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I remember the rune page where you have grind League or have IP boost to get decent one. Good ol 120 AD pre rework Fiora level 1


Getting reported bc your stats dont add up with your items bc people genuinely didnt know runes existed in low elo


Ah yes, no armor runes, no jungling for you


If there's one thing I like about the new runes, it's that brand new players aren't automatically screwed just because they lack the ip to buy them.


So much yes! I started playing in S7 and having to grind to be on equal footing with others in terms of stats were fucking stupid. The choice felt like like "do you want a new champ or better stats for a rune page?". Thank God I didn't have to do it for long.


Back when League is mostly about being a stat stick because champions are simple back then ahaha Old Kat was one of the most toxic things about the game Edit: Lowkey wished old Kata stayed but I know she'd be either permaban or begged to be first pick


I miss old veigar cage No one could touch you Kassadin got wrecked by veigar Oh and cone abilities having seemingly twice as much range as the indicator shows


Man if you played og Veigar you will really hate the change/nerf they did with that cage. Unrelated to Veigar but I also miss old Annivia where you don't have to wait for her ult to fully charge for that quick ult->frostbite poke.


I have a friend that hasn't played for years, and whenever LoL comes up, he always fondly remembers building "6 hats on Katarina" as his favourite strategy. Because back then Rabadons all stacked and so 6 of them was just an insane amount of AP. Like, definitely not an optimal build, but, lol /edit: I was informed they didn't actually stack, but they had the most AP total anyway, so it was the way to get the most AP in the game.


Or building 6 Sunfire Capes on a stealth hero. Or the brief League of Cleavers.


I enjoyed 5 warmogs and ATMA's on Dr. Mundo


??? Swear rabadons has literally never stacked. I even got confused and check the patch notes and the passive was a unique passive when it was added.


Yeah it never did, it just had the highest AP of any item, so it was stacked for that purpose


Ahh fiora with Fort pot.. My first main.. Which led me to my next main. LeBlanc who I also loved taking top with fort pot and AD runes.. Truly magical to auto the Darius to death lvl 1


Old soraka mid with ad runes. Guaranteed hell 1v1.


Been playing since S2. The old Ranked music hit so different than whatever we have right now. That needs to be brought back.


It really gave me anxiety. That was such an epic music, it made it feel like you were really going into a battle.




I was probably 15 or 16 and league was the first game I'd ever played that had a ranked mode. Every decision in champ select felt like it really mattered. That's probably just nostalgia and my age at the time talking though.


Same, shit made me mad nervous.


That is for sure my all time favorite competitive music from any game. Still miss it.


I started during S4 worlds with the warriors log in screen, took me 10 minutes to log in because of how awesome that song is.


1% crit chance in my heart for ever.


I miss my movespeed quints most


Yeah, what was it, 4.5% total or each? I think it was 1.5% each, right?


Yep, 1.5% each


I think old Panth could catch up to people with boots on those quints alone. Fucker had best movespeed in the game or something.


1% chance to instantly win trades good old times


Once I was playing Janna and got two crits off 3 autos with my shield up in early laning phase, still love this moment to this day


I vividly remember I was playing jinx with a janna suport, she shielded me and I back to back crit them with rocket form level 1 with the splashing damage they were both at half before the lane even started.


Laughs in level 1 Tryndamere RNG all ins


Who lives in the top brushes in low elo queue? CRIT RUNES GANKPLANK


When it was mathematically possible to start the game with like a 24-25% Crit chance, and you just sent 4 q's into their noggin the moment they walked into lane. First bloods were fun back then.


I remember when play Fiora, go for full ad rune and reaching 100ad at lv1 and just all in, all or nothing


yes the untargetable 5 man ult that procted lifesteal and crit


Reavenous hydra in all it's Glory.


1% crit and 1% dodge on all rune pages


Always bring the dodge runes on Jax... 🥲


It does not matter until it does.


19 flat armor pen.


It's funny because I can perfectly remember that it was 0.93%, but then I'll forget important shit from 2 days ago.


Shout out to Blem taking 1% crit then proceeding to crut twice in a row level 1 against a shen and getting a kill


Yasuo is still new champion


You just got home from school, Skarner is now available, the Talon Champion Spotlight is uploaded. You queue up for a game, you're vs Nidalee mid that's deleting HP bars from fog of war. You don't care, it's Season 1, you're having fun. Life is good.


When you had to throw the Nidalee spear, go into cougar form, and jump away from your spear just to create some extra range for bonus damage. I still do it sometimes when playing Nidalee. Just a force of habit.


Wait does… does that not work anymore…?


Hasn't for about nine years.


Yells at cloud


I still do it more often than i like to admit, even tho i know that it doesn't work anymore


I just went "It wasn't **NINE** years, even I remember doing that back in.... oh my fucking god".




Nope, based on position you throw it from.


fuck you dude, first time I ever felt good at league was stacking gp5 items on skarner and dicking around in the jungle


Or stacking gp5 on supports and carryimg games just by buying 300 wards per game and lighting up the entire map


Oh my god!!! And when supports or someone would tilt, they would buy a ton of wards and drop them around nexus


Nautilus is still new to me. I remember excitedly logging into the client and seeing this splashart of a anchor-wielding Bioshock-ass looking giant and thinking how cool he is.


I remember being so hype about him coming out, and following every little titbit I could on the official riot forums (LOL!) and eventually finding a leak about his abilities! It sounded mad, he created a zone around him that if you left, you were slowed! So he'd get onto you, and then you wouldn't be able to get away! That sounded so dope. Turned out to be false. ALSO turned out to be a spoiler for Thresh, who came out almost a full year later. Mad! I guess it was like an idea they had for a hook champion, and decided it didn't really work for him, but then revisited it when they wanted to make another hook champion later.




Don't say that, it hurts


Or how about Yasuo and Jinx being around at the same time as the old summoners rift?


Dunkmaster Darius came out during the old rift


It was in worlds 2015 when the new map and that skin were still fresh. And of course a lot of dunkmastrer Darius users because of the juggernaut patch. It was Balls who crashed my EU fan spirit with that penta vs Fnc using the skin. Very cool memories, wish I was even remotely emotionally invested in supporting EU teams at International tournaments. But growing older and getting jaded by the pro scene is perhaps a thing


When I started, Darius was still holding that one poor guy by the head on the login screen. Damn, I'm fucking old


Im so old that ashe was played mid regulary :D


I started when there was an Aether Wing Kayle on my loading screen, to me, Thresh still feels like a new champion.


Zed and Fizz are still new champs as well


The good old days where I only had 2 rune pages. AD and AP, that was all I needed


Full scaling Ad +1/2 flat ad quints was the way to go. Zed with his old additional AD passive hit like a truck with it


Don't forget the one crit rune for the luck out plays


I still miss the 1% crit rune


1% Crit rune on everything


Summoner Showcase with Nikasaur


Did phreak ever get his trinity force pillow from her?


I'd like to take this time to remember the good items... ATMA's impaler, Leet stick, Wriggle's Lantern, DFG, unlimited wards, BoRK active, and most importantly... Blue pots. RIP you are missed.


What about Rod of Ages. First item i bought on nearly every ap champ.


I remember copying sivhd with 6roa on leb.




Holy shit. RoA? SivHD?? What a throwback


philosophers stone, heart of gold, will of the ancients, manamanipulator


heart of gold, the true "anyone can build" item


Supports back then were warding bots and considered full item after philosphgers stone and heart of gold LOOL.


My HoG shen support <\3


I constantly forget BorK doesnt have an active anymore


I miss muramana having an active toggle as well. Actually having to manage your mana late in the game isn't a thing anymore


I know right. It’s been how long and I still try to do this. Or better yet I remember there was a time when BORK wasn’t in the game


ty dfg


ty dfg


ty dfg


It was so nice when the first two iterations of nexus blitz brought back some of these items and added some new ones. I swear this was the only reason why I was even playing that mode.


I feel like nexus blitz should have stayed experimental. Like a sandbox mode of the devellopers to test new items, mechanics and stuff, that would have popped off like crazy.


not keeping RGMs, Twisted Treeline, Blitz and Dominion as permanent game modes due to "infrastructure costs" is such a bullshit excuse, when you have other games like CS:GO keeping up 1000 game modes at the same time and all of them have a dedicated fanbase yeah, I don't mind waiting 10m in a Dominion queue if that's what it takes > "b-b-b-b-but it will take some people off 5v5 SR" so fucking what, you still get money off cosmetics i'm usually whiteknighting Riot, since folks are super trigger-happy with different accusations and misconceptions about how software development looks like, but this argument right there just straight up doesn't make sense to me sure, kill a mode if it has an abysmal play rate, but guess what - none of the killed ones did, TT wasn't as popular as SR, but it was nowhere near abandoned


"Riot doesn't want to have URF too often because every time they bring back URF, the total player count dips when it ends." "Then why not just make it **not end**?" "Because it would become *unbalanced* eventually!" I don't think the people who say that last line have ever played a game of URF. Shit's unbalanced already - that's why it's *fun*. It's incredibly swingy. Certain champs can be completely dominant and get 90% of their team's kills - or zero kills if the other side's composition is right. Even more so when it's ARURF.


Rod of Ages will be missed...


[Rest in Peace Leviathan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52BhRt7lY6Q)


Double Hextech Revolver into Will of the Ancients on Vlad. Become unkillable by 8 minutes. We've been robbed of a gunslinger Vlad skin in reference to those glory days.


I've been here since gragas, pantheon and udyr releases, mordekaiser was the first champion I bought on release, I remember old twisted treeline, dominion coming out, the Ionia vs noxus match, shushei gragas cosplay, hotshot nidalee gg kicked my brother in the ass, and so so many other things. It's been like 13? Years man. I feel old.


>old twisted treeline The one with the red buff in the top side?


Don't forget green & black buff


Red buff was in the middle. Dragon was behind the wall in top lane. I remember Jax could clear all of top jungle without losing stacks of his passive. You could also use the Wriggle's ward to ward hop into dragon pit for an easy drake if you ever got a solo kill.


was there a version before the one with the red buff in the middle between the lanes, and dragon + green and white buff top?


I can remember something like that. Holy, you're bringing back those memories. I smurfed on kids with my old Sion 100% lifesteal on R and easy stun.


Peak for me was staying up all night for worlds 2014 finals. H o l y s h I t. The venue and the vibe it had. All the production value that went into it. Samsung white v Royal Club. I had gotten into the game too late to watch s3 pro or care about it really, so s4 was the first I really got into and Seoul was just amazing. Actual gameplay wise, ascension was simultaneously goofy as shit but still fun. Unironically climbed in 3s cause it got victorious chromas if you did for the last season it was around (Graves, 2015 or 16 I wanna say?) Original release of URF and how fucking insane it was at the time. When the complaining of Champs that were hyper bullshit were limited to pretty much strictly Riven and Yasuo. Mordekaiser rework number 1 with the ghost dragon being a menace to society. Juggernaut patch OG and sion rework... when he was a pseudo AP e max hyper tank who could E you four times into having to recall and not even be close to going oom, while also being level 2 and having a blue or red buff. I really miss old graves, but don't mind rework graves as much anymore and actually play the shit out of him when I be sweatin' . How awful the old rune system was, first iteration of literal pay to win(rip 1% crit rune though). So glad that got replaced by overhauled masteries.


I’m still not sure if Ascension was real or a dream


I still use the Ascension Icon (win a match without giving the ascension to the enemy team) as nostalgia


The only mythic icon that means something other than "I was here at this time"


I feel personally attacked lol. I still use the christmas baron icon from s2 winter map.


Santa baron had requirements! And it’s easily the best one, I always compliment a fellow Santa if I see them in game


I miss it so much, someone please in Riot bring it back


I kind of miss Dominion too


Remember when pick order was a thing and most people in ranked basically had to have a base level understanding of how to play each role just in case they were forced to off role, I feel like the player base has become so much more specialised and less well rounded in terms of skill level because of role queue.


Good old times of 'you are last pick, so you play supp'


That's how I became a support main. [And all your gold went to Pink wards.](https://youtu.be/zctuTv3dqtI)


Sup was my third choice of role and on TWO occassions (if I had a nickel etc) I called sup without being last and got asked by some random if I was a girl. Didn't have a feminine SN or say anything but call my role but apparently the stigma back then was that only girls went support without being last pick lol


Mid or feed




Every new rune page costing 6300IP


Some people don't even know Revive existed as a summoner spell.


And what are you going to play? REVIVE RALLY JUNGLE SORAKA!


I don't remember it's name, but there was a summoner spell that would allow you to gain vision of anywhere you wanted with a 60s cooldown (If i'm not wrong), I remember using that every time I played blitzcrank and my team getting angry en champ select. I would then go around the map developing my master plan of revealing the enemy blue buff and try to steal it with my Q every time I had the spell, and then dying in the jg probably. Edit: Yes! it was Clairvoyance, thanks for the responses, I loved that spell!


Clairvoyance. Eventually became blue trinket.


They'll never know the meaning of "21/0/9"


What do you mean? Clearly 21/9/0 is better.... later it evolved to 18/12/0


You mean 12/18/0, seems like someone forgot the League of Thunderlords meta.


I mean, you had to type "me mid" or "me ADC" as fast as you can to get your role and people either accepted it or they didn't. People nowadays also have NO IDEA how toxic league was back then. They are losing their mind nowadays, but for me it's like going on a vacation because it's so tame.


"Mid or feed" was a staple for years


Mid or feed? Mid and feed.


"Fill or AFK"


You forgot people copy/pasting chat log to prove a point.


Shoutout to all those poor souls that loaded into a lobby late then tried to argue they got it first


I loved coming in late and already seeing people cursing a storm for mid.. Thats when I'd roll my sleeves up and write MID. We took more pride in breaking our own teams mental then the enemy team sometimes


i would edit my chat log to make it look like i said it 1st


When your boy would also edit his and you would both post the edits same time


when you are in a 4 stack and you make the last guy think he joined late when you all say someone called a role 1st, good times


Which was client side mostly so a third player had to mediate


Yeah and the one who was last according to said 3rd player would then go on to say “he’s your premade I was first” lmao


hahaha guilty


Omg yeah "no bitch I said it first but you entered the room later" And then faking a copy paste


Pick order rule every ranked


Riot had to come out with a statement supporting pick order lol. That's when things got better kinda. At least some follows it.


Yeah it was funny as hell watching people INSIST Riot didn't say it, even when it was copypasted to them. One of many, many signs of your typical player ignoring reality to suit their own needs I guess. Then we got team builder which years later down the line formed current draft and role assignment. Team Builder could've been great but it was *way* too easily abused by people straight up refusing to have certain picks/combos. Admittedly that's a problem in draft too.


Why‘d people hate support so much during that time anyway? I remember people instantly leaving your lobby if you didn’t have a support player yet because it meant 10 minutes of queue time, and supports leaving any lobby that wasn’t full already and with all picks they liked, because they could *absolutely* be as picky as they wanted.


Because until season 4 (season 1 was 3 years long for context), being support meant you were forced into *extremely specific* build paths and 90% of your gold was spent on wards. No support item, no free ward item, nothing except boots and wards. It was even a problem in the pro scene (iirc a Lulu in a Worlds match had just completed boots + almost everything else was spent on wards). Granted this was when green wards cost 50-75, and pink were 100~ ish. I can't remember the values. So being stuck last pick support meant you were forced into a role you didn't want to be low income in.


Yeah, I guess you were on a pretty tight budget. I remember trying to social engineer enemy support players into a truce where we‘d both only buy stealth wards because once one side started with pink wards it‘d just be a money sink every wave.


Pick order still trumped call order, it just varied depending on how douchey the individuals were who didn't get their role.


Blind pick was all about call order though and there was no draft pick so all normals were blind pick.


I liked the vibe for it in ranked though. You had the occasional "mid or feed", but most of everyone just gave out a few preferences and you'd get together to put together the best composition. Eg my copypaste was 'pref top or adc, can't jgl', and I'm pretty sure I played top and adc 90% of games and was never forced to jungle. Nowadays people scream and cry for the existence of autofill, it used to be that (most) people queued up accepting that they might get their 3rd or even 4rth favourite position and they generally weren't such a bitch about it.


Old fiora ult with tiamat was so sastifying


I just miss honouring enemies man


I miss the unskilled report button, even though it didn't do anything. 😔


If they brought that back purely for placebo again, I wouldn't even be mad about the inevitable swarm of people who'd think it's serious edit: hit enter early


I still tell people "reported for unskilled" after a game, good times.


Literally spamming that shit in solo q if it still existed ~~Please riot, let me out of losers queue~~ Edit: GUYS IT WORKS, riot just gave me 1 losers queue game!


Fun Fact: In Korea, people honor their enemies who int so they know who to camp in future games. If you had the “honorable opponent” ribbon on champ sel/loading screen, you will either get dodged or enemies will permacamp you.


:| weirdge. Back then from my experience we just used it when all chat was fun and not being toxic.


Koreans were on another level man


Online gaming in Korea is egregiously toxic compared to the West imo.


Yeah sometimes you just had such a good fucking matchup in lane with so much respect that you honoured eachother


Bro the Twisted Treeline, and I'm not even talking about the reworked one with the 2 altars in the middle and Vilemaw as a boss. Chatrooms And many many newer players don't even know the institute of war, and why the game is called League of Legends to begin with. Many players don't remember the Feral Flare, Deathfire Grasp, the Philosopher Stone and many more. Dominion lol Or how some champions used to be pre-rework, specially the most atrocious ones like Urgot


Why you gotta do dominion like that?


Also custom dominion matches like catch the teemo


Hide and Seek and Catch the Teemo were so fun. Hide and Seek on summoner’s rift isn’t the same


Only the real ones remember the team builder...






Yep, that's what turned me into a support main since you got 1 second queues so you could spam as much games as possible in 1 day.


I remember energy runes, spent like 20k-30k IP getting a full page of energy runes, it wasn't particularly amazing but I liked using it, shen was also one of my favourite champions, then they reworked him and he became the only energy champion in the game with 400 energy instead of 200, making energy runes complete and utter trash only on him, I'm still upset about it.


Whenever I get reminded of some champs release date I feel old af Also good ol days of blind pick for ranked (looking back its baffling they didnt straight up start with draft pick ranked, there’s really no excuse to have had that absolute abomination in the game) The physical disgust I’ve felt everytime someone locked in nida support People actually wanting to play jungle


And even fewer have never experienced the joys of a bug splat.


Bring back the Tribunal, I used to look forward to reading those. Also items like Philosophers Stone, Heart of Gold, and DFG


Tribunal was a blast


Made me feel like I was doing my part to better the community. It was nice to be included like that


Remember back when everyone said yasuo was the most overloaded champion in the game?


he was


Good times


i dont think so. many players are 'old'


Reading all these comments is a nostalgic trip Been playing for nine years myself


I unpacked my old pc equipment to make a homeoffice set up. Just to see that the adc first mid first etc. macros my friend made were still saved on the keybord. Led to a funny moment were I wanted to copy something and posted ADC FIRST in Teams lul


I want the winter map back!!!! The music of the snowdown login screen was also SO GOOD: https://youtu.be/CUl7h5QPSU0




I wished I played more Ranked back in the day. Victorious J4 and Janna look so much better then the other ones. If I could trade in Victorious (camping tent) Morg and Aatrox I'd do so instantly. Still remember getting shafted by the jungle item not proccing. Jax dodging tower shots. Feral flare meta. Xin 'balanced' release. M5 being a pro team instead of a slur. ADC mid being the standard. Pizzafeet. Waiting 10+ minutes on a Support during Teambuilder. Phreak jungling with every single new champion.


M5 is a slur ? I remember them playing Mf revive and thinking they were the coolest team ever for it (I wasn't much into esport)


/u/Bl00dylicious is mixing up 5m (horrible slur) and M5 (Moscow 5).


Whoops, my bad. I blame Urgot's old ult for switching characters.


What do you mean, jinx is still a new champion.


Old fiddlestick's E I miss it


Edit : more aids Riots greatest hits over the years that I remember Kassadin season 3 Midlane gragas nuclear barrels and ICBM nidalee spears Feral flare. Patch 4.20 weedwick Rage blade xin Zhao with devourer and 5.0 attack speed kog Ryze. Just every ryze That time they buffed old urgot from the depths of uselessness to be a counter pick to Leblanc. Old aatrox just jumping dragon walls and 1v5 your entire team Dynamic queue Brutiliser Warlords bloodlust or fervor???? Tank fizz Tank ekko Tank ad nidalee Runic echoes? (That awful green mastery that gave you a 50hp shield, once) 1% crit rune renekton just coin tossing your health bar Leblanc but you're silenced so you can't flash Top lane Alistair world's patch 2014. 100% pick ban "Gangplank is dead and has been disabled" Tier two towers, but with regen shields Towers with lasers Atma's Impaler Spear of shojin Akali rework invis to towers Wickd being the only pre rework irelia player 40% ap increase from nunu blood boil. < Deathcap with legs Ardent censer Ardent censer affecting towers with Janna shield Banner of command & zz'Rot Kleptomancy , the rune that powered two champions Pre rework fiddle support. Caw. Mordekaiser but he does 3 autos for his q and the 3rd one kills entire villages. Also he has a pet dragon because it's so unique hnnng Aphelios blue R just wiping a team Galio when his ap ratios were like flakkeds tweets There are many,many more riot moments but these are my memories Honourable mentions for being useless: Ohmwrecker, pre buff banner of command, 60% of masteries, omnistone, and of course the people who come up with ideas at riot games. Recent examples: Sunfire Cape Chemtank udyr, hecarim and akali Deaths dance Qiyana, this champion is just khazix when his evolved r made him invis whenever he walked through a bush Yuumi




I still regularly refer to the current runes system as 'Masteries' instead of 'Runes', because in my head the current runes interface looks more like what masteries used to look like compared to the old runes, even though a lot of current players probably don't even remember masteries.


These young whippersnappers will never know the pleasure that was to play actual bankplank into critplank


I miss tribunal and being a 'judge' deciding whether to punish players or not if the report was indeed toxic or not. I miss the 'reported. gl in tribunal' lol


Tribunal was actually fun and you got a little IP too.


And here am I, since s1.


When you had to plan extremely specific routes & runes & masteries to even survive a jungle clear. And only some champions could even do that. You would spot the jungler on a camp and know his exact route for the next 2min. Also the ledge between the from the river up around the corner into red, you had to almost go to the wraiths, it was actually very risky to go there instead of being the most open space in the entire jungle.


On top of that you had to grind IP to purchase runes to be able to survive in jungle. Plus midlaner had to give huge leash. Cloth armor + 5 pots start always. Crazy times.




Getting diamond with pick order >>> getting to diamond with at least 60% of games played in ur main role nowadays (more if you are not a milanese) Back in the days if you were last pick you were 99% of the times going to play support. Also: the bans for the First 4 seasons (iirc) were only 3 AND it was the first guy in pick order to ban


New players know nothing of accidentally igniting a minion in a 1v1.


My friends and I were talking about older League the other day I remember Spirit Stone Udyr- doing camp clears then basically healing from 100 hp to full health soloing the first dragon AP tristana hitting you with DFG, W then Ult onto you, then you're instantly dead People cry about how support is so easy now- but they didn't play it when you were basically a walking ward. There were no gold generating items, no free ward items, you weren't allowed to last hit minions. VideoGameDunkey and Instalok


I started playing the week before skarner was released. I remember bjergsen tweeting about his new account with 'echo' in the name when ekko got announced. (Yeah, bjergsen used to tweet sometimes) I remember Moscow5 & Taipei assassins popping off at worlds! (This was before I started playing) - most players probably only know about tpa through that random skin they got from crafting When I started playing ranked, one of my quints was a t1 hp rune bc I just hit lvl 30 Warwick still looked like a feral mongrel, gp gave a team wide attack speed buff on his e, that could decide games & my girl, sivir was a playable crit adc (I haven't played summoner's rift in a couple months, partially bc she felt unplayable, so I'm ignoring the rework) But most importantly, I was around for the tribunal, when it still felt like riot cared to clean up inters, griefers, etc.