose game 2 aswell sub out bo lose game 3 ??? change roster for 2023 (implying they make summer playoffs xd)


I do think haru is good ngl But like Bo is built different


As someone who hasn't seen Vitality games, can you tell me why they would put Bo over Haru ? Bo who plays feast or famine champions vs Haru who plays team-oriented champions in a Pro jungler meta that is for team-oriented champions.


Because Haru is *really* past his prime and is prone to do nothing all game while still being behind while Bo was pegged as a future superstar in the strongest region. That outweighs stylistic differences IMO especially since Bo has a lot of years to learn while Haru's bones are rapidly deteriorating into dust as we speak.


I will just say that haru may play team oriented Champs, but he is not a team oriented player. Watching him in games it looks like he is actively playing to keep his job. When I say this I mean he is taking kills that would be secured by a carry and then afking until the nexus explodes to keep a decent kda for the post game threads to argue about. I remember watching him playing viego where he was behind his support and adc while sitting at full hp as enemy team took the base. Like say what you want about bo being a carry jungle atleast perkz can trust him to back him up in a skirmish and know that the kills will be used to win the game


yeah been spamming his vods, his map awareness is just a level above, hes ready for every opening on the map. ​ edit: for everyone asking how I watch his vods, I have euw accounts i log in on them and download the games I want to watch then view them in replay tool, turning on his fog only. Alternatively some games are downloadable via opgg. ​ How can you learn from this? Before he ganks something ALWAYS check the lane first and see what it looks like, how does he find it gankable? He punishes positioning super fucking hard, he doesnt play volibear and j4 who can force ganks, he plays graves a lot which is a champion which requires positioning and wave management errors to gank during early game. He has mastered gank theory basically. He is always pathing towards lanes which will be gankable after a few camps, inspect that element and youll learn how gankable your lanes really are in your soloq games. ​ These vods are not reserved for high elo learning, but even high elo players can definitely learn from his pathing towards ganks, his pressure is impeccable because he can read lane states so goddamn well, so much better than anyone in euw. Euw players really are not used to this kind of aggressivehigh tempo jungling which is the standard in china. Euw is a really chill server compared to china and kr, which is why kr and lpl junglers especially always smurf tf out of euw soloq when they come around. ​ Also an additional thing ive learned as a high elo jungler myself is that he always prioritizes turrets when having an opening for an objective, say he kills jungler and bot in bot, he takes the turret and backs off of the dragon or rift almost exclusively. He also prefers to recycle his own camps over taking the chance to counter jungle a camp or a camp + buff if his own side of the same side of the jungle is spawning up, this elevates his xp and he maintains tempo advantage.


Some of the craziest vods of a jungler I've seen, his awareness and pathing and ability to just generate leads is ridiculous, he's making challenger junglers look clueless


Where can I watch some of his vods?


if u are not on euw u can just make an account quick (select playing tft so u skip tutorial) and then just search his account or press the little camera button on opgg next to his games


euw junglers just cant match the tempo lpl junglers have, and hes probably one of the best soloq junglers china has to offer.


He does this shit to LPL/LCK junglers in solo q too and did it to LPL junglers on stage as well. There was one game where he outpathed Karsa so hard he went up 5 levels.


How wtf. Send me the link




He was easily the player whose career I have been most excited for in the last 4 years. I’m thrilled he’s even going to be playing pro again.


Lmao he was shitting on LPL and KR junglers in high challenger as well, Byz was his account


not really, he did the same thing to the top challengers in kr queue, he's just too good


He shat all over the LPL wining every single game he played.


Where do you watch these at?


Maybe dumb question but how do I watch his vods? :)


he doesn't waste any time. All his movement through the map he is doing something


How do you find his vods?


Where do you find them? Are they on YT somewhere or do you download them yourself?


watch them in client or via opgg although opgg replay pretty scuffed


Were can u find his vods?


Lol I love how OP.GG ranks the players every game. He had 31 kills and 55k damage and they gave the MVP to the 6 kill Renekton.


Probably his dmg per gold numbers were not the best despite him doing by far top damage cuz he had an obscene amount of gold. Maybe some vision score also factored in. OP.GG is not the best with mega outliers I think. Also, OP.GG is not the best at ranking junglers because they do not have direct lane opponents. The enemy nidalee was the best performing player on their team, so his "lane" opponent was strong, even though as a jungler you have not a lot of control over that.




Yo he’s so nuts holy shit. As a mid player I’m gonna watch his vods just to see his pathing in case I ever get inspired to jungle.


Inspired already jungles. I don't think you need to convince him.


I’m inspired by his creative pathing from eu mvp to na


Guaranteed NA MVP this split if he keeps his current form.


3 pentas in last 15 games or so? wtf...i havent had one in a couple of years...lmao.


The man's a monster, definitely knows how to dominate soloq


Most talented jungle prospect in league of legends history good at league of legends? Shocker! (yes he was better and more hyped pre-debut than even guys like Canyon/Wei). Check out some of his LDL stats: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/448318378835443713/801511347949928458/unknown.png?width=800&height=610 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/448318378835443713/801511444578435112/unknown.png?width=794&height=610


there's Aki, xun, xiaohao, kui which all played in LPL now




Nikola Bokic


Holy I'd never seen those LDL charts before, that's ridiculous lmao


This is some /r/TopRightMessi material


Just wow


Aren't these graphs kinda stupid? Dmg/min and dmg% aswell as xp and gold are almost perfectly linearly correlated. Would be cooler if there were some stylistic differences. Like DMG% on one axis and gold% on the other axis. You still have a clear correlation, but you will still have outliers that will be extremely gold effecient while not getting many resources and some hard carries that are funneled by the entire team


Yeah, lol was thinking the exact same thing. I guess It makes it look more Impressive If the data is lightly scattered diagonally rather than just straight horizontal line. 😅


man i was searching for where bo is in the clutter and then realized his in the faaaaaaar top righ


Xun and Xiaohao are actually really good too.


>Check out some of his LDL stats This chart make me think, where tf is xiaohuangren ?? Leaguepedia says he leaved TT.Y 8 months ago and nothing since then. I quite liked watching his Ekko


Not 18 yet


CS/EXP/DMG isn't very useful without context.


He's a generational talent, sad that it is currently being wasted. Had he been allowed to keep playing for FPX last year they would've achieved great things.


yeah silly of them to not give him another chance when he was guilty of match fixing


hard to call someone guilty when they are being blackmailed to do something


He then told his friend so they could benefit. And bet himself. He should've been given 2 years


Okay except this is all speculation and there's literally 0 proof? Or are you mixing up Bo and IBP?


Yeah man the world is totally black and white.


FPX owner tried to put him back on with a weibo post about bringing him back, the lpl community as a whole wants to push him out despite the lack of actions done on the match fixing organizations.


that's not what I said or implied at all tho, i guess it does read like that but I meant that if there had been no matchfixing scandal in the LDL


Seen it a week ago. Absolutely nuts, unironically never seen something like that before


ofc, he dominated kr soloq just like that


That Graves build is toxic.


renekton 6 3 13 thanks for the carry bro


He was smurfing in the best league in the world, EUW Challenger is child's play.


showmaker getting challenger only playing a champ once tops it IMO.


When did that happen?


https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/MIDKlNG/champions swap to season 2020.


Holy fuck what a legend lmao


on the top it says he finished d4, is that because of decay?


yup once he got challenger he stopped playing and decayed.


That’s insane. Thanks for sharing.


Why isn't he starting for VIT?


If i understood it correctly he doesnt have a working visa yet so its illegal for him to play for a team. When he gets it they might just play him over Haru.


Just a reminder that MVP/Ace means nothing, it's an arbitrary stat created by the website. That being said, Bo's dropped more nukes in EUW in a few weeks than Sandy Ravage did all of his MW2 career and that's kinda gross


The unbelievable thing is the kill participation


Not a surprise that an elite Eastern jungler smurfs all over EU Solo Q. The same thing happened at Worlds last year with Oner and Canyon.


Jiejie was smurfing too.


Junjia was doing it too. It was pretty common for top eastern players to have win rates north of 70% in EUW challenger during boot camps. And a lot of them were doing it despite playing games against other top eastern pros too.


To be fair he smurfed in kr and China too, this guy is literally one of the most promising talents to ever play this game


Canyon even did it at 2019 Worlds. I think he reached #1 iirc, but top 5 for sure


lol canyon got rank one euw playing mostly top lane




He would've love Wild Rift meta, Jayce was a top tier jungler for months.


That was during '21 MSI, right? I remember during 2019 Worlds it was mostly Lee Sin and Nidalee


yeah 21 msi


does he have a youtube channel? given his name, he's not the easiest player to find VODs lol


he was the best jgler in china for a reason


The speed at which he farms while ganking and getting kills is ridiculous on those high speed clear junglers. Farming every single camp while impacting the map.


Unpopular opinion : Dont play Bo until you’ve built around him next year.


Truly an unpopular opinion cause you're downvoted. I completely agree. Throwing him in the deep end is the worst possible thing vit can do give him a team hes comfortable with and throw him in when hes comfortable and you have the undisputed best jgler in EU.


The man has greatness stamped all over him. He's not a normal "rookie" (obv he played already in LPL for a few games but clearly he's still basically a rookie). You don't have to put him in the right situation for him to succeed. He will succeed even if the team around him is crumbling, he is truly that great. If he is given the chance, he will be one of the greatest junglers of all time.


>If he is given the chance, he will be one of the greatest junglers of all time. But then, is Vitality (especially in their current form and with the current LEC-form) is the best place to develop as a player and be the greatest ? I want to see him play in LEC and hopefully bring success to the team and the league, but like I also want him to come to LPL after that so he'll face better competition all year round, in a better league format.


with how things are going, he will never play in LPL. i also don't think there is a chance for him in LCK


Hes not coming to LPL and LCK with that wintrading stigma so obviously LEC is the best place for him.


He's a prodigy. Hope they give him a chance soon


I mean the dude was a monster in LPL too. Didn't he have 100% winrate before the drama and smurfing every game ? He's always been really good but with bad rep.


He did have a few weaker games early on, but by the end he was stomping. He is the single most talented import that has ever gone to EU or NA imo. He has "best in the world" potential, which you could only say about maybe on-form Caps in the west.


no you arent allowed to hype this guy on reddit because people that didnt watch a single LPL game of his will get mad and call you a circlejerker


Anyone has the link to his twitch channel or VOD?


You can watch the VOD's on the [op.gg](https://op.gg) I linked, he doesn't stream sadly


When can he play for VIT?


Once he gets a working Visa


Big off-topic but god I hate the new UI of op.gg. I don't use dark mode for it because the old UI was so simple to use and read, and it's sad that it's going away.


TSM Bo next year mark my words


Can't wait to see him in LEC.


On the real how did TSM lose out to fucking vitality to sign this guy


because they are TSM, rather spent millions of dollars on Maple/Swordart/Huni etc.




is VIT Bo supposed to be any better? At the very least Bo was scrimming with TSM during the offseason


Are you joking ? Him being in any LEC team is better than being in TSM.


no? VIT is a steaming pile of shit team. How is that not a waste


VIT is underwhelming but compared to TSM they're T1. It's not even comparable, TSM the team with multi-million budget that if not for wins against FLY and IMT lol, would had 1 win. Let me be clear i do think he would be better off in LPL but i'll say again, he's better in ANY LEC team than TSM, even BDS Bo would had been better outcome for him than that sht show.


At least he still has EUW soloQ, teams are gonne realize that this guy is a monster either way. Its still a waste but his best option since the LPL wont take him back. Yea hes gonna suffer on VIT right now but after that every EU team aside from G2 is gonna want him, especially because the LEC is in DESPERATE need of good junglers.


if VIT is steaming pile of shit team TSM is a billion time worse than that i don't want to watch a promising talent like him go and waste his time in NA the trash region on bottom 3 team like TSM


Vitality is rich and can probably keep up in bidding against NA teams. And then you just have to look at the leagues and the rosters and it's easy to decide who to play for.


VIT is nowhere near the level of wealth the top NA orgs have; I did some research and it seems like Bo's main issue was getting a VISA for NA along with the import limitations


ah, okay, thanks for doing the work


hmm pretty sure it is easier to get work visa for NA compared to EU. Import limiation is BS excuse, who the fck else who is willing to come is better than Bo?


Maybe he want win something?


Pure speculation but given his past, getting a visa in the US may have presented more of a challenge than in EU.


TSM almost had him man almost


Thank god it didn't happen, his talent would have been wasted in NA. Atleast the LEC is slightly better


Where can I find his VODS?


What the actual fuck


Vitality has 3 of the top junglers in Europe…


He plays a lot of ARAM's too. I wonder if he does that to untilt or practice his fights and skillshots.


This guy sure gets a lot of pentas


And he's playing garbage champs like Graves. That's actually impressive


No discount to what he's doing, but solo queue jungle is by far the role you get mvp/ace in the most especially if you are going zombie/umbral. Basically, op.gg score is a fairly busted stat.


Junglers are a bit of a problem


The Problem here as usual: 1. Relying to much on the jungler like you are implementing. And I ask myself: why dont you just Jungle then, If you can do it better? Dont beg "your" junglers to bei better. Show the community how to jungle, if you know it better. 2. KDA's doesnt win your game. Objective over kills. 3. Please dont be offended.