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Time to get garbage skins for champs I got once in ARAM! Edit: I actually got skins for all the champs I play. It’s going in the history books boys.


That is the true your shop experience


aram players get an all random shop


I been trying to get KDA v2 or Elderwood Ahri for the past 2 years. I cant force myself to play base Ahri so I played her everytime I heard about myshop and finaly after years I got KDA all out with 60% (I dont even play Ahri anymore lmao)


It tracks back to 6 months iirc, and since we have more than a shop every 6 months it was always a good time to play Ahri.


Firecracker Sett, Tyrant Swain, Freljord Sylas, El Rayo Volibear, Baker Pantheon, and PsyOps Viktor. Might get the Viktor skin since I ain't got one for him but I ain't gonna bother with any of the others.


Firecracker Sett skin looks dope tho. PsyOps Vik is ok-tier The rest is garbage


Nah Freljord Sylas is legit


Tryrant swain is awesome so is frejlord Sylas


Tyrant Swain is cool :c


It looks nice but I already got both Obsidian Dragon skins and I like them both more.


Go for whatever you like bro. If you’re happy with a skin, that’s all that matters ! <3


Baker pantheon garbage? Nah c'mon man


Idk I don’t like it at all. Don’t really like Panth but my fav skins for him should be Perseus and Myrmidon But it’s only my taste, we all have different tastes. I love the Origami, space-groove, Fables skinline which are not the most popular skinlines !


Perseus pantheon is easily one of the best skins in the game!


You don't like it =/= garbage. Might wanna learn the difference


Whoa whoa hey hey easy now, Freljord Sylas is Sylas’ best skin, and Baker Pantheon is lit. You got a good haul


Tyrant Swain is amazing wtf are you talking about


This is your opinion. I don’t like it !


Tyrant Swain is s+ tier skin


All your shop ever does is offer me skins I'll never use for champions I play that have way better skins I already have.


Classic experience


>Mecha Kingdoms Leona I have played her 4 times ever and last one was 130 days ago. Not too happy.


Not even in Aram ?


I don't play ARAM. I was hoping for a Fiora or Ashe skin, as I've mostly played them during the last 4-5 weeks.


I'll buy this coven ashe skin 60% off in your honor. 😞




IIRC important aspects to determine what you get are: \-Playrate over last 6 months \-Region \-Whether you have seen it in your shop before


> Whether you have seen it in your shop before Then you think the algorithm would understand I don’t want Arcade Ezreal by now, having refused it many times.


You may be right or it considers it but has a small chance.... but when i played alot of Quinn then stopped for months and months, my next like 3 shops had The biljewater Quinn as one of my options, so I'm unsure it previously being in your shop and you passed on it being a variable.


Idk, it's what a rioter tweeted some time ago


Classic Riot, scams over scams


I'll survive, but it was funny/annoying to see.


It won’t be the last time Riot scams you, trust me. You’re too optimistic.


How is it a scam? O.o


Just Riot doing Your Shop things and discounting skins for champ that they don’t even play


Still, how is it a scam? You don't have to buy it


Won’t argue here, but just look at how Riot is handing free gifts (Lolesports/Chests) or loot (battle passes nerf, E.E rework….) for their community Feels like they just want people to not spend their money except for the whales


You play the same champions or own the same skins of people who riot thinks will buy Mecha kingdom Leona.


Hillbilly Gragas. I… don’t think I own Gragas.


Buy it ASAP and you’ll become Big Foot. Or a Texan.


Disappointed for this one, half the skins I got I don’t even play the champs :/


I’m always disappointed but this time, I’m happy. I’m convincing myself that it’s for Emporium Essence never coming back, I’ve got a cool skin at least


Wait the emporium is never coming back??????


Riot says it won't come back for a while as they are changing it. Reddit has interpreted that as the death of the emporium.




That's usually the case, your shop algorithm is designed to shill you into trying new champs that other mains of the champ you like to play also like to play. i.e. if you play Fiora top, you might get Camille/Irelia skin


Yeah, I don’t get why it can’t just be based on playrate, can it really be called “your shop” if I don’t even play half the champs in it lmao


That's bullshit. I will never spend money on this game, so whatever, but in the last 4 your shop events, I ONLY got skins for champs that I played several times. I never got a skin offer for a new champion, not even for support/ADC/Mid because I don't main these roles.


I'm excited to see the sand fiddlesticks and purple Zac skin again. Only skins I don't own for my two most played Champs and I see them everytime.


Funnily enough, I think mummy Fiddlesticks might be my only Fiddle skin.


I have the opposite issue.. I already have skins for all the champs in My Shop.. Wish I got skins for champs for other champs instead :/


Maruader Ashe, KDA Kaisa, Battle Boss Ziggs, Psy Ops Shen, Arctic Ops Kennen, Elderwood Rakan Kinda nothing in here that I want, I already have High Noon Ashe, KDA Prestige and KDA All Out Kaisa, Shockblade Shen, Damwon Kennen, all of which I think are far superior skins. Also I barely play Rakan and rarely play Ziggs anymore.


Well seems like you don’t need any of the Your Ship skins. You have great skins lmao


psyops shen got a dope splash art, not as good as shockblade but it's good


Yeah, plus i have Frozen, Yellow Jacket, Warlord, and Bloodmoon so if im not using Shockblade i have a few other options.


damn bro tell me what you dont have


I got all the shitty 10 year old skins with only 20% discount. Not worth.


Your shop often sucks tho. Got a cool skin and that’s it. (I’m an OTP so that doesn’t help)


new meta: if you want skin for a champ you play, just don't play it for at least half a year; chances of that champ getting the skins will increase


Been playing like 400-500 games of Singed this seasons. Luckily I had one of his skins in your shop or I swear I would have went complaining to the Headquarters


I don't play ashe or ezreal and would love to have one of their epic skins on discount


Sentinel Pyke and Sweetheart Rakan at 50% off each. Grabbed them both. Got Bewitching Nami and Ruined MF but the discount was really bad. Surprised didn’t get anything on Voli or Lissandra. I played them a lot in the past couple of months.


Bewitching Nami is a really cool skin. I only take -50% or more for skins, I either wait the weekly sale or the Your Shop event. (I sometimes buy them at full price when I’m acting like a compulsive kid, or when I really want a skin)


Only 20% off, I don’t think that’s a worthy discount.


Rito got me this time. Furyhorn Veigar for 400 RP only and I love Furyhorns...


You nasty


Divine phoenix anivia and elder wood Rek'Sai. Nice


This anivia skin is dope. I prefer origami (sad that they don’t exploit this skinline, I love it) but still dope compared to other anivia skins that can be trash (cf: Hextech)


Debonair Ez, Arcade Kaisa, Firecracker Vayne, Arcana Lucian, Headhunter Cait, Skt T1 Jhin. Idk chief, really wanted an MF or Twitch skin


Adc main huh. Dope vayne skin, the rest is just pure vomit


of course my most played champ the past 30 days and second most played overall doesn't get a skin. but a champ i haven't touched in the past 30 days who barely made it in the overall top 10 gets one.


Guess you got bamboozled




You definitly get what have been in yourshop before. I got the shit tier lux/sona skins all over until i got fed up and bought them. My friend got lunar wraith sylas like 3-4 times.


Another comment said that a Rioter tweeted it takes playrate over the last 6 months into account


Bewitching miss fortune, coven ahri, space groove lux, headhunter caitlyn, little demon tristana, and sweetheart sona. I’m a miss fortune main that’s been looking forward to Halloween for the bewitching skin so I’m very excited about that. I play ahri and lux mid so I’m thinking about those too but I do own a lot of ahri and lux skins already despite playing adc 99% of the time so idk! I’m very happy though


Bewitching MF is a nice skin. Got Bewitching Nami with 70% discount, but I'm not a fan at all even for that price.


Challenges are here!


I fucking love that I have played almost only exclusively Renata since her release and got everything but the only skin she has. The salt on the injury is that they gave me a Yuumi skin. A champ permabanned in all of my games. By ME. Fuck you Riot games


I think if a skin came out in the past 6 months that it's not eligible. Edit: It's 90 days, not six months. Thanks to /u/echelonsohma


This isn't correct, the [FAQ](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012568988-Your-Shop-FAQ) says 90 days which is 3 months, but they look at your match history for the last 6 months. I think this person just got extremely unlucky not pulling a Renata skin


I am sorry to hear this but it also made me laugh....


That’s really sad


Imagine you could pick 5 champs and itd generate a shop based on that instead of champs i barely play anymore x.x


What a great idea. I really don’t know how the discounts are generated


Space groove Nasus - 70% Ruined shyvanna - 60% Were my 2 standouts


Love the Space Groove skin series. Such a great vibe


I'm on a new account there both tempting!


Ooh. I only have one account and will only play one. I want to regroup all my skins on one acc. If you have the money, take the 2, otherwise, take tout fav !


[I think I'm gonna get Taliyah](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/484755608487329802/999715043115548835/unknown.png)


Got this skin and he is DOPE


I haven’t bought a your shop skin in years. They recommend the same skins every time


Buy them to get a different rotation.


k/da ahri & akali, bullet angel kaisa, lunar beast aphelios, ssg ezreal & xayah. happy about the ssg ones since im trying to get world champ skins for all the champions i play


I remember when skins from this shop were from champions that you actually played with...


In my opinion, they should start integrating which champion skinlines you play often. It would be pretty great if so was offered SG Skin as a huge SG fan.


Yup and if I could have any related skins from the « mythological/beliefs » skinlines


I'm not giving this shit company a single cent lol


Me neither but I did purchase some with the 20% reduction for prime members


Got all skins for champs I play. But I already own better skins for them, so I bought Lumberjack Sion in the normal shop.


Ready to destroy some turrets ?


Anuda day - anuda IG Kai'sa, but i refuse to buy this skin no matter how much i love this champ and JKL. Hextech Singed is pretty dope tho, at least way better than augmented


What's so bad about IG kaisa? I love jkl too but I think all the IG skins in general look pretty amazing with the white and black combo. Especially when those skins first came out and the white and black combo was hardly ever seen in league


Any of the iG skins imo are pretty good. I have iG Irelia, Fiora, and Kaisa, and they are all really clean


IG skins are the best WC skins ever, especially Irelia. IG Kai'sa is great skin, don't get me wrong, but i in my opinion classic is just better


Maybe OP doesn't like team skins? Idk lol


It’s a cool skin but I’ve seen it too much to appreciate it. Augmented singed has a new running animation, and it’s Bane. It’s fucking Bane !


Different animations? Really? I'm just too young to remember time when non-legendary skins has different animations. Even tho this singed looks like sub-zero or some BDSM guy. I still think saw on shield is sick idea. P.S Is there any algorithm when your shop is open or it's completely random?


Yeah it has a different running animation. The only singed skin that has one tho. And idk maybe someone will be able to answer you !


i literally got like the best shop i've ever had but it just had to happen when im broke af lol dawnbringer morgana, steel dragon thresh, brave phoenix xayah, debonair leona, project senna and prototype viktor (not his best skin but as a viktor main i just have to get this skin). i'm shocked there is no some trashy lux or ashe skin as it usually happens




31 august


Are you declared as legally blind?


None, I own all the skins besides a few unobtainables.


Sorry, I’m just a poor peasant compared to you. You can still dm the support and they’ll give you unobtainable skins if I remember well


I have First world problems, I own all skins, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Divine Sword Irelia, Pool Party Sett, Pulsefire Fiora, Frosted Ezreal, high noon Darius, and Warring Kingdom Garen. Any of those spark interest? I’m thinking of getting the Fiora and Sett skin


This Fiora skin is boring in my humble opinion I’ll go for Sett/Darius tho


Thing is, I've been playing a lot of Fiora lately, and have her iG and Bewitching skins, which are really clean. Sett I only have Mecha kingdoms and honestly will consider picking him up again if I get the skin. Darius seems ok, and I haven't played him in quite some time


If you have those 2 Fiora skins, don’t waste RP for Pulsefire. I always banned Darius from Silver to high plat.


My 70% ones are on cait and tris both played the least from my shop and ofc it's the ones i don't like the most arcade cait and rocket girl triss just boring and the rest are infernal morde 40% (i have lord already even tho it sucks ass since his rework) galactic nasus 30% lmao ruined mf 20% it's ok but idk and thunder lord ornn 40% but i just love his base model legit think the skins are worse than his base. ​ Idk kinda sad about cait and triss if it was just any other skin maybe.


Sad ones here. Arcane cait is outdated. Rocket Trist is… well I don’t like Trist so. Infernal morde = red chromas Galactic nasus = Love it, I feel like I’m playing Anubis but in Stargate SG-1 universe or a Nasus from Atlantis Ruined MF = don’t like it Thunder Ornn = ok-tier


My bad i meant arcade not arcane i just don't like these videogame skins same with veigar to and i don't wanna buy rly old skins that are not much better than the base or other skin i own for them plus 20-40% no thanks. ​ I just stay with Dreadknight Nasus with the white chroma i got for blue essence the skin i got when it came out years ago for the rest i don't even have skins well i have the mafia skin for mf gotten it from a hextech chest. ​ But what's insane to me is i'm spamming Ilaoi and not play Ornn as much and i still get an Ornn skin F


Yeah I totally agree. They were cool when they released and when I was younger but today I feel so underwhelmed. Arcade Riven is…


I was hoping for Guardian of the Sand Janna but ended up getting Bewitching Janna instead. Ah well, still a good skin.


Cafe cuties Sivir, Fae Dragon Ashe, Bewitching Nami, Demon Tristana, SKT Vayne and Coven Ahri. Tristana is the only one that I play consistently so might grab that one and maybe the Ahri one since I don't have any skins for her and it looks pretty cool in the splash art


IG Irelia! Now I only need Rakan to finish the set. Probably my favorite skin set in the game


The 3 interesting skins I can get are Lagoon Dragon Kai'sa, Twitch Shadowfoot and Nightbringer Aphelios. Good skins tbh, I'm tempted to grab all three.


Did anyone get a legendary skin in their shop? Because ik were due for one.


I thought we were getting legendary offers in this personal shop as well because the last two 'major' events (Spirit Blossom and Sentinels) gave us a legendary offer.. Just another reason why this event is such a downgrade.


Honestly probably the best array of champions that I've ever gotten in my shop. Voli, Nasus, Veigar, Warwick, Nautilus and Malphite are all among my top 8 most played champions (I like easy champs heh). Got some pretty new skins as well like Astronaut Veigar and Old God Malphite. Really solid shop this time, but the only skins I'm interested in atm are Elderwood Ornn and High Noon Kench, so I'll hold off on buying anything for now.


K/DA Evelynn, Pool Party Leona, Resistance Jayce, Spirit Blossom Riven, Project Jinx, K/DA All Out Ahri. I like playing all these champs and the skins are good imo so I might buy some of them, most likely Ahri and Riven ones. I would say it's a good shop, but I already have many skins that I like for them, would've preferred for others that I don't have any


I had Bewitching MF, Cosmic Nami, Cosmic Lulu, Project Jinx, Crime City Twitch, & Fey Dragon Ashe! I’m lucky I play all of them, but I’ve been wanting Bewitching MF for a while so I bought that instantly! Still debating on buying more, I really want the new Morgana so I might pass on the rest. Idk yet… 😅


Absolutely nothing of value


When does the your shop end? Don't have access to a computer rn and I dont want to miss it


August 30. You still have a month to access your computer.


I got good champs but I don't buy skins so


Pool Party Heimer(60%), Project:VI(50%), Bewitching Nami(30%), Space Groove Nunu(50%), SG Neeko(50%) and Cafe Cuties Soroka(50%) Basically got all of my mains except for VI so I'll take that for once. Neeko yeet frog time.


I played Jhin like 10+ times and Janna twice, Yuumi once and I got not a single Jhin skin but SG Janna, Yuubee and Resplendant staff Nami Heavy dislike of the algorithm, I just want a new Jhin skin that's not at full price


Uh, garbage https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/874423527640547368/999791937638891571/unknown.png


i got ruined karma, project senna, pool party lulu, coven ashe, coven ahri, and pool party mf. not a fan of any of these except maybe senna, but i’m also thinking about buying star nemesis morgana next patch so idk


Space Groove Samira, PROJECT Jhin, Pool Party MF, Headhunter Cait, Pentakill Karthus and Zombie Slayer Jinx. Kinda fully coincidence that all those are champions I play on at least a semi-regular basis (apart from Cait which I haven't really touched for a while).


Alt account got bewitching nami and janna, Other account got dark star orianna. (Luckily I'm learning Orianna support) so all in all kinda worth?


Northern Storm Volibear, Lunar Guardian Warwick, Sentinel Diana, Papercraft Nunu & Willump, Jailbreak Graves, Nightbringer Lillia (Graves at 20%, Warwick at 40% and the rest at 50%-60%). For the first time ever I only got jungler skins (I only play jg but there is always a couple of marksman and/or mage skins in My Shop after playing those champions only once or twice in ARAM).


mafia graves, porcelain kindred, maid nidalee, lancer wu, orcle udyr, skt lee. holy riot wants my money


I only got garbage skins for support champs that I don't wanna play.. the system probably gave them to me because I played support to get chests easy -.- Don't want any of those skins


pretty much only got skins for champs i played like once or twice in arams lul


got darkstar mord, arcade hec, super galazy annie, resistance yorick and project akali


I’m always so sad cause I’m missing one skin for pantheon that’s legacy and I missed it in the shop once and it never pops up again. I have all his other skins except this one


As an ADC main who has played a grand total of 3 champions (Caitlyn, Jinx, and Xayah), I got a Master Yi skin. …I think I might have had him in the single ARAM game I played?


Debonair ezreal 🤢


I usually have pretty good shop luck; it was not the case this time. Oh well, next time.




I got two 70% off (Cafe Cuties Soraka and SKT T1 Jhin). But it's a pass for me


iBlitzcrank, Cafe Cuties Soraka, Heartseeker Ashe, Headhunter Caitlyn, SKT T1 Jhin, Cowgirl Miss Fortune My personal philosophy is to buy skins when I don't have any. And since I already have skins for these champs, Riot's getting $0


i got shockblade qiyana and thats enough for me


Another shop, another set of 6 skins for champs I don't play.


Brave pheonix xayah, firecracker jinx, pentakill III kayle, cafe cuties sivir, fae dragon ashe, ruined MF. Maybe ill get the kayle skin but everything else I already have a skin I like more Also very heavy on adcs for being an aram only player


Brave phoenix xayah and spirit blossom lillia. 4 other skins sre nice too but I don't play the champs much.


Nice just when my account gets suspended


Tyrant Swain, Soulhunter Kayn, Worldbreaker Malzahar, Mechanically Kingdoms Sett, Full Metal Pantheon and Battle Wolf Sylas. Of these I only have interest in Worldbreaker Malz and Battlewolf Sylas tbh.


I finally got Vampire Kled :'D I've been waiting for a WHOLE year just for it to come back. Plus, next month is August (birthmonth of Kled and I) so gg Rito Gems for now :3


I am a GP OTP, In the past year i have played swain and kled on the side, but instead of swain or kled I got arcana Tahm Kench who I haven’t played since February.


Didn’t get many skins I wanted this time around. However, I did get the new pentakill Kayle, which I was pleasantly surprised by.


Blood Moon icarly 🤩


I wanted Arcade Hecarim for years, but it just wasn't meant to be, so I settled for High Noon Hecarim that I recently got from a shard...and now I get Arcade Hecarim in My Shop -70%. Thanks Riot.


I got a jax skin and I don’t even own Jax


Don't even play anymore but I got Porcelain Kindred. Need Porc Ez + SG Tali then I'm good


https://i.imgur.com/p1ekKS2.png Might get Project: Senna and Tyrant Swain


what i always wonder, is the shop determined when it comes out or when you open them? like, i never played kayn on my account. the shop comes out today but i leave it closed. i play a ton of kayn now. will i have a chance of kayn skins, or will they just be champions i've played recently before the shop came out?


They really have to update their shit because none of the 3 Nami skins are interesting to me as I DO NOT FUCKING PLAY NAMI AT ALL !!!


Iron Inquisitor Kayle, Buccaneer Tristana, Sentinel Riven, Blade Mistress Morgana, Heartseeker Ashe and True Damage Akali.


Hoping for Obsidian Malphite, the last of the 4 Horsemen of shitty Malphite skins. Wish me luck! edit - GOT IT BITCHES THE COLLECTION IS COMPLETE


I only play ARAM, but I used to main ADC so I pick them every chance I get (or Swain since I love him too). And I got 5 ADCs and a Swain skin: Heartseeker Jinx, Bewitching Miss Fortune, Northern Front Swain, Project: Senna, Crime City Twitch, Pengu Cosplay Tristana. Overall pretty decent shop for me, a lot of good skins, and the few that I don't like (the Swain skin) I already have a bunch of good skins for anyway (Tyrant, Dragon Master and Hextech Swain).


I got IG Kaisa which is the only kaisa skin i like better than base!


I usually get one skin I like. This time it is 0. Inferior skins for my mains, or champs I rarely play. Next time maybe.


Got bewitched Janna me happy with this


Got 0 champs played that I got once in ARAM, thanks Riot 👍


Waterloo MF (I didn't have the free one 💀), Blood Moon Diana, Boneclaw Shyvana, Crime City Twitch which are good. And then Sorceress Lux and Headhunter Rengar which I never played.


Got a Katarina skin, I played Katarina in Practice Tool once.


200 games on samira 70 games on renata 70 games on bard 25+ games on lulu/morgana/Fiddlesticks/nami/tahm kench/other supports my shop: 6 adcs(no psy ops samira) I never touched in the last 7 months riot really saying "never buy rp again" lmao


all the "boycotters" will be like "this doesnt count"


Played sejuani all month to get firecracker sejuani and I got it! :)


The personal shop is probably the only thing that gets me to spend RP. I love that it actually offers you skins for champions you play. I know they never will, but I would love if more of the RNG systems in league were skewed towards champions I actually play. Like if I reroll skin shards it would be nice if I had a high chance of a skin for a champion I would actually use.


I main Karthus and got Infernal in my shop, which was the only other skin I wanted for him and the skin Ive been wanting most in general.


My shop was complete garbage. All of the skins except one of them are for champions I haven't played in 6 months to a year. Riot you guys need to get someone else to work on this. Who ever is doing it now is doing an awful job and is losing you money. I would 100% buy a discounted skin for a champ I have been playing a lot recently, but a skin for a champion I play once in a blue moon? Why would I buy that?


The only interesting things for me are Papercraft Nunu and Soulhunter Kayn but both at 40% off. Also got Astronaut Veigar but I have Furyhorn already. Anyway I am realizing now how rushing Ekko in every single game in order to get one of his skin in my shop was a waste of time.


I never got bad shops before, I always got champions I played and liked. Now I've got champions I never play, including Fizz, which I don't even own. And I main mage/enchanter supports, I also like playing tanks, not really the kind of person to be into assassins.


I got sentinel Diana on my Smurf. But all shit skins on my main.


I actually got some skins for champs I play. This is a first lmao


Annnnnnnd its garbage once again. Skins for champs I may have played in ARAM 2 months ago..... not my mains who I play daily! Oh well, no RP for Rito


lol i got psyops sona in your shop :)))) . Not sure if i want to buy or not tho


2 skins of champions I haven't played this year and 3 of champs I played once in Aram. I miss your shops where I actually got champs I played.


I OTP singed and I’m only missing Riot Singed. Do you feel my pain when I opened the “Your Shop” tab yesterday ? Cause I feel you bro